2 * Initializes the JSON Editor for the schema editor
3 *
4 * This script and the editor script itself is only loaded on the admin screen.
5 */
6jQuery(function () {
7    var $schema_editor = jQuery('#plugin__struct_editor');
9    /**
10     * Initialize the Editor
11     */
12    $schema_editor.find('textarea.config').each(function () {
13        var $config = jQuery(this);
14        var container = document.createElement('DIV');
15        $config.before(container);
16        var editor = new JSONEditor(container, {
17            onChange: function () {
18                $config.val(editor.getText());
19            },
20            history: false,
21            mode: 'form',
22            search: false,
23            name: 'config'
24        });
25        editor.setText($config.val());
26        $config.hide();
27        // define a function to reload later
28        this.updateEditor = function () {
29            editor.setText($config.val());
30        };
31    });
33    /**
34     * Autoload the correct configuration
35     */
36    $schema_editor.find('td.class select').change(function () {
37        var type = jQuery(this).val();
38        var $editor = jQuery(this).parents('tr').find('textarea.config');
39        var conf = $editor.val();
40        $editor.val('"..."')[0].updateEditor();
42        jQuery.post(
43            DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php',
44            {
45                call: 'plugin_struct_config',
46                type: type,
47                conf: conf
48            },
49            function (conf) {
50                $editor.val(conf)[0].updateEditor();
51            }
52        )
53    });