/plugin/jalbum/ |
H A D | script.js | 1 var isIE = false; variable 4 isIE = true;
/plugin/ryubin/ryubin/js/ |
H A D | AC_RunActiveContent.js | 5 var isIE = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ? true : false; variable 115 else if ( isIE && isWin && !isOpera ) { 128 if(isIE && isWin && !isOpera) { 166 if (isIE && isWin && !isOpera)
/plugin/snow/ |
H A D | snowstorm.js | 53 isIE = navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i), 56 isBackCompatIE = (isIE && document.compatMode === 'BackCompat'), 278 …lientWidth || document.body.clientWidth || document.body.scrollWidth) - (!isIE ? 8 : 0) - storm.fl… 336 if (isIE) { 586 if (isIE) { 597 storm.events.add(isIE?document:window,'mousemove',storm.mouseMove); 649 storm.events.remove(isIE?document:window,'mousemove',doDelayedStart);
/plugin/s5reloaded/ui/audio_support/ |
H A D | soundmanager2.js | 23 this.isIE = (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/)); 59 …return self.isIE?window[smID]:(self.isSafari?document[smID+'-embed']:document.getElementById(smID+… 236 var useDOM = !self.isIE; // IE needs document.write() to work, long story short - lame 249 self.oMC.innerHTML = html[self.isIE?0:1]; 250 … var oTarget = (!self.isIE && document.body?document.body:document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]); 264 …256px;top:-256px;width:1px;height:1px" class="movieContainer">'+html[self.isIE?0:1]+'</div>'+debug…
/plugin/ckgedit/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/js/ |
H A D | browser.js | 70 var isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') >= 0 ? true : false; 75 if(!isIE) {
/plugin/s5/ui/default/ |
H A D | slides.js | 16 var isIE = navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ? 1 : 0; variable 428 if (!isIE) { 437 if (!isIE) { 455 if (isIE && document.styleSheets && document.styleSheets[0]) {
/plugin/s5/ui/dokuwiki/ |
H A D | slides.js | 16 var isIE = navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ? 1 : 0; variable 427 if (!isIE) { 436 if (!isIE) { 454 if (isIE && document.styleSheets && document.styleSheets[0]) {
/plugin/fckg/fckeditor/editor/plugins/fonts/ |
H A D | fckplugin.js | 87 FCKFonts.isIE = function() { function
/plugin/s5reloaded/ui/thesis/ |
H A D | slides.js | 752 if(isIE) { 759 if(isIE) { 1219 if (isIE) { 1249 if(isIE) { 1331 if(fadeModus && !isIE) { 1383 if (isIE) { 1503 if(!isIE) { 2427 if(isIE) { 2470 if (isIE) { 2805 if (isIE) { [all …]
/plugin/asciimath/ |
H A D | asciimathml148r.js | 42 var isIE = document.createElementNS==null; variable 51 if (isIE) return document.createElement(t); 338 if (isIE) return document.createElement("m:"+t); 344 if (isIE) var node = document.createElement("m:"+t); 545 if (!isIE && typeof symbol.codes != "undefined") { 767 if (mathfontfamily != "" && (isIE || mathfontfamily != "serif")) { 862 if (isIE) { //needed to match size and font of formula to surrounding text 880 if (isIE) { // avoid adding MathPlayer info explicitly to each webpage
/plugin/webcode/vendor/ |
H A D | firebug-lite-1.4.js | 34 this.isIElt8=this.isIE&&(this.browserVersion-0<8); 63 this.isIEQuiksMode=this.isIE&&this.isQuiksMode; 64 this.isIEStantandMode=this.isIE&&!this.isQuiksMode; 470 var isIE=this.isIE; 1539 if(isIE&&isFunction(object)){type="function" 2183 if(isIE){var propName,cssValue; 4839 if(initial){if(isIE){var xDiff=13; 6410 if(isIE){var src=value+"\n" 6660 if(isIE){setTimeout(updateInfoTip,0) 6846 if(isIE){var imports=styleSheet.imports; [all …]
/plugin/sequencediagram/bower_components/lodash/vendor/firebug-lite/src/ |
H A D | firebug-lite-debug.js | 1154 if (this.isIE) 1343 var isIE = this.isIE; 9035 if (isIE) 11415 if (isIE) 11520 if (isIE) 17760 if (isIE) 17936 if (isIE) 18080 if (isIE) 18162 if (isIE) 19713 if (isIE) [all …]
/plugin/combo/resources/firebug/ |
H A D | firebug-lite-1.4.js | 42 this.isIE=/msie/.test(userAgent)&&!/opera/.test(userAgent); 45 this.isIElt8=this.isIE&&(this.browserVersion-0<8); 74 this.isIEQuiksMode=this.isIE&&this.isQuiksMode; 75 this.isIEStantandMode=this.isIE&&!this.isQuiksMode; 284 this.getStyle=this.isIE?function(el,name){return el.currentStyle[name]||el.style[name]||undefined 429 this.safeToString=function(ob){if(this.isIE){try{return ob+"" 455 if(this.isIE&&ignoreTags.indexOf(nodeName)!=-1){this.eraseNode(node) 478 }}else{var otherView=isIE?elt.ownerDocument.parentWindow:elt.ownerDocument.defaultView; 481 var isIE=this.isIE; [all...] |
/plugin/fckg/fckeditor/editor/plugins/geshi/ |
H A D | fckplugin.js | 39 FCKGeshi.isIE = FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE;
/plugin/tline/timeline_ajax/ |
H A D | simile-ajax-bundle.js | 1734 SimileAjax.Graphics.setOpacity=function(B,A){if(SimileAjax.Platform.browser.isIE){B.style.filter="p… 1923 if(SimileAjax.Platform.browser.isIE){A="filter:alpha(opacity=0)"; 2593 SimileAjax.XmlHttp._createRequest=function(){if(SimileAjax.Platform.browser.isIE){var B=["Msxml2.XM…
/plugin/eventline/timeline_ajax/ |
H A D | simile-ajax-bundle.js | 1734 SimileAjax.Graphics.setOpacity=function(B,A){if(SimileAjax.Platform.browser.isIE){B.style.filter="p… 1923 if(SimileAjax.Platform.browser.isIE){A="filter:alpha(opacity=0)"; 2593 SimileAjax.XmlHttp._createRequest=function(){if(SimileAjax.Platform.browser.isIE){var B=["Msxml2.XM…
/plugin/amcharts/assets/amcharts/ |
H A D | amcharts.js | 5 …=!1,d.isIE=!0);d.dx=0;d.dy=0;if(document.addEventListener||window.opera)d.isNN=!0,d.isIE=!1,d.dx=.… 8 …ndleWheel,!0),document.addEventListener("mousewheel",d.handleWheel,!0));d.isIE&&(document.attachEv… 9 …eWheel,!0),document.removeEventListener("mousewheel",d.handleWheel,!0));d.isIE&&(document.detachEv… 294 …le");"right"==f&&(f="end");"left"==f&&(f="start");isNaN(k)&&(k=1);void 0!==b&&(b=String(b),d.isIE&& 313 …ndChild(b),this.container=b,this.addDefs(e),this.R=new d.SVGRenderer(this)):d.isIE&&d.VMLRenderer&& 337 …("id",g),this.D.rect(b,c,e,h,0,0,f),k.appendChild(f),b="#",d.baseHref&&!d.isIE&&(b=this.removeTarg… 340 …",c[e]),b.appendChild(g);h.parentNode.appendChild(b);c="#";d.baseHref&&!d.isIE&&(c=this.removeTarg… 342 …ndChild(n));this.D.image(k,0,0,e,l,f).translate(c,m);k="#";d.baseHref&&!d.isIE&&(k=this.removeTarg…
/plugin/aceeditor/ |
H A D | build.js | 1 …isIE=(navigator.appName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"||navigator.appName.indexOf("MSAppHost")>=0)…
/plugin/amcharts/assets/amcharts/plugins/export/ |
H A D | export.min.js | 1 …/,""))?!0:!1},isSupported:function(){return c.config.enabled&&(!(AmCharts.isIE&&AmCharts.IEversion…
H A D | export.js | 809 if ( AmCharts.isIE && AmCharts.IEversion <= 9 ) {
/plugin/yuriigantt/3rd/dhtmlxgantt/sources/ |
H A D | dhtmlxgantt.js | 6241 if (window.DOMParser && !env.isIE) { // ff,ie9 6262 if (env.isIE) { 6332 …var t = (window.XMLHttpRequest && !env.isIE ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new window.ActiveXObject("Mic… 11056 var formatting = gantt.env.isIE ? "" : "%c"; 11070 if(!gantt.env.isIE){ 21561 if(gantt.env.isIE){ 29477 isIE: (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") >= 0), property in AnonymousFunctioncdb5859f0100.AnonymousFunctioncdb5859f27a00.env
/plugin/yuriigantt/3rd/dhtmlxgantt/ |
H A D | dhtmlxgantt.js | 13 …isIE:navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>=0||navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident")>=0,isIE6:!wind… property in AnonymousFunction949e2c6c1f00.i
/plugin/tline/timeline_js/ |
H A D | timeline-bundle.js | 193 if(SimileAjax.Platform.browser.isIE){B.style.cursor="move";
/plugin/eventline/timeline_js/ |
H A D | timeline-bundle.js | 193 if(SimileAjax.Platform.browser.isIE){B.style.cursor="move";
/plugin/pdfjs/pdfjs/build/ |
H A D | pdf.js | 14121 var isIE = /Trident/.test(userAgent); 14125 if (isIE || isIOSChrome) {