2 * The DokuWiki editor features
3 *
4 * These are the advanced features of the editor. It does NOT contain any
5 * code for the toolbar buttons and it functions. See toolbar.js for that.
6 */
8var dw_editor = {
10    /**
11     * initialize the default editor functionality
12     *
13     * All other functions can also be called separately for non-default
14     * textareas
15     */
16    init: function(){
17        var $editor = jQuery('#wiki__text');
18        if($editor.length === 0) {
19            return;
20        }
22        dw_editor.initSizeCtl('#size__ctl',$editor);
24        if($editor.attr('readOnly')) {
25            return;
26        }
28        $editor.keydown(dw_editor.keyHandler);
30    },
32    /**
33     * Add the edit window size and wrap controls
34     *
35     * Initial values are read from cookie if it exists
36     *
37     * @param selector ctlarea the div to place the controls
38     * @param selector editor  the textarea to control
39     */
40    initSizeCtl: function(ctlarea,editor){
41        var $ctl      = jQuery(ctlarea),
42            $textarea = jQuery(editor);
44        if($ctl.length === 0 || $textarea.length === 0) {
45            return;
46        }
48        $textarea.css('height', DokuCookie.getValue('sizeCtl') || '300px');
50        var wrp = DokuCookie.getValue('wrapCtl');
51        if(wrp){
52            dw_editor.setWrap($textarea[0], wrp);
53        } // else use default value
55        jQuery.each([
56            ['larger', function(){dw_editor.sizeCtl(editor,100);}],
57            ['smaller', function(){dw_editor.sizeCtl(editor,-100);}],
58            ['wrap', function(){dw_editor.toggleWrap(editor);}]
59        ], function (_, img) {
60            jQuery(document.createElement('img'))
61                .attr('src', DOKU_BASE+'lib/images/' + img[0] + '.gif')
62                .attr('alt', '')
63                .on('click', img[1])
64                .appendTo($ctl);
65        });
66    },
68    /**
69     * This sets the vertical size of the editbox and adjusts the cookie
70     *
71     * @param selector editor  the textarea to control
72     * @param int val          the relative value to resize in pixel
73     */
74    sizeCtl: function(editor,val){
75        var $textarea = jQuery(editor),
76            height = parseInt($textarea.css('height')) + val;
77        $textarea.css('height', height+'px');
78        DokuCookie.setValue('sizeCtl',$textarea.css('height'));
79    },
81    /**
82     * Toggle the wrapping mode of the editor textarea and adjusts the
83     * cookie
84     *
85     * @param selector editor  the textarea to control
86     */
87    toggleWrap: function(editor){
88        var $textarea = jQuery(editor),
89            wrap = $textarea.attr('wrap');
90        dw_editor.setWrap($textarea[0],
91                          (wrap && wrap.toLowerCase() == 'off') ? 'soft' : 'off');
92        DokuCookie.setValue('wrapCtl',$textarea.attr('wrap'));
93    },
95    /**
96     * Set the wrapping mode of a textarea
97     *
98     * @author Fluffy Convict <fluffyconvict@hotmail.com>
99     * @author <shutdown@flashmail.com>
100     * @link   http://news.hping.org/comp.lang.javascript.archive/12265.html
101     * @link   https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41464
102     * @param  DomObject textarea
103     * @param  string wrapAttrValue
104     */
105    setWrap: function(textarea, wrapAttrValue){
106        textarea.setAttribute('wrap', wrapAttrValue);
108        // Fix display for mozilla
109        var parNod = textarea.parentNode;
110        var nxtSib = textarea.nextSibling;
111        parNod.removeChild(textarea);
112        parNod.insertBefore(textarea, nxtSib);
113    },
115    /**
116     * Make intended formattings easier to handle
117     *
118     * Listens to all key inputs and handle indentions
119     * of lists and code blocks
120     *
121     * Currently handles space, backspace, enter and
122     * ctrl-enter presses
123     *
124     * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
125     * @fixme handle tabs
126     * @param event e - the key press event object
127     */
128    keyHandler: function(e){
129        if(jQuery.inArray(e.keyCode,[8, 10, 13, 32]) === -1) {
130            return;
131        }
132        var selection = DWgetSelection(this);
133        if(selection.getLength() > 0) {
134            return; //there was text selected, keep standard behavior
135        }
136        var search    = "\n"+this.value.substr(0,selection.start);
137        var linestart = Math.max(search.lastIndexOf("\n"),
138                                 search.lastIndexOf("\r")); //IE workaround
139        search = search.substr(linestart);
141        if((e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 10) && e.ctrlKey) { // Ctrl-Enter (With Chrome workaround)
142            // Submit current edit
143            jQuery('#edbtn__save').trigger('click');
144            e.preventDefault(); // prevent enter key
145            return false;
146        }else if(e.keyCode == 13){ // Enter
147            // keep current indention for lists and code
148            var match = search.match(/(\n  +([\*-] ?)?)/);
149            if(match){
150                var scroll = this.scrollHeight;
151                var match2 = search.match(/^\n  +[\*-]\s*$/);
152                // Cancel list if the last item is empty (i. e. two times enter)
153                if (match2 && this.value.substr(selection.start).match(/^($|\r?\n)/)) {
154                    this.value = this.value.substr(0, linestart) + "\n" +
155                                 this.value.substr(selection.start);
156                    selection.start = linestart + 1;
157                    selection.end = linestart + 1;
158                    DWsetSelection(selection);
159                } else {
160                    insertAtCarret(this.id,match[1]);
161                }
162                this.scrollTop += (this.scrollHeight - scroll);
163                e.preventDefault(); // prevent enter key
164                return false;
165            }
166        }else if(e.keyCode == 8){ // Backspace
167            // unindent lists
168            var match = search.match(/(\n  +)([*-] ?)$/);
169            if(match){
170                var spaces = match[1].length-1;
172                if(spaces > 3){ // unindent one level
173                    this.value = this.value.substr(0,linestart)+
174                                 this.value.substr(linestart+2);
175                    selection.start = selection.start - 2;
176                    selection.end   = selection.start;
177                }else{ // delete list point
178                    this.value = this.value.substr(0,linestart)+
179                                 this.value.substr(selection.start);
180                    selection.start = linestart;
181                    selection.end   = linestart;
182                }
183                DWsetSelection(selection);
184                e.preventDefault(); // prevent backspace
185                return false;
186            }
187        }else if(e.keyCode == 32){ // Space
188            // intend list item
189            var match = search.match(/(\n  +)([*-] )$/);
190            if(match){
191                this.value = this.value.substr(0,linestart)+'  '+
192                             this.value.substr(linestart);
193                selection.start = selection.start + 2;
194                selection.end   = selection.start;
195                DWsetSelection(selection);
196                e.preventDefault(); // prevent space
197                return false;
198            }
199        }
200    }