1/* Add buttons related to Markdown to the toolbar */
3if (typeof window.toolbar !== 'undefined') {
4    toolbar[toolbar.length] = {
5        type: "insert",
6        title: "Markdown Doctype",
7        icon: "../../plugins/commonmark/images/markdown.png",
8        key: "",
9        insert: "<!DOCTYPE markdown>",
10        block: "true"
11    };
12    toolbar[toolbar.length] = {
13        type: "picker",
14        title: "Markdown syntax",
15        icon: "../../plugins/commonmark/images/markdown_white.png",
16	class: "pk_hl",
17        key: "",
18        list: [
19	    {
20		type: "format",
21		title: toolbar[0].title,
22		icon: "bold.png",
23		key: "",
24		open: "**",
25		close: "**",
26		block: "false"
27	    },
28	    {
29		type: "format",
30		title: toolbar[1].title,
31		icon: "italic.png",
32		key: "",
33		open: "*",
34		close: "*",
35		block: "false"
36	    },
37	    {
38		type: "format",
39		title: toolbar[3].title,
40		icon: "mono.png",
41		key: "",
42		open: "`",
43		close: "`",
44		block: "false"
45	    },
46	    {
47		type: "format",
48		title: toolbar[4].title,
49		icon: "bold.png",
50		key: "",
51		open: "~~",
52		close: "~~",
53		block: "false"
54	    }
55	]
56    };