/plugin/feed/ |
H A D | feed.php | 79 $rss = new UniversalFeedCreator(); variable 80 $rss->title = $title; 86 $rss->title .= ' · ' . $conf['title']; 87 $rss->link = DOKU_URL; 88 $rss->syndicationURL = DOKU_PLUGIN . 'feed/feed.php'; 95 $rss->image = $image; 98 feed_getPages($rss, $po, $ns, $num, $fn); 100 $feed = $rss->createFeed($type); 113 * @param UniversalFeedCreator $rss 123 function feed_getPages($rss, $po, $ns, $num, $fn) argument [all …]
/plugin/rssticker/ |
H A D | bridge.php | 17 $rss = new lastRSS; variable 18 $rss->cache_dir = 'cache'; //path to cache directory on your server from this script. Chmod 777! 20 $rss->date_format = $conf['dformat']; //date format of RSS item. See PHP date() function for possib… 31 global $rss; 33 $rss->cache_time = $cacheseconds; 34 if ($rs = $rss->get($url)) {
/plugin/csstimeline/ |
H A D | feed.php | 81 $rss = new DokuWikiFeedCreator(); variable 82 $rss->title = p_get_metadata($id, 'title', METADATA_DONT_RENDER); 83 $rss->title .= ' · ' . $conf['title']; 84 $rss->link = DOKU_URL; 85 $rss->syndicationURL = DOKU_PLUGIN . 'csstimeline/feed.php'; 86 $rss->cssStyleSheet = DOKU_URL . 'lib/exe/css.php?s=feed'; 94 $rss->image = $image; 114 $rss->addItem($item); 119 $feed = $rss->createFeed($type, 'utf-8');
/plugin/rss/ |
H A D | README.md | 3 This plugin let you display some rss feed into Dokuwiki. 19 Plugin rss is simple to use, just paste your rss link into syntax : 21 ``<rss feed="http://myfeed/.." />`` 28 For further information, see also [plugin RSS on dokuwiki.org](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:rss)
H A D | plugin.info.txt | 1 base rss 5 name rss 6 desc display rss feed in your wiki
H A D | style.css | 1 img.rss {
/plugin/tumblr/ |
H A D | syntax.php | 147 $new_url = $url.'/search/'.$params['search'].'/page/'.$params['page'].'/rss'; 149 $new_url = $url.'/tagged/'.$params['tagged'].'/page/'.$params['page'].'/rss'; 151 $new_url = $url.'/'.$params['post'].'/rss'; 153 $new_url = $url.'/page/'.$params['page'].'/rss';
/plugin/filterrss/ |
H A D | syntax.php | 139 $rss = simplexml_load_file($data['url']); 142 if($rss) 144 $items = $rss->channel->item;
/plugin/freechat/phpfreechat/style/ |
H A D | footer.css | 17 div.footer div.rss {
/plugin/blogtng/renderer/ |
H A D | comment.php | 82 function rss($url, $params) {} function in renderer_plugin_blogtng_comment
/plugin/spatialhelper/ |
H A D | action.php | 156 $rss = $helper->createGeoRSSSitemap($this->getConf('media_georss')); 169 return $kml && $rss;
/plugin/xkcd/ |
H A D | README.md | 26 <td>comic, rss, xkcd, strip</td>
/plugin/commonmark/ |
H A D | composer.lock | 167 "rss": "https://github.com/thephpleague/commonmark/releases.atom", 253 "rss": "https://github.com/thephpleague/config/releases.atom",
/plugin/latexport/implementation/ |
H A D | decorator.php | 770 function rss($url, $params) { function in decorator 772 $this->decorator->rss($link, $title);
H A D | decorator_persister.php | 724 function rss($url, $params) { function in DecoratorPersister
/plugin/dw2markdown/ |
H A D | renderer.php | 473 function rss($url, $params) { function in Renderer_Plugin_dw2markdown
/plugin/farm/install/animaltemplate/data/pages/wiki/ |
H A D | syntax.txt | 358 {{rss>http://slashdot.org/index.rss 5 author date 1h }} 360 {{rss>http://slashdot.org/index.rss 5 author date 1h }}
/plugin/actionrenderer/ |
H A D | renderer.php | 429 public function rss($url, $params) function in renderer_plugin_actionrenderer
/plugin/gemini/ |
H A D | renderer.php | 327 public function rss($url, $params) function in renderer_plugin_gemini
/plugin/farmer/_animal/data/pages/wiki/ |
H A D | syntax.txt | 469 {{rss>http://slashdot.org/index.rss 5 author date 1h }} 471 {{rss>http://slashdot.org/index.rss 5 author date 1h }}
/plugin/text/ |
H A D | renderer.php | 480 function rss($url, $params) { function in renderer_plugin_text
/plugin/orphanmedia2/ |
H A D | dokuwiki-plugin-page.md | 27 {{rss>https://github.com/jercle/orphanmedia2/commits/main.atom date}}
/plugin/bugzillaint/docs/ |
H A D | bugzillaint.txt | 137 {{rss>http://github.com/timostamm/BugzillaInt/commits/master.atom date}}
/plugin/webdav/vendor/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Browser/assets/openiconic/ |
H A D | open-iconic.css | 432 .oi[data-glyph=rss-alt]:before { content:'\e0b7'; } 434 .oi[data-glyph=rss]:before { content:'\e0b8'; }
/plugin/davcal/vendor/sabre/dav/lib/DAV/Browser/assets/openiconic/ |
H A D | open-iconic.css | 432 .oi[data-glyph=rss-alt]:before { content:'\e0b7'; } 434 .oi[data-glyph=rss]:before { content:'\e0b8'; }