/plugin/pureldap/vendor/freedsx/ldap/src/FreeDSx/Ldap/Entry/ |
H A D | Change.php | 24 * Add a value to an attribute. 29 * Delete a value, or values, from an attribute. 34 * Replaces the current value of an attribute with a different one. 46 protected $attribute; 50 * @param string|Attribute $attribute argument 53 public function __construct(int $modType, $attribute, ...$values) 56 $this->attribute = $attribute instanceof Attribute ? $attribute : new Attribute($attribute, 43 protected $attribute; global() variable in FreeDSx\\Ldap\\Entry\\Change 68 setAttribute(Attribute $attribute) global() argument 133 add($attribute, ...$values) global() argument 148 delete($attribute, ...$values) global() argument 163 replace($attribute, ...$values) global() argument 177 reset($attribute) global() argument [all...] |
H A D | Entry.php | 55 * Add an attribute and its values. 57 * @param string|Attribute $attribute 61 public function add($attribute, ...$values) 63 $attribute = $attribute instanceof Attribute ? $attribute : new Attribute($attribute, ...$values); 65 if (($exists = $this->get($attribute, true)) !== null) { 66 $exists->add(...$attribute->getValues()); 68 $this->attributes[] = $attribute; 53 add($attribute, ...$values) global() argument 74 remove($attribute, ...$values) global() argument 117 set($attribute, ...$values) global() argument 144 get($attribute, bool $strict = false) global() argument 164 has($attribute, bool $strict = false) global() argument [all...] |
H A D | Attribute.php | 30 * Represents an entry attribute and any values. 49 protected $attribute; 67 * @param string $attribute 70 public function __construct(string $attribute, ...$values) 72 $this->attribute = $attribute; 77 * Add a value, or values, to the attribute. 92 * Check if the attribute has a specific value. 103 * Remove a specific value, or values, from an attribute. 132 * Set the values for the attribute 33 protected $attribute; global() variable in FreeDSx\\Ldap\\Entry\\Attribute 54 __construct(string $attribute, ...$values) global() argument 222 equals(Attribute $attribute, bool $strict = false) global() argument [all...] |
/plugin/pureldap/vendor/freedsx/ldap/src/FreeDSx/Ldap/Search/ |
H A D | RangeRetrieval.php | 23 * Provides simple helper APIs for retrieving ranged results for an entry attribute. 25 * @see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/adsi/attribute-range-retrieval 44 * Get a specific ranged attribute by name from an entry. If it does not exist it will return null. 46 * @param string|Attribute $attribute argument 48 public function getRanged(Entry $entry, $attribute): ?Attribute 50 $attribute = $attribute instanceof Attribute ? new Attribute($attribute->getName()) : new Attribute($attribute); 53 if ($rangedAttribute->equals($attribute)) { 92 hasRanged(Entry $entry, $attribute = null) global() argument 103 hasMoreValues(Attribute $attribute) global() argument 122 getMoreValues($entry, Attribute $attribute, $amount = '*') global() argument 161 getAllValues($entry, $attribute) global() argument 189 getRangeOption(Attribute $attribute) global() argument [all...] |
H A D | Filters.php | 59 * @param string $attribute 63 public static function equal(string $attribute, string $value): EqualityFilter 65 return new EqualityFilter($attribute, $value); 82 * @param string $attribute 86 public static function greaterThanOrEqual(string $attribute, string $value): GreaterThanOrEqualFilter 88 return new GreaterThanOrEqualFilter($attribute, $value); 94 * @param string $attribute 98 public static function gte(string $attribute, string $value): GreaterThanOrEqualFilter 100 return self::greaterThanOrEqual($attribute, $value); 106 * @param string $attribute 61 equal(string $attribute, string $value) global() argument 84 greaterThanOrEqual(string $attribute, string $value) global() argument 96 gte(string $attribute, string $value) global() argument 108 lessThanOrEqual(string $attribute, string $value) global() argument 120 lte(string $attribute, string $value) global() argument 131 present(string $attribute) global() argument 145 substring(string $attribute, string $startsWith, string $endsWith, string...$contains) global() argument 157 contains(string $attribute, string...$values) global() argument 169 endsWith(string $attribute, string $value) global() argument 181 startsWith(string $attribute, string $value) global() argument 195 extensible(string $attribute, string $value, string $rule, bool $matchDn = false) global() argument 207 approximate(string $attribute, string $value) global() argument [all...] |
H A D | FilterParser.php | 192 $attribute = substr( 203 if ($attribute === '') { 205 'The attribute is missing in the filter near position %s.', 210 return [$endAt, $this->getComparisonFilterObject((string) $filterType, $attribute, $value)]; 277 * @param string $attribute 283 protected function getComparisonFilterObject(string $operator, string $attribute, string $value): FilterInterface 286 return Filters::lessThanOrEqual($attribute, $this->unescapeValue($value)); 288 return Filters::greaterThanOrEqual($attribute, $this->unescapeValue($value)); 290 return Filters::approximate($attribute, $this->unescapeValue($value)); 292 return $this->getMatchingRuleFilterObject($attribute, 275 getComparisonFilterObject(string $operator, string $attribute, string $value) global() argument 304 getMatchingRuleFilterObject(string $attribute, string $value) global() argument 339 getSubstringFilterObject(string $attribute, string $value) global() argument [all...] |
/plugin/columns/ |
H A D | syntax.php | 172 $this->render_exit($renderer, $attribute); 184 protected function getAttribute($attribute, $name) { argument 186 if (array_key_exists($name, $attribute)) { 187 $result = $attribute[$name]; 216 parent::render($state, $renderer, $attribute); 219 $renderer->finishSectionEdit($attribute); 248 private function renderTable($attribute) { argument 261 private function renderTd($attribute) { argument 283 $this->addOdtTableStyle($renderer, $attribute); 284 $this->addOdtColumnStyles($renderer, $attribute); [all …]
/plugin/pureldap/vendor/freedsx/ldap/src/FreeDSx/Ldap/Control/Sorting/ |
H A D | SortKey.php | 24 protected $attribute; 37 * @param string $attribute 41 public function __construct(string $attribute, bool $useReverseOrder = false, ?string $orderingRule = null) 43 $this->attribute = $attribute; 53 return $this->attribute; 57 * @param string $attribute 60 public function setAttribute(string $attribute) 62 $this->attribute = $attribute; 23 protected $attribute; global() variable in FreeDSx\\Ldap\\Control\\Sorting\\SortKey 40 __construct(string $attribute, bool $useReverseOrder = false, string $orderingRule = null) global() argument 59 setAttribute(string $attribute) global() argument 111 ascending(string $attribute, string $matchRule = null) global() argument 123 descending(string $attribute, string $matchRule = null) global() argument [all...] |
H A D | SortingResponseControl.php | 37 * noSuchAttribute (16), -- unrecognized attribute 62 protected $attribute; 66 * @param null|string $attribute 68 public function __construct(int $result, ?string $attribute = null) 71 $this->attribute = $attribute; 88 return $this->attribute; 104 $attribute = $sorting->getChild(1); 111 ($attribute !== null) ? $attribute 59 protected $attribute; global() variable in FreeDSx\\Ldap\\Control\\Sorting\\SortingResponseControl 65 __construct(int $result, string $attribute = null) global() argument [all...] |
/plugin/refnotes/syntax/ |
H A D | notes.php | 119 $attribute = $this->parseAttributes($match[1]); 127 return array('split', $attribute, $style); 130 return array('render', $attribute); 143 $attribute = array(); 148 $attribute[$name][] = $t; 154 if (array_key_exists('ns', $attribute)) { 156 $attribute['ns'] = array_map('refnotes_namespace::canonizeName', $attribute['ns']); 158 if (count($attribute['ns']) > 1) { 159 $attribute['ma 202 renderNotes($mode, $renderer, $attribute) global() argument [all...] |
/plugin/twofactor/ |
H A D | Settings.php | 6 * Encapsulate the attribute plugin for per user/provider storage 8 * @todo maybe do our own settings saving with backwards compatibility to attribute? 14 protected $attribute; variable in dokuwiki\\plugin\\twofactor\\Settings 28 $this->attribute = plugin_load('helper', 'attribute'); 29 if ($this->attribute === null) throw new \RuntimeException('attribute plugin not found'); 30 $this->attribute->setSecure(false); 44 /** @var \helper_plugin_attribute $attribute */ 45 $attribute [all...] |
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/twig/twig/doc/functions/ |
H A D | attribute.rst | 1 ``attribute`` 5 The ``attribute`` function was added in Twig 1.2. 7 The ``attribute`` function can be used to access a "dynamic" attribute of a 12 {{ attribute(object, method) }} 13 {{ attribute(object, method, arguments) }} 14 {{ attribute(array, item) }} 17 attribute: 21 {{ attribute(object, method) is defined ? 'Method exists' : 'Method does not exist' }}
/plugin/barcodes/ |
H A D | CHANGELOG.md | 14 * Added `logo` attribute 18 * Fixed `img-type` attribute was ignored 23 * Added `size` attribute 24 * Added `scale` attribute 25 * Added `padding` attribute 38 * Added `img-type` attribute 39 * Added `color` attribute 40 * Added `background-color` attribute
/plugin/dirtylittlehelper/mermaid/editor/docs/ |
H A D | 24.24.js | 1 …attribute.value"],[/'([^']*)'/,"attribute.value"],[/[\w\-]+/,"attribute.name"],[/=/,"delimiter"],[…
H A D | 65.65.js | 1 …attribute.value.html"],[/'([^']*)'/,"attribute.value.html"],[/[\w\-]+/,"attribute.name.html"],[/=/…
H A D | 22.22.js | 1 …attribute.value"],[/'([^']*)'/,"attribute.value"],[/[\w\-]+/,"attribute.name"],[/=/,"delimiter"],[…
H A D | 41.41.js | 1 …attribute.value"],[/'([^']*)'/,"attribute.value"],[/[\w\-]+/,"attribute.name"],[/=/,"delimiter"],[…
H A D | 68.68.js | 1 …attribute.name","","attribute.value"]],[/(@qualifiedName)(\s*=\s*)("[^">?\/]*|'[^'>?\/]*)(?=[\?\/]…
/plugin/pureldap/vendor/freedsx/ldap/src/FreeDSx/Ldap/Search/Filter/ |
H A D | FilterAttributeTrait.php | 24 protected $attribute; 31 return $this->attribute; 35 * @param string $attribute 38 public function setAttribute(string $attribute) 40 $this->attribute = $attribute; 23 protected $attribute; global() variable 37 setAttribute(string $attribute) global() argument
H A D | AttributeValueAssertionTrait.php | 26 * Common methods for filters using attribute value assertions. 40 * @param string $attribute argument 43 public function __construct(string $attribute, string $value) 45 $this->attribute = $attribute; 74 Asn1::octetString($this->attribute), 85 . $this->attribute 103 throw new ProtocolException('The attribute value assertion is malformed.'); 106 $attribute = $type->getChild(0); 108 if (!($attribute instanceo [all...] |
H A D | MatchingRuleFilter.php | 48 protected $attribute; 62 * @param null|string $attribute 66 public function __construct(?string $matchingRule, ?string $attribute, string $value, bool $useDnAttributes = false) 69 $this->attribute = $attribute; 79 return $this->attribute; 83 * @param null|string $attribute 86 public function setAttribute(?string $attribute) 88 $this->attribute = $attribute; 46 protected $attribute; global() variable in FreeDSx\\Ldap\\Search\\Filter\\MatchingRuleFilter 64 __construct(string $matchingRule, string $attribute, string $value, bool $useDnAttributes = false) global() argument 84 setAttribute(string $attribute) global() argument [all...] |
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/twig/twig/test/Twig/Tests/Fixtures/functions/ |
H A D | attribute.test | 2 "attribute" function 4 {{ attribute(obj, method) }} 5 {{ attribute(array, item) }} 6 {{ attribute(obj, "bar", ["a", "b"]) }} 7 {{ attribute(obj, "bar", arguments) }} 8 {{ attribute(obj, method) is defined ? 'ok' : 'ko' }} 9 {{ attribute(obj, nonmethod) is defined ? 'ok' : 'ko' }}
/plugin/adfs/phpsaml/lib/Saml2/ |
H A D | Metadata.php | 115 foreach ($sp['attributeConsumingService']['requestedAttributes'] as $attribute) { 116 …equestedAttributeStr = sprintf(' <md:RequestedAttribute Name="%s"', $attribute['name']); 117 if (isset($attribute['nameFormat'])) { 118 $requestedAttributeStr .= sprintf(' NameFormat="%s"', $attribute['nameFormat']); 120 if (isset($attribute['friendlyName'])) { 121 … $requestedAttributeStr .= sprintf(' FriendlyName="%s"', $attribute['friendlyName']); 123 if (isset($attribute['isRequired'])) { 128 if (isset($attribute['attributeValue']) && !empty($attribute['attributeValue'])) { 130 if (is_string($attribute['attributeValue'])) { 131 $attribute['attributeValue'] = array($attribute['attributeValue']); [all …]
/plugin/findologicxmlexport/vendor/jms/serializer/tests/Fixtures/ |
H A D | AccessorSetter.php | 71 protected $attribute; variable in JMS\\Serializer\\Tests\\Fixtures\\AccessorSetterElement 87 return $this->attribute; 91 * @param string $attribute 93 public function setAttributeDifferent($attribute) argument 95 $this->attribute = $attribute . '-different';
/plugin/bootswrapper/syntax/ |
H A D | bootstrap.php | 87 foreach ($tag_attributes as $attribute => $item) { 88 $default_attributes[$attribute] = $item['default']; 163 foreach ($merged_attributes as $attribute => $value) { 165 unset($merged_attributes[$attribute]); 301 foreach (array_keys($this->core_attributes) as $attribute) { 302 if (isset($attributes[$attribute])) { 303 $core_attributes[$attribute] = $attributes[$attribute]; 316 foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) { 317 if ($attribute == 'class') { 321 if ($attribute == 'style') { [all …]