/plugin/virtualkeyboard/vk/extensions/ |
H A D | stringextensions.js | 236 if (ins<0) ins = 0x10000000000000000+parseInt(ins); 237 ins = Number(ins).bin(x[4]); 239 if (x[2]=='#') ins = '0b'+ins; 245 ins = Math.abs(ins); 247 ins = Math.round(ins); 270 if (ins<0) ins = 0x10000000000000000+parseInt(ins); 273 if (x[2]=='#' && ins != 0) ins = '0'+ins; 276 ins = String(ins); 281 if (ins<0) ins = 0x10000000000000000+parseInt(ins); 282 ins = Number(ins).hex(-x[4]); [all …]
/plugin/mediasyntax/ |
H A D | helper.php | 153 function parse_instructions($id, &$ins) 158 $num = count($ins); 170 if ($ins[$i][0] == 'section_open') { 171 $lvl = $ins[$i][1][0]; 175 if ($ins[$i][0] == 'plugin' && $ins[$i][1][0] == 'mediasyntax_include') { 179 $mode = $ins[$i][1][1][0]; 182 $ns = str_replace(':', '/', cleanID($ins[$i][1][1][1])); 184 $flags = $ins[$i][1][1][3]; 195 $ins_start = array_slice($ins, 157 parse_instructions($id, & $ins) global() argument 335 _convert_instructions(& $ins, $lvl, $page, $sect, $flags) global() argument 493 _append_includeins(& $ins, $id, $flags) global() argument 523 _editbtn(& $ins, $page, $sect, $sect_title) global() argument 535 _permalink(& $ins, $page, $sect, $flags) global() argument 545 _get_section(& $ins, $sect) global() argument 576 _get_firstsec(& $ins, $page) global() argument [all...] |
H A D | action.php | 60 $ins =& $event->data->calls; 61 $num = count($ins); 64 if(($ins[$i][0] == 'plugin')) 66 switch($ins[$i][1][0]) 73 $this->helper->parse_instructions($ID, $ins);
/plugin/diagramsnet/lib/shapes/ |
H A D | mxC4.js | 188 c.moveTo(ins, ins + r2); 194 c.lineTo(ins + r2, ins + h2); 210 c.lineTo(w - h2 - 2 * ins - r2, ins); 218 c.moveTo(w - h2 - ins, ins + r2); 220 c.lineTo(w - ins - r2, ins); 222 c.lineTo(w - ins, ins + h2 - r2); 224 c.lineTo(w - h2 - ins + r2, ins + h2); 228 c.moveTo(ins, h2 + 2 * ins + r); 230 c.lineTo(w - r - ins, h2 + 2 * ins); 232 c.lineTo(w - ins, h - r - ins); [all …]
/plugin/include/ |
H A D | helper.php | 253 $ins = array( 259 $ins = array(array('internallink', array(':'.$key,$title))); 262 $ins = array(); 269 $ins = p_cached_instructions(wikiFN($page), false, $page); 272 $ins = array(); 275 $this->_convert_instructions($ins, $lvl, $page, $sect, $flags, $root_id, $included_pages); 277 return $ins; 293 function _convert_instructions(&$ins, $lvl, $page, $sect, $flags, $root_id, $included_pages = array()) { argument 298 $this->_get_section($ins, $sect); // section required 302 $this->_get_firstsec($ins, 520 _editbtn(& $ins, $page, $sect, $sect_title, $root_id, $hid = '') global() argument 533 _permalink(& $ins, $page, $sect, $flags) global() argument 545 adapt_links(& $ins, $page, $included_pages = null) global() argument 621 _get_section(& $ins, $sect) global() argument 658 _get_firstsec(& $ins, $page, $flags) global() argument [all...] |
H A D | action.php | 150 $ins =& $event->data->calls; 151 $num = count($ins); 153 switch($ins[$i][0]) { 155 switch($ins[$i][1][0]) { 157 $ins[$i][1][1][4] = $level; 169 $level = $ins[$i][1][0];
/plugin/bureaucracy/helper/ |
H A D | fieldwiki.php | 56 $ins = p_get_instructions($params['display']); 61 if (isset($ins[1][1][0]) && $ins[1][1][0] === 'struct_output') { 63 … } elseif (isset($ins[count($ins) - 2][1][0]) && $ins[count($ins) - 2][1][0] === 'struct_output') { 66 $ins = array_slice($ins, $start, -$end); 67 $tpl = p_render('xhtml', $ins, $byref_ignore);
/plugin/miniblog/helper/ |
H A D | entry.php | 42 $ins = p_cached_instructions(wikiFN($id), false, $id); 46 for ($i=0; $i<count($ins); $i++) { 47 switch ($ins[$i][0]) { 50 $head = $ins[$i][1][0]; 51 unset($ins[$i]); 55 resolve_pageid(getNS($id), $ins[$i][1][0], $exists); 58 resolve_mediaid(getNS($id), $ins[$i][1][0], $exists); 61 if ($ins[$i][1][0] == 'miniblog_comment') unset($ins[$i]); 66 $html = p_render('xhtml', $ins, $info);
/plugin/numberedheadings/ |
H A D | action.php | 39 foreach ($instructions as $k => &$ins) { 40 if ($ins[0] == 'plugin' && $ins[1][0] == 'numberedheadings') { 44 extract($ins[1][1]); 95 $ins[0] = 'header'; 96 $ins[1] = [$text, $level, $ins[2]]; 99 unset($ins);
/plugin/blogtng/helper/ |
H A D | entry.php | 1002 $n = count($ins); 1004 $current = $ins[$i][0]; 1007 $ins[$i][1][0] = $this->_convert_internal_link($ins[$i][1][0], $ns); 1012 $text = $ins[$i][1][0]; 1122 $append_link = (is_array($ins[$i+1]) && $ins[$i+1][0] != 'document_end'); 1126 for(; $i < count($ins); $i++) { 1133 $ins = array_slice($ins, 0, $i); 1136 $last = $ins[$i-1]; 1171 if ($ins[0][0] != 'document_start') 1174 $keys = array_keys($ins); [all …]
/plugin/pagetemplate/ |
H A D | pagetemplate_backlinks.php | 71 foreach($instructions as $ins){ 72 if($ins[0] == 'plugin' && $ins[1][0] == 'pagetemplate' && strlen($ins[1][1][0]) > 0) { 73 $mid = $ins[1][1][1]; 77 $ins[1][1][1] = resolve_id($cns,$ins[1][1][1]); 78 $ins[1][1][2] = resolve_id($cns,$ins[1][1][2]); 79 $backlink = $ins[1][1];
H A D | action.php | 124 foreach($instructions as $ins){ 125 if($ins[0] == 'plugin' && $ins[1][0] == 'pagetemplate' && strlen($ins[1][1][0]) > 0) { 126 $mid = $ins[1][1][1]; 130 $ins[1][1][1] = resolve_id($cns,$ins[1][1][1]); 131 $ins[1][1][2] = resolve_id($cns,$ins[1][1][2]); 132 $data[]['id'] = $ins[1][1];
/plugin/strata/types/ |
H A D | wiki.php | 18 $ins = $this->_instructions($value); 22 for($i=count($ins)-1;$i>=0;$i--) { 23 switch($ins[$i][0]) { 25 $replacement = $this->_normalize_internallink($ins[$i][1]); 28 $replacement = $this->_normalize_locallink($ins[$i][1]); 31 $replacement = $this->_normalize_media($ins[$i][1]); 34 $replacement = $this->_linkSyntax($ins[$i][1], $ins[$i][1][0]); 40 $value = substr_replace($value, $replacement, $ins[$i][2], $ins[ [all...] |
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Compute/ |
H A D | Rule.php | 36 public $ins; variable in Google\\Service\\Compute\\Rule 93 public function setIns($ins) argument 95 $this->ins = $ins; 102 return $this->ins;
/plugin/yearbox/_test/ |
H A D | SyntaxTest.php | 24 $ins = p_get_instructions($syntax); 27 $actual_html = p_render('xhtml', $ins, $info); 38 $ins = p_get_instructions($syntax); 41 $actual_html = p_render('xhtml', $ins, $info);
/plugin/codehighlight/cp/languages/ |
H A D | html.css | 6 ins, ins b, ins s, ins em {color:gray;} /* comments */ selector
H A D | xsl.css | 7 ins, ins b, ins s, ins em {color:gray;} /* comments */ selector
/plugin/changemarks/ |
H A D | inserted.php | 21 var $ins = 'plugin_changemarks_inserted'; // instruction of this plugin variable in syntax_plugin_changemarks_inserted 28 $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('<ins[^\r\n]*?>(?=.*?</ins>)', $mode, $this->ins); 29 $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('\+\+[^\r\n]*?>(?=.*?\+\+)', $mode, $this->ins); 33 $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('\+\+', $this->ins); 34 $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('</ins>', $this->ins);
H A D | deleted.php | 21 var $ins = 'plugin_changemarks_deleted'; // instruction of this plugin variable in syntax_plugin_changemarks_deleted 28 $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('<del[^\r\n]*?>(?=.*?</del>)', $mode, $this->ins); 29 $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('\-\-[^\r\n]*?>(?=.*?\-\-)', $mode, $this->ins); 33 $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('\-\-', $this->ins); 34 $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('</del>', $this->ins);
H A D | highlighted.php | 21 var $ins = 'plugin_changemarks_highlighted'; // instruction of this plugin variable in syntax_plugin_changemarks_highlighted 28 $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('\!\![^\r\n]*?>(?=.*?\!\!)', $mode, $this->ins); 32 $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('\!\!', $this->ins);
/plugin/tipoftheday/syntax/ |
H A D | totd.php | 65 … $ins = $helper->_get_instructions($page, cleanID($section), $mode, $renderer->lastlevel, $flags); 73 $renderer->doc .= p_render($mode, $ins, $myINFO); 103 foreach ($instructions as $ins) { 104 if ($ins[0] == 'header') { 105 if ( in_array(cleanID($ins[1][0]), $this->hasSections) ) { continue; } 106 $headers[] = $ins[1][0]; // section name
/plugin/dokutranslate/ |
H A D | utils.php | 26 foreach ($instructions as $ins) { 27 switch ($ins[0]) { 37 $ret[$i++][] = $ins; 42 $ret[$i][] = $ins;
/plugin/struct/action/ |
H A D | output.php | 55 $ins = -1; 59 $ins = count($event->data->calls); 65 $ins = $num; 79 $ins + 1,
/plugin/multiorphan/action/ |
H A D | multiorphan.php | 186 foreach ($instructions as $ins) { 188 if ($ins[0] == 'nest' ) { 189 $this->walk_instructions( $links, $id, $ins[1][0] ); 193 $data = $this->_getDataContainer( $id, $ins); 197 …if (!is_null($data['type']) || (in_array($ins[0], $this->checkInstructions) && $evt->advise_before… 430 private function getInternalMediaType($ins) { argument 431 …return in_array($ins, $this->mediaInstructions) ? 'media' : (in_array($ins, $this->pagesInstructio…
/plugin/dump/renderer/ |
H A D | callstack.php | 34 $ins = p_cached_instructions($file, false, $ID); 35 $body = json_encode($ins, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);