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Searched defs:cy (Results 1 – 25 of 45) sorted by path


H A Dabc-ui-1.0.0.min.js8 function external_eval(param){return eval(param)}function isQuoted(e){return e.q}function quote(e){return e.q=!0,e}function unquote(e){return delete e.q,e}function Symbol(e){return this.nm=e,this}function isSymbol(e){return e&&e.constructor===Symbol}function symbolName(e){return e.nm}function isArray(e){return e&&e.constructor===Array}function inDs(e,t){for(var n=e.length-1;0<=n;--n)if("undefined"!=typeof e[n][t])return e[n];return!1}function member(e,t){return 0<=t.indexOf(e)}function PsParser(){function t(t){e.L=t,e.N=t.length,e.I=0,e.D=0}function n(){return e.I<e.N&&e.L[e.I]}function r(){return e.I<e.N&&e.L[e.I++]}function i(){while(e.I<e.N&&member(e.L[e.I]," \n"))e.I++}function s(){while("%"==n()){while(n()&&"\n"!=n())r();i()}}function o(){r();var e=[],t=1;while(0<t&&n()){var i=r();switch(i){case"(":t++;break;case")":t--,t<=0&&(i=!1);break;case"\\":i=r();switch(i){case"(":break;case")":break;case"\\":break;case"n":i="\n";break;case"r":i="\r";break;case"t":i=" ";break;default:i=!1}}i!==!1&&e.push(i)}return e.join("")}function u(){var e=r();if(member(e,"()<>/% \n"))throw new Error("Symbol expected, got "+e);var t=member(e,"+-0123456789."),i="."==e,s=[e];while(n()&&!member(n(),"()<>[]{}/% \n"))e=r(),s.push(e),t&&!member(e,"0123456789")&&(!i&&"."==e?i=!0:t=!1);return s=s.join(""),1==s.length&&member(s,"+-.")&&(t=!1),t?i?parseFloat(s):parseInt(s,10):new Symbol(s)}function a(){i();switch(n()){case!1:return undefined;case"%":return s();case"[":return new Symbol(r());case"]":return new Symbol(r());case"{":return e.D++,new Symbol(r());case"}":return e.D--,new Symbol(r());case"/":r();var t=u();return quote(t);case"(":return o();case"<":r();if("<"!=n())throw new Error("Encoded strings not implemented yet");return r(),new Symbol("<<");case">":r();if(">"!=n())throw new Error("Unexpected >");return r(),new Symbol(">>");default:return u()}}var e=this;return PsParser.prototype.init=t,PsParser.prototype.peek=n,PsParser.prototype.token=a,this}function Ps0(e,t,n){function r(i,s){if(isSymbol(i)&&!isQuoted(i)){var o=symbolName(i),u=inDs(t,o);if(!u)throw new Error("bind error '"+o+"'");n.push([!1,u[o]])}else if(s&&isArray(i)&&isQuoted(i)){if(0<i.length){var a=i[0],f=quote(i.slice(1));0<f.length&&n.push([!1,f]),r(a,!1)}}else"function"==typeof i?i():e.push(i)}function i(){var t=e.pop();r(t,!1)}function s(){var t=n.pop(),i=t.shift(),s=t.pop();for(var o=0;o<t.length;o++)e.push(t[o]);r(s,!0)}function u(t){o.init(t);while(o.peek()){var r=o.token();if(r||r===0){e.push(r);if(o.D<=0||isSymbol(r)&&(member(symbolName(r),"[]{}")||"<<"==symbolName(r)||">>"==symbolName(r))){i();while(0<n.length)s()}}}return e}var o=new PsParser;return Ps0.prototype.run=r,Ps0.prototype.exec=i,Ps0.prototype.step=s,Ps0.prototype.parse=u,this}function Wps(e){function f(e){if(isSymbol(e)&&!isQuoted(e))return e;if(isArray(e)&&isQuoted(e)){var t=e.length,n=[];for(var r=0;r<t;r++){var i=e[r],s=f(i);isArray(i)?n=n.concat(isQuoted(i)?quote([s]):[s]):n=n.concat(s)}return quote(n)}return e}function l(){var e=arguments;if(e.length)for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++)o.parse(e[t]);else o.parse(e);return n}var t=e,n=[],r={},i=[r],s=[],o=new Ps0(n,i,s);r["true"]=function(){n.push(!0)},r["false"]=function(){n.push(!1)},r["null"]=function(){n.push(null)},r.sub=function(){var e=n.pop();n.push(n.pop()-e)},r.mul=function(){n.push(n.pop()*n.pop())},r.div=function(){var e=n.pop();n.push(n.pop()/e)},r.mod=function(){var e=n.pop();n.push(n.pop()%e)};var u={};r.mark=function(){n.push(u)},r.counttomark=function(){var e=0;for(var t=n.length-1;0<=t;t--){if(u===n[t])return n.push(e);e++}throw new Error("Mark not found")},r["<<"]=r.mark,r[">>"]=function(){var e={};while(0<n.length){var t=n.pop();if(u===t)return n.push(e);e[n.pop()]=t}throw new Error("Mark not found")},r.exch=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();n.push(e),n.push(t)},r.clear=function(){n.length=0},r.pop=function(){n.pop()},r.index=function(){n.push(n[n.length-2-n.pop()])},r.roll=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=[],i=[];e<0&&(e=t+e);for(var s=0;s<t;s++)s<e?r.unshift(n.pop()):i.unshift(n.pop());for(s=0;s<e;s++)n.push(r.shift());for(s=0;s<t-e;s++)n.push(i.shift())},r.copy=function(){var e=n.pop();if("object"==typeof e){var t=n.pop();for(var r in t)e[r]=t[r];n.push(e)}else{var t=n.length-e;for(var r=0;r<e;r++)n.push(n[t+r])}},r.length=function(){n.push(n.pop().length)},r.astore=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=e.length;for(var r=t-1;0<=r;r--)e[r]=n.pop();n.push(e)},r.array=function(){n.push(new Array(n.pop()))},r.eq=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();n.push(t==e)},r.lt=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();n.push(t<e)},r.ifelse=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop();s.push([!1,r===!0?t:e])},r.and=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();if(!0===e||!1===e){n.push(e==1&&t===!0);return}n.push(e&t)},r.repeat=function c(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();1<t&&s.push([!0,t-1,e,c]),0<t&&s.push([!1,e])},r["for"]=function h(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop(),i=n.pop();r<0?(t<=i+r&&s.push([!0,i+r,r,t,e,h]),t<=i&&s.push([!1,i,e])):(i+r<=t&&s.push([!0,i+r,r,t,e,h]),i<=t&&s.push([!1,i,e]))},r.exec=function(){s.push([!1,n.pop()])},r.cvx=function(){var e=n.pop();isSymbol(e)&&isQuoted(e)?n.push(unquote(e)):isArray(e)&&!isQuoted(e)?n.push(quote(e)):n.push(e)},r.dict=function(){n.pop(),n.push({})},r.get=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();isSymbol(e)?n.push(t[symbolName(e)]):n.push(t[e])},r.getinterval=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop()+e,r=n.pop(),i=[];while(--e>=0)i.push(r[t++]);n.push(i)},r.put=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop();isSymbol(t)?r[symbolName(t)]=e:r[t]=e},r.begin=function(){i.push(n.pop())},r.end=function(){i.pop()},r.currentdict=function(){n.push(i[i.length-1])},r.where=function(){var e=symbolName(n.pop()),t=inDs(i,e);t?(n.push(t),n.push(!0)):n.push(!1)},r.save=function(){var e=i.slice();for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++){var r=e[t],s={};for(var o in r)s[o]=r[o];e[t]=s}n.push(e)},r.restore=function(){var e=n.pop();while(0<i.length)i.pop();while(0<e.length)i.unshift(e.pop())},r.type=function(){var e=n.pop(),t;if(null===e)t="nulltype";else if(!0===e||!1===e)t="booleantype";else if(u===e)t="marktype";else if("string"==typeof e)t="stringtype";else if(isSymbol(e))t=isQuoted(e)?"nametype":"operatortype";else if("function"==typeof e)t="operatortype";else if(isArray(e))t="arraytype";else if("object"==typeof e)t="dicttype";else{if(1*e!=e)throw new Error("Undefined type '"+e+"'");t=e%1==0?"integertype":"realtype"}n.push(t)};var a=!0;return r[".strictBind"]=function(){a=!0===n.pop()},r.bind=function(){n.push(f(n.pop()))},r["="]=function(){var e=n.pop();alert(e&&e.nm||e)},r["=="]=function(){alert(n.pop())},r.stack=function(){alert(n)},r.pstack=function(){alert(n)},r[".call"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop(),i=[];for(var s=0;s<e;s++)i.unshift(n.pop());if(!r[t])throw new Error(".call: "+t+" undef");n.push(r[t].apply(r,i))},r[".call0"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop(),i=[];for(var s=0;s<e;s++)i.unshift(n.pop());if(!r[t])throw new Error(".call0: "+t+" undef");r[t].apply(r,i)},r[".svg"]=function(){n.push(t)},r[".math"]=function(){n.push(Math)},r[".date"]=function(){n.push(new Date)},r[".window"]=function(){n.push(window)},r[".callback"]=function(){var e=n.pop();n.push(function(){o.run(e,!0);while(0<s.length)o.step()})},r[".minv"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=e[0],r=e[1],i=e[2],s=e[3],o=e[4],u=e[5];n.push([s,r,i,t,i*u-s*o,r*o-t*u])},r[".mmul"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=t[0],i=t[1],s=t[2],o=t[3],u=t[4],a=t[5],f=e[0],l=e[1],c=e[2],h=e[3],p=e[4],d=e[5];n.push([r*f+i*c,r*l+i*h,s*f+o*c,s*l+o*h,u*f+a*c+p,u*l+a*h+d])},r[".xy"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop();n.push(e[0]*r+e[2]*t+e[4]),n.push(e[1]*r+e[3]*t+e[5])},r[".rgb"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop();n.push("rgb("+r+","+t+","+e+")")},r[".rgba"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop(),i=n.pop();n.push("rgba("+i+","+r+","+t+","+e+")")},Wps.prototype.parse=l,this}function Psvg(e){function d(){return w(0),[o.xoffs-o.xorig,o.yoffs-o.yorig]}function v(){s=!1,w(0),t+="<g";if(o.xscale!=1||o.yscale!=1||o.rotate){t+=' transform="';if(o.xscale!=1||o.yscale!=1)o.xscale==o.yscale?t+="scale("+o.xscale.toFixed(3)+")":t+="scale("+o.xscale.toFixed(3)+","+o.yscale.toFixed(3)+")";if(o.rotate){if(o.xoffs||o.yoffs){var e,n=o.xoffs,r=o.yoffs,u=o.sin,l=o.cos;e=n*l-r*u,r=n*u+r*l,t+=" translate("+e.toFixed(2)+","+r.toFixed(2)+")",a=o.xoffs,f=o.yoffs,o.xoffs=0,o.yoffs=0}t+=" rotate("+o.rotate.toFixed(2)+")"}t+='"'}g(!1),o.rgb&&(t+=' style="color:'+o.rgb+'"'),t+=">\n",i=1}function m(e){var t,n=new e.constructor;for(t in e)e.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(n[t]=e[t]);return n}function g(e){var n=o.font_n;if(!n)return;var r="",i=n.indexOf("Italic"),s=100,u=n.indexOf("Oblique"),a=n.indexOf("Bold"),f=0;a>0&&(r=' font-weight="bold"',s=a,f=2);if(i>0||u>0)i>0&&(r+=' font-style="italic"',i<s&&(s=i),f|=4),u>0&&(r+=' font-style="oblique"',u<s&&(s=u),f=8);s!=100&&(n[s-1]=="-"&&s--,n=n.slice(0,s)),e&&(!(f&2)&&c.indexOf("Bold")>=0&&(r+=' font-weight="normal"'),!(f&12)&&(c.indexOf("Italic")>=0||c.indexOf("Oblique")>=0)&&(r+=' font-style="normal"')),t+=' font-family="'+n+'"'+r+' font-size="'+o.font_s+'"'}function y(){if(p)return;w(1),o.px=o.cx,o.py=o.cy,p='<path d="m'+(o.xoffs+o.cx).toFixed(2)+" "+(o.yoffs-o.cy).toFixed(2)+"\n"}function b(){t+=p,p=""}function w(e){i==2&&(t+="</text>\n",i=1),e==0?i&&(i=0,t+="</g>\n",o.rotate&&(o.xoffs=a,o.yoffs=f,a=0,f=0)):s&&v()}function E(e){return e.length*o.font_s*.5}function S(e,t,n,r,i,s){var u,a,f,l;r>=360&&(r-=360),i>=360&&(i-=360),u=e+n*Math.cos(r*Math.PI/180),a=t+n*Math.sin(r*Math.PI/180),o.cx!=undefined?p?(u!=o.cx||a!=o.cy?p+="l":p+="m",p+=(u-o.cx).toFixed(2)+" "+(-(a-o.cy)).toFixed(2)):(o.cx=u,o.cy=a,y()):(p&&(p=""),o.cx=u,o.cy=a,y()),r==i?(i=180-r,f=e+n*Math.cos(i*Math.PI/180),l=t+n*Math.sin(i*Math.PI/180),p+="a"+n.toFixed(2)+" "+n.toFixed(2)+" 0 0 "+(s?"1 ":"0 ")+(f-u).toFixed(2)+" "+(a-l).toFixed(2)+" "+n.toFixed(2)+" "+n.toFixed(2)+" 0 0 "+(s?"1 ":"0 ")+(u-f).toFixed(2)+" "+(l-a).toFixed(2)+"\n",o.cx=u,o.cy=a):(f=e+n*Math.cos(i*Math.PI/180),l=t+n*Math.sin(i*Math.PI/180),p+="a"+n.toFixed(2)+" "+n.toFixed(2)+" 0 0 "+(s?"1 ":"0 ")+(f-u).toFixed(2)+" "+(a-l).toFixed(2)+"\n",o.cx=f,o.cy=l)}function x(e,t){y(),e==0?p+=" v"+(-t).toFixed(2)+"\n":t==0?p+=" h"+e.toFixed(2)+"\n":p+=" l"+e.toFixed(2)+" "+(-t).toFixed(2)+"\n",o.cx+=e,o.cy+=t}function T(e){e&&w(0);if(!t)return;n.out_svg(t),t=""}function N(e,t,i,s){return o.xorig=o.xoffs=n.sx(0),o.yorig=o.yoffs=n.sy(0),o.cx=0,o.cy method in Psvg
H A Dpsvg-1.js71 function Psvg(abcobj_r){var svgbuf='',abcobj=abcobj_r,wps=new Wps(this),g=0,gchg,gcur={cx:0,cy:0,xoffs:0,yoffs:0,xscale:1,yscale:1,rotate:0,sin:0,cos:1,linewidth:0.7,dash:''},gc_stack=[],x_rot=0,y_rot=0,font_n="",font_n_old="",font_s=0,path;function getorig(){setg(0);return[gcur.xoffs-gcur.xorig,gcur.yoffs-gcur.yorig]} property in Psvg.gcur
142 Psvg.prototype.cy=function(){return gcur.cy} global() method in Psvg
H A Draphael.js2908 matrixproto.scale = function (x, y, cx, cy) { argument
6476 elproto.rotate = function (deg, cx, cy) { argument
6510 elproto.scale = function (sx, sy, cx, cy) { argument
6920 res.attrs = {cx: x, cy: y, r: r, fill: "none", stroke: "#000"}; property in res.attrs
6938 res.attrs = {cx: x, cy: y, rx: rx, ry: ry, fill: "none", stroke: "#000"}; property in res.attrs
7635 elproto.rotate = function (deg, cx, cy) { argument
7675 elproto.scale = function (sx, sy, cx, cy) { argument
H A Dencoder.json1 {"!": 0, "\"": 1, "#": 2, "$": 3, "%": 4, "&": 5, "'": 6, "(": 7, ")": 8, "*": 9, "+": 10, ",": 11, "-": 12, ".": 13, "/": 14, "0": 15, "1": 16, "2": 17, "3": 18, "4": 19, "5": 20, "6": 21, "7": 22, "8": 23, "9": 24, ":": 25, ";": 26, "<": 27, "=": 28, ">": 29, "?": 30, "@": 31, "A": 32, "B": 33, "C": 34, "D": 35, "E": 36, "F": 37, "G": 38, "H": 39, "I": 40, "J": 41, "K": 42, "L": 43, "M": 44, "N": 45, "O": 46, "P": 47, "Q": 48, "R": 49, "S": 50, "T": 51, "U": 52, "V": 53, "W": 54, "X": 55, "Y": 56, "Z": 57, "[": 58, "\\": 59, "]": 60, "^": 61, "_": 62, "`": 63, "a": 64, "b": 65, "c": 66, "d": 67, "e": 68, "f": 69, "g": 70, "h": 71, "i": 72, "j": 73, "k": 74, "l": 75, "m": 76, "n": 77, "o": 78, "p": 79, "q": 80, "r": 81, "s": 82, "t": 83, "u": 84, "v": 85, "w": 86, "x": 87, "y": 88, "z": 89, "{": 90, "|": 91, "}": 92, "~": 93, "\u00a1": 94, "\u00a2": 95, "\u00a3": 96, "\u00a4": 97, "\u00a5": 98, "\u00a6": 99, "\u00a7": 100, "\u00a8": 101, "\u00a9": 102, "\u00aa": 103, "\u00ab": 104, "\u00ac": 105, "\u00ae": 106, "\u00af": 107, "\u00b0": 108, "\u00b1": 109, "\u00b2": 110, "\u00b3": 111, "\u00b4": 112, "\u00b5": 113, "\u00b6": 114, "\u00b7": 115, "\u00b8": 116, "\u00b9": 117, "\u00ba": 118, "\u00bb": 119, "\u00bc": 120, "\u00bd": 121, "\u00be": 122, "\u00bf": 123, "\u00c0": 124, "\u00c1": 125, "\u00c2": 126, "\u00c3": 127, "\u00c4": 128, "\u00c5": 129, "\u00c6": 130, "\u00c7": 131, "\u00c8": 132, "\u00c9": 133, "\u00ca": 134, "\u00cb": 135, "\u00cc": 136, "\u00cd": 137, "\u00ce": 138, "\u00cf": 139, "\u00d0": 140, "\u00d1": 141, "\u00d2": 142, "\u00d3": 143, "\u00d4": 144, "\u00d5": 145, "\u00d6": 146, "\u00d7": 147, "\u00d8": 148, "\u00d9": 149, "\u00da": 150, "\u00db": 151, "\u00dc": 152, "\u00dd": 153, "\u00de": 154, "\u00df": 155, "\u00e0": 156, "\u00e1": 157, "\u00e2": 158, "\u00e3": 159, "\u00e4": 160, "\u00e5": 161, "\u00e6": 162, "\u00e7": 163, "\u00e8": 164, "\u00e9": 165, "\u00ea": 166, "\u00eb": 167, "\u00ec": 168, "\u00ed": 169, "\u00ee": 170, "\u00ef": 171, "\u00f0": 172, "\u00f1": 173, "\u00f2": 174, "\u00f3": 175, "\u00f4": 176, "\u00f5": 177, "\u00f6": 178, "\u00f7": 179, "\u00f8": 180, "\u00f9": 181, "\u00fa": 182, "\u00fb": 183, "\u00fc": 184, "\u00fd": 185, "\u00fe": 186, "\u00ff": 187, "\u0100": 188, "\u0101": 189, "\u0102": 190, "\u0103": 191, "\u0104": 192, "\u0105": 193, "\u0106": 194, "\u0107": 195, "\u0108": 196, "\u0109": 197, "\u010a": 198, "\u010b": 199, "\u010c": 200, "\u010d": 201, "\u010e": 202, "\u010f": 203, "\u0110": 204, "\u0111": 205, "\u0112": 206, "\u0113": 207, "\u0114": 208, "\u0115": 209, "\u0116": 210, "\u0117": 211, "\u0118": 212, "\u0119": 213, "\u011a": 214, "\u011b": 215, "\u011c": 216, "\u011d": 217, "\u011e": 218, "\u011f": 219, "\u0120": 220, "\u0121": 221, "\u0122": 222, "\u0123": 223, "\u0124": 224, "\u0125": 225, "\u0126": 226, "\u0127": 227, "\u0128": 228, "\u0129": 229, "\u012a": 230, "\u012b": 231, "\u012c": 232, "\u012d": 233, "\u012e": 234, "\u012f": 235, "\u0130": 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H A Dbpmn-modeler.production.min.js194 …issing");if(!t)throw new Error("No registered providers for: "+t);if(!n)throw new Error("the posit…
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H A Draphael.js1 …define&&define.amd?define([],e):"object"==typeof exports?exports.Raphael=e():t.Raphael=e()}(window…
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H A Dimporter.js5094 mxVsdxUtils.isInsideTriangle = function (x, y, ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) { argument
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H A DSvg.php3978 testIntersectCircle($cx, $cy, $cr) global() argument