3namespace dokuwiki\plugin\struct\meta;
5use dokuwiki\Extension\Event;
8 * Class ConfigParser
9 *
10 * Utilities to parse the configuration syntax into an array
11 *
12 * @package dokuwiki\plugin\struct\meta
13 */
14class ConfigParser
16    protected $config = [
17        'limit' => 0,
18        'dynfilters' => false,
19        'summarize' => false,
20        'rownumbers' => false,
21        'sepbyheaders' => false,
22        'target' => '',
23        'align' => [],
24        'headers' => [],
25        'cols' => [],
26        'widths' => [],
27        'filter' => [],
28        'schemas' => [],
29        'sort' => [],
30        'csv' => true,
31        'nesting' => 0,
32        'index' => 0,
33        'classes' => []
34    ];
36    /**
37     * Parser constructor.
38     *
39     * parses the given configuration lines
40     *
41     * @param $lines
42     */
43    public function __construct($lines)
44    {
45        /** @var \helper_plugin_struct_config $helper */
46        $helper = plugin_load('helper', 'struct_config');
47        // parse info
48        foreach ($lines as $line) {
49            [$key, $val] = $this->splitLine($line);
50            if (!$key) continue;
52            $logic = 'OR';
53            // handle line commands (we allow various aliases here)
54            switch ($key) {
55                case 'from':
56                case 'schema':
57                case 'tables':
58                    $this->config['schemas'] = array_merge($this->config['schemas'], $this->parseSchema($val));
59                    break;
60                case 'select':
61                case 'cols':
62                case 'field':
63                case 'col':
64                    $this->config['cols'] = $this->parseValues($val);
65                    break;
66                case 'sepbyheaders':
67                    $this->config['sepbyheaders'] = (bool)$val;
68                    break;
69                case 'head':
70                case 'header':
71                case 'headers':
72                    $this->config['headers'] = $this->parseValues($val);
73                    break;
74                case 'align':
75                    $this->config['align'] = $this->parseAlignments($val);
76                    break;
77                case 'width':
78                case 'widths':
79                    $this->config['widths'] = $this->parseWidths($val);
80                    break;
81                case 'min':
82                    $this->config['min'] = abs((int)$val);
83                    break;
84                case 'limit':
85                case 'max':
86                    $this->config['limit'] = abs((int)$val);
87                    break;
88                case 'order':
89                case 'sort':
90                    $sorts = $this->parseValues($val);
91                    $sorts = array_map([$helper, 'parseSort'], $sorts);
92                    $this->config['sort'] = array_merge($this->config['sort'], $sorts);
93                    break;
94                case 'where':
95                case 'filter':
96                case 'filterand': // phpcs:ignore PSR2.ControlStructures.SwitchDeclaration.TerminatingComment
97                    /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */
98                case 'and': // phpcs:ignore PSR2.ControlStructures.SwitchDeclaration.TerminatingComment
99                    $logic = 'AND';
100                case 'filteror':
101                case 'or':
102                    $flt = $helper->parseFilterLine($logic, $val);
103                    if ($flt) {
104                        $this->config['filter'][] = $flt;
105                    }
106                    break;
107                case 'dynfilters':
108                    $this->config['dynfilters'] = (bool)$val;
109                    break;
110                case 'rownumbers':
111                    $this->config['rownumbers'] = (bool)$val;
112                    break;
113                case 'summarize':
114                    $this->config['summarize'] = (bool)$val;
115                    break;
116                case 'csv':
117                    $this->config['csv'] = (bool)$val;
118                    break;
119                case 'target':
120                case 'page':
121                    $this->config['target'] = cleanID($val);
122                    break;
123                case 'nesting':
124                case 'nest':
125                    $this->config['nesting'] = (int) $val;
126                    break;
127                case 'index':
128                    $this->config['index'] = (int) $val;
129                    break;
130                case 'class':
131                case 'classes':
132                    $this->config['classes'] = $this->parseClasses($val);
133                    break;
134                default:
135                    $data = ['config' => &$this->config, 'key' => $key, 'val' => $val];
136                    $ev = new Event('PLUGIN_STRUCT_CONFIGPARSER_UNKNOWNKEY', $data);
137                    if ($ev->advise_before()) {
138                        throw new StructException("unknown option '%s'", hsc($key));
139                    }
140                    $ev->advise_after();
141            }
142        }
144        // fill up headers - a NULL signifies that the column label is wanted
145        $this->config['headers'] = (array)$this->config['headers'];
146        $cnth = count($this->config['headers']);
147        $cntf = count($this->config['cols']);
148        for ($i = $cnth; $i < $cntf; $i++) {
149            $this->config['headers'][] = null;
150        }
151        // fill up alignments
152        $cnta = count($this->config['align']);
153        for ($i = $cnta; $i < $cntf; $i++) {
154            $this->config['align'][] = null;
155        }
156    }
158    /**
159     * Get the parsed configuration
160     *
161     * @return array
162     */
163    public function getConfig()
164    {
165        return $this->config;
166    }
168    /**
169     * Splits the given line into key and value
170     *
171     * @param $line
172     * @return array returns ['',''] if the line is empty
173     */
174    protected function splitLine($line)
175    {
176        // ignore comments
177        $line = preg_replace('/(?<![&\\\\])#.*$/', '', $line);
178        $line = str_replace('\\#', '#', $line);
179        $line = trim($line);
180        if (empty($line)) return ['', ''];
182        $line = preg_split('/\s*:\s*/', $line, 2);
183        $line[0] = strtolower($line[0]);
184        if (!isset($line[1])) $line[1] = '';
186        return $line;
187    }
189    /**
190     * parses schema config and aliases
191     *
192     * @param $val
193     * @return array
194     */
195    protected function parseSchema($val)
196    {
197        $schemas = [];
198        $parts = explode(',', $val);
199        foreach ($parts as $part) {
200            [$table, $alias] = sexplode(' ', trim($part), 2, '');
201            $table = trim($table);
202            $alias = trim($alias);
203            if (!$table) continue;
205            $schemas[] = [$table, $alias];
206        }
207        return $schemas;
208    }
210    /**
211     * Parse alignment data
212     *
213     * @param string $val
214     * @return string[]
215     */
216    protected function parseAlignments($val)
217    {
218        $cols = explode(',', $val);
219        $data = [];
220        foreach ($cols as $col) {
221            $col = trim(strtolower($col));
222            if ($col[0] == 'c') {
223                $align = 'center';
224            } elseif ($col[0] == 'r') {
225                $align = 'right';
226            } elseif ($col[0] == 'l') {
227                $align = 'left';
228            } else {
229                $align = null;
230            }
231            $data[] = $align;
232        }
234        return $data;
235    }
237    /**
238     * Parse width data
239     *
240     * @param $val
241     * @return array
242     */
243    protected function parseWidths($val)
244    {
245        $vals = explode(',', $val);
246        $vals = array_map('trim', $vals);
248        $len = count($vals);
249        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
250            $val = trim(strtolower($vals[$i]));
252            if (preg_match('/^\d+.?(\d+)?(px|em|ex|ch|rem|%|in|cm|mm|q|pt|pc)$/', $val)) {
253                // proper CSS unit?
254                $vals[$i] = $val;
255            } elseif (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $val)) {
256                // decimal only?
257                $vals[$i] = $val . 'px';
258            } else {
259                // invalid
260                $vals[$i] = '';
261            }
262        }
263        return $vals;
264    }
266    /**
267     * Split values at the commas,
268     * - Wrap with quotes to escape comma, quotes escaped by two quotes
269     * - Within quotes spaces are stored.
270     *
271     * @param string $line
272     * @return array
273     */
274    protected function parseValues($line)
275    {
276        $values = [];
277        $inQuote = false;
278        $escapedQuote = false;
279        $value = '';
280        $len = strlen($line);
281        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
282            if ($line[$i] === '"') {
283                if ($inQuote) {
284                    if ($escapedQuote) {
285                        $value .= '"';
286                        $escapedQuote = false;
287                        continue;
288                    }
289                    if (isset($line[$i + 1]) && $line[$i + 1] === '"') {
290                        $escapedQuote = true;
291                        continue;
292                    }
293                    $values[] = $value;
294                    $inQuote = false;
295                    $value = '';
296                    continue;
297                } else {
298                    $inQuote = true;
299                    $value = ''; //don't store stuff before the opening quote
300                    continue;
301                }
302            } elseif ($line[$i] === ',') {
303                if ($inQuote) {
304                    $value .= ',';
305                    continue;
306                } else {
307                    if (strlen($value) < 1) {
308                        continue;
309                    }
310                    $values[] = trim($value);
311                    $value = '';
312                    continue;
313                }
314            }
315            $value .= $line[$i];
316        }
317        if (strlen($value) > 0) {
318            $values[] = trim($value);
319        }
320        return $values;
321    }
323    /**
324     * Ensure custom classes are valid and don't clash
325     *
326     * @param string $line
327     * @return string[]
328     */
329    protected function parseClasses($line)
330    {
331        $classes = $this->parseValues($line);
332        $classes = array_map(function ($class) {
333            $class = str_replace(' ', '_', $class);
334            $class = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', $class);
335            return 'struct-custom-' . $class;
336        }, $classes);
337        return $classes;
338    }