3	// CommonJS
4	SyntaxHighlighter = SyntaxHighlighter || (typeof require !== 'undefined'? require('shCore').SyntaxHighlighter : null);
6	function Brush()
7	{
8		var funcs	=	'abs avg case cast coalesce convert count current_timestamp ' +
9						'current_user day isnull left lower month nullif replace right ' +
10						'session_user space substring sum system_user upper user year';
12		var keywords =	'absolute action add after alter as asc at authorization begin bigint ' +
13						'binary bit by cascade char character check checkpoint close collate ' +
14						'column commit committed connect connection constraint contains continue ' +
15						'create cube current current_date current_time cursor database date ' +
16						'deallocate dec decimal declare default delete desc distinct double drop ' +
17						'dynamic else end end-exec escape except exec execute false fetch first ' +
18						'float for force foreign forward free from full function global goto grant ' +
19						'group grouping having hour ignore index inner insensitive insert instead ' +
20						'int integer intersect into is isolation key last level load local max min ' +
21						'minute modify move name national nchar next no numeric of off on only ' +
22						'open option order out output partial password precision prepare primary ' +
23						'prior privileges procedure public read real references relative repeatable ' +
24						'restrict return returns revoke rollback rollup rows rule schema scroll ' +
25						'second section select sequence serializable set size smallint static ' +
26						'statistics table temp temporary then time timestamp to top transaction ' +
27						'translation trigger true truncate uncommitted union unique update values ' +
28						'varchar varying view when where with work';
30		var operators =	'all and any between cross in join like not null or outer some';
32		this.regexList = [
33			{ regex: /--(.*)$/gm,                                               css: 'comments' },   // one line comments
34			{ regex: /\/\*([^\*][\s\S]*?)?\*\//gm,                              css: 'comments' },   // multi line comments
35			{ regex: SyntaxHighlighter.regexLib.multiLineDoubleQuotedString,    css: 'string' },     // double quoted strings
36			{ regex: SyntaxHighlighter.regexLib.multiLineSingleQuotedString,    css: 'string' },     // single quoted strings
37			{ regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(funcs), 'gmi'),                css: 'color2' },     // functions
38			{ regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(operators), 'gmi'),            css: 'color1' },     // operators and such
39			{ regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(keywords), 'gmi'),             css: 'keyword' }     // keyword
40			];
41	};
43	Brush.prototype	= new SyntaxHighlighter.Highlighter();
44	Brush.aliases	= ['sql'];
46	SyntaxHighlighter.brushes.Sql = Brush;
48	// CommonJS
49	typeof(exports) != 'undefined' ? exports.Brush = Brush : null;