3 * Dokuwiki Action Plugin Subconfhelper
4 *
5 * @license   GPLv3(http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
6 * @author    sf@notomorrow.de
7 */
9if( !defined( 'DOKU_INC' )) die( );
10if( !defined( 'DOKU_PLUGIN' )) define( 'DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/' );
11require_once( DOKU_PLUGIN.'action.php' );
13class action_plugin_subconfhelper extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin {
15  var $sconf = array( );
17  function getInfo( ){
18    return array(
19        'author' => 'ai',
20        'email'  => 'ai',
21        'date'   => '2013-09-30',
22        'name'   => 'subconfhelper',
23        'desc'   => 'override various configuration settings per subdomain',
24        'url'    => 'https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:subconfhelper' );
25  }
26  function register( &$controller) {
27    $controller->register_hook('ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'BEFORE',  $this, 'check_vhost' );
28    $controller->register_hook('TPL_ACT_RENDER', 'BEFORE',  $this, 'check_act' );
29  }
30  function read_config( $domain ) {
31    if( !$domain ) { return false; }
32    if( isset( $this->sconf[$domain] )) {
33      return $this->sconf[$domain]; }
34    else {
35      $this->sconf[$domain] = array( );
36      $conf = &$this->sconf[$domain]; }
37    $this->config_path = DOKU_CONF;
38    $this->config_prefix = 'subconfhelper_';
39    while( $domain && !$subdomain ) {
40        $conf_file = $this->config_path.$this->config_prefix.$domain.'.php';
41        if( !file_exists( $conf_file )) {
42            if( strpos( $domain, '.' )) {
43                $domain = substr( $domain, 0, strrpos( $domain, '.' )); }
44            else {
45                $subdomain = $domain; }}
46        else {
47            $subdomain = $domain; }}
48    if( file_exists( $conf_file )) {
49        require_once( $conf_file ); }
50    return $conf;
51  }
52  function check_vhost( &$event, $param ) {
53    global $ACT, $INFO;
54    $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
55    $sconf  = $this->read_config( $domain );
56    if( is_array( $sconf )) {
57        if( $ACT == 'register' && $_POST['save'] ) {
58            if( $this->override_register( $sconf )) {
59                $ACT = 'login'; }
60            else {
61      	      $_POST['save'] = false; }}
62        $this->override_defaultpage( $sconf );
63        $this->override_template( $sconf );
64        $this->override_namespace( $sconf );
65        $this->override_conf( $sconf );
66    }
67  }
68  function check_act( &$event, $param ) {
69    global $conf, $ACT, $INFO;
70    $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
71    $sconf = $this->read_config( $domain );
72    if( $ACT == 'index' && $sconf['ns'] ) {
73      $dir = $conf['datadir'];
74      $ns  = cleanID($ns);
75      $ns  = utf8_encodeFN( str_replace( ':', '/', $ns));
76      echo p_locale_xhtml('index');
77      echo '<div id="index__tree">';
78      $data = array();
79      search($data,$conf['datadir'],'search_index',array( 'ns' => $ns ), $sconf['ns'] );
80      echo html_buildlist( $data,'idx','html_list_index','html_li_index' );
81      echo '</div>';
82      $event->preventDefault();
83    }
84  }
85  function override_conf( $conf_override ) {
86      global $conf;
87      foreach( array( 'disableactions' ) as $key ) {
88          if( isset( $conf_override[$key] )) {
89      	    $conf[$key] = $conf_override[$key]; }}
90  }
91  function override_register( $conf_override ) {
92    global $lang;
93    global $conf;
94    global $auth;
95    global $INPUT;
97    if(!$INPUT->post->bool('save')) return false;
98    if(!actionOK('register')) return false;
100    $default_groups = isset( $conf_override['default_groups'] ) ? $conf_override['default_groups'] : $conf['default_groups'];
101    if(!$auth) return false;
103    // gather input
104    $login    = trim($auth->cleanUser($INPUT->post->str('login')));
105    $fullname = trim(preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1f:<>&%,;]+/', '', $INPUT->post->str('fullname')));
106    $email    = trim(preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1f:<>&%,;]+/', '', $INPUT->post->str('email')));
107    $pass     = $INPUT->post->str('pass');
108    $passchk  = $INPUT->post->str('passchk');
110    if(empty($login) || empty($fullname) || empty($email)) {
111        msg($lang['regmissing'], -1);
112        return false;
113    }
115    if($conf['autopasswd']) {
116        $pass = auth_pwgen($login); // automatically generate password
117    } elseif(empty($pass) || empty($passchk)) {
118        msg($lang['regmissing'], -1); // complain about missing passwords
119        return false;
120    } elseif($pass != $passchk) {
121        msg($lang['regbadpass'], -1); // complain about misspelled passwords
122        return false;
123    }
125    //check mail
126    if(!mail_isvalid($email)) {
127        msg($lang['regbadmail'], -1);
128        return false;
129    }
131    //okay try to create the user
132    if(!$auth->triggerUserMod('create', array($login, $pass, $fullname, $email, $default_group ))) {
133        msg($lang['reguexists'], -1);
134        return false;
135    }
137    // send notification about the new user
138    $subscription = new Subscription();
139    $subscription->send_register($login, $fullname, $email);
141    // are we done?
142    if(!$conf['autopasswd']) {
143        msg($lang['regsuccess2'], 1);
144        return true;
145    }
147    // autogenerated password? then send password to user
148    if(auth_sendPassword($login, $pass)) {
149        msg($lang['regsuccess'], 1);
150        return true;
151    } else {
152        msg($lang['regmailfail'], -1);
153        return false;
154    }
155  }
156  function override_template( $conf_override ) {
157    $t = plugin_load( 'action', 'templateconfhelper_templateaction' );
158    if( $t ) {
159      $t->tpl_switch( $conf_override['template'] ); }
160  }
161  function override_defaultpage( $conf_override ) {
162    global $ID,$INFO,$conf;
163    if( $defaultpage = $conf_override['default_startpage'] ) {
164	if( $ID == $conf['start'] ) {
165	    $ID	  = $defaultpage;
166	    $NS   = getNS( $ID );
167	    $INFO = pageinfo( );
168	    $JSINFO['id'] = $ID;
169	    $INFO['namespace'] = (string) $INFO['namespace'];
170	    if( $conf['breadcrumbs'] ) breadcrumbs( ); }}
171  }
172  function override_namespace( $conf_override ) {
173    global $ID,$INFO,$conf;
174    if( !$conf_override['ns'] ) { return ''; }
175    $path = explode( ':', $ID );
176    if( strpos( $ID, $conf_override['ns'] ) === 0 ) { return ''; }
177    if( strpos( ':'.$ID, str_replace( '/', ':',
178                    $conf_override['ns'] )) === 0 ) { return ''; }
179    if( $conf_override['ns_inherit'] ) {
180      $newfile = wikiFN( $conf_override['ns'].':'.$ID );
181      if( !file_exists( wikiFN( $conf_override['ns'].':'.$ID ))
182                     && file_exists( wikiFN($ID))) { return ''; }}
183    $ID = $conf_override['ns'].':'.$ID;
184    if( strpos( $ID, ':' ) === 0 ) {
185	$ID = substr( $ID, 1 ); }
186    $NS = getNS( $ID );
187    $INFO = pageinfo( );
188    $JSINFO['id'] = $ID;
189    $INFO['namespace'] = (string) $INFO['namespace'];
190    if( $conf['breadcrumbs'] ) breadcrumbs();
191  }