/plugin/elasticsearch/vendor/ezimuel/guzzlestreams/tests/ |
H A D | UtilsTest.php | 8 use GuzzleHttp\Stream\Utils; alias 17 $this->assertEquals('foobaz', Utils::copyToString($s)); 19 $this->assertEquals('foo', Utils::copyToString($s, 3)); 20 $this->assertEquals('baz', Utils::copyToString($s, 3)); 21 $this->assertEquals('', Utils::copyToString($s)); 32 $result = Utils::copyToString($s1); 40 Utils::copyToStream($s1, $s2); 44 Utils::copyToStream($s1, $s2, 3); 46 Utils::copyToStream($s1, $s2, 3); 55 Utils [all...] |
H A D | CachingStreamTest.php | 6 use GuzzleHttp\Stream\Utils; alias 100 $this->assertEquals("0000\n", Utils::readline($body)); 101 $this->assertEquals("0001\n", Utils::readline($body)); 106 $this->assertEquals("0003\n", Utils::readline($body)); 108 $this->assertEquals("0004\n", Utils::readline($body)); 109 $this->assertEquals("0005\n", Utils::readline($body)); 115 $this->assertEquals("TEST\n", Utils::readline($body)); 116 $this->assertEquals("0003\n", Utils::readline($body)); 117 $this->assertEquals("0004\n", Utils::readline($body)); 118 $this->assertEquals("0005\n", Utils [all...] |
/plugin/webdav/core/DAV/Collection/Pages/ |
H A D | File.php | 14 use dokuwiki\plugin\webdav\core\Utils; alias 20 Utils::log('debug', "Delete page"); 21 Utils::saveWikiText($this->info['id'], null, 'delete'); 26 Utils::log('debug', "Edit page"); 27 Utils::saveWikiText($this->info['id'], Utils::streamReader($data), 'edit');
H A D | Directory.php | 14 use dokuwiki\plugin\webdav\core\Utils; alias 27 Utils::log('debug', "Create directory $name"); 49 Utils::log('debug', "Delete directory"); 69 Utils::log('debug', "Create page $id - $name"); 71 Utils::saveWikiText($id, $data, 'create');
/plugin/webdav/core/Plugin/ |
H A D | Exception.php | 13 use dokuwiki\plugin\webdav\core\Utils; alias 43 Utils::log('fatal', "[{class}] {message} in {file}({line})", [ 50 Utils::log('debug', 'User-Agent: {agent}', ['agent' => @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']]); 51 Utils::log('debug', 'Remote-User: {user}', ['user' => @$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']]); 52 Utils::log('debug', 'Request-URI: {uri}', ['uri' => @$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']]); 53 … Utils::log('debug', 'Request-Method: {method}', ['method' => @$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']]);
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/ |
H A D | functions.php | 26 return Utils::queue($assign); 41 return Utils::task($task); 119 return Utils::inspect($promise); 138 return Utils::inspectAll($promises); 159 return Utils::unwrap($promises); 179 return Utils::all($promises, $recursive); 202 return Utils::some($count, $promises); 217 return Utils::any($promises); 236 return Utils::settle($promises);
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/ |
H A D | functions.php | 41 return Utils::uriFor($uri); 84 return Utils::streamFor($resource, $options); 143 return Utils::modifyRequest($request, $changes); 180 return Utils::tryFopen($filename, $mode); 199 return Utils::copyToString($stream, $maxLen); 217 return Utils::copyToStream($source, $dest, $maxLen); 238 return Utils::hash($stream, $algo, $rawOutput); 253 return Utils::readLine($stream, $maxLength); 421 return Utils::caselessRemove($keys, $data);
H A D | MultipartStream.php | 77 $stream->addStream(Utils::streamFor("--{$this->boundary}--\r\n")); 90 $element['contents'] = Utils::streamFor($element['contents']); 106 $stream->addStream(Utils::streamFor($this->getHeaders($headers))); 108 $stream->addStream(Utils::streamFor("\r\n"));
H A D | LazyOpenStream.php | 40 return Utils::streamFor(Utils::tryFopen($this->filename, $this->mode));
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/ |
H A D | StreamHandler.php | 15 use Monolog\Utils; alias 58 if (($phpMemoryLimit = Utils::expandIniShorthandBytes(ini_get('memory_limit'))) !== false) { 76 $this->url = Utils::canonicalizePath($stream); 133 … can not be opened. This may be caused by a premature call to close().' . Utils::getRecordMessageF… 146 …e "%s" could not be opened in append mode: '.$this->errorMessage, $url) . Utils::getRecordMessageF… 154 …throw new \LogicException('No stream was opened yet' . Utils::getRecordMessageForException($record…
H A D | SqsHandler.php | 16 use Monolog\Utils; alias 49 …gumentException('SqsHandler accepts only formatted records as a string' . Utils::getRecordMessageF… 54 $messageBody = Utils::substr($messageBody, 0, static::HEAD_MESSAGE_SIZE);
H A D | ChromePHPHandler.php | 17 use Monolog\Utils; alias 151 … $json = Utils::jsonEncode(self::$json, Utils::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS & ~JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE, true); 166 $json = Utils::jsonEncode(self::$json, null, true);
H A D | BrowserConsoleHandler.php | 16 use Monolog\Utils; alias 209 …$format = Utils::substr($format, 0, $pos) . '%c' . $match[1][0] . '%c' . Utils::substr($format, $p… 239 …eption('Failed to run preg_replace_callback: ' . $pcreErrorCode . ' / ' . Utils::pcreLastErrorMess…
H A D | SyslogHandler.php | 15 use Monolog\Utils; alias 64 …syslog for ident "'.$this->ident.'" and facility "'.$this->facility.'"' . Utils::getRecordMessageF…
/plugin/webdav/ |
H A D | server.php | 51 use dokuwiki\plugin\webdav\core\Utils; alias 66 Utils::log('fatal', "[{class}] {message} in {file}({line})", [ 74 Utils::log('debug', '====================');
/plugin/webdav/core/ |
H A D | Server.php | 130 Utils::log('debug', 'User-Agent: {agent}', ['agent' => @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']]); 131 Utils::log('debug', 'Remote-User: {user}', ['user' => @$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']]); 132 Utils::log('debug', 'Request-URI: {uri}', ['uri' => @$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']]); 133 Utils::log('debug', 'Request-Method: {method}', ['method' => @$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']]);
/plugin/webdav/core/DAV/Collection/Media/ |
H A D | File.php | 14 use dokuwiki\plugin\webdav\core\Utils; alias 22 Utils::log('debug', 'Delete media'); 73 Utils::log('debug', "Allowed files $regex"); 82 if (!Utils::streamWriter($stream, $this->info['path'])) {
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Processor/ |
H A D | PsrLogMessageProcessor.php | 14 use Monolog\Utils; alias 70 $replacements[$placeholder] = '[object '.Utils::getClass($val).']'; 72 $replacements[$placeholder] = 'array'.Utils::jsonEncode($val, null, true);
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/ |
H A D | NormalizerFormatter.php | 15 use Monolog\Utils; alias 35 private $jsonEncodeOptions = Utils::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS; 186 return [Utils::getClass($data) => $value]; 206 'class' => Utils::getClass($e), 253 return Utils::jsonEncode($data, $this->jsonEncodeOptions, $ignoreErrors);
H A D | GelfMessageFormatter.php | 16 use Monolog\Utils; alias 113 $message->setShortMessage(Utils::substr($record['message'], 0, $this->maxLength)); 132 …$message->setAdditional($this->extraPrefix . $key, Utils::substr((string) $val, 0, $this->maxLengt… 143 …$message->setAdditional($this->contextPrefix . $key, Utils::substr((string) $val, 0, $this->maxLen…
H A D | HtmlFormatter.php | 15 use Monolog\Utils; alias 140 return Utils::jsonEncode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | Utils::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS, true);
H A D | FluentdFormatter.php | 14 use Monolog\Utils; alias 76 return Utils::jsonEncode([$tag, $record['datetime']->getTimestamp(), $message]);
/plugin/webdav/core/Backend/ |
H A D | Auth.php | 13 use dokuwiki\plugin\webdav\core\Utils; alias 35 Utils::log('fatal', 'Unauthorized. Check webdav.remoteuser option');
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/Slack/ |
H A D | SlackRecord.php | 15 use Monolog\Utils; alias 235 ? Utils::jsonEncode($normalized, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|Utils::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS) 236 : Utils::jsonEncode($normalized, Utils::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS);
/plugin/authgooglesheets/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/ |
H A D | CurlMultiHandler.php | 6 use GuzzleHttp\Utils; alias 105 $currentTime = Utils::currentTime(); 157 $this->delays[$id] = Utils::currentTime() + ($easy->options['delay'] / 1000); 209 $currentTime = Utils::currentTime();