2 * @license
3 * Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 */
19 * @fileoverview
20 * Registers a language handler for Swift
21 *
22 *
23 * To use, include prettify.js and this file in your HTML page.
24 * Then put your code in an HTML tag like
25 *      <pre class="prettyprint lang-swift">(my swift code)</pre>
26 * This file supports the following language extensions:
27 *     lang-swift - Swift
28 *
29 * I used https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/AboutTheLanguageReference.html
30 * as the source of truth for this. The revision from 2015-10-21 (Swift 2.1) was used in most recent update.
31 *
32 * @author cerech@google.com
33 */
36    PR['createSimpleLexer'](
37        [
38          //whitespace
39          [PR['PR_PLAIN'],                /^[ \n\r\t\v\f\0]+/, null, ' \n\r\t\v\f\0'],
40          //string literals
41          [PR['PR_STRING'],               /^"(?:[^"\\]|(?:\\.)|(?:\\\((?:[^"\\)]|\\.)*\)))*"/, null, '"']
42        ],
43        [
44          //floating point literals
45          [PR['PR_LITERAL'],              /^(?:(?:0x[\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F_]*\.[\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F_]*[pP]?)|(?:\d[\d_]*\.\d[\d_]*[eE]?))[+-]?\d[\d_]*/, null],
46          //integer literals
47          [PR['PR_LITERAL'],              /^-?(?:(?:0(?:(?:b[01][01_]*)|(?:o[0-7][0-7_]*)|(?:x[\da-fA-F][\da-fA-F_]*)))|(?:\d[\d_]*))/, null],
48          //some other literals
49          [PR['PR_LITERAL'],              /^(?:_|Any|true|false|nil)\b/, null],
50          //keywords
51          [PR['PR_KEYWORD'],              /^\b(?:__COLUMN__|__FILE__|__FUNCTION__|__LINE__|#available|#colorLiteral|#column|#else|#elseif|#endif|#file|#fileLiteral|#function|#if|#imageLiteral|#line|#selector|#sourceLocation|arch|arm|arm64|associatedtype|associativity|as|break|case|catch|class|continue|convenience|default|defer|deinit|didSet|do|dynamic|dynamicType|else|enum|extension|fallthrough|fileprivate|final|for|func|get|guard|import|indirect|infix|init|inout|internal|i386|if|in|iOS|iOSApplicationExtension|is|lazy|left|let|mutating|none|nonmutating|open|operator|optional|OSX|OSXApplicationExtension|override|postfix|precedence|prefix|private|protocol|Protocol|public|repeat|required|rethrows|return|right|safe|Self|self|set|static|struct|subscript|super|switch|throw|throws|try|Type|typealias|unowned|unsafe|var|weak|watchOS|where|while|willSet|x86_64)\b/, null],
52          //double slash comments
53          [PR['PR_COMMENT'],              /^\/\/.*?[\n\r]/, null],
54          //slash star comments
55          [PR['PR_COMMENT'],              /^\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$)/, null],
56          //punctuation
57          [PR['PR_PUNCTUATION'],          /^<<=|<=|<<|>>=|>=|>>|===|==|\.\.\.|&&=|\.\.<|!==|!=|&=|~=|~|\(|\)|\[|\]|{|}|@|#|;|\.|,|:|\|\|=|\?\?|\|\||&&|&\*|&\+|&-|&=|\+=|-=|\/=|\*=|\^=|%=|\|=|->|`|==|\+\+|--|\/|\+|!|\*|%|<|>|&|\||\^|\?|=|-|_/, null],
58          [PR['PR_TYPE'],                 /^\b(?:[@_]?[A-Z]+[a-z][A-Za-z_$@0-9]*|\w+_t\b)/, null]   //borrowing the type regex given by the main program for C-family languages
59        ]),
60    ['swift']);