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Searched refs:a (Results 1126 – 1150 of 6240) sorted by relevance


H A DAzure_Database_for_PostgreSQL_servers.svg1a.93.93 0 0 0-.638.09c-.053.036-.1.092-.1.155-. 0 0 0 …
H A Dviewer.properties5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
50 first_page.title=Ir a la primera página
51 first_page.label=Ir a la primera página
52 first_page_label=Ir a la primera página
53 last_page.title=Ir a la última página
54 last_page.label=Ir a la última página
55 last_page_label=Ir a la última página
56 page_rotate_cw.title=Girar a la derecha
57 page_rotate_cw.label=Girar a la derecha
132 # a numerical per cent value.
[all …]
H A Dabc-ui-1.0.0.min.js8 function external_eval(param){return eval(param)}function isQuoted(e){return e.q}function quote(e){return e.q=!0,e}function unquote(e){return delete e.q,e}function Symbol(e){return this.nm=e,this}function isSymbol(e){return e&&e.constructor===Symbol}function symbolName(e){return e.nm}function isArray(e){return e&&e.constructor===Array}function inDs(e,t){for(var n=e.length-1;0<=n;--n)if("undefined"!=typeof e[n][t])return e[n];return!1}function member(e,t){return 0<=t.indexOf(e)}function PsParser(){function t(t){e.L=t,e.N=t.length,e.I=0,e.D=0}function n(){return e.I<e.N&&e.L[e.I]}function r(){return e.I<e.N&&e.L[e.I++]}function i(){while(e.I<e.N&&member(e.L[e.I]," \n"))e.I++}function s(){while("%"==n()){while(n()&&"\n"!=n())r();i()}}function o(){r();var e=[],t=1;while(0<t&&n()){var i=r();switch(i){case"(":t++;break;case")":t--,t<=0&&(i=!1);break;case"\\":i=r();switch(i){case"(":break;case")":break;case"\\":break;case"n":i="\n";break;case"r":i="\r";break;case"t":i=" ";break;default:i=!1}}i!==!1&&e.push(i)}return e.join("")}function u(){var e=r();if(member(e,"()<>/% \n"))throw new Error("Symbol expected, got "+e);var t=member(e,"+-0123456789."),i="."==e,s=[e];while(n()&&!member(n(),"()<>[]{}/% \n"))e=r(),s.push(e),t&&!member(e,"0123456789")&&(!i&&"."==e?i=!0:t=!1);return s=s.join(""),1==s.length&&member(s,"+-.")&&(t=!1),t?i?parseFloat(s):parseInt(s,10):new Symbol(s)}function a(){i();switch(n()){case!1:return undefined;case"%":return s();case"[":return new Symbol(r());case"]":return new Symbol(r());case"{":return e.D++,new Symbol(r());case"}":return e.D--,new Symbol(r());case"/":r();var t=u();return quote(t);case"(":return o();case"<":r();if("<"!=n())throw new Error("Encoded strings not implemented yet");return r(),new Symbol("<<");case">":r();if(">"!=n())throw new Error("Unexpected >");return r(),new Symbol(">>");default:return u()}}var e=this;return PsParser.prototype.init=t,PsParser.prototype.peek=n,PsParser.prototype.token=a,this}function Ps0(e,t,n){function r(i,s){if(isSymbol(i)&&!isQuoted(i)){var o=symbolName(i),u=inDs(t,o);if(!u)throw new Error("bind error '"+o+"'");n.push([!1,u[o]])}else if(s&&isArray(i)&&isQuoted(i)){if(0<i.length){var a=i[0],f=quote(i.slice(1));0<f.length&&n.push([!1,f]),r(a,!1)}}else"function"==typeof i?i():e.push(i)}function i(){var t=e.pop();r(t,!1)}function s(){var t=n.pop(),i=t.shift(),s=t.pop();for(var o=0;o<t.length;o++)e.push(t[o]);r(s,!0)}function u(t){o.init(t);while(o.peek()){var r=o.token();if(r||r===0){e.push(r);if(o.D<=0||isSymbol(r)&&(member(symbolName(r),"[]{}")||"<<"==symbolName(r)||">>"==symbolName(r))){i();while(0<n.length)s()}}}return e}var o=new PsParser;return Ps0.prototype.run=r,Ps0.prototype.exec=i,Ps0.prototype.step=s,Ps0.prototype.parse=u,this}function Wps(e){function f(e){if(isSymbol(e)&&!isQuoted(e))return e;if(isArray(e)&&isQuoted(e)){var t=e.length,n=[];for(var r=0;r<t;r++){var i=e[r],s=f(i);isArray(i)?n=n.concat(isQuoted(i)?quote([s]):[s]):n=n.concat(s)}return quote(n)}return e}function l(){var e=arguments;if(e.length)for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++)o.parse(e[t]);else o.parse(e);return n}var t=e,n=[],r={},i=[r],s=[],o=new Ps0(n,i,s);r["true"]=function(){n.push(!0)},r["false"]=function(){n.push(!1)},r["null"]=function(){n.push(null)},r.sub=function(){var e=n.pop();n.push(n.pop()-e)},r.mul=function(){n.push(n.pop()*n.pop())},r.div=function(){var e=n.pop();n.push(n.pop()/e)},r.mod=function(){var e=n.pop();n.push(n.pop()%e)};var u={};r.mark=function(){n.push(u)},r.counttomark=function(){var e=0;for(var t=n.length-1;0<=t;t--){if(u===n[t])return n.push(e);e++}throw new Error("Mark not found")},r["<<"]=r.mark,r[">>"]=function(){var e={};while(0<n.length){var t=n.pop();if(u===t)return n.push(e);e[n.pop()]=t}throw new Error("Mark not found")},r.exch=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();n.push(e),n.push(t)},r.clear=function(){n.length=0},r.pop=function(){n.pop()},r.index=function(){n.push(n[n.length-2-n.pop()])},r.roll=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=[],i=[];e<0&&(e=t+e);for(var s=0;s<t;s++)s<e?r.unshift(n.pop()):i.unshift(n.pop());for(s=0;s<e;s++)n.push(r.shift());for(s=0;s<t-e;s++)n.push(i.shift())},r.copy=function(){var e=n.pop();if("object"==typeof e){var t=n.pop();for(var r in t)e[r]=t[r];n.push(e)}else{var t=n.length-e;for(var r=0;r<e;r++)n.push(n[t+r])}},r.length=function(){n.push(n.pop().length)},r.astore=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=e.length;for(var r=t-1;0<=r;r--)e[r]=n.pop();n.push(e)},r.array=function(){n.push(new Array(n.pop()))},r.eq=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();n.push(t==e)},r.lt=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();n.push(t<e)},r.ifelse=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop();s.push([!1,r===!0?t:e])},r.and=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();if(!0===e||!1===e){n.push(e==1&&t===!0);return}n.push(e&t)},r.repeat=function c(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();1<t&&s.push([!0,t-1,e,c]),0<t&&s.push([!1,e])},r["for"]=function h(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop(),i=n.pop();r<0?(t<=i+r&&s.push([!0,i+r,r,t,e,h]),t<=i&&s.push([!1,i,e])):(i+r<=t&&s.push([!0,i+r,r,t,e,h]),i<=t&&s.push([!1,i,e]))},r.exec=function(){s.push([!1,n.pop()])},r.cvx=function(){var e=n.pop();isSymbol(e)&&isQuoted(e)?n.push(unquote(e)):isArray(e)&&!isQuoted(e)?n.push(quote(e)):n.push(e)},r.dict=function(){n.pop(),n.push({})},r.get=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop();isSymbol(e)?n.push(t[symbolName(e)]):n.push(t[e])},r.getinterval=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop()+e,r=n.pop(),i=[];while(--e>=0)i.push(r[t++]);n.push(i)},r.put=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop();isSymbol(t)?r[symbolName(t)]=e:r[t]=e},r.begin=function(){i.push(n.pop())},r.end=function(){i.pop()},r.currentdict=function(){n.push(i[i.length-1])},r.where=function(){var e=symbolName(n.pop()),t=inDs(i,e);t?(n.push(t),n.push(!0)):n.push(!1)},r.save=function(){var e=i.slice();for(var t=0;t<e.length;t++){var r=e[t],s={};for(var o in r)s[o]=r[o];e[t]=s}n.push(e)},r.restore=function(){var e=n.pop();while(0<i.length)i.pop();while(0<e.length)i.unshift(e.pop())},r.type=function(){var e=n.pop(),t;if(null===e)t="nulltype";else if(!0===e||!1===e)t="booleantype";else if(u===e)t="marktype";else if("string"==typeof e)t="stringtype";else if(isSymbol(e))t=isQuoted(e)?"nametype":"operatortype";else if("function"==typeof e)t="operatortype";else if(isArray(e))t="arraytype";else if("object"==typeof e)t="dicttype";else{if(1*e!=e)throw new Error("Undefined type '"+e+"'");t=e%1==0?"integertype":"realtype"}n.push(t)};var a=!0;return r[".strictBind"]=function(){a=!0===n.pop()},r.bind=function(){n.push(f(n.pop()))},r["="]=function(){var e=n.pop();alert(e&&e.nm||e)},r["=="]=function(){alert(n.pop())},r.stack=function(){alert(n)},r.pstack=function(){alert(n)},r[".call"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop(),i=[];for(var s=0;s<e;s++)i.unshift(n.pop());if(!r[t])throw new Error(".call: "+t+" undef");n.push(r[t].apply(r,i))},r[".call0"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop(),i=[];for(var s=0;s<e;s++)i.unshift(n.pop());if(!r[t])throw new Error(".call0: "+t+" undef");r[t].apply(r,i)},r[".svg"]=function(){n.push(t)},r[".math"]=function(){n.push(Math)},r[".date"]=function(){n.push(new Date)},r[".window"]=function(){n.push(window)},r[".callback"]=function(){var e=n.pop();n.push(function(){o.run(e,!0);while(0<s.length)o.step()})},r[".minv"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=e[0],r=e[1],i=e[2],s=e[3],o=e[4],u=e[5];n.push([s,r,i,t,i*u-s*o,r*o-t*u])},r[".mmul"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=t[0],i=t[1],s=t[2],o=t[3],u=t[4],a=t[5],f=e[0],l=e[1],c=e[2],h=e[3],p=e[4],d=e[5];n.push([r*f+i*c,r*l+i*h,s*f+o*c,s*l+o*h,u*f+a*c+p,u*l+a*h+d])},r[".xy"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop();n.push(e[0]*r+e[2]*t+e[4]),n.push(e[1]*r+e[3]*t+e[5])},r[".rgb"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop();n.push("rgb("+r+","+t+","+e+")")},r[".rgba"]=function(){var e=n.pop(),t=n.pop(),r=n.pop(),i=n.pop();n.push("rgba("+i+","+r+","+t+","+e+")")},Wps.prototype.parse=l,this}function Psvg(e){function d(){return w(0),[o.xoffs-o.xorig,o.yoffs-o.yorig]}function v(){s=!1,w(0),t+="<g";if(o.xscale!=1||o.yscale!=1||o.rotate){t+=' transform="';if(o.xscale!=1||o.yscale!=1)o.xscale==o.yscale?t+="scale("+o.xscale.toFixed(3)+")":t+="scale("+o.xscale.toFixed(3)+","+o.yscale.toFixed(3)+")";if(o.rotate){if(o.xoffs||o.yoffs){var e,n=o.xoffs,r=o.yoffs,u=o.sin,l=o.cos;e=n*l-r*u,r=n*u+r*l,t+=" translate("+e.toFixed(2)+","+r.toFixed(2)+")",a argument
H A Dacross_section.txt4 A webcode may be used across several header in order to create a How to for instance.
12 ==== Define a css stylesheet ====
13 We define a stylesheet to show that the value of ''element.style.fontSize'' is not defined in this …
22 * with a class defined in the sylesheet
24 <p class="sheet">A p element with the font-size defined by a stylesheet</p>
32 * The first ''p'' element will have a element.style.fontSize
34 console.log("The first p with an inline definition has a fontSize property of "+allP.item(1).style.…
38 console.log("The second p with a stylesheet definition has an undefined fontSize property "+(typeof…
H A DREADME.md9a set of [condition] records separated by logical operators (&&, and, ||, or, ^, xor for now), use…
11 …[condition] is formed from a [key], followed by an [operator] (optionnal) and then a [value] (opti…
16 - nsread : refers to the ability of the user to read a namespace
17 - nsedit : refers to the ability of the user to edit a namespace
26 …[value] can be a string (whitespace, ) and > free) or a " delimited string (whitespaces, ) and > a…
H A Dstyle.css12 a.userlink {
18 div.dokuwiki .user > a.userlink {
22 a.userlink:hover,
23 a.userlink:active {
28 a.userlink.gender-male {
32 a.userlink.gender-female {
36 a.userlink.gender-unknown {
42 a.userlink:hover span.userlink-popup {
H A Dsyntax.php164 $a = explode(':', $v);
165 $f = array_pop($a);
166 array_unshift( $a, $f );
167 return implode(':', $a );
172 $a = explode(':', $v);
173 $f = array_shift($a);
174 array_push( $a, $f );
175 return implode(':', $a );
H A Dstyle.less111 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li.plugin_move_page a {
114 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li.plugin_move_page a:before {
118 #dokuwiki__pagetools:hover ul li.plugin_move_page a,
119 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li.plugin_move_page a:focus,
120 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li.plugin_move_page a:active {
123 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li.plugin_move_page a:hover,
124 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li.plugin_move_page a:active,
125 #dokuwiki__pagetools ul li.plugin_move_page a:focus {
H A DREADME.md6 **Note:** this is a fork of the original project since it was abandoned.
8 Provides a simple API and specification that abstracts away the details of HTTP
9 into a single PHP function. RingPHP be used to power HTTP clients and servers
10 through a PHP function that accepts a request hash and returns a response hash
11 that is fulfilled using a [promise](https://github.com/reactphp/promise),
16 without tying your application to a specific implementation.
H A Dtwic944.css27 a { selector
74 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
84 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
88 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
92 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
97 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
116 a.move,
117 a.variation,
127 a.variation {
H A Dcollection.css90 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
100 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
104 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
108 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
113 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
126 a.move:hover, a.variation:hover {
136 a.move,
137 a.variation,
147 a.variation {
H A Dlon09r5.css29 a.gamelist,
30 a.gamelistselected {
42 a.gamelist {
47 a.gamelistselected {
98 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
103 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
113 /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */
147 a.move,
148 a.variation,
162 a.variation {
H A DREADME.md7 Create a simple figure format that can replace Microsoft Word figures in
16 * Has a text format that is easily examined and edited by human.
17 * Can also be saved as a separate text file.
24 The SketchCanvas figure is a file format and a JS library to render/edit.
25 However, this project also implements a DokuWiki plugin that you can embed this document into a wiki text, and it is the most common way to use it.
35 It can be edited by a static HTML document with JavaScript.
36 It's so easy to setup a server that accepts and shows uploaded figures.
38 It's very easy to create a figur
H A Daccessibility-menu.js2 var s, u, a = i.config.menuSettings, t = Function.prototype.bind ? function(e, t) { variable
23 return a[l.MakeOption(e)];
28 void 0 === a[i] && (a[i] = l.defaults[e]);
33 var i, a, o = u.FindId("Accessibility"); variable
36 …o = s.SUBMENU.apply(s.SUBMENU, t), (a = u.IndexOfId("Locale")) ? u.items.splice(a, 0, o) : u.items…
47 for (var e, t = [], n = 0; e = this.modules[n]; n++) a[e.option] && t.push(e.module);
57 Init: function(e, t, n, i, a) { argument
59 this.submenu = a || !1;
H A DPM15924077.ris16a result of Alzheimer's disease or non-Alzheimer dementia, is recognized as a risk factor for fall…
H A Dexample.txt5 An uppercase **%%<WRAP>%%** (or alternatively **%%<block>%%** or **%%<div>%%**) creates a **''div''** and should be used for **"big"** containers, **surrounding** paragraphs, lists, tables, etc.
23 A lowercase **%%<wrap>%%** (or alternatively **%%<inline>%%** or **%%<span>%%**) creates a **''span''** and should be used for **"small"** containers, **inside** paragraphs, lists, tables, etc.
65 You can have columns easily by adding the class ''column'' and a width, e.g.
100 ^''px''|''420px''|makes sense if your container contains images with a certain width|
111 * **''half''** fits two columns in a row
112 * **''third''** fits three columns in a row
113 * **''quarter''** fits four columns in a row
114 * **''twothirds''** together with ''third'' fits a 2/3 and a 1/3 column in a ro
H A DREADME.txt21 - #586 add a bitrate label with a new namespace attribute fp:bitratelabel.
60 - fixed the facts that clips in a playlist were cut off by a fraction in the end
139 - Now displays a hand cursor when a linkUrl is used in clips
152 - fixed #112, wrong URL computation when using clip with relative URL on a page with a / after a # …
199 - fixed scrubber behaviour with a playlist containing 2 images (or swf) in a row
210 - The player went to a locked state when resuming playback after a period that was long enought to …
247 - the width and height settings of a logo were ignored if the logo was a sWF file
350 - pressing the play again button overlay does not open a linkUrl associated with a clip
367 - pressing the play button overlay does not open a linkUrl associated with a clip
384 * "_blank" specifies a new window.
[all …]
H A DREADME1 This is a macro substitution plugin which enables substitutions of both words and longer
15 MACRO_2 a second macro
18 This macro can include a second macro inside it.
30 HTML markup will be treated as literals. With it, <p> creates a paragraph; wthout it the <p>
35 If a macro has this format, textinsert checks the file's namespace for a language specified
37 a language specification, it will check the textinsert/lang directory for either macros.php or a l…
38 file in the relevant language directory, for instance lang/de/lang.php. It will then look for a
39 $lang['name'] entry in lang.php or a $lang_<iso>['name'] entry in macros.php, and if
41 LANG_name in the textinsert database. So, there must be a default entry in that database.
48 to become effective, these must be included in a standard HTML macro definition
H A Dspecialchar.js1a(null,b)}var j=g.getContentElement("info","htmlPreview").getElement();g.getContentElement("info",… function
H A Dspecialchar.js1a(null,b)}var j=g.getContentElement("info","htmlPreview").getElement();g.getContentElement("info",… function
H A Dlicense.txt96 that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
116 You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
148 distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
375 effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
388 a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
445 copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
481 a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
489 d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
539 the Library into a program that is not a library.
556 linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
[all …]
H A Dlicense.txt96 that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
116 You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
148 distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
375 effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
388 a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
445 copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
481 a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
489 d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
539 the Library into a program that is not a library.
556 linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a
[all …]
H A Djquery.slimbox2.js6a,h,q,I,d,G,c,A,K;w(function(){w("body").append(w([H=w('<div id="lbOverlay" />')[0],a=w('<div id="… variable
H A DREADME38 LOOK - This is a map lookup. You can define an array in the structure page and use a variable
57 A sample for a list would be:
82 When declaring a variable for a LIST command, VALUE is a list of rows,
83 where is row a is enclosed in regular brakets:
92 Maps are declared either in the structure page or a seperate data page. In
94 NAME = a, b, c, d, e,
97 In this case, this is a simple array, the index 0 will map to a, the index
102 NAME = 1 = a, 3 = b, 8 = c
105 There, 1 and 2 will map to "a", 3,4,5,6 and 7 to "b" and everything else
123 Of course you can have multiple includes and thus construct a page
[all …]
H A Dpearrc2 a:5:{s:8:"test_dir";s:7:"./tests";s:8:"data_dir";s:6:"./data";s:7:"php_dir";s:1:".";s:7:"doc_dir";s…
