/plugin/tgnotify/ |
H A D | CHANGELOG.rst | 50 Version 1.0.8 (May 17, 2023) 53 * Feature: Plugin debug mode is added. May be activated at settings page.
/plugin/bibtex/OSBib/ |
H A D | CHANGELOG | 21 19/May/2005 28 15/May/2005 33 6/May/2005 40 5/May/2005
/plugin/csv/_test/ |
H A D | avengers.csv | 14 http://marvel.wikia.com/T%27Challa_(Earth-616),T'Challa,780,NO,MALE,,May-68,1968,47,Full,NO,,,,,,,,… 38 http://marvel.wikia.com/Eros_(Earth-616)#,Eros,206,NO,MALE,Jun-83,May-84,1984,31,Full,NO,,,,,,,,,,NA 45 http://marvel.wikia.com/John_Walker_(Earth-616)#,John F. Walker,352,NO,MALE,,May-89,1989,26,Full,NO… 50 http://marvel.wikia.com/Chris_Powell_(Earth-616)#,Christopher Powell,168,NO,MALE,,May-93,1993,22,Fu… 68 http://marvel.wikia.com/Doreen_Green_(Earth-616)#,Dorreen Green,47,NO,FEMALE,,5-May,2005,10,Full,NO… 69 http://marvel.wikia.com/Monkey_Joe_(Earth-616)#,,7,NO,MALE,,5-May,2005,10,Full,YES,NO,,,,,,,,,Kille… 86 http://marvel.wikia.com/Vance_Astrovik_(Earth-616)#,Vance Astrovik,302,NO,MALE,,May-98,1998,17,Full… 87 http://marvel.wikia.com/Angelica_Jones_(Earth-616)#,Angelica Jones,330,NO,FEMALE,,May-98,1998,17,Fu… 112 http://marvel.wikia.com/Maria_Hill_(Earth-616)#,Maria Hill,359,YES,FEMALE,,10-May,2010,5,Full,NO,,,… 118 http://marvel.wikia.com/Brian_Braddock_(Earth-616)#,Brian Braddock,545,NO,MALE,,10-May,2010,5,Full,… [all …]
/plugin/dokukiwix/ |
H A D | manager.dat | 1 installed=Sat, 26 May 2007 21:44:18 +0100
/plugin/bibtex4dw/ |
H A D | CHANGELOG.md | 7 Note that the changelog started only in May 2023, after the plugin was not developed for several years (but continuously used by its author). Old changes are taken from the (German) plugin homepage of its author.
H A D | TODO.md | 3 Things that need to/should be done, as of May 2023
/plugin/fckg/ |
H A D | Changes | 208 3 May 212 15 May 215 30 May 359 14 May 362 19 May
/plugin/photogallery/phpThumb/demo/ |
H A D | readme.demos.txt | 24 gallery with ability to browse subdirectories. May use
/plugin/jplayer/vendor/kriswallsmith/assetic/ |
H A D | CHANGELOG-1.1.md | 17 1.1.0 (May 15, 2013)
/plugin/pdfjs/pdfjs/web/locale/tl/ |
H A D | viewer.properties | 94 document_properties_author=May Akda: 211 rendering_error=May naganap na pagkakamali habang pagsasalin sa pahina. 224 loading_error=May maling nangyari habang kinakarga ang PDF.
/plugin/bibtex/OSBib/format/bibtexParse/ |
H A D | CHANGELOG | 23 5/May/2005 - Mark Grimshaw and Guillaume Gardey.
/plugin/adfs/phpsaml/extlib/xmlseclibs/ |
H A D | CHANGELOG.txt | 46 25, May 2017, 3.0.0 75 21, May 2015, 1.3.2
/plugin/addnewpage/ |
H A D | README.md | 46 In May 2023, [Damien Regad](https://github.com/dregad) decided to take over the plugin's maintenance.
/plugin/bible/bible_douayRheims/ |
H A D | Philemon.txt | 20 1:20. Yea, brother. May I enjoy thee in the Lord! Refresh my bowels in the Lord.
/plugin/yuriigantt/3rd/dhtmlxgantt/locale/ |
H A D | locale.js.map | 1 …May\", \"June\", \"July\", \"August\", \"September\", \"October\", \"November\", \"December\"],\n\…
H A D | locale_tr.js.map | 1 …Mayıs\", \"Haziran\", \"Temmuz\", \"Ağustos\", \"Eylül\", \"Ekim\", \"Kasım\", \"Aralık\"],\n\t\tm…
H A D | locale_es.js.map | 1 …, \"Diciembre\"],\n\t\tmonth_short: [\"Ene\", \"Feb\", \"Mar\", \"Abr\", \"May\", \"Jun\", \"Jul\"…
/plugin/eventline/example/ |
H A D | exampleDataForCutAndPaste.txt | 3 <event start='1945' title='As We May Think (article)' durationEvent='false' link='http://www.theatl…
/plugin/cli/ |
H A D | cli-examples.txt | 131 Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May 1 2007, 17:47:05) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on 143 Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May 1 2007, 17:47:05) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on
/plugin/codemirror/dist/modes/ |
H A D | rpm.min.js.map | 1 …-+$/;\n var headerLine = /^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct…
/plugin/codeprettify/code-prettify/ |
H A D | CHANGES.md | 68 ## 21 May 2009
/plugin/dokumicrobugtracker/ |
H A D | style.css | 6 * Created: Tue May 12 06:47:22 BST 2009 545 * Created: Tue May 12 06:47:22 BST 2009
/plugin/dokumicrobugtracker/css/ |
H A D | demo_table_jui.css | 6 * Created: Tue May 12 06:47:22 BST 2009
H A D | demo_table.css | 6 * Created: Tue May 12 06:47:22 BST 2009
/plugin/photogallery/phpThumb/docs/ |
H A D | phpthumb.changelog.txt | 164 v1.7.9 - May 28, 2008 776 v1.5.4 - May 27, 2005 806 v1.5.3 - May 4, 2005 1284 v1.4.3 - May 25, 2004 1308 v1.4.2 - May 10, 2004 1315 v1.4.1.1 - May 9, 2004 1321 v1.4.1 - May 9, 2004