3 * EvalMath - Safely evaluate math expressions.
4 *
5 * Based on EvalMath by Miles Kaufmann, with modifications by Petr Skoda.
6 *
7 * @link https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/master/lib/evalmath/evalmath.class.php
8 *
9 * @package TablePress
10 * @subpackage Formulas
11 * @author Miles Kaufmann, Petr Skoda, Tobias Bäthge
12 * @since 1.0.0
13 */
16 * Class to safely evaluate math expressions.
17 *
18 * @package TablePress
19 * @subpackage Formulas
20 * @since 1.0.0
21 */
22class EvalMath {
24	/**
25	 * Pattern used for a valid function or variable name.
26	 *
27	 * Note, variable and function names are case insensitive.
28	 *
29	 * @since 1.0.0
30	 * @var string
31	 */
32	protected static $name_pattern = '[a-z][a-z0-9_]*';
34	/**
35	 * Whether to suppress errors and warnings.
36	 *
37	 * @since 1.0.0
38	 * @var boolean
39	 */
40	public $suppress_errors = false;
42	/**
43	 * The last error message that was raised.
44	 *
45	 * @since 1.0.0
46	 * @var string
47	 */
48	public $last_error = '';
50	/**
51	 * Variables (including constants).
52	 *
53	 * @since 1.0.0
54	 * @var array
55	 */
56	public $variables = array();
58	/**
59	 * User-defined functions.
60	 *
61	 * @since 1.0.0
62	 * @var array
63	 */
64	protected $functions = array();
66	/**
67	 * Constants.
68	 *
69	 * @since 1.0.0
70	 * @var array
71	 */
72	protected $constants = array();
74	/**
75	 * Built-in functions.
76	 *
77	 * @since 1.0.0
78	 * @var array
79	 */
80	protected $builtin_functions = array(
81		'sin',
82		'sinh',
83		'arcsin',
84		'asin',
85		'arcsinh',
86		'asinh',
87		'cos',
88		'cosh',
89		'arccos',
90		'acos',
91		'arccosh',
92		'acosh',
93		'tan',
94		'tanh',
95		'arctan',
96		'atan',
97		'arctanh',
98		'atanh',
99		'sqrt',
100		'abs',
101		'ln',
102		'log10',
103		'exp',
104		'floor',
105		'ceil',
106	);
108	/**
109	 * Emulated functions.
110	 *
111	 * @since 1.0.0
112	 * @var array
113	 */
114	protected $calc_functions = array(
115		'average'          => array( -1 ),
116		'mean'             => array( -1 ),
117		'median'           => array( -1 ),
118		'mode'             => array( -1 ),
119		'range'            => array( -1 ),
120		'max'              => array( -1 ),
121		'min'              => array( -1 ),
122		'mod'              => array( 2 ),
123		'pi'               => array( 0 ),
124		'power'            => array( 2 ),
125		'log'              => array( 1, 2 ),
126		'round'            => array( 1, 2 ),
127		'number_format'    => array( 1, 2 ),
128		'number_format_eu' => array( 1, 2 ),
129		'sum'              => array( -1 ),
130		'counta'           => array( -1 ),
131		'product'          => array( -1 ),
132		'rand_int'         => array( 2 ),
133		'rand_float'       => array( 0 ),
134		'arctan2'          => array( 2 ),
135		'atan2'            => array( 2 ),
136		'if'               => array( 3 ),
137		'not'              => array( 1 ),
138		'and'              => array( -1 ),
139		'or'               => array( -1 ),
140	);
142	/**
143	 * Class constructor.
144	 *
145	 * @since 1.0.0
146	 */
147	public function __construct() {
148		// Set default constants.
149		$this->variables['pi'] = pi();
150		$this->variables['e'] = exp( 1 );
151	}
153	/**
154	 * Evaluate a math expression without checking it for variable or function assignments.
155	 *
156	 * @since 1.0.0
157	 *
158	 * @param string $expression The expression that shall be evaluated.
159	 * @return string|false Evaluated expression or false on error.
160	 */
161	public function evaluate( $expression ) {
162		return $this->pfx( $this->nfx( $expression ) );
163	}
165	/**
166	 * Evaluate a math expression or formula, and check it for variable and function assignments.
167	 *
168	 * @since 1.0.0
169	 *
170	 * @param string $expression The expression that shall be evaluated.
171	 * @return string|bool Evaluated expression, true on successful function assignment, or false on error.
172	 */
173	public function assign_and_evaluate( $expression ) {
174		$this->last_error = '';
175		$expression = trim( $expression );
176		$expression = rtrim( $expression, ';' );
178		// Is the expression a variable assignment?
179		if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^\s*(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\s*=\s*(.+)$/', $expression, $matches ) ) {
180			// Make sure we're not assigning to a constant.
181			if ( in_array( $matches[1], $this->constants, true ) ) {
182				return $this->raise_error( 'cannot_assign_to_constant', $matches[1] );
183			}
184			// Evaluate the assignment.
185			$tmp = $this->pfx( $this->nfx( $matches[2] ) );
186			if ( false === $tmp ) {
187				return false;
188			}
189			// If it could be evaluated, add it to the variable array, ...
190			$this->variables[ $matches[1] ] = $tmp;
191			// ... and return the resulting value.
192			return $tmp;
194			// Is the expression a function assignment?
195		} elseif ( 1 === preg_match( '/^\s*(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\s*\(\s*(' . self::$name_pattern . '(?:\s*,\s*' . self::$name_pattern . ')*)\s*\)\s*=\s*(.+)$/', $expression, $matches ) ) {
196			// Get the function name.
197			$function_name = $matches[1];
198			// Make sure it isn't a built-in function -- we can't redefine those.
199			if ( in_array( $matches[1], $this->builtin_functions, true ) ) {
200				return $this->raise_error( 'cannot_redefine_builtin_function', $matches[1] );
201			}
202			// Get the function arguments after removing all whitespace.
203			$matches[2] = str_replace( array( "\n", "\r", "\t", ' ' ), '', $matches[2] );
204			$args = explode( ',', $matches[2] );
206			// Convert the function definition to postfix notation.
207			$stack = $this->nfx( $matches[3] );
208			if ( false === $stack ) {
209				return false;
210			}
211			// Freeze the state of the non-argument variables.
212			$stack_count = count( $stack );
213			for ( $i = 0; $i < $stack_count; $i++ ) {
214				$token = $stack[ $i ];
215				if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^' . self::$name_pattern . '$/', $token ) && ! in_array( $token, $args, true ) ) {
216					if ( array_key_exists( $token, $this->variables ) ) {
217						$stack[ $i ] = $this->variables[ $token ];
218					} else {
219						return $this->raise_error( 'undefined_variable_in_function_definition', $token );
220					}
221				}
222			}
223			$this->functions[ $function_name ] = array( 'args' => $args, 'func' => $stack );
224			return true;
226			// No variable or function assignment, so straight-up evaluation.
227		} else {
228			return $this->evaluate( $expression );
229		}
230	}
232	/**
233	 * Return all user-defined variables and values.
234	 *
235	 * @since 1.0.0
236	 *
237	 * @return array User-defined variables and values.
238	 */
239	public function variables() {
240		return $this->variables;
241	}
243	/**
244	 * Return all user-defined functions with their arguments.
245	 *
246	 * @since 1.0.0
247	 *
248	 * @return array User-defined functions.
249	 */
250	public function functions() {
251		$output = array();
252		foreach ( $this->functions as $name => $data ) {
253			$output[] = $name . '( ' . implode( ', ', $data['args'] ) . ' )';
254		}
255		return $output;
256	}
258	/*
259	 * Internal methods.
260	 */
262	/**
263	 * Convert infix to postfix notation.
264	 *
265	 * @since 1.0.0
266	 *
267	 * @param string $expression Math expression that shall be converted.
268	 * @return array|false Converted expression or false on error.
269	 */
270	protected function nfx( $expression ) {
271		$index = 0;
272		$stack = new EvalMath_Stack();
273		$output = array(); // postfix form of expression, to be passed to pfx().
274		$expression = trim( strtolower( $expression ) );
276		$ops   = array( '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '_', '>', '<', '=' );
277		$ops_r = array( '+' => 0, '-' => 0, '*' => 0, '/' => 0, '^' => 1, '>' => 0, '<' => 0, '=' => 0 ); // Right-associative operator?
278		$ops_p = array( '+' => 0, '-' => 0, '*' => 1, '/' => 1, '_' => 1, '^' => 2, '>' => 0, '<' => 0, '=' => 0 ); // Operator precedence.
280		// We use this in syntax-checking the expression and determining when a - (minus) is a negation.
281		$expecting_operator = false;
283		// Make sure the characters are all good.
284		if ( 1 === preg_match( '/[^\w\s+*^\/()\.,-<>=]/', $expression, $matches ) ) {
285			return $this->raise_error( 'illegal_character_general', $matches[0] );
286		}
288		// Infinite Loop for the conversion.
289		while ( true ) {
290			// Get the first character at the current index.
291			$op = substr( $expression, $index, 1 );
292			// Find out if we're currently at the beginning of a number/variable/function/parenthesis/operand.
293			$ex = preg_match( '/^(' . self::$name_pattern . '\(?|\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:(e[+-]?)\d*)?|\.\d+|\()/', substr( $expression, $index ), $match );
295			// Is it a negation instead of a minus (in a subtraction)?
296			if ( '-' === $op && ! $expecting_operator ) {
297				// Put a negation on the stack.
298				$stack->push( '_' );
299				++$index;
300			} elseif ( '_' === $op ) {
301				// We have to explicitly deny underscores (as they mean negation), because they are legal on the stack.
302				return $this->raise_error( 'illegal_character_underscore' );
304				// Are we putting an operator on the stack?
305			} elseif ( ( in_array( $op, $ops, true ) || $ex ) && $expecting_operator ) {
306				// Are we expecting an operator but have a number/variable/function/opening parethesis?
307				if ( $ex ) {
308					// It's an implicit multiplication.
309					$op = '*';
310					--$index;
311				}
312				// Heart of the algorithm: .
313				// phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.FoundInWhileCondition
314				while ( $stack->count > 0 && ( $o2 = $stack->last() ) && in_array( $o2, $ops, true ) && ( $ops_r[ $op ] ? $ops_p[ $op ] < $ops_p[ $o2 ] : $ops_p[ $op ] <= $ops_p[ $o2 ] ) ) {
315					// Pop stuff off the stack into the output.
316					$output[] = $stack->pop();
317				}
318				// Many thanks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation .
319				$stack->push( $op ); // Finally put OUR operator onto the stack.
320				++$index;
321				$expecting_operator = false;
323				// Ready to close a parenthesis?
324			} elseif ( ')' === $op && $expecting_operator ) {
325				// Pop off the stack back to the last (.
326				// phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.FoundInWhileCondition
327				while ( '(' !== ( $o2 = $stack->pop() ) ) {
328					if ( is_null( $o2 ) ) {
329						return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_closing_bracket' );
330					} else {
331						$output[] = $o2;
332					}
333				}
335				// Did we just close a function?
336				if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\($/', (string) $stack->last( 2 ), $matches ) ) {
337					// Get the function name.
338					$function_name = $matches[1];
339					// See how many arguments there were (cleverly stored on the stack, thank you).
340					$arg_count = $stack->pop();
341					$stack->pop(); // $fn
342					// Send function to output.
343					$output[] = array( 'function_name' => $function_name, 'arg_count' => $arg_count );
344					// Check the argument count, depending on what type of function we have.
345					if ( in_array( $function_name, $this->builtin_functions, true ) ) {
346						// Built-in functions.
347						if ( $arg_count > 1 ) {
348							$error_data = array( 'expected' => 1, 'given' => $arg_count );
349							return $this->raise_error( 'wrong_number_of_arguments', $error_data );
350						}
351					} elseif ( array_key_exists( $function_name, $this->calc_functions ) ) {
352						// Calc-emulation functions.
353						$counts = $this->calc_functions[ $function_name ];
354						if ( in_array( -1, $counts, true ) && $arg_count > 0 ) {
355							// Everything is fine, we expected an indefinite number arguments and got some.
356						} elseif ( ! in_array( $arg_count, $counts, true ) ) {
357							$error_data = array( 'expected' => implode( '/', $this->calc_functions[ $function_name ] ), 'given' => $arg_count );
358							return $this->raise_error( 'wrong_number_of_arguments', $error_data );
359						}
360					} elseif ( array_key_exists( $function_name, $this->functions ) ) {
361						// User-defined functions.
362						if ( count( $this->functions[ $function_name ]['args'] ) !== $arg_count ) {
363							$error_data = array( 'expected' => count( $this->functions[ $function_name ]['args'] ), 'given' => $arg_count );
364							return $this->raise_error( 'wrong_number_of_arguments', $error_data );
365						}
366					} else {
367						// Did we somehow push a non-function on the stack? This should never happen.
368						return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' );
369					}
370				}
371				++$index;
373				// Did we just finish a function argument?
374			} elseif ( ',' === $op && $expecting_operator ) {
375				// phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.FoundInWhileCondition
376				while ( '(' !== ( $o2 = $stack->pop() ) ) {
377					if ( is_null( $o2 ) ) {
378						// Oops, never had a (.
379						return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_comma' );
380					} else {
381						// Pop the argument expression stuff and push onto the output.
382						$output[] = $o2;
383					}
384				}
385				// Make sure there was a function.
386				if ( 0 === preg_match( '/^(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\($/', (string) $stack->last( 2 ), $matches ) ) {
387					return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_comma' );
388				}
389				// Increment the argument count.
390				$stack->push( $stack->pop() + 1 );
391				// Put the ( back on, we'll need to pop back to it again.
392				$stack->push( '(' );
393				++$index;
394				$expecting_operator = false;
396			} elseif ( '(' === $op && ! $expecting_operator ) {
397				$stack->push( '(' ); // That was easy.
398				++$index;
400				// Do we now have a function/variable/number?
401			} elseif ( $ex && ! $expecting_operator ) {
402				$expecting_operator = true;
403				$value = $match[1];
404				// May be a function, or variable with implicit multiplication against parentheses...
405				if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\($/', $value, $matches ) ) {
406					// Is it a function?
407					if ( in_array( $matches[1], $this->builtin_functions, true ) || array_key_exists( $matches[1], $this->functions ) || array_key_exists( $matches[1], $this->calc_functions ) ) {
408						$stack->push( $value );
409						$stack->push( 1 );
410						$stack->push( '(' );
411						$expecting_operator = false;
412						// It's a variable with implicit multiplication.
413					} else {
414						$value = $matches[1];
415						$output[] = $value;
416					}
417				} else {
418					// It's a plain old variable or number.
419					$output[] = $value;
420				}
421				$index += strlen( $value );
423			} elseif ( ')' === $op ) {
424				// It could be only custom function with no arguments or a general error.
425				if ( '(' !== $stack->last() || 1 !== $stack->last( 2 ) ) {
426					return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_closing_bracket' );
427				}
428				// Did we just close a function?
429				if ( 1 === preg_match( '/^(' . self::$name_pattern . ')\($/', (string) $stack->last( 3 ), $matches ) ) {
430					$stack->pop(); // (
431					$stack->pop(); // 1
432					$stack->pop(); // $fn
433					// Get the function name.
434					$function_name = $matches[1];
435					if ( isset( $this->calc_functions[ $function_name ] ) ) {
436						// Custom calc-emulation function.
437						$counts = $this->calc_functions[ $function_name ];
438					} else {
439						// Default count for built-in functions.
440						$counts = array( 1 );
441					}
442					if ( ! in_array( 0, $counts, true ) ) {
443						$error_data = array( 'expected' => $counts, 'given' => 0 );
444						return $this->raise_error( 'wrong_number_of_arguments', $error_data );
445					}
446					// Send function to output.
447					$output[] = array( 'function_name' => $function_name, 'arg_count' => 0 );
448					++$index;
449					$expecting_operator = true;
450				} else {
451					return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_closing_bracket' );
452				}
454				// Miscellaneous error checking.
455			} elseif ( in_array( $op, $ops, true ) && ! $expecting_operator ) {
456				return $this->raise_error( 'unexpected_operator', $op );
458				// I don't even want to know what you did to get here.
459			} else {
460				return $this->raise_error( 'an_unexpected_error_occurred' );
461			}
463			if ( strlen( $expression ) === $index ) {
464				// Did we end with an operator? Bad.
465				if ( in_array( $op, $ops, true ) ) {
466					return $this->raise_error( 'operator_lacks_operand', $op );
467				} else {
468					break;
469				}
470			}
472			// Step the index past whitespace (pretty much turns whitespace into implicit multiplication if no operator is there).
473			while ( ' ' === substr( $expression, $index, 1 ) ) {
474				++$index;
475			}
476		} // while ( true )
478		// Pop everything off the stack and push onto output.
479		// phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.FoundInWhileCondition
480		while ( ! is_null( $op = $stack->pop() ) ) {
481			if ( '(' === $op ) {
482				// If there are (s on the stack, ()s were unbalanced.
483				return $this->raise_error( 'expecting_a_closing_bracket' );
484			}
485			$output[] = $op;
486		}
488		return $output;
489	}
491	/**
492	 * Evaluate postfix notation.
493	 *
494	 * @since 1.0.0
495	 *
496	 * @param array|false $tokens    [description].
497	 * @param array       $variables Optional. [description].
498	 * @return mixed [description].
499	 */
500	protected function pfx( $tokens, array $variables = array() ) {
501		if ( false === $tokens ) {
502			return false;
503		}
505		$stack = new EvalMath_Stack();
507		foreach ( $tokens as $token ) {
508			// If the token is a function, pop arguments off the stack, hand them to the function, and push the result back on.
509			if ( is_array( $token ) ) { // it's a function!
510				$function_name = $token['function_name'];
511				$count = $token['arg_count'];
513				// Built-in function.
514				if ( in_array( $function_name, $this->builtin_functions, true ) ) {
515					$op1 = $stack->pop();
516					if ( is_null( $op1 ) ) {
517						return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' );
518					}
519					// For the "arc" trigonometric synonyms.
520					$function_name = preg_replace( '/^arc/', 'a', $function_name );
521					// Rewrite "ln" (only allows one argument) to "log" (natural logarithm).
522					if ( 'ln' === $function_name ) {
523						$function_name = 'log';
524					}
525					// Perfectly safe eval().
526					// phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.Eval.Discouraged
527					eval( '$stack->push( ' . $function_name . '( $op1 ) );' );
529					// Calc-emulation function.
530				} elseif ( array_key_exists( $function_name, $this->calc_functions ) ) {
531					// Get function arguments.
532					$args = array();
533					for ( $i = $count - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
534						$arg = $stack->pop();
535						if ( is_null( $arg ) ) {
536							return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' );
537						} else {
538							$args[] = $arg;
539						}
540					}
541					// Rewrite some functions to their synonyms.
542					if ( 'if' === $function_name ) {
543						$function_name = 'func_if';
544					} elseif ( 'not' === $function_name ) {
545						$function_name = 'func_not';
546					} elseif ( 'and' === $function_name ) {
547						$function_name = 'func_and';
548					} elseif ( 'or' === $function_name ) {
549						$function_name = 'func_or';
550					} elseif ( 'mean' === $function_name ) {
551						$function_name = 'average';
552					} elseif ( 'arctan2' === $function_name ) {
553						$function_name = 'atan2';
554					}
555					$result = EvalMath_Functions::$function_name( ...array_reverse( $args ) );
556					if ( false === $result ) {
557						return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' );
558					}
559					$stack->push( $result );
561					// User-defined function.
562				} elseif ( array_key_exists( $function_name, $this->functions ) ) {
563					// Get function arguments.
564					$args = array();
565					for ( $i = count( $this->functions[ $function_name ]['args'] ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
566						$arg = $stack->pop();
567						if ( is_null( $arg ) ) {
568							return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' );
569						} else {
570							$args[ $this->functions[ $function_name ]['args'][ $i ] ] = $arg;
571						}
572					}
573					// yay... recursion!
574					$stack->push( $this->pfx( $this->functions[ $function_name ]['func'], $args ) );
575				}
577				// If the token is a binary operator, pop two values off the stack, do the operation, and push the result back on.
578			} elseif ( in_array( $token, array( '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '>', '<', '=' ), true ) ) {
579				$op2 = $stack->pop();
580				if ( is_null( $op2 ) ) {
581					return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' );
582				}
583				$op1 = $stack->pop();
584				if ( is_null( $op1 ) ) {
585					return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' );
586				}
587				switch ( $token ) {
588					case '+':
589						$stack->push( $op1 + $op2 );
590						break;
591					case '-':
592						$stack->push( $op1 - $op2 );
593						break;
594					case '*':
595						$stack->push( $op1 * $op2 );
596						break;
597					case '/':
598						if ( 0 === $op2 || '0' === $op2 ) {
599							return $this->raise_error( 'division_by_zero' );
600						}
601						$stack->push( $op1 / $op2 );
602						break;
603					case '^':
604						$stack->push( pow( $op1, $op2 ) );
605						break;
606					case '>':
607						$stack->push( (int) ( $op1 > $op2 ) );
608						break;
609					case '<':
610						$stack->push( (int) ( $op1 < $op2 ) );
611						break;
612					case '=':
613						// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictComparisons.LooseComparison,Universal.Operators.StrictComparisons.LooseEqual
614						$stack->push( (int) ( $op1 == $op2 ) ); // Don't use === as the variable type can differ (int/double/bool).
615						break;
616				}
618				// If the token is a unary operator, pop one value off the stack, do the operation, and push it back on.
619			} elseif ( '_' === $token ) {
620				$stack->push( -1 * $stack->pop() );
622				// If the token is a number or variable, push it on the stack.
623			} else {
624				if ( is_numeric( $token ) ) {
625					$stack->push( $token );
626				} elseif ( array_key_exists( $token, $this->variables ) ) {
627					$stack->push( $this->variables[ $token ] );
628				} elseif ( array_key_exists( $token, $variables ) ) {
629					$stack->push( $variables[ $token ] );
630				} else {
631					return $this->raise_error( 'undefined_variable', $token );
632				}
633			}
634		}
635		// When we're out of tokens, the stack should have a single element, the final result.
636		if ( 1 !== $stack->count ) {
637			return $this->raise_error( 'internal_error' );
638		}
639		return $stack->pop();
640	}
642	/**
643	 * Raise an error.
644	 *
645	 * @since 1.0.0
646	 *
647	 * @param string       $message    Error message.
648	 * @param array|string $error_data Optional. Additional error data.
649	 * @return bool False, to stop evaluation.
650	 */
651	protected function raise_error( $message, $error_data = null ) {
652		$this->last_error = $this->get_error_string( $message, $error_data );
653		return false;
654	}
656	/**
657	 * Get a translated string for an error message.
658	 *
659	 * @since 1.0.0
660	 *
661	 * @link https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/13264f35057d2f37374ec3e0e8ad4070f4676bd7/lang/en/mathslib.php
662	 * @link https://github.com/moodle/moodle/blob/8e54ce9717c19f768b95f4332f70e3180ffafc46/lib/moodlelib.php#L6323
663	 *
664	 * @param string       $identifier Identifier of the string.
665	 * @param array|string $error_data Optional. Additional error data.
666	 * @return string Translated string.
667	 */
668	protected function get_error_string( $identifier, $error_data = null ) {
669		$strings = array();
670		$strings['an_unexpected_error_occurred'] = 'an unexpected error occurred';
671		$strings['cannot_assign_to_constant'] = 'cannot assign to constant \'{$error_data}\'';
672		$strings['cannot_redefine_builtin_function'] = 'cannot redefine built-in function \'{$error_data}()\'';
673		$strings['division_by_zero'] = 'division by zero';
674		$strings['expecting_a_closing_bracket'] = 'expecting a closing bracket';
675		$strings['illegal_character_general'] = 'illegal character \'{$error_data}\'';
676		$strings['illegal_character_underscore'] = 'illegal character \'_\'';
677		$strings['internal_error'] = 'internal error';
678		$strings['operator_lacks_operand'] = 'operator \'{$error_data}\' lacks operand';
679		$strings['undefined_variable'] = 'undefined variable \'{$error_data}\'';
680		$strings['undefined_variable_in_function_definition'] = 'undefined variable \'{$error_data}\' in function definition';
681		$strings['unexpected_closing_bracket'] = 'unexpected closing bracket';
682		$strings['unexpected_comma'] = 'unexpected comma';
683		$strings['unexpected_operator'] = 'unexpected operator \'{$error_data}\'';
684		$strings['wrong_number_of_arguments'] = 'wrong number of arguments ({$error_data->given} given, {$error_data->expected} expected)';
686		$string = $strings[ $identifier ];
688		if ( null !== $error_data ) {
689			if ( is_array( $error_data ) ) {
690				$search = array();
691				$replace = array();
692				foreach ( $error_data as $key => $value ) {
693					if ( is_int( $key ) ) {
694						// We do not support numeric keys!
695						continue;
696					}
697					if ( is_object( $value ) || is_array( $value ) ) {
698						$value = (array) $value;
699						if ( count( $value ) > 1 ) {
700							$value = implode( ' or ', $value );
701						} else {
702							$value = (string) $value[0];
703							if ( '-1' === $value ) {
704								$value = 'at least 1';
705							}
706						}
707					}
708					$search[] = '{$error_data->' . $key . '}';
709					$replace[] = (string) $value;
710				}
711				if ( $search ) {
712					$string = str_replace( $search, $replace, $string );
713				}
714			} else {
715				$string = str_replace( '{$error_data}', (string) $error_data, $string );
716			}
717		}
719		return $string;
720	}
722} // class EvalMath
725 * Stack for the postfix/infix conversion of math expressions.
726 *
727 * @package TablePress
728 * @subpackage Formulas
729 * @since 1.0.0
730 */
731class EvalMath_Stack { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.OneObjectStructurePerFile.MultipleFound,Generic.Classes.OpeningBraceSameLine.ContentAfterBrace
733	/**
734	 * The stack.
735	 *
736	 * @since 1.0.0
737	 * @var array
738	 */
739	protected $stack = array();
741	/**
742	 * Number of items on the stack.
743	 *
744	 * @since 1.0.0
745	 * @var int
746	 */
747	public $count = 0;
749	/**
750	 * Push an item onto the stack.
751	 *
752	 * @since 1.0.0
753	 *
754	 * @param mixed $value The item that is pushed onto the stack.
755	 */
756	public function push( $value ) {
757		$this->stack[ $this->count ] = $value;
758		++$this->count;
759	}
761	/**
762	 * Pop an item from the top of the stack.
763	 *
764	 * @since 1.0.0
765	 *
766	 * @return mixed The item that is popped from the stack.
767	 */
768	public function pop() {
769		if ( $this->count > 0 ) {
770			--$this->count;
771			return $this->stack[ $this->count ];
772		}
773		return null;
774	}
776	/**
777	 * Pop an item from the end of the stack.
778	 *
779	 * @since 1.0.0
780	 *
781	 * @param int $n Count from the end of the stack.
782	 * @return mixed The item that is popped from the stack.
783	 */
784	public function last( $n = 1 ) {
785		if ( ( $this->count - $n ) >= 0 ) {
786			return $this->stack[ $this->count - $n ];
787		}
788		return null;
789	}
791} // class EvalMath_Stack
794 * Common math functions, prepared for usage in EvalMath.
795 *
796 * @package TablePress
797 * @subpackage EvalMath
798 * @since 1.0.0
799 */
800class EvalMath_Functions { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.OneObjectStructurePerFile.MultipleFound,Generic.Classes.OpeningBraceSameLine.ContentAfterBrace
802	/**
803	 * Seed for the generation of random numbers.
804	 *
805	 * @since 1.0.0
806	 * @var string
807	 */
808	protected static $random_seed = null;
810	/**
811	 * Choose from two values based on an if-condition.
812	 *
813	 * "if" is not a valid function name, which is why it's prefixed with "func_".
814	 *
815	 * @since  1.0.0
816	 *
817	 * @param double|int $condition   Condition.
818	 * @param double|int $statement   Return value if the condition is true.
819	 * @param double|int $alternative Return value if the condition is false.
820	 * @return double|int Result of the if check.
821	 */
822	public static function func_if( $condition, $statement, $alternative ) {
823		return ( (bool) $condition ? $statement : $alternative );
824	}
826	/**
827	 * Return the negation (boolean "not") of a value.
828	 *
829	 * Similar to "func_if", the function name is prefixed with "func_", although it wouldn't be necessary.
830	 *
831	 * @since  1.0.0
832	 *
833	 * @param double|int $value Value to be negated.
834	 * @return int Negated value (0 for false, 1 for true).
835	 */
836	public static function func_not( $value ) {
837		return (int) ! (bool) $value;
838	}
840	/**
841	 * Calculate the conjunction (boolean "and") of some values.
842	 *
843	 * "and" is not a valid function name, which is why it's prefixed with "func_".
844	 *
845	 * @since 1.0.0
846	 *
847	 * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the conjunction shall be calculated.
848	 * @return int Conjunction of the passed arguments.
849	 */
850	public static function func_and( ...$args ) {
851		foreach ( $args as $value ) {
852			if ( ! $value ) {
853				return 0;
854			}
855		}
856		return 1;
857	}
859	/**
860	 * Calculate the disjunction (boolean "or") of some values.
861	 *
862	 * "or" is not a valid function name, which is why it's prefixed with "func_".
863	 *
864	 * @since 1.0.0
865	 *
866	 * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the disjunction shall be calculated.
867	 * @return int Disjunction of the passed arguments.
868	 */
869	public static function func_or( ...$args ) {
870		foreach ( $args as $value ) {
871			if ( $value ) {
872				return 1;
873			}
874		}
875		return 0;
876	}
878	/**
879	 * Return the (rounded) value of Pi.
880	 *
881	 * @since 1.0.0
882	 *
883	 * @return double Rounded value of Pi.
884	 */
885	public static function pi() {
886		return pi();
887	}
889	/**
890	 * Calculate the sum of the arguments.
891	 *
892	 * @since 1.0.0
893	 *
894	 * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the sum shall be calculated.
895	 * @return double|int Sum of the passed arguments.
896	 */
897	public static function sum( ...$args ) {
898		return array_sum( $args );
899	}
901	/**
902	 * Count the number of non-empty arguments.
903	 *
904	 * @since 1.10.0
905	 *
906	 * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the number of non-empty elements shall be counted.
907	 * @return double|int Counted number of non-empty elements in the passed values.
908	 */
909	public static function counta( ...$args ) {
910		return count( array_filter( $args ) );
911	}
913	/**
914	 * Calculate the product of the arguments.
915	 *
916	 * @since 1.0.0
917	 *
918	 * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the product shall be calculated.
919	 * @return double|int Product of the passed arguments.
920	 */
921	public static function product( ...$args ) {
922		return array_product( $args );
923	}
925	/**
926	 * Calculate the average/mean value of the arguments.
927	 *
928	 * @since 1.0.0
929	 *
930	 * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the average shall be calculated.
931	 * @return double|int Average value of the passed arguments.
932	 */
933	public static function average( ...$args ) {
934		// Catch division by zero.
935		if ( 0 === count( $args ) ) {
936			return 0;
937		}
938		return array_sum( $args ) / count( $args );
939	}
941	/**
942	 * Calculate the median of the arguments.
943	 *
944	 * For even counts of arguments, the upper median is returned.
945	 *
946	 * @since 1.0.0
947	 *
948	 * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the median shall be calculated.
949	 * @return double|int Median of the passed arguments.
950	 */
951	public static function median( ...$args ) {
952		sort( $args );
953		$middle = floor( count( $args ) / 2 ); // Upper median for even counts.
954		return $args[ $middle ];
955	}
957	/**
958	 * Calculate the mode of the arguments.
959	 *
960	 * @since 1.0.0
961	 *
962	 * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the mode shall be calculated.
963	 * @return double|int Mode of the passed arguments.
964	 */
965	public static function mode( ...$args ) {
966		$values = array_count_values( $args );
967		asort( $values );
968		end( $values );
969		return key( $values );
970	}
972	/**
973	 * Calculate the range of the arguments.
974	 *
975	 * @since 1.0.0
976	 *
977	 * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the range shall be calculated.
978	 * @return double|int Range of the passed arguments.
979	 */
980	public static function range( ...$args ) {
981		sort( $args );
982		return end( $args ) - reset( $args );
983	}
985	/**
986	 * Find the maximum value of the arguments.
987	 *
988	 * @since 1.0.0
989	 *
990	 * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the maximum value shall be found.
991	 * @return double|int Maximum value of the passed arguments.
992	 */
993	public static function max( ...$args ) {
994		return max( $args );
995	}
997	/**
998	 * Find the minimum value of the arguments.
999	 *
1000	 * @since 1.0.0
1001	 *
1002	 * @param double|int ...$args Values for which the minimum value shall be found.
1003	 * @return double|int Minimum value of the passed arguments.
1004	 */
1005	public static function min( ...$args ) {
1006		return min( $args );
1007	}
1009	/**
1010	 * Calculate the remainder of a division of two numbers.
1011	 *
1012	 * @since 1.0.0
1013	 *
1014	 * @param double|int $op1 First number (dividend).
1015	 * @param double|int $op2 Second number (divisor).
1016	 * @return double|int Remainer of the division (dividend / divisor).
1017	 */
1018	public static function mod( $op1, $op2 ) {
1019		return $op1 % $op2;
1020	}
1022	/**
1023	 * Calculate the power of a base and an exponent.
1024	 *
1025	 * @since 1.0.0
1026	 *
1027	 * @param double|int $base     Base.
1028	 * @param double|int $exponent Exponent.
1029	 * @return double|int Power base^exponent.
1030	 */
1031	public static function power( $base, $exponent ) {
1032		return pow( $base, $exponent );
1033	}
1035	/**
1036	 * Calculate the logarithm of a number to a base.
1037	 *
1038	 * @since 1.0.0
1039	 *
1040	 * @param double|int $number Number.
1041	 * @param double|int $base   Optional. Base for the logarithm. Default e (for the natural logarithm).
1042	 * @return double Logarithm of the number to the base.
1043	 */
1044	public static function log( $number, $base = M_E ) {
1045		return log( $number, $base );
1046	}
1048	/**
1049	 * Calculate the arc tangent of two variables.
1050	 *
1051	 * The signs of the numbers determine the quadrant of the result.
1052	 *
1053	 * @since 1.0.0
1054	 *
1055	 * @param double|int $op1 First number.
1056	 * @param double|int $op2 Second number.
1057	 * @return double Arc tangent of two numbers, similar to arc tangent of $op1/op$ except for the sign.
1058	 */
1059	public static function atan2( $op1, $op2 ) {
1060		return atan2( $op1, $op2 );
1061	}
1063	/**
1064	 * Round a number to a given precision.
1065	 *
1066	 * @since 1.0.0
1067	 *
1068	 * @param double|int $value    Number to be rounded.
1069	 * @param int        $decimals Optional. Number of decimals after the comma after the rounding.
1070	 * @return double Rounded number.
1071	 */
1072	public static function round( $value, $decimals = 0 ) {
1073		return round( $value, $decimals );
1074	}
1076	/**
1077	 * Format a number with the . as the decimal separator and the , as the thousand separator, rounded to a precision.
1078	 *
1079	 * The is the common number format in English-language regions.
1080	 *
1081	 * @since 1.0.0
1082	 *
1083	 * @param double|int $value    Number to be rounded and formatted.
1084	 * @param int        $decimals Optional. Number of decimals after the decimal separator after the rounding.
1085	 * @return string Formatted number.
1086	 */
1087	public static function number_format( $value, $decimals = 0 ) {
1088		return number_format( $value, $decimals, '.', ',' );
1089	}
1091	/**
1092	 * Format a number with the , as the decimal separator and the space as the thousand separator, rounded to a precision.
1093	 *
1094	 * The is the common number format in non-English-language regions, mainly in Europe.
1095	 *
1096	 * @since 1.0.0
1097	 *
1098	 * @param double|int $value    Number to be rounded and formatted.
1099	 * @param int        $decimals Optional. Number of decimals after the decimal separator after the rounding.
1100	 * @return string Formatted number.
1101	 */
1102	public static function number_format_eu( $value, $decimals = 0 ) {
1103		return number_format( $value, $decimals, ',', ' ' );
1104	}
1106	/**
1107	 * Set the seed for the generation of random numbers.
1108	 *
1109	 * @since 1.0.0
1110	 *
1111	 * @param string $random_seed The seed.
1112	 */
1113	protected static function _set_random_seed( $random_seed ) {
1114		self::$random_seed = $random_seed;
1115	}
1117	/**
1118	 * Get the seed for the generation of random numbers.
1119	 *
1120	 * @since 1.0.0
1121	 *
1122	 * @return string The seed.
1123	 */
1124	protected static function _get_random_seed() {
1125		if ( is_null( self::$random_seed ) ) {
1126			return microtime();
1127		}
1128		return self::$random_seed;
1129	}
1131	/**
1132	 * Get a random integer from a range.
1133	 *
1134	 * @since 1.0.0
1135	 *
1136	 * @param int $min Minimum value for the range.
1137	 * @param int $max Maximum value for the range.
1138	 * @return int Random integer from the range [$min, $max].
1139	 */
1140	public static function rand_int( $min, $max ) {
1141		// Swap min and max value if min is bigger than max.
1142		if ( $min > $max ) {
1143			$tmp = $max;
1144			$max = $min;
1145			$min = $tmp;
1146			unset( $tmp );
1147		}
1148		$number_characters = (int) ceil( log( $max + 1 - $min, 16 ) );
1149		$md5string = md5( self::_get_random_seed() );
1150		$offset = 0;
1151		do {
1152			while ( ( $offset + $number_characters ) > strlen( $md5string ) ) {
1153				$md5string .= md5( $md5string );
1154			}
1155			$randomno = hexdec( substr( $md5string, $offset, $number_characters ) );
1156			$offset += $number_characters;
1157		} while ( ( $min + $randomno ) > $max );
1158		return $min + $randomno;
1159	}
1161	/**
1162	 * Get a random double value from a range [0, 1].
1163	 *
1164	 * @since 1.0.0
1165	 *
1166	 * @return double Random number from the range [0, 1].
1167	 */
1168	public static function rand_float() {
1169		$random_values = unpack( 'v', md5( self::_get_random_seed(), true ) );
1170		return array_shift( $random_values ) / 65536;
1171	}
1173} // class EvalMath_Functions