1(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
2var AV = (window.AV);
3var tables = require('./tables');
5var ADTSDemuxer = AV.Demuxer.extend(function() {
6    AV.Demuxer.register(this);
8    this.probe = function(stream) {
9        var offset = stream.offset;
11        // attempt to find ADTS syncword
12        while (stream.available(2)) {
13            if ((stream.readUInt16() & 0xfff6) === 0xfff0) {
14                stream.seek(offset);
15                return true;
16            }
17        }
19        stream.seek(offset);
20        return false;
21    };
23    this.prototype.init = function() {
24        this.bitstream = new AV.Bitstream(this.stream);
25    };
27    // Reads an ADTS header
28    // See http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=ADTS
29    this.readHeader = function(stream) {
30        if (stream.read(12) !== 0xfff)
31            throw new Error('Invalid ADTS header.');
33        var ret = {};
34        stream.advance(3); // mpeg version and layer
35        var protectionAbsent = !!stream.read(1);
37        ret.profile = stream.read(2) + 1;
38        ret.samplingIndex = stream.read(4);
40        stream.advance(1); // private
41        ret.chanConfig = stream.read(3);
42        stream.advance(4); // original/copy, home, copywrite, and copywrite start
44        ret.frameLength = stream.read(13);
45        stream.advance(11); // fullness
47        ret.numFrames = stream.read(2) + 1;
49        if (!protectionAbsent)
50            stream.advance(16);
52        return ret;
53    };
55    this.prototype.readChunk = function() {
56        if (!this.sentHeader) {
57            var offset = this.stream.offset;
58            var header = ADTSDemuxer.readHeader(this.bitstream);
60            this.emit('format', {
61                formatID: 'aac ',
62                sampleRate: tables.SAMPLE_RATES[header.samplingIndex],
63                channelsPerFrame: header.chanConfig,
64                bitsPerChannel: 16
65            });
67            // generate a magic cookie from the ADTS header
68            var cookie = new Uint8Array(2);
69            cookie[0] = (header.profile << 3) | ((header.samplingIndex >> 1) & 7);
70            cookie[1] = ((header.samplingIndex & 1) << 7) | (header.chanConfig << 3);
71            this.emit('cookie', new AV.Buffer(cookie));
73            this.stream.seek(offset);
74            this.sentHeader = true;
75        }
77        while (this.stream.available(1)) {
78            var buffer = this.stream.readSingleBuffer(this.stream.remainingBytes());
79            this.emit('data', buffer);
80        }
81    };
85 * AAC.js - Advanced Audio Coding decoder in JavaScript
86 * Created by Devon Govett
87 * Copyright (c) 2012, Official.fm Labs
88 *
89 * AAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
90 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
91 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
92 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
93 *
94 * AAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
95 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
96 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
97 * Public License for more details.
98 *
99 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
100 * License along with this library.
101 * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
102 */
104var ICStream = require('./ics');
105var Huffman = require('./huffman');
107// Channel Coupling Element
108function CCEElement(config) {
109    this.ics = new ICStream(config);
110    this.channelPair = new Array(8);
111    this.idSelect = new Int32Array(8);
112    this.chSelect = new Int32Array(8);
113    this.gain = new Array(16);
116CCEElement.BEFORE_TNS = 0;
117CCEElement.AFTER_TNS = 1;
118CCEElement.AFTER_IMDCT = 2;
120const CCE_SCALE = new Float32Array([
121    1.09050773266525765921,
122    1.18920711500272106672,
123    1.4142135623730950488016887,
124    2.0
127CCEElement.prototype = {
128    decode: function(stream, config) {
129        var channelPair = this.channelPair,
130            idSelect = this.idSelect,
131            chSelect = this.chSelect;
133        this.couplingPoint = 2 * stream.read(1);
134        this.coupledCount = stream.read(3);
136        var gainCount = 0;
137        for (var i = 0; i <= this.coupledCount; i++) {
138            gainCount++;
139            channelPair[i] = stream.read(1);
140            idSelect[i] = stream.read(4);
142            if (channelPair[i]) {
143                chSelect[i] = stream.read(2);
144                if (chSelect[i] === 3)
145                    gainCount++;
147            } else {
148                chSelect[i] = 2;
149            }
150        }
152        this.couplingPoint += stream.read(1);
153        this.couplingPoint |= (this.couplingPoint >>> 1);
155        var sign = stream.read(1),
156            scale = CCE_SCALE[stream.read(2)];
158        this.ics.decode(stream, config, false);
160        var groupCount = this.ics.info.groupCount,
161            maxSFB = this.ics.info.maxSFB,
162            bandTypes = this.ics.bandTypes;
164        for (var i = 0; i < gainCount; i++) {
165            var idx = 0,
166                cge = 1,
167                gain = 0,
168                gainCache = 1;
170            if (i > 0) {
171                cge = this.couplingPoint === CCEElement.AFTER_IMDCT ? 1 : stream.read(1);
172                gain = cge ? Huffman.decodeScaleFactor(stream) - 60 : 0;
173                gainCache = Math.pow(scale, -gain);
174            }
176            var gain_i = this.gain[i] = new Float32Array(120);
178            if (this.couplingPoint === CCEElement.AFTER_IMDCT) {
179                gain_i[0] = gainCache;
180            } else {
181                for (var g = 0; g < groupCount; g++) {
182                    for (var sfb = 0; sfb < maxSFB; sfb++) {
183                        if (bandTypes[idx] !== ICStream.ZERO_BT) {
184                            if (cge === 0) {
185                                var t = Huffman.decodeScaleFactor(stream) - 60;
186                                if (t !== 0) {
187                                    var s = 1;
188                                    t = gain += t;
189                                    if (sign) {
190                                        s -= 2 * (t * 0x1);
191                                        t >>>= 1;
192                                    }
193                                    gainCache = Math.pow(scale, -t) * s;
194                                }
195                            }
196                            gain_i[idx++] = gainCache;
197                        }
198                    }
199                }
200            }
201        }
202    },
204    applyIndependentCoupling: function(index, data) {
205        var gain = this.gain[index][0],
206            iqData = this.ics.data;
208        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
209            data[i] += gain * iqData[i];
210        }
211    },
213    applyDependentCoupling: function(index, data) {
214        var info = this.ics.info,
215            swbOffsets = info.swbOffsets,
216            groupCount = info.groupCount,
217            maxSFB = info.maxSFB,
218            bandTypes = this.ics.bandTypes,
219            iqData = this.ics.data;
221        var idx = 0,
222            offset = 0,
223            gains = this.gain[index];
225        for (var g = 0; g < groupCount; g++) {
226            var len = info.groupLength[g];
228            for (var sfb = 0; sfb < maxSFB; sfb++, idx++) {
229                if (bandTypes[idx] !== ICStream.ZERO_BT) {
230                    var gain = gains[idx];
231                    for (var group = 0; group < len; group++) {
232                        for (var k = swbOffsets[sfb]; k < swbOffsets[swb + 1]; k++) {
233                            data[offset + group * 128 + k] += gain * iqData[offset + group * 128 + k];
234                        }
235                    }
236                }
237            }
239            offset += len * 128;
240        }
241    }
244module.exports = CCEElement;
248 * AAC.js - Advanced Audio Coding decoder in JavaScript
249 * Created by Devon Govett
250 * Copyright (c) 2012, Official.fm Labs
251 *
252 * AAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
253 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
254 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
255 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
256 *
257 * AAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
258 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
259 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
260 * Public License for more details.
261 *
262 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
263 * License along with this library.
264 * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
265 */
267var ICStream = require('./ics');
269// Channel Pair Element
270function CPEElement(config) {
271    this.ms_used = [];
272    this.left = new ICStream(config);
273    this.right = new ICStream(config);
276const MAX_MS_MASK = 128;
278const MASK_TYPE_ALL_0 = 0,
279      MASK_TYPE_USED = 1,
280      MASK_TYPE_ALL_1 = 2,
281      MASK_TYPE_RESERVED = 3;
283CPEElement.prototype.decode = function(stream, config) {
284    var left = this.left,
285        right = this.right,
286        ms_used = this.ms_used;
288    if (this.commonWindow = !!stream.read(1)) {
289        left.info.decode(stream, config, true);
290        right.info = left.info;
292        var mask = stream.read(2);
293        this.maskPresent = !!mask;
295        switch (mask) {
296            case MASK_TYPE_USED:
297                var len = left.info.groupCount * left.info.maxSFB;
298                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
299                    ms_used[i] = !!stream.read(1);
300                }
301                break;
303            case MASK_TYPE_ALL_0:
304            case MASK_TYPE_ALL_1:
305                var val = !!mask;
306                for (var i = 0; i < MAX_MS_MASK; i++) {
307                    ms_used[i] = val;
308                }
309                break;
311            default:
312                throw new Error("Reserved ms mask type: " + mask);
313        }
314    } else {
315        for (var i = 0; i < MAX_MS_MASK; i++)
316            ms_used[i] = false;
317    }
319    left.decode(stream, config, this.commonWindow);
320    right.decode(stream, config, this.commonWindow);
323module.exports = CPEElement;
327 * AAC.js - Advanced Audio Coding decoder in JavaScript
328 * Created by Devon Govett
329 * Copyright (c) 2012, Official.fm Labs
330 *
331 * AAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
332 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
333 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
334 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
335 *
336 * AAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
337 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
338 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
339 * Public License for more details.
340 *
341 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
342 * License along with this library.
343 * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
344 */
346var AV          = (window.AV);
347var ADTSDemuxer = require('./adts_demuxer');
348var ICStream    = require('./ics');
349var CPEElement  = require('./cpe');
350var CCEElement  = require('./cce');
351var FilterBank  = require('./filter_bank');
352var tables      = require('./tables');
354var AACDecoder = AV.Decoder.extend(function() {
355    AV.Decoder.register('mp4a', this);
356    AV.Decoder.register('aac ', this);
358    // AAC profiles
359    const AOT_AAC_MAIN = 1, // no
360          AOT_AAC_LC = 2,   // yes
361          AOT_AAC_LTP = 4,  // no
362          AOT_ESCAPE = 31;
364    // Channel configurations
365    const CHANNEL_CONFIG_NONE = 0,
366          CHANNEL_CONFIG_MONO = 1,
367          CHANNEL_CONFIG_STEREO = 2,
370          CHANNEL_CONFIG_FIVE = 5,
374    this.prototype.init = function() {
375      this.format.floatingPoint = true;
376    }
378    this.prototype.setCookie = function(buffer) {
379        var data = AV.Stream.fromBuffer(buffer),
380            stream = new AV.Bitstream(data);
382        this.config = {};
384        this.config.profile = stream.read(5);
385        if (this.config.profile === AOT_ESCAPE)
386            this.config.profile = 32 + stream.read(6);
388        this.config.sampleIndex = stream.read(4);
389        if (this.config.sampleIndex === 0x0f) {
390            this.config.sampleRate = stream.read(24);
391            for (var i = 0; i < tables.SAMPLE_RATES.length; i++) {
392                if (tables.SAMPLE_RATES[i] === this.config.sampleRate) {
393                    this.config.sampleIndex = i;
394                    break;
395                }
396            }
397        } else {
398            this.config.sampleRate = tables.SAMPLE_RATES[this.config.sampleIndex];
399        }
401        this.config.chanConfig = stream.read(4);
402        this.format.channelsPerFrame = this.config.chanConfig; // sometimes m4a files encode this wrong
404        switch (this.config.profile) {
405            case AOT_AAC_MAIN:
406            case AOT_AAC_LC:
407            case AOT_AAC_LTP:
408                if (stream.read(1)) // frameLengthFlag
409                    throw new Error('frameLengthFlag not supported');
411                this.config.frameLength = 1024;
413                if (stream.read(1)) // dependsOnCoreCoder
414                    stream.advance(14); // coreCoderDelay
416                if (stream.read(1)) { // extensionFlag
417                    if (this.config.profile > 16) { // error resiliant profile
418                        this.config.sectionDataResilience = stream.read(1);
419                        this.config.scalefactorResilience = stream.read(1);
420                        this.config.spectralDataResilience = stream.read(1);
421                    }
423                    stream.advance(1);
424                }
426                if (this.config.chanConfig === CHANNEL_CONFIG_NONE) {
427                    stream.advance(4) // element_instance_tag
428                    throw new Error('PCE unimplemented');
429                }
431                break;
433            default:
434                throw new Error('AAC profile ' + this.config.profile + ' not supported.');
435        }
437        this.filter_bank = new FilterBank(false, this.config.chanConfig);
438        this.ics = new ICStream(this.config);
439        this.cpe = new CPEElement(this.config);
440        this.cce = new CCEElement(this.config);
441    };
443    const SCE_ELEMENT = 0,
444          CPE_ELEMENT = 1,
445          CCE_ELEMENT = 2,
446          LFE_ELEMENT = 3,
447          DSE_ELEMENT = 4,
448          PCE_ELEMENT = 5,
449          FIL_ELEMENT = 6,
450          END_ELEMENT = 7;
452    // The main decoding function.
453    this.prototype.readChunk = function() {
454        var stream = this.bitstream;
456        // check if there is an ADTS header, and read it if so
457        if (stream.peek(12) === 0xfff)
458            ADTSDemuxer.readHeader(stream);
460        this.cces = [];
461        var elements = [],
462            config = this.config,
463            frameLength = config.frameLength,
464            elementType = null;
466        while ((elementType = stream.read(3)) !== END_ELEMENT) {
467            var id = stream.read(4);
469            switch (elementType) {
470                // single channel and low frequency elements
471                case SCE_ELEMENT:
472                case LFE_ELEMENT:
473                    var ics = this.ics;
474                    ics.id = id;
475                    elements.push(ics);
476                    ics.decode(stream, config, false);
477                    break;
479                // channel pair element
480                case CPE_ELEMENT:
481                    var cpe = this.cpe;
482                    cpe.id = id;
483                    elements.push(cpe);
484                    cpe.decode(stream, config);
485                    break;
487                // channel coupling element
488                case CCE_ELEMENT:
489                    var cce = this.cce;
490                    this.cces.push(cce);
491                    cce.decode(stream, config);
492                    break;
494                // data-stream element
495                case DSE_ELEMENT:
496                    var align = stream.read(1),
497                        count = stream.read(8);
499                    if (count === 255)
500                        count += stream.read(8);
502                    if (align)
503                        stream.align();
505                    // skip for now...
506                    stream.advance(count * 8);
507                    break;
509                // program configuration element
510                case PCE_ELEMENT:
511                    throw new Error("TODO: PCE_ELEMENT")
512                    break;
514                // filler element
515                case FIL_ELEMENT:
516                    if (id === 15)
517                        id += stream.read(8) - 1;
519                    // skip for now...
520                    stream.advance(id * 8);
521                    break;
523                default:
524                    throw new Error('Unknown element')
525            }
526        }
528        stream.align();
529        this.process(elements);
531        // Interleave channels
532        var data = this.data,
533            channels = data.length,
534            output = new Float32Array(frameLength * channels),
535            j = 0;
537        for (var k = 0; k < frameLength; k++) {
538            for (var i = 0; i < channels; i++) {
539                output[j++] = data[i][k] / 32768;
540            }
541        }
543        return output;
544    };
546    this.prototype.process = function(elements) {
547        var channels = this.config.chanConfig;
549        // if (channels === 1 &&  psPresent)
550        // TODO: sbrPresent (2)
551        var mult = 1;
553        var len = mult * this.config.frameLength;
554        var data = this.data = [];
556        // Initialize channels
557        for (var i = 0; i < channels; i++) {
558            data[i] = new Float32Array(len);
559        }
561        var channel = 0;
562        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length && channel < channels; i++) {
563            var e = elements[i];
565            if (e instanceof ICStream) { // SCE or LFE element
566                channel += this.processSingle(e, channel);
567            } else if (e instanceof CPEElement) {
568                this.processPair(e, channel);
569                channel += 2;
570            } else if (e instanceof CCEElement) {
571                channel++;
572            } else {
573                throw new Error("Unknown element found.")
574            }
575        }
576    };
578    this.prototype.processSingle = function(element, channel) {
579        var profile = this.config.profile,
580            info = element.info,
581            data = element.data;
583        if (profile === AOT_AAC_MAIN)
584            throw new Error("Main prediction unimplemented");
586        if (profile === AOT_AAC_LTP)
587            throw new Error("LTP prediction unimplemented");
589        this.applyChannelCoupling(element, CCEElement.BEFORE_TNS, data, null);
591        if (element.tnsPresent)
592            element.tns.process(element, data, false);
594        this.applyChannelCoupling(element, CCEElement.AFTER_TNS, data, null);
596        // filterbank
597        this.filter_bank.process(info, data, this.data[channel], channel);
599        if (profile === AOT_AAC_LTP)
600            throw new Error("LTP prediction unimplemented");
602        this.applyChannelCoupling(element, CCEElement.AFTER_IMDCT, this.data[channel], null);
604        if (element.gainPresent)
605            throw new Error("Gain control not implemented");
607        if (this.sbrPresent)
608            throw new Error("SBR not implemented");
610        return 1;
611    };
613    this.prototype.processPair = function(element, channel) {
614        var profile = this.config.profile,
615            left = element.left,
616            right = element.right,
617            l_info = left.info,
618            r_info = right.info,
619            l_data = left.data,
620            r_data = right.data;
622        // Mid-side stereo
623        if (element.commonWindow && element.maskPresent)
624            this.processMS(element, l_data, r_data);
626        if (profile === AOT_AAC_MAIN)
627            throw new Error("Main prediction unimplemented");
629        // Intensity stereo
630        this.processIS(element, l_data, r_data);
632        if (profile === AOT_AAC_LTP)
633            throw new Error("LTP prediction unimplemented");
635        this.applyChannelCoupling(element, CCEElement.BEFORE_TNS, l_data, r_data);
637        if (left.tnsPresent)
638            left.tns.process(left, l_data, false);
640        if (right.tnsPresent)
641            right.tns.process(right, r_data, false);
643        this.applyChannelCoupling(element, CCEElement.AFTER_TNS, l_data, r_data);
645        // filterbank
646        this.filter_bank.process(l_info, l_data, this.data[channel], channel);
647        this.filter_bank.process(r_info, r_data, this.data[channel + 1], channel + 1);
649        if (profile === AOT_AAC_LTP)
650            throw new Error("LTP prediction unimplemented");
652        this.applyChannelCoupling(element, CCEElement.AFTER_IMDCT, this.data[channel], this.data[channel + 1]);
654        if (left.gainPresent)
655            throw new Error("Gain control not implemented");
657        if (right.gainPresent)
658            throw new Error("Gain control not implemented");
660        if (this.sbrPresent)
661            throw new Error("SBR not implemented");
662    };
664    // Intensity stereo
665    this.prototype.processIS = function(element, left, right) {
666        var ics = element.right,
667            info = ics.info,
668            offsets = info.swbOffsets,
669            windowGroups = info.groupCount,
670            maxSFB = info.maxSFB,
671            bandTypes = ics.bandTypes,
672            sectEnd = ics.sectEnd,
673            scaleFactors = ics.scaleFactors;
675        var idx = 0, groupOff = 0;
676        for (var g = 0; g < windowGroups; g++) {
677            for (var i = 0; i < maxSFB;) {
678                var end = sectEnd[idx];
680                if (bandTypes[idx] === ICStream.INTENSITY_BT || bandTypes[idx] === ICStream.INTENSITY_BT2) {
681                    for (; i < end; i++, idx++) {
682                        var c = bandTypes[idx] === ICStream.INTENSITY_BT ? 1 : -1;
683                        if (element.maskPresent)
684                            c *= element.ms_used[idx] ? -1 : 1;
686                        var scale = c * scaleFactors[idx];
687                        for (var w = 0; w < info.groupLength[g]; w++) {
688                            var off = groupOff + w * 128 + offsets[i],
689                                len = offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i];
691                            for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
692                                right[off + j] = left[off + j] * scale;
693                            }
694                        }
695                    }
696                } else  {
697                    idx += end - i;
698                    i = end;
699                }
700            }
702            groupOff += info.groupLength[g] * 128;
703        }
704    };
706    // Mid-side stereo
707    this.prototype.processMS = function(element, left, right) {
708        var ics = element.left,
709            info = ics.info,
710            offsets = info.swbOffsets,
711            windowGroups = info.groupCount,
712            maxSFB = info.maxSFB,
713            sfbCBl = ics.bandTypes,
714            sfbCBr = element.right.bandTypes;
716        var groupOff = 0, idx = 0;
717        for (var g = 0; g < windowGroups; g++) {
718            for (var i = 0; i < maxSFB; i++, idx++) {
719                if (element.ms_used[idx] && sfbCBl[idx] < ICStream.NOISE_BT && sfbCBr[idx] < ICStream.NOISE_BT) {
720                    for (var w = 0; w < info.groupLength[g]; w++) {
721                        var off = groupOff + w * 128 + offsets[i];
722                        for (var j = 0; j < offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i]; j++) {
723                            var t = left[off + j] - right[off + j];
724                            left[off + j] += right[off + j];
725                            right[off + j] = t;
726                        }
727                    }
728                }
729            }
730            groupOff += info.groupLength[g] * 128;
731        }
732    };
734    this.prototype.applyChannelCoupling = function(element, couplingPoint, data1, data2) {
735        var cces = this.cces,
736            isChannelPair = element instanceof CPEElement,
737            applyCoupling = couplingPoint === CCEElement.AFTER_IMDCT ? 'applyIndependentCoupling' : 'applyDependentCoupling';
739        for (var i = 0; i < cces.length; i++) {
740            var cce = cces[i],
741                index = 0;
743            if (cce.couplingPoint === couplingPoint) {
744                for (var c = 0; c < cce.coupledCount; c++) {
745                    var chSelect = cce.chSelect[c];
746                    if (cce.channelPair[c] === isChannelPair && cce.idSelect[c] === element.id) {
747                        if (chSelect !== 1) {
748                            cce[applyCoupling](index, data1);
749                            if (chSelect) index++;
750                        }
752                        if (chSelect !== 2)
753                            cce[applyCoupling](index++, data2);
755                    } else {
756                        index += 1 + (chSelect === 3 ? 1 : 0);
757                    }
758                }
759            }
760        }
761    };
765module.exports = AACDecoder;
769 * AAC.js - Advanced Audio Coding decoder in JavaScript
770 * Created by Devon Govett
771 * Copyright (c) 2012, Official.fm Labs
772 *
773 * AAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
774 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
775 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
776 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
777 *
778 * AAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
779 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
780 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
781 * Public License for more details.
782 *
783 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
784 * License along with this library.
785 * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
786 */
788function FFT(length) {
789    this.length = length;
791    switch (length) {
792        case 64:
793            this.roots = generateFFTTableShort(64);
794            break;
796        case 512:
797            this.roots = generateFFTTableLong(512);
798            break;
800        case 60:
801            this.roots = generateFFTTableShort(60);
802            break;
804        case 480:
805            this.roots = generateFFTTableLong(480);
806            break;
808        default:
809            throw new Error("unexpected FFT length: " + length);
810    }
812    // processing buffers
813    this.rev = new Array(length);
814    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
815        this.rev[i] = new Float32Array(2);
816    }
818    this.a = new Float32Array(2);
819    this.b = new Float32Array(2);
820    this.c = new Float32Array(2);
821    this.d = new Float32Array(2);
822    this.e1 = new Float32Array(2);
823    this.e2 = new Float32Array(2);
826function generateFFTTableShort(len) {
827    var t = 2 * Math.PI / len,
828        cosT = Math.cos(t),
829        sinT = Math.sin(t),
830        f = new Array(len);
832    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
833        f[i] = new Float32Array(2);
834    }
836    f[0][0] = 1;
837    f[0][1] = 0;
838    var lastImag = 0;
840    for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
841        f[i][0] = f[i - 1][0] * cosT + lastImag * sinT;
842        lastImag = lastImag * cosT - f[i - 1][0] * sinT;
843        f[i][1] = -lastImag;
844    }
846    return f;
849function generateFFTTableLong(len) {
850    var t = 2 * Math.PI / len,
851        cosT = Math.cos(t),
852        sinT = Math.sin(t),
853        f = new Array(len);
855    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
856        f[i] = new Float32Array(3);
857    }
859    f[0][0] = 1;
860    f[0][1] = 0;
861    f[0][2] = 0;
863    for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
864        f[i][0] = f[i - 1][0] * cosT + f[i - 1][2] * sinT;
865        f[i][2] = f[i - 1][2] * cosT - f[i - 1][0] * sinT;
866        f[i][1] = -f[i][2];
867    }
869    return f;
872FFT.prototype.process = function(input, forward) {
873    var length = this.length,
874        imOffset = (forward ? 2 : 1),
875        scale = (forward ? length : 1),
876        rev = this.rev,
877        roots = this.roots;
879    // bit-reversal
880    var ii = 0;
881    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
882        rev[i][0] = input[ii][0];
883        rev[i][1] = input[ii][1];
885        var k = length >>> 1;
886        while (ii >= k && k > 0) {
887            ii -= k;
888            k >>= 1;
889        }
891        ii += k;
892    }
894    var a = this.a,
895        b = this.b,
896        c = this.c,
897        d = this.d,
898        e1 = this.e1,
899        e2 = this.e2;
901    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
902        input[i][0] = rev[i][0];
903        input[i][1] = rev[i][1];
904    }
906    // bottom base-4 round
907    for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 4) {
908        a[0] = input[i][0] + input[i + 1][0];
909        a[1] = input[i][1] + input[i + 1][1];
910        b[0] = input[i + 2][0] + input[i + 3][0];
911        b[1] = input[i + 2][1] + input[i + 3][1];
912        c[0] = input[i][0] - input[i + 1][0];
913        c[1] = input[i][1] - input[i + 1][1];
914        d[0] = input[i + 2][0] - input[i + 3][0];
915        d[1] = input[i + 2][1] - input[i + 3][1];
916        input[i][0] = a[0] + b[0];
917        input[i][1] = a[1] + b[1];
918        input[i + 2][0] = a[0] - b[0];
919        input[i + 2][1] = a[1] - b[1];
921        e1[0] = c[0] - d[1];
922        e1[1] = c[1] + d[0];
923        e2[0] = c[0] + d[1];
924        e2[1] = c[1] - d[0];
926        if (forward) {
927            input[i + 1][0] = e2[0];
928            input[i + 1][1] = e2[1];
929            input[i + 3][0] = e1[0];
930            input[i + 3][1] = e1[1];
931        } else {
932            input[i + 1][0] = e1[0];
933            input[i + 1][1] = e1[1];
934            input[i + 3][0] = e2[0];
935            input[i + 3][1] = e2[1];
936        }
937    }
939    // iterations from bottom to top
940    for (var i = 4; i < length; i <<= 1) {
941        var shift = i << 1,
942            m = length / shift;
944        for(var j = 0; j < length; j += shift) {
945            for(var k = 0; k < i; k++) {
946                var km = k * m,
947                    rootRe = roots[km][0],
948                    rootIm = roots[km][imOffset],
949                    zRe = input[i + j + k][0] * rootRe - input[i + j + k][1] * rootIm,
950                    zIm = input[i + j + k][0] * rootIm + input[i + j + k][1] * rootRe;
952                input[i + j + k][0] = (input[j + k][0] - zRe) * scale;
953                input[i + j + k][1] = (input[j + k][1] - zIm) * scale;
954                input[j + k][0] = (input[j + k][0] + zRe) * scale;
955                input[j + k][1] = (input[j + k][1] + zIm) * scale;
956            }
957        }
958    }
961module.exports = FFT;
965 * AAC.js - Advanced Audio Coding decoder in JavaScript
966 * Created by Devon Govett
967 * Copyright (c) 2012, Official.fm Labs
968 *
969 * AAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
970 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
971 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
972 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
973 *
974 * AAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
975 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
976 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
977 * Public License for more details.
978 *
979 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
980 * License along with this library.
981 * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
982 */
984var ICStream = require('./ics');
985var MDCT = require('./mdct');
987function FilterBank(smallFrames, channels) {
988    if (smallFrames) {
989        throw new Error("WHA?? No small frames allowed.");
990    }
992    this.length = 1024;
993    this.shortLength = 128;
995    this.mid = (this.length - this.shortLength) / 2;
996    this.trans = this.shortLength / 2;
998    this.mdctShort = new MDCT(this.shortLength * 2);
999    this.mdctLong  = new MDCT(this.length * 2);
1001    this.overlaps = new Array(channels);
1002    for (var i = 0; i < channels; i++) {
1003        this.overlaps[i] = new Float32Array(this.length);
1004    }
1006    this.buf = new Float32Array(2 * this.length);
1009function generateSineWindow(len) {
1010    var d = new Float32Array(len);
1011    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
1012        d[i] = Math.sin((i + 0.5) * (Math.PI / (2.0 * len)))
1013    }
1014    return d;
1017function generateKBDWindow(alpha, len) {
1018    var PIN = Math.PI / len,
1019        out = new Float32Array(len),
1020        sum = 0,
1021        f = new Float32Array(len),
1022        alpha2 = (alpha * PIN) * (alpha * PIN);
1024    for (var n = 0; n < len; n++) {
1025        var tmp = n * (len - n) * alpha2,
1026            bessel = 1;
1028        for (var j = 50; j > 0; j--) {
1029            bessel = bessel * tmp / (j * j) + 1;
1030        }
1032        sum += bessel;
1033        f[n] = sum;
1034    }
1036    sum++;
1037    for (var n = 0; n < len; n++) {
1038        out[n] = Math.sqrt(f[n] / sum);
1039    }
1041    return out;
1044const SINE_1024 = generateSineWindow(1024),
1045      SINE_128  = generateSineWindow(128),
1046      KBD_1024  = generateKBDWindow(4, 1024),
1047      KBD_128   = generateKBDWindow(6, 128),
1048      LONG_WINDOWS = [SINE_1024, KBD_1024],
1049      SHORT_WINDOWS = [SINE_128, KBD_128];
1051FilterBank.prototype.process = function(info, input, output, channel) {
1052    var overlap = this.overlaps[channel],
1053        windowShape = info.windowShape[1],
1054        windowShapePrev = info.windowShape[0],
1055        longWindows = LONG_WINDOWS[windowShape],
1056        shortWindows = SHORT_WINDOWS[windowShape],
1057        longWindowsPrev = LONG_WINDOWS[windowShapePrev],
1058        shortWindowsPrev = SHORT_WINDOWS[windowShapePrev],
1059        length = this.length,
1060        shortLen = this.shortLength,
1061        mid = this.mid,
1062        trans = this.trans,
1063        buf = this.buf,
1064        mdctLong = this.mdctLong,
1065        mdctShort = this.mdctShort;
1067    switch (info.windowSequence) {
1068        case ICStream.ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE:
1069            mdctLong.process(input, 0, buf, 0);
1071            // add second half output of previous frame to windowed output of current frame
1072            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
1073                output[i] = overlap[i] + (buf[i] * longWindowsPrev[i]);
1074            }
1076            // window the second half and save as overlap for next frame
1077            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
1078                overlap[i] = buf[length + i] * longWindows[length - 1 - i];
1079            }
1081            break;
1083        case ICStream.LONG_START_SEQUENCE:
1084            mdctLong.process(input, 0, buf, 0);
1086            // add second half output of previous frame to windowed output of current frame
1087            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
1088                output[i] = overlap[i] + (buf[i] * longWindowsPrev[i]);
1089            }
1091            // window the second half and save as overlap for next frame
1092            for (var i = 0; i < mid; i++) {
1093                overlap[i] = buf[length + i];
1094            }
1096            for (var i = 0; i < shortLen; i++) {
1097                overlap[mid + i] = buf[length + mid + i] * shortWindows[shortLen - i - 1];
1098            }
1100            for (var i = 0; i < mid; i++) {
1101                overlap[mid + shortLen + i] = 0;
1102            }
1104            break;
1106        case ICStream.EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE:
1107            for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
1108                mdctShort.process(input, i * shortLen, buf, 2 * i * shortLen);
1109            }
1111            // add second half output of previous frame to windowed output of current frame
1112            for (var i = 0; i < mid; i++) {
1113                output[i] = overlap[i];
1114            }
1116            for (var i = 0; i < shortLen; i++) {
1117                output[mid + i] = overlap[mid + i] + buf[i] * shortWindowsPrev[i];
1118                output[mid + 1 * shortLen + i] = overlap[mid + shortLen * 1 + i] + (buf[shortLen * 1 + i] * shortWindows[shortLen - 1 - i]) + (buf[shortLen * 2 + i]  * shortWindows[i]);
1119                output[mid + 2 * shortLen + i] = overlap[mid + shortLen * 2 + i] + (buf[shortLen * 3 + i] * shortWindows[shortLen - 1 - i]) + (buf[shortLen * 4 + i] * shortWindows[i]);
1120                output[mid + 3 * shortLen + i] = overlap[mid + shortLen * 3 + i] + (buf[shortLen * 5 + i] * shortWindows[shortLen - 1 - i]) + (buf[shortLen * 6 + i] * shortWindows[i]);
1122                if (i < trans)
1123                    output[mid + 4 * shortLen + i] = overlap[mid + shortLen * 4 + i] + (buf[shortLen * 7 + i] * shortWindows[shortLen - 1 - i]) + (buf[shortLen * 8 + i] * shortWindows[i]);
1124            }
1126            // window the second half and save as overlap for next frame
1127            for (var i = 0; i < shortLen; i++) {
1128                if(i >= trans)
1129                    overlap[mid + 4 * shortLen + i - length] = (buf[shortLen * 7 + i] * shortWindows[shortLen - 1 - i]) + (buf[shortLen * 8 + i] * shortWindows[i]);
1131                overlap[mid + 5 * shortLen + i - length] = (buf[shortLen * 9 + i] * shortWindows[shortLen - 1 - i]) + (buf[shortLen * 10 + i] * shortWindows[i]);
1132                overlap[mid + 6 * shortLen + i - length] = (buf[shortLen * 11 + i] * shortWindows[shortLen - 1 - i]) + (buf[shortLen * 12 + i]*shortWindows[i]);
1133                overlap[mid + 7 * shortLen + i - length] = (buf[shortLen * 13 + i] * shortWindows[shortLen - 1 - i]) + (buf[shortLen * 14 + i]*shortWindows[i]);
1134                overlap[mid + 8 * shortLen + i - length] = (buf[shortLen * 15 + i] * shortWindows[shortLen - 1 - i]);
1135            }
1137            for (var i = 0; i < mid; i++) {
1138                overlap[mid + shortLen + i] = 0;
1139            }
1141            break;
1143        case ICStream.LONG_STOP_SEQUENCE:
1144            mdctLong.process(input, 0, buf, 0);
1146            // add second half output of previous frame to windowed output of current frame
1147            // construct first half window using padding with 1's and 0's
1148            for (var i = 0; i < mid; i++) {
1149                output[i] = overlap[i];
1150            }
1152            for (var i = 0; i < shortLen; i++) {
1153                output[mid + i] = overlap[mid + i] + (buf[mid + i] * shortWindowsPrev[i]);
1154            }
1156            for (var i = 0; i < mid; i++) {
1157                output[mid + shortLen + i] = overlap[mid + shortLen + i] + buf[mid + shortLen + i];
1158            }
1160            // window the second half and save as overlap for next frame
1161            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
1162                overlap[i] = buf[length + i] * longWindows[length - 1 - i];
1163            }
1165            break;
1166    }
1169module.exports = FilterBank;
1173 * AAC.js - Advanced Audio Coding decoder in JavaScript
1174 * Created by Devon Govett
1175 * Copyright (c) 2012, Official.fm Labs
1176 *
1177 * AAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
1178 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
1179 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
1180 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
1181 *
1182 * AAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
1183 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
1184 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
1185 * Public License for more details.
1186 *
1187 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
1188 * License along with this library.
1189 * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
1190 */
1192// [bit length, codeword, values...]
1193const HCB1 = [
1194    [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
1195    [5, 16, 1, 0, 0, 0],
1196    [5, 17, -1, 0, 0, 0],
1197    [5, 18, 0, 0, 0, -1],
1198    [5, 19, 0, 1, 0, 0],
1199    [5, 20, 0, 0, 0, 1],
1200    [5, 21, 0, 0, -1, 0],
1201    [5, 22, 0, 0, 1, 0],
1202    [5, 23, 0, -1, 0, 0],
1203    [7, 96, 1, -1, 0, 0],
1204    [7, 97, -1, 1, 0, 0],
1205    [7, 98, 0, 0, -1, 1],
1206    [7, 99, 0, 1, -1, 0],
1207    [7, 100, 0, -1, 1, 0],
1208    [7, 101, 0, 0, 1, -1],
1209    [7, 102, 1, 1, 0, 0],
1210    [7, 103, 0, 0, -1, -1],
1211    [7, 104, -1, -1, 0, 0],
1212    [7, 105, 0, -1, -1, 0],
1213    [7, 106, 1, 0, -1, 0],
1214    [7, 107, 0, 1, 0, -1],
1215    [7, 108, -1, 0, 1, 0],
1216    [7, 109, 0, 0, 1, 1],
1217    [7, 110, 1, 0, 1, 0],
1218    [7, 111, 0, -1, 0, 1],
1219    [7, 112, 0, 1, 1, 0],
1220    [7, 113, 0, 1, 0, 1],
1221    [7, 114, -1, 0, -1, 0],
1222    [7, 115, 1, 0, 0, 1],
1223    [7, 116, -1, 0, 0, -1],
1224    [7, 117, 1, 0, 0, -1],
1225    [7, 118, -1, 0, 0, 1],
1226    [7, 119, 0, -1, 0, -1],
1227    [9, 480, 1, 1, -1, 0],
1228    [9, 481, -1, 1, -1, 0],
1229    [9, 482, 1, -1, 1, 0],
1230    [9, 483, 0, 1, 1, -1],
1231    [9, 484, 0, 1, -1, 1],
1232    [9, 485, 0, -1, 1, 1],
1233    [9, 486, 0, -1, 1, -1],
1234    [9, 487, 1, -1, -1, 0],
1235    [9, 488, 1, 0, -1, 1],
1236    [9, 489, 0, 1, -1, -1],
1237    [9, 490, -1, 1, 1, 0],
1238    [9, 491, -1, 0, 1, -1],
1239    [9, 492, -1, -1, 1, 0],
1240    [9, 493, 0, -1, -1, 1],
1241    [9, 494, 1, -1, 0, 1],
1242    [9, 495, 1, -1, 0, -1],
1243    [9, 496, -1, 1, 0, -1],
1244    [9, 497, -1, -1, -1, 0],
1245    [9, 498, 0, -1, -1, -1],
1246    [9, 499, 0, 1, 1, 1],
1247    [9, 500, 1, 0, 1, -1],
1248    [9, 501, 1, 1, 0, 1],
1249    [9, 502, -1, 1, 0, 1],
1250    [9, 503, 1, 1, 1, 0],
1251    [10, 1008, -1, -1, 0, 1],
1252    [10, 1009, -1, 0, -1, -1],
1253    [10, 1010, 1, 1, 0, -1],
1254    [10, 1011, 1, 0, -1, -1],
1255    [10, 1012, -1, 0, -1, 1],
1256    [10, 1013, -1, -1, 0, -1],
1257    [10, 1014, -1, 0, 1, 1],
1258    [10, 1015, 1, 0, 1, 1],
1259    [11, 2032, 1, -1, 1, -1],
1260    [11, 2033, -1, 1, -1, 1],
1261    [11, 2034, -1, 1, 1, -1],
1262    [11, 2035, 1, -1, -1, 1],
1263    [11, 2036, 1, 1, 1, 1],
1264    [11, 2037, -1, -1, 1, 1],
1265    [11, 2038, 1, 1, -1, -1],
1266    [11, 2039, -1, -1, 1, -1],
1267    [11, 2040, -1, -1, -1, -1],
1268    [11, 2041, 1, 1, -1, 1],
1269    [11, 2042, 1, -1, 1, 1],
1270    [11, 2043, -1, 1, 1, 1],
1271    [11, 2044, -1, 1, -1, -1],
1272    [11, 2045, -1, -1, -1, 1],
1273    [11, 2046, 1, -1, -1, -1],
1274    [11, 2047, 1, 1, 1, -1]
1277const HCB2 = [
1278    [3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
1279    [4, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0],
1280    [5, 6, -1, 0, 0, 0],
1281    [5, 7, 0, 0, 0, 1],
1282    [5, 8, 0, 0, -1, 0],
1283    [5, 9, 0, 0, 0, -1],
1284    [5, 10, 0, -1, 0, 0],
1285    [5, 11, 0, 0, 1, 0],
1286    [5, 12, 0, 1, 0, 0],
1287    [6, 26, 0, -1, 1, 0],
1288    [6, 27, -1, 1, 0, 0],
1289    [6, 28, 0, 1, -1, 0],
1290    [6, 29, 0, 0, 1, -1],
1291    [6, 30, 0, 1, 0, -1],
1292    [6, 31, 0, 0, -1, 1],
1293    [6, 32, -1, 0, 0, -1],
1294    [6, 33, 1, -1, 0, 0],
1295    [6, 34, 1, 0, -1, 0],
1296    [6, 35, -1, -1, 0, 0],
1297    [6, 36, 0, 0, -1, -1],
1298    [6, 37, 1, 0, 1, 0],
1299    [6, 38, 1, 0, 0, 1],
1300    [6, 39, 0, -1, 0, 1],
1301    [6, 40, -1, 0, 1, 0],
1302    [6, 41, 0, 1, 0, 1],
1303    [6, 42, 0, -1, -1, 0],
1304    [6, 43, -1, 0, 0, 1],
1305    [6, 44, 0, -1, 0, -1],
1306    [6, 45, -1, 0, -1, 0],
1307    [6, 46, 1, 1, 0, 0],
1308    [6, 47, 0, 1, 1, 0],
1309    [6, 48, 0, 0, 1, 1],
1310    [6, 49, 1, 0, 0, -1],
1311    [7, 100, 0, 1, -1, 1],
1312    [7, 101, 1, 0, -1, 1],
1313    [7, 102, -1, 1, -1, 0],
1314    [7, 103, 0, -1, 1, -1],
1315    [7, 104, 1, -1, 1, 0],
1316    [7, 105, 1, 1, 0, -1],
1317    [7, 106, 1, 0, 1, 1],
1318    [7, 107, -1, 1, 1, 0],
1319    [7, 108, 0, -1, -1, 1],
1320    [7, 109, 1, 1, 1, 0],
1321    [7, 110, -1, 0, 1, -1],
1322    [7, 111, -1, -1, -1, 0],
1323    [7, 112, -1, 0, -1, 1],
1324    [7, 113, 1, -1, -1, 0],
1325    [7, 114, 1, 1, -1, 0],
1326    [8, 230, 1, -1, 0, 1],
1327    [8, 231, -1, 1, 0, -1],
1328    [8, 232, -1, -1, 1, 0],
1329    [8, 233, -1, 0, 1, 1],
1330    [8, 234, -1, -1, 0, 1],
1331    [8, 235, -1, -1, 0, -1],
1332    [8, 236, 0, -1, -1, -1],
1333    [8, 237, 1, 0, 1, -1],
1334    [8, 238, 1, 0, -1, -1],
1335    [8, 239, 0, 1, -1, -1],
1336    [8, 240, 0, 1, 1, 1],
1337    [8, 241, -1, 1, 0, 1],
1338    [8, 242, -1, 0, -1, -1],
1339    [8, 243, 0, 1, 1, -1],
1340    [8, 244, 1, -1, 0, -1],
1341    [8, 245, 0, -1, 1, 1],
1342    [8, 246, 1, 1, 0, 1],
1343    [8, 247, 1, -1, 1, -1],
1344    [8, 248, -1, 1, -1, 1],
1345    [9, 498, 1, -1, -1, 1],
1346    [9, 499, -1, -1, -1, -1],
1347    [9, 500, -1, 1, 1, -1],
1348    [9, 501, -1, 1, 1, 1],
1349    [9, 502, 1, 1, 1, 1],
1350    [9, 503, -1, -1, 1, -1],
1351    [9, 504, 1, -1, 1, 1],
1352    [9, 505, -1, 1, -1, -1],
1353    [9, 506, -1, -1, 1, 1],
1354    [9, 507, 1, 1, -1, -1],
1355    [9, 508, 1, -1, -1, -1],
1356    [9, 509, -1, -1, -1, 1],
1357    [9, 510, 1, 1, -1, 1],
1358    [9, 511, 1, 1, 1, -1]
1361const HCB3 = [
1362    [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
1363    [4, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0],
1364    [4, 9, 0, 0, 0, 1],
1365    [4, 10, 0, 1, 0, 0],
1366    [4, 11, 0, 0, 1, 0],
1367    [5, 24, 1, 1, 0, 0],
1368    [5, 25, 0, 0, 1, 1],
1369    [6, 52, 0, 1, 1, 0],
1370    [6, 53, 0, 1, 0, 1],
1371    [6, 54, 1, 0, 1, 0],
1372    [6, 55, 0, 1, 1, 1],
1373    [6, 56, 1, 0, 0, 1],
1374    [6, 57, 1, 1, 1, 0],
1375    [7, 116, 1, 1, 1, 1],
1376    [7, 117, 1, 0, 1, 1],
1377    [7, 118, 1, 1, 0, 1],
1378    [8, 238, 2, 0, 0, 0],
1379    [8, 239, 0, 0, 0, 2],
1380    [8, 240, 0, 0, 1, 2],
1381    [8, 241, 2, 1, 0, 0],
1382    [8, 242, 1, 2, 1, 0],
1383    [9, 486, 0, 0, 2, 1],
1384    [9, 487, 0, 1, 2, 1],
1385    [9, 488, 1, 2, 0, 0],
1386    [9, 489, 0, 1, 1, 2],
1387    [9, 490, 2, 1, 1, 0],
1388    [9, 491, 0, 0, 2, 0],
1389    [9, 492, 0, 2, 1, 0],
1390    [9, 493, 0, 1, 2, 0],
1391    [9, 494, 0, 2, 0, 0],
1392    [9, 495, 0, 1, 0, 2],
1393    [9, 496, 2, 0, 1, 0],
1394    [9, 497, 1, 2, 1, 1],
1395    [9, 498, 0, 2, 1, 1],
1396    [9, 499, 1, 1, 2, 0],
1397    [9, 500, 1, 1, 2, 1],
1398    [10, 1002, 1, 2, 0, 1],
1399    [10, 1003, 1, 0, 2, 0],
1400    [10, 1004, 1, 0, 2, 1],
1401    [10, 1005, 0, 2, 0, 1],
1402    [10, 1006, 2, 1, 1, 1],
1403    [10, 1007, 1, 1, 1, 2],
1404    [10, 1008, 2, 1, 0, 1],
1405    [10, 1009, 1, 0, 1, 2],
1406    [10, 1010, 0, 0, 2, 2],
1407    [10, 1011, 0, 1, 2, 2],
1408    [10, 1012, 2, 2, 1, 0],
1409    [10, 1013, 1, 2, 2, 0],
1410    [10, 1014, 1, 0, 0, 2],
1411    [10, 1015, 2, 0, 0, 1],
1412    [10, 1016, 0, 2, 2, 1],
1413    [11, 2034, 2, 2, 0, 0],
1414    [11, 2035, 1, 2, 2, 1],
1415    [11, 2036, 1, 1, 0, 2],
1416    [11, 2037, 2, 0, 1, 1],
1417    [11, 2038, 1, 1, 2, 2],
1418    [11, 2039, 2, 2, 1, 1],
1419    [11, 2040, 0, 2, 2, 0],
1420    [11, 2041, 0, 2, 1, 2],
1421    [12, 4084, 1, 0, 2, 2],
1422    [12, 4085, 2, 2, 0, 1],
1423    [12, 4086, 2, 1, 2, 0],
1424    [12, 4087, 2, 2, 2, 0],
1425    [12, 4088, 0, 2, 2, 2],
1426    [12, 4089, 2, 2, 2, 1],
1427    [12, 4090, 2, 1, 2, 1],
1428    [12, 4091, 1, 2, 1, 2],
1429    [12, 4092, 1, 2, 2, 2],
1430    [13, 8186, 0, 2, 0, 2],
1431    [13, 8187, 2, 0, 2, 0],
1432    [13, 8188, 1, 2, 0, 2],
1433    [14, 16378, 2, 0, 2, 1],
1434    [14, 16379, 2, 1, 1, 2],
1435    [14, 16380, 2, 1, 0, 2],
1436    [15, 32762, 2, 2, 2, 2],
1437    [15, 32763, 2, 2, 1, 2],
1438    [15, 32764, 2, 1, 2, 2],
1439    [15, 32765, 2, 0, 1, 2],
1440    [15, 32766, 2, 0, 0, 2],
1441    [16, 65534, 2, 2, 0, 2],
1442    [16, 65535, 2, 0, 2, 2]
1445const HCB4 = [
1446    [4, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1],
1447    [4, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
1448    [4, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1],
1449    [4, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0],
1450    [4, 4, 1, 0, 1, 1],
1451    [4, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0],
1452    [4, 6, 1, 1, 0, 0],
1453    [4, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0],
1454    [4, 8, 0, 0, 1, 1],
1455    [4, 9, 1, 0, 1, 0],
1456    [5, 20, 1, 0, 0, 1],
1457    [5, 21, 0, 1, 1, 0],
1458    [5, 22, 0, 0, 0, 1],
1459    [5, 23, 0, 1, 0, 1],
1460    [5, 24, 0, 0, 1, 0],
1461    [5, 25, 0, 1, 0, 0],
1462    [7, 104, 2, 1, 1, 1],
1463    [7, 105, 1, 1, 2, 1],
1464    [7, 106, 1, 2, 1, 1],
1465    [7, 107, 1, 1, 1, 2],
1466    [7, 108, 2, 1, 1, 0],
1467    [7, 109, 2, 1, 0, 1],
1468    [7, 110, 1, 2, 1, 0],
1469    [7, 111, 2, 0, 1, 1],
1470    [7, 112, 0, 1, 2, 1],
1471    [8, 226, 0, 1, 1, 2],
1472    [8, 227, 1, 1, 2, 0],
1473    [8, 228, 0, 2, 1, 1],
1474    [8, 229, 1, 0, 1, 2],
1475    [8, 230, 1, 2, 0, 1],
1476    [8, 231, 1, 1, 0, 2],
1477    [8, 232, 1, 0, 2, 1],
1478    [8, 233, 2, 1, 0, 0],
1479    [8, 234, 2, 0, 1, 0],
1480    [8, 235, 1, 2, 0, 0],
1481    [8, 236, 2, 0, 0, 1],
1482    [8, 237, 0, 1, 0, 2],
1483    [8, 238, 0, 2, 1, 0],
1484    [8, 239, 0, 0, 1, 2],
1485    [8, 240, 0, 1, 2, 0],
1486    [8, 241, 0, 2, 0, 1],
1487    [8, 242, 1, 0, 0, 2],
1488    [8, 243, 0, 0, 2, 1],
1489    [8, 244, 1, 0, 2, 0],
1490    [8, 245, 2, 0, 0, 0],
1491    [8, 246, 0, 0, 0, 2],
1492    [9, 494, 0, 2, 0, 0],
1493    [9, 495, 0, 0, 2, 0],
1494    [9, 496, 1, 2, 2, 1],
1495    [9, 497, 2, 2, 1, 1],
1496    [9, 498, 2, 1, 2, 1],
1497    [9, 499, 1, 1, 2, 2],
1498    [9, 500, 1, 2, 1, 2],
1499    [9, 501, 2, 1, 1, 2],
1500    [10, 1004, 1, 2, 2, 0],
1501    [10, 1005, 2, 2, 1, 0],
1502    [10, 1006, 2, 1, 2, 0],
1503    [10, 1007, 0, 2, 2, 1],
1504    [10, 1008, 0, 1, 2, 2],
1505    [10, 1009, 2, 2, 0, 1],
1506    [10, 1010, 0, 2, 1, 2],
1507    [10, 1011, 2, 0, 2, 1],
1508    [10, 1012, 1, 0, 2, 2],
1509    [10, 1013, 2, 2, 2, 1],
1510    [10, 1014, 1, 2, 0, 2],
1511    [10, 1015, 2, 0, 1, 2],
1512    [10, 1016, 2, 1, 0, 2],
1513    [10, 1017, 1, 2, 2, 2],
1514    [11, 2036, 2, 1, 2, 2],
1515    [11, 2037, 2, 2, 1, 2],
1516    [11, 2038, 0, 2, 2, 0],
1517    [11, 2039, 2, 2, 0, 0],
1518    [11, 2040, 0, 0, 2, 2],
1519    [11, 2041, 2, 0, 2, 0],
1520    [11, 2042, 0, 2, 0, 2],
1521    [11, 2043, 2, 0, 0, 2],
1522    [11, 2044, 2, 2, 2, 2],
1523    [11, 2045, 0, 2, 2, 2],
1524    [11, 2046, 2, 2, 2, 0],
1525    [12, 4094, 2, 2, 0, 2],
1526    [12, 4095, 2, 0, 2, 2]
1529const HCB5 = [
1530    [1, 0, 0, 0],
1531    [4, 8, -1, 0],
1532    [4, 9, 1, 0],
1533    [4, 10, 0, 1],
1534    [4, 11, 0, -1],
1535    [5, 24, 1, -1],
1536    [5, 25, -1, 1],
1537    [5, 26, -1, -1],
1538    [5, 27, 1, 1],
1539    [7, 112, -2, 0],
1540    [7, 113, 0, 2],
1541    [7, 114, 2, 0],
1542    [7, 115, 0, -2],
1543    [8, 232, -2, -1],
1544    [8, 233, 2, 1],
1545    [8, 234, -1, -2],
1546    [8, 235, 1, 2],
1547    [8, 236, -2, 1],
1548    [8, 237, 2, -1],
1549    [8, 238, -1, 2],
1550    [8, 239, 1, -2],
1551    [8, 240, -3, 0],
1552    [8, 241, 3, 0],
1553    [8, 242, 0, -3],
1554    [8, 243, 0, 3],
1555    [9, 488, -3, -1],
1556    [9, 489, 1, 3],
1557    [9, 490, 3, 1],
1558    [9, 491, -1, -3],
1559    [9, 492, -3, 1],
1560    [9, 493, 3, -1],
1561    [9, 494, 1, -3],
1562    [9, 495, -1, 3],
1563    [9, 496, -2, 2],
1564    [9, 497, 2, 2],
1565    [9, 498, -2, -2],
1566    [9, 499, 2, -2],
1567    [10, 1000, -3, -2],
1568    [10, 1001, 3, -2],
1569    [10, 1002, -2, 3],
1570    [10, 1003, 2, -3],
1571    [10, 1004, 3, 2],
1572    [10, 1005, 2, 3],
1573    [10, 1006, -3, 2],
1574    [10, 1007, -2, -3],
1575    [10, 1008, 0, -4],
1576    [10, 1009, -4, 0],
1577    [10, 1010, 4, 1],
1578    [10, 1011, 4, 0],
1579    [11, 2024, -4, -1],
1580    [11, 2025, 0, 4],
1581    [11, 2026, 4, -1],
1582    [11, 2027, -1, -4],
1583    [11, 2028, 1, 4],
1584    [11, 2029, -1, 4],
1585    [11, 2030, -4, 1],
1586    [11, 2031, 1, -4],
1587    [11, 2032, 3, -3],
1588    [11, 2033, -3, -3],
1589    [11, 2034, -3, 3],
1590    [11, 2035, -2, 4],
1591    [11, 2036, -4, -2],
1592    [11, 2037, 4, 2],
1593    [11, 2038, 2, -4],
1594    [11, 2039, 2, 4],
1595    [11, 2040, 3, 3],
1596    [11, 2041, -4, 2],
1597    [12, 4084, -2, -4],
1598    [12, 4085, 4, -2],
1599    [12, 4086, 3, -4],
1600    [12, 4087, -4, -3],
1601    [12, 4088, -4, 3],
1602    [12, 4089, 3, 4],
1603    [12, 4090, -3, 4],
1604    [12, 4091, 4, 3],
1605    [12, 4092, 4, -3],
1606    [12, 4093, -3, -4],
1607    [13, 8188, 4, -4],
1608    [13, 8189, -4, 4],
1609    [13, 8190, 4, 4],
1610    [13, 8191, -4, -4]
1613const HCB6 = [
1614    [4, 0, 0, 0],
1615    [4, 1, 1, 0],
1616    [4, 2, 0, -1],
1617    [4, 3, 0, 1],
1618    [4, 4, -1, 0],
1619    [4, 5, 1, 1],
1620    [4, 6, -1, 1],
1621    [4, 7, 1, -1],
1622    [4, 8, -1, -1],
1623    [6, 36, 2, -1],
1624    [6, 37, 2, 1],
1625    [6, 38, -2, 1],
1626    [6, 39, -2, -1],
1627    [6, 40, -2, 0],
1628    [6, 41, -1, 2],
1629    [6, 42, 2, 0],
1630    [6, 43, 1, -2],
1631    [6, 44, 1, 2],
1632    [6, 45, 0, -2],
1633    [6, 46, -1, -2],
1634    [6, 47, 0, 2],
1635    [6, 48, 2, -2],
1636    [6, 49, -2, 2],
1637    [6, 50, -2, -2],
1638    [6, 51, 2, 2],
1639    [7, 104, -3, 1],
1640    [7, 105, 3, 1],
1641    [7, 106, 3, -1],
1642    [7, 107, -1, 3],
1643    [7, 108, -3, -1],
1644    [7, 109, 1, 3],
1645    [7, 110, 1, -3],
1646    [7, 111, -1, -3],
1647    [7, 112, 3, 0],
1648    [7, 113, -3, 0],
1649    [7, 114, 0, -3],
1650    [7, 115, 0, 3],
1651    [7, 116, 3, 2],
1652    [8, 234, -3, -2],
1653    [8, 235, -2, 3],
1654    [8, 236, 2, 3],
1655    [8, 237, 3, -2],
1656    [8, 238, 2, -3],
1657    [8, 239, -2, -3],
1658    [8, 240, -3, 2],
1659    [8, 241, 3, 3],
1660    [9, 484, 3, -3],
1661    [9, 485, -3, -3],
1662    [9, 486, -3, 3],
1663    [9, 487, 1, -4],
1664    [9, 488, -1, -4],
1665    [9, 489, 4, 1],
1666    [9, 490, -4, 1],
1667    [9, 491, -4, -1],
1668    [9, 492, 1, 4],
1669    [9, 493, 4, -1],
1670    [9, 494, -1, 4],
1671    [9, 495, 0, -4],
1672    [9, 496, -4, 2],
1673    [9, 497, -4, -2],
1674    [9, 498, 2, 4],
1675    [9, 499, -2, -4],
1676    [9, 500, -4, 0],
1677    [9, 501, 4, 2],
1678    [9, 502, 4, -2],
1679    [9, 503, -2, 4],
1680    [9, 504, 4, 0],
1681    [9, 505, 2, -4],
1682    [9, 506, 0, 4],
1683    [10, 1014, -3, -4],
1684    [10, 1015, -3, 4],
1685    [10, 1016, 3, -4],
1686    [10, 1017, 4, -3],
1687    [10, 1018, 3, 4],
1688    [10, 1019, 4, 3],
1689    [10, 1020, -4, 3],
1690    [10, 1021, -4, -3],
1691    [11, 2044, 4, 4],
1692    [11, 2045, -4, 4],
1693    [11, 2046, -4, -4],
1694    [11, 2047, 4, -4]
1697const HCB7 = [
1698    [1, 0, 0, 0],
1699    [3, 4, 1, 0],
1700    [3, 5, 0, 1],
1701    [4, 12, 1, 1],
1702    [6, 52, 2, 1],
1703    [6, 53, 1, 2],
1704    [6, 54, 2, 0],
1705    [6, 55, 0, 2],
1706    [7, 112, 3, 1],
1707    [7, 113, 1, 3],
1708    [7, 114, 2, 2],
1709    [7, 115, 3, 0],
1710    [7, 116, 0, 3],
1711    [8, 234, 2, 3],
1712    [8, 235, 3, 2],
1713    [8, 236, 1, 4],
1714    [8, 237, 4, 1],
1715    [8, 238, 1, 5],
1716    [8, 239, 5, 1],
1717    [8, 240, 3, 3],
1718    [8, 241, 2, 4],
1719    [8, 242, 0, 4],
1720    [8, 243, 4, 0],
1721    [9, 488, 4, 2],
1722    [9, 489, 2, 5],
1723    [9, 490, 5, 2],
1724    [9, 491, 0, 5],
1725    [9, 492, 6, 1],
1726    [9, 493, 5, 0],
1727    [9, 494, 1, 6],
1728    [9, 495, 4, 3],
1729    [9, 496, 3, 5],
1730    [9, 497, 3, 4],
1731    [9, 498, 5, 3],
1732    [9, 499, 2, 6],
1733    [9, 500, 6, 2],
1734    [9, 501, 1, 7],
1735    [10, 1004, 3, 6],
1736    [10, 1005, 0, 6],
1737    [10, 1006, 6, 0],
1738    [10, 1007, 4, 4],
1739    [10, 1008, 7, 1],
1740    [10, 1009, 4, 5],
1741    [10, 1010, 7, 2],
1742    [10, 1011, 5, 4],
1743    [10, 1012, 6, 3],
1744    [10, 1013, 2, 7],
1745    [10, 1014, 7, 3],
1746    [10, 1015, 6, 4],
1747    [10, 1016, 5, 5],
1748    [10, 1017, 4, 6],
1749    [10, 1018, 3, 7],
1750    [11, 2038, 7, 0],
1751    [11, 2039, 0, 7],
1752    [11, 2040, 6, 5],
1753    [11, 2041, 5, 6],
1754    [11, 2042, 7, 4],
1755    [11, 2043, 4, 7],
1756    [11, 2044, 5, 7],
1757    [11, 2045, 7, 5],
1758    [12, 4092, 7, 6],
1759    [12, 4093, 6, 6],
1760    [12, 4094, 6, 7],
1761    [12, 4095, 7, 7]
1764const HCB8 = [
1765    [3, 0, 1, 1],
1766    [4, 2, 2, 1],
1767    [4, 3, 1, 0],
1768    [4, 4, 1, 2],
1769    [4, 5, 0, 1],
1770    [4, 6, 2, 2],
1771    [5, 14, 0, 0],
1772    [5, 15, 2, 0],
1773    [5, 16, 0, 2],
1774    [5, 17, 3, 1],
1775    [5, 18, 1, 3],
1776    [5, 19, 3, 2],
1777    [5, 20, 2, 3],
1778    [6, 42, 3, 3],
1779    [6, 43, 4, 1],
1780    [6, 44, 1, 4],
1781    [6, 45, 4, 2],
1782    [6, 46, 2, 4],
1783    [6, 47, 3, 0],
1784    [6, 48, 0, 3],
1785    [6, 49, 4, 3],
1786    [6, 50, 3, 4],
1787    [6, 51, 5, 2],
1788    [7, 104, 5, 1],
1789    [7, 105, 2, 5],
1790    [7, 106, 1, 5],
1791    [7, 107, 5, 3],
1792    [7, 108, 3, 5],
1793    [7, 109, 4, 4],
1794    [7, 110, 5, 4],
1795    [7, 111, 0, 4],
1796    [7, 112, 4, 5],
1797    [7, 113, 4, 0],
1798    [7, 114, 2, 6],
1799    [7, 115, 6, 2],
1800    [7, 116, 6, 1],
1801    [7, 117, 1, 6],
1802    [8, 236, 3, 6],
1803    [8, 237, 6, 3],
1804    [8, 238, 5, 5],
1805    [8, 239, 5, 0],
1806    [8, 240, 6, 4],
1807    [8, 241, 0, 5],
1808    [8, 242, 4, 6],
1809    [8, 243, 7, 1],
1810    [8, 244, 7, 2],
1811    [8, 245, 2, 7],
1812    [8, 246, 6, 5],
1813    [8, 247, 7, 3],
1814    [8, 248, 1, 7],
1815    [8, 249, 5, 6],
1816    [8, 250, 3, 7],
1817    [9, 502, 6, 6],
1818    [9, 503, 7, 4],
1819    [9, 504, 6, 0],
1820    [9, 505, 4, 7],
1821    [9, 506, 0, 6],
1822    [9, 507, 7, 5],
1823    [9, 508, 7, 6],
1824    [9, 509, 6, 7],
1825    [10, 1020, 5, 7],
1826    [10, 1021, 7, 0],
1827    [10, 1022, 0, 7],
1828    [10, 1023, 7, 7]
1831const HCB9 = [
1832    [1, 0, 0, 0],
1833    [3, 4, 1, 0],
1834    [3, 5, 0, 1],
1835    [4, 12, 1, 1],
1836    [6, 52, 2, 1],
1837    [6, 53, 1, 2],
1838    [6, 54, 2, 0],
1839    [6, 55, 0, 2],
1840    [7, 112, 3, 1],
1841    [7, 113, 2, 2],
1842    [7, 114, 1, 3],
1843    [8, 230, 3, 0],
1844    [8, 231, 0, 3],
1845    [8, 232, 2, 3],
1846    [8, 233, 3, 2],
1847    [8, 234, 1, 4],
1848    [8, 235, 4, 1],
1849    [8, 236, 2, 4],
1850    [8, 237, 1, 5],
1851    [9, 476, 4, 2],
1852    [9, 477, 3, 3],
1853    [9, 478, 0, 4],
1854    [9, 479, 4, 0],
1855    [9, 480, 5, 1],
1856    [9, 481, 2, 5],
1857    [9, 482, 1, 6],
1858    [9, 483, 3, 4],
1859    [9, 484, 5, 2],
1860    [9, 485, 6, 1],
1861    [9, 486, 4, 3],
1862    [10, 974, 0, 5],
1863    [10, 975, 2, 6],
1864    [10, 976, 5, 0],
1865    [10, 977, 1, 7],
1866    [10, 978, 3, 5],
1867    [10, 979, 1, 8],
1868    [10, 980, 8, 1],
1869    [10, 981, 4, 4],
1870    [10, 982, 5, 3],
1871    [10, 983, 6, 2],
1872    [10, 984, 7, 1],
1873    [10, 985, 0, 6],
1874    [10, 986, 8, 2],
1875    [10, 987, 2, 8],
1876    [10, 988, 3, 6],
1877    [10, 989, 2, 7],
1878    [10, 990, 4, 5],
1879    [10, 991, 9, 1],
1880    [10, 992, 1, 9],
1881    [10, 993, 7, 2],
1882    [11, 1988, 6, 0],
1883    [11, 1989, 5, 4],
1884    [11, 1990, 6, 3],
1885    [11, 1991, 8, 3],
1886    [11, 1992, 0, 7],
1887    [11, 1993, 9, 2],
1888    [11, 1994, 3, 8],
1889    [11, 1995, 4, 6],
1890    [11, 1996, 3, 7],
1891    [11, 1997, 0, 8],
1892    [11, 1998, 10, 1],
1893    [11, 1999, 6, 4],
1894    [11, 2000, 2, 9],
1895    [11, 2001, 5, 5],
1896    [11, 2002, 8, 0],
1897    [11, 2003, 7, 0],
1898    [11, 2004, 7, 3],
1899    [11, 2005, 10, 2],
1900    [11, 2006, 9, 3],
1901    [11, 2007, 8, 4],
1902    [11, 2008, 1, 10],
1903    [11, 2009, 7, 4],
1904    [11, 2010, 6, 5],
1905    [11, 2011, 5, 6],
1906    [11, 2012, 4, 8],
1907    [11, 2013, 4, 7],
1908    [11, 2014, 3, 9],
1909    [11, 2015, 11, 1],
1910    [11, 2016, 5, 8],
1911    [11, 2017, 9, 0],
1912    [11, 2018, 8, 5],
1913    [12, 4038, 10, 3],
1914    [12, 4039, 2, 10],
1915    [12, 4040, 0, 9],
1916    [12, 4041, 11, 2],
1917    [12, 4042, 9, 4],
1918    [12, 4043, 6, 6],
1919    [12, 4044, 12, 1],
1920    [12, 4045, 4, 9],
1921    [12, 4046, 8, 6],
1922    [12, 4047, 1, 11],
1923    [12, 4048, 9, 5],
1924    [12, 4049, 10, 4],
1925    [12, 4050, 5, 7],
1926    [12, 4051, 7, 5],
1927    [12, 4052, 2, 11],
1928    [12, 4053, 1, 12],
1929    [12, 4054, 12, 2],
1930    [12, 4055, 11, 3],
1931    [12, 4056, 3, 10],
1932    [12, 4057, 5, 9],
1933    [12, 4058, 6, 7],
1934    [12, 4059, 8, 7],
1935    [12, 4060, 11, 4],
1936    [12, 4061, 0, 10],
1937    [12, 4062, 7, 6],
1938    [12, 4063, 12, 3],
1939    [12, 4064, 10, 0],
1940    [12, 4065, 10, 5],
1941    [12, 4066, 4, 10],
1942    [12, 4067, 6, 8],
1943    [12, 4068, 2, 12],
1944    [12, 4069, 9, 6],
1945    [12, 4070, 9, 7],
1946    [12, 4071, 4, 11],
1947    [12, 4072, 11, 0],
1948    [12, 4073, 6, 9],
1949    [12, 4074, 3, 11],
1950    [12, 4075, 5, 10],
1951    [13, 8152, 8, 8],
1952    [13, 8153, 7, 8],
1953    [13, 8154, 12, 5],
1954    [13, 8155, 3, 12],
1955    [13, 8156, 11, 5],
1956    [13, 8157, 7, 7],
1957    [13, 8158, 12, 4],
1958    [13, 8159, 11, 6],
1959    [13, 8160, 10, 6],
1960    [13, 8161, 4, 12],
1961    [13, 8162, 7, 9],
1962    [13, 8163, 5, 11],
1963    [13, 8164, 0, 11],
1964    [13, 8165, 12, 6],
1965    [13, 8166, 6, 10],
1966    [13, 8167, 12, 0],
1967    [13, 8168, 10, 7],
1968    [13, 8169, 5, 12],
1969    [13, 8170, 7, 10],
1970    [13, 8171, 9, 8],
1971    [13, 8172, 0, 12],
1972    [13, 8173, 11, 7],
1973    [13, 8174, 8, 9],
1974    [13, 8175, 9, 9],
1975    [13, 8176, 10, 8],
1976    [13, 8177, 7, 11],
1977    [13, 8178, 12, 7],
1978    [13, 8179, 6, 11],
1979    [13, 8180, 8, 11],
1980    [13, 8181, 11, 8],
1981    [13, 8182, 7, 12],
1982    [13, 8183, 6, 12],
1983    [14, 16368, 8, 10],
1984    [14, 16369, 10, 9],
1985    [14, 16370, 8, 12],
1986    [14, 16371, 9, 10],
1987    [14, 16372, 9, 11],
1988    [14, 16373, 9, 12],
1989    [14, 16374, 10, 11],
1990    [14, 16375, 12, 9],
1991    [14, 16376, 10, 10],
1992    [14, 16377, 11, 9],
1993    [14, 16378, 12, 8],
1994    [14, 16379, 11, 10],
1995    [14, 16380, 12, 10],
1996    [14, 16381, 12, 11],
1997    [15, 32764, 10, 12],
1998    [15, 32765, 11, 11],
1999    [15, 32766, 11, 12],
2000    [15, 32767, 12, 12]
2003const HCB10 = [
2004    [4, 0, 1, 1],
2005    [4, 1, 1, 2],
2006    [4, 2, 2, 1],
2007    [5, 6, 2, 2],
2008    [5, 7, 1, 0],
2009    [5, 8, 0, 1],
2010    [5, 9, 1, 3],
2011    [5, 10, 3, 2],
2012    [5, 11, 3, 1],
2013    [5, 12, 2, 3],
2014    [5, 13, 3, 3],
2015    [6, 28, 2, 0],
2016    [6, 29, 0, 2],
2017    [6, 30, 2, 4],
2018    [6, 31, 4, 2],
2019    [6, 32, 1, 4],
2020    [6, 33, 4, 1],
2021    [6, 34, 0, 0],
2022    [6, 35, 4, 3],
2023    [6, 36, 3, 4],
2024    [6, 37, 3, 0],
2025    [6, 38, 0, 3],
2026    [6, 39, 4, 4],
2027    [6, 40, 2, 5],
2028    [6, 41, 5, 2],
2029    [7, 84, 1, 5],
2030    [7, 85, 5, 1],
2031    [7, 86, 5, 3],
2032    [7, 87, 3, 5],
2033    [7, 88, 5, 4],
2034    [7, 89, 4, 5],
2035    [7, 90, 6, 2],
2036    [7, 91, 2, 6],
2037    [7, 92, 6, 3],
2038    [7, 93, 4, 0],
2039    [7, 94, 6, 1],
2040    [7, 95, 0, 4],
2041    [7, 96, 1, 6],
2042    [7, 97, 3, 6],
2043    [7, 98, 5, 5],
2044    [7, 99, 6, 4],
2045    [7, 100, 4, 6],
2046    [8, 202, 6, 5],
2047    [8, 203, 7, 2],
2048    [8, 204, 3, 7],
2049    [8, 205, 2, 7],
2050    [8, 206, 5, 6],
2051    [8, 207, 8, 2],
2052    [8, 208, 7, 3],
2053    [8, 209, 5, 0],
2054    [8, 210, 7, 1],
2055    [8, 211, 0, 5],
2056    [8, 212, 8, 1],
2057    [8, 213, 1, 7],
2058    [8, 214, 8, 3],
2059    [8, 215, 7, 4],
2060    [8, 216, 4, 7],
2061    [8, 217, 2, 8],
2062    [8, 218, 6, 6],
2063    [8, 219, 7, 5],
2064    [8, 220, 1, 8],
2065    [8, 221, 3, 8],
2066    [8, 222, 8, 4],
2067    [8, 223, 4, 8],
2068    [8, 224, 5, 7],
2069    [8, 225, 8, 5],
2070    [8, 226, 5, 8],
2071    [9, 454, 7, 6],
2072    [9, 455, 6, 7],
2073    [9, 456, 9, 2],
2074    [9, 457, 6, 0],
2075    [9, 458, 6, 8],
2076    [9, 459, 9, 3],
2077    [9, 460, 3, 9],
2078    [9, 461, 9, 1],
2079    [9, 462, 2, 9],
2080    [9, 463, 0, 6],
2081    [9, 464, 8, 6],
2082    [9, 465, 9, 4],
2083    [9, 466, 4, 9],
2084    [9, 467, 10, 2],
2085    [9, 468, 1, 9],
2086    [9, 469, 7, 7],
2087    [9, 470, 8, 7],
2088    [9, 471, 9, 5],
2089    [9, 472, 7, 8],
2090    [9, 473, 10, 3],
2091    [9, 474, 5, 9],
2092    [9, 475, 10, 4],
2093    [9, 476, 2, 10],
2094    [9, 477, 10, 1],
2095    [9, 478, 3, 10],
2096    [9, 479, 9, 6],
2097    [9, 480, 6, 9],
2098    [9, 481, 8, 0],
2099    [9, 482, 4, 10],
2100    [9, 483, 7, 0],
2101    [9, 484, 11, 2],
2102    [10, 970, 7, 9],
2103    [10, 971, 11, 3],
2104    [10, 972, 10, 6],
2105    [10, 973, 1, 10],
2106    [10, 974, 11, 1],
2107    [10, 975, 9, 7],
2108    [10, 976, 0, 7],
2109    [10, 977, 8, 8],
2110    [10, 978, 10, 5],
2111    [10, 979, 3, 11],
2112    [10, 980, 5, 10],
2113    [10, 981, 8, 9],
2114    [10, 982, 11, 5],
2115    [10, 983, 0, 8],
2116    [10, 984, 11, 4],
2117    [10, 985, 2, 11],
2118    [10, 986, 7, 10],
2119    [10, 987, 6, 10],
2120    [10, 988, 10, 7],
2121    [10, 989, 4, 11],
2122    [10, 990, 1, 11],
2123    [10, 991, 12, 2],
2124    [10, 992, 9, 8],
2125    [10, 993, 12, 3],
2126    [10, 994, 11, 6],
2127    [10, 995, 5, 11],
2128    [10, 996, 12, 4],
2129    [10, 997, 11, 7],
2130    [10, 998, 12, 5],
2131    [10, 999, 3, 12],
2132    [10, 1000, 6, 11],
2133    [10, 1001, 9, 0],
2134    [10, 1002, 10, 8],
2135    [10, 1003, 10, 0],
2136    [10, 1004, 12, 1],
2137    [10, 1005, 0, 9],
2138    [10, 1006, 4, 12],
2139    [10, 1007, 9, 9],
2140    [10, 1008, 12, 6],
2141    [10, 1009, 2, 12],
2142    [10, 1010, 8, 10],
2143    [11, 2022, 9, 10],
2144    [11, 2023, 1, 12],
2145    [11, 2024, 11, 8],
2146    [11, 2025, 12, 7],
2147    [11, 2026, 7, 11],
2148    [11, 2027, 5, 12],
2149    [11, 2028, 6, 12],
2150    [11, 2029, 10, 9],
2151    [11, 2030, 8, 11],
2152    [11, 2031, 12, 8],
2153    [11, 2032, 0, 10],
2154    [11, 2033, 7, 12],
2155    [11, 2034, 11, 0],
2156    [11, 2035, 10, 10],
2157    [11, 2036, 11, 9],
2158    [11, 2037, 11, 10],
2159    [11, 2038, 0, 11],
2160    [11, 2039, 11, 11],
2161    [11, 2040, 9, 11],
2162    [11, 2041, 10, 11],
2163    [11, 2042, 12, 0],
2164    [11, 2043, 8, 12],
2165    [12, 4088, 12, 9],
2166    [12, 4089, 10, 12],
2167    [12, 4090, 9, 12],
2168    [12, 4091, 11, 12],
2169    [12, 4092, 12, 11],
2170    [12, 4093, 0, 12],
2171    [12, 4094, 12, 10],
2172    [12, 4095, 12, 12]
2175const HCB11 = [
2176    [4, 0, 0, 0],
2177    [4, 1, 1, 1],
2178    [5, 4, 16, 16],
2179    [5, 5, 1, 0],
2180    [5, 6, 0, 1],
2181    [5, 7, 2, 1],
2182    [5, 8, 1, 2],
2183    [5, 9, 2, 2],
2184    [6, 20, 1, 3],
2185    [6, 21, 3, 1],
2186    [6, 22, 3, 2],
2187    [6, 23, 2, 0],
2188    [6, 24, 2, 3],
2189    [6, 25, 0, 2],
2190    [6, 26, 3, 3],
2191    [7, 54, 4, 1],
2192    [7, 55, 1, 4],
2193    [7, 56, 4, 2],
2194    [7, 57, 2, 4],
2195    [7, 58, 4, 3],
2196    [7, 59, 3, 4],
2197    [7, 60, 3, 0],
2198    [7, 61, 0, 3],
2199    [7, 62, 5, 1],
2200    [7, 63, 5, 2],
2201    [7, 64, 2, 5],
2202    [7, 65, 4, 4],
2203    [7, 66, 1, 5],
2204    [7, 67, 5, 3],
2205    [7, 68, 3, 5],
2206    [7, 69, 5, 4],
2207    [8, 140, 4, 5],
2208    [8, 141, 6, 2],
2209    [8, 142, 2, 6],
2210    [8, 143, 6, 1],
2211    [8, 144, 6, 3],
2212    [8, 145, 3, 6],
2213    [8, 146, 1, 6],
2214    [8, 147, 4, 16],
2215    [8, 148, 3, 16],
2216    [8, 149, 16, 5],
2217    [8, 150, 16, 3],
2218    [8, 151, 16, 4],
2219    [8, 152, 6, 4],
2220    [8, 153, 16, 6],
2221    [8, 154, 4, 0],
2222    [8, 155, 4, 6],
2223    [8, 156, 0, 4],
2224    [8, 157, 2, 16],
2225    [8, 158, 5, 5],
2226    [8, 159, 5, 16],
2227    [8, 160, 16, 7],
2228    [8, 161, 16, 2],
2229    [8, 162, 16, 8],
2230    [8, 163, 2, 7],
2231    [8, 164, 7, 2],
2232    [8, 165, 3, 7],
2233    [8, 166, 6, 5],
2234    [8, 167, 5, 6],
2235    [8, 168, 6, 16],
2236    [8, 169, 16, 10],
2237    [8, 170, 7, 3],
2238    [8, 171, 7, 1],
2239    [8, 172, 16, 9],
2240    [8, 173, 7, 16],
2241    [8, 174, 1, 16],
2242    [8, 175, 1, 7],
2243    [8, 176, 4, 7],
2244    [8, 177, 16, 11],
2245    [8, 178, 7, 4],
2246    [8, 179, 16, 12],
2247    [8, 180, 8, 16],
2248    [8, 181, 16, 1],
2249    [8, 182, 6, 6],
2250    [8, 183, 9, 16],
2251    [8, 184, 2, 8],
2252    [8, 185, 5, 7],
2253    [8, 186, 10, 16],
2254    [8, 187, 16, 13],
2255    [8, 188, 8, 3],
2256    [8, 189, 8, 2],
2257    [8, 190, 3, 8],
2258    [8, 191, 5, 0],
2259    [8, 192, 16, 14],
2260    [8, 193, 11, 16],
2261    [8, 194, 7, 5],
2262    [8, 195, 4, 8],
2263    [8, 196, 6, 7],
2264    [8, 197, 7, 6],
2265    [8, 198, 0, 5],
2266    [9, 398, 8, 4],
2267    [9, 399, 16, 15],
2268    [9, 400, 12, 16],
2269    [9, 401, 1, 8],
2270    [9, 402, 8, 1],
2271    [9, 403, 14, 16],
2272    [9, 404, 5, 8],
2273    [9, 405, 13, 16],
2274    [9, 406, 3, 9],
2275    [9, 407, 8, 5],
2276    [9, 408, 7, 7],
2277    [9, 409, 2, 9],
2278    [9, 410, 8, 6],
2279    [9, 411, 9, 2],
2280    [9, 412, 9, 3],
2281    [9, 413, 15, 16],
2282    [9, 414, 4, 9],
2283    [9, 415, 6, 8],
2284    [9, 416, 6, 0],
2285    [9, 417, 9, 4],
2286    [9, 418, 5, 9],
2287    [9, 419, 8, 7],
2288    [9, 420, 7, 8],
2289    [9, 421, 1, 9],
2290    [9, 422, 10, 3],
2291    [9, 423, 0, 6],
2292    [9, 424, 10, 2],
2293    [9, 425, 9, 1],
2294    [9, 426, 9, 5],
2295    [9, 427, 4, 10],
2296    [9, 428, 2, 10],
2297    [9, 429, 9, 6],
2298    [9, 430, 3, 10],
2299    [9, 431, 6, 9],
2300    [9, 432, 10, 4],
2301    [9, 433, 8, 8],
2302    [9, 434, 10, 5],
2303    [9, 435, 9, 7],
2304    [9, 436, 11, 3],
2305    [9, 437, 1, 10],
2306    [9, 438, 7, 0],
2307    [9, 439, 10, 6],
2308    [9, 440, 7, 9],
2309    [9, 441, 3, 11],
2310    [9, 442, 5, 10],
2311    [9, 443, 10, 1],
2312    [9, 444, 4, 11],
2313    [9, 445, 11, 2],
2314    [9, 446, 13, 2],
2315    [9, 447, 6, 10],
2316    [9, 448, 13, 3],
2317    [9, 449, 2, 11],
2318    [9, 450, 16, 0],
2319    [9, 451, 5, 11],
2320    [9, 452, 11, 5],
2321    [10, 906, 11, 4],
2322    [10, 907, 9, 8],
2323    [10, 908, 7, 10],
2324    [10, 909, 8, 9],
2325    [10, 910, 0, 16],
2326    [10, 911, 4, 13],
2327    [10, 912, 0, 7],
2328    [10, 913, 3, 13],
2329    [10, 914, 11, 6],
2330    [10, 915, 13, 1],
2331    [10, 916, 13, 4],
2332    [10, 917, 12, 3],
2333    [10, 918, 2, 13],
2334    [10, 919, 13, 5],
2335    [10, 920, 8, 10],
2336    [10, 921, 6, 11],
2337    [10, 922, 10, 8],
2338    [10, 923, 10, 7],
2339    [10, 924, 14, 2],
2340    [10, 925, 12, 4],
2341    [10, 926, 1, 11],
2342    [10, 927, 4, 12],
2343    [10, 928, 11, 1],
2344    [10, 929, 3, 12],
2345    [10, 930, 1, 13],
2346    [10, 931, 12, 2],
2347    [10, 932, 7, 11],
2348    [10, 933, 3, 14],
2349    [10, 934, 5, 12],
2350    [10, 935, 5, 13],
2351    [10, 936, 14, 4],
2352    [10, 937, 4, 14],
2353    [10, 938, 11, 7],
2354    [10, 939, 14, 3],
2355    [10, 940, 12, 5],
2356    [10, 941, 13, 6],
2357    [10, 942, 12, 6],
2358    [10, 943, 8, 0],
2359    [10, 944, 11, 8],
2360    [10, 945, 2, 12],
2361    [10, 946, 9, 9],
2362    [10, 947, 14, 5],
2363    [10, 948, 6, 13],
2364    [10, 949, 10, 10],
2365    [10, 950, 15, 2],
2366    [10, 951, 8, 11],
2367    [10, 952, 9, 10],
2368    [10, 953, 14, 6],
2369    [10, 954, 10, 9],
2370    [10, 955, 5, 14],
2371    [10, 956, 11, 9],
2372    [10, 957, 14, 1],
2373    [10, 958, 2, 14],
2374    [10, 959, 6, 12],
2375    [10, 960, 1, 12],
2376    [10, 961, 13, 8],
2377    [10, 962, 0, 8],
2378    [10, 963, 13, 7],
2379    [10, 964, 7, 12],
2380    [10, 965, 12, 7],
2381    [10, 966, 7, 13],
2382    [10, 967, 15, 3],
2383    [10, 968, 12, 1],
2384    [10, 969, 6, 14],
2385    [10, 970, 2, 15],
2386    [10, 971, 15, 5],
2387    [10, 972, 15, 4],
2388    [10, 973, 1, 14],
2389    [10, 974, 9, 11],
2390    [10, 975, 4, 15],
2391    [10, 976, 14, 7],
2392    [10, 977, 8, 13],
2393    [10, 978, 13, 9],
2394    [10, 979, 8, 12],
2395    [10, 980, 5, 15],
2396    [10, 981, 3, 15],
2397    [10, 982, 10, 11],
2398    [10, 983, 11, 10],
2399    [10, 984, 12, 8],
2400    [10, 985, 15, 6],
2401    [10, 986, 15, 7],
2402    [10, 987, 8, 14],
2403    [10, 988, 15, 1],
2404    [10, 989, 7, 14],
2405    [10, 990, 9, 0],
2406    [10, 991, 0, 9],
2407    [10, 992, 9, 13],
2408    [10, 993, 9, 12],
2409    [10, 994, 12, 9],
2410    [10, 995, 14, 8],
2411    [10, 996, 10, 13],
2412    [10, 997, 14, 9],
2413    [10, 998, 12, 10],
2414    [10, 999, 6, 15],
2415    [10, 1000, 7, 15],
2416    [11, 2002, 9, 14],
2417    [11, 2003, 15, 8],
2418    [11, 2004, 11, 11],
2419    [11, 2005, 11, 14],
2420    [11, 2006, 1, 15],
2421    [11, 2007, 10, 12],
2422    [11, 2008, 10, 14],
2423    [11, 2009, 13, 11],
2424    [11, 2010, 13, 10],
2425    [11, 2011, 11, 13],
2426    [11, 2012, 11, 12],
2427    [11, 2013, 8, 15],
2428    [11, 2014, 14, 11],
2429    [11, 2015, 13, 12],
2430    [11, 2016, 12, 13],
2431    [11, 2017, 15, 9],
2432    [11, 2018, 14, 10],
2433    [11, 2019, 10, 0],
2434    [11, 2020, 12, 11],
2435    [11, 2021, 9, 15],
2436    [11, 2022, 0, 10],
2437    [11, 2023, 12, 12],
2438    [11, 2024, 11, 0],
2439    [11, 2025, 12, 14],
2440    [11, 2026, 10, 15],
2441    [11, 2027, 13, 13],
2442    [11, 2028, 0, 13],
2443    [11, 2029, 14, 12],
2444    [11, 2030, 15, 10],
2445    [11, 2031, 15, 11],
2446    [11, 2032, 11, 15],
2447    [11, 2033, 14, 13],
2448    [11, 2034, 13, 0],
2449    [11, 2035, 0, 11],
2450    [11, 2036, 13, 14],
2451    [11, 2037, 15, 12],
2452    [11, 2038, 15, 13],
2453    [11, 2039, 12, 15],
2454    [11, 2040, 14, 0],
2455    [11, 2041, 14, 14],
2456    [11, 2042, 13, 15],
2457    [11, 2043, 12, 0],
2458    [11, 2044, 14, 15],
2459    [12, 4090, 0, 14],
2460    [12, 4091, 0, 12],
2461    [12, 4092, 15, 14],
2462    [12, 4093, 15, 0],
2463    [12, 4094, 0, 15],
2464    [12, 4095, 15, 15]
2467const HCB_SF = [
2468    [1, 0, 60],
2469    [3, 4, 59],
2470    [4, 10, 61],
2471    [4, 11, 58],
2472    [4, 12, 62],
2473    [5, 26, 57],
2474    [5, 27, 63],
2475    [6, 56, 56],
2476    [6, 57, 64],
2477    [6, 58, 55],
2478    [6, 59, 65],
2479    [7, 120, 66],
2480    [7, 121, 54],
2481    [7, 122, 67],
2482    [8, 246, 53],
2483    [8, 247, 68],
2484    [8, 248, 52],
2485    [8, 249, 69],
2486    [8, 250, 51],
2487    [9, 502, 70],
2488    [9, 503, 50],
2489    [9, 504, 49],
2490    [9, 505, 71],
2491    [10, 1012, 72],
2492    [10, 1013, 48],
2493    [10, 1014, 73],
2494    [10, 1015, 47],
2495    [10, 1016, 74],
2496    [10, 1017, 46],
2497    [11, 2036, 76],
2498    [11, 2037, 75],
2499    [11, 2038, 77],
2500    [11, 2039, 78],
2501    [11, 2040, 45],
2502    [11, 2041, 43],
2503    [12, 4084, 44],
2504    [12, 4085, 79],
2505    [12, 4086, 42],
2506    [12, 4087, 41],
2507    [12, 4088, 80],
2508    [12, 4089, 40],
2509    [13, 8180, 81],
2510    [13, 8181, 39],
2511    [13, 8182, 82],
2512    [13, 8183, 38],
2513    [13, 8184, 83],
2514    [14, 16370, 37],
2515    [14, 16371, 35],
2516    [14, 16372, 85],
2517    [14, 16373, 33],
2518    [14, 16374, 36],
2519    [14, 16375, 34],
2520    [14, 16376, 84],
2521    [14, 16377, 32],
2522    [15, 32756, 87],
2523    [15, 32757, 89],
2524    [15, 32758, 30],
2525    [15, 32759, 31],
2526    [16, 65520, 86],
2527    [16, 65521, 29],
2528    [16, 65522, 26],
2529    [16, 65523, 27],
2530    [16, 65524, 28],
2531    [16, 65525, 24],
2532    [16, 65526, 88],
2533    [17, 131054, 25],
2534    [17, 131055, 22],
2535    [17, 131056, 23],
2536    [18, 262114, 90],
2537    [18, 262115, 21],
2538    [18, 262116, 19],
2539    [18, 262117, 3],
2540    [18, 262118, 1],
2541    [18, 262119, 2],
2542    [18, 262120, 0],
2543    [19, 524242, 98],
2544    [19, 524243, 99],
2545    [19, 524244, 100],
2546    [19, 524245, 101],
2547    [19, 524246, 102],
2548    [19, 524247, 117],
2549    [19, 524248, 97],
2550    [19, 524249, 91],
2551    [19, 524250, 92],
2552    [19, 524251, 93],
2553    [19, 524252, 94],
2554    [19, 524253, 95],
2555    [19, 524254, 96],
2556    [19, 524255, 104],
2557    [19, 524256, 111],
2558    [19, 524257, 112],
2559    [19, 524258, 113],
2560    [19, 524259, 114],
2561    [19, 524260, 115],
2562    [19, 524261, 116],
2563    [19, 524262, 110],
2564    [19, 524263, 105],
2565    [19, 524264, 106],
2566    [19, 524265, 107],
2567    [19, 524266, 108],
2568    [19, 524267, 109],
2569    [19, 524268, 118],
2570    [19, 524269, 6],
2571    [19, 524270, 8],
2572    [19, 524271, 9],
2573    [19, 524272, 10],
2574    [19, 524273, 5],
2575    [19, 524274, 103],
2576    [19, 524275, 120],
2577    [19, 524276, 119],
2578    [19, 524277, 4],
2579    [19, 524278, 7],
2580    [19, 524279, 15],
2581    [19, 524280, 16],
2582    [19, 524281, 18],
2583    [19, 524282, 20],
2584    [19, 524283, 17],
2585    [19, 524284, 11],
2586    [19, 524285, 12],
2587    [19, 524286, 14],
2588    [19, 524287, 13]
2591const CODEBOOKS = [HCB1, HCB2, HCB3, HCB4, HCB5, HCB6, HCB7, HCB8, HCB9, HCB10, HCB11];
2592const UNSIGNED = [false, false, true, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, true],
2593      QUAD_LEN = 4,
2594      PAIR_LEN = 2;
2596var Huffman = {
2597    findOffset: function(stream, table) {
2598        var off = 0,
2599            len = table[off][0],
2600            cw = stream.read(len);
2602        while (cw !== table[off][1]) {
2603            var j = table[++off][0] - len;
2604            len = table[off][0];
2605            cw <<= j;
2606            cw |= stream.read(j);
2607        }
2609        return off;
2610    },
2612    signValues: function(stream, data, off, len) {
2613        for (var i = off; i < off + len; i++) {
2614            if (data[i] && stream.read(1))
2615                data[i] = -data[i];
2616        }
2617    },
2619    getEscape: function(stream, s) {
2620        var i = 4;
2621        while (stream.read(1))
2622            i++;
2624        var j = stream.read(i) | (1 << i);
2625        return s < 0 ? -j : j;
2626    },
2628    decodeScaleFactor: function(stream) {
2629        var offset = this.findOffset(stream, HCB_SF);
2630        return HCB_SF[offset][2];
2631    },
2633    decodeSpectralData: function(stream, cb, data, off) {
2634        var HCB = CODEBOOKS[cb - 1],
2635            offset = this.findOffset(stream, HCB);
2637        data[off] = HCB[offset][2];
2638        data[off + 1] = HCB[offset][3];
2640        if (cb < 5) {
2641            data[off + 2] = HCB[offset][4];
2642            data[off + 3] = HCB[offset][5];
2643        }
2645        // sign and escape
2646        if (cb < 11) {
2647            if (UNSIGNED[cb - 1])
2648                this.signValues(stream, data, off, cb < 5 ? QUAD_LEN : PAIR_LEN);
2650        } else if (cb === 11 || cb > 15) {
2651            this.signValues(stream, data, off, cb < 5 ? QUAD_LEN : PAIR_LEN);
2653            if (Math.abs(data[off]) === 16)
2654                data[off] = this.getEscape(stream, data[off]);
2656            if (Math.abs(data[off + 1]) === 16)
2657                data[off + 1] = this.getEscape(stream, data[off + 1]);
2658        } else {
2659            throw new Error("Huffman: unknown spectral codebook: " + cb);
2660        }
2661    }
2664module.exports = Huffman;
2668 * AAC.js - Advanced Audio Coding decoder in JavaScript
2669 * Created by Devon Govett
2670 * Copyright (c) 2012, Official.fm Labs
2671 *
2672 * AAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
2673 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
2674 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
2675 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
2676 *
2677 * AAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
2678 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
2679 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
2680 * Public License for more details.
2681 *
2682 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
2683 * License along with this library.
2684 * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2685 */
2687var tables = require('./tables');
2688var Huffman = require('./huffman');
2689var TNS = require('./tns');
2691// Individual Channel Stream
2692function ICStream(config) {
2693    this.info = new ICSInfo();
2694    this.bandTypes = new Int32Array(MAX_SECTIONS);
2695    this.sectEnd = new Int32Array(MAX_SECTIONS);
2696    this.data = new Float32Array(config.frameLength);
2697    this.scaleFactors = new Float32Array(MAX_SECTIONS);
2698    this.randomState = 0x1F2E3D4C;
2699    this.tns = new TNS(config);
2700    this.specBuf = new Int32Array(4);
2703ICStream.ZERO_BT = 0;         // Scalefactors and spectral data are all zero.
2704ICStream.FIRST_PAIR_BT = 5;   // This and later band types encode two values (rather than four) with one code word.
2705ICStream.ESC_BT = 11;         // Spectral data are coded with an escape sequence.
2706ICStream.NOISE_BT = 13;       // Spectral data are scaled white noise not coded in the bitstream.
2707ICStream.INTENSITY_BT2 = 14;  // Scalefactor data are intensity stereo positions.
2708ICStream.INTENSITY_BT = 15;   // Scalefactor data are intensity stereo positions.
2715const MAX_SECTIONS = 120,
2718const SF_DELTA = 60,
2719      SF_OFFSET = 200;
2721ICStream.prototype = {
2722    decode: function(stream, config, commonWindow) {
2723        this.globalGain = stream.read(8);
2725        if (!commonWindow)
2726            this.info.decode(stream, config, commonWindow);
2728        this.decodeBandTypes(stream, config);
2729        this.decodeScaleFactors(stream);
2731        if (this.pulsePresent = stream.read(1)) {
2732            if (this.info.windowSequence === ICStream.EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE)
2733                throw new Error("Pulse tool not allowed in eight short sequence.");
2735            this.decodePulseData(stream);
2736        }
2738        if (this.tnsPresent = stream.read(1)) {
2739            this.tns.decode(stream, this.info);
2740        }
2742        if (this.gainPresent = stream.read(1)) {
2743            throw new Error("TODO: decode gain control/SSR");
2744        }
2746        this.decodeSpectralData(stream);
2747    },
2749    decodeBandTypes: function(stream, config) {
2750        var bits = this.info.windowSequence === ICStream.EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE ? 3 : 5,
2751            groupCount = this.info.groupCount,
2752            maxSFB = this.info.maxSFB,
2753            bandTypes = this.bandTypes,
2754            sectEnd = this.sectEnd,
2755            idx = 0,
2756            escape = (1 << bits) - 1;
2758        for (var g = 0; g < groupCount; g++) {
2759            var k = 0;
2760            while (k < maxSFB) {
2761                var end = k,
2762                    bandType = stream.read(4);
2764                if (bandType === 12)
2765                    throw new Error("Invalid band type: 12");
2767                var incr;
2768                while ((incr = stream.read(bits)) === escape)
2769                    end += incr;
2771                end += incr;
2773                if (end > maxSFB)
2774                    throw new Error("Too many bands (" + end + " > " + maxSFB + ")");
2776                for (; k < end; k++) {
2777                    bandTypes[idx] = bandType;
2778                    sectEnd[idx++] = end;
2779                }
2780            }
2781        }
2782    },
2784    decodeScaleFactors: function(stream) {
2785        var groupCount = this.info.groupCount,
2786            maxSFB = this.info.maxSFB,
2787            offset = [this.globalGain, this.globalGain - 90, 0], // spectrum, noise, intensity
2788            idx = 0,
2789            noiseFlag = true,
2790            scaleFactors = this.scaleFactors,
2791            sectEnd = this.sectEnd,
2792            bandTypes = this.bandTypes;
2794        for (var g = 0; g < groupCount; g++) {
2795            for (var i = 0; i < maxSFB;) {
2796                var runEnd = sectEnd[idx];
2798                switch (bandTypes[idx]) {
2799                    case ICStream.ZERO_BT:
2800                        for (; i < runEnd; i++, idx++) {
2801                            scaleFactors[idx] = 0;
2802                        }
2803                        break;
2805                    case ICStream.INTENSITY_BT:
2806                    case ICStream.INTENSITY_BT2:
2807                        for(; i < runEnd; i++, idx++) {
2808                            offset[2] += Huffman.decodeScaleFactor(stream) - SF_DELTA;
2809                            var tmp = Math.min(Math.max(offset[2], -155), 100);
2810                            scaleFactors[idx] = tables.SCALEFACTOR_TABLE[-tmp + SF_OFFSET];
2811                        }
2812                        break;
2814                    case ICStream.NOISE_BT:
2815                        for(; i < runEnd; i++, idx++) {
2816                            if (noiseFlag) {
2817                                offset[1] += stream.read(9) - 256;
2818                                noiseFlag = false;
2819                            } else {
2820                                offset[1] += Huffman.decodeScaleFactor(stream) - SF_DELTA;
2821                            }
2822                            var tmp = Math.min(Math.max(offset[1], -100), 155);
2823                            scaleFactors[idx] = -tables.SCALEFACTOR_TABLE[tmp + SF_OFFSET];
2824                        }
2825                        break;
2827                    default:
2828                        for(; i < runEnd; i++, idx++) {
2829                            offset[0] += Huffman.decodeScaleFactor(stream) - SF_DELTA;
2830                            if(offset[0] > 255)
2831                                throw new Error("Scalefactor out of range: " + offset[0]);
2833                            scaleFactors[idx] = tables.SCALEFACTOR_TABLE[offset[0] - 100 + SF_OFFSET];
2834                        }
2835                        break;
2836                }
2837            }
2838        }
2839    },
2841    decodePulseData: function(stream) {
2842        var pulseCount = stream.read(2) + 1,
2843            pulseSWB = stream.read(6);
2845        if (pulseSWB >= this.info.swbCount)
2846            throw new Error("Pulse SWB out of range: " + pulseSWB);
2848        if (!this.pulseOffset || this.pulseOffset.length !== pulseCount) {
2849            // only reallocate if needed
2850            this.pulseOffset = new Int32Array(pulseCount);
2851            this.pulseAmp = new Int32Array(pulseCount);
2852        }
2854        this.pulseOffset[0] = this.info.swbOffsets[pulseSWB] + stream.read(5);
2855        this.pulseAmp[0] = stream.read(4);
2857        if (this.pulseOffset[0] > 1023)
2858            throw new Error("Pulse offset out of range: " + this.pulseOffset[0]);
2860        for (var i = 1; i < pulseCount; i++) {
2861            this.pulseOffset[i] = stream.read(5) + this.pulseOffset[i - 1];
2862            if (this.pulseOffset[i] > 1023)
2863                throw new Error("Pulse offset out of range: " + this.pulseOffset[i]);
2865            this.pulseAmp[i] = stream.read(4);
2866        }
2867    },
2869    decodeSpectralData: function(stream) {
2870        var data = this.data,
2871            info = this.info,
2872            maxSFB = info.maxSFB,
2873            windowGroups = info.groupCount,
2874            offsets = info.swbOffsets,
2875            bandTypes = this.bandTypes,
2876            scaleFactors = this.scaleFactors,
2877            buf = this.specBuf;
2879        var groupOff = 0, idx = 0;
2880        for (var g = 0; g < windowGroups; g++) {
2881            var groupLen = info.groupLength[g];
2883            for (var sfb = 0; sfb < maxSFB; sfb++, idx++) {
2884                var hcb = bandTypes[idx],
2885                    off = groupOff + offsets[sfb],
2886                    width = offsets[sfb + 1] - offsets[sfb];
2888                if (hcb === ICStream.ZERO_BT || hcb === ICStream.INTENSITY_BT || hcb === ICStream.INTENSITY_BT2) {
2889                    for (var group = 0; group < groupLen; group++, off += 128) {
2890                        for (var i = off; i < off + width; i++) {
2891                            data[i] = 0;
2892                        }
2893                    }
2894                } else if (hcb === ICStream.NOISE_BT) {
2895                    // fill with random values
2896                    for (var group = 0; group < groupLen; group++, off += 128) {
2897                        var energy = 0;
2899                        for (var k = 0; k < width; k++) {
2900                            this.randomState *= 1664525 + 1013904223;
2901                            data[off + k] = this.randomState;
2902                            energy += data[off + k] * data[off + k];
2903                        }
2905                        var scale = scaleFactors[idx] / Math.sqrt(energy);
2906                        for (var k = 0; k < width; k++) {
2907                            data[off + k] *= scale;
2908                        }
2909                    }
2910                } else {
2911                    for (var group = 0; group < groupLen; group++, off += 128) {
2912                        var num = (hcb >= ICStream.FIRST_PAIR_BT) ? 2 : 4;
2913                        for (var k = 0; k < width; k += num) {
2914                            Huffman.decodeSpectralData(stream, hcb, buf, 0);
2916                            // inverse quantization & scaling
2917                            for (var j = 0; j < num; j++) {
2918                                data[off + k + j] = (buf[j] > 0) ? tables.IQ_TABLE[buf[j]] : -tables.IQ_TABLE[-buf[j]];
2919                                data[off + k + j] *= scaleFactors[idx];
2920                            }
2921                        }
2922                    }
2923                }
2924            }
2925            groupOff += groupLen << 7;
2926        }
2928        // add pulse data, if present
2929        if (this.pulsePresent) {
2930            throw new Error('TODO: add pulse data');
2931        }
2932    }
2935// Individual Channel Stream Info
2936function ICSInfo() {
2937    this.windowShape = new Int32Array(2);
2938    this.windowSequence = ICStream.ONLY_LONG_SEQUENCE;
2939    this.groupLength = new Int32Array(MAX_WINDOW_GROUP_COUNT);
2940    this.ltpData1Present = false;
2941    this.ltpData2Present = false;
2944ICSInfo.prototype = {
2945    decode: function(stream, config, commonWindow) {
2946        stream.advance(1); // reserved
2948        this.windowSequence = stream.read(2);
2949        this.windowShape[0] = this.windowShape[1];
2950        this.windowShape[1] = stream.read(1);
2952        this.groupCount = 1;
2953        this.groupLength[0] = 1;
2955        if (this.windowSequence === ICStream.EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) {
2956            this.maxSFB = stream.read(4);
2957            for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
2958                if (stream.read(1)) {
2959                    this.groupLength[this.groupCount - 1]++;
2960                } else {
2961                    this.groupCount++;
2962                    this.groupLength[this.groupCount - 1] = 1;
2963                }
2964            }
2966            this.windowCount = 8;
2967            this.swbOffsets = tables.SWB_OFFSET_128[config.sampleIndex];
2968            this.swbCount = tables.SWB_SHORT_WINDOW_COUNT[config.sampleIndex];
2969            this.predictorPresent = false;
2970        } else {
2971            this.maxSFB = stream.read(6);
2972            this.windowCount = 1;
2973            this.swbOffsets = tables.SWB_OFFSET_1024[config.sampleIndex];
2974            this.swbCount = tables.SWB_LONG_WINDOW_COUNT[config.sampleIndex];
2975            this.predictorPresent = !!stream.read(1);
2977            if (this.predictorPresent)
2978                this.decodePrediction(stream, config, commonWindow);
2979        }
2980    },
2982    decodePrediction: function(stream, config, commonWindow) {
2983        throw new Error('Prediction not implemented.');
2985        switch (config.profile) {
2986            case AOT_AAC_MAIN:
2987                throw new Error('Prediction not implemented.');
2988                break;
2990            case AOT_AAC_LTP:
2991                throw new Error('LTP prediction not implemented.');
2992                break;
2994            default:
2995                throw new Error('Unsupported profile for prediction ' + config.profile);
2996        }
2997    }
3000module.exports = ICStream;
3004 * AAC.js - Advanced Audio Coding decoder in JavaScript
3005 * Created by Devon Govett
3006 * Copyright (c) 2012, Official.fm Labs
3007 *
3008 * AAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
3009 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
3010 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
3011 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
3012 *
3013 * AAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
3014 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
3015 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
3016 * Public License for more details.
3017 *
3018 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
3019 * License along with this library.
3020 * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
3021 */
3023var tables = require('./mdct_tables');
3024var FFT = require('./fft');
3026// Modified Discrete Cosine Transform
3027function MDCT(length) {
3028    this.N = length;
3029    this.N2 = length >>> 1;
3030    this.N4 = length >>> 2;
3031    this.N8 = length >>> 3;
3033    switch (length) {
3034        case 2048:
3035            this.sincos = tables.MDCT_TABLE_2048;
3036            break;
3038        case 256:
3039            this.sincos = tables.MDCT_TABLE_256;
3040            break;
3042        case 1920:
3043            this.sincos = tables.MDCT_TABLE_1920;
3044            break;
3046        case 240:
3047            this.sincos = tables.MDCT_TABLE_240;
3048            break;
3050        default:
3051            throw new Error("unsupported MDCT length: " + length);
3052    }
3054    this.fft = new FFT(this.N4);
3056    this.buf = new Array(this.N4);
3057    for (var i = 0; i < this.N4; i++) {
3058        this.buf[i] = new Float32Array(2);
3059    }
3061    this.tmp = new Float32Array(2);
3064MDCT.prototype.process = function(input, inOffset, output, outOffset) {
3065    // local access
3066    var N2 = this.N2,
3067        N4 = this.N4,
3068        N8 = this.N8,
3069        buf = this.buf,
3070        tmp = this.tmp,
3071        sincos = this.sincos,
3072        fft = this.fft;
3074    // pre-IFFT complex multiplication
3075    for (var k = 0; k < N4; k++) {
3076        buf[k][1] = (input[inOffset + 2 * k] * sincos[k][0]) + (input[inOffset + N2 - 1 - 2 * k] * sincos[k][1]);
3077        buf[k][0] = (input[inOffset + N2 - 1 - 2 * k] * sincos[k][0]) - (input[inOffset + 2 * k] * sincos[k][1]);
3078    }
3080    // complex IFFT, non-scaling
3081    fft.process(buf, false);
3083    // post-IFFT complex multiplication
3084    for (var k = 0; k < N4; k++) {
3085        tmp[0] = buf[k][0];
3086        tmp[1] = buf[k][1];
3087        buf[k][1] = (tmp[1] * sincos[k][0]) + (tmp[0] * sincos[k][1]);
3088        buf[k][0] = (tmp[0] * sincos[k][0]) - (tmp[1] * sincos[k][1]);
3089    }
3091    // reordering
3092    for (var k = 0; k < N8; k += 2) {
3093        output[outOffset + 2 * k] = buf[N8 + k][1];
3094        output[outOffset + 2 + 2 * k] = buf[N8 + 1 + k][1];
3096        output[outOffset + 1 + 2 * k] = -buf[N8 - 1 - k][0];
3097        output[outOffset + 3 + 2 * k] = -buf[N8 - 2 - k][0];
3099        output[outOffset + N4 + 2 * k] = buf[k][0];
3100        output[outOffset + N4 + 2 + 2 * k] = buf[1 + k][0];
3102        output[outOffset + N4 + 1 + 2 * k] = -buf[N4 - 1 - k][1];
3103        output[outOffset + N4 + 3 + 2 * k] = -buf[N4 - 2 - k][1];
3105        output[outOffset + N2 + 2 * k] = buf[N8 + k][0];
3106        output[outOffset + N2 + 2 + 2 * k] = buf[N8 + 1 + k][0];
3108        output[outOffset + N2 + 1 + 2 * k] = -buf[N8 - 1 - k][1];
3109        output[outOffset + N2 + 3 + 2 * k] = -buf[N8 - 2 - k][1];
3111        output[outOffset + N2 + N4 + 2 * k] = -buf[k][1];
3112        output[outOffset + N2 + N4 + 2 + 2 * k] = -buf[1 + k][1];
3114        output[outOffset + N2 + N4 + 1 + 2 * k] = buf[N4 - 1 - k][0];
3115        output[outOffset + N2 + N4 + 3 + 2 * k] = buf[N4 - 2 - k][0];
3116    }
3119module.exports = MDCT;
3123 * AAC.js - Advanced Audio Coding decoder in JavaScript
3124 * Created by Devon Govett
3125 * Copyright (c) 2012, Official.fm Labs
3126 *
3127 * AAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
3128 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
3129 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
3130 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
3131 *
3132 * AAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
3133 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
3134 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
3135 * Public License for more details.
3136 *
3137 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
3138 * License along with this library.
3139 * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
3140 */
3142exports.MDCT_TABLE_2048 = [
3143    [0.031249997702054, 0.000011984224612],
3144    [0.031249813866531, 0.000107857810004],
3145    [0.031249335895858, 0.000203730380198],
3146    [0.031248563794535, 0.000299601032804],
3147    [0.031247497569829, 0.000395468865451],
3148    [0.031246137231775, 0.000491332975794],
3149    [0.031244482793177, 0.000587192461525],
3150    [0.031242534269608, 0.000683046420376],
3151    [0.031240291679407, 0.000778893950134],
3152    [0.031237755043684, 0.000874734148645],
3153    [0.031234924386313, 0.000970566113826],
3154    [0.031231799733938, 0.001066388943669],
3155    [0.031228381115970, 0.001162201736253],
3156    [0.031224668564585, 0.001258003589751],
3157    [0.031220662114728, 0.001353793602441],
3158    [0.031216361804108, 0.001449570872710],
3159    [0.031211767673203, 0.001545334499065],
3160    [0.031206879765253, 0.001641083580144],
3161    [0.031201698126266, 0.001736817214719],
3162    [0.031196222805014, 0.001832534501709],
3163    [0.031190453853031, 0.001928234540186],
3164    [0.031184391324617, 0.002023916429386],
3165    [0.031178035276836, 0.002119579268713],
3166    [0.031171385769513, 0.002215222157753],
3167    [0.031164442865236, 0.002310844196278],
3168    [0.031157206629353, 0.002406444484258],
3169    [0.031149677129975, 0.002502022121865],
3170    [0.031141854437973, 0.002597576209488],
3171    [0.031133738626977, 0.002693105847734],
3172    [0.031125329773375, 0.002788610137442],
3173    [0.031116627956316, 0.002884088179689],
3174    [0.031107633257703, 0.002979539075801],
3175    [0.031098345762200, 0.003074961927355],
3176    [0.031088765557222, 0.003170355836197],
3177    [0.031078892732942, 0.003265719904442],
3178    [0.031068727382288, 0.003361053234488],
3179    [0.031058269600939, 0.003456354929021],
3180    [0.031047519487329, 0.003551624091024],
3181    [0.031036477142640, 0.003646859823790],
3182    [0.031025142670809, 0.003742061230921],
3183    [0.031013516178519, 0.003837227416347],
3184    [0.031001597775203, 0.003932357484328],
3185    [0.030989387573042, 0.004027450539462],
3186    [0.030976885686963, 0.004122505686697],
3187    [0.030964092234638, 0.004217522031340],
3188    [0.030951007336485, 0.004312498679058],
3189    [0.030937631115663, 0.004407434735897],
3190    [0.030923963698074, 0.004502329308281],
3191    [0.030910005212362, 0.004597181503027],
3192    [0.030895755789908, 0.004691990427350],
3193    [0.030881215564835, 0.004786755188872],
3194    [0.030866384674000, 0.004881474895632],
3195    [0.030851263256996, 0.004976148656090],
3196    [0.030835851456154, 0.005070775579142],
3197    [0.030820149416533, 0.005165354774124],
3198    [0.030804157285929, 0.005259885350819],
3199    [0.030787875214864, 0.005354366419469],
3200    [0.030771303356593, 0.005448797090784],
3201    [0.030754441867095, 0.005543176475946],
3202    [0.030737290905077, 0.005637503686619],
3203    [0.030719850631972, 0.005731777834961],
3204    [0.030702121211932, 0.005825998033626],
3205    [0.030684102811835, 0.005920163395780],
3206    [0.030665795601276, 0.006014273035101],
3207    [0.030647199752570, 0.006108326065793],
3208    [0.030628315440748, 0.006202321602594],
3209    [0.030609142843557, 0.006296258760782],
3210    [0.030589682141455, 0.006390136656185],
3211    [0.030569933517616, 0.006483954405188],
3212    [0.030549897157919, 0.006577711124743],
3213    [0.030529573250956, 0.006671405932375],
3214    [0.030508961988022, 0.006765037946194],
3215    [0.030488063563118, 0.006858606284900],
3216    [0.030466878172949, 0.006952110067791],
3217    [0.030445406016919, 0.007045548414774],
3218    [0.030423647297133, 0.007138920446372],
3219    [0.030401602218392, 0.007232225283733],
3220    [0.030379270988192, 0.007325462048634],
3221    [0.030356653816724, 0.007418629863497],
3222    [0.030333750916869, 0.007511727851390],
3223    [0.030310562504198, 0.007604755136040],
3224    [0.030287088796968, 0.007697710841838],
3225    [0.030263330016124, 0.007790594093851],
3226    [0.030239286385293, 0.007883404017824],
3227    [0.030214958130781, 0.007976139740197],
3228    [0.030190345481576, 0.008068800388104],
3229    [0.030165448669342, 0.008161385089390],
3230    [0.030140267928416, 0.008253892972610],
3231    [0.030114803495809, 0.008346323167047],
3232    [0.030089055611203, 0.008438674802711],
3233    [0.030063024516947, 0.008530947010354],
3234    [0.030036710458054, 0.008623138921475],
3235    [0.030010113682202, 0.008715249668328],
3236    [0.029983234439732, 0.008807278383932],
3237    [0.029956072983640, 0.008899224202078],
3238    [0.029928629569580, 0.008991086257336],
3239    [0.029900904455860, 0.009082863685067],
3240    [0.029872897903441, 0.009174555621425],
3241    [0.029844610175929, 0.009266161203371],
3242    [0.029816041539579, 0.009357679568679],
3243    [0.029787192263292, 0.009449109855944],
3244    [0.029758062618606, 0.009540451204587],
3245    [0.029728652879702, 0.009631702754871],
3246    [0.029698963323395, 0.009722863647900],
3247    [0.029668994229134, 0.009813933025633],
3248    [0.029638745879000, 0.009904910030891],
3249    [0.029608218557702, 0.009995793807363],
3250    [0.029577412552575, 0.010086583499618],
3251    [0.029546328153577, 0.010177278253107],
3252    [0.029514965653285, 0.010267877214177],
3253    [0.029483325346896, 0.010358379530076],
3254    [0.029451407532220, 0.010448784348962],
3255    [0.029419212509679, 0.010539090819911],
3256    [0.029386740582307, 0.010629298092923],
3257    [0.029353992055740, 0.010719405318933],
3258    [0.029320967238220, 0.010809411649818],
3259    [0.029287666440590, 0.010899316238403],
3260    [0.029254089976290, 0.010989118238474],
3261    [0.029220238161353, 0.011078816804778],
3262    [0.029186111314406, 0.011168411093039],
3263    [0.029151709756664, 0.011257900259961],
3264    [0.029117033811927, 0.011347283463239],
3265    [0.029082083806579, 0.011436559861563],
3266    [0.029046860069582, 0.011525728614630],
3267    [0.029011362932476, 0.011614788883150],
3268    [0.028975592729373, 0.011703739828853],
3269    [0.028939549796957, 0.011792580614500],
3270    [0.028903234474475, 0.011881310403886],
3271    [0.028866647103744, 0.011969928361855],
3272    [0.028829788029135, 0.012058433654299],
3273    [0.028792657597583, 0.012146825448172],
3274    [0.028755256158571, 0.012235102911499],
3275    [0.028717584064137, 0.012323265213377],
3276    [0.028679641668864, 0.012411311523990],
3277    [0.028641429329882, 0.012499241014612],
3278    [0.028602947406859, 0.012587052857618],
3279    [0.028564196262001, 0.012674746226488],
3280    [0.028525176260050, 0.012762320295819],
3281    [0.028485887768276, 0.012849774241331],
3282    [0.028446331156478, 0.012937107239875],
3283    [0.028406506796976, 0.013024318469437],
3284    [0.028366415064615, 0.013111407109155],
3285    [0.028326056336751, 0.013198372339315],
3286    [0.028285430993258, 0.013285213341368],
3287    [0.028244539416515, 0.013371929297933],
3288    [0.028203381991411, 0.013458519392807],
3289    [0.028161959105334, 0.013544982810971],
3290    [0.028120271148172, 0.013631318738598],
3291    [0.028078318512309, 0.013717526363062],
3292    [0.028036101592619, 0.013803604872943],
3293    [0.027993620786463, 0.013889553458039],
3294    [0.027950876493687, 0.013975371309367],
3295    [0.027907869116616, 0.014061057619178],
3296    [0.027864599060052, 0.014146611580959],
3297    [0.027821066731270, 0.014232032389445],
3298    [0.027777272540012, 0.014317319240622],
3299    [0.027733216898487, 0.014402471331737],
3300    [0.027688900221361, 0.014487487861307],
3301    [0.027644322925762, 0.014572368029123],
3302    [0.027599485431266, 0.014657111036262],
3303    [0.027554388159903, 0.014741716085090],
3304    [0.027509031536144, 0.014826182379271],
3305    [0.027463415986904, 0.014910509123778],
3306    [0.027417541941533, 0.014994695524894],
3307    [0.027371409831816, 0.015078740790225],
3308    [0.027325020091965, 0.015162644128704],
3309    [0.027278373158618, 0.015246404750603],
3310    [0.027231469470833, 0.015330021867534],
3311    [0.027184309470088, 0.015413494692460],
3312    [0.027136893600268, 0.015496822439704],
3313    [0.027089222307671, 0.015580004324954],
3314    [0.027041296040997, 0.015663039565269],
3315    [0.026993115251345, 0.015745927379091],
3316    [0.026944680392213, 0.015828666986247],
3317    [0.026895991919487, 0.015911257607961],
3318    [0.026847050291442, 0.015993698466859],
3319    [0.026797855968734, 0.016075988786976],
3320    [0.026748409414401, 0.016158127793763],
3321    [0.026698711093851, 0.016240114714099],
3322    [0.026648761474864, 0.016321948776289],
3323    [0.026598561027585, 0.016403629210082],
3324    [0.026548110224519, 0.016485155246669],
3325    [0.026497409540530, 0.016566526118696],
3326    [0.026446459452830, 0.016647741060271],
3327    [0.026395260440982, 0.016728799306966],
3328    [0.026343812986890, 0.016809700095831],
3329    [0.026292117574797, 0.016890442665397],
3330    [0.026240174691280, 0.016971026255683],
3331    [0.026187984825246, 0.017051450108208],
3332    [0.026135548467924, 0.017131713465990],
3333    [0.026082866112867, 0.017211815573560],
3334    [0.026029938255941, 0.017291755676967],
3335    [0.025976765395322, 0.017371533023784],
3336    [0.025923348031494, 0.017451146863116],
3337    [0.025869686667242, 0.017530596445607],
3338    [0.025815781807646, 0.017609881023449],
3339    [0.025761633960080, 0.017688999850383],
3340    [0.025707243634204, 0.017767952181715],
3341    [0.025652611341960, 0.017846737274313],
3342    [0.025597737597568, 0.017925354386623],
3343    [0.025542622917522, 0.018003802778671],
3344    [0.025487267820581, 0.018082081712071],
3345    [0.025431672827768, 0.018160190450031],
3346    [0.025375838462365, 0.018238128257362],
3347    [0.025319765249906, 0.018315894400484],
3348    [0.025263453718173, 0.018393488147432],
3349    [0.025206904397193, 0.018470908767865],
3350    [0.025150117819228, 0.018548155533070],
3351    [0.025093094518776, 0.018625227715971],
3352    [0.025035835032562, 0.018702124591135],
3353    [0.024978339899534, 0.018778845434780],
3354    [0.024920609660858, 0.018855389524780],
3355    [0.024862644859912, 0.018931756140672],
3356    [0.024804446042284, 0.019007944563666],
3357    [0.024746013755764, 0.019083954076646],
3358    [0.024687348550337, 0.019159783964183],
3359    [0.024628450978184, 0.019235433512536],
3360    [0.024569321593670, 0.019310902009663],
3361    [0.024509960953345, 0.019386188745225],
3362    [0.024450369615932, 0.019461293010596],
3363    [0.024390548142329, 0.019536214098866],
3364    [0.024330497095598, 0.019610951304848],
3365    [0.024270217040961, 0.019685503925087],
3366    [0.024209708545799, 0.019759871257867],
3367    [0.024148972179639, 0.019834052603212],
3368    [0.024088008514157, 0.019908047262901],
3369    [0.024026818123164, 0.019981854540467],
3370    [0.023965401582609, 0.020055473741208],
3371    [0.023903759470567, 0.020128904172192],
3372    [0.023841892367236, 0.020202145142264],
3373    [0.023779800854935, 0.020275195962052],
3374    [0.023717485518092, 0.020348055943974],
3375    [0.023654946943242, 0.020420724402244],
3376    [0.023592185719023, 0.020493200652878],
3377    [0.023529202436167, 0.020565484013703],
3378    [0.023465997687496, 0.020637573804361],
3379    [0.023402572067918, 0.020709469346314],
3380    [0.023338926174419, 0.020781169962854],
3381    [0.023275060606058, 0.020852674979108],
3382    [0.023210975963963, 0.020923983722044],
3383    [0.023146672851322, 0.020995095520475],
3384    [0.023082151873380, 0.021066009705072],
3385    [0.023017413637435, 0.021136725608363],
3386    [0.022952458752826, 0.021207242564742],
3387    [0.022887287830934, 0.021277559910478],
3388    [0.022821901485173, 0.021347676983716],
3389    [0.022756300330983, 0.021417593124488],
3390    [0.022690484985827, 0.021487307674717],
3391    [0.022624456069185, 0.021556819978223],
3392    [0.022558214202547, 0.021626129380729],
3393    [0.022491760009405, 0.021695235229869],
3394    [0.022425094115252, 0.021764136875192],
3395    [0.022358217147572, 0.021832833668171],
3396    [0.022291129735838, 0.021901324962204],
3397    [0.022223832511501, 0.021969610112625],
3398    [0.022156326107988, 0.022037688476709],
3399    [0.022088611160696, 0.022105559413676],
3400    [0.022020688306983, 0.022173222284699],
3401    [0.021952558186166, 0.022240676452909],
3402    [0.021884221439510, 0.022307921283403],
3403    [0.021815678710228, 0.022374956143245],
3404    [0.021746930643469, 0.022441780401478],
3405    [0.021677977886316, 0.022508393429127],
3406    [0.021608821087780, 0.022574794599206],
3407    [0.021539460898790, 0.022640983286719],
3408    [0.021469897972190, 0.022706958868676],
3409    [0.021400132962735, 0.022772720724087],
3410    [0.021330166527077, 0.022838268233979],
3411    [0.021259999323769, 0.022903600781391],
3412    [0.021189632013250, 0.022968717751391],
3413    [0.021119065257845, 0.023033618531071],
3414    [0.021048299721754, 0.023098302509561],
3415    [0.020977336071050, 0.023162769078031],
3416    [0.020906174973670, 0.023227017629698],
3417    [0.020834817099409, 0.023291047559828],
3418    [0.020763263119915, 0.023354858265748],
3419    [0.020691513708680, 0.023418449146848],
3420    [0.020619569541038, 0.023481819604585],
3421    [0.020547431294155, 0.023544969042494],
3422    [0.020475099647023, 0.023607896866186],
3423    [0.020402575280455, 0.023670602483363],
3424    [0.020329858877078, 0.023733085303813],
3425    [0.020256951121327, 0.023795344739427],
3426    [0.020183852699437, 0.023857380204193],
3427    [0.020110564299439, 0.023919191114211],
3428    [0.020037086611150, 0.023980776887692],
3429    [0.019963420326171, 0.024042136944968],
3430    [0.019889566137877, 0.024103270708495],
3431    [0.019815524741412, 0.024164177602859],
3432    [0.019741296833681, 0.024224857054779],
3433    [0.019666883113346, 0.024285308493120],
3434    [0.019592284280817, 0.024345531348888],
3435    [0.019517501038246, 0.024405525055242],
3436    [0.019442534089523, 0.024465289047500],
3437    [0.019367384140264, 0.024524822763141],
3438    [0.019292051897809, 0.024584125641809],
3439    [0.019216538071215, 0.024643197125323],
3440    [0.019140843371246, 0.024702036657681],
3441    [0.019064968510369, 0.024760643685063],
3442    [0.018988914202748, 0.024819017655836],
3443    [0.018912681164234, 0.024877158020562],
3444    [0.018836270112363, 0.024935064232003],
3445    [0.018759681766343, 0.024992735745123],
3446    [0.018682916847054, 0.025050172017095],
3447    [0.018605976077037, 0.025107372507308],
3448    [0.018528860180486, 0.025164336677369],
3449    [0.018451569883247, 0.025221063991110],
3450    [0.018374105912805, 0.025277553914591],
3451    [0.018296468998280, 0.025333805916107],
3452    [0.018218659870421, 0.025389819466194],
3453    [0.018140679261596, 0.025445594037630],
3454    [0.018062527905790, 0.025501129105445],
3455    [0.017984206538592, 0.025556424146920],
3456    [0.017905715897192, 0.025611478641598],
3457    [0.017827056720375, 0.025666292071285],
3458    [0.017748229748511, 0.025720863920056],
3459    [0.017669235723550, 0.025775193674260],
3460    [0.017590075389012, 0.025829280822525],
3461    [0.017510749489986, 0.025883124855762],
3462    [0.017431258773116, 0.025936725267170],
3463    [0.017351603986600, 0.025990081552242],
3464    [0.017271785880180, 0.026043193208768],
3465    [0.017191805205132, 0.026096059736841],
3466    [0.017111662714267, 0.026148680638861],
3467    [0.017031359161915, 0.026201055419541],
3468    [0.016950895303924, 0.026253183585908],
3469    [0.016870271897651, 0.026305064647313],
3470    [0.016789489701954, 0.026356698115431],
3471    [0.016708549477186, 0.026408083504269],
3472    [0.016627451985187, 0.026459220330167],
3473    [0.016546197989277, 0.026510108111806],
3474    [0.016464788254250, 0.026560746370212],
3475    [0.016383223546365, 0.026611134628757],
3476    [0.016301504633341, 0.026661272413168],
3477    [0.016219632284346, 0.026711159251530],
3478    [0.016137607269996, 0.026760794674288],
3479    [0.016055430362340, 0.026810178214254],
3480    [0.015973102334858, 0.026859309406613],
3481    [0.015890623962454, 0.026908187788922],
3482    [0.015807996021446, 0.026956812901119],
3483    [0.015725219289558, 0.027005184285527],
3484    [0.015642294545918, 0.027053301486856],
3485    [0.015559222571044, 0.027101164052208],
3486    [0.015476004146842, 0.027148771531083],
3487    [0.015392640056594, 0.027196123475380],
3488    [0.015309131084956, 0.027243219439406],
3489    [0.015225478017946, 0.027290058979875],
3490    [0.015141681642938, 0.027336641655915],
3491    [0.015057742748656, 0.027382967029073],
3492    [0.014973662125164, 0.027429034663317],
3493    [0.014889440563862, 0.027474844125040],
3494    [0.014805078857474, 0.027520394983066],
3495    [0.014720577800046, 0.027565686808654],
3496    [0.014635938186934, 0.027610719175499],
3497    [0.014551160814797, 0.027655491659740],
3498    [0.014466246481592, 0.027700003839960],
3499    [0.014381195986567, 0.027744255297195],
3500    [0.014296010130247, 0.027788245614933],
3501    [0.014210689714436, 0.027831974379120],
3502    [0.014125235542201, 0.027875441178165],
3503    [0.014039648417870, 0.027918645602941],
3504    [0.013953929147020, 0.027961587246792],
3505    [0.013868078536476, 0.028004265705534],
3506    [0.013782097394294, 0.028046680577462],
3507    [0.013695986529763, 0.028088831463351],
3508    [0.013609746753390, 0.028130717966461],
3509    [0.013523378876898, 0.028172339692540],
3510    [0.013436883713214, 0.028213696249828],
3511    [0.013350262076462, 0.028254787249062],
3512    [0.013263514781960, 0.028295612303478],
3513    [0.013176642646205, 0.028336171028814],
3514    [0.013089646486871, 0.028376463043317],
3515    [0.013002527122799, 0.028416487967743],
3516    [0.012915285373990, 0.028456245425361],
3517    [0.012827922061597, 0.028495735041960],
3518    [0.012740438007915, 0.028534956445849],
3519    [0.012652834036379, 0.028573909267859],
3520    [0.012565110971550, 0.028612593141354],
3521    [0.012477269639111, 0.028651007702224],
3522    [0.012389310865858, 0.028689152588899],
3523    [0.012301235479693, 0.028727027442343],
3524    [0.012213044309615, 0.028764631906065],
3525    [0.012124738185712, 0.028801965626115],
3526    [0.012036317939156, 0.028839028251097],
3527    [0.011947784402191, 0.028875819432161],
3528    [0.011859138408130, 0.028912338823015],
3529    [0.011770380791341, 0.028948586079925],
3530    [0.011681512387245, 0.028984560861718],
3531    [0.011592534032306, 0.029020262829785],
3532    [0.011503446564022, 0.029055691648087],
3533    [0.011414250820918, 0.029090846983152],
3534    [0.011324947642537, 0.029125728504087],
3535    [0.011235537869437, 0.029160335882573],
3536    [0.011146022343175, 0.029194668792871],
3537    [0.011056401906305, 0.029228726911828],
3538    [0.010966677402371, 0.029262509918876],
3539    [0.010876849675891, 0.029296017496036],
3540    [0.010786919572361, 0.029329249327922],
3541    [0.010696887938235, 0.029362205101743],
3542    [0.010606755620926, 0.029394884507308],
3543    [0.010516523468793, 0.029427287237024],
3544    [0.010426192331137, 0.029459412985906],
3545    [0.010335763058187, 0.029491261451573],
3546    [0.010245236501099, 0.029522832334255],
3547    [0.010154613511943, 0.029554125336796],
3548    [0.010063894943698, 0.029585140164654],
3549    [0.009973081650240, 0.029615876525905],
3550    [0.009882174486340, 0.029646334131247],
3551    [0.009791174307650, 0.029676512694001],
3552    [0.009700081970699, 0.029706411930116],
3553    [0.009608898332881, 0.029736031558168],
3554    [0.009517624252453, 0.029765371299366],
3555    [0.009426260588521, 0.029794430877553],
3556    [0.009334808201034, 0.029823210019210],
3557    [0.009243267950778, 0.029851708453456],
3558    [0.009151640699363, 0.029879925912053],
3559    [0.009059927309220, 0.029907862129408],
3560    [0.008968128643591, 0.029935516842573],
3561    [0.008876245566520, 0.029962889791254],
3562    [0.008784278942845, 0.029989980717805],
3563    [0.008692229638191, 0.030016789367235],
3564    [0.008600098518961, 0.030043315487212],
3565    [0.008507886452329, 0.030069558828062],
3566    [0.008415594306230, 0.030095519142772],
3567    [0.008323222949351, 0.030121196186994],
3568    [0.008230773251129, 0.030146589719046],
3569    [0.008138246081733, 0.030171699499915],
3570    [0.008045642312067, 0.030196525293257],
3571    [0.007952962813750, 0.030221066865402],
3572    [0.007860208459119, 0.030245323985357],
3573    [0.007767380121212, 0.030269296424803],
3574    [0.007674478673766, 0.030292983958103],
3575    [0.007581504991203, 0.030316386362302],
3576    [0.007488459948628, 0.030339503417126],
3577    [0.007395344421816, 0.030362334904989],
3578    [0.007302159287206, 0.030384880610993],
3579    [0.007208905421891, 0.030407140322928],
3580    [0.007115583703613, 0.030429113831278],
3581    [0.007022195010752, 0.030450800929220],
3582    [0.006928740222316, 0.030472201412626],
3583    [0.006835220217939, 0.030493315080068],
3584    [0.006741635877866, 0.030514141732814],
3585    [0.006647988082948, 0.030534681174838],
3586    [0.006554277714635, 0.030554933212813],
3587    [0.006460505654964, 0.030574897656119],
3588    [0.006366672786553, 0.030594574316845],
3589    [0.006272779992593, 0.030613963009786],
3590    [0.006178828156839, 0.030633063552447],
3591    [0.006084818163601, 0.030651875765048],
3592    [0.005990750897737, 0.030670399470520],
3593    [0.005896627244644, 0.030688634494512],
3594    [0.005802448090250, 0.030706580665388],
3595    [0.005708214321004, 0.030724237814232],
3596    [0.005613926823871, 0.030741605774849],
3597    [0.005519586486321, 0.030758684383764],
3598    [0.005425194196321, 0.030775473480228],
3599    [0.005330750842327, 0.030791972906214],
3600    [0.005236257313276, 0.030808182506425],
3601    [0.005141714498576, 0.030824102128288],
3602    [0.005047123288102, 0.030839731621963],
3603    [0.004952484572181, 0.030855070840339],
3604    [0.004857799241589, 0.030870119639036],
3605    [0.004763068187541, 0.030884877876411],
3606    [0.004668292301681, 0.030899345413553],
3607    [0.004573472476075, 0.030913522114288],
3608    [0.004478609603205, 0.030927407845180],
3609    [0.004383704575956, 0.030941002475530],
3610    [0.004288758287610, 0.030954305877381],
3611    [0.004193771631837, 0.030967317925516],
3612    [0.004098745502689, 0.030980038497461],
3613    [0.004003680794587, 0.030992467473486],
3614    [0.003908578402316, 0.031004604736602],
3615    [0.003813439221017, 0.031016450172571],
3616    [0.003718264146176, 0.031028003669899],
3617    [0.003623054073616, 0.031039265119839],
3618    [0.003527809899492, 0.031050234416394],
3619    [0.003432532520278, 0.031060911456318],
3620    [0.003337222832760, 0.031071296139114],
3621    [0.003241881734029, 0.031081388367037],
3622    [0.003146510121474, 0.031091188045095],
3623    [0.003051108892766, 0.031100695081051],
3624    [0.002955678945860, 0.031109909385419],
3625    [0.002860221178978, 0.031118830871473],
3626    [0.002764736490604, 0.031127459455239],
3627    [0.002669225779478, 0.031135795055501],
3628    [0.002573689944583, 0.031143837593803],
3629    [0.002478129885137, 0.031151586994444],
3630    [0.002382546500589, 0.031159043184484],
3631    [0.002286940690606, 0.031166206093743],
3632    [0.002191313355067, 0.031173075654800],
3633    [0.002095665394051, 0.031179651802998],
3634    [0.001999997707835, 0.031185934476438],
3635    [0.001904311196878, 0.031191923615985],
3636    [0.001808606761820, 0.031197619165268],
3637    [0.001712885303465, 0.031203021070678],
3638    [0.001617147722782, 0.031208129281370],
3639    [0.001521394920889, 0.031212943749264],
3640    [0.001425627799047, 0.031217464429043],
3641    [0.001329847258653, 0.031221691278159],
3642    [0.001234054201231, 0.031225624256825],
3643    [0.001138249528420, 0.031229263328024],
3644    [0.001042434141971, 0.031232608457502],
3645    [0.000946608943736, 0.031235659613775],
3646    [0.000850774835656, 0.031238416768124],
3647    [0.000754932719759, 0.031240879894597],
3648    [0.000659083498149, 0.031243048970010],
3649    [0.000563228072993, 0.031244923973948],
3650    [0.000467367346520, 0.031246504888762],
3651    [0.000371502221008, 0.031247791699571],
3652    [0.000275633598775, 0.031248784394264],
3653    [0.000179762382174, 0.031249482963498],
3654    [0.000083889473581, 0.031249887400697]
3657exports.MDCT_TABLE_256 = [
3658    [0.088387931675923, 0.000271171628935],
3659    [0.088354655998507, 0.002440238387037],
3660    [0.088268158780110, 0.004607835236780],
3661    [0.088128492123423, 0.006772656498875],
3662    [0.087935740158418, 0.008933398165942],
3663    [0.087690018991670, 0.011088758687994],
3664    [0.087391476636423, 0.013237439756448],
3665    [0.087040292923427, 0.015378147086172],
3666    [0.086636679392621, 0.017509591195118],
3667    [0.086180879165703, 0.019630488181053],
3668    [0.085673166799686, 0.021739560494940],
3669    [0.085113848121515, 0.023835537710479],
3670    [0.084503260043847, 0.025917157289369],
3671    [0.083841770362110, 0.027983165341813],
3672    [0.083129777532952, 0.030032317381813],
3673    [0.082367710434230, 0.032063379076803],
3674    [0.081556028106671, 0.034075126991164],
3675    [0.080695219477356, 0.036066349323177],
3676    [0.079785803065216, 0.038035846634965],
3677    [0.078828326668693, 0.039982432574992],
3678    [0.077823367035766, 0.041904934592675],
3679    [0.076771529516540, 0.043802194644686],
3680    [0.075673447698606, 0.045673069892513],
3681    [0.074529783025390, 0.047516433390863],
3682    [0.073341224397728, 0.049331174766491],
3683    [0.072108487758894, 0.051116200887052],
3684    [0.070832315663343, 0.052870436519557],
3685    [0.069513476829429, 0.054592824978055],
3686    [0.068152765676348, 0.056282328760143],
3687    [0.066751001845620, 0.057937930171918],
3688    [0.065309029707361, 0.059558631940996],
3689    [0.063827717851668, 0.061143457817234],
3690    [0.062307958565413, 0.062691453160784],
3691    [0.060750667294763, 0.064201685517134],
3692    [0.059156782093749, 0.065673245178784],
3693    [0.057527263059216, 0.067105245733220],
3694    [0.055863091752499, 0.068496824596852],
3695    [0.054165270608165, 0.069847143534609],
3696    [0.052434822330188, 0.071155389164853],
3697    [0.050672789275903, 0.072420773449336],
3698    [0.048880232828135, 0.073642534167879],
3699    [0.047058232755862, 0.074819935377512],
3700    [0.045207886563797, 0.075952267855771],
3701    [0.043330308831298, 0.077038849527912],
3702    [0.041426630540984, 0.078079025877766],
3703    [0.039497998397473, 0.079072170341994],
3704    [0.037545574136653, 0.080017684687506],
3705    [0.035570533825892, 0.080914999371817],
3706    [0.033574067155622, 0.081763573886112],
3707    [0.031557376722714, 0.082562897080836],
3708    [0.029521677306074, 0.083312487473584],
3709    [0.027468195134911, 0.084011893539132],
3710    [0.025398167150101, 0.084660693981419],
3711    [0.023312840259098, 0.085258497987320],
3712    [0.021213470584847, 0.085804945462053],
3713    [0.019101322709138, 0.086299707246093],
3714    [0.016977668910873, 0.086742485313442],
3715    [0.014843788399692, 0.087133012951149],
3716    [0.012700966545425, 0.087471054919968],
3717    [0.010550494103830, 0.087756407596056],
3718    [0.008393666439096, 0.087988899093631],
3719    [0.006231782743558, 0.088168389368510],
3720    [0.004066145255116, 0.088294770302461],
3721    [0.001898058472816, 0.088367965768336]
3724exports.MDCT_TABLE_1920 = [
3725    [0.032274858518097, 0.000013202404176],
3726    [0.032274642494505, 0.000118821372483],
3727    [0.032274080835421, 0.000224439068308],
3728    [0.032273173546860, 0.000330054360572],
3729    [0.032271920638538, 0.000435666118218],
3730    [0.032270322123873, 0.000541273210231],
3731    [0.032268378019984, 0.000646874505642],
3732    [0.032266088347691, 0.000752468873546],
3733    [0.032263453131514, 0.000858055183114],
3734    [0.032260472399674, 0.000963632303600],
3735    [0.032257146184092, 0.001069199104358],
3736    [0.032253474520390, 0.001174754454853],
3737    [0.032249457447888, 0.001280297224671],
3738    [0.032245095009606, 0.001385826283535],
3739    [0.032240387252262, 0.001491340501313],
3740    [0.032235334226272, 0.001596838748031],
3741    [0.032229935985750, 0.001702319893890],
3742    [0.032224192588507, 0.001807782809271],
3743    [0.032218104096050, 0.001913226364749],
3744    [0.032211670573582, 0.002018649431111],
3745    [0.032204892090000, 0.002124050879359],
3746    [0.032197768717898, 0.002229429580728],
3747    [0.032190300533560, 0.002334784406698],
3748    [0.032182487616965, 0.002440114229003],
3749    [0.032174330051782, 0.002545417919644],
3750    [0.032165827925374, 0.002650694350905],
3751    [0.032156981328790, 0.002755942395358],
3752    [0.032147790356771, 0.002861160925883],
3753    [0.032138255107744, 0.002966348815672],
3754    [0.032128375683825, 0.003071504938250],
3755    [0.032118152190814, 0.003176628167476],
3756    [0.032107584738196, 0.003281717377568],
3757    [0.032096673439141, 0.003386771443102],
3758    [0.032085418410500, 0.003491789239036],
3759    [0.032073819772804, 0.003596769640711],
3760    [0.032061877650267, 0.003701711523874],
3761    [0.032049592170778, 0.003806613764680],
3762    [0.032036963465906, 0.003911475239711],
3763    [0.032023991670893, 0.004016294825985],
3764    [0.032010676924657, 0.004121071400967],
3765    [0.031997019369789, 0.004225803842586],
3766    [0.031983019152549, 0.004330491029241],
3767    [0.031968676422869, 0.004435131839816],
3768    [0.031953991334348, 0.004539725153692],
3769    [0.031938964044252, 0.004644269850758],
3770    [0.031923594713510, 0.004748764811426],
3771    [0.031907883506716, 0.004853208916638],
3772    [0.031891830592124, 0.004957601047881],
3773    [0.031875436141648, 0.005061940087200],
3774    [0.031858700330859, 0.005166224917208],
3775    [0.031841623338985, 0.005270454421097],
3776    [0.031824205348907, 0.005374627482653],
3777    [0.031806446547156, 0.005478742986267],
3778    [0.031788347123916, 0.005582799816945],
3779    [0.031769907273017, 0.005686796860323],
3780    [0.031751127191935, 0.005790733002674],
3781    [0.031732007081789, 0.005894607130928],
3782    [0.031712547147340, 0.005998418132675],
3783    [0.031692747596989, 0.006102164896182],
3784    [0.031672608642773, 0.006205846310406],
3785    [0.031652130500364, 0.006309461265002],
3786    [0.031631313389067, 0.006413008650337],
3787    [0.031610157531816, 0.006516487357501],
3788    [0.031588663155172, 0.006619896278321],
3789    [0.031566830489325, 0.006723234305370],
3790    [0.031544659768083, 0.006826500331981],
3791    [0.031522151228878, 0.006929693252258],
3792    [0.031499305112758, 0.007032811961088],
3793    [0.031476121664387, 0.007135855354151],
3794    [0.031452601132040, 0.007238822327937],
3795    [0.031428743767604, 0.007341711779751],
3796    [0.031404549826572, 0.007444522607730],
3797    [0.031380019568042, 0.007547253710853],
3798    [0.031355153254712, 0.007649903988952],
3799    [0.031329951152882, 0.007752472342725],
3800    [0.031304413532445, 0.007854957673748],
3801    [0.031278540666888, 0.007957358884484],
3802    [0.031252332833290, 0.008059674878300],
3803    [0.031225790312316, 0.008161904559473],
3804    [0.031198913388214, 0.008264046833205],
3805    [0.031171702348814, 0.008366100605636],
3806    [0.031144157485525, 0.008468064783849],
3807    [0.031116279093331, 0.008569938275893],
3808    [0.031088067470786, 0.008671719990782],
3809    [0.031059522920014, 0.008773408838517],
3810    [0.031030645746705, 0.008875003730092],
3811    [0.031001436260110, 0.008976503577507],
3812    [0.030971894773039, 0.009077907293780],
3813    [0.030942021601857, 0.009179213792959],
3814    [0.030911817066483, 0.009280421990133],
3815    [0.030881281490382, 0.009381530801444],
3816    [0.030850415200566, 0.009482539144097],
3817    [0.030819218527589, 0.009583445936373],
3818    [0.030787691805541, 0.009684250097643],
3819    [0.030755835372048, 0.009784950548375],
3820    [0.030723649568268, 0.009885546210147],
3821    [0.030691134738883, 0.009986036005661],
3822    [0.030658291232103, 0.010086418858753],
3823    [0.030625119399655, 0.010186693694402],
3824    [0.030591619596781, 0.010286859438745],
3825    [0.030557792182239, 0.010386915019088],
3826    [0.030523637518292, 0.010486859363916],
3827    [0.030489155970710, 0.010586691402906],
3828    [0.030454347908763, 0.010686410066936],
3829    [0.030419213705216, 0.010786014288099],
3830    [0.030383753736329, 0.010885502999714],
3831    [0.030347968381849, 0.010984875136338],
3832    [0.030311858025010, 0.011084129633775],
3833    [0.030275423052523, 0.011183265429088],
3834    [0.030238663854579, 0.011282281460612],
3835    [0.030201580824838, 0.011381176667967],
3836    [0.030164174360430, 0.011479949992062],
3837    [0.030126444861948, 0.011578600375117],
3838    [0.030088392733446, 0.011677126760663],
3839    [0.030050018382430, 0.011775528093563],
3840    [0.030011322219859, 0.011873803320018],
3841    [0.029972304660138, 0.011971951387578],
3842    [0.029932966121114, 0.012069971245157],
3843    [0.029893307024070, 0.012167861843041],
3844    [0.029853327793724, 0.012265622132901],
3845    [0.029813028858222, 0.012363251067801],
3846    [0.029772410649132, 0.012460747602215],
3847    [0.029731473601443, 0.012558110692033],
3848    [0.029690218153558, 0.012655339294575],
3849    [0.029648644747289, 0.012752432368600],
3850    [0.029606753827855, 0.012849388874320],
3851    [0.029564545843872, 0.012946207773407],
3852    [0.029522021247356, 0.013042888029011],
3853    [0.029479180493710, 0.013139428605762],
3854    [0.029436024041725, 0.013235828469789],
3855    [0.029392552353570, 0.013332086588727],
3856    [0.029348765894794, 0.013428201931728],
3857    [0.029304665134313, 0.013524173469475],
3858    [0.029260250544412, 0.013620000174189],
3859    [0.029215522600735, 0.013715681019643],
3860    [0.029170481782283, 0.013811214981173],
3861    [0.029125128571406, 0.013906601035686],
3862    [0.029079463453801, 0.014001838161674],
3863    [0.029033486918505, 0.014096925339225],
3864    [0.028987199457889, 0.014191861550031],
3865    [0.028940601567655, 0.014286645777401],
3866    [0.028893693746829, 0.014381277006273],
3867    [0.028846476497755, 0.014475754223221],
3868    [0.028798950326094, 0.014570076416472],
3869    [0.028751115740811, 0.014664242575910],
3870    [0.028702973254178, 0.014758251693091],
3871    [0.028654523381760, 0.014852102761253],
3872    [0.028605766642418, 0.014945794775326],
3873    [0.028556703558297, 0.015039326731945],
3874    [0.028507334654823, 0.015132697629457],
3875    [0.028457660460698, 0.015225906467935],
3876    [0.028407681507891, 0.015318952249187],
3877    [0.028357398331639, 0.015411833976768],
3878    [0.028306811470432, 0.015504550655988],
3879    [0.028255921466016, 0.015597101293927],
3880    [0.028204728863381, 0.015689484899442],
3881    [0.028153234210760, 0.015781700483179],
3882    [0.028101438059619, 0.015873747057582],
3883    [0.028049340964652, 0.015965623636907],
3884    [0.027996943483779, 0.016057329237229],
3885    [0.027944246178133, 0.016148862876456],
3886    [0.027891249612061, 0.016240223574335],
3887    [0.027837954353113, 0.016331410352467],
3888    [0.027784360972039, 0.016422422234315],
3889    [0.027730470042780, 0.016513258245214],
3890    [0.027676282142466, 0.016603917412384],
3891    [0.027621797851405, 0.016694398764938],
3892    [0.027567017753080, 0.016784701333894],
3893    [0.027511942434143, 0.016874824152183],
3894    [0.027456572484404, 0.016964766254662],
3895    [0.027400908496833, 0.017054526678124],
3896    [0.027344951067546, 0.017144104461307],
3897    [0.027288700795801, 0.017233498644904],
3898    [0.027232158283994, 0.017322708271577],
3899    [0.027175324137651, 0.017411732385960],
3900    [0.027118198965418, 0.017500570034678],
3901    [0.027060783379060, 0.017589220266351],
3902    [0.027003077993454, 0.017677682131607],
3903    [0.026945083426576, 0.017765954683088],
3904    [0.026886800299502, 0.017854036975468],
3905    [0.026828229236397, 0.017941928065456],
3906    [0.026769370864511, 0.018029627011808],
3907    [0.026710225814170, 0.018117132875340],
3908    [0.026650794718768, 0.018204444718934],
3909    [0.026591078214767, 0.018291561607551],
3910    [0.026531076941680, 0.018378482608238],
3911    [0.026470791542075, 0.018465206790142],
3912    [0.026410222661558, 0.018551733224515],
3913    [0.026349370948775, 0.018638060984730],
3914    [0.026288237055398, 0.018724189146286],
3915    [0.026226821636121, 0.018810116786819],
3916    [0.026165125348656, 0.018895842986112],
3917    [0.026103148853718, 0.018981366826109],
3918    [0.026040892815028, 0.019066687390916],
3919    [0.025978357899296, 0.019151803766819],
3920    [0.025915544776223, 0.019236715042290],
3921    [0.025852454118485, 0.019321420307998],
3922    [0.025789086601733, 0.019405918656817],
3923    [0.025725442904582, 0.019490209183837],
3924    [0.025661523708606, 0.019574290986376],
3925    [0.025597329698327, 0.019658163163984],
3926    [0.025532861561211, 0.019741824818458],
3927    [0.025468119987662, 0.019825275053848],
3928    [0.025403105671008, 0.019908512976470],
3929    [0.025337819307501, 0.019991537694913],
3930    [0.025272261596305, 0.020074348320047],
3931    [0.025206433239491, 0.020156943965039],
3932    [0.025140334942028, 0.020239323745355],
3933    [0.025073967411776, 0.020321486778774],
3934    [0.025007331359476, 0.020403432185395],
3935    [0.024940427498748, 0.020485159087650],
3936    [0.024873256546079, 0.020566666610309],
3937    [0.024805819220816, 0.020647953880491],
3938    [0.024738116245157, 0.020729020027676],
3939    [0.024670148344147, 0.020809864183709],
3940    [0.024601916245669, 0.020890485482816],
3941    [0.024533420680433, 0.020970883061607],
3942    [0.024464662381971, 0.021051056059087],
3943    [0.024395642086630, 0.021131003616670],
3944    [0.024326360533561, 0.021210724878181],
3945    [0.024256818464715, 0.021290218989868],
3946    [0.024187016624830, 0.021369485100415],
3947    [0.024116955761430, 0.021448522360944],
3948    [0.024046636624808, 0.021527329925030],
3949    [0.023976059968027, 0.021605906948708],
3950    [0.023905226546906, 0.021684252590480],
3951    [0.023834137120014, 0.021762366011328],
3952    [0.023762792448662, 0.021840246374720],
3953    [0.023691193296893, 0.021917892846620],
3954    [0.023619340431478, 0.021995304595495],
3955    [0.023547234621902, 0.022072480792330],
3956    [0.023474876640361, 0.022149420610628],
3957    [0.023402267261751, 0.022226123226426],
3958    [0.023329407263659, 0.022302587818300],
3959    [0.023256297426359, 0.022378813567377],
3960    [0.023182938532797, 0.022454799657339],
3961    [0.023109331368588, 0.022530545274437],
3962    [0.023035476722006, 0.022606049607496],
3963    [0.022961375383975, 0.022681311847926],
3964    [0.022887028148061, 0.022756331189727],
3965    [0.022812435810462, 0.022831106829504],
3966    [0.022737599170003, 0.022905637966469],
3967    [0.022662519028125, 0.022979923802453],
3968    [0.022587196188874, 0.023053963541915],
3969    [0.022511631458899, 0.023127756391950],
3970    [0.022435825647437, 0.023201301562294],
3971    [0.022359779566306, 0.023274598265338],
3972    [0.022283494029900, 0.023347645716133],
3973    [0.022206969855176, 0.023420443132400],
3974    [0.022130207861645, 0.023492989734537],
3975    [0.022053208871367, 0.023565284745628],
3976    [0.021975973708940, 0.023637327391451],
3977    [0.021898503201489, 0.023709116900488],
3978    [0.021820798178663, 0.023780652503931],
3979    [0.021742859472618, 0.023851933435691],
3980    [0.021664687918017, 0.023922958932406],
3981    [0.021586284352013, 0.023993728233451],
3982    [0.021507649614247, 0.024064240580942],
3983    [0.021428784546832, 0.024134495219750],
3984    [0.021349689994350, 0.024204491397504],
3985    [0.021270366803840, 0.024274228364600],
3986    [0.021190815824791, 0.024343705374213],
3987    [0.021111037909128, 0.024412921682298],
3988    [0.021031033911210, 0.024481876547605],
3989    [0.020950804687815, 0.024550569231683],
3990    [0.020870351098134, 0.024618998998889],
3991    [0.020789674003759, 0.024687165116394],
3992    [0.020708774268678, 0.024755066854194],
3993    [0.020627652759262, 0.024822703485116],
3994    [0.020546310344257, 0.024890074284826],
3995    [0.020464747894775, 0.024957178531837],
3996    [0.020382966284284, 0.025024015507516],
3997    [0.020300966388600, 0.025090584496093],
3998    [0.020218749085876, 0.025156884784668],
3999    [0.020136315256592, 0.025222915663218],
4000    [0.020053665783549, 0.025288676424605],
4001    [0.019970801551857, 0.025354166364584],
4002    [0.019887723448925, 0.025419384781811],
4003    [0.019804432364452, 0.025484330977848],
4004    [0.019720929190419, 0.025549004257175],
4005    [0.019637214821078, 0.025613403927192],
4006    [0.019553290152943, 0.025677529298230],
4007    [0.019469156084779, 0.025741379683559],
4008    [0.019384813517595, 0.025804954399392],
4009    [0.019300263354632, 0.025868252764895],
4010    [0.019215506501354, 0.025931274102193],
4011    [0.019130543865439, 0.025994017736379],
4012    [0.019045376356769, 0.026056482995518],
4013    [0.018960004887419, 0.026118669210657],
4014    [0.018874430371648, 0.026180575715833],
4015    [0.018788653725892, 0.026242201848076],
4016    [0.018702675868750, 0.026303546947421],
4017    [0.018616497720974, 0.026364610356909],
4018    [0.018530120205464, 0.026425391422602],
4019    [0.018443544247254, 0.026485889493583],
4020    [0.018356770773502, 0.026546103921965],
4021    [0.018269800713483, 0.026606034062902],
4022    [0.018182634998576, 0.026665679274589],
4023    [0.018095274562256, 0.026725038918274],
4024    [0.018007720340083, 0.026784112358263],
4025    [0.017919973269692, 0.026842898961926],
4026    [0.017832034290785, 0.026901398099707],
4027    [0.017743904345116, 0.026959609145127],
4028    [0.017655584376488, 0.027017531474792],
4029    [0.017567075330734, 0.027075164468401],
4030    [0.017478378155718, 0.027132507508750],
4031    [0.017389493801313, 0.027189559981742],
4032    [0.017300423219401, 0.027246321276391],
4033    [0.017211167363854, 0.027302790784828],
4034    [0.017121727190533, 0.027358967902310],
4035    [0.017032103657269, 0.027414852027226],
4036    [0.016942297723858, 0.027470442561102],
4037    [0.016852310352050, 0.027525738908608],
4038    [0.016762142505537, 0.027580740477564],
4039    [0.016671795149944, 0.027635446678948],
4040    [0.016581269252819, 0.027689856926900],
4041    [0.016490565783622, 0.027743970638730],
4042    [0.016399685713714, 0.027797787234924],
4043    [0.016308630016347, 0.027851306139149],
4044    [0.016217399666655, 0.027904526778260],
4045    [0.016125995641641, 0.027957448582309],
4046    [0.016034418920170, 0.028010070984544],
4047    [0.015942670482954, 0.028062393421421],
4048    [0.015850751312545, 0.028114415332610],
4049    [0.015758662393324, 0.028166136160998],
4050    [0.015666404711489, 0.028217555352697],
4051    [0.015573979255046, 0.028268672357047],
4052    [0.015481387013797, 0.028319486626627],
4053    [0.015388628979331, 0.028369997617257],
4054    [0.015295706145012, 0.028420204788004],
4055    [0.015202619505968, 0.028470107601191],
4056    [0.015109370059084, 0.028519705522399],
4057    [0.015015958802984, 0.028568998020472],
4058    [0.014922386738030, 0.028617984567529],
4059    [0.014828654866302, 0.028666664638963],
4060    [0.014734764191593, 0.028715037713449],
4061    [0.014640715719398, 0.028763103272951],
4062    [0.014546510456900, 0.028810860802724],
4063    [0.014452149412962, 0.028858309791325],
4064    [0.014357633598114, 0.028905449730613],
4065    [0.014262964024545, 0.028952280115756],
4066    [0.014168141706090, 0.028998800445240],
4067    [0.014073167658220, 0.029045010220868],
4068    [0.013978042898030, 0.029090908947771],
4069    [0.013882768444231, 0.029136496134411],
4070    [0.013787345317136, 0.029181771292585],
4071    [0.013691774538648, 0.029226733937433],
4072    [0.013596057132255, 0.029271383587441],
4073    [0.013500194123014, 0.029315719764447],
4074    [0.013404186537539, 0.029359741993647],
4075    [0.013308035403995, 0.029403449803598],
4076    [0.013211741752084, 0.029446842726223],
4077    [0.013115306613032, 0.029489920296820],
4078    [0.013018731019584, 0.029532682054063],
4079    [0.012922016005985, 0.029575127540008],
4080    [0.012825162607977, 0.029617256300097],
4081    [0.012728171862781, 0.029659067883165],
4082    [0.012631044809089, 0.029700561841444],
4083    [0.012533782487056, 0.029741737730567],
4084    [0.012436385938281, 0.029782595109573],
4085    [0.012338856205805, 0.029823133540913],
4086    [0.012241194334091, 0.029863352590452],
4087    [0.012143401369021, 0.029903251827477],
4088    [0.012045478357878, 0.029942830824699],
4089    [0.011947426349339, 0.029982089158259],
4090    [0.011849246393462, 0.030021026407731],
4091    [0.011750939541676, 0.030059642156129],
4092    [0.011652506846768, 0.030097935989909],
4093    [0.011553949362874, 0.030135907498976],
4094    [0.011455268145464, 0.030173556276684],
4095    [0.011356464251335, 0.030210881919845],
4096    [0.011257538738598, 0.030247884028732],
4097    [0.011158492666665, 0.030284562207083],
4098    [0.011059327096240, 0.030320916062102],
4099    [0.010960043089307, 0.030356945204470],
4100    [0.010860641709118, 0.030392649248343],
4101    [0.010761124020182, 0.030428027811361],
4102    [0.010661491088253, 0.030463080514646],
4103    [0.010561743980319, 0.030497806982812],
4104    [0.010461883764593, 0.030532206843968],
4105    [0.010361911510496, 0.030566279729717],
4106    [0.010261828288652, 0.030600025275167],
4107    [0.010161635170872, 0.030633443118931],
4108    [0.010061333230142, 0.030666532903129],
4109    [0.009960923540617, 0.030699294273397],
4110    [0.009860407177603, 0.030731726878888],
4111    [0.009759785217550, 0.030763830372273],
4112    [0.009659058738038, 0.030795604409750],
4113    [0.009558228817767, 0.030827048651045],
4114    [0.009457296536545, 0.030858162759415],
4115    [0.009356262975275, 0.030888946401653],
4116    [0.009255129215945, 0.030919399248091],
4117    [0.009153896341616, 0.030949520972603],
4118    [0.009052565436412, 0.030979311252611],
4119    [0.008951137585505, 0.031008769769084],
4120    [0.008849613875105, 0.031037896206544],
4121    [0.008747995392451, 0.031066690253072],
4122    [0.008646283225794, 0.031095151600306],
4123    [0.008544478464390, 0.031123279943448],
4124    [0.008442582198486, 0.031151074981266],
4125    [0.008340595519310, 0.031178536416098],
4126    [0.008238519519057, 0.031205663953853],
4127    [0.008136355290878, 0.031232457304017],
4128    [0.008034103928871, 0.031258916179656],
4129    [0.007931766528065, 0.031285040297416],
4130    [0.007829344184412, 0.031310829377528],
4131    [0.007726837994772, 0.031336283143813],
4132    [0.007624249056906, 0.031361401323680],
4133    [0.007521578469457, 0.031386183648135],
4134    [0.007418827331946, 0.031410629851778],
4135    [0.007315996744755, 0.031434739672811],
4136    [0.007213087809115, 0.031458512853036],
4137    [0.007110101627101, 0.031481949137863],
4138    [0.007007039301610, 0.031505048276306],
4139    [0.006903901936357, 0.031527810020993],
4140    [0.006800690635862, 0.031550234128164],
4141    [0.006697406505433, 0.031572320357675],
4142    [0.006594050651161, 0.031594068473000],
4143    [0.006490624179905, 0.031615478241233],
4144    [0.006387128199278, 0.031636549433095],
4145    [0.006283563817639, 0.031657281822929],
4146    [0.006179932144080, 0.031677675188707],
4147    [0.006076234288412, 0.031697729312034],
4148    [0.005972471361157, 0.031717443978146],
4149    [0.005868644473532, 0.031736818975914],
4150    [0.005764754737440, 0.031755854097848],
4151    [0.005660803265456, 0.031774549140098],
4152    [0.005556791170816, 0.031792903902453],
4153    [0.005452719567407, 0.031810918188350],
4154    [0.005348589569753, 0.031828591804869],
4155    [0.005244402293001, 0.031845924562742],
4156    [0.005140158852914, 0.031862916276347],
4157    [0.005035860365855, 0.031879566763717],
4158    [0.004931507948778, 0.031895875846539],
4159    [0.004827102719212, 0.031911843350155],
4160    [0.004722645795254, 0.031927469103567],
4161    [0.004618138295554, 0.031942752939435],
4162    [0.004513581339303, 0.031957694694082],
4163    [0.004408976046222, 0.031972294207493],
4164    [0.004304323536549, 0.031986551323320],
4165    [0.004199624931030, 0.032000465888879],
4166    [0.004094881350902, 0.032014037755158],
4167    [0.003990093917884, 0.032027266776813],
4168    [0.003885263754166, 0.032040152812170],
4169    [0.003780391982394, 0.032052695723232],
4170    [0.003675479725661, 0.032064895375674],
4171    [0.003570528107494, 0.032076751638847],
4172    [0.003465538251839, 0.032088264385780],
4173    [0.003360511283053, 0.032099433493181],
4174    [0.003255448325892, 0.032110258841438],
4175    [0.003150350505494, 0.032120740314619],
4176    [0.003045218947373, 0.032130877800478],
4177    [0.002940054777404, 0.032140671190449],
4178    [0.002834859121810, 0.032150120379653],
4179    [0.002729633107153, 0.032159225266897],
4180    [0.002624377860318, 0.032167985754674],
4181    [0.002519094508504, 0.032176401749168],
4182    [0.002413784179212, 0.032184473160250],
4183    [0.002308448000231, 0.032192199901481],
4184    [0.002203087099626, 0.032199581890114],
4185    [0.002097702605728, 0.032206619047093],
4186    [0.001992295647121, 0.032213311297057],
4187    [0.001886867352628, 0.032219658568338],
4188    [0.001781418851302, 0.032225660792960],
4189    [0.001675951272410, 0.032231317906644],
4190    [0.001570465745428, 0.032236629848809],
4191    [0.001464963400018, 0.032241596562566],
4192    [0.001359445366028, 0.032246217994727],
4193    [0.001253912773470, 0.032250494095799],
4194    [0.001148366752513, 0.032254424819990],
4195    [0.001042808433471, 0.032258010125204],
4196    [0.000937238946789, 0.032261249973045],
4197    [0.000831659423030, 0.032264144328817],
4198    [0.000726070992868, 0.032266693161525],
4199    [0.000620474787068, 0.032268896443871],
4200    [0.000514871936481, 0.032270754152261],
4201    [0.000409263572030, 0.032272266266801],
4202    [0.000303650824695, 0.032273432771295],
4203    [0.000198034825504, 0.032274253653254],
4204    [0.000092416705518, 0.032274728903884]
4207exports.MDCT_TABLE_240 = [
4208    [0.091286604111815, 0.000298735779793],
4209    [0.091247502481454, 0.002688238127538],
4210    [0.091145864370807, 0.005075898091152],
4211    [0.090981759437558, 0.007460079287760],
4212    [0.090755300151030, 0.009839147718664],
4213    [0.090466641715108, 0.012211472889198],
4214    [0.090115981961863, 0.014575428926191],
4215    [0.089703561215976, 0.016929395692256],
4216    [0.089229662130024, 0.019271759896156],
4217    [0.088694609490769, 0.021600916198470],
4218    [0.088098769996564, 0.023915268311810],
4219    [0.087442552006035, 0.026213230094844],
4220    [0.086726405258214, 0.028493226639351],
4221    [0.085950820564309, 0.030753695349588],
4222    [0.085116329471329, 0.032993087013213],
4223    [0.084223503897785, 0.035209866863042],
4224    [0.083272955741727, 0.037402515628894],
4225    [0.082265336461381, 0.039569530578832],
4226    [0.081201336628670, 0.041709426549053],
4227    [0.080081685455930, 0.043820736961749],
4228    [0.078907150296148, 0.045902014830227],
4229    [0.077678536117054, 0.047951833750597],
4230    [0.076396684949434, 0.049968788879362],
4231    [0.075062475310050, 0.051951497896226],
4232    [0.073676821599542, 0.053898601951466],
4233    [0.072240673475749, 0.055808766597225],
4234    [0.070755015202858, 0.057680682702068],
4235    [0.069220864976840, 0.059513067348201],
4236    [0.067639274227625, 0.061304664710718],
4237    [0.066011326898512, 0.063054246918278],
4238    [0.064338138703282, 0.064760614894630],
4239    [0.062620856361546, 0.066422599180399],
4240    [0.060860656812842, 0.068039060734572],
4241    [0.059058746410016, 0.069608891715145],
4242    [0.057216360092450, 0.071131016238378],
4243    [0.055334760539699, 0.072604391116154],
4244    [0.053415237306106, 0.074028006570930],
4245    [0.051459105937014, 0.075400886927784],
4246    [0.049467707067153, 0.076722091283096],
4247    [0.047442405501835, 0.077990714149396],
4248    [0.045384589281588, 0.079205886075941],
4249    [0.043295668730857, 0.080366774244592],
4250    [0.041177075491445, 0.081472583040586],
4251    [0.039030261541332, 0.082522554597810],
4252    [0.036856698199564, 0.083515969318206],
4253    [0.034657875117883, 0.084452146364948],
4254    [0.032435299259796, 0.085330444129049],
4255    [0.030190493867775, 0.086150260669096],
4256    [0.027924997419306, 0.086911034123781],
4257    [0.025640362572491, 0.087612243096981],
4258    [0.023338155101933, 0.088253407015092],
4259    [0.021019952825636, 0.088834086456390],
4260    [0.018687344523641, 0.089353883452193],
4261    [0.016341928849164, 0.089812441759604],
4262    [0.013985313232951, 0.090209447105664],
4263    [0.011619112781631, 0.090544627402740],
4264    [0.009244949170797, 0.090817752935000],
4265    [0.006864449533597, 0.091028636515846],
4266    [0.004479245345574, 0.091177133616206],
4267    [0.002090971306534, 0.091263142463585]
4271 * AAC.js - Advanced Audio Coding decoder in JavaScript
4272 * Created by Devon Govett
4273 * Copyright (c) 2012, Official.fm Labs
4274 *
4275 * AAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4276 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
4277 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
4278 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
4279 *
4280 * AAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
4281 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
4282 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
4283 * Public License for more details.
4284 *
4285 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
4286 * License along with this library.
4287 * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
4288 */
4291 * Sample offset into the window indicating the beginning of a scalefactor
4292 * window band
4293 *
4294 * scalefactor window band - term for scalefactor bands within a window,
4295 * given in Table 4.110 to Table 4.128.
4296 *
4297 * scalefactor band - a set of spectral coefficients which are scaled by one
4298 * scalefactor. In case of EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE and grouping a scalefactor band
4299 * may contain several scalefactor window bands of corresponding frequency. For
4300 * all other window_sequences scalefactor bands and scalefactor window bands are
4301 * identical.
4302 *******************************************************************************/
4303const SWB_OFFSET_1024_96 = new Uint16Array([
4304      0,   4,   8,  12,  16,  20,  24,  28,
4305     32,  36,  40,  44,  48,  52,  56,  64,
4306     72,  80,  88,  96, 108, 120, 132, 144,
4307    156, 172, 188, 212, 240, 276, 320, 384,
4308    448, 512, 576, 640, 704, 768, 832, 896,
4309    960, 1024
4312const SWB_OFFSET_128_96 = new Uint16Array([
4313    0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 92, 128
4316const SWB_OFFSET_1024_64 = new Uint16Array([
4317      0,   4,   8,  12,  16,  20,  24,  28,
4318     32,  36,  40,  44,  48,  52,  56,  64,
4319     72,  80,  88, 100, 112, 124, 140, 156,
4320    172, 192, 216, 240, 268, 304, 344, 384,
4321    424, 464, 504, 544, 584, 624, 664, 704,
4322    744, 784, 824, 864, 904, 944, 984, 1024
4325const SWB_OFFSET_128_64 = new Uint16Array([
4326    0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 92, 128
4329const SWB_OFFSET_1024_48 = new Uint16Array([
4330      0,   4,   8,  12,  16,  20,  24,  28,
4331     32,  36,  40,  48,  56,  64,  72,  80,
4332     88,  96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 160, 176,
4333    196, 216, 240, 264, 292, 320, 352, 384,
4334    416, 448, 480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640,
4335    672, 704, 736, 768, 800, 832, 864, 896,
4336    928, 1024
4339const SWB_OFFSET_128_48 = new Uint16Array([
4340     0,   4,   8,  12,  16,  20,  28,  36,
4341    44,  56,  68,  80,  96, 112, 128
4344const SWB_OFFSET_1024_32 = new Uint16Array([
4345      0,   4,   8,  12,  16,  20,  24,  28,
4346     32,  36,  40,  48,  56,  64,  72,  80,
4347     88,  96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 160, 176,
4348    196, 216, 240, 264, 292, 320, 352, 384,
4349    416, 448, 480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640,
4350    672, 704, 736, 768, 800, 832, 864, 896,
4351    928, 960, 992, 1024
4354const SWB_OFFSET_1024_24 = new Uint16Array([
4355      0,   4,   8,  12,  16,  20,  24,  28,
4356     32,  36,  40,  44,  52,  60,  68,  76,
4357     84,  92, 100, 108, 116, 124, 136, 148,
4358    160, 172, 188, 204, 220, 240, 260, 284,
4359    308, 336, 364, 396, 432, 468, 508, 552,
4360    600, 652, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024
4363const SWB_OFFSET_128_24 = new Uint16Array([
4364     0,   4,   8,  12,  16,  20,  24,  28,
4365    36,  44,  52,  64,  76,  92, 108, 128
4368const SWB_OFFSET_1024_16 = new Uint16Array([
4369      0,   8,  16,  24,  32,  40,  48,  56,
4370     64,  72,  80,  88, 100, 112, 124, 136,
4371    148, 160, 172, 184, 196, 212, 228, 244,
4372    260, 280, 300, 320, 344, 368, 396, 424,
4373    456, 492, 532, 572, 616, 664, 716, 772,
4374    832, 896, 960, 1024
4377const SWB_OFFSET_128_16 = new Uint16Array([
4378     0,   4,   8,  12,  16,  20,  24,  28,
4379    32,  40,  48,  60,  72,  88, 108, 128
4382const SWB_OFFSET_1024_8 = new Uint16Array([
4383      0,  12,  24,  36,  48,  60,  72,  84,
4384     96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 156, 172, 188,
4385    204, 220, 236, 252, 268, 288, 308, 328,
4386    348, 372, 396, 420, 448, 476, 508, 544,
4387    580, 620, 664, 712, 764, 820, 880, 944,
4388    1024
4391const SWB_OFFSET_128_8 = new Uint16Array([
4392     0,   4,   8,  12,  16,  20,  24,  28,
4393    36,  44,  52,  60,  72,  88, 108, 128
4396exports.SWB_OFFSET_1024 = [
4397    SWB_OFFSET_1024_96,
4398    SWB_OFFSET_1024_96,
4399    SWB_OFFSET_1024_64,
4400    SWB_OFFSET_1024_48,
4401    SWB_OFFSET_1024_48,
4402    SWB_OFFSET_1024_32,
4403    SWB_OFFSET_1024_24,
4404    SWB_OFFSET_1024_24,
4405    SWB_OFFSET_1024_16,
4406    SWB_OFFSET_1024_16,
4407    SWB_OFFSET_1024_16,
4408    SWB_OFFSET_1024_8
4411exports.SWB_OFFSET_128 = [
4412    SWB_OFFSET_128_96,
4413    SWB_OFFSET_128_96,
4414    SWB_OFFSET_128_64,
4415    SWB_OFFSET_128_48,
4416    SWB_OFFSET_128_48,
4417    SWB_OFFSET_128_48,
4418    SWB_OFFSET_128_24,
4419    SWB_OFFSET_128_24,
4420    SWB_OFFSET_128_16,
4421    SWB_OFFSET_128_16,
4422    SWB_OFFSET_128_16,
4423    SWB_OFFSET_128_8
4426exports.SWB_SHORT_WINDOW_COUNT = new Uint8Array([
4427    12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15
4430exports.SWB_LONG_WINDOW_COUNT = new Uint8Array([
4431    41, 41, 47, 49, 49, 51, 47, 47, 43, 43, 43, 40
4435 * Scalefactor lookup table
4436 */
4437exports.SCALEFACTOR_TABLE = (function() {
4438    var table = new Float32Array(428);
4440    for (var i = 0; i < 428; i++) {
4441        table[i] = Math.pow(2, (i - 200) / 4);
4442    }
4444    return table;
4449 * Inverse quantization lookup table
4450 */
4451exports.IQ_TABLE = (function() {
4452    var table = new Float32Array(8191),
4453        four_thirds = 4/3;
4455    for (var i = 0; i < 8191; i++) {
4456        table[i] = Math.pow(i, four_thirds);
4457    }
4459    return table;
4462exports.SAMPLE_RATES = new Int32Array([
4463    96000, 88200, 64000, 48000, 44100, 32000,
4464    24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000, 7350
4469 * AAC.js - Advanced Audio Coding decoder in JavaScript
4470 * Created by Devon Govett
4471 * Copyright (c) 2012, Official.fm Labs
4472 *
4473 * AAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4474 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
4475 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
4476 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
4477 *
4478 * AAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
4479 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
4480 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
4481 * Public License for more details.
4482 *
4483 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
4484 * License along with this library.
4485 * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
4486 */
4488// Temporal Noise Shaping
4489function TNS(config) {
4490    this.maxBands = TNS_MAX_BANDS_1024[config.sampleIndex]
4491    this.nFilt = new Int32Array(8);
4492    this.length = new Array(8);
4493    this.direction = new Array(8);
4494    this.order = new Array(8);
4495    this.coef = new Array(8);
4497    // Probably could allocate these as needed
4498    for (var w = 0; w < 8; w++) {
4499        this.length[w] = new Int32Array(4);
4500        this.direction[w] = new Array(4);
4501        this.order[w] = new Int32Array(4);
4502        this.coef[w] = new Array(4);
4504        for (var filt = 0; filt < 4; filt++) {
4505            this.coef[w][filt] = new Float32Array(TNS_MAX_ORDER);
4506        }
4507    }
4509    this.lpc = new Float32Array(TNS_MAX_ORDER);
4510    this.tmp = new Float32Array(TNS_MAX_ORDER);
4513const TNS_MAX_ORDER = 20,
4514      SHORT_BITS = [1, 4, 3],
4515      LONG_BITS = [2, 6, 5];
4517const TNS_COEF_1_3 = [0.00000000, -0.43388373, 0.64278758, 0.34202015],
4519      TNS_COEF_0_3 = [0.00000000, -0.43388373, -0.78183150, -0.97492790,
4520                      0.98480773, 0.86602539, 0.64278758, 0.34202015],
4522      TNS_COEF_1_4 = [0.00000000, -0.20791170, -0.40673664, -0.58778524,
4523                      0.67369562, 0.52643216, 0.36124167, 0.18374951],
4525      TNS_COEF_0_4 = [0.00000000, -0.20791170, -0.40673664, -0.58778524,
4526                      -0.74314481, -0.86602539, -0.95105654, -0.99452192,
4527                      0.99573416, 0.96182561, 0.89516330, 0.79801720,
4528                      0.67369562, 0.52643216, 0.36124167, 0.18374951],
4530      TNS_TABLES = [TNS_COEF_0_3, TNS_COEF_0_4, TNS_COEF_1_3, TNS_COEF_1_4];
4532const TNS_MAX_BANDS_1024 = [31, 31, 34, 40, 42, 51, 46, 46, 42, 42, 42, 39, 39],
4533      TNS_MAX_BANDS_128 = [9, 9, 10, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14];
4535TNS.prototype.decode = function(stream, info) {
4536    var windowCount = info.windowCount,
4537        bits = info.windowSequence === 2 ? SHORT_BITS : LONG_BITS;
4539    for (var w = 0; w < windowCount; w++) {
4540        if (this.nFilt[w] = stream.read(bits[0])) {
4541            var coefRes = stream.read(1),
4542                nFilt_w = this.nFilt[w],
4543                length_w = this.length[w],
4544                order_w = this.order[w],
4545                direction_w = this.direction[w],
4546                coef_w = this.coef[w];
4548            for (var filt = 0; filt < nFilt_w; filt++) {
4549                length_w[filt] = stream.read(bits[1]);
4551                if ((order_w[filt] = stream.read(bits[2])) > 20)
4552                    throw new Error("TNS filter out of range: " + order_w[filt]);
4554                if (order_w[filt]) {
4555                    direction_w[filt] = !!stream.read(1);
4556                    var coefCompress = stream.read(1),
4557                        coefLen = coefRes + 3 - coefCompress,
4558                        tmp = 2 * coefCompress + coefRes,
4559                        table = TNS_TABLES[tmp],
4560                        order_w_filt = order_w[filt],
4561                        coef_w_filt = coef_w[filt];
4563                    for (var i = 0; i < order_w_filt; i++)
4564                        coef_w_filt[i] = table[stream.read(coefLen)];
4565                }
4567            }
4568        }
4569    }
4572TNS.prototype.process = function(ics, data, decode) {
4573    var mmm = Math.min(this.maxBands, ics.maxSFB),
4574        lpc = this.lpc,
4575        tmp = this.tmp,
4576        info = ics.info,
4577        windowCount = info.windowCount;
4579    for (var w = 0; w < windowCount; w++) {
4580        var bottom = info.swbCount,
4581            nFilt_w = this.nFilt[w],
4582            length_w = this.length[w],
4583            order_w = this.order[w],
4584            coef_w = this.coef[w],
4585            direction_w = this.direction[w];
4587        for (var filt = 0; filt < nFilt_w; filt++) {
4588            var top = bottom,
4589                bottom = Math.max(0, tmp - length_w[filt]),
4590                order = order_w[filt];
4592            if (order === 0) continue;
4594            // calculate lpc coefficients
4595            var autoc = coef_w[filt];
4596            for (var i = 0; i < order; i++) {
4597                var r = -autoc[i];
4598                lpc[i] = r;
4600                for (var j = 0, len = (i + 1) >> 1; j < len; j++) {
4601                    var f = lpc[j],
4602                        b = lpc[i - 1 - j];
4604                    lpc[j] = f + r * b;
4605                    lpc[i - 1 - j] = b + r * f;
4606                }
4607            }
4609            var start = info.swbOffsets[Math.min(bottom, mmm)],
4610                end = info.swbOffsets[Math.min(top, mmm)],
4611                size,
4612                inc = 1;
4614            if ((size = end - start) <= 0) continue;
4616            if (direction_w[filt]) {
4617                inc = -1;
4618                start = end - 1;
4619            }
4621            start += w * 128;
4623            if (decode) {
4624                // ar filter
4625                for (var m = 0; m < size; m++, start += inc) {
4626                    for (var i = 1; i <= Math.min(m, order); i++) {
4627                        data[start] -= data[start - i * inc] * lpc[i - 1];
4628                    }
4629                }
4630            } else {
4631                // ma filter
4632                for (var m = 0; m < size; m++, start += inc) {
4633                    tmp[0] = data[start];
4635                    for (var i = 1; i <= Math.min(m, order); i++)
4636                        data[start] += tmp[i] * lpc[i - 1];
4638                    for (var i = order; i > 0; i--)
4639                        tmp[i] = tmp[i - 1];
4640                }
4641            }
4642        }
4643    }
4646module.exports = TNS;
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