/plugin/combo/ComboStrap/Api/ |
H A D | QualityMessageHandler.php | 56 ->setBody("The page id should not be empty", Mime::getHtml()) 68 ->setBody("Quality is only for writer", Mime::getHtml()) 83 ->setBody($message->getContent(), Mime::getHtml())
/plugin/log404/ |
H A D | admin.php | 33 ptln($this->getHtml($id, $detail)); 38 protected function getHtml($id, $data) { function in admin_plugin_log404
/plugin/combo/action/ |
H A D | backlinkmenuitem.php | 112 ->setBody("The page id should not be empty", Mime::getHtml()) 127 ->setBody($html, Mime::getHtml())
H A D | linkwizard.php | 96 ->setBody("<div>" . $lang['nothingfound'] . "</div>", Mime::getHtml()) 152 ->setBody($html, Mime::getHtml())
H A D | docustom.php | 198 ->setBody($html, Mime::getHtml())
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/phpunit/php-token-stream/tests/_fixture/ |
H A D | source4.php | 7 getHtml($template); function
/plugin/syntaxhighlighter3/sxh3/demos/ |
H A D | node.js | 19 sys.puts(brush.getHtml(code));
/plugin/syntaxhighlighter3/sxh3/tests/ |
H A D | commonjs_tests.js | 49 var result = brush.getHtml(code);
/plugin/commentsyntax/_test/ |
H A D | syntax.test.php | 48 $this->assertEquals($expectHtml, $this->getHtml($text));
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Sheets/ |
H A D | PasteDataRequest.php | 93 public function getHtml() function in Google\\Service\\Sheets\\PasteDataRequest
/plugin/mantisreporter/ |
H A D | syntax.php | 83 $renderer->doc .= $this->getHtml(); 195 private function getHtml() { function in syntax_plugin_mantisreporter
/plugin/ckgdoku/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/ |
H A D | specialchar.js | 1 …getHtml())){m.removeClass("cke_light_background");g.hide();var k=f.document.createElement("span");…
H A D | specialchar.js.orig | 5 …getHtml()))c.removeClass("cke_light_background"),e.hide(),c=i.document.createElement("span"),c.set…
/plugin/ckgedit/ckeditor/plugins/specialchar/dialogs/ |
H A D | specialchar.js | 1 …getHtml())){m.removeClass("cke_light_background");g.hide();var k=f.document.createElement("span");…
H A D | specialchar.js.orig | 5 …getHtml()))c.removeClass("cke_light_background"),e.hide(),c=i.document.createElement("span"),c.set…
/plugin/ckgdoku/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/dialogs/ |
H A D | colordialog.js | 5 …tion z(a){a=a.data.getTarget();var c;"td"==a.getName()&&(c=a.getChild(0).getHtml())&&(y(),f=a,f.se… 6 ….test(a.name),b=a.data.getTarget(),g;"td"==b.getName()&&(g=b.getChild(0).getHtml())&&(q(a),c?d=b:B…
/plugin/ckgedit/ckeditor/plugins/colordialog/dialogs/ |
H A D | colordialog.js | 5 …tion z(a){a=a.data.getTarget();var c;"td"==a.getName()&&(c=a.getChild(0).getHtml())&&(y(),f=a,f.se… 6 ….test(a.name),b=a.data.getTarget(),k;"td"==b.getName()&&(k=b.getChild(0).getHtml())&&(q(a),c?d=b:B…
/plugin/combo/ComboStrap/ |
H A D | HttpResponse.php | 397 $this->setBody($message, Mime::getHtml()); 422 ->getHtml();
H A D | Mime.php | 143 public static function getHtml(): Mime function in ComboStrap\\Mime
H A D | FetcherMarkupWebcode.php | 85 return Mime::getHtml();
/plugin/barcodes/ |
H A D | syntax.php | 87 $renderer->doc .= $barcode->getHtml();
/plugin/syntaxhighlighter3/sxh3/src/js/ |
H A D | shCore.js | 124 getHtml: function(highlighter) method in sh.toolbar 138 html += (items[list[i]].getHtml || defaultGetHtml)(highlighter, list[i]); 200 getHtml: function(highlighter) method in sh.toolbar.items.expandSource 1546 getHtml: function(code) 1608 + (this.getParam('toolbar') ? sh.toolbar.getHtml(this) : '') 1643 div.innerHTML = this.getHtml(code);
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/RealTimeBidding/ |
H A D | Creative.php | 288 public function getHtml() function in Google\\Service\\RealTimeBidding\\Creative
/plugin/barcodes/lib/ |
H A D | BarcodesWrapper.php | 149 public function getHtml() { 146 public function getHtml() { global() function in DokuWiki\\Barcodes\\BarcodesWrapper
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/AdExchangeBuyerII/ |
H A D | Creative.php | 364 public function getHtml() function in Google\\Service\\AdExchangeBuyerII\\Creative