/plugin/metadisplay/ |
H A D | admin.php | 49 $commands = $_REQUEST['cmd']; 51 $start_dir = $commands['namespace'] ? $commands['namespace'] : '.'; 53 if(!empty($commands['page'])) { 98 if(!empty($commands['pcreated']) || !empty($commands['pmodified']) ) { 106 $commands['month'] = '1'; 108 if(empty($commands['day'] )) { 110 $commands['day'] = '1'; 113 $date_not_set = $commands['year'] . '-' . $commands['month'] . '-' . $commands['day'] = '1'; 116 $timestamp = $commands['year'] .'-'. $commands['month'] .'-'. $commands['day']; 130 $this->page = (!empty($commands['page'])) ? $commands['page'] : ""; [all …]
/plugin/latexit/classes/ |
H A D | Package.php | 29 protected $commands; variable in Package 39 $this->commands = array(); 58 if (!in_array($command, $this->commands)) { 59 $this->commands[] = $command; 97 if(!count($this->commands)) return ''; 99 $commands = ''; 100 foreach ($this->commands as $c) { 101 $commands .= $c."\n"; 103 return $commands;
/plugin/diagram/syntax/ |
H A D | main.php | 149 $framework = $this->_genFramework($commands); 191 $commands = array(); 229 $commands[$line_index] = array (); 307 for ($i = 0; $i < count($commands); $i++) 309 $line_length = count($commands[$i]); 314 unset($commands[$i][$line_length - 1]); 317 return array($commands, $abbrs); 336 * @param array $commands specification scheme 339 function _genFramework ($commands) argument 342 $res['n_rows'] = count($commands) * 2; [all …]
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/Genomics/ |
H A D | Action.php | 26 public $commands; variable in Google\\Service\\Genomics\\Action 73 public function setCommands($commands) argument 75 $this->commands = $commands; 82 return $this->commands;
/plugin/yuriigantt/3rd/dhtmlxgantt/sources/ext/ |
H A D | dhtmlxgantt_undo.js | 212 var command = entry.commands[j]; 533 this._batchAction.commands.push(command); 593 create: function (commands) { argument 594 return { commands: (commands ? commands.slice() : []) }; 599 var commands = _this.command; 601 var command = revert.commands[i] = commands.invert(revert.commands[i]); 602 … if (command.type === commands.type.update || command.type === commands.type.move) { 709 if (!action.commands.length) { 717 if (!action.commands.length) { 735 action.commands.sort(function (a, b) { [all …]
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/CloudLifeSciences/ |
H A D | Action.php | 34 public $commands; variable in Google\\Service\\CloudLifeSciences\\Action 129 public function setCommands($commands) argument 131 $this->commands = $commands; 138 return $this->commands;
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/OnDemandScanning/ |
H A D | BuildProvenance.php | 115 public function setCommands($commands) argument 117 $this->commands = $commands; 124 return $this->commands;
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/google/apiclient-services/src/ContainerAnalysis/ |
H A D | BuildProvenance.php | 115 public function setCommands($commands) argument 117 $this->commands = $commands; 124 return $this->commands;
/plugin/database2/ |
H A D | style.css | 57 table.database2 tr.data-list table thead th.commands 102 table.database2 tr.data-list table tbody td.commands 111 table.database2 tr.data-list table tbody td.commands input.icon-cmd 117 table.database2 tr.data-list table tbody td.commands input.hidden 132 div.dokuwiki table.inline td.commands 188 table.database2 tr.filter span.commands 193 table.database2 tr.filter span.commands input
H A D | print.css | 6 table.database2 tr.filter .commands 11 table.database2 tr.filter .commands
/plugin/yuriigantt/3rd/dhtmlxgantt/ext/ |
H A D | dhtmlxgantt_undo.js | 13 …commands:t?t.slice():[]}},invert:function(n){for(var e,o=gantt.copy(n),a=t.command,i=0;i<n.command…
/plugin/shell/lang/en/ |
H A D | help.txt | 1 … can also be used to do bad things to the server. Use with caution. All commands are executed as t… 3 In addition to what the server's shell can do, you can also use the following commands: 9 Please keep in mind that this is not a real interactive shell. It is a web page that sends commands…
/plugin/jplayer/vendor/kriswallsmith/assetic/ |
H A D | CHANGELOG-1.0.md | 20 * Fixed escaping of commands on Windows 31 * Improved escaping of commands
/plugin/syntaxhighlighter3/sxh3/pkg/scripts/ |
H A D | shBrushBash.js | 40 …var commands = 'alias apropos awk basename base64 bash bc bg builtin bzip2 cal cat cd cfdisk chgr… 63 { regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(commands), 'gm'), css: 'functions' }, // commands
/plugin/syntaxhighlighter3/sxh3/src/js/ |
H A D | shBrushBash.js | 24 …var commands = 'alias apropos awk basename base64 bash bc bg builtin bzip2 cal cat cd cfdisk chgr… 47 { regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(commands), 'gm'), css: 'functions' }, // commands
/plugin/pgn4web/pgn4web/ |
H A D | pgn-standard-proposed-supplement.txt | 73 Apart from a general command syntax we propose several specific commands 88 3.2 A generalised format for embedding commands in comments. 123 We are *not* proposing any fixed canonical list of commands. The idea is to 125 commands. 127 We *are* proposing a set of commands to deal with time handling. "clk" in the 129 4 for the detailed specification of this and other time related commands. 182 3.2.6 Multiple commands. 183 A single comment tag may contain multiple embedded commands. 187 4. Time handling commands. 192 The other commands are optional and cover times that can be derived from the [all …]
/plugin/emoji/script/ |
H A D | jquery.textcomplete.js | 405 var commands = { class in AnonymousFunction36fd7cbb0100 657 case commands.KEY_UP: 660 case commands.KEY_DOWN: 663 case commands.KEY_ENTER: 666 case commands.KEY_PAGEUP: 669 case commands.KEY_PAGEDOWN: 672 case commands.KEY_ESCAPE: 684 return commands.KEY_UP; 686 return commands.KEY_DOWN; 688 return commands.KEY_ENTER; [all …]
/plugin/farm/ |
H A D | admin.php | 307 $commands = array( 317 if(!isset($commands[$this->cmd])) $this->cmd = 'overview'; 320 $file = DOKU_FARM_PLUGIN.$commands[$this->cmd].'.class.php'; 323 $class = 'dokuwiki_farm_'.$commands[$this->cmd];
/plugin/combo/vendor/php-webdriver/webdriver/lib/Remote/ |
H A D | HttpCommandExecutor.php | 24 protected static $commands = [ variable in Facebook\\WebDriver\\Remote\\HttpCommandExecutor 136 * @var array Will be merged with $commands 187 self::$w3cCompliantCommands = array_merge(self::$commands, self::$w3cCompliantCommands); 402 if (!isset(self::$commands[$commandName])) { 411 $raw = self::$commands[$command->getName()];
/plugin/swarmwebhook/ |
H A D | .scrutinizer.yml | 6 - true #stops the inferred commands from requirements.txt
/plugin/sqlite/lang/en/ |
H A D | intro.txt | 3 This screen lets you interface existing SQLite databases directly. Just select the databases from the table of contents and enter your SQL commands.
/plugin/dokutexit/ |
H A D | README.md | 33 …* *conf/commands.tex* is where the TeX macros for dokuwiki styles will be held (this is common for… 41 * *nsbpc_texit-commands* overriding *conf/commands.tex* 50 If you want to insert the bibliography, please use the `\dokubibliography` (defined in *commands.te… 72 * *commands.tex* : a copy of the corresponding file 78 * *commands.tex* 82 * *commands.tex* 90 * *commands.tex*
/plugin/codeprettify/code-prettify/src/ |
H A D | lang-mumps.js | 41 var commands = 'B|BREAK|' + variable 126 // they will hilighted differently from commands. 128 // Add commands as keywords 129 [PR['PR_KEYWORD'], new RegExp('^(?:[^\\$]' + commands + ')\\b', 'i'), null],
/plugin/fedauth/ |
H A D | admin.php | 34 var $commands = array('add','manage','restore','toggle'); // don't require a provider id variable in admin_plugin_fedauth
/plugin/mathjax/lang/en/ |
H A D | settings.php | 5 $lang['configfile'] = '(Optional) One or more files containing MathJax configuration commands. Spe…