4A collection of PHP classes to create and manage bibliographic formatting for OS bibliography software
5using the OSBib standard.
7Released through http://bibliophile.sourceforge.net under the GPL licence.
8Do whatever you like with this -- some credit to the author(s) would be appreciated.
10If you make improvements, please consider contacting the administrators at bibliophile.sourceforge.net
11so that your improvements can be added to the release package.
13Adapted from WIKINDX: http://wikindx.sourceforge.net
15Mark Grimshaw 2005
19*	HTML FORM elements
21*	@author Mark Grimshaw
23*	$Header: /cvsroot/bibliophile/OSBib/create/FORM.php,v 1.1 2005/06/20 22:26:51 sirfragalot Exp $
25class FORM
27// constructor
28	function FORM()
29	{
30	}
31// print form header with hidden action field
32	function formHeader($action)
33	{
34		global $PHP_SELF;
35		$pString = <<< END
36<form method="post" action="$PHP_SELF">
37<input type="hidden" name="action" value="$action" />
39		return $pString . "\n";
40	}
41// end a form
42	function formEnd()
43	{
44		return "</form>\n";
45	}
46// print form header with hidden action field for multi-part upload forms
47	function formMultiHeader($action)
48	{
49		global $PHP_SELF;
50		$pString = <<< END
51<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="$PHP_SELF">
52<input type="hidden" name="action" value="$action" />
54		return $pString . "\n";
55	}
56// print form footer with submit field
57	function formSubmit($value = FALSE)
58	{
59		include_once("MESSAGES.php");
60		$messages = new MESSAGES();
61		if(!$value)
62			$value = $messages->text("submit", "Submit");
63		else
64			$value = $messages->text("submit", $value);
65		$pString = <<< END
66<input type="submit" value=" $value " />
68		return $pString . "\n";
69	}
70// print form reset button
71	function formReset()
72	{
73		include_once("MESSAGES.php");
74		$messages = new MESSAGES();
75		$value = $messages->text("submit", "reset");
76		$pString = <<< END
77<input type="reset" value=" $value " />
79		return $pString . "\n";
80	}
81// print hidden form input
82	function hidden($name, $value)
83	{
84		$pString = <<< END
85<input type="hidden" name="$name" value="$value" />
87		return $pString . "\n";
88	}
89// print radio button
90	function radioButton($label, $name, $value = FALSE, $checked = FALSE)
91	{
92		$checked ? $checked = "checked=\"checked\"" : "";
93		$pString = '';
94		if($label)
95			$pString = "$label:<br />";
96		$pString .= <<< END
97<input type="radio" name="$name" value="$value" $checked />
99		return $pString . "\n";
100	}
101// print checkbox
102	function checkbox($label, $name, $checked = FALSE)
103	{
104		$checked ? $checked = "checked=\"checked\"" : "";
105		$pString = '';
106		if($label)
107			$pString = "$label:<br />";
108		$pString .= <<< END
109<input type="checkbox" name="$name" $checked />
111		return $pString . "\n";
112	}
113// create select boxes for HTML forms
114// requires $name, $array and optional $size.
115// First OPTION is always SELECTED
116// optional $override allows the programmer to override the user set preferences for character limiting in select boxes
117	function selectFBox($label, $name, $array, $size = 3, $override = FALSE)
118	{
119		include_once("FORMMISC.php");
120		$formMisc = new FORMMISC();
121		$pString = '';
122		if($label)
123			$pString = "$label:<br />";
124		$pString .= "<select name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\" size=\"$size\">\n";
125		$value = array_shift($array);
126		$string = $formMisc->reduceLongText($value, $override);
127		$pString .= "<option value=\"$value\" selected=\"selected\">" . $string . "</option>\n";
128		foreach($array as $value)
129		{
130			$string = $formMisc->reduceLongText($value, $override);
131			$pString .= "<option value=\"$value\">$string</option>\n";
132		}
133		$pString .= "</select>\n";
134		return $pString;
135	}
136// create select boxes for HTML forms
137// requires $name, $array, selected value and optional $size.
138// 'selected value' is set SELECTED
139// optional $override allows the programmer to override the user set preferences for character limiting in select boxes
140	function selectedBox($label, $name, $array, $select, $size = 3, $override = FALSE)
141	{
142		include_once("FORMMISC.php");
143		$formMisc = new FORMMISC();
144		$pString = '';
145		if($label)
146			$pString = "$label:<br />";
147		$pString .= "<select name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\" size=\"$size\">\n";
148		foreach($array as $value)
149		{
150			if($value == $select)
151			{
152				$string = $formMisc->reduceLongText($value, $override);
153				$pString .= "<option value=\"$value\" selected=\"selected\">$string</option>\n";
154			}
155			else
156			{
157				$value = $formMisc->reduceLongText($value, $override);
158				$pString .= "<option>$value</option>\n";
159			}
160		}
161		$pString .= "</select>\n";
162		return $pString;
163	}
164// create select boxes form HTML forms
165// requires $name, $array and optional $size.
166// First entry is default selection.
167// OPTION VALUE is set so expects assoc. array where key holds this value
168// optional $override allows the programmer to override the user set preferences for character limiting in select boxes
169	function selectFBoxValue($label, $name, $array, $size = 3, $override = FALSE)
170	{
171		include_once("FORMMISC.php");
172		$formMisc = new FORMMISC();
173		$pString = '';
174		if($label)
175			$pString = "$label:<br />\n";
176		$pString .= "<select name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\" size=\"$size\">\n";
177		$pString .= "<option value=\"" . key($array) . "\" selected=\"selected\">" .
178			$formMisc->reduceLongText(current($array), $override) . "</option>\n";
179		$doneFirst = FALSE;
180		foreach($array as $key => $value)
181		{
182			$value = $formMisc->reduceLongText($value, $override);
183			if(!$doneFirst)
184			{
185				$doneFirst = TRUE;
186				continue;
187			}
188			$pString .= "<option value=\"$key\">$value</option>\n";
189		}
190		$pString .= "</select>\n";
191		return $pString;
192	}
193// create select boxes form HTML forms
194// requires $name, $array and optional $size.
195// $select is default selection.
196// OPTION VALUE is set so expects assoc. array where key holds this value
197// optional $override allows the programmer to override the user set preferences for character limiting in select boxes
198	function selectedBoxValue($label, $name, $array, $select, $size = 3, $override = FALSE)
199	{
200		include_once("FORMMISC.php");
201		$formMisc = new FORMMISC();
202		$pString = '';
203		if($label)
204			$pString = "$label:<br />\n";
205		$pString .= "<select name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\" size=\"$size\">\n";
206		foreach($array as $key => $value)
207		{
208			$value = $formMisc->reduceLongText($value, $override);
209			($key == $select) ?
210				$pString .= "<option value=\"$key\" selected=\"selected\">$value</option>\n" :
211				$pString .= "<option value=\"$key\">$value</option>\n";
212		}
213		$pString .= "</select>\n";
214		return $pString;
215	}
216// create select boxes form HTML forms
217// requires $name, $array and optional $size.
218// First entry is default selection.
219// OPTION VALUE is set so expects assoc. array where key holds this value.
220// MULTIPLE values may be selected
221// optional $override allows the programmer to override the user set preferences for character limiting in select boxes
222	function selectFBoxValueMultiple($label, $name, $array, $size = 3, $override = FALSE)
223	{
224		include_once("FORMMISC.php");
225		$formMisc = new FORMMISC();
226		$pString = '';
227		if($label)
228			$pString = "$label:<br />\n";
229		$name .= '[]';
230		$pString .= "<select name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\" size=\"$size\" multiple=\"multiple\">\n";
231		$pString .= "<option value=\"" . key($array) . "\" selected=\"selected\">" .
232			$formMisc->reduceLongText(current($array), $override) . "</option>\n";
233		$doneFirst = FALSE;
234		foreach($array as $key => $value)
235		{
236			$value = $formMisc->reduceLongText($value, $override);
237			if(!$doneFirst)
238			{
239				$doneFirst = TRUE;
240				continue;
241			}
242			$pString .= "<option value=\"$key\">$value</option>\n";
243		}
244		$pString .= "</select>\n";
245		return $pString;
246	}
247// create select boxes form HTML forms
248// requires $name, $array, selected values (array of) and optional $size.
249// OPTION VALUE is set so expects assoc. array where key holds this value.
250// MULTIPLE values may be selected
251// optional $override allows the programmer to override the user set preferences for character limiting in select boxes
252	function selectedBoxValueMultiple($label, $name, $array, $values, $size = 3, $override = FALSE)
253	{
254		include_once("FORMMISC.php");
255		$formMisc = new FORMMISC();
256		include_once("MESSAGES.php");
257		$messages = new MESSAGES();
258		$pString = '';
259		if($label)
260			$pString = "$label:<br />\n";
261		$name .= '[]';
262		$pString .= "<select name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\" size=\"$size\" multiple=\"multiple\">\n";
263		foreach($array as $key => $value)
264		{
265			if($value == $messages->text("misc", "ignore"))
266			{
267				$pString .= "<option value=\"$key\">$value</option>\n";
268				continue;
269			}
270			$value = $formMisc->reduceLongText($value, $override);
271			if(array_search($key, $values) !== FALSE)
272				$pString .= "<option value=\"" . $key .
273					"\" selected=\"selected\">" . $value . "</option>\n";
274			else
275				$pString .= "<option value=\"$key\">$value</option>\n";
276		}
277/* This is slow, slow, so slow! MG - 1/April/2005  Above is quicker (much, much quicker!)
278		foreach($array as $key => $value)
279		{
280			$match = FALSE;
281			$value = $formMisc->reduceLongText($value, $override);
282			foreach($values AS $select)
283			{
284				if($value == $messages->text("misc", "ignore"))
285					break;
286				if($key == $select)
287				{
288					$pString .= "<option value=\"" . $key .
289						"\" selected=\"selected\">" . $value . "</option>\n";
290					$match = TRUE;
291					break;
292				}
293			}
294			if(!$match)
295				$pString .= "<option value=\"$key\">$value</option>\n";
296		}
298		$pString .= "</select>\n";
299		return $pString;
300	}
301// password input type
302	function passwordInput($label, $name, $value = FALSE, $size = 20, $maxLength = 255)
303	{
304		$pString = '';
305		if($label)
306			$pString = "$label:<br />";
307		$pString .= <<< END
308<input type="password" name="$name" value="$value" size="$size" maxlength="$maxLength" />
310		return $pString . "\n";
311	}
312// text input type
313	function textInput($label, $name, $value = FALSE, $size = 20, $maxLength = 255)
314	{
315		$pString = '';
316		if($label)
317			$pString = "$label:<br />";
318		$pString .= <<< END
319<input type="text" name="$name" value="$value" size="$size" maxlength="$maxLength" />
321		return $pString . "\n";
322	}
323// textarea input type
324	function textareaInput($label, $name, $value = FALSE, $cols = 30, $rows = 5)
325	{
326		$pString = '';
327		if($label)
328			$pString = "$label:<br />";
329		$pString .= <<< END
330<textarea name="$name" id="$name" cols="$cols" rows="$rows">$value</textarea>
332		return $pString . "\n";
333	}
334// upload box
335	function fileUpload($label, $name, $size = 20)
336	{
337		$pString = '';
338		if($label)
339			$pString = "$label:<br />";
340		$pString .= <<< END
341<input type="file" name="$name" size="$size" />
343		return $pString . "\n";
344	}