1//Drop Down/ Overlapping Content: http://www.dynamicdrive.com 2//**Updated: Dec 19th, 07': Added ability to dynamically populate a Drop Down content using an external file (Ajax feature) 3//**Updated: Feb 29th, 08': 4 //1) Added ability to reveal drop down content via "click" of anchor link (instead of default "mouseover") 5 //2) Added ability to disable drop down content from auto hiding when mouse rolls out of it 6 //3) Added hidediv(id) public function to directly hide drop down div dynamically 7 8//**Updated: Sept 11th, 08': Fixed bug whereby drop down content isn't revealed onClick of anchor in Safari/ Google Chrome 9//**Updated: April 9th, 10': Minor change 10 11var dropdowncontent={ 12 disableanchorlink: true, //when user clicks on anchor link, should link itself be disabled (always true if "revealbehavior" above set to "click") 13 hidedivmouseout: [true, 200], //Set hiding behavior within Drop Down DIV itself: [hide_div_onmouseover?, miliseconds_before_hiding] 14 ajaxloadingmsg: "Loading content. Please wait...", //HTML to show while ajax page is being feched, if applicable 15 ajaxbustcache: true, //Bust cache when fetching Ajax pages? 16 17 getposOffset:function(what, offsettype){ 18 return (what.offsetParent)? what[offsettype]+this.getposOffset(what.offsetParent, offsettype) : what[offsettype] 19 }, 20 21 isContained:function(m, e){ 22 var e=window.event || e 23 var c=e.relatedTarget || ((e.type=="mouseover")? e.fromElement : e.toElement) 24 while (c && c!=m)try {c=c.parentNode} catch(e){c=m} 25 if (c==m) 26 return true 27 else 28 return false 29 }, 30 31 show:function(anchorobj, subobj, e){ 32 if (!this.isContained(anchorobj, e) || (e && e.type=="click")){ 33 var e=window.event || e 34 if (e.type=="click" && subobj.style.visibility=="visible"){ 35 subobj.style.visibility="hidden" 36 return 37 } 38 var horizontaloffset=(subobj.dropposition[0]=="left")? -(subobj.offsetWidth-anchorobj.offsetWidth) : 0 //calculate user added horizontal offset 39 var verticaloffset=(subobj.dropposition[1]=="top")? -subobj.offsetHeight : anchorobj.offsetHeight //calculate user added vertical offset 40 subobj.style.left=this.getposOffset(anchorobj, "offsetLeft") + horizontaloffset + "px" 41 subobj.style.top=this.getposOffset(anchorobj, "offsetTop")+verticaloffset+"px" 42 subobj.style.clip=(subobj.dropposition[1]=="top")? "rect(auto auto auto 0)" : "rect(0 auto 0 0)" //hide drop down box initially via clipping 43 subobj.style.visibility="visible" 44 subobj.startTime=new Date().getTime() 45 subobj.contentheight=parseInt(subobj.offsetHeight) 46 if (typeof window["hidetimer_"+subobj.id]!="undefined") //clear timer that hides drop down box? 47 clearTimeout(window["hidetimer_"+subobj.id]) 48 this.slideengine(subobj, (subobj.dropposition[1]=="top")? "up" : "down") 49 } 50 }, 51 52 curveincrement:function(percent){ 53 return (1-Math.cos(percent*Math.PI)) / 2 //return cos curve based value from a percentage input 54 }, 55 56 slideengine:function(obj, direction){ 57 var elapsed=new Date().getTime()-obj.startTime //get time animation has run 58 if (elapsed<obj.glidetime){ //if time run is less than specified length 59 var distancepercent=(direction=="down")? this.curveincrement(elapsed/obj.glidetime) : 1-this.curveincrement(elapsed/obj.glidetime) 60 var currentclip=(distancepercent*obj.contentheight)+"px" 61 obj.style.clip=(direction=="down")? "rect(0 auto "+currentclip+" 0)" : "rect("+currentclip+" auto auto 0)" 62 window["glidetimer_"+obj.id]=setTimeout(function(){dropdowncontent.slideengine(obj, direction)}, 10) 63 } 64 else{ //if animation finished 65 obj.style.clip="rect(0 auto auto 0)" 66 } 67 }, 68 69 hide:function(activeobj, subobj, e){ 70 if (!dropdowncontent.isContained(activeobj, e)){ 71 window["hidetimer_"+subobj.id]=setTimeout(function(){ 72 subobj.style.visibility="hidden" 73 subobj.style.left=subobj.style.top=0 74 clearTimeout(window["glidetimer_"+subobj.id]) 75 }, dropdowncontent.hidedivmouseout[1]) 76 } 77 }, 78 79 hidediv:function(subobjid){ 80 document.getElementById(subobjid).style.visibility="hidden" 81 }, 82 83 ajaxconnect:function(pageurl, divId){ 84 var page_request = false 85 var bustcacheparameter="" 86 if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // if Mozilla, IE7, Safari etc 87 page_request = new XMLHttpRequest() 88 else if (window.ActiveXObject){ // if IE6 or below 89 try { 90 page_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") 91 } 92 catch (e){ 93 try{ 94 page_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") 95 } 96 catch (e){} 97 } 98 } 99 else 100 return false 101 document.getElementById(divId).innerHTML=this.ajaxloadingmsg //Display "fetching page message" 102 page_request.onreadystatechange=function(){dropdowncontent.loadpage(page_request, divId)} 103 if (this.ajaxbustcache) //if bust caching of external page 104 bustcacheparameter=(pageurl.indexOf("?")!=-1)? "&"+new Date().getTime() : "?"+new Date().getTime() 105 page_request.open('GET', pageurl+bustcacheparameter, true) 106 page_request.send(null) 107 }, 108 109 loadpage:function(page_request, divId){ 110 if (page_request.readyState == 4 && (page_request.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1)){ 111 document.getElementById(divId).innerHTML=page_request.responseText 112 } 113 }, 114 115 init:function(anchorid, pos, glidetime, revealbehavior){ 116 var anchorobj=document.getElementById(anchorid) 117 if (anchorobj) 118 var subobj=document.getElementById(anchorobj.getAttribute("rel")) 119 if (!anchorobj || !subobj) 120 return 121 var subobjsource=anchorobj.getAttribute("rev") 122 if (subobjsource!=null && subobjsource!="") 123 this.ajaxconnect(subobjsource, anchorobj.getAttribute("rel")) 124 subobj.dropposition=pos.split("-") 125 subobj.glidetime=glidetime || 1000 126 subobj.style.left=subobj.style.top=0 127 if (typeof revealbehavior=="undefined" || revealbehavior=="mouseover"){ 128 anchorobj.onmouseover=function(e){dropdowncontent.show(this, subobj, e)} 129 anchorobj.onmouseout=function(e){dropdowncontent.hide(subobj, subobj, e)} 130 if (this.disableanchorlink) anchorobj.onclick=function(){return false} 131 } 132 else 133 anchorobj.onclick=function(e){dropdowncontent.show(this, subobj, e); return false} 134 if (this.hidedivmouseout[0]==true) //hide drop down DIV when mouse rolls out of it? 135 subobj.onmouseout=function(e){dropdowncontent.hide(this, subobj, e)} 136 } 137}