/plugin/wysiwyg/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_select/ |
H A D | fck_select.js | 24 function Select( combo ) argument 26 var iIndex = combo.selectedIndex ; 101 var iActualIndex = combo.selectedIndex ; 121 combo.remove( iActualIndex ) ; 129 function RemoveSelectedOptions(combo) argument 134 var oOptions = combo.options ; 143 if ( combo.options.length > 0 ) 145 if ( iSelectedIndex >= combo.options.length ) iSelectedIndex = combo.options.length - 1 ; 146 combo.selectedIndex = iSelectedIndex ; 161 combo.options.add( oOption, index ) ; [all …]
/plugin/fckg/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_select/ |
H A D | fck_select.js | 24 function Select( combo ) argument 26 var iIndex = combo.selectedIndex ; 101 var iActualIndex = combo.selectedIndex ; 121 combo.remove( iActualIndex ) ; 129 function RemoveSelectedOptions(combo) argument 134 var oOptions = combo.options ; 143 if ( combo.options.length > 0 ) 145 if ( iSelectedIndex >= combo.options.length ) iSelectedIndex = combo.options.length - 1 ; 146 combo.selectedIndex = iSelectedIndex ; 161 combo.options.add( oOption, index ) ; [all …]
/plugin/combo/resources/snippet/js/ |
H A D | metadata.js | 17 const viewerCallEndpoint = "combo-meta-viewer"; 18 const combo = /** @type {import('combo.d.ts')} */ (window.combo); 19 let viewerCall = combo 27 let formViewerId = combo.Html.toHtmlId(`combo-metadata-viewer-form-${pageId}`); 28 let formHtmlElement = combo.Form.createFromJson(formViewerId, jsonFormMeta).toHtmlElement(); 41 let response = await combo.DokuUrl 63 const metaManagerCall = "combo [all...] |
H A D | quality.js | 5 document.querySelectorAll(".combo-quality-item").forEach((metadataControlItem) => { 10 const combo = /** @type {import('combo.d.ts')} */ (window.combo); 16 let modalQualityMessageId = combo.Html.toHtmlId(`combo-quality-message-page-${pageId}`); 17 let qualityMessageModal = combo.Modal.getOrCreate(modalQualityMessageId) 23 let qualityCall = "combo-quality-message"; 24 let html = await combo
H A D | cache.js | 6 document.querySelectorAll(".combo-cache-item").forEach((metadataControlItem) => { 11 const combo = /** @type {import('combo.d.ts')} */ (window.combo); 17 let modalBacklinkId = combo.Html.toHtmlId(`combo-cache-${pageId}`); 18 let cacheModal = combo.Modal 32 let cachePageInfo = document.querySelector('script[type="application/combo+cache+json"]'); 49 let slotUrl = combo.DokuUrl.createEdit(slot).toString() 73 let mtime = combo [all...] |
H A D | backlink.js | 5 document.querySelectorAll(".combo-backlink-item").forEach((metadataControlItem) => { 10 const combo = /** @type {import('combo.d.ts')} */ (window.combo); 16 let modalBacklinkId = combo.Html.toHtmlId(`combo-backlink-${pageId}`); 17 let backlinkModal = combo.Modal.getOrCreate(modalBacklinkId) 23 let qualityCall = "combo-backlink"; 24 let html = await combo
H A D | subscribe.js | 1 (function (combo) { 21 let idResultModal = combo.Html.createRandomIdWithPrefix(componentName); 22 let modal = combo.Modal.getOrCreate(idResultModal); 58 })(combo);
H A D | lightbox.js | 38 const combo = /** @type {import('combo.d.ts')} */ (window.combo); 39 let lightBoxId = combo.Html.toHtmlId(`combo-lightbox`); 41 let lightBoxModel = combo.Modal.getOrCreate(lightBoxId);
H A D | subscribe.min.js | 1 !function(e){"use strict";let t="subscribe";const a=`.${t}-cs`,o=document.querySelectorAll(`${a} form`);Array.from(o).forEach((o=>{o.addEventListener("submit",(async r=>{if(r.preventDefault(),r.stopPropagation(),o.checkValidity()){let s=new URL(o.getAttribute("action")),n=new FormData(o),c=await fetch(s,{body:n,method:"post"}),i=e.Html.createRandomIdWithPrefix(t),l=e.Modal.getOrCreate(i);let d,u=r.target.closest(a);l.setPlacementBottomToElement(u);try{d=(await c.json()).message}catch(e){}if(200!==c.status)l.setHeader("Error"),void 0===d&&(d="Sorry. The server seems to be down.");else{let e=o.getAttribute("data-success-header");null===e&&(e="Hurray!"),l.setHeader(e),d=o.getAttribute("data-success-content"),null===d&&(d="A validation email has been send. <br>Check your mailbox and click on the validation link.<br>If you don't find our email, check your spambox.")}l.addBody(d).show()}}),!1)}))}(combo);
/plugin/colorpicker/ |
H A D | action.php | 34 $combo = explode('=', $line, 2); 35 if (count($combo) != 2) { 38 $key = trim($combo[0]); 39 $colorvalue = trim($combo[1]);
/plugin/combo/resources/theme/default/components/css/ |
H A D | onhover.css | 2 .combo-hover-easing { 6 .combo-float { 10 .combo-grow {
H A D | quality.css | 1 .combo-quality-item-low > svg {
/plugin/combo/grammar/ |
H A D | README.md | 7 -o D:\dokuwiki\lib\plugins\combo\ComboStrap\PageSqlParser ^ 10 -lib D:/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/combo/grammar ^ 11 D:/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/combo/grammar\PageSql.g4 16 * Output directory: `D:\dokuwiki\lib\plugins\combo\` 19 * Lib (not yet used): `D:\dokuwiki\lib\plugins\combo\grammar`
/plugin/wysiwyg/fckeditor/editor/_source/classes/ |
H A D | fcktoolbarspecialcombo.js | 70 function FCKToolbarSpecialCombo_RefreshActiveItems( combo, value ) argument 72 combo.DeselectAll() ; 73 combo.SelectItem( value ) ; 74 combo.SetLabelById( value ) ;
/plugin/datepicker/ |
H A D | style.css | 174 .calendar .combo { 188 .calendar .combo .label, 189 .calendar .combo .label-IEfix { 194 .calendar .combo .label-IEfix { 198 .calendar .combo .hilite { 205 .calendar .combo .active {
/plugin/combo/ |
H A D | plugin.info.txt | 1 base combo
H A D | README.md | 8 [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/ComboStrap/combo.svg?branch=main)](https://travis-ci.com/ComboStrap/combo)
/plugin/combo/db/combo/ |
H A D | README.md | 4 The database can be found at meta/combo.sqlite3
/plugin/wysiwyg/fckeditor/_samples/lasso/ |
H A D | sample02.lasso | 44 function AddComboOption(combo, optionText, optionValue) 48 combo.options.add(oOption) ;
/plugin/ckgedit/ckeditor/skins/kama/ |
H A D | readme.md | 17 - **richcombo.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo ui elements on toolbar, 18 - **panel.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo drop-down, it's not loaded
/plugin/ckgdoku/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/ |
H A D | readme.md | 25 - **richcombo.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo ui elements on toolbar, 26 - **panel.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo drop-down, it's not loaded
/plugin/wysiwyg/fckeditor/_samples/cfm/ |
H A D | sample02.cfm | 45 function AddComboOption(combo, optionText, optionValue) 49 combo.options.add(oOption) ;
/plugin/ckgdoku/ckeditor/skins/moono/ |
H A D | readme.md | 27 - **richcombo.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo ui elements on toolbar, 28 - **panel.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo drop-down, it's not loaded
/plugin/ckgedit/ckeditor/skins/moono/ |
H A D | readme.md | 27 - **richcombo.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo ui elements on toolbar, 28 - **panel.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo drop-down, it's not loaded
/plugin/ckgedit/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/ |
H A D | readme.md | 25 - **richcombo.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo ui elements on toolbar, 26 - **panel.css**: the file contains styles of the rich combo drop-down, it's not loaded