/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/twig/twig/test/Twig/Tests/Fixtures/tags/autoescape/ |
H A D | with_filters_arguments.test | 14 <Fabien><br /> 16 <Fabien><br /> 18 <Fabien><br /> 20 <Fabien><br /> 22 <Fabien><br />
H A D | nested.test | 20 <br /> 21 <br /> 23 <br /> 25 <br /> 26 <br />
H A D | with_filters.test | 72 <Fabien><br /> 78 <Fabien><br /> 84 &lt;Fabien&gt;<br /> 90 <FABIEN> 97 &LT;FABIEN&GT;<BR /> 104 <FABIEN><br /> 110 <b><Fabien> 111 Twig</b> 117 <b><Fabien> 118 Twig</b>
H A D | objects.test | 24 Fabien<br /> 25 fabien<br /> 26 Fabien<br />
H A D | basic.test | 22 <br /><br /> 23 <br /><br /> 25 <br /><br />
H A D | with_pre_escape_filters.test | 41 <Fabien><br /> 46 <Fabien><br /> 56 <Fabien><br /><br /> 61 <FABIEN><br /> 66 &LT;FABIEN&GT;<BR />
H A D | functions.test | 65 <br /> 71 <br /> 77 <br />
H A D | literal.test | 36 <br /> 42 <br />
/plugin/scrape/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/ |
H A D | HTML.BlockWrapper.txt |
H A D | Output.SortAttr.txt |
H A D | AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.txt |
/plugin/ckgdoku/action/entities/utils/ |
H A D | entities.conf | 9 <-> ↔ 10 <- ← 11 <=> ⇔ 12 <= ⇐
/plugin/ckgedit/action/entities/utils/ |
H A D | entities.conf | 9 <-> ↔ 10 <- ← 11 <=> ⇔ 12 <= ⇐
/plugin/rtmchecklist/ |
H A D | README.md | 10 <rtmchecklist> 16 </rtmchecklist> 20 <rtmchecklist>aaaa|bbbb</rtmchecklist>
/plugin/codebutton2/ |
H A D | admin.php | 60 …f your edit toolbar the following format:<br><pre class="code"><button name> = <geshi cod… 61 …e ".bat". Push on this button surround your selected text with <code winbatch> </code>…
/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/.ci/jobs/ |
H A D | elastic+elasticsearch-php+7.x.yml | 10 description: the Git branch specifier to build (<branchName>, <tagName>, 11 <commitId>, etc.)
H A D | elastic+elasticsearch-php+master.yml | 10 description: the Git branch specifier to build (<branchName>, <tagName>, 11 <commitId>, etc.)
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/twig/twig/test/Twig/Tests/LegacyFixtures/autoescape/ |
H A D | filename.legacy.test | 16 <br /> 17 <br />
/plugin/virtualkeyboard/vk/ |
H A D | virtualkeyboard.js | 265 ,lt = [] 284 lt.splice(14,0,'backspace'); 285 lt.splice(15,0,'tab'); 286 lt.splice(28,0,'enter'); 287 lt.splice(29,0,'caps'); 290 lt.splice(53,0,'del'); 292 lt.splice(54,0,'alt_left'); 293 lt.splice(55,0,'space'); 294 lt.splice(56,0,'alt_right'); 297 lt.dk = deadkeys; [all …]
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/twig/twig/test/Twig/Tests/Fixtures/autoescape/ |
H A D | name.test | 19 <br /> 21 <br />
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/twig/twig/doc/tags/ |
H A D | filter.rst | 21 {# outputs "<strong>some text</strong>" #}
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/twig/twig/test/Twig/Tests/Fixtures/filters/ |
H A D | nl2br.test | 13 If you have some <strong>HTML</strong><br />
H A D | trim.test | 17 If you have some <strong>HTML</strong> it will be escaped.
/plugin/icalevents/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/DocGenerators/ |
H A D | Markdown.php | 130 $content = str_replace('<em>', '*', $content); 131 $content = str_replace('</em>', '*', $content);
/plugin/epub/lang/hu/ |
H A D | remove.txt | 2 Ugyanakkor, ha elkészültünk a könyvvel, törölnünk kell az azonosítóját (ID) a könyvet alkotó oldala… 5 ha egyébként az oldalról töröltük az epub-szintaxist.