/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/ |
H A D | PsrLogMessageProcessor.php | 54 $placeholder = '{' . $key . '}'; 55 if (strpos($record['message'], $placeholder) === false) { 60 $replacements[$placeholder] = $val; 65 $replacements[$placeholder] = (string) $val; 67 … $replacements[$placeholder] = $val->format($this->dateFormat ?: static::SIMPLE_DATE); 70 $replacements[$placeholder] = '[object '.Utils::getClass($val).']'; 72 $replacements[$placeholder] = 'array'.Utils::jsonEncode($val, null, true); 74 $replacements[$placeholder] = '['.gettype($val).']';
/plugin/bootswrapper/exe/help/ |
H A D | carousel.txt | 6 {{:wiki:plugin:bootswrapper:image-placeholder-big.jpg?nolink|}} 7 {{:wiki:plugin:bootswrapper:image-placeholder-big.jpg?nolink|}} 8 {{:wiki:plugin:bootswrapper:image-placeholder-big.jpg?nolink|}} 14 <slide>{{:wiki:plugin:bootswrapper:image-placeholder-big.jpg?nolink|}}</slide> 22 {{:wiki:plugin:bootswrapper:image-placeholder-big.jpg?nolink|}} 23 {{:wiki:plugin:bootswrapper:image-placeholder-big.jpg?nolink|}} 24 {{:wiki:plugin:bootswrapper:image-placeholder-big.jpg?nolink|}} 31 {{:wiki:plugin:bootswrapper:image-placeholder-big.jpg?nolink|}} 44 {{:wiki:plugin:bootswrapper:image-placeholder-big.jpg?nolink|}} 51 {{:wiki:plugin:bootswrapper:image-placeholder-big.jpg?nolink|}} [all …]
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AndroidEnterprise/ |
H A D | VariableSet.php | 25 public $placeholder; variable in Google\\Service\\AndroidEnterprise\\VariableSet 34 public function setPlaceholder($placeholder) argument 36 $this->placeholder = $placeholder; 43 return $this->placeholder;
/plugin/markdownextra/lib/meltdown/js/ |
H A D | jquery.meltdown.js | 33 placeholder = example.placeholder || ""; 48 placeholder = selection.text; 62 if (selection.text !== placeholder) { 198 placeholder: "Item\n* Item", property in getExamples.examples.ul 237 placeholder: "Example link", property in examples.link 247 placeholder: "http://", property in examples.img 257 placeholder: "Quoted text", property in examples.blockquote 268 placeholder: "Code", property in examples.codeblock 280 placeholder: "code", property in examples.code 290 placeholder: "Example footnote", property in examples.footnote [all …]
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Slides/ |
H A D | Image.php | 66 public function setPlaceholder(Placeholder $placeholder) argument 68 $this->placeholder = $placeholder; 75 return $this->placeholder;
H A D | Shape.php | 36 public function setPlaceholder(Placeholder $placeholder) argument 38 $this->placeholder = $placeholder; 45 return $this->placeholder;
/plugin/frootysearch/ |
H A D | script.js | 39 var placeholder = button.value.split('\n')[0]; 49 searchField.setAttribute('placeholder', placeholder); 62 var alreadyHasplaceholder = searchField.value == placeholder; 65 searchField.value = placeholder; 76 …rootySearch__hasClassName(wrapper, "blurred");if (searchField.value == placeholder && blurred) {se… 78 … "") {frootySearch__addClassName(wrapper, "empty");searchField.value = placeholder;}frootySearch__…
/plugin/docimporter/ |
H A D | SyntaxConverter.php | 55 private $placeholder = ''; variable in MediaWiki2DokuWiki_MediaWiki_SyntaxConverter 64 $this->placeholder = '@@' . __CLASS__ . '_'; 155 $replace = $this->placeholder . (count($this->codeBlock) - 1) . '@@'; 171 $this->placeholder . $i . '@@', 429 '$v = "' . $this->placeholder . '" . $v;' 445 return str_replace($this->placeholder, '', $convertedRecord);
/plugin/commonmark/vendor/league/commonmark/src/Extension/TableOfContents/ |
H A D | TableOfContentsPlaceholderParser.php | 55 $placeholder = $this->config->get('table_of_contents/placeholder'); 56 if ($placeholder === null) { 60 // The placeholder must be the only thing on the line 61 if ($cursor->match('/^' . \preg_quote($placeholder, '/') . '$/') === null) {
/plugin/html5video2/ |
H A D | style.css | 2 …s-modal-dialog, .vjs-button > .vjs-icon-placeholder:before, .video-js .vjs-big-play-button .vjs-ic… 10 .vjs-button > .vjs-icon-placeholder:before, .video-js .vjs-big-play-button .vjs-icon-placeholder:be… 20 …play, .video-js .vjs-play-control .vjs-icon-placeholder, .video-js .vjs-big-play-button .vjs-icon-… 25 …, .video-js .vjs-play-control .vjs-icon-placeholder:before, .video-js .vjs-big-play-button .vjs-ic… 123 …ang(en-NZ) .vjs-subs-caps-button .vjs-icon-placeholder, .video-js .vjs-subtitles-button .vjs-icon-… 137 …lang(fr-CA) .vjs-subs-caps-button .vjs-icon-placeholder, .video-js .vjs-captions-button .vjs-icon-… 143 …(fr-CA) .vjs-subs-caps-button .vjs-icon-placeholder:before, .video-js .vjs-captions-button .vjs-ic… 793 .vjs-button > .vjs-icon-placeholder:before { 798 .vjs-button > .vjs-icon-placeholder { 1290 .vjs-seek-to-live-control .vjs-icon-placeholder { [all …]
/plugin/sequencediagram/bower_components/lodash/lib/fp/template/modules/ |
H A D | module.jst | 4 func.placeholder = require('./placeholder');
H A D | thru.jst | 4 func.placeholder = require('./placeholder');
/plugin/datatables/assets/datatables.net-fixedheader/js/ |
H A D | dataTables.fixedHeader.min.js |
/plugin/batchedit/ |
H A D | interface.php | 406 $placeholder = $this->getLang($this->getPlaceholderId($name)); 408 $this->printEditBox($name, FALSE, TRUE, !$multiline, $placeholder); 409 $this->printTextArea($name, $multiline, $placeholder); 537 private function printEditBox($name, $submitted = TRUE, $enabled = TRUE, $visible = TRUE, $placeholder = '') { 544 if (!empty($placeholder)) { 545 $html .= ' placeholder="' . $placeholder . '"'; 566 private function printTextArea($name, $visible = TRUE, $placeholder = '') { 569 if (!empty($placeholder)) { 570 $html .= ' placeholder 517 printEditBox($name, $submitted = TRUE, $enabled = TRUE, $visible = TRUE, $placeholder = '') global() argument 546 printTextArea($name, $visible = TRUE, $placeholder = '') global() argument [all...] |
/plugin/bugzillaint/ |
H A D | style.css | 75 div.dokuwiki .bugzillalist li.placeholder { 82 div.dokuwiki .bugzillalist.loading li.placeholder { 111 div.dokuwiki .bugzillatree li.placeholder { 118 div.dokuwiki .bugzillatree.loading li.placeholder {
/plugin/struct/meta/ |
H A D | QueryBuilder.php | 11 /** @var array placeholder -> values */ 174 * This function returns the name of the placeholder you have to use in your statement, so whenever 176 * other functions using the returned placeholder. 186 $placeholder = ":val$count"; 187 $this->values[$placeholder] = $value; 188 return $placeholder;
/plugin/struct/action/ |
H A D | output.php | 123 $placeholder = sprintf('@%s_%s_%s@', self::DW2PDF_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX, $schema, $field); 124 $event->data['replace'][$placeholder] = is_array($value) ? implode(', ', $value) : $value;
/plugin/dokumicrobugtracker/js/ |
H A D | jquery.jeditable.mini.js | 6 …a('event.editable',settings.event);if(!$.trim($(this).html())){$(this).html(settings.placeholder);} 13 if($(this).html().toLowerCase().replace(/(;|")/g,'')==settings.placeholder.toLowerCase().replace(/(… 21 …innerHTML,settings]);if(!$.trim($(self).html())){$(self).html(settings.placeholder);}}else{var sub… 24 …f,[result,settings]);if(!$.trim($(self).html())){$(self).html(settings.placeholder);}},error:funct… 25 …ml(self.revert);self.editing=false;if(!$.trim($(self).html())){$(self).html(settings.placeholder);} 38 …:'click.editable',onblur:'cancel',loadtype:'GET',loadtext:'Loading...',placeholder:'Click to edit'… property in $.fn.editable.defaults
/plugin/ckgdoku/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/ |
H A D | CHANGELOG.md | 7 * CKEditor [placeholder addon](http://ckeditor.com/addon/placeholder) support
/plugin/ckgedit/ckeditor/plugins/scayt/ |
H A D | CHANGELOG.md | 7 * CKEditor [placeholder addon](http://ckeditor.com/addon/placeholder) support
/plugin/sequencediagram/bower_components/lodash/fp/ |
H A D | _baseConvert.js | 468 function wrap(name, func, placeholder) { argument 513 result.placeholder = func.placeholder = placeholder; 557 _.placeholder = _;
/plugin/pgn4web/pgn4web/live/ |
H A D | live-offline.pgn | 1 % this is a placeholder pgn file for the live boradcast
H A D | live-no-event.pgn | 1 % this is a placeholder pgn file for the live boradcast
/plugin/sequencediagram/bower_components/lodash/dist/ |
H A D | lodash.fp.js | 548 function wrap(name, func, placeholder) { 593 result.placeholder = func.placeholder = placeholder; 637 _.placeholder = _;
/plugin/advanced/lang/en/config/ |
H A D | styleini.txt | 25 ^placeholder variable ^meaning ^ 36 Template authors should generally try to reuse the placeholder names of the default template.