/plugin/webcomponent/ |
H A D | copy_visuals.cmd | 1 @echo off 5 echo . 7 echo . 8 echo . 15 echo Copying the pages: 18 echo . 20 echo . 25 echo Copying the images: 28 echo . 30 echo . [all …]
/plugin/minimap/ |
H A D | copy_visuals.cmd | 1 @echo off 7 echo . 9 echo . 10 echo . 17 echo Copying the pages: 20 echo . 22 echo . 27 echo Copying the images: 30 echo . 32 echo . [all …]
/plugin/webcode/ |
H A D | copy_visuals.cmd | 1 @echo off 7 echo . 9 echo . 10 echo . 17 echo Copying the pages: 20 echo . 22 echo . 27 echo Copying the images: 30 echo . 32 echo . [all …]
/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/nyholm/dsn/ |
H A D | README.md | 25 echo get_class($dsn); // "Nyholm\Dsn\Configuration\Url" 26 echo $dsn->getHost(); // "" 27 echo $dsn->getPath(); // "/foo/bar" 28 echo $dsn->getPort(); // null 66 echo get_class($dsn); // "Nyholm\Dsn\Configuration\Url" 67 echo $dsn->getHost(); // "" 68 echo $dsn->getPath(); // "/foo/bar" 69 echo $dsn->getPort(); // null 78 echo $func->getName(); // "failover" 79 echo get_clas [all...] |
/plugin/ipban/ip-lib/ |
H A D | README.md | 70 echo (string) $address->getPreviousAddress(); 72 echo (string) $address->getNextAddress(); 113 echo (string) $range; 122 echo (string) $range->getStartAddress(); 124 echo (string) $range->getEndAddress(); 138 echo \IPLib\Factory::addressFromString('::1')->toString(); 140 echo \IPLib\Factory::addressFromString('0:0::1')->toString(); 142 echo \IPLib\Factory::rangeFromString('0:0::1/64')->toString(); 149 echo \IPLib\Factory::addressFromString('::')->toString(true); 218 echo \IPLib\Range\Type::getName($type); [all …]
/plugin/latexit/tests/dw_orig_test_files/ |
H A D | test10.txt | 23 echo "Hello, Dokuwiki!"; 27 echo "Hello again, Dokuwiki!; 39 <?php echo "hello world!"; ?> 42 <?php echo "hello world!"; ?>
/plugin/html2pdf/html2pdf/html2ps/templates/ |
H A D | error._http.tpl | 1 <h1>HTTP error <?php echo $_http_error ?></h1> 2 <p>Could not open URL <?php echo $_url?> you've specified. 6 <?php echo $_server_response; ?>
H A D | error._connection.tpl | 2 <p>Could not open URL <?php echo $_url?> you've specified. </p> 8 <?php echo $_server_response; ?>
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/paragonie/constant_time_encoding/ |
H A D | README.md | 45 echo Encoding::base64Encode($data), "\n"; 46 echo Encoding::base32EncodeUpper($data), "\n"; 47 echo Encoding::base32Encode($data), "\n"; 48 echo Encoding::hexEncode($data), "\n"; 49 echo Encoding::hexEncodeUpper($data), "\n"; 70 echo Base64::encode($data), "\n"; 71 echo Base32::encode($data), "\n";
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/hoa/iterator/ |
H A D | README.md | 107 echo $value; 132 echo $value; 153 echo $value; 172 echo $value; 193 echo "\n"; 198 echo $value; 218 echo $value, ' '; 240 echo $value, ' '; 297 echo $value, ' '; 364 echo $value; [all …]
/plugin/latexit/tests/my/ |
H A D | test10.latex | 39 echo "Hello, Dokuwiki!"; 45 echo "Hello again, Dokuwiki!; 65 <?php echo "hello world!"; ?> 71 <?php echo "hello world!"; ?>
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/ |
H A D | .travis.yml | 39 - echo 'zend.assertions=1' >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini 40 - echo 'assert.exception=On' >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini 44 …ild/travis-ci-fail.xml > /dev/null; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "SHOULD FAIL"; false; else echo "fa…
/plugin/quickstats/GEOIP/vendor/maxmind-db/reader/ext/tests/ |
H A D | 001-load.phpt | 5 echo 'skip'; 9 echo 'maxminddb extension is available';
/plugin/combo/vendor/dragonmantank/cron-expression/ |
H A D | README.md | 35 echo $cron->getNextRunDate()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 36 echo $cron->getPreviousRunDate()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 40 echo $cron->getNextRunDate()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 44 echo $cron->getNextRunDate(null, 2)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); 48 echo $cron->getNextRunDate('2010-01-12 00:00:00')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
/plugin/autogroup/conf/ |
H A D | settings.class.php | 88 …* @param bool $echo true: show inputted value, when error occurred, otherwise the sto… 91 function html(admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo=false) { argument 98 if ($echo && $this->_error) {
/plugin/etherpadlite/externals/etherpad-lite-client/ |
H A D | README.md | 10 echo "Pad has $revisionCount revisions\n\n"; 23 echo "Pad text is: <br/><ul>$padContents->text\n\n</ul>"; 24 echo "End of Pad Text\n\n<hr>";
/plugin/evesso/conf/ |
H A D | metadata.php | 14 public function html(\admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo = false) { argument 34 public function html(\admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo = false) { argument
/plugin/sentry/conf/ |
H A D | Setting.php | 41 public function html(\admin_plugin_config $plugin, $echo = false) argument 44 if ($echo) {
/plugin/scrape/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/ |
H A D | Filter.ExtractStyleBlocks.txt |
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/ |
H A D | README.md | 26 echo $response->getStatusCode(); # 200 27 echo $response->getHeaderLine('content-type'); # 'application/json; charset=utf8' 28 echo $response->getBody(); # '{"id": 1420053, "name": "guzzle", ...}' 33 echo 'I completed! ' . $response->getBody();
/plugin/cli/ |
H A D | cli-examples.txt | 43 C:\>echo pouet 46 C:\>echo But this rem is not a remark. 50 user@host:~/somedir $ echo Ah. Back to normal again 87 C:\>echo pouet 90 C:\>echo But this rem is not a remark. 94 user@host:~/somedir $ echo Ah. Back to normal again 232 user@host:~/somedir $ echo 'pouet & repouet' 262 user@host:~/somedir $ echo 'pouet & repouet' 294 user@host:~/somedir $ echo 'pouet & repouet' 323 user@host:~/somedir $ echo 'pouet & repouet'
/plugin/icalevents/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/Standards/Generic/Sniffs/PHP/ |
H A D | DisallowAlternativePHPTagsSniff.php | 241 * @param bool $echo Whether to add 'echo' or not. 245 …set(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile, $tokens, $open_tag_pointer, $close_tag_pointer, $echo = false) argument 249 if ($echo === true) {
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/symfony/yaml/Tests/Fixtures/ |
H A D | embededPhp.yml | 1 value: <?php echo 1 + 2 + 3 ?>
/plugin/pureldap/vendor/freedsx/ldap/ |
H A D | README.md | 77 echo "Entry: ".$entry->getDn().PHP_EOL; 104 echo sprintf('Error adding entry (%s): %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()).PHP_EOL; 117 echo $entry.PHP_EOL; 149 echo sprintf('Error modifying entry (%s): %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()).PHP_EOL;; 167 echo sprintf('Error deleting entry (%s): %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()).PHP_EOL;;
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/tests/TextUI/ |
H A D | phpt-args.phpt | 8 echo 'Help';