/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/twig/twig/test/Twig/Tests/Fixtures/filters/ |
H A D | default.test | 5 {{ definedVar |default('default') is same as('default') ? 'ko' : 'ok' }} 6 {{ zeroVar |default('default') is same as('default') ? 'ko' : 'ok' }} 7 {{ emptyVar |default('default') is same as('default') ? 'ok' : 'ko' }} 8 {{ nullVar |default('default') is same as('default') ? 'ok' : 'ko' }} 9 {{ undefinedVar |default('default') is same as('default') ? 'ok' : 'ko' }} 11 {{ nested.definedVar |default('default') is same as('default') ? 'ko' : 'ok' }} 12 {{ nested['definedVar'] |default('default') is same as('default') ? 'ko' : 'ok' }} 13 {{ nested.zeroVar |default('default') is same as('default') ? 'ko' : 'ok' }} 14 {{ nested.emptyVar |default('default') is same as('default') ? 'ok' : 'ko' }} 15 {{ nested.nullVar |default('default') is same as('default') ? 'ok' : 'ko' }} [all …]
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/twig/twig/test/Twig/Tests/Fixtures/expressions/ |
H A D | sameas.test | 2 Twig supports the "same as" operator 4 {{ 1 is same as(1) ? 'OK' }} 5 {{ 1 is not same as(true) ? 'OK' }} 6 {{ 1 is same as(1) ? 'OK' }} 7 {{ 1 is not same as(true) ? 'OK' }} 8 {{ 1 is same as (1) ? 'OK' }} 10 same
H A D | floats.test | 8 {{ val is same as (0.0) ? 'Yes' : 'No' }} 9 {{ val2 is same as (0.0) ? 'Yes' : 'No' }} 10 {{ val is same as (val2) ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}
H A D | bitwise.test | 7 {{ (1 and 0 b-or 0) is same as(1 and (0 b-or 0)) ? 'ok' : 'ko' }}
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/twig/twig/doc/tests/ |
H A D | sameas.rst | 1 ``same as`` 5 The ``same as`` test was added in Twig 1.14.2 as an alias for ``sameas``. 7 ``same as`` checks if a variable is the same as another variable. 12 {% if foo.attribute is same as(false) %}
H A D | constant.rst | 7 ``constant`` checks if a variable has the exact same value as a constant. You 13 the status attribute is exactly the same as Post::PUBLISHED 21 the status attribute is exactly the same as Post::PUBLISHED
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/ |
H A D | YtsFoldedScalars.yml | 51 same as "clipped" above: "This has one newline.\n" 58 same as "stripped" above: "This has no newline." 65 same as "kept" above: "This has four newlines.\n\n\n\n" 69 'same as "clipped" above' => "This has one newline.\n", 71 'same as "stripped" above' => 'This has no newline.', 73 'same as "kept" above' => "This has four newlines.\n\n\n\n" 153 same as "clipped" above: "This has one newline.\n" 160 same as "stripped" above: "This has no newline." 167 same as "kept" above: "This has four newlines.\n\n\n\n" 171 'same as "clipped" above' => "This has one newline.\n", [all …]
/plugin/editions/ |
H A D | README | 18 c. all page names must be the same between the different editions 19 d. all paragraphs need to be in the same order across same pages
/plugin/orgchart/ |
H A D | README | 23 The line manager's name must be the same as it appears in the name column of that manager. 30 …ename, when using simple string it needs to be the exact same string for each entry of the same ma… 51 * order is important (same as above)
/plugin/phpbblinks/ |
H A D | action.php | 135 $same = true; 142 $same = false; 150 $same = false; 154 if (!$same)
/plugin/404manager/ |
H A D | README.md | 31 * Redirection by to the start page of the same namespace 84 * the pages with the same name 88 * When a page have the same name (by default 4) 97 * We have one page with the same name : namespace1:pagename 101 …* The score for the page with the same name is : 9 = 5 (because namespace1 is present in the asked… 107 …same algorithm that the [redirection by best namepage](#Redirection by best namepage) but only for… 113 We have the same score and the redirection occur on the smallest start page : first start page.
/plugin/strreplace/ |
H A D | README | 5 The plugin keeps track of the pages which it has processed and will not re-process the same page tw… 6 during the same search and replace session. To start a new session, set the 'do_replace' option to…
/plugin/pglist/ |
H A D | syntax.php | 76 // 'same' => 0, /** If there is a dir have the same name of the file make it as namespac… 100 if(preg_match('/\bsame\b/i',$params)) $conf['same'] = 1;
/plugin/stylingpages/ |
H A D | README | 33 You can have multiple entries with the same page. 41 Different pages aiming for the same file won't combine their code. 58 /* combined with the code above (same file) */
/plugin/file2dw/docker/proxy/ |
H A D | docker-compose.yml | 40 …- "/path/to/certs:/etc/nginx/certs:ro" # REQUIRED: Change "left" path. Use the same path as in ngi… 41 …- "/path/to/htpasswd:/etc/nginx/htpasswd" # REQUIRED: Change "left" path. Use the same path as in … 59 …- "/path/to/certs:/etc/nginx/certs:rw" # REQUIRED: Change "left" path. Use the same path as in ngi… 60 …- "/path/to/htpasswd:/etc/nginx/htpasswd" # REQUIRED: Change "left" path. Use the same path as in …
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/twig/twig/doc/filters/ |
H A D | raw.rst | 25 does not render the same as 27 but renders the same as
/plugin/ckgdoku/ckeditor/plugins/headerbuttons/lang/ |
H A D | en.js | 2 same: 'Same Level Header',
H A D | de.js | 2 same: 'Überschrift des gleichen Levels',
/plugin/ckgedit/ckeditor/plugins/headerbuttons/lang/ |
H A D | de.js | 2 same: 'Überschrift des gleichen Levels',
H A D | en.js | 2 same: 'Same Level Header',
/plugin/combo/resources/theme/default/components/css/ |
H A D | heading.css | 2 /** same as p */
/plugin/404manager/_test/ |
H A D | manager.test.php | 303 …_parameters::$REDIRECT_TO_NAMESPACE_START_PAGE_BAD_TARGET, 'Page with the same name', 'but without… 362 …ters::$REDIRECT_TO_NAMESPACE_START_PAGE_PARENT_BAD_TARGET, 'Page with the same name', 'but without… 364 …_TO_NAMESPACE_START_PAGE_PARENT_GOOD_TARGET, 'The start page that has the same name that it\'s par…
/plugin/farmer/lang/en/ |
H A D | tab_plugins_help.txt | 9 When Animals are configured to inherit the Plugin state of the Farmer, a plugin in default state will have the same 13 There are three ways to manage plugins: You can either pick a single plugin and set its state to the same value in all animals
/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/patrickschur/language-detection/resources/nn/ |
H A D | nn.txt | 13 og då folka i Dei Sameinte Nasjonane har stadfest trua si i denne pakta, på grunnleggjande menneskerettar, på menneskeverd og på same rett for mann og kvinne, og har vedteke å arbeide for sosiale framsteg og betre levevilkår i større fridom, 26 Alle menneske er fødde til fridom og med same menneskeverd og menneskerettar. Dei har fått fornuft og samvit og skal leve med kvarandre som brør. 46 Alle er like for lova og har krav på same rettsvern, utan skilnad av noko slag. Alle har krav på same vern mot at det blir gjort skilnad på folk i strid med denne fråsegna, og vern mot tiltak som ber i seg ein slik fare. 55 Alle har same rett til å få saka si rettferdig og offentleg granska av ein sjølvstendig og upartisk domstol, både når det er pliktene og retten til den einskilde som skal fastsetjast, og når det er reist klagemål mot han. 68 2. Det skal også vere full rett til å reise ut or det landet ein bur i, same kva land det er, og til å vende attende til sitt eige land. 81 1. Vaksne menn og kvinner har rett til å gifte seg og skipe familie utan avgrensing av noko slag på grunn av rase, nasjonalitet eller religion. Dei har krav på dei same rettane når det gjeld ekteskapet, både så lenge ekteskapet varer og medan det blir løyst opp. 106 2. Alle skal ha same retten til å gjere teneste i offentlege ombod i landet sitt. 116 2. Alle har same rett til å få lik betaling for likt arbeid, utan skilnad av noko slag. 128 2. Mor og barn har rett til særskild omsorg og hjelp. Alle barn skal ha same sosial [all...] |
/plugin/ckgdoku/ |
H A D | README | 1 This is an updated dversion fckgLite. It uses the much the same parser as the original fckgLite, b…