/plugin/ckgedit/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/ |
H A D | fo.js | 5 …legend:[{name:"General",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to… 6 …legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu optio… 7 …legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element butt… 8 legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse… 9 {name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"},{name:" Paste as plain text",legend:"Press …
H A D | gl.js | 5 …. Para pechar este diálogo prema ESC.",legend:[{name:"Xeral",items:[{name:"Barra de ferramentas do… 6 {name:"Editor de diálogo",legend:"Dentro do diálogo, prema TAB para navegar cara os seguintes eleme… 7 …legend:"Prema ${contextMenu} ou a TECLA MENÚ para abrir o menú contextual. A seguir móvase á segui… 8 …legend:"Prema ${elementsPathFocus} para navegar ata os elementos da barra de ruta. Móvase ao segui… 9 …legend:"Prema ${underline}"},{name:"Orde «ligazón»",legend:"Prema ${link}"},{name:"Orde «contraer … 10 legend:"Prema ${accessNextSpace} para acceder ao espazo máis próximo de foco inalcanzábel posterior…
H A D | hi.js | 5 …legend:[{name:"सामान्य",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to… 6 …legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu optio… 7 …legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element butt… 8 legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse… 9 {name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"},{name:" Paste as plain text",legend:"Press …
H A D | hr.js | 5 …Sadržaj pomoći. Za zatvaranje pritisnite ESC.",legend:[{name:"Općenito",items:[{name:"Alatna traka… 6 legend:"Unutar dijaloga, pritisnite TAB kako bi navigirali do sljedećeg elementa dijaloga, pritisni… 7 …legend:"Unutar list-boxa, pomicanje na sljedeću stavku vrši se sa TAB ili strelica kursora prema d… 8 …legend:"Pritisni ${undo}"},{name:"Ponovi naredbu",legend:"Pritisni ${redo}"},{name:"Bold naredba",… 9 …legend:"Pritisni ${accessNextSpace} za pristup najbližem nedostupnom razmaku nakon kursora, npr.: …
H A D | hu.js | 5 …rbeszédablak bezárásához nyomjon ESC-et.",legend:[{name:"Általános",items:[{name:"Szerkesztő Eszkö… 6 legend:"Párbeszédablakban nyomjon TAB-ot a következő párbeszédmezőhöz ugráshoz, nyomjon SHIFT + TAB… 7 …legend:"A listán belül a következő elemre a TAB vagy LEFELÉ NYÍLLAL mozoghat. Az előző elem kivála… 8 …legend:"Nyomj ${undo}"},{name:"Parancs megismétlése",legend:"Nyomjon ${redo}"},{name:"Félkövér par… 9 …legend:"Nyomj ${accessNextSpace} hogy hozzáférj a legközelebbi elérhetetlen fókusz helyhez a hiány…
H A D | id.js | 5 …:"Bantuan. Tekan ESC untuk menutup dialog ini.",legend:[{name:"Umum",items:[{name:"Toolbar Editor"… 6 legend:"Pada jendela dialog, tekan TAB untuk berpindah pada elemen dialog selanjutnya, tekan SHIFT+… 7 …legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list it… 8 …legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend… 9 …legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, fo…
H A D | it.js | 5 …r chiudere questa finestra premi ESC.",legend:[{name:"Generale",items:[{name:"Barra degli strument… 6 {name:"Finestra Editor",legend:"All'interno di una finestra di dialogo è possibile premere TAB per … 7 {name:"Menù contestuale Editor",legend:"Premi ${contextMenu} o TASTO APPLICAZIONE per aprire il men… 8 …legend:"All'interno di un elenco di opzioni, per spostarsi all'elemento successivo premere TAB opp… 9 …legend:"Premi ${undo}"},{name:" Ripeti comando",legend:"Premi ${redo}"},{name:" Comando Grassetto"… 10 …legend:"Premi ${accessNextSpace} per accedere il più vicino spazio di focus non raggiungibile dopo…
H A D | ja.js | 5 …legend:[{name:"全般",items:[{name:"エディターツールバー",legend:"${toolbarFocus} を押すとツールバーのオン/オフ操作ができます。カーソルをツ… 6 …legend:"${contextMenu} キーかAPPLICATION KEYを押すとコンテキストメニューが開きます。Tabか下カーソルでメニューのオプション選択が下に移動します。戻るには、S… 7 …legend:"${undo} をクリック"},{name:"やり直し",legend:"${redo} をクリック"},{name:"太字",legend:"${bold} をクリック"},{n… 8 {name:"ユーザー補助ヘルプ",legend:"${a11yHelp} をクリック"},{name:" Paste as plain text",legend:"Press ${pastetex…
H A D | km.js | 5 …legend:[{name:"ទូទៅ",items:[{name:"របារឧបករណ៍កម្មវិធីនិពន្ធ",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to n… 6 …legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu optio… 7 …legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element butt… 8 legend:"ចុច ${underline}"},{name:"ពាក្យបញ្ជាតំណ",legend:"ចុច ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse co… 9 {name:"ជំនួយពីភាពងាយស្រួល",legend:"ជួយ ${a11yHelp}"},{name:" Paste as plain text",legend:"Press …
H A D | ku.js | 5 … یارمەتی. کلیك ESC بۆ داخستنی ئەم دیالۆگه.",legend:[{name:"گشتی",items:[{name:"تووڵامرازی دەستكاری… 6 legend:"لەناوەوەی دیالۆگ, کلیکی کلیلی TAB بۆ ڕابەری دیالۆگێکی تر, داگرتنی کلیلی SHIFT + TAB بۆ گواس… 7 …legend:"لەناو سنوقی لیست, چۆن بۆ هەڵنبژاردەی لیستێکی تر کلیکی کلیلی TAB یان کلیلی تیری ڕوو لەخوار.… 8 …legend:"کلیك ${undo}"},{name:"هەڵگەڕانەوەی فەرمان",legend:"کلیك ${redo}"},{name:"فەرمانی دەقی قەڵە… 9 …legend:"کلیک ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for…
H A D | lt.js | 5 …legend:[{name:"Bendros savybės",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to nav… 6 …legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu optio… 7 …legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element butt… 8 legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse… 9 {name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"},{name:" Paste as plain text",legend:"Press …
H A D | lv.js | 5 … aizvērtu ciet šo dialogu nospiediet ESC.",legend:[{name:"Galvenais",items:[{name:"Redaktora rīkjo… 6 …legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to the next dialog element, press SHIFT+TAB to move… 7 …legend:"Saraksta laukā, lai pārvietotos uz nākošo saraksta elementu nospiediet TAB vai pogu Bultiņ… 8 …legend:"Nospiediet ${undo}"},{name:"Komanda atkārtot darbību",legend:"Nospiediet ${redo}"},{name:"… 9 legend:"Nospiediet ${accessPreviousSpace} lai piekļūtu tuvākajai nepieejamajai fokusa vietai pirms … 10 {name:"Pieejamības palīdzība",legend:"Nospiediet ${a11yHelp}"},{name:" Paste as plain text",legend:…
H A D | mk.js | 5 …а го затворите овој дијалог притиснете ESC.",legend:[{name:"Општо",items:[{name:"Мени за уредувачо… 6 legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to the next dialog element, press SHIFT+TAB to move … 7 …legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list it… 8 …legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend… 9 …legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, fo…
H A D | mn.js | 5 …legend:[{name:"Ерөнхий",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to… 6 …legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu optio… 7 …legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element butt… 8 legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse… 9 {name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"},{name:" Paste as plain text",legend:"Press …
H A D | nl.js | 5 … Druk op ESC om dit dialoog te sluiten.",legend:[{name:"Algemeen",items:[{name:"Werkbalk tekstverw… 6 {name:"Dialoog tekstverwerker",legend:"In een dialoogvenster, druk op TAB om te navigeren naar het … 7 …legend:"Druk op ${contextMenu} of APPLICATION KEY om het contextmenu te openen. Schakel naar de vo… 8 …legend:"Druk op ${elementsPathFocus} om naar het elementenpad te navigeren. Om te schakelen naar h… 9 legend:"Druk op ${bold}"},{name:"Cursief opdracht",legend:"Druk op ${italic}"},{name:"Onderstrepen … 10 …legend:"Druk ${accessNextSpace} om toegang te verkrijgen tot de dichtstbijzijnde onbereikbare focu…
H A D | no.js | 5 …. Trykk ESC for å lukke denne dialogen.",legend:[{name:"Generelt",items:[{name:"Verktøylinje for e… 6 legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to the next dialog element, press SHIFT+TAB to move … 7 …legend:"I en listeboks, gå til neste alternativ i listen med TAB eller PILTAST NED. Gå til forrige… 8 …legend:"Trykk ${undo}"},{name:"Gjør om",legend:"Trykk ${redo}"},{name:"Fet tekst",legend:"Trykk ${… 9 …legend:"Trykk ${accessNextSpace} for å komme til nærmeste fokusområde etter skrivemarkøren som ikk…
H A D | oc.js | 5 … fenèstra, quichatz sus la tòca Escap.",legend:[{name:"General",items:[{name:"Barra d'aisinas de l… 6 …legend:"Dins una bóstia de dialòg, quichar sus Tab per passar a l'element seguent, quichar sus Maj… 7 …legend:"Dins una lista en menú desenrotlant, se desplaçar cap a l'element seguent de la lista amb … 8 …legend:"Quichar sus ${undo}"},{name:"Comanda restablir",legend:"Quichar sus ${redo}"},{name:" Coma… 9 legend:"Quichar sus ${accessNextSpace} per accedir a l'element seleccionable inategnible lo mai prò… 10 {name:" Ajuda sus l'accessibilitat",legend:"Quichar sus ${a11yHelp}"},{name:" Paste as plain text",…
H A D | pl.js | 5 …. Wciśnij ESC, aby zamknąć to okno.",legend:[{name:"Informacje ogólne",items:[{name:"Pasek narzędz… 6 {name:"Okno dialogowe edytora",legend:"Wewnątrz okna dialogowego naciśnij TAB, by przejść do kolejn… 7 {name:"Menu kontekstowe edytora",legend:"Wciśnij ${contextMenu} lub PRZYCISK APLIKACJI aby otworzyć… 8 legend:"Wewnątrz listy przejdź do kolejnego elementu listy za pomocą przycisku TAB lub STRZAŁKI W D… 9 …legend:"Naciśnij ${undo}"},{name:"Polecenie Ponów",legend:"Naciśnij ${redo}"},{name:"Polecenie Pog… 10 legend:"Naciśnij ${accessPreviousSpace}, aby przejść do najbliższego niedostępnego miejsca przed ku… 11 {name:"Pomoc dotycząca dostępności",legend:"Naciśnij ${a11yHelp}"},{name:"Wklej jako tekst",legend:…
H A D | pt-br.js | 5 …ra fechar este diálogo pressione ESC.",legend:[{name:"Geral",items:[{name:"Barra de Ferramentas do… 6 {name:"Diálogo do Editor",legend:"Dentro de um diálogo, pressione TAB para navegar para o próximo e… 7 …legend:"Pressione ${contextMenu} ou TECLA DE MENU para abrir o menu de contexto, então mova para a… 8 …legend:"Pressione ${elementsPathFocus} para a barra de caminho dos elementos. Mova para o próximo … 9 …legend:"Pressione ${italic}"},{name:" Comando Sublinhado",legend:"Pressione ${underline}"},{name:"… 10 …legend:"Pressione ${accessNextSpace} para acessar o espaço de foco não alcançável mais próximo apó…
H A D | sq.js | 5 …e. Për ta mbyllur dialogun shtyp ESC.",legend:[{name:"Të përgjithshme",items:[{name:"Shiriti i Red… 6 …legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to the next dialog element, press SHIFT+TAB to move… 7 …legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list it… 8 …legend:"Shtyp ${undo}"},{name:"Ribëj komandën",legend:"Shtyp ${redo}"},{name:"Komanda e trashjes s… 9 …legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, fo…
H A D | sr-latn.js | 5 …legend:[{name:"Opšte",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to t… 6 …legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu optio… 7 …legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element butt… 8 legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse… 9 {name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"},{name:" Paste as plain text",legend:"Press …
H A D | th.js | 5 …legend:[{name:"ทั่วไป",items:[{name:"แถบเครื่องมือสำหรับเครื่องมือช่วยพิมพ์",legend:"Press ${toolb… 6 …legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu optio… 7 …legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element butt… 8 legend:"วาง ${underline}"},{name:"คำสั่งสำหรับลิงก์",legend:"วาง ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse… 9 {name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"},{name:" Paste as plain text",legend:"Press …
H A D | zh.js | 5 …legend:[{name:"一般",items:[{name:"編輯器工具列",legend:"請按 ${toolbarFocus} 以導覽到工具列。利用 TAB 或 SHIFT+TAB 以便移… 6 …legend:"在清單方塊中,使用 TAB 或下方向鍵移動到下一個列表項目。使用 SHIFT+TAB 或上方向鍵移動到上一個列表項目。按下空白鍵或 ENTER 以選取列表選項。按下 ESC 以關閉… 7 …legend:"請按下「${toolbarCollapse}」"},{name:"存取前一個焦點空間命令",legend:"請按下 ${accessPreviousSpace} 以存取最近但無法靠…
H A D | af.js | 5 …legend:[{name:"Algemeen",items:[{name:"Bewerker balk",legend:"Druk ${toolbarFocus} om op die werkb… 6 …legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu optio… 7 …legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element butt… 8 legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse… 9 {name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"},{name:" Paste as plain text",legend:"Press …
H A D | ar.js | 5 …legend:[{name:"عام",items:[{name:"Editor Toolbar",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the… 6 …legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu optio… 7 …legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element butt… 8 legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse… 9 {name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"},{name:" Paste as plain text",legend:"Press …