1var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) {
2    for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
3    function __() { this.constructor = d; }
4    d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
6/* Generated from Java with JSweet 2.0.0-rc1 - http://www.jsweet.org */
7var com;
8(function (com) {
9    var mxgraph;
10    (function (mxgraph) {
11        var io;
12        (function (io) {
13            /**
14             * Parses a .vsdx XML diagram file and imports it in the given graph.<br/>
15             * @class
16             */
17            var mxVsdxCodec = (function () {
18                function mxVsdxCodec(editorUi) {
19                    this.RESPONSE_END = "</mxfile>";
20                    this.RESPONSE_DIAGRAM_START = "";
21                    this.RESPONSE_DIAGRAM_END = "</diagram>";
22                    this.RESPONSE_HEADER = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><mxfile>";
24                    /**
25                     * Stores the vertexes imported.
26                     */
27                    this.vertexMap = ({});
28                    /**
29                     * Stores the shapes that represent Edges.
30                     */
31                    this.edgeShapeMap = ({});
32                    /**
33                     * Stores the shapes that represent Vertexes.
34                     */
35                    this.vertexShapeMap = ({});
36                    /**
37                     * Stores the parents of the shapes imported.
38                     */
39                    this.parentsMap = ({});
41                    this.layersMap = ({});
42                    /**
43                     * Set to true if you want to display spline debug data
44                     */
45                    this.debugPaths = false;
46                    this.vsdxModel = null;
47                    this.editorUi = editorUi;
48					this.shapeIndexShift = 0;
49                }
50                mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder_$LI$ = function ()
51                {
52                		if (mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder == null)
53                		{
54                			var tmp = "dmlzaW8=";
55                			mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder = (window.atob) ? atob(tmp) : Base64.decode(tmp, true);
56                		}
58                		return mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder;
59                };
61                mxVsdxCodec.parsererrorNS_$LI$ = function ()
62                {
63					mxVsdxCodec.parsererrorNS = mxConstants.NS_XHTML;
65//            		if (mxVsdxCodec.parsererrorNS == null)
66//            		{
67//            			mxVsdxCodec.parsererrorNS = "";
69//            			if (window.DOMParser)
70//            			{
71//	            			var parser = new DOMParser();
73//	            			try
74//	            			{
75//	            				mxVsdxCodec.parsererrorNS = parser.parseFromString('<', 'text/xml').getElementsByTagName("parsererror")[0].namespaceURI;
76//	            			}
77//	            			catch(e)
78//	            			{
79//	            				//ignore! IE11 throw an exception on XML syntax error
80//	            			}
81//            			}
82//        			}
84            		return mxVsdxCodec.parsererrorNS;
85                };
87                mxVsdxCodec.parseXml = function (xml)
88                {
89                	try
90                	{
91                		var doc = mxUtils.parseXml(xml);
93                		if (doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(mxVsdxCodec.parsererrorNS, 'parsererror').length > 0)
94                		{
95                			return null;
96                		}
97                		else
98            			{
99                			return doc;
100            			}
101                	}
102                	catch (e)
103                	{
104                		//IE11 throw an exception on XML syntax error
105                		return null;
106                	}
107                };
109                //TODO Optimize this function
110                mxVsdxCodec.decodeUTF16LE = function ( binaryStr )
111                {
112                    var cp = "";
113                    for( var i = 0; i < binaryStr.length; i+=2)
114                    {
115                        cp += String.fromCharCode(
116                             binaryStr.charCodeAt(i) |
117                            ( binaryStr.charCodeAt(i+1) << 8 )
118                        );
119                    }
121                    return cp ;
122                }
124                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.scaleGraph = function(graph, scale)
125                {
126                    if (scale !== 1) {
127                        var model = graph.getModel();
128                        {
129                            for (var id in model.cells) {
130                                var c = model.cells[id];
131                                {
132                                    var geo = model.getGeometry(c);
133                                    if (geo != null) {
134                                        this.scaleRect(geo, scale);
135                                        this.scaleRect(geo.alternateBounds, scale);
136                                        if (model.isEdge(c)) {
137                                        	this.scalePoint(geo.sourcePoint, scale);
138                                        	this.scalePoint(geo.targetPoint, scale);
139                                        	this.scalePoint(geo.offset, scale);
140                                            var points = geo.points;
141                                            if (points != null) {
142                                                for (var index125 = 0; index125 < points.length; index125++) {
143                                                    var p = points[index125];
144                                                    {
145                                                    	this.scalePoint(p, scale);
146                                                    }
147                                                }
148                                            }
149                                        }
150                                    }
151                                }
152                            }
153                        }
154                    }
155                };
157                mxVsdxCodec.incorrectXMLReqExp = [
158                	{
159                		regExp: /\&(?!amp;|lt;|gt;|quot;|#)/g,
160                		repl: '&amp;'
161                	}
162                ];
164                /**
165                 * Parses the input VSDX format and uses the information to populate
166                 * the specified graph.
167                 * @param docs All XML documents contained in the VSDX source file
168                 * @throws IOException
169                 * @throws ParserConfigurationException
170                 * @throws SAXException
171                 * @throws TransformerException
172                 * @param {Array} data
173                 * @param {string} charset
174                 * @return {string}
175                 */
176                //FIXME TODO add charset support
177                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.decodeVsdx = function (file, callback, charset, onerror) {
178                    var _this = this;
179                    var docData = ({});
180                    var mediaData = ({});
182                    var allDone = function ()
183                    {
184	                    var path = mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder + "/document.xml";
185	                    var rootDoc = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(docData, path);
186	                    var rootChild = rootDoc.firstChild;
187	                    while (rootChild != null && !(rootChild.nodeType == 1)) {
188	                    	rootChild = rootChild.nextSibling;
189	                    }
190	                    ;
191	                    if (rootChild != null && (rootChild.nodeType == 1)) {
192	                        _this.importNodes(rootDoc, rootChild, path, docData);
193	                    }
194	                    else {
195	                        return null;
196	                    }
197	                    _this.vsdxModel = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel(rootDoc, docData, mediaData);
198	                    var pages = _this.vsdxModel.getPages();
199	                    var xmlBuilder = { str: _this.RESPONSE_HEADER, toString: function () { return this.str; } };
200	                    {
201	                        var array122 = (function (m) { if (m.entries == null)
202	                            m.entries = []; return m.entries; })(pages);
203	                        var _loop_1 = function (index121, remaining) {
204	                            var entry = array122[index121];
205	                            {
206	                                var page_1 = entry.getValue();
207	                                //As per many requests, include all pages in the output
208	                                //if (!page_1.isBackground())
209	                                {
210	                                    var graph_1 = this_1.createMxGraph();
211	                                    graph_1.getModel().beginUpdate();
212	                                    this_1.importPage(page_1, graph_1, graph_1.getDefaultParent(), true);
213	                                    this_1.scaleGraph(graph_1, page_1.getPageScale() / page_1.getDrawingScale());
214	                                    graph_1.getModel().endUpdate();
216	                                    this_1.postImportPage(page_1, graph_1, function()
217	                                    {
218	                                    	this_1.sanitiseGraph(graph_1);
219		                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(_this.RESPONSE_DIAGRAM_START); })(xmlBuilder);
220		                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(_this.processPage(graph_1, page_1)); })(xmlBuilder);
221		                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(_this.RESPONSE_DIAGRAM_END); })(xmlBuilder);
223		                                    if (index121 < array122.length - 1)
224		                                	{
225		    	                            	_loop_1(index121 + 1, remaining);
226		                                	}
227		    	                            else
228		                                	{
229		    	                            	remaining();
230		                                	}
231	                                    });
232	                                }
233	                            }
234	                        };
235	                        var this_1 = _this;
237	                        if (array122.length > 0)
238                        	{
239	                        	_loop_1(0, remaining);
240                        	}
241	                        else
242	                        {
243	                        	remaining();
244	                        }
245	                    }
247	                    function remaining()
248	                    {
249		                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(_this.RESPONSE_END); })(xmlBuilder);
250		                    var dateAfter = new Date();
251	                       	//console.log("File processed in " + (dateAfter - dateBefore) + "ms");
252		                    //console.log(xmlBuilder.str);
253		                    if (callback)
254		                    {
255	                     		callback(xmlBuilder.str);
256		                    }
257	                    }
258                    };
260                    var dateBefore = new Date();
261                    var filesCount = 0;
262                    var processedFiles = 0;
264                    var doneCheck = function()
265                    {
266	                    	if (processedFiles == filesCount)
267	                    	{
268	                    		var dateAfter = new Date();
269		                         //console.log(processedFiles + " File extracted in " + (dateAfter - dateBefore) + "ms");
270		                     	try
271		                    	{
272		                     		allDone();
273		                    	}
274		                    	catch(e)
275		                    	{
276		                    		console.log(e);
278		                    		if (onerror != null)
279		                    		{
280		                    			onerror(e);
281		                    		}
282		                    		else
283		                    		{
284		                    			callback("");
285		                    		}
286		                    	}
288	                    	}
289                    };
291                    JSZip.loadAsync(file)
292                    .then(function(zip)
293                    {
294                    	if (Object.keys(zip.files).length == 0)
295                    	{
296                    		if (onerror != null)
297                    		{
298                    			onerror();
299                    		}
300                    	}
301                    	else
302                    	{
303	                        var dateAfter = new Date();
304	                       	//console.log(" (loaded in " + (dateAfter - dateBefore) + "ms)");
306	                        zip.forEach(function (relativePath, zipEntry)
307	                        {
308	        					var filename = zipEntry.name;
309	                        	var name = filename.toLowerCase();
310	        					var nameLen = name.length;
311	                            if (name.indexOf('.xml') == nameLen - 4 || name.indexOf('.rels') == nameLen - 5) //xml files
312	                            {
313	                            	filesCount++;
314	        	                    zipEntry.async("string").then(function (str)
315	        	                  	{
316        	                    		if (!(str.length === 0)) {
317	        	    						//UTF-8 BOM causes exception while parsing, so remove it
318	        	    						//TODO is the text encoding will be correct or string must be re-read as UTF-8?
319	                                        if (str.charCodeAt(0) == 65279)
320                                        	{
321	                                            str = str.substring(1);
322                                        	}
324	                                        var doc = mxVsdxCodec.parseXml(str);
326	                                        if (doc == null)
327	                                        {
328	                                        	if (str.charCodeAt(1) === 0 && str.charCodeAt(3) === 0 && str.charCodeAt(5) === 0)
329                                        		{
330	                                        		doc = mxVsdxCodec.parseXml(mxVsdxCodec.decodeUTF16LE(str));
331                                        		}
332	                                        	else
333                                        		{
334	                                        		for (var r = 0; r < mxVsdxCodec.incorrectXMLReqExp.length; r++)
335                                        			{
336	                                        			if (mxVsdxCodec.incorrectXMLReqExp[r].regExp.test(str))
337                                        				{
338	                                        				str = str.replace(mxVsdxCodec.incorrectXMLReqExp[r].regExp, mxVsdxCodec.incorrectXMLReqExp[r].repl);
339                                        				}
340                                        			}
342	                                        		doc = mxVsdxCodec.parseXml(str);
343                                        		}
344	                                        	//TODO add any other non-standard encoding that may be needed
345	                                        }
347	                                        if (doc != null)
348                                        	{
349		                                        doc.vsdxFileName = filename;
350		                                        /* put */ (docData[filename] = doc);
351                                        	}
352	                                    }
353		        	                    	processedFiles++;
355		        	                    	doneCheck();
356	        	                   	});
357	                            }
358	                            else if (name.indexOf(mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder + "/media") === 0)//binary files
359	                           	{
360	                            	filesCount++;
361	                            	if ((function (str, searchString) { var pos = str.length - searchString.length; var lastIndex = str.indexOf(searchString, pos); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === pos; })(name, ".emf"))
362	                            	{
363                            			var emfDone = function()
364                            			{
365                            				processedFiles++;
367		        	                    	doneCheck();
368                            			}
370	                            		if (JSZip.support.blob && window.EMF_CONVERT_URL)
371	                            		{
372	                            			zipEntry.async("blob").then(function (emfBlob)
373			           	                  	{
374	                            				//send to emf conversion service
375	                        					var formData = new FormData();
376	                        					formData.append('img', emfBlob, name);
377	                        					formData.append('inputformat', 'emf');
378	                        					formData.append('outputformat', 'png');
380	                        					var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
381	                        					xhr.open('POST', EMF_CONVERT_URL);
382	                        					xhr.responseType = 'blob';
383	                        					_this.editorUi.addRemoteServiceSecurityCheck(xhr);
385	                        					xhr.onreadystatechange = mxUtils.bind(this, function()
386	                        					{
387	                        						if (xhr.readyState == 4)
388	                        						{
389	                        							if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status <= 299)
390	                        							{
391	                        								try
392	                        								{
393	                        									var reader = new FileReader();
394	                        									reader.readAsDataURL(xhr.response);
395	                        									reader.onloadend = function()
396	                        									{
397	                        										var dataPos = reader.result.indexOf(',') + 1;
398	                        									    mediaData[filename] = reader.result.substr(dataPos);
399		                        									emfDone();
400	                        									}
401	                        								}
402	                        								catch (e)
403	                        								{
404	                        									console.log(e);
405	                        									emfDone();
406	                        								}
407	                        							}
408	                        							else
409	                        							{
410	                        								emfDone();
411	                        							}
412	                        						}
413	                        					});
415	                        					xhr.send(formData);
416			           	                  	});
417	                            		}
418	                            		else
419                            			{
420	                            			emfDone();
421                            			}
422	                            	}
423	                            	else if ((function (str, searchString) { var pos = str.length - searchString.length; var lastIndex = str.indexOf(searchString, pos); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === pos; })(name, ".bmp")) {
424	                            		if (JSZip.support.uint8array)
425	                            		{
426			                            	zipEntry.async("uint8array").then(function (bmpData)
427			           	                  	{
428			                            		var bitmap = new BmpDecoder(bmpData);
430			                            		var c = document.createElement("canvas");
431			                            		c.width = bitmap.width;
432			                              	  	c.height = bitmap.height;
433			                            		var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
434			                            		ctx.putImageData(bitmap.imageData, 0, 0);
435			                            		var jpgData = c.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
436	                                            /* put */ (mediaData[filename] = jpgData.substr(23)); //23 is the length of "data:image/jpeg;base64,"
438			        	                    	processedFiles++;
439			        	                    	doneCheck();
440			           	                   	});
441	                            		}
442	                            	}
443	                            	else
444	                            	{
445		                            	zipEntry.async("base64").then(function (base64Str)
446		           	                  	{
447	//	                                    if ((function (str, searchString) { var pos = str.length - searchString.length; var lastIndex = str.indexOf(searchString, pos); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === pos; })(name, ".bmp")) {
448	//	                                        try
449	//	                                        {
450	//	    	                            		//convert BMP files to PNG
451	//		                                    	var bmpImg = new Image();
452	//
453	//		                                        bmpImg.onload = function() {
454	//		                                            var c = document.createElement("canvas");
455	//		                                            c.width = bmpImg.width;
456	//		                                            c.height = bmpImg.height;
457	//		                                            var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
458	//		                                            ctx.drawImage(bmpImg, 0, 0);
459	//		                                            var jpgData = c.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
460	//
461	//		                                            /* put */ (mediaData[filename] = jpgData.substr(23)); //23 is the length of "data:image/jpeg;base64,"
462	//
463	//		                                            processedFiles++;
464	//		                                            doneCheck();
465	//		                                        };
466	//
467	//		                                        bmpImg.src = "data:image/bmp;base64," + base64Str;
468	//	                                        }
469	//	                                        catch (e) {} //conversion failed. Nothing can be done!
470	//	                                    }
471	//	                                    else
472	//	                                    {
473			                                    /* put */ (mediaData[filename] = base64Str);
475			        	                    	processedFiles++;
476			        	                    	doneCheck();
477	//	                                    }
478		           	                   	});
479	                            	}
480	                           	}
481	                        });
482                    	}
483                    }, function (e) {
484                    		//console.log("Error!" + e.message);
485                    		if (onerror != null)
486                    		{
487                    			onerror(e);
488                    		}
489                    });
490                };
491                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.createMxGraph = function () {
492                    var graph = new Graph();
493                    graph.setExtendParents(false);
494                    graph.setExtendParentsOnAdd(false);
495                    graph.setConstrainChildren(false);
496                    graph.setHtmlLabels(true);
497                    graph.getModel().maintainEdgeParent = false;
498                    return graph;
499                };
500                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.processPage = function (graph, page) {
501                    var codec = new mxCodec();
502                    var node = codec.encode(graph.getModel());
503                    node.setAttribute("style", "default-style2");
504                    var modelString = mxUtils.getXml(node);
506                    var output = "";
507                    if (page != null) {
508                        //var pageName_1 = org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml11(page.getPageName());
509                    	//TODO FIXME htmlEntities is not exactly as escapeXml11 but close
510                        var pageName_1 = mxUtils.htmlEntities(page.getPageName()) + (page.isBackground()? ' (Background)' : '');
511                        output += '<diagram name="' + pageName_1 + '" id="' + pageName_1.replace(/\s/g, '_') + '">';
512                    }
514                    output += Graph.compress(modelString);
515                    return output;
516                };
517                /**
518                 * Scale a point in place
519                 *
520                 * @param {mxPoint} p point to scale in place
521                 * @param {number} scale scale
522                 * @return {mxPoint} scaled point
523                 * @private
524                 */
525                /*private*/ mxVsdxCodec.prototype.scalePoint = function (p, scale) {
526                    if (p != null) {
527                        p.x = (p.x * scale);
528                        p.y = (p.y * scale);
529                    }
530                    return p;
531                };
532                /**
533                 * Scale a rectangle in place
534                 *
535                 * @param {mxRectangle} rect rectangle to scale in place
536                 * @param {number} scale scale
537                 * @return {mxRectangle} scaled rectangle
538                 * @private
539                 */
540                /*private*/ mxVsdxCodec.prototype.scaleRect = function (rect, scale) {
541                    if (rect != null) {
542                        rect.x = (rect.x * scale);
543                        rect.y = (rect.y * scale);
544                        rect.height = (rect.height * scale);
545                        rect.width = (rect.width * scale);
546                    }
547                    return rect;
548                };
549                /**
550                 *
551                 * @param {*} rootDoc
552                 * @param {*} currentNode
553                 * @param {string} path
554                 * @param {*} docData
555                 * @private
556                 */
557                /*private*/ mxVsdxCodec.prototype.importNodes = function (rootDoc, currentNode, path, docData) {
558                    var lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf("/");
559                    var dir = path;
560                    var fileName = path;
561                    if (lastSlash !== -1) {
562                        dir = path.substring(0, lastSlash);
563                        fileName = path.substring(lastSlash + 1, path.length);
564                    }
565                    else {
566                        return;
567                    }
568                    var relsPath = dir + "/_rels/" + fileName + ".rels";
569                    var relsDoc = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(docData, relsPath);
570                    if (relsDoc == null) {
571                        return;
572                    }
573                    var rels = relsDoc.getElementsByTagName("Relationship");
574                    var relMap = ({});
575                    for (var i = 0; i < rels.length; i++) {
576                        var currElem = rels.item(i);
577                        var id = currElem.getAttribute("Id");
578                        var target = currElem.getAttribute("Target");
579                        /* put */ (relMap[id] = target);
580                    }
581                    ;
582                    var relList = currentNode.getElementsByTagName("Rel");
583                    for (var i = 0; i < relList.length; i++) {
584                        var rel = relList.item(i);
585                        var pathSuffix = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(relMap, rel.getAttribute("r:id"));
586                        var target = dir + "/" + pathSuffix;
587                        if (target != null) {
588                            var childDoc = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(docData, target);
589                            if (childDoc != null) {
590                                var parent_1 = rel.parentNode;
591                                var rootChild = childDoc.firstChild;
592                                while (rootChild != null && !(rootChild.nodeType == 1)) {
593                                	rootChild = rootChild.nextSibling;
594                                }
595                                ;
596                                if (rootChild != null && (rootChild.nodeType == 1)) {
597                                    var importNode = rootChild.firstChild;
598                                    while ((importNode != null)) {
599                                        if (importNode != null && importNode.nodeType == 1) {
600                                            var newNode = parent_1.appendChild(rootDoc.importNode(importNode, true));
601                                            var pathTmp = target;
602                                            this.importNodes(rootDoc, newNode, pathTmp, docData);
603                                        }
604                                        importNode = importNode.nextSibling;
605                                    }
606                                    ;
607                                }
608                            }
609                        }
610                    }
611                    ;
612                };
613                /**
614                 * Imports a page of the document with the actual pageHeight.<br/>
615                 * In .vdx, the Y-coordinate grows upward from the bottom of the page.<br/>
616                 * The page height is used for calculating the correct position in mxGraph using
617                 * this formula: mxGraph_Y_Coord = PageHeight - VSDX_Y_Coord.
618                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxPage} page Actual page Element to be imported
619                 * @param {mxGraph} graph Graph where the parsed graph is included.
620                 * @param {*} parent The parent of the elements to be imported.
621                 * @return {number}
622                 */
623                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.importPage = function (page, graph, parent, noSanitize)
624                {
625                	//BackPages can include another backPage, so it is recursive
626                	var backPage = page.getBackPage();
628                	if (backPage != null)
629                    {
630                        graph.getModel().setValue(graph.getDefaultParent(), page.getPageName());
631                        var backCell = new mxCell(backPage.getPageName());
632                        graph.addCell(backCell, graph.getModel().getRoot(), 0, null, null);
633                        this.importPage(backPage, graph, graph.getDefaultParent());
634                    }
636                	//TODO KNOWN ISSUE: VSDX layers are virtual grouping where parts of a group can be members of a layers while the remaining group members belong to another layer
637                	//					This cannot be done in draw.io currently
638                	//					Also, layers should NOT affect cells order. So, as a best effort solution, layers should be orders such that the cells order is maintained
640                	//add page layers
641                	var layers = page.getLayers();
642                	this.layersMap[0] = graph.getDefaultParent();
643                	var layersOrder = {}, lastOrder = 0, lastLayer = null;
644                    var shapes = page.getShapes();
646					try
647					{
648						//Trying to determine layers order
649						for (var k = 0; shapes.entries != null && k < shapes.entries.length; k++)
650						{
651							var layer = shapes.entries[k].getValue().layerMember;
653							if (layer != null)
654							{
655								if (lastLayer == null)
656								{
657									layersOrder[layer] = lastOrder;
658									lastLayer = layer;
659								}
660								else if (lastLayer != layer && layersOrder[layer] == null)
661								{
662									lastOrder++;
663									layersOrder[layer] = lastOrder;
664									lastLayer = layer;
665								}
666							}
667						}
668					}
669					catch(e)
670					{
671						console.log('VSDX Import: Failed to detect layers order');
672					}
674            		for (var k = 0; k < layers.length; k++)
675            		{
676            			var layer = layers[k];
677            			var layerIndex = layersOrder[k] != null? layersOrder[k] : k;
679            			if (layerIndex == 0)
680            			{
681            				var layerCell = graph.getDefaultParent();
682            			}
683            			else
684            			{
685            				var layerCell = new mxCell();
686            				graph.addCell(layerCell, graph.model.root, layerIndex);
687            			}
689            			layerCell.setVisible(layer.Visible == 1);
691            			if (layer.Lock == 1)
692            			{
693            				layerCell.setStyle("locked=1;");
694            			}
696            			//TODO handlle color and other properties
697            			layerCell.setValue(layer.Name);
699            			this.layersMap[k] = layerCell;
700            		}
702                	//add shapes
703                    var entries = (function (a) { var i = 0; return { next: function () { return i < a.length ? a[i++] : null; }, hasNext: function () { return i < a.length; } }; })(/* entrySet */ (function (m) { if (m.entries == null)
704                        m.entries = []; return m.entries; })(shapes));
705                    var pageHeight = page.getPageDimensions().y;
706                    var pageId = page.getId();
707                    while ((entries.hasNext())) {
708                        var entry = entries.next();
709                        var shape = entry.getValue();
710                        var p = this.layersMap[shape.layerMember];
711                        this.addShape(graph, shape, p? p : parent, pageId, pageHeight);
712                    }
713                    ;
714                    var connects = page.getConnects();
715                    var entries2 = (function (a) { var i = 0; return { next: function () { return i < a.length ? a[i++] : null; }, hasNext: function () { return i < a.length; } }; })(/* entrySet */ (function (m) { if (m.entries == null)
716                        m.entries = []; return m.entries; })(connects));
717                    while ((entries2.hasNext())) {
718                        var entry = entries2.next();
719                        var edgeId = this.addConnectedEdge(graph, entry.getValue(), pageId, pageHeight);
720                        if (edgeId != null) {
721                            /* remove */ (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
722                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
723                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
724                                    return m.entries.splice(i, 1)[0];
725                                } })(this.edgeShapeMap, edgeId);
726                        }
727                    }
728                    ;
729                    var it = (function (a) { var i = 0; return { next: function () { return i < a.length ? a[i++] : null; }, hasNext: function () { return i < a.length; } }; })(/* entrySet */ (function (m) { if (m.entries == null)
730                        m.entries = []; return m.entries; })(this.edgeShapeMap));
731                    while ((it.hasNext())) {
732                        var edgeShapeEntry = it.next();
733                        if (edgeShapeEntry.getKey().getPageNumber() === pageId) {
734                            this.addUnconnectedEdge(graph, /* get */ (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
735                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
736                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
737                                    return m.entries[i].value;
738                                } return null; })(this.parentsMap, edgeShapeEntry.getKey()), edgeShapeEntry.getValue(), pageHeight);
739                        }
740                    }
741                    ;
742                    if (!noSanitize)
743                    {
744                        this.sanitiseGraph(graph);
745                    }
747                    return pageHeight;
748                };
750                /**
751                 * This function is for doing any async processing needed after importing a page
752                 */
753                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.postImportPage = function(page, graph, callback)
754                {
755                	try
756                	{
757                		var me = this;
758                		var toCropImgs = [];
759	                	var shapes = page.getShapes().entries || [];
761	                	for (var i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++)
762	            		{
763	                		var shape = shapes[i].value || {};
765	                		if (shape.toBeCroppedImg)
766	                		{
767	                			toCropImgs.push(shape);
768	                		}
769	            		}
771	                	if (toCropImgs.length > 0)
772                		{
773	                		function cropImage(index, callback)
774	                		{
775	                			function next()
776	                			{
777	                				if (index < toCropImgs.length - 1)
778	                				{
779		                				cropImage(index + 1, callback);
780	                				}
781		                			else
782	                				{
783		                				callback();
784	                				}
785	                			};
787	                			var shape = toCropImgs[index];
788	                			var imgInfo = shape.toBeCroppedImg;
790	                			var cell = (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
791	                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
792	                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
793	                                    return m.entries[i].value;
794	                                } return null; })(me.vertexMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(page.Id, shape.Id));
796	                			var img = new Image();
798	                			img.onload = function()
799	                			{
800	                				var data = imgInfo.iData;
801                                    var type = imgInfo.iType;
803	                				try
804		                			{
805                                        //TODO There is still some minor inaccuracy in width/height
806                                        var scaleX = img.width / imgInfo.imgWidth;
807                                        var scaleY = img.height / imgInfo.imgHeight;
808		                				var offsetX = (-imgInfo.imgOffsetX) * scaleX;
809		                				var offsetY = (imgInfo.imgHeight - imgInfo.height + imgInfo.imgOffsetY) * scaleY;
810		                			    var c = document.createElement("canvas");
811		                			    c.width = imgInfo.width * scaleX;
812		                              	c.height = imgInfo.height * scaleY;
813                                        var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
814                                        ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
815                                        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
816                                        ctx.drawImage(img, offsetX, offsetY, c.width, c.height, 0, 0, c.width, c.height);
817		                            	var jpgData = c.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
818	                                    data = jpgData.substr(23); //23 is the length of "data:image/jpeg;base64,"
819                                        type = 'jpg';
820		                			}
821	                				catch(e)
822	                				{
823	                					console.log(e);
824	                				}
826	                				cell.style += ';image=data:image/' + type + ',' + data;
827	                			    next();
828	                			};
830	                			img.src = 'data:image/' + imgInfo.iType + ';base64,' + imgInfo.iData;
832	                			img.onerror = function()
833	                			{
834	                				cell.style += ';image=data:image/' + imgInfo.iType + ',' + imgInfo.iData;
835	                				next();
836	                			}
837	                		};
839	                		cropImage(0, callback);
840                		}
841	                	else
842                		{
843	                		callback();
844	                	}
845                	}
846                	catch(e)
847                	{
848                        console.log(e);
849                        callback();
850                	}
851                };
853                /**
854                 * Adds a vertex to the graph if 'shape' is a vertex or add the shape to edgeShapeMap if it is an edge.
855                 * This method doesn't import sub-shapes of 'shape'.
856                 * @param {mxGraph} graph Graph where the parsed graph is included.
857                 * @param shp Shape to be imported.
858                 * @param {number} parentHeight Height of the parent cell.
859                 * @return {mxCell} the new vertex added. null if 'shape' is not a vertex.
860                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.VsdxShape} shape
861                 * @param {*} parent
862                 * @param {number} pageId
863                 */
864                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.addShape = function (graph, shape, parent, pageId, parentHeight) {
865                    shape.parentHeight = parentHeight;
866                    var type = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.VsdxShape.getType(shape.getShape());
867                    if (type != null && ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
868                        return o1.equals(o2);
869                    }
870                    else {
871                        return o1 === o2;
872                    } })(type, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TYPE_SHAPE) || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
873                        return o1.equals(o2);
874                    }
875                    else {
876                        return o1 === o2;
877                    } })(type, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TYPE_GROUP) || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
878                        return o1.equals(o2);
879                    }
880                    else {
881                        return o1 === o2;
882                    } })(type, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FOREIGN))) {
883                        var id = shape.getId();
884                        if (shape.isVertex()) {
885                            var v1 = null;
886                            if (shape.isGroup()) {
887                                v1 = this.addGroup(graph, shape, parent, pageId, parentHeight);
888                            }
889                            else {
890                                v1 = this.addVertex(graph, shape, parent, pageId, parentHeight);
891                            }
892                            /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
893                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
894                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
895                                    m.entries[i].value = v;
896                                    return;
897                                } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(this.vertexShapeMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, id), shape);
899                            var lnkObj = shape.getHyperlink();
901                            if (lnkObj.extLink)
902                            {
903                            	graph.setLinkForCell(v1, lnkObj.extLink);
904                            }
905                            else if (lnkObj.pageLink)
906                        	{
907                            	graph.setLinkForCell(v1, 'data:page/id,' + lnkObj.pageLink);
908                        	}
910							// Add Shape properties
911							var props = shape.getProperties();
913							for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++)
914							{
915								try
916								{
917									graph.setAttributeForCell(v1, props[i].key, props[i].val);
918								}
919								catch(e)
920								{
921									console.log('Attribute: "', props[i].key, '" with value "', props[i].val, '" not allowed in HTML');
922								}
923							}
925                            return v1;
926                        }
927                        else {
928                            shape.setShapeIndex(graph.getModel().getChildCount(parent));
929                            /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
930                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
931                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
932                                    m.entries[i].value = v;
933                                    return;
934                                } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(this.edgeShapeMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, id), shape);
935                            /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
936                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
937                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
938                                    m.entries[i].value = v;
939                                    return;
940                                } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(this.parentsMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, id), parent);
941                        }
942                    }
943                    return null;
944                };
945                /**
946                 * Adds a group to the graph.
947                 * The sub-shapes of a complex shape are processed like part of the shape.
948                 * @param {mxGraph} graph Graph where the parsed graph is included.
949                 * @param {*} parent Parent cell of the shape.
950                 * @param {number} parentHeight Height of the parent cell of the shape.
951                 * @return {mxCell} Cell added to the graph.
952                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.VsdxShape} shape
953                 * @param {number} pageId
954                 */
955                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.addGroup = function (graph, shape, parent, pageId, parentHeight) {
956                    var d = shape.getDimensions();
957                    var master = shape.getMaster();
958                    var styleMap = shape.getStyleFromShape();
959                    var geomList = shape.getGeomList();
960                    if (geomList.isNoFill()) {
961                        /* put */ (styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR] = "none");
962                        /* put */ (styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR] = "none");
963                    }
964                    if (geomList.isNoLine()) {
965                        /* put */ (styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = "none");
966                    }
967                    /* put */ (styleMap["html"] = "1");
968                    /* put */ (styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_WHITE_SPACE] = "wrap");
969                    var style = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString(styleMap, "=");
970                    var group = null;
971                    var children = shape.getChildShapes();
972                    var hasChildren = children != null && (function (m) { if (m.entries == null)
973                        m.entries = []; return m.entries.length; })(children) > 0;
974                    var subLabel = shape.isDisplacedLabel() || shape.isRotatedLabel() || hasChildren;
975                    var o = shape.getOriginPoint(parentHeight, true);
976                    if (subLabel) {
977                        group = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, null, Math.floor(Math.round(o.x * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(o.y * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(d.x * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(d.y * 100) / 100), style);
978                    }
979                    else {
980                        var textLabel = shape.getTextLabel();
981                        group = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, textLabel, Math.floor(Math.round(o.x * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(o.y * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(d.x * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(d.y * 100) / 100), style);
982                    }
983                    var entries = (function (a) { var i = 0; return { next: function () { return i < a.length ? a[i++] : null; }, hasNext: function () { return i < a.length; } }; })(/* entrySet */ (function (m) { if (m.entries == null)
984                        m.entries = []; return m.entries; })(children));
985                    while ((entries.hasNext())) {
986                        var entry = entries.next();
987                        var subShape = entry.getValue();
988                        var Id = subShape.getId();
989                        if (subShape.isVertex()) {
990                            var type = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.VsdxShape.getType(subShape.getShape());
991                            if (type != null && ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
992                                return o1.equals(o2);
993                            }
994                            else {
995                                return o1 === o2;
996                            } })(type, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TYPE_SHAPE) || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
997                                return o1.equals(o2);
998                            }
999                            else {
1000                                return o1 === o2;
1001                            } })(type, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TYPE_GROUP) || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
1002                                return o1.equals(o2);
1003                            }
1004                            else {
1005                                return o1 === o2;
1006                            } })(type, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FOREIGN))) {
1007                                if (subShape.isVertex()) {
1008                                    subShape.propagateRotation(shape.getRotation());
1009                                    if (subShape.isGroup()) {
1010                                        this.addGroup(graph, subShape, group, pageId, d.y);
1011                                    }
1012                                    else {
1013                                        this.addVertex(graph, subShape, group, pageId, d.y);
1014                                    }
1015                                }
1016                            }
1017                            if (master == null) {
1018                                /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
1019                                    m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1020                                    if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
1021                                        m.entries[i].value = v;
1022                                        return;
1023                                    } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(this.vertexShapeMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, Id), subShape);
1024                            }
1025                        }
1026                        else {
1027                            if (master == null) {
1028                                /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
1029                                    m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1030                                    if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
1031                                        m.entries[i].value = v;
1032                                        return;
1033                                    } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(this.edgeShapeMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, Id), subShape);
1034                                /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
1035                                    m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1036                                    if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
1037                                        m.entries[i].value = v;
1038                                        return;
1039                                    } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(this.parentsMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, Id), group);
1040                            }
1041                            else {
1042                                this.addUnconnectedEdge(graph, group, subShape, parentHeight);
1043                            }
1044                        }
1045                    }
1046                    ;
1047                    if (subLabel) {
1048                        shape.createLabelSubShape(graph, group);
1049                    }
1050                    var rotation = shape.getRotation();
1051                    if (rotation !== 0) {
1052                        var pgeo = group.getGeometry();
1053                        var hw = pgeo.width / 2;
1054                        var hh = pgeo.height / 2;
1055                        for (var i = 0; i < group.getChildCount(); i++) {
1056                            var child = group.getChildAt(i);
1057                            com.mxgraph.online.Utils.rotatedGeometry(child.getGeometry(), rotation, hw, hh);
1058                        }
1059                        ;
1060                    }
1062                    /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
1063                    m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1064                    if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
1065                        m.entries[i].value = v;
1066                        return;
1067                    } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(this.vertexMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, shape.getId()), group);
1069                    return group;
1070                };
1071                mxVsdxCodec.rotatedEdgePoint = function (pt, rotation, cx, cy) {
1072                    rotation = (function (x) { return x * Math.PI / 180; })(rotation);
1073                    var cos = Math.cos(rotation);
1074                    var sin = Math.sin(rotation);
1075                    var x = pt.x - cx;
1076                    var y = pt.y - cy;
1077                    var x1 = x * cos - y * sin;
1078                    var y1 = y * cos + x * sin;
1079                    pt.x = (Math.round(x1 + cx));
1080                    pt.y = (Math.round(y1 + cy));
1081                };
1082                /**
1083                 * Adds a simple shape to the graph
1084                 * @param {mxGraph} graph Graph where the parsed graph is included.
1085                 * @param {*} parent Parent cell of the shape.
1086                 * @param {number} parentHeight Height of the parent cell of the shape.
1087                 * @return {mxCell} Cell added to the graph.
1088                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.VsdxShape} shape
1089                 * @param {number} pageId
1090                 */
1091                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.addVertex = function (graph, shape, parent, pageId, parentHeight) {
1092                    var textLabel = "";
1093                    var hasSubLabel = shape.isDisplacedLabel() || shape.isRotatedLabel();
1094                    if (!hasSubLabel) {
1095                        textLabel = shape.getTextLabel();
1096                    }
1097                    var dimensions = shape.getDimensions();
1098                    var styleMap = shape.getStyleFromShape();
1099                    /* put */ (styleMap["html"] = "1");
1100                    var geomExists = styleMap.hasOwnProperty(mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE) || styleMap.hasOwnProperty("stencil");
1101                    if (!styleMap.hasOwnProperty(mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR) || !geomExists) {
1102                        /* put */ (styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR] = "none");
1103                    }
1104                    if (!geomExists) {
1105                        /* put */ (styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = "none");
1106                    }
1107                    if (!styleMap.hasOwnProperty(mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR) || !geomExists) {
1108                        /* put */ (styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR] = "none");
1109                    }
1110                    /* put */ (styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_WHITE_SPACE] = "wrap");
1111                    var coordinates = shape.getOriginPoint(parentHeight, true);
1112                    if (geomExists || textLabel != null) {
1113                        var style = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString(styleMap, "=");
1114                        var v1 = null;
1115                        if (hasSubLabel) {
1116                            v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, null, Math.floor(Math.round(coordinates.x * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(coordinates.y * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(dimensions.x * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(dimensions.y * 100) / 100), style);
1117                        }
1118                        else {
1119                            v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, textLabel, Math.floor(Math.round(coordinates.x * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(coordinates.y * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(dimensions.x * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(dimensions.y * 100) / 100), style);
1120                        }
1121                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
1122                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1123                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
1124                                m.entries[i].value = v;
1125                                return;
1126                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(this.vertexMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, shape.getId()), v1);
1127                        shape.setLabelOffset(v1, style);
1128                        if (hasSubLabel) {
1129                            shape.createLabelSubShape(graph, v1);
1130                        }
1131                        return v1;
1132                    }
1133                    return null;
1134                };
1137                mxVsdxCodec.calculateAbsolutePoint = function (cell)
1138                {
1139                    var x = 0, y = 0;
1140                    while (cell != null)
1141                    {
1142                        var geo = cell.geometry;
1144                        if (geo != null)
1145                        {
1146                            x += geo.x;
1147                            y += geo.y;
1148                        }
1149                        cell = cell.parent;
1150                    }
1152                    return new mxPoint(x, y);
1153                }
1155				mxVsdxCodec.prototype.processEdgeGeo = function (edgeShape, edge)
1156				{
1157					//Detect Line jumps (best effots)
1158					try
1159					{
1160						var rows = edgeShape.geomList.geomList[0].rows;
1162						for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
1163						{
1164							if (rows[i] instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.ArcTo)
1165							{
1166								edge.style += 'jumpStyle=arc;';
1167								break;
1168							}
1169						}
1171						//Handle NURBS
1172						for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
1173						{
1174							if (rows[i] instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.NURBSTo)
1175							{
1176								//TODO HAndle NURBS points (convert to curved edge with these points)
1177								//var str = rows[i].handle({}, edgeShape);
1178							}
1179						}
1180					}
1181					catch(e){} //Ignore
1182				};
1184                /**
1185                 * Adds a connected edge to the graph.
1186                 * These edged are the referenced in one Connect element at least.
1187                 * @param {mxGraph} graph graph Graph where the parsed graph is included.
1188                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConnect} connect Connect Element that references an edge shape and the source vertex.
1189                 * @param {number} pageId
1190                 * @param {number} pageHeight
1191                 * @return {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId}
1192                 */
1193                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.addConnectedEdge = function (graph, connect, pageId, pageHeight) {
1194                    var fromSheet = connect.getFromSheet();
1195                    var edgeId = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, fromSheet);
1196                    var edgeShape = (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
1197                        m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1198                        if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
1199                            return m.entries[i].value;
1200                        } return null; })(this.edgeShapeMap, edgeId);
1201                    if (edgeShape == null) {
1202                        return null;
1203                    }
1204                    var parent = (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
1205                        m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1206                        if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
1207                            return m.entries[i].value;
1208                        } return null; })(this.parentsMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, edgeShape.getId()));
1209                    var parentHeight = pageHeight;
1210                    if (parent != null) {
1211                        var parentGeo = graph.getModel().getGeometry(parent);
1212                        if (parentGeo != null) {
1213                            parentHeight = parentGeo.height;
1214                        }
1215                    }
1216                    var beginXY = edgeShape.getStartXY(parentHeight);
1217                    var endXY = edgeShape.getEndXY(parentHeight);
1218                    var points = edgeShape.getRoutingPoints(parentHeight, beginXY, edgeShape.getRotation());
1219                    this.rotateChildEdge(graph.getModel(), parent, beginXY, endXY, points);
1220                    var fromConstraint = null;
1221                    var sourceSheet = connect.getSourceToSheet();
1222                    var source = sourceSheet != null ? (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
1223                        m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1224                        if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
1225                            return m.entries[i].value;
1226                        } return null; })(this.vertexMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, sourceSheet)) : null;
1228                    var removeFirstPt = true;
1229					//Treat source with zero height/width as null since constraint calc will be invalid
1230                    if (source == null || source.geometry.width == 0 || source.geometry.height == 0)
1231                    {
1232                        source = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, null, Math.floor(Math.round(beginXY.x * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(beginXY.y * 100) / 100), 0, 0);
1233                    }
1234                    else if (source.style && source.style.indexOf(';rotation=') == -1)
1235            		{
1236                        var absOriginFrom = mxVsdxCodec.calculateAbsolutePoint(source);
1237                        var absBeginXY = mxVsdxCodec.calculateAbsolutePoint(parent);
1238                        var srcGeo = source.geometry;
1239                        fromConstraint = new mxPoint(
1240                                (absBeginXY.x + beginXY.x - absOriginFrom.x)
1241                                        / srcGeo.width,
1242                                (absBeginXY.y + beginXY.y - absOriginFrom.y)
1243                                        / srcGeo.height);
1244                        //TODO fromConstraint rotation support
1245            		}
1246                    else
1247                	{
1248                    	removeFirstPt = false;
1249                	}
1251                    var toConstraint = null;
1252                    var toSheet = connect.getTargetToSheet();
1253                    var target = toSheet != null ? (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
1254                        m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1255                        if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
1256                            return m.entries[i].value;
1257                        } return null; })(this.vertexMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(pageId, toSheet)) : null;
1259                    var removeLastPt = true;
1260					//Treat target with zero height/width as null since constraint calc will be invalid
1261                    if (target == null || target.geometry.width == 0 || target.geometry.height == 0)
1262                    {
1263                        target = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, null, Math.floor(Math.round(endXY.x * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(endXY.y * 100) / 100), 0, 0);
1264                    }
1265                    else if (target.style && target.style.indexOf(';rotation=') == -1)
1266            		{
1267                        var absOriginTo = mxVsdxCodec.calculateAbsolutePoint(target);
1268                        var absEndXY = mxVsdxCodec.calculateAbsolutePoint(parent);
1269                        var trgGeo = target.geometry;
1270                        toConstraint = new mxPoint(
1271                                (absEndXY.x + endXY.x - absOriginTo.x)
1272                                        / trgGeo.width,
1273                                (absEndXY.y + endXY.y - absOriginTo.y)
1274                                        / trgGeo.height);
1275                        //TODO toConstraint rotation support
1276            		}
1277                    else
1278                    {
1279                    	removeLastPt = false;
1280                    }
1282                    var styleMap = edgeShape.getStyleFromEdgeShape(parentHeight);
1283                    var edge;
1284                    var rotation = edgeShape.getRotation();
1285                    if (rotation !== 0) {
1286                        edge = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, null, source, target, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString(styleMap, "="));
1287                        var label = edgeShape.createLabelSubShape(graph, edge);
1288                        if (label != null) {
1289                            label.setStyle(label.getStyle() + ";rotation=" + (rotation > 60 && rotation < 240 ? (rotation + 180) % 360 : rotation));
1290                            var geo = label.getGeometry();
1291                            geo.x = (0);
1292                            geo.y = (0);
1293                            geo.relative = (true);
1294                            geo.offset = (new mxPoint(-geo.width / 2, -geo.height / 2));
1295                        }
1296                    }
1297                    else {
1298                        edge = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, edgeShape.getTextLabel(), source, target, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString(styleMap, "="));
1299                        var lblOffset = edgeShape.getLblEdgeOffset(graph.getView(), points);
1300                        edge.getGeometry().offset = (lblOffset);
1302                        //add entry/exit points when edge, src, and trg are not rotated
1303                        if (fromConstraint != null)
1304            			{
1305            				graph.setConnectionConstraint(edge, source, true,
1306            						new mxConnectionConstraint(fromConstraint, false));
1307            			}
1309                        if (removeFirstPt)
1310                    	{
1311	                        points.shift();
1312                    	}
1314            			if (toConstraint != null)
1315            			{
1316            				graph.setConnectionConstraint(edge, target, false,
1317            						new mxConnectionConstraint(toConstraint, false));
1318            			}
1320            			if (removeLastPt)
1321        				{
1322	        				points.pop();
1323                        }
1324                    }
1325                    var edgeGeometry = graph.getModel().getGeometry(edge);
1327                    //when source.parent != target.parent the front end will change the edge parent to parent 1 but waypoints are not corrected
1328                    if (source.parent != target.parent && parent != null && parent.id != 1 && source.parent.id == 1)
1329                	{
1330                    	var accX = 0;
1331                    	var accY = 0;
1333                    	var prnt = parent;
1335                    	do
1336                    	{
1337                        	var prntGeo = prnt.geometry;
1339                            if (prntGeo != null)
1340                            {
1341                            	accX += prntGeo.x;
1342                            	accY += prntGeo.y;
1343                            }
1344                            prnt = prnt.parent;
1345                    	}
1346                    	while(prnt != null);
1348                    	edge.parent = source.parent;
1350                    	for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
1351                		{
1352                    		points[i].x += accX;
1353                    		points[i].y += accY;
1354                		}
1355                	}
1357                    edgeGeometry.points = (points);
1358                    if (styleMap.hasOwnProperty("curved") && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
1359                        return o1.equals(o2);
1360                    }
1361                    else {
1362                        return o1 === o2;
1363                    } })(/* get */ (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(styleMap, "curved"), "1")) {
1364                        edgeGeometry = graph.getModel().getGeometry(edge);
1365                        var pointList = edgeShape.getControlPoints(parentHeight);
1366                        edgeGeometry.points = (pointList);
1367                    }
1369					this.processEdgeGeo(edgeShape, edge) ;
1371                    return edgeId;
1372                };
1373                /**
1374                 * Adds a new edge not connected to any vertex to the graph.
1375                 * @param {mxGraph} graph Graph where the parsed graph is included.
1376                 * @param {*} parent Parent cell of the edge to be imported.
1377                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.VsdxShape} edgeShape Shape Element that represents an edge.
1378                 * @return {*} The new edge added.
1379                 * @param {number} pageHeight
1380                 */
1381                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.addUnconnectedEdge = function (graph, parent, edgeShape, pageHeight) {
1382                    var parentHeight = pageHeight;
1383                    if (parent != null) {
1384                        var parentGeometry = graph.getModel().getGeometry(parent);
1385                        if (parentGeometry != null) {
1386                            parentHeight = parentGeometry.height;
1387                        }
1388                    }
1389                    var beginXY = edgeShape.getStartXY(parentHeight);
1390                    var endXY = edgeShape.getEndXY(parentHeight);
1391                    var styleMap = edgeShape.getStyleFromEdgeShape(parentHeight);
1392                    var edge;
1393                    var points = edgeShape.getRoutingPoints(parentHeight, beginXY, edgeShape.getRotation());
1394                    var rotation = edgeShape.getRotation();
1395                    if (rotation !== 0) {
1396                        if (edgeShape.getShapeIndex() === 0) {
1397                            edge = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, null, null, null, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString(styleMap, "="));
1398                        }
1399                        else {
1400                            edge = graph.createEdge(parent, null, null, null, null, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString(styleMap, "="));
1401                            edge = graph.addEdge(edge, parent, null, null, edgeShape.getShapeIndex() + this.shapeIndexShift++);
1402                        }
1403                        var label = edgeShape.createLabelSubShape(graph, edge);
1404                        if (label != null) {
1405                            label.setStyle(label.getStyle() + ";rotation=" + (rotation > 60 && rotation < 240 ? (rotation + 180) % 360 : rotation));
1406                            var geo = label.getGeometry();
1407                            geo.x = (0);
1408                            geo.y = (0);
1409                            geo.relative = (true);
1410                            geo.offset = (new mxPoint(-geo.width / 2, -geo.height / 2));
1411                        }
1412                    }
1413                    else {
1414                        if (edgeShape.getShapeIndex() === 0) {
1415                            edge = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, edgeShape.getTextLabel(), null, null, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString(styleMap, "="));
1416                        }
1417                        else {
1418                            edge = graph.createEdge(parent, null, edgeShape.getTextLabel(), null, null, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString(styleMap, "="));
1419                            edge = graph.addEdge(edge, parent, null, null, edgeShape.getShapeIndex() + this.shapeIndexShift++);
1420                        }
1421                        var lblOffset = edgeShape.getLblEdgeOffset(graph.getView(), points);
1422                        edge.getGeometry().offset = (lblOffset);
1423                    }
1424                    this.rotateChildEdge(graph.getModel(), parent, beginXY, endXY, points);
1425                    var edgeGeometry = graph.getModel().getGeometry(edge);
1426                    //remove begin/end points from points array
1427                    points.pop();
1428                    points.shift();
1429                    edgeGeometry.points = (points);
1430                    edgeGeometry.setTerminalPoint(beginXY, true);
1431                    edgeGeometry.setTerminalPoint(endXY, false);
1432                    if (styleMap.hasOwnProperty("curved") && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
1433                        return o1.equals(o2);
1434                    }
1435                    else {
1436                        return o1 === o2;
1437                    } })(/* get */ (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(styleMap, "curved"), "1")) {
1438                        edgeGeometry = graph.getModel().getGeometry(edge);
1439                        var pointList = edgeShape.getControlPoints(parentHeight);
1440                        edgeGeometry.points = (pointList);
1441                    }
1443					this.processEdgeGeo(edgeShape, edge) ;
1445                    return edge;
1446                };
1447                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.rotateChildEdge = function (model, parent, beginXY, endXY, points) {
1448                    if (parent != null) {
1449                        var pgeo = model.getGeometry(parent);
1450                        var pStyle = model.getStyle(parent);
1451                        if (pgeo != null && pStyle != null) {
1452                            var pos = pStyle.indexOf("rotation=");
1453                            if (pos > -1) {
1454                                var pRotation = parseFloat(pStyle.substring(pos + 9, pStyle.indexOf(';', pos)));
1455                                var hw = pgeo.width / 2;
1456                                var hh = pgeo.height / 2;
1457                                mxVsdxCodec.rotatedEdgePoint(beginXY, pRotation, hw, hh);
1458                                mxVsdxCodec.rotatedEdgePoint(endXY, pRotation, hw, hh);
1459                                for (var index126 = 0; index126 < points.length; index126++) {
1460                                    var p = points[index126];
1461                                    {
1462                                        mxVsdxCodec.rotatedEdgePoint(p, pRotation, hw, hh);
1463                                    }
1464                                }
1465                            }
1466                        }
1467                    }
1468                };
1469                /**
1470                 * Post processes groups to remove leaf vertices that render nothing
1471                 * @param group
1472                 * @param {mxGraph} graph
1473                 */
1474                mxVsdxCodec.prototype.sanitiseGraph = function (graph) {
1475                    var root = graph.getModel().getRoot();
1476                    this.sanitiseCell(graph, root);
1477                };
1478                /*private*/ mxVsdxCodec.prototype.sanitiseCell = function (graph, cell) {
1479                    var model = graph.getModel();
1480                    var childCount = model.getChildCount(cell);
1481                    var removeList = ([]);
1482                    for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
1483                        var child = model.getChildAt(cell, i);
1484                        var remove = this.sanitiseCell(graph, child);
1485                        if (remove) {
1486                            /* add */ (removeList.push(child));
1487                        }
1488                    }
1489                    ;
1490                    for (var index127 = 0; index127 < removeList.length; index127++) {
1491                        var removeChild = removeList[index127];
1492                        {
1493                            model.remove(removeChild);
1494                        }
1495                    }
1497                    //Check for -ve width/height cells and correct it
1498                    var geo = cell.geometry;
1500                    if (geo != null)
1501                	{
1502                    	if (geo.height < 0)
1503                		{
1504                    		geo.height = Math.abs(geo.height);
1505                    		geo.y -= geo.height;
1506                    		cell.style += ';flipV=1;';
1507                		}
1509                    	if (geo.width < 0)
1510                		{
1511                    		geo.width = Math.abs(geo.width);
1512                    		geo.x -= geo.width;
1513                    		cell.style += ';flipH=1;';
1514                		}
1515                	}
1517                    if (childCount > 0) {
1518                        childCount = model.getChildCount(cell);
1519                    }
1520                    var value = new String(model.getValue(cell)).toString();
1521                    var style = model.getStyle(cell);
1522                    if (childCount === 0 && model.isVertex(cell)) {
1523                        if ((model.getValue(cell) == null || (value.length === 0)) && (style != null) && (style.indexOf(mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR + "=none") != -1) && (style.indexOf(mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR + "=none") != -1) && (style.indexOf("image=") == -1)) {
1524                            return true;
1525                        }
1526                    }
1527                    return false;
1528                };
1529                return mxVsdxCodec;
1530            }());
1531            io.mxVsdxCodec = mxVsdxCodec;
1532            mxVsdxCodec["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec";
1533        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
1534    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
1535})(com || (com = {}));
1536(function (com) {
1537    var mxgraph;
1538    (function (mxgraph) {
1539        var io;
1540        (function (io) {
1541            var mxVssxCodec = (function (_super) {
1542                __extends(mxVssxCodec, _super);
1543                function mxVssxCodec(editorUi) {
1544                    var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
1545                    _this.RESPONSE_END = "";
1546                    _this.RESPONSE_DIAGRAM_START = "";
1547                    _this.RESPONSE_DIAGRAM_END = "";
1548                    _this.RESPONSE_HEADER = "";
1549                    _this.editorUi = editorUi;
1550                    return _this;
1551                }
1552                mxVssxCodec.prototype.decodeVssx = function (file, callback, charset, onerror) {
1553                	var _this = this;
1554                    var library = { str: "<mxlibrary>[", toString: function () { return this.str; } };
1555                    this.decodeVsdx(file, function(shapesInPages)
1556            		{
1557                        /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(shapesInPages); })(library);
1558                        var masterShapes = _this.vsdxModel.getMasterShapes();
1559                        var page = (function (a) { var i = 0; return { next: function () { return i < a.length ? a[i++] : null; }, hasNext: function () { return i < a.length; } }; })(/* values */ (function (m) { var r = []; if (m.entries == null)
1560                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1561                            r.push(m.entries[i].value); return r; })(_this.vsdxModel.getPages())).next();
1562                        if (masterShapes != null) {
1563                            var shapes_1 = { str: "", toString: function () { return this.str; } };
1564                            var comma_1 = (shapesInPages.length === 0) ? "" : ",";
1565                            {
1566                                var array129 = (function (obj) { return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) { return obj[key]; }); })(masterShapes);
1567                                var _loop_1 = function (index128) {
1568                                    var master = array129[index128];
1569                                    {
1570                                        var shapeGraph = this_1.createMxGraph();
1572                                        var scale = 1;
1574                                        if (master.pageSheet != null)
1575                                    	{
1576                                        	 var dScaleV = 1, pScaleV = 1;
1577                                        	 var dScale = master.pageSheet["DrawingScale"];
1579                                        	 if (dScale != null)
1580                                             {
1581                                        		 dScaleV = parseFloat(dScale.getAttribute("V")) || 1;
1582                                             }
1584                                        	 var pScale = master.pageSheet["PageScale"];
1586                                        	 if (pScale != null)
1587                                             {
1588                                        		 pScaleV = parseFloat(pScale.getAttribute("V")) || 1;
1589                                             }
1591                                        	 scale = pScaleV / dScaleV;
1592                                    	}
1594                                        var hasCells = false;
1596                                        for (var chI = 0; master.firstLevelShapes != null && chI < master.firstLevelShapes.length; chI++)
1597                                        {
1598	                                        var shapeElem = master.firstLevelShapes[chI].getShape();
1599	                                        var shape = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.VsdxShape(page, shapeElem, !page.isEdge(shapeElem), masterShapes, null, this_1.vsdxModel);
1601	                                        var cell = null;
1602	                                        if (shape.isVertex()) {
1603	                                            /* clear */ this_1.edgeShapeMap.entries = [];
1604	                                            /* clear */ this_1.parentsMap.entries = [];
1605	                                            cell = this_1.addShape(shapeGraph, shape, shapeGraph.getDefaultParent(), 0, 1169);
1606	                                            {
1607	                                                var array131 = (function (m) { if (m.entries == null)
1608	                                                    m.entries = []; return m.entries; })(this_1.edgeShapeMap);
1609	                                                for (var index130 = 0; index130 < array131.length; index130++) {
1610	                                                    var edgeEntry = array131[index130];
1611	                                                    {
1612	                                                        var parent_1 = (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
1613	                                                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1614	                                                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
1615	                                                                return m.entries[i].value;
1616	                                                            } return null; })(this_1.parentsMap, edgeEntry.getKey());
1617	                                                        this_1.addUnconnectedEdge(shapeGraph, parent_1, edgeEntry.getValue(), 1169);
1618	                                                    }
1619	                                                }
1620	                                            }
1621	                                        }
1622	                                        else {
1623	                                            cell = this_1.addUnconnectedEdge(shapeGraph, null, shape, 1169);
1624	                                        }
1626	                                        hasCells |= (cell != null);
1627                                        }
1629                                        if (hasCells)
1630                                        {
1631                                        	this_1.scaleGraph(shapeGraph, scale);
1632                                        	var size = this_1.normalizeGraph(shapeGraph);
1633                                            this_1.sanitiseGraph(shapeGraph);
1634                                            if (shapeGraph.getModel().getChildCount(shapeGraph.getDefaultParent()) === 0)
1635                                                return "continue";
1636                                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(comma_1); })(shapes_1);
1637                                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("{\"xml\":\""); })(shapes_1);
1638                                            var shapeXML_1 = _super.prototype.processPage.call(this_1, shapeGraph, null);
1639                                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(shapeXML_1); })(shapes_1);
1640                                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("\",\"w\":"); })(shapes_1);
1641                                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(size.width); })(shapes_1);
1642                                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(",\"h\":"); })(shapes_1);
1643                                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(size.height); })(shapes_1);
1644                                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(",\"title\":"); })(shapes_1);
1645                                            var shapeName_1 = master.getName();
1646                                            if (shapeName_1 == null)
1647                                        	{
1648                                            	shapeName_1 = "";
1649                                        	}
1650                                            shapeName_1 = mxUtils.htmlEntities(JSON.stringify(shapeName_1));
1651                                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(shapeName_1); })(shapes_1);
1652                                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("}"); })(shapes_1);
1653                                            comma_1 = ",";
1654                                        }
1655                                    }
1656                                };
1657                                var this_1 = _this;
1658                                for (var index128 = 0; index128 < array129.length; index128++) {
1659                                    _loop_1(index128);
1660                                }
1661                            }
1662                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(shapes_1); })(library);
1663                        }
1664                        /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("]</mxlibrary>"); })(library);
1665                        if (callback)
1666                    	{
1667	                    	try
1668	                    	{
1669	                    		callback(library.str);
1670	                    	}
1671	                    	catch(e)
1672	                    	{
1673	                    		if (onerror != null)
1674	                    		{
1675	                    			onerror(e);
1676	                    		}
1677	                    		else
1678	                    		{
1679	                    			callback("");
1680	                    		}
1681	                    	}
1682                    	}
1683                    }, charset);
1684                };
1685                mxVssxCodec.prototype.normalizeGeo = function (cell) {
1686                    var geo = cell.getGeometry();
1687                    geo.x = (0);
1688                    geo.y = (0);
1689                    var srcP = geo.sourcePoint;
1690                    if (cell.isEdge() && srcP != null) {
1691                        this.transPoint(geo.targetPoint, srcP);
1692                        this.transPoint(geo.offset, srcP);
1693                        var points = geo.points;
1694                        if (points != null) {
1695                            for (var index132 = 0; index132 < points.length; index132++) {
1696                                var p = points[index132];
1697                                {
1698                                    this.transPoint(p, srcP);
1699                                }
1700                            }
1701                        }
1702                        this.transPoint(srcP, srcP);
1703                    }
1704                    return geo;
1705                };
1707                mxVssxCodec.prototype.normalizeGraph = function (graph)
1708                {
1709                	//Find minX/Y, maxX/Y
1710                	var minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
1712                	function getDimMinMax(pt)
1713                	{
1714                		if (pt != null)
1715                		{
1716                			if (minX == null)
1717	            			{
1718	                			minX = pt.x; minY = pt.y; maxX = pt.x + (pt.width || 0); maxY = pt.y + (pt.height || 0);
1719	            			}
1720	                		else
1721                			{
1722	                			minX = Math.min(pt.x, minX);
1723	                			minY = Math.min(pt.y, minY);
1724	                			maxX = Math.max(pt.x + (pt.width || 0), maxX);
1725	                			maxY = Math.max(pt.y + (pt.height || 0), maxY);
1726                			}
1727                		}
1728                	};
1730                	for (var id in graph.model.cells)
1731            		{
1732                		var cell = graph.model.cells[id];
1733                		var geo = cell.geometry;
1735                		if (geo != null && cell.parent.id == 1)
1736                		{
1737                			if (cell.vertex)
1738                			{
1739                				getDimMinMax(geo);
1740                			}
1741                			else
1742            				{
1743                				getDimMinMax(geo.sourcePoint);
1744							    getDimMinMax(geo.targetPoint);
1745							    var points = geo.points;
1747							    for (var i = 0; points != null && i < points.length; i++)
1748								{
1749							        getDimMinMax(points[i]);
1750							    }
1751            				}
1752                		}
1753            		}
1755                	//Remove minX, minY from all geo and fix edges also
1756                	var srcP = {x: minX, y: minY};
1758                	for (var id in graph.model.cells)
1759            		{
1760                		var cell = graph.model.cells[id];
1761                		var geo = cell.geometry;
1763                		if (geo != null && cell.parent.id == 1)
1764                		{
1765	                		geo.x -= minX;
1766	                		geo.y -= minY;
1768	                		if (cell.isEdge())
1769	            			{
1770		                        this.transPoint(geo.sourcePoint, srcP);
1771	                			this.transPoint(geo.targetPoint, srcP);
1772		                        this.transPoint(geo.offset, srcP);
1773		                        var points = geo.points;
1775	                            for (var i = 0; points != null && i < points.length; i++)
1776	                            {
1777	                                this.transPoint(points[i], srcP);
1778	                            }
1779	            			}
1780                		}
1781            		}
1783                	return {width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY}
1784                };
1786                mxVssxCodec.prototype.transPoint = function (p, srcP) {
1787                    if (p != null) {
1788                        p.x = (p.x - srcP.x);
1789                        p.y = (p.y - srcP.y);
1790                    }
1791                };
1792                /**
1793                 *
1794                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.mxGraph} graph
1795                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxPage} page
1796                 * @return {string}
1797                 */
1798                mxVssxCodec.prototype.processPage = function (graph, page) {
1799                    var model = graph.getModel();
1800                    var shapes = { str: "", toString: function () { return this.str; } };
1801                    var comma = "";
1802                    {
1803                    	var this_2 = this;
1804                        for (var id in model.cells) {
1805                            var c = model.cells[id];
1806                            {
1807                                if (graph.getDefaultParent() === model.getParent(c)) {
1808                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(comma); })(shapes);
1809                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("{\"xml\":\""); })(shapes);
1810                                    var shapeGraph = this_2.createMxGraph();
1811                                    shapeGraph.addCell(c);
1812                                    this_2.sanitiseGraph(shapeGraph);
1813                                    if (shapeGraph.getModel().getChildCount(shapeGraph.getDefaultParent()) === 0)
1814                                        return "continue";
1815                                    var geo_2 = this_2.normalizeGeo(c);
1816                                    var shapeXML_2 = _super.prototype.processPage.call(this_2, shapeGraph, null);
1817                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(shapeXML_2); })(shapes);
1818                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("\",\"w\":"); })(shapes);
1819                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(geo_2.width); })(shapes);
1820                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(",\"h\":"); })(shapes);
1821                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(geo_2.height); })(shapes);
1822                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(",\"title\":\""); })(shapes);
1823                                    var style = model.getStyle(c);
1824                                    var name_1 = "";
1825                                    if (style != null) {
1826                                        var p = style.indexOf(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.VSDX_ID);
1827                                        if (p >= 0) {
1828                                            p += com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.VSDX_ID.length + 1;
1829                                            var id = parseInt(style.substring(p, style.indexOf(";", p)));
1830                                            var vsdxShape = (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
1831                                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
1832                                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
1833                                                    return m.entries[i].value;
1834                                                } return null; })(this_2.vertexShapeMap, new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId(page.getId(), id));
1835                                            if (vsdxShape != null)
1836                                                name_1 = vsdxShape.getName();
1837                                        }
1838                                    }
1839                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(name_1); })(shapes);
1840                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("\"}"); })(shapes);
1841                                    comma = ",";
1842                                }
1843                            }
1844                        };
1845                    }
1846                    if (shapes.str.length > 0)
1847                        this.RESPONSE_DIAGRAM_START = ",";
1848                    else
1849                        this.RESPONSE_DIAGRAM_START = "";
1850                    return shapes.str;
1851                };
1852                return mxVssxCodec;
1853            }(com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec));
1854            io.mxVssxCodec = mxVssxCodec;
1855            mxVssxCodec["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.mxVssxCodec";
1856        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
1857    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
1858})(com || (com = {}));
1859(function (com) {
1860    var mxgraph;
1861    (function (mxgraph) {
1862        var io;
1863        (function (io) {
1864            var vsdx;
1865            (function (vsdx) {
1866                var geometry;
1867                (function (geometry) {
1868                    var Row = (function () {
1869                        function Row(index, x, y) {
1870                            this.x = null;
1871                            this.y = null;
1872                            this.a = null;
1873                            this.b = null;
1874                            this.c = null;
1875                            this.d = null;
1876                            this.formulaA = null;
1877                            this.formulaE = null;
1878                            this.index = 0;
1879                            this.index = index;
1880                            this.x = x;
1881                            this.y = y;
1882                        }
1883                        Row.prototype.getX = function () {
1884                            return this.x;
1885                        };
1886                        Row.prototype.getY = function () {
1887                            return this.y;
1888                        };
1889                        Row.prototype.getA = function () {
1890                            return this.a;
1891                        };
1892                        Row.prototype.getB = function () {
1893                            return this.b;
1894                        };
1895                        Row.prototype.getC = function () {
1896                            return this.c;
1897                        };
1898                        Row.prototype.getD = function () {
1899                            return this.d;
1900                        };
1901                        Row.prototype.getFormulaA = function () {
1902                            return this.formulaA;
1903                        };
1904                        Row.prototype.getFormulaE = function () {
1905                            return this.formulaE;
1906                        };
1907                        Row.prototype.getIndex = function () {
1908                            return this.index;
1909                        };
1910                        return Row;
1911                    }());
1912                    geometry.Row = Row;
1913                    Row["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row";
1914                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
1915            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
1916        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
1917    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
1918})(com || (com = {}));
1919(function (com) {
1920    var mxgraph;
1921    (function (mxgraph) {
1922        var io;
1923        (function (io) {
1924            var vsdx;
1925            (function (vsdx) {
1926                var geometry;
1927                (function (geometry) {
1928                    var RowFactory = (function () {
1929                        function RowFactory() {
1930                        }
1931                        /*private*/ RowFactory.getIndex = function (elem) {
1932                            try {
1933                                return parseInt(elem.getAttribute("IX")) || 1;
1934                            }
1935                            catch (e) {
1936                                return 1;
1937                            }
1938                            ;
1939                        };
1940                        /*private*/ RowFactory.getDoubleVal = function (val) {
1941                            try {
1942                                if (val != null && !(val.length === 0)) {
1943                                    var fVal = parseFloat(val);
1945                                    if (isFinite(fVal))
1946                                    	return fVal;
1947                                }
1948                            }
1949                            catch (e) {
1950                            }
1951                            ;
1952                            return null;
1953                        };
1954                        RowFactory.getRowObj = function (elem, pRows) {
1955                            var rowType = elem.getAttribute("T");
1956                            var index = RowFactory.getIndex(elem);
1957                            var del = elem.getAttribute("Del");
1958                            if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
1959                                return o1.equals(o2);
1960                            }
1961                            else {
1962                                return o1 === o2;
1963                            } })(del, "1")) {
1964                                var parentObj = null;
1965                                if (index <= pRows.length) {
1966                                    parentObj = pRows[index - 1];
1967                                }
1968                                var x = null;
1969                                var y = null;
1970                                var a = null;
1971                                var b = null;
1972                                var c = null;
1973                                var d = null;
1974                                var formulaE = null;
1975                                var formulaA = null;
1976                                if (parentObj != null) {
1977                                    x = parentObj.x;
1978                                    y = parentObj.y;
1979                                    a = parentObj.getA();
1980                                    b = parentObj.getB();
1981                                    c = parentObj.getC();
1982                                    d = parentObj.getD();
1983                                    formulaA = parentObj.getFormulaA();
1984                                    formulaE = parentObj.getFormulaE();
1985                                }
1986                                var cells = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(elem);
1987                                for (var index121 = 0; index121 < cells.length; index121++) {
1988                                    var cell = cells[index121];
1989                                    {
1990                                        var name_1 = cell.getAttribute("N");
1991                                        var val = cell.getAttribute("V");
1992                                        switch ((name_1)) {
1993                                            case "X":
1994                                                x = RowFactory.getDoubleVal(val);
1995                                                break;
1996                                            case "Y":
1997                                                y = RowFactory.getDoubleVal(val);
1998                                                break;
1999                                            case "A":
2000                                                a = RowFactory.getDoubleVal(val);
2001                                                formulaA = cell.getAttribute("V");
2002                                                break;
2003                                            case "B":
2004                                                b = RowFactory.getDoubleVal(val);
2005                                                break;
2006                                            case "C":
2007                                                c = RowFactory.getDoubleVal(val);
2008                                                break;
2009                                            case "D":
2010                                                d = RowFactory.getDoubleVal(val);
2011                                                break;
2012                                            case "E":
2013                                                formulaE = val;
2014                                                break;
2015                                        }
2016                                    }
2017                                }
2018                                switch ((rowType)) {
2019                                    case "MoveTo":
2020                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.MoveTo(index, x, y);
2021                                    case "LineTo":
2022                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.LineTo(index, x, y);
2023                                    case "ArcTo":
2024                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.ArcTo(index, x, y, a);
2025                                    case "Ellipse":
2026                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Ellipse(index, x, y, a, b, c, d);
2027                                    case "EllipticalArcTo":
2028                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.EllipticalArcTo(index, x, y, a, b, c, d);
2029                                    case "InfiniteLine":
2030                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.InfiniteLine(index, x, y, a, b);
2031                                    case "NURBSTo":
2032                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.NURBSTo(index, x, y, a, b, c, d, formulaE);
2033                                    case "PolylineTo":
2034                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.PolylineTo(index, x, y, formulaA);
2035                                    case "RelCubBezTo":
2036                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RelCubBezTo(index, x, y, a, b, c, d);
2037                                    case "RelEllipticalArcTo":
2038                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RelEllipticalArcTo(index, x, y, a, b, c, d);
2039                                    case "RelLineTo":
2040                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RelLineTo(index, x, y);
2041                                    case "RelMoveTo":
2042                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RelMoveTo(index, x, y);
2043                                    case "RelQuadBezTo":
2044                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RelQuadBezTo(index, x, y, a, b);
2045                                    case "SplineKnot":
2046                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.SplineKnot(index, x, y, a);
2047                                    case "SplineStart":
2048                                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.SplineStart(index, x, y, a, b, c, d);
2049                                }
2050                            }
2051                            return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.DelRow(index);
2052                        };
2053                        return RowFactory;
2054                    }());
2055                    geometry.RowFactory = RowFactory;
2056                    RowFactory["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RowFactory";
2057                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
2058            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
2059        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
2060    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
2061})(com || (com = {}));
2062(function (com) {
2063    var mxgraph;
2064    (function (mxgraph) {
2065        var io;
2066        (function (io) {
2067            var vsdx;
2068            (function (vsdx) {
2069                /**
2070                 * This is a singleton class that stores various global properties to document.<br/>
2071                 * The properties are:
2072                 * <ul>
2073                 * <li>
2074                 * document's colors
2075                 * </li>
2076                 * <li>
2077                 * document's fonts
2078                 * </li>
2079                 * <li>
2080                 * default text style
2081                 * </li>
2082                 * <li>
2083                 * default line style
2084                 * </li>
2085                 * <li>
2086                 * default fill style
2087                 * </li>
2088                 * </ul>
2089                 * @class
2090                 */
2091                var mxPropertiesManager = (function () {
2092                    function mxPropertiesManager() {
2093                        /**
2094                         * Map with the document's colors.<br/>
2095                         * The key is the index number and the value is the hex representation of the color.
2096                         */
2097                        /*private*/ this.colorElementMap = ({});
2098                        /**
2099                         * Map with the document's fonts.<br/>
2100                         * The key is the ID and the value is the name of the font.
2101                         */
2102                        /*private*/ this.fontElementMap = ({});
2103                    }
2104                    mxPropertiesManager.__static_initialize = function () { if (!mxPropertiesManager.__static_initialized) {
2105                        mxPropertiesManager.__static_initialized = true;
2106                        mxPropertiesManager.__static_initializer_0();
2107                    } };
2108                    mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$ = function () { mxPropertiesManager.__static_initialize(); if (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors == null)
2109                        mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors = ({}); return mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors; };
2110                    ;
2111                    mxPropertiesManager.__static_initializer_0 = function () {
2112                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["0"] = "#000000");
2113                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["1"] = "#FFFFFF");
2114                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["2"] = "#FF0000");
2115                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["3"] = "#00FF00");
2116                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["4"] = "#0000FF");
2117                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["5"] = "#FFFF00");
2118                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["6"] = "#FF00FF");
2119                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["7"] = "#00FFFF");
2120                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["8"] = "#800000");
2121                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["9"] = "#008000");
2122                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["10"] = "#000080");
2123                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["11"] = "#808000");
2124                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["12"] = "#800080");
2125                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["13"] = "#008080");
2126                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["14"] = "#C0C0C0");
2127                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["15"] = "#E6E6E6");
2128                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["16"] = "#CDCDCD");
2129                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["17"] = "#B3B3B3");
2130                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["18"] = "#9A9A9A");
2131                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["19"] = "#808080");
2132                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["20"] = "#666666");
2133                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["21"] = "#4D4D4D");
2134                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["22"] = "#333333");
2135                        /* put */ (mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$()["23"] = "#1A1A1A");
2136                    };
2137                    /**
2138                     * Loads the properties of the document.
2139                     * @param doc Document with the properties.
2140                     * @param {*} elem
2141                     * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel} model
2142                     */
2143                    mxPropertiesManager.prototype.initialise = function (elem, model) {
2144                        if (elem != null) {
2145                            var vdxColors = elem.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.COLORS);
2146                            if (vdxColors.length > 0) {
2147                                var colors = vdxColors.item(0);
2148                                var colorList = colors.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.COLOR_ENTRY);
2149                                var colorLength = colorList.length;
2150                                for (var i = 0; i < colorLength; i++) {
2151                                    var color = colorList.item(i);
2152                                    var colorId = color.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.INDEX);
2153                                    var colorValue = color.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.RGB);
2154                                    /* put */ (this.colorElementMap[colorId] = colorValue);
2155                                }
2156                                ;
2157                            }
2158                            var vdxFonts = elem.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FACE_NAMES);
2159                            if (vdxFonts.length > 0) {
2160                                var fonts = vdxFonts.item(0);
2161                                var fontList = fonts.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FACE_NAME);
2162                                var fontLength = fontList.length;
2163                                for (var i = 0; i < fontLength; i++) {
2164                                    var font = fontList.item(i);
2165                                    var fontId = font.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.ID);
2166                                    var fontValue = font.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FONT_NAME);
2167                                    /* put */ (this.fontElementMap[fontId] = fontValue);
2168                                }
2169                                ;
2170                            }
2171                        }
2172                    };
2173                    /**
2174                     * Returns the color of index indicated in 'ix'.
2175                     * @param {string} ix Index of the color.
2176                     * @return {string} Hexadecimal representation of the color.
2177                     */
2178                    mxPropertiesManager.prototype.getColor = function (ix) {
2179                        var color = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.colorElementMap, ix);
2180                        if (color == null) {
2181                            color = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(mxPropertiesManager.defaultColors_$LI$(), ix);
2182                            if (color == null) {
2183                                return "";
2184                            }
2185                        }
2186                        return color;
2187                    };
2188                    /**
2189                     * Returns the font of id indicated in 'id'
2190                     * @param {string} id font's ID
2191                     * @return {string} Name of the font.
2192                     */
2193                    mxPropertiesManager.prototype.getFont = function (id) {
2194                        var font = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.fontElementMap, id);
2195                        if (font == null) {
2196                            return "";
2197                        }
2198                        else {
2199                            return font;
2200                        }
2201                    };
2202                    return mxPropertiesManager;
2203                }());
2204                mxPropertiesManager.__static_initialized = false;
2205                vsdx.mxPropertiesManager = mxPropertiesManager;
2206                mxPropertiesManager["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxPropertiesManager";
2207            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
2208        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
2209    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
2210})(com || (com = {}));
2211(function (com) {
2212    var mxgraph;
2213    (function (mxgraph) {
2214        var io;
2215        (function (io) {
2216            var vsdx;
2217            (function (vsdx) {
2218                /**
2219                 * Wrapper for connect element
2220                 * See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff768299%28v=office.14%29.aspx
2221                 * @param {*} connectElem
2222                 * @class
2223                 */
2224                var mxVsdxConnect = (function () {
2225                    function mxVsdxConnect(connectElem) {
2226                        /**
2227                         * ID of edge
2228                         */
2229                        this.fromSheet = null;
2230                        /**
2231                         * ID of source
2232                         */
2233                        this.sourceToSheet = null;
2234                        /**
2235                         * Where connection is made to source
2236                         */
2237                        this.sourceToPart = -1;
2238                        /**
2239                         * ID of target
2240                         */
2241                        this.targetToSheet = null;
2242                        /**
2243                         * Where connection is made to target
2244                         */
2245                        this.targetToPart = -1;
2246                        this.fromCell = null;
2247                        this.endShape = null;
2248                        var fromSheet = connectElem.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FROM_SHEET);
2249                        this.fromSheet = (fromSheet != null && !(fromSheet.length === 0)) ? parseFloat(fromSheet) : -1;
2250                        var fromCell = connectElem.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FROM_CELL);
2251                        this.addFromCell(connectElem, fromCell);
2252                    }
2253                    mxVsdxConnect.prototype.addFromCell = function (connectElem, fromCell) {
2254                        var toSheet = connectElem.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TO_SHEET);
2255                        var source = true;
2256                        if (fromCell != null && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
2257                            return o1.equals(o2);
2258                        }
2259                        else {
2260                            return o1 === o2;
2261                        } })(fromCell, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_X)) {
2262                            this.sourceToSheet = (toSheet != null && !(toSheet.length === 0)) ? parseFloat(toSheet) : -1;
2263                            source = true;
2264                        }
2265                        else if (fromCell != null && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
2266                            return o1.equals(o2);
2267                        }
2268                        else {
2269                            return o1 === o2;
2270                        } })(fromCell, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.END_X)) {
2271                            this.targetToSheet = (toSheet != null && !(toSheet.length === 0)) ? parseFloat(toSheet) : -1;
2272                            source = false;
2273                        }
2274                        else if (this.sourceToSheet == null) {
2275                            this.sourceToSheet = (toSheet != null && !(toSheet.length === 0)) ? parseFloat(toSheet) : -1;
2276                            source = true;
2277                        }
2278                        else if (this.targetToSheet == null) {
2279                            this.targetToSheet = (toSheet != null && !(toSheet.length === 0)) ? parseFloat(toSheet) : -1;
2280                            source = false;
2281                        }
2282                        this.findToPart(connectElem, source);
2283                    };
2284                    mxVsdxConnect.prototype.findToPart = function (connectElem, source) {
2285                        var toPartString = connectElem.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TO_PART);
2286                        var toPart = (toPartString != null && !(toPartString.length === 0)) ? parseFloat(toPartString) : -1;
2287                        if (source) {
2288                            this.sourceToPart = toPart;
2289                        }
2290                        else {
2291                            this.targetToPart = toPart;
2292                        }
2293                    };
2294                    mxVsdxConnect.prototype.getFromSheet = function () {
2295                        return this.fromSheet;
2296                    };
2297                    mxVsdxConnect.prototype.getSourceToSheet = function () {
2298                        return this.sourceToSheet;
2299                    };
2300                    mxVsdxConnect.prototype.getTargetToSheet = function () {
2301                        return this.targetToSheet;
2302                    };
2303                    mxVsdxConnect.prototype.getSourceToPart = function () {
2304                        return this.sourceToPart;
2305                    };
2306                    mxVsdxConnect.prototype.getTargetToPart = function () {
2307                        return this.targetToPart;
2308                    };
2309                    /**
2310                     *
2311                     * @param {*} connectElem
2312                     */
2313                    mxVsdxConnect.prototype.addConnect = function (connectElem) {
2314                        this.endShape = connectElem;
2315                        var fromCell = connectElem.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FROM_CELL);
2316                        this.addFromCell(connectElem, fromCell);
2317                    };
2318                    return mxVsdxConnect;
2319                }());
2320                vsdx.mxVsdxConnect = mxVsdxConnect;
2321                mxVsdxConnect["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConnect";
2322            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
2323        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
2324    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
2325})(com || (com = {}));
2326(function (com) {
2327    var mxgraph;
2328    (function (mxgraph) {
2329        var io;
2330        (function (io) {
2331            var vsdx;
2332            (function (vsdx) {
2333                /**
2334                 * This class contains constants used in the Import of .vdx documents.
2335                 * @class
2336                 */
2337                var mxVsdxConstants = (function () {
2338                    function mxVsdxConstants() {
2339                    }
2340                    mxVsdxConstants.SET_VALUES_$LI$ = function () { if (mxVsdxConstants.SET_VALUES == null)
2341                        mxVsdxConstants.SET_VALUES = ["a", "b"]; return mxVsdxConstants.SET_VALUES; };
2342                    ;
2343                    mxVsdxConstants.MY_SET_$LI$ = function () { if (mxVsdxConstants.MY_SET == null)
2344                        mxVsdxConstants.MY_SET = (mxVsdxConstants.SET_VALUES_$LI$().slice(0).slice(0)); return mxVsdxConstants.MY_SET; };
2345                    ;
2346                    return mxVsdxConstants;
2347                }());
2348                mxVsdxConstants.ANGLE = "Angle";
2349                mxVsdxConstants.ARC_TO = "ArcTo";
2350                mxVsdxConstants.BACKGROUND = "Background";
2351                mxVsdxConstants.BACK_PAGE = "BackPage";
2352                mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_ARROW = "BeginArrow";
2353                mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_ARROW_SIZE = "BeginArrowSize";
2354                mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_X = "BeginX";
2355                mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_Y = "BeginY";
2356                mxVsdxConstants.BOTTOM_MARGIN = "BottomMargin";
2357                mxVsdxConstants.BULLET = "Bullet";
2358                mxVsdxConstants.CASE = "Case";
2359                mxVsdxConstants.CHARACTER = "Character";
2360                mxVsdxConstants.COLOR = "Color";
2361                mxVsdxConstants.COLOR_ENTRY = "ColorEntry";
2362                mxVsdxConstants.COLORS = "Colors";
2363                /**
2364                 * Specifies the color transparency used for characters in a text run.
2365                 * The value is normalized such that a value of 1 corresponds to 100 percent.
2366                 * A value of zero specifies that the color is completely opaque;
2367                 * a value of one specifies that the color is completely transparent.
2368                 */
2369                mxVsdxConstants.COLOR_TRANS = "ColorTrans";
2370                mxVsdxConstants.CONNECT = "Connect";
2371                mxVsdxConstants.CONNECTS = "Connects";
2372                mxVsdxConstants.CONNECTION = "Connection";
2373                mxVsdxConstants.CONTROL = "Control";
2374                mxVsdxConstants.DELETED = "Del";
2375                mxVsdxConstants.DOCUMENT_SHEET = "DocumentSheet";
2376                mxVsdxConstants.ELLIPSE = "Ellipse";
2377                mxVsdxConstants.ELLIPTICAL_ARC_TO = "EllipticalArcTo";
2378                mxVsdxConstants.END_ARROW = "EndArrow";
2379                mxVsdxConstants.END_ARROW_SIZE = "EndArrowSize";
2380                mxVsdxConstants.END_X = "EndX";
2381                mxVsdxConstants.END_Y = "EndY";
2382                mxVsdxConstants.FACE_NAME = "FaceName";
2383                mxVsdxConstants.FACE_NAMES = "FaceNames";
2384                mxVsdxConstants.FALSE = "0";
2385                mxVsdxConstants.FILL = "Fill";
2386                mxVsdxConstants.FILL_BKGND = "FillBkgnd";
2387                mxVsdxConstants.FILL_BKGND_TRANS = "FillBkgndTrans";
2388                mxVsdxConstants.FILL_FOREGND = "FillForegnd";
2389                mxVsdxConstants.FILL_FOREGND_TRANS = "FillForegndTrans";
2390                mxVsdxConstants.FILL_PATTERN = "FillPattern";
2391                mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE = "FillStyle";
2392                mxVsdxConstants.FILL_GRADIENT_ENABLED = "FillGradientEnabled";
2393                mxVsdxConstants.FLAGS = "Flags";
2394                mxVsdxConstants.FLIP_X = "FlipX";
2395                mxVsdxConstants.FLIP_Y = "FlipY";
2396                mxVsdxConstants.FONT = "Font";
2397                mxVsdxConstants.FONT_NAME = "Name";
2398                mxVsdxConstants.FOREIGN = "Foreign";
2399                mxVsdxConstants.FROM_CELL = "FromCell";
2400                mxVsdxConstants.FROM_SHEET = "FromSheet";
2401                mxVsdxConstants.GEOM = "Geom";
2402                mxVsdxConstants.HEIGHT = "Height";
2403                mxVsdxConstants.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN = "HorzAlign";
2404                mxVsdxConstants.ID = "ID";
2405                mxVsdxConstants.INDENT_FIRST = "IndFirst";
2406                mxVsdxConstants.INDENT_LEFT = "IndLeft";
2407                mxVsdxConstants.INDENT_RIGHT = "IndRight";
2408                mxVsdxConstants.INDEX = "IX";
2409                mxVsdxConstants.LEFT_MARGIN = "LeftMargin";
2410                mxVsdxConstants.LETTER_SPACE = "Letterspace";
2411                mxVsdxConstants.LINE = "Line";
2412                mxVsdxConstants.LINE_COLOR = "LineColor";
2413                mxVsdxConstants.LINE_COLOR_TRANS = "LineColorTrans";
2414                mxVsdxConstants.LINE_PATTERN = "LinePattern";
2415                mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE = "LineStyle";
2416                mxVsdxConstants.LINE_TO = "LineTo";
2417                mxVsdxConstants.LINE_WEIGHT = "LineWeight";
2418                mxVsdxConstants.LOC_PIN_X = "LocPinX";
2419                mxVsdxConstants.LOC_PIN_Y = "LocPinY";
2420                mxVsdxConstants.MASTER = "Master";
2421                mxVsdxConstants.MASTER_SHAPE = "MasterShape";
2422                mxVsdxConstants.MASTERS = "Masters";
2423                mxVsdxConstants.MOVE_TO = "MoveTo";
2424                mxVsdxConstants.NAME = "Name";
2425                mxVsdxConstants.NAME_U = "NameU";
2426                mxVsdxConstants.NO_LINE = "NoLine";
2427                mxVsdxConstants.NURBS_TO = "NURBSTo";
2428                mxVsdxConstants.PAGE = "Page";
2429                mxVsdxConstants.PAGE_HEIGHT = "PageHeight";
2430                mxVsdxConstants.PAGE_WIDTH = "PageWidth";
2431                mxVsdxConstants.PAGES = "Pages";
2432                mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH = "Paragraph";
2433                mxVsdxConstants.PIN_X = "PinX";
2434                mxVsdxConstants.PIN_Y = "PinY";
2435                mxVsdxConstants.POS = "Pos";
2436                mxVsdxConstants.RGB = "RGB";
2437                mxVsdxConstants.RIGHT_MARGIN = "RightMargin";
2438                mxVsdxConstants.ROUNDING = "Rounding";
2439                mxVsdxConstants.RTL_TEXT = "RTLText";
2440                mxVsdxConstants.SIZE = "Size";
2441                mxVsdxConstants.SHAPE = "Shape";
2442                mxVsdxConstants.SHAPES = "Shapes";
2443                mxVsdxConstants.SHAPE_SHDW_SHOW = "ShapeShdwShow";
2444                mxVsdxConstants.SHDW_PATTERN = "ShdwPattern";
2445                mxVsdxConstants.SPACE_AFTER = "SpAfter";
2446                mxVsdxConstants.SPACE_BEFORE = "SpBefore";
2447                mxVsdxConstants.SPACE_LINE = "SpLine";
2448                mxVsdxConstants.STRIKETHRU = "Strikethru";
2449                mxVsdxConstants.STYLE = "Style";
2450                mxVsdxConstants.STYLE_SHEET = "StyleSheet";
2451                mxVsdxConstants.STYLE_SHEETS = "StyleSheets";
2452                mxVsdxConstants.TEXT = "Text";
2453                mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_BKGND = "TextBkgnd";
2454                mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_BLOCK = "TextBlock";
2455                mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE = "TextStyle";
2456                mxVsdxConstants.TO_PART = "ToPart";
2457                mxVsdxConstants.TO_SHEET = "ToSheet";
2458                mxVsdxConstants.TOP_MARGIN = "TopMargin";
2459                mxVsdxConstants.TRUE = "1";
2460                mxVsdxConstants.TXT_ANGLE = "TxtAngle";
2461                mxVsdxConstants.TXT_HEIGHT = "TxtHeight";
2462                mxVsdxConstants.TXT_LOC_PIN_X = "TxtLocPinX";
2463                mxVsdxConstants.TXT_LOC_PIN_Y = "TxtLocPinY";
2464                mxVsdxConstants.TXT_PIN_X = "TxtPinX";
2465                mxVsdxConstants.TXT_PIN_Y = "TxtPinY";
2466                mxVsdxConstants.TXT_WIDTH = "TxtWidth";
2467                mxVsdxConstants.TYPE = "Type";
2468                mxVsdxConstants.TYPE_GROUP = "Group";
2469                mxVsdxConstants.TYPE_SHAPE = "Shape";
2470                mxVsdxConstants.UNIQUE_ID = "UniqueID";
2471                mxVsdxConstants.VERTICAL_ALIGN = "VerticalAlign";
2472                mxVsdxConstants.WIDTH = "Width";
2473                mxVsdxConstants.X_CON = "XCon";
2474                mxVsdxConstants.X_DYN = "XDyn";
2475                mxVsdxConstants.X = "X";
2476                mxVsdxConstants.Y_CON = "YCon";
2477                mxVsdxConstants.Y_DYN = "YDyn";
2478                mxVsdxConstants.Y = "Y";
2479                mxVsdxConstants.HIDE_TEXT = "HideText";
2480                mxVsdxConstants.VSDX_ID = "vsdxID";
2481                mxVsdxConstants.CONNECT_TO_PART_WHOLE_SHAPE = 3;
2482                vsdx.mxVsdxConstants = mxVsdxConstants;
2483                mxVsdxConstants["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants";
2484            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
2485        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
2486    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
2487})(com || (com = {}));
2488(function (com) {
2489    var mxgraph;
2490    (function (mxgraph) {
2491        var io;
2492        (function (io) {
2493            var vsdx;
2494            (function (vsdx) {
2495                var mxVsdxGeometry = (function () {
2496                    function mxVsdxGeometry(elem, parentGeo) {
2497                        var _this = this;
2498                        /*private*/ this.noFill = false;
2499                        /*private*/ this.noLine = false;
2500                        /*private*/ this.noShow = false;
2501                        /*private*/ this.noSnap = false;
2502                        /*private*/ this.noQuickDrag = false;
2503                        /*private*/ this.rows = null;
2504                        if (((elem != null && elem.nodeType == 1) || elem === null) && ((parentGeo != null && (parentGeo instanceof Array)) || parentGeo === null)) {
2505                            var __args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
2506                            this.index = 0;
2507                            this.noFill = false;
2508                            this.noLine = false;
2509                            this.noShow = false;
2510                            this.noSnap = false;
2511                            this.noQuickDrag = false;
2512                            this.rows = null;
2513                            this.index = 0;
2514                            (function () {
2515                                _this.index = _this.getIndex$org_w3c_dom_Element(elem);
2516                                if (parentGeo != null && _this.index < parentGeo.length) {
2517                                    _this.inheritGeo(/* get */ parentGeo[_this.index]);
2518                                }
2519                                _this.processGeoElem(elem);
2520                            })();
2521                        }
2522                        else if (((elem != null && (elem.nodeType == 1)) || elem === null) && parentGeo === undefined) {
2523                            var __args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
2524                            this.index = 0;
2525                            this.noFill = false;
2526                            this.noLine = false;
2527                            this.noShow = false;
2528                            this.noSnap = false;
2529                            this.noQuickDrag = false;
2530                            this.rows = null;
2531                            this.index = 0;
2532                            (function () {
2533                                _this.index = _this.getIndex$org_w3c_dom_Element(elem);
2534                                _this.processGeoElem(elem);
2535                            })();
2536                        }
2537                        else
2538                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
2539                    }
2540                    mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.getIndex$org_w3c_dom_Element = function (elem) {
2541                        try {
2542                            return parseInt(elem.getAttribute("IX")) || 0;
2543                        }
2544                        catch (e) {
2545                            return 0;
2546                        }
2547                        ;
2548                    };
2549                    mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.getIndex = function (elem) {
2550                        if (((elem != null && (elem.nodeType == 1)) || elem === null)) {
2551                            return this.getIndex$org_w3c_dom_Element(elem);
2552                        }
2553                        else if (elem === undefined) {
2554                            return this.getIndex$();
2555                        }
2556                        else
2557                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
2558                    };
2559                    /*private*/ mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.processGeoElem = function (elem) {
2560                        var cellElems = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(elem, "Cell");
2561                        var rowElems = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(elem, "Row");
2562                        if (this.rows == null) {
2563                            this.rows = ([]);
2564                            for (var i = 0; i < rowElems.length; i++) {
2565                                /* add */ (this.rows.push(null));
2566                            }
2567                            ;
2568                        }
2569                        for (var index122 = 0; index122 < cellElems.length; index122++) {
2570                            var cellElem = cellElems[index122];
2571                            {
2572                                var name_2 = cellElem.getAttribute("N");
2573                                var val = cellElem.getAttribute("V");
2574                                switch ((name_2)) {
2575                                    case "NoFill":
2576                                        this.noFill = (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
2577                                            return o1.equals(o2);
2578                                        }
2579                                        else {
2580                                            return o1 === o2;
2581                                        } })("1", val);
2582                                        break;
2583                                    case "NoLine":
2584                                        this.noLine = (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
2585                                            return o1.equals(o2);
2586                                        }
2587                                        else {
2588                                            return o1 === o2;
2589                                        } })("1", val);
2590                                        break;
2591                                    case "NoShow":
2592                                        this.noShow = (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
2593                                            return o1.equals(o2);
2594                                        }
2595                                        else {
2596                                            return o1 === o2;
2597                                        } })("1", val);
2598                                        break;
2599                                    case "NoSnap":
2600                                        this.noSnap = (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
2601                                            return o1.equals(o2);
2602                                        }
2603                                        else {
2604                                            return o1 === o2;
2605                                        } })("1", val);
2606                                        break;
2607                                    case "NoQuickDrag":
2608                                        this.noQuickDrag = (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
2609                                            return o1.equals(o2);
2610                                        }
2611                                        else {
2612                                            return o1 === o2;
2613                                        } })("1", val);
2614                                        break;
2615                                }
2616                            }
2617                        }
2618                        var rowsLen = this.rows.length;
2619                        var sortNeeded = false;
2620                        for (var index123 = 0; index123 < rowElems.length; index123++) {
2621                            var rowElem = rowElems[index123];
2622                            {
2623                                var row = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RowFactory.getRowObj(rowElem, this.rows);
2624                                if (row.getIndex() > rowsLen) {
2625                                    /* add */ (this.rows.push(row));
2626                                    sortNeeded = true;
2627                                }
2628                                else {
2629                                    /* set */ (this.rows[row.getIndex() - 1] = row);
2630                                }
2631                            }
2632                        }
2633                        if (sortNeeded) {
2634                            /* sort */ (function (l, c) { if (c.compare)
2635                                l.sort(function (e1, e2) { return c.compare(e1, e2); });
2636                            else
2637                                l.sort(c); })(this.rows, new mxVsdxGeometry.mxVsdxGeometry$0(this));
2638                        }
2639                    };
2640                    /*private*/ mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.inheritGeo = function (parent) {
2641                        this.noFill = parent.noFill;
2642                        this.noLine = parent.noLine;
2643                        this.noShow = parent.noShow;
2644                        this.noSnap = parent.noSnap;
2645                        this.noQuickDrag = parent.noQuickDrag;
2646                        this.rows = ([]);
2647                        /* addAll */ (function (l1, l2) { return l1.push.apply(l1, l2); })(this.rows, parent.rows);
2648                    };
2649                    mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.getIndex$ = function () {
2650                        return this.index;
2651                    };
2652                    mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.isNoFill = function () {
2653                        return this.noFill;
2654                    };
2655                    mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.isNoLine = function () {
2656                        return this.noLine;
2657                    };
2658                    mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.isNoShow = function () {
2659                        return this.noShow;
2660                    };
2661                    mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.isNoSnap = function () {
2662                        return this.noSnap;
2663                    };
2664                    mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.isNoQuickDrag = function () {
2665                        return this.noQuickDrag;
2666                    };
2667                    mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.getRows = function () {
2668                        return this.rows;
2669                    };
2670                    mxVsdxGeometry.prototype.getPathXML = function (p, shape) {
2671                        if (this.noShow)
2672                            return "";
2673                        var geomElemParsed = { str: "", toString: function () { return this.str; } };
2674                        var _loop_1 = function (index124) {
2675                            var row = this_1.rows[index124];
2676                            {
2677                                /* append */
2678                            	(function (sb)
2679                                {
2680                            		//Some files has null rows
2681                                	return sb.str = sb.str.concat(row != null? row.handle(p, shape) : '');
2682                                })(geomElemParsed);
2683                            }
2684                        };
2685                        var this_1 = this;
2686                        for (var index124 = 0; index124 < this.rows.length; index124++) {
2687                            _loop_1(index124);
2688                        }
2689                        return geomElemParsed.str;
2690                    };
2691                    return mxVsdxGeometry;
2692                }());
2693                vsdx.mxVsdxGeometry = mxVsdxGeometry;
2694                mxVsdxGeometry["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxGeometry";
2695                (function (mxVsdxGeometry) {
2696                    var mxVsdxGeometry$0 = (function () {
2697                        function mxVsdxGeometry$0(__parent) {
2698                            this.__parent = __parent;
2699                        }
2700                        /**
2701                         *
2702                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row} r1
2703                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row} r2
2704                         * @return {number}
2705                         */
2706                        mxVsdxGeometry$0.prototype.compare = function (r1, r2) {
2707                        	//Some files has null rows
2708                        	var r1i = r1 != null? r1.getIndex() : 0;
2709                        	var r2i = r2 != null? r2.getIndex() : 0;
2711                            return r1i - r2i;
2712                        };
2713                        return mxVsdxGeometry$0;
2714                    }());
2715                    mxVsdxGeometry.mxVsdxGeometry$0 = mxVsdxGeometry$0;
2716                    mxVsdxGeometry$0["__interfaces"] = ["java.util.Comparator"];
2717                })(mxVsdxGeometry = vsdx.mxVsdxGeometry || (vsdx.mxVsdxGeometry = {}));
2718            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
2719        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
2720    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
2721})(com || (com = {}));
2722(function (com) {
2723    var mxgraph;
2724    (function (mxgraph) {
2725        var io;
2726        (function (io) {
2727            var vsdx;
2728            (function (vsdx) {
2729                var mxVsdxGeometryList = (function () {
2730                    function mxVsdxGeometryList(parentGeoList) {
2731                        /*private*/ this.geomList = ([]);
2732                        /*private*/ this.parentGeomList = null;
2733                        /*private*/ this.sortNeeded = false;
2734                        if (parentGeoList != null) {
2735                            this.parentGeomList = parentGeoList.geomList;
2736                            /* addAll */ (function (l1, l2) { return l1.push.apply(l1, l2); })(this.geomList, parentGeoList.geomList);
2737                        }
2738                    }
2739                    mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.addGeometry = function (geoElem) {
2740                        var geo = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxGeometry(geoElem, this.parentGeomList);
2741                        if (geo.getIndex() < this.geomList.length) {
2742                            /* set */ (this.geomList[geo.getIndex()] = geo);
2743                        }
2744                        else {
2745                            /* add */ (this.geomList.push(geo));
2746                            this.sortNeeded = true;
2747                        }
2748                    };
2749                    /*private*/ mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.sort = function () {
2750                        if (this.sortNeeded) {
2751                            /* sort */ (function (l, c) { if (c.compare)
2752                                l.sort(function (e1, e2) { return c.compare(e1, e2); });
2753                            else
2754                                l.sort(c); })(this.geomList, new mxVsdxGeometryList.mxVsdxGeometryList$0(this));
2755                            this.sortNeeded = false;
2756                        }
2757                    };
2758                    mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.isNoShow = function () {
2759                        for (var index125 = 0; index125 < this.geomList.length; index125++) {
2760                            var geo = this.geomList[index125];
2761                            {
2762                                if (!geo.isNoShow())
2763                                    return false;
2764                            }
2765                        }
2766                        return true;
2767                    };
2768                    mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.isNoFill = function () {
2769                        for (var index126 = 0; index126 < this.geomList.length; index126++) {
2770                            var geo = this.geomList[index126];
2771                            {
2772                                if (!(geo.isNoShow() || geo.isNoFill()))
2773                                    return false;
2774                            }
2775                        }
2776                        return true;
2777                    };
2778                    mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.isNoLine = function () {
2779                        for (var index127 = 0; index127 < this.geomList.length; index127++) {
2780                            var geo = this.geomList[index127];
2781                            {
2782                                if (!(geo.isNoShow() || geo.isNoLine()))
2783                                    return false;
2784                            }
2785                        }
2786                        return true;
2787                    };
2788                    mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.hasGeom = function () {
2789                        return !(this.geomList.length == 0);
2790                    };
2792                    mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.getGeoCount = function () {
2793                    	var count = 0;
2795                		for (var i = 0; i < this.geomList.length; i++)
2796                		{
2797                			if (!this.geomList[i].isNoShow())
2798                				count++;
2799                		}
2801                		return count;
2802                	};
2803                    /*private*/ mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.rotatedPoint = function (pt, cos, sin) {
2804                        var x1 = pt.x * cos - pt.y * sin;
2805                        var y1 = pt.y * cos + pt.x * sin;
2806                        pt.x = (x1);
2807                        pt.y = (y1);
2808                    };
2809                    /**
2810                     * Returns the list of routing points of a edge shape.
2811                     * @param {number} parentHeight Height of the parent of the shape.
2812                     * @return {mxPoint[]} List of mxPoint that represents the routing points.
2813                     * @param {mxPoint} startPoint
2814                     * @param {number} rotation
2815                     */
2816                    mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.getRoutingPoints = function (parentHeight, startPoint, rotation) {
2817                        this.sort();
2818                        var points = ([]);
2819                        /* add */ (points.push(startPoint.clone()));
2820                        var offsetX = 0;
2821                        var offsetY = 0;
2822                        for (var index128 = 0; index128 < this.geomList.length; index128++) {
2823                            var geo = this.geomList[index128];
2824                            {
2825                                if (!geo.isNoShow()) {
2826                                    var rows = geo.getRows();
2827                                    for (var index129 = 0; index129 < rows.length; index129++) {
2828                                        var row = rows[index129];
2829                                        {
2830                                            //FIXME We don't support a moveTo inside the edge path
2831                                        	if (index129 == 0 && row != null && row instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.MoveTo) {
2832                                                offsetX = row.x != null ? row.x : 0;
2833                                                offsetY = row.y != null ? row.y : 0;
2834                                            }
2835                                            else if (row != null && row instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.LineTo) {
2836                                                var x = row.x != null ? row.x : 0;
2837                                                var y = row.y != null ? row.y : 0;
2838                                                var p = new mxPoint(x, y);
2839                                                if (rotation !== 0) {
2840                                                    rotation = (function (x) { return x * Math.PI / 180; })(360 - rotation);
2841                                                    this.rotatedPoint(p, Math.cos(rotation), Math.sin(rotation));
2842                                                }
2843                                                x = (p.x - offsetX) * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
2844                                                x += startPoint.x;
2845                                                y = ((p.y - offsetY) * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$()) * -1;
2846                                                y += startPoint.y;
2847                                                x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
2848                                                y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
2849                                                p.x = (x);
2850                                                p.y = (y);
2851                                                /* add */ (points.push(p));
2852                                            }
2853                                        }
2854                                    }
2855                                }
2856                            }
2857                        }
2858                        return points;
2859                    };
2860                    mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.getShapeXML = function (shape) {
2861                        var p = new mxPoint(0, 0);
2862                        var parsedGeom = { str: "<shape strokewidth=\"inherit\"><foreground>", toString: function () { return this.str; } };
2863                        var initSize = parsedGeom.str.length;
2864                        var lastGeoStyle = -1;
2865                        lastGeoStyle = this.processGeo(shape, p, parsedGeom, lastGeoStyle, true);
2866                        lastGeoStyle = this.processGeo(shape, p, parsedGeom, lastGeoStyle, false);
2867                        if (parsedGeom.str.length === initSize) {
2868                            return "";
2869                        }
2870                        else {
2871                            this.closePath(parsedGeom, lastGeoStyle);
2872                        }
2873                        /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("</foreground></shape>"); })(parsedGeom);
2875						//If the geomertry has no move, it will cause errors in SVG. So, ignore this shape
2876						//A path with no move in the beginning is invalid
2877						//https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/paths.html#PathDataMovetoCommands
2878						//https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56275231/do-all-svg-paths-have-to-start-with-a-move
2879						//TODO Find a faster technique, then enable this
2880						/*if (parsedGeom.str.indexOf('<move') < 0)
2881						{
2882							return '';
2883						}*/
2885                        return parsedGeom.str;
2886                    };
2887                    /*private*/ mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.processGeo = function (shape, p, parsedGeom, lastGeoStyle, withFill) {
2888                    	var rounding = shape.getRounding();
2889                    	var roundingStr = '';
2891                        if (rounding > 0)
2892                    	{
2893                        	roundingStr = ' rounded="1" arcSize="' + (rounding * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor) + '" ';
2894                    	}
2896                        var _loop_2 = function (index130) {
2897                            var geo = this_2.geomList[index130];
2898                            {
2899                                if (withFill === geo.isNoFill())
2900                                    return "continue";
2901                                var str_1 = geo.getPathXML(p, shape);
2902                                if (!(str_1.length === 0)) {
2903                                    var geoStyle = this_2.getGeoStyle(geo);
2904                                    if (lastGeoStyle === -1) {
2905                                        /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("<path" + roundingStr + ">"); })(parsedGeom);
2906                                        /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(str_1); })(parsedGeom);
2907                                    }
2908                                    else if (lastGeoStyle !== geoStyle) {
2909                                        this_2.closePath(parsedGeom, lastGeoStyle);
2910                                        /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("<path" + roundingStr + ">"); })(parsedGeom);
2911                                        /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(str_1); })(parsedGeom);
2912                                    }
2913                                    else {
2914                                        /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(str_1); })(parsedGeom);
2915                                    }
2916                                    lastGeoStyle = geoStyle;
2917                                }
2918                            }
2919                        };
2920                        var this_2 = this;
2921                        for (var index130 = 0; index130 < this.geomList.length; index130++) {
2922                            _loop_2(index130);
2923                        }
2924                        return lastGeoStyle;
2925                    };
2926                    /*private*/ mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.getGeoStyle = function (geo) {
2927                        var geoStyle = 0;
2928                        if (!geo.isNoLine() && !geo.isNoFill()) {
2929                            geoStyle = 1;
2930                        }
2931                        else if (!geo.isNoFill()) {
2932                            geoStyle = 2;
2933                        }
2934                        else if (!geo.isNoLine()) {
2935                            geoStyle = 3;
2936                        }
2937                        return geoStyle;
2938                    };
2939                    /*private*/ mxVsdxGeometryList.prototype.closePath = function (parsedGeom, geoStyle) {
2940                        /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("</path>"); })(parsedGeom);
2941                        if (geoStyle === 1) {
2942                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("<fillstroke/>"); })(parsedGeom);
2943                        }
2944                        else if (geoStyle === 2) {
2945                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("<fill/>"); })(parsedGeom);
2946                        }
2947                        else if (geoStyle === 3) {
2948                            /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat("<stroke/>"); })(parsedGeom);
2949                        }
2950                    };
2951                    return mxVsdxGeometryList;
2952                }());
2953                vsdx.mxVsdxGeometryList = mxVsdxGeometryList;
2954                mxVsdxGeometryList["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxGeometryList";
2955                (function (mxVsdxGeometryList) {
2956                    var mxVsdxGeometryList$0 = (function () {
2957                        function mxVsdxGeometryList$0(__parent) {
2958                            this.__parent = __parent;
2959                        }
2960                        /**
2961                         *
2962                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxGeometry} g1
2963                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxGeometry} g2
2964                         * @return {number}
2965                         */
2966                        mxVsdxGeometryList$0.prototype.compare = function (g1, g2) {
2967                            return g1.getIndex() - g2.getIndex();
2968                        };
2969                        return mxVsdxGeometryList$0;
2970                    }());
2971                    mxVsdxGeometryList.mxVsdxGeometryList$0 = mxVsdxGeometryList$0;
2972                    mxVsdxGeometryList$0["__interfaces"] = ["java.util.Comparator"];
2973                })(mxVsdxGeometryList = vsdx.mxVsdxGeometryList || (vsdx.mxVsdxGeometryList = {}));
2974            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
2975        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
2976    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
2977})(com || (com = {}));
2978(function (com) {
2979    var mxgraph;
2980    (function (mxgraph) {
2981        var io;
2982        (function (io) {
2983            var vsdx;
2984            (function (vsdx) {
2985                /**
2986                 * Create a new instance of mxMasterElement and retrieves all the shapes contained
2987                 * in the Master element.
2988                 * @param {*} m Master Element to be wrapped.
2989                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel} model
2990                 * @class
2991                 */
2992                var mxVsdxMaster = (function () {
2993                    function mxVsdxMaster(m, model) {
2994                        /**
2995                         * Unique ID of the element within its parent element
2996                         */
2997                        this.Id = null;
2998                        this.masterShape = null;
2999                        this.childShapes = ({});
3000                        this.master = null;
3001                        this.master = m;
3002                        this.Id = m.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.ID) || "";
3003                        this.processMasterShapes(model);
3004                    }
3005                    /**
3006                     * Retrieves and wraps all the shapes contained in the 'shape' param.<br/>
3007                     * This method is recursive, it retrieves the subshapes of the shapes too.
3008                     * @param shape Shape from which the subshapes are retrieved.
3009                     * @return {void} Map with the shapes wrapped in instances of mxMasterShape.
3010                     * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel} model
3011                     */
3012                    mxVsdxMaster.prototype.processMasterShapes = function (model) {
3013                        var child = this.master.firstChild;
3014                        while ((child != null)) {
3015                            if ((child != null && (child.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3016                                return o1.equals(o2);
3017                            }
3018                            else {
3019                                return o1 === o2;
3020                            } })(child.nodeName, "Rel")) {
3021                                var relElem = model.getRelationship(child.getAttribute("r:id"), com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder + "/masters/_rels/masters.xml.rels");
3022                                var target = relElem.getAttribute("Target");
3023                                var type = relElem.getAttribute("Type");
3024                                var masterDoc = null;
3025                                if (type != null && (function (str, searchString) { var pos = str.length - searchString.length; var lastIndex = str.indexOf(searchString, pos); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === pos; })(type, "master")) {
3026                                    masterDoc = model.getXmlDoc(com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder + "/masters/" + target);
3027                                }
3028                                if (masterDoc != null) {
3029                                    var masterChild = masterDoc.firstChild;
3030                                    while ((masterChild != null)) {
3031                                        if ((masterChild != null && (masterChild.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3032                                            return o1.equals(o2);
3033                                        }
3034                                        else {
3035                                            return o1 === o2;
3036                                        } })(masterChild.nodeName, "MasterContents")) {
3037                                            this.processMasterShape(masterChild, model);
3038                                            break;
3039                                        }
3040                                        masterChild = masterChild.nextSibling;
3041                                    }
3042                                    ;
3043                                }
3044                            }
3045                            else if (child.nodeType == 1 && child.nodeName == "PageSheet")
3046                        	{
3047                            	this.pageSheet = {};
3048                            	var cells = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(child, "Cell");
3050                            	for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
3051                                {
3052                                    this.pageSheet[cells[i].getAttribute("N")] = cells[i];
3053                                }
3054                        	}
3055                            child = child.nextSibling;
3056                        }
3057                        ;
3058                    };
3059                    /**
3060                     * Retrieves and wraps all the shapes contained in the 'shape' param.<br/>
3061                     * This method is recursive, it retrieves the subshapes of the shapes too.
3062                     * @param shape Shape from which the subshapes are retrieved.
3063                     * @return {void} Map with the shapes wrapped in instances of mxMasterShape.
3064                     * @param {*} shapeElem
3065                     * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel} model
3066                     */
3067                    mxVsdxMaster.prototype.processMasterShape = function (shapeElem, model, internal)
3068                    {
3069                    	if (!internal)
3070                		{
3071                    		this.firstLevelShapes = [];
3072                		}
3074                        var shapeChild = shapeElem.firstChild;
3075                        while ((shapeChild != null)) {
3076                            if ((shapeChild != null && (shapeChild.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3077                                return o1.equals(o2);
3078                            }
3079                            else {
3080                                return o1 === o2;
3081                            } })(shapeChild.nodeName, "Shapes")) {
3082                                var shapesChild = shapeChild.firstChild;
3083                                while ((shapesChild != null)) {
3084                                    if ((shapesChild != null && (shapesChild.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3085                                        return o1.equals(o2);
3086                                    }
3087                                    else {
3088                                        return o1 === o2;
3089                                    } })(shapesChild.nodeName, "Shape")) {
3090                                        var shape = shapesChild;
3091                                        var shapeId = shape.getAttribute("ID");
3092                                        var masterShape = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape(shape, model);
3093                                        this.masterShape = (this.masterShape == null) ? masterShape : this.masterShape;
3094                                        /* put */ (this.childShapes[shapeId] = masterShape);
3096                                        if (!internal)
3097                                		{
3098                                    		this.firstLevelShapes.push(masterShape);
3099                                		}
3101                                        this.processMasterShape(shape, model, true);
3102                                    }
3103                                    shapesChild = shapesChild.nextSibling;
3104                                }
3105                                ;
3106                            }
3107                            else if (shapeChild != null && shapeChild.nodeType == 1 && shapeChild.nodeName == "Connects")
3108                            {
3109                            	this.connects = {};
3110                                var connectsChild = shapeChild.firstChild;
3112                                while (connectsChild != null)
3113                                {
3114                                    if (connectsChild != null && connectsChild.nodeType == 1 && connectsChild.nodeName == "Connect")
3115                                    {
3116                                        var connectElem = connectsChild;
3117                                        var connect = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConnect(connectElem);
3118                                        this.connects[connect.getFromSheet()] = connect;
3119                                    }
3121                                    connectsChild = connectsChild.nextSibling;
3122                                }
3123                            }
3125                            shapeChild = shapeChild.nextSibling;
3126                        }
3127                        ;
3128                    };
3129                    /**
3130                     * Returns the first shape in the Master
3131                     * @return {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} First shape in the Master wrapped in a instance of mxMasterShape
3132                     */
3133                    mxVsdxMaster.prototype.getMasterShape = function () {
3134                        return this.masterShape;
3135                    };
3136                    /**
3137                     * Returns the shape in the master element with ID = 'id'.
3138                     * @param {string} id Shape's ID
3139                     * @return {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} The shape in the master element with ID = 'id' wrapped in a instance of mxMasterShape
3140                     */
3141                    mxVsdxMaster.prototype.getSubShape = function (id) {
3142                        return (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.childShapes, id);
3143                    };
3144                    /**
3145                     * Returns the NameU attribute.
3146                     * @return {string} Value of the NameU attribute.
3147                     */
3148                    mxVsdxMaster.prototype.getNameU = function () {
3149                        return this.master.getAttribute("NameU") || "";
3150                    };
3151                    /**
3152                     * Returns the NameU attribute.
3153                     * @return {string} Value of the NameU attribute.
3154                     */
3155                    mxVsdxMaster.prototype.getName = function () {
3156                        return this.master.getAttribute("Name") || "";
3157                    };
3158                    /**
3159                     * Returns the UniqueID attribute.
3160                     * @return {string} Value of the UniqueID attribute.
3161                     */
3162                    mxVsdxMaster.prototype.getUniqueID = function () {
3163                        var uniqueID = "";
3164                        if (this.master.hasAttribute("UniqueID")) {
3165                            uniqueID = this.master.getAttribute("UniqueID");
3166                        }
3167                        return uniqueID;
3168                    };
3169                    mxVsdxMaster.prototype.getId = function () {
3170                        return this.Id;
3171                    };
3172                    mxVsdxMaster.prototype.getMasterElement = function () {
3173                        return this.master;
3174                    };
3175                    return mxVsdxMaster;
3176                }());
3177                vsdx.mxVsdxMaster = mxVsdxMaster;
3178                mxVsdxMaster["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxMaster";
3179            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
3180        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
3181    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
3182})(com || (com = {}));
3183(function (com) {
3184    var mxgraph;
3185    (function (mxgraph) {
3186        var io;
3187        (function (io) {
3188            var vsdx;
3189            (function (vsdx) {
3190                /**
3191                 *
3192                 * A model representing vsdx files. As well as being a programmatic model, the XML DOMs of the unzipped
3193                 * files are held to enable round-tripping
3194                 * @param {*} doc
3195                 * @param {*} docData
3196                 * @param {*} mediaData
3197                 * @class
3198                 */
3199                var mxVsdxModel = (function () {
3200                    function mxVsdxModel(doc, docData, mediaData) {
3201                        /**
3202                         * A map of Documents created by reading the XML files, indexed by the path to those files
3203                         */
3204                        this.xmlDocs = null;
3205                        /**
3206                         * Collection of media files encoded in Base64, indexed by the path to those files
3207                         */
3208                        this.media = null;
3209                        /**
3210                         * Map of page objects indexed by their ID.
3211                         */
3212                        this.pages = null;
3213                        /**
3214                         * Map of master objects indexed by their ID. Before you think you're being clever by making
3215                         * the index an Integer as for pages, don't, there are reasons.
3216                         */
3217                        this.masters = ({});
3218                        /**
3219                         * Map stylesheets indexed by their ID
3220                         */
3221                        this.stylesheets = ({});
3222                        /**
3223                         * Map themes indexed by their index
3224                         */
3225                        this.themes = ({});
3226                        this.rootElement = null;
3227                        this.pm = null;
3228                        this.xmlDocs = docData;
3229                        this.media = mediaData;
3230                        var childNode = doc.firstChild;
3231                        while ((childNode != null)) {
3232                            if ((childNode != null && (childNode.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3233                                return o1.equals(o2);
3234                            }
3235                            else {
3236                                return o1 === o2;
3237                            } })(childNode.tagName.toLowerCase(), com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder + "document")) {
3238                                this.rootElement = childNode;
3239                                break;
3240                            }
3241                            childNode = childNode.nextSibling;
3242                        }
3243                        ;
3244                        this.pm = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxPropertiesManager();
3245                        this.pm.initialise(this.rootElement, this);
3246                        this.initStylesheets();
3247                        this.initThemes();
3248                        this.initMasters();
3249                        this.initPages();
3250                    }
3251                    /**
3252                     * Initialize theme objects from the XML files
3253                     * @private
3254                     */
3255                    /*private*/ mxVsdxModel.prototype.initThemes = function () {
3256                        if (this.xmlDocs != null) {
3257                            var more = true;
3258                            var index = 1;
3259                            while ((more)) {
3260                                var path = com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder + "/theme/theme" + index + ".xml";
3261                                var themeDoc = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.xmlDocs, path);
3262                                if (themeDoc != null) {
3263                                    var child = themeDoc.firstChild;
3264                                    while ((child != null)) {
3265                                        if ((child != null && (child.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3266                                            return o1.equals(o2);
3267                                        }
3268                                        else {
3269                                            return o1 === o2;
3270                                        } })(child.tagName, "a:theme")) {
3271                                            var theme_1 = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxTheme(child);
3272                                            if (theme_1.getThemeIndex() < 0) {
3273                                                theme_1.processTheme();
3274                                            }
3275                                            var existingTheme = (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
3276                                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
3277                                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
3278                                                    return m.entries[i].value;
3279                                                } return null; })(this.themes, theme_1.getThemeIndex());
3280                                            if (existingTheme == null || !existingTheme.isPure()) {
3281                                                /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
3282                                                    m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
3283                                                    if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
3284                                                        m.entries[i].value = v;
3285                                                        return;
3286                                                    } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(this.themes, theme_1.getThemeIndex(), theme_1);
3287                                            }
3288                                            break;
3289                                        }
3290                                        child = child.nextSibling;
3291                                    }
3292                                    ;
3293                                    index++;
3294                                }
3295                                else {
3296                                    more = false;
3297                                }
3298                            }
3299                            ;
3300                        }
3301                    };
3302                    /**
3303                     * Load the map with the stylesheets elements in the document.<br/>
3304                     * The masters are wrapped for instances of mxStyleSheet.
3305                     * @param doc Document with the stylesheets.
3306                     */
3307                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.initStylesheets = function () {
3308                        var vdxSheets = this.rootElement.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.STYLE_SHEETS);
3309                        if (vdxSheets.length > 0) {
3310                            var sheets_1 = vdxSheets.item(0);
3311                            var sheetList = sheets_1.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.STYLE_SHEET);
3312                            var sheetLength = sheetList.length;
3313                            for (var i = 0; i < sheetLength; i++) {
3314                                var sheet = sheetList.item(i);
3315                                var sheetId = sheet.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.ID);
3316                                var sheetElement = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Style(sheet, this);
3317                                /* put */ (this.stylesheets[sheetId] = sheetElement);
3318                            }
3319                            ;
3320                        }
3321                        var sheets = (function (obj) { return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) { return obj[key]; }); })(this.stylesheets);
3322                        var iter = (function (a) { var i = 0; return { next: function () { return i < a.length ? a[i++] : null; }, hasNext: function () { return i < a.length; } }; })(sheets);
3323                        while ((iter.hasNext())) {
3324                            var sheet = iter.next();
3325                            sheet.stylesheetRefs(this);
3326                        }
3327                        ;
3328                    };
3329                    /**
3330                     * Initialize master objects from the XML files
3331                     */
3332                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.initMasters = function () {
3333                        if (this.xmlDocs != null) {
3334                            var path = com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder + "/masters/masters.xml";
3335                            var masterDoc = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.xmlDocs, path);
3336                            if (masterDoc != null) {
3337                                var child = masterDoc.firstChild;
3338                                while ((child != null)) {
3339                                    if ((child != null && (child.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3340                                        return o1.equals(o2);
3341                                    }
3342                                    else {
3343                                        return o1 === o2;
3344                                    } })(child.tagName, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.MASTERS)) {
3345                                        var grandChild = child.firstChild;
3346                                        while ((grandChild != null)) {
3347                                            if ((grandChild != null && (grandChild.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3348                                                return o1.equals(o2);
3349                                            }
3350                                            else {
3351                                                return o1 === o2;
3352                                            } })(grandChild.tagName, "Master")) {
3353                                                var masterElement = grandChild;
3354                                                var master = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxMaster(masterElement, this);
3355                                                /* put */ (this.masters[master.getId()] = master);
3356                                            }
3357                                            grandChild = grandChild.nextSibling;
3358                                        }
3359                                        ;
3360                                        break;
3361                                    }
3362                                    child = child.nextSibling;
3363                                }
3364                                ;
3365                            }
3366                        }
3367                    };
3368                    /**
3369                     * Initialize page objects from the XML files
3370                     */
3371                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.initPages = function () {
3372                        if (this.xmlDocs != null) {
3373                            var path = com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder + "/pages/pages.xml";
3374                            var pageDoc = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.xmlDocs, path);
3375                            if (pageDoc != null) {
3376                                var child = pageDoc.firstChild;
3377                                while ((child != null)) {
3378                                    if ((child != null && (child.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3379                                        return o1.equals(o2);
3380                                    }
3381                                    else {
3382                                        return o1 === o2;
3383                                    } })(child.tagName, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PAGES)) {
3384                                        var pages = child;
3385                                        var pageList = pages.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PAGE);
3386                                        if (pageList != null && pageList.length > 0) {
3387                                            this.pages = ({});
3388                                            var backgroundMap = ({});
3389                                            var pageListLen = pageList.length;
3390                                            for (var i = 0; i < pageListLen; i++) {
3391                                                var pageEle = pageList.item(i);
3392                                                var page = this.createPage(pageEle);
3393                                                if (page.isBackground()) {
3394                                                    /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
3395                                                        m.entries = []; for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < m.entries.length; i_1++)
3396                                                        if (m.entries[i_1].key.equals != null && m.entries[i_1].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i_1].key === k) {
3397                                                            m.entries[i_1].value = v;
3398                                                            return;
3399                                                        } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(backgroundMap, page.getId(), page);
3400                                                }
3401                                                /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
3402                                                    m.entries = []; for (var i_2 = 0; i_2 < m.entries.length; i_2++)
3403                                                    if (m.entries[i_2].key.equals != null && m.entries[i_2].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i_2].key === k) {
3404                                                        m.entries[i_2].value = v;
3405                                                        return;
3406                                                    } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(this.pages, page.getId(), page);
3407                                            }
3408                                            ;
3409                                            {
3410                                                var array132 = (function (m) { if (m.entries == null)
3411                                                    m.entries = []; return m.entries; })(this.pages);
3412                                                for (var index131 = 0; index131 < array132.length; index131++) {
3413                                                    var entry = array132[index131];
3414                                                    {
3415                                                        var page = entry.getValue();
3416                                                        var backId = page.getBackPageId();
3417                                                        if (backId != null) {
3418                                                            var background = (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
3419                                                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
3420                                                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
3421                                                                    return m.entries[i].value;
3422                                                                } return null; })(backgroundMap, backId);
3423                                                            page.setBackPage(background);
3424                                                        }
3425                                                    }
3426                                                }
3427                                            }
3428                                        }
3429                                        break;
3430                                    }
3431                                    child = child.nextSibling;
3432                                }
3433                                ;
3434                            }
3435                        }
3436                    };
3437                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.getPages = function () {
3438                        return this.pages;
3439                    };
3440                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.getThemes = function () {
3441                        return this.themes;
3442                    };
3443                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.getRelationship = function (rid, path) {
3444                        var relsDoc = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.xmlDocs, path);
3445                        if (relsDoc == null || rid == null || (rid.length === 0)) {
3446                            return null;
3447                        }
3448                        var rels = relsDoc.getElementsByTagName("Relationship");
3449                        for (var i = 0; i < rels.length; i++) {
3450                            var currElem = rels.item(i);
3451                            var id = currElem.getAttribute("Id");
3452                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3453                                return o1.equals(o2);
3454                            }
3455                            else {
3456                                return o1 === o2;
3457                            } })(id, rid)) {
3458                                return currElem;
3459                            }
3460                        }
3461                        ;
3462                        return null;
3463                    };
3464                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.getMaster = function (masterId) {
3465                        return (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.masters, masterId);
3466                    };
3467                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.createPage = function (pageEle) {
3468                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxPage(pageEle, this);
3469                    };
3470                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.getPropertiesManager = function () {
3471                        return this.pm;
3472                    };
3473                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.setPropertiesManager = function (pm) {
3474                        this.pm = pm;
3475                    };
3476                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.getMasterShapes = function () {
3477                        return this.masters;
3478                    };
3479                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.setMasterShapes = function (mm) {
3480                        this.masters = mm;
3481                    };
3482                    /**
3483                     * Returns the wrapper of the stylesheet element with id indicated by 'id'
3484                     * @param {string} id StyleSheet's ID.
3485                     * @return {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Style} StyleSheet element with id = 'id' wrapped in an instance of mxStyleSheet.
3486                     */
3487                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.getStylesheet = function (id) {
3488                        return (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.stylesheets, id);
3489                    };
3490                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.getXmlDoc = function (path) {
3491                        return (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.xmlDocs, path);
3492                    };
3493                    mxVsdxModel.prototype.getMedia = function (path) {
3494                        return (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.media, path);
3495                    };
3496                    return mxVsdxModel;
3497                }());
3498                vsdx.mxVsdxModel = mxVsdxModel;
3499                mxVsdxModel["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel";
3500            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
3501        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
3502    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
3503})(com || (com = {}));
3504(function (com) {
3505    var mxgraph;
3506    (function (mxgraph) {
3507        var io;
3508        (function (io) {
3509            var vsdx;
3510            (function (vsdx) {
3511                var mxVsdxPage = (function () {
3512                    function mxVsdxPage(pageElem, model) {
3513                        /**
3514                         * Unique ID of the element within its parent element
3515                         */
3516                        this.Id = null;
3517                        /**
3518                         * Name of the page taken from the "name" attribute of the page element
3519                         */
3520                        this.pageName = null;
3521                        this.__isBackground = false;
3522                        this.backPageId = null;
3523                        this.backPage = null;
3524                        this.pageElement = null;
3525                        this.pageSheet = null;
3526                        this.model = null;
3527                        this.shapes = ({});
3528                        this.connects = ({});
3529                        this.cellElements = ({});
3530                        this.model = model;
3531                        this.pageElement = pageElem;
3532                        this.layers = [];
3533                        var backGround = pageElem.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BACKGROUND);
3534                        this.__isBackground = (backGround != null && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3535                            return o1.equals(o2);
3536                        }
3537                        else {
3538                            return o1 === o2;
3539                        } })(backGround, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TRUE)) ? true : false;
3540                        var back = pageElem.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BACK_PAGE);
3541                        if (back != null && back.length > 0) {
3542                            this.backPageId = parseFloat(back);
3543                        }
3544                        this.Id = parseFloat(pageElem.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.ID));
3545                        this.pageName = pageElem.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.NAME) || "";
3546                        var pageSheets = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(pageElem, "PageSheet");
3547                        if (pageSheets.length > 0) {
3548                            var pageSheet = pageSheets[0];
3549                            var cells = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(pageSheet, "Cell");
3550                            for (var index133 = 0; index133 < cells.length; index133++) {
3551                                var cellElem = cells[index133];
3552                                {
3553                                    var n = cellElem.getAttribute("N");
3554                                    /* put */ (this.cellElements[n] = cellElem);
3555                                }
3556                            }
3558                            var sections = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(pageSheet, "Section");
3559                            for (var i134 = 0; i134 < sections.length; i134++)
3560                            {
3561                            	var secElem = sections[i134];
3562                            	var n = secElem.getAttribute("N");
3564                            	if (n == "Layer")
3565                        		{
3566                            		 var layers = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(secElem, "Row");
3568                            		 for (var i135 = 0; i135 < layers.length; i135++)
3569                        			 {
3570                            			 var layerAtts = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(layers[i135], "Cell");
3571                            			 var layerObj = {};
3573                            			 for (var i136 = 0; i136 < layerAtts.length; i136++)
3574                            			 {
3575                            				 layerObj[layerAtts[i136].getAttribute("N")] = layerAtts[i136].getAttribute("V");
3576                            			 }
3577                            			 this.layers[parseInt(layers[i135].getAttribute("IX"))] = layerObj;
3578                        			 }
3579                        		}
3580                            }
3581                        }
3582                        this.parseNodes(pageElem, model, "pages");
3583                    }
3584                    /**
3585                     * Parses the child nodes of the given element
3586                     * @param {*} pageElem the parent whose children to parse
3587                     * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel} model the model of the vsdx file
3588                     * @param {string} pageName page information is split across pages.xml and pageX.xml where X is any number. We have to know which we're currently parsing to use the correct relationships file.
3589                     */
3590                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.parseNodes = function (pageElem, model, pageName) {
3591                        var pageChild = pageElem.firstChild;
3592                        while ((pageChild != null)) {
3593                            if (pageChild != null && (pageChild.nodeType == 1)) {
3594                                var pageChildElem = pageChild;
3595                                var childName = pageChildElem.nodeName;
3596                                if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3597                                    return o1.equals(o2);
3598                                }
3599                                else {
3600                                    return o1 === o2;
3601                                } })(childName, "Rel")) {
3602                                    this.resolveRel(pageChildElem, model, pageName);
3603                                }
3604                                else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3605                                    return o1.equals(o2);
3606                                }
3607                                else {
3608                                    return o1 === o2;
3609                                } })(childName, "Shapes")) {
3610                                    this.shapes = this.parseShapes(pageChildElem, null, false);
3611                                }
3612                                else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3613                                    return o1.equals(o2);
3614                                }
3615                                else {
3616                                    return o1 === o2;
3617                                } })(childName, "Connects")) {
3618                                    var connectList = pageChildElem.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CONNECT);
3619                                    var connectNode = (connectList != null && connectList.length > 0) ? connectList.item(0) : null;
3620                                    while ((connectNode != null)) {
3621                                        if (connectNode != null && (connectNode.nodeType == 1)) {
3622                                            var connectElem = connectNode;
3623                                            var connect = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConnect(connectElem);
3624                                            var fromSheet = connect.getFromSheet();
3625                                            var previousConnect = (fromSheet != null && fromSheet > -1) ? (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
3626                                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
3627                                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
3628                                                    return m.entries[i].value;
3629                                                } return null; })(this.connects, fromSheet) : null;
3630                                            if (previousConnect != null) {
3631                                                previousConnect.addConnect(connectElem);
3632                                            }
3633                                            else {
3634                                                /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
3635                                                    m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
3636                                                    if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
3637                                                        m.entries[i].value = v;
3638                                                        return;
3639                                                    } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(this.connects, connect.getFromSheet(), connect);
3640                                            }
3641                                        }
3642                                        connectNode = connectNode.nextSibling;
3643                                    }
3644                                    ;
3645                                }
3646                                else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3647                                    return o1.equals(o2);
3648                                }
3649                                else {
3650                                    return o1 === o2;
3651                                } })(childName, "PageSheet")) {
3652                                    this.pageSheet = pageChildElem;
3653                                }
3654                            }
3655                            pageChild = pageChild.nextSibling;
3656                        }
3657                        ;
3658                    };
3659                    /**
3660                     *
3661                     * @param {*} relNode
3662                     * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel} model
3663                     * @param {string} pageName
3664                     */
3665                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.resolveRel = function (relNode, model, pageName) {
3666                        var relElem = model.getRelationship(relNode.getAttribute("r:id"), com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder + "/pages/_rels/" + pageName + ".xml.rels");
3667                        var target = relElem.getAttribute("Target");
3668                        var type = relElem.getAttribute("Type");
3669                        if ((function (str, searchString) { var pos = str.length - searchString.length; var lastIndex = str.indexOf(searchString, pos); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === pos; })(/* valueOf */ new String(type).toString(), "page")) {
3670                            var pageDoc = null;
3671                            if (type != null && (function (str, searchString) { var pos = str.length - searchString.length; var lastIndex = str.indexOf(searchString, pos); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === pos; })(type, "page")) {
3672                                pageDoc = model.getXmlDoc(com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder + "/pages/" + target);
3673                            }
3674                            if (pageDoc != null) {
3675                                var child = pageDoc.firstChild;
3676                                while ((child != null)) {
3677                                    if ((child != null && (child.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3678                                        return o1.equals(o2);
3679                                    }
3680                                    else {
3681                                        return o1 === o2;
3682                                    } })(child.tagName, "PageContents")) {
3683                                        var index = target.indexOf('.');
3684                                        if (index !== -1) {
3685                                            this.parseNodes(child, model, target.substring(0, index));
3686                                        }
3687                                        break;
3688                                    }
3689                                    child = child.nextSibling;
3690                                }
3691                                ;
3692                            }
3693                        }
3694                    };
3695                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.parseShapes = function (shapesElement, master, recurse) {
3696                        var shapes = ({});
3697                        var shapeList = shapesElement.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.SHAPE);
3698                        var shapeNode = (shapeList != null && shapeList.length > 0) ? shapeList.item(0) : null;
3699                        while ((shapeNode != null)) {
3700                            if (shapeNode != null && (shapeNode.nodeType == 1)) {
3701                                var shapeElem = shapeNode;
3702                                var masterTmp = master;
3703                                if (masterTmp == null) {
3704                                    var masterId = shapeElem.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.MASTER);
3705                                    if (masterId != null && !(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3706                                        return o1.equals(o2);
3707                                    }
3708                                    else {
3709                                        return o1 === o2;
3710                                    } })(masterId, "")) {
3711                                        masterTmp = this.model.getMaster(masterId);
3712                                    }
3713                                }
3714                                var isEdge = this.isEdge(shapeElem);
3715                                if (!isEdge && masterTmp != null) {
3716                                    var masterId = shapeElem.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.MASTER_SHAPE);
3717                                    var elem = masterTmp.getMasterElement();
3718                                    if (masterId != null && !(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3719                                        return o1.equals(o2);
3720                                    }
3721                                    else {
3722                                        return o1 === o2;
3723                                    } })(masterId, "")) {
3724                                    	var subShape = masterTmp.getSubShape(masterId)
3725                                    	//Some files has non-existing master sub-shapes
3726                                        elem = subShape != null? subShape.getShape() : elem;
3727                                    }
3728                                    isEdge = this.isEdge(elem);
3729                                }
3730                                var shape = this.createCell(shapeElem, !isEdge, masterTmp);
3731                                /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
3732                                    m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
3733                                    if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
3734                                        m.entries[i].value = v;
3735                                        return;
3736                                    } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(shapes, shape.getId(), shape);
3737                            }
3738                            shapeNode = shapeNode.nextSibling;
3739                        }
3740                        ;
3741                        return shapes;
3742                    };
3743                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.createCell = function (shapeElem, vertex, masterTmp) {
3744                        return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.VsdxShape(this, shapeElem, vertex, this.model.getMasterShapes(), masterTmp, this.model);
3745                    };
3746                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.isEdge = function (shape) {
3747                        if (shape != null) {
3748                            var children = shape.childNodes;
3749                            if (children != null) {
3750                                var childNode = children.item(0);
3751                                while ((childNode != null)) {
3752                                    if (childNode != null && (childNode.nodeType == 1)) {
3753                                        var childElem = childNode;
3754                                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3755                                            return o1.equals(o2);
3756                                        }
3757                                        else {
3758                                            return o1 === o2;
3759                                        } })(childElem.nodeName, "Cell")) {
3760                                            var n = childElem.getAttribute("N");
3761                                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3762                                                return o1.equals(o2);
3763                                            }
3764                                            else {
3765                                                return o1 === o2;
3766                                            } })(n, "BeginX") || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3767                                                return o1.equals(o2);
3768                                            }
3769                                            else {
3770                                                return o1 === o2;
3771                                            } })(n, "BeginY") || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3772                                                return o1.equals(o2);
3773                                            }
3774                                            else {
3775                                                return o1 === o2;
3776                                            } })(n, "EndY") || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
3777                                                return o1.equals(o2);
3778                                            }
3779                                            else {
3780                                                return o1 === o2;
3781                                            } })(n, "EndX")) {
3782                                                return true;
3783                                            }
3784                                        }
3785                                    }
3786                                    childNode = childNode.nextSibling;
3787                                }
3788                                ;
3789                            }
3790                        }
3791                        return false;
3792                    };
3793                    /**
3794                     * Returns the width and height of a Page expressed as an mxPoint.
3795                     * @return {mxPoint} mxPoint that represents the dimensions of the page
3796                     */
3797                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getPageDimensions = function () {
3798                        var pageH = 0;
3799                        var pageW = 0;
3800                        var height = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.cellElements, "PageHeight");
3801                        var width = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.cellElements, "PageWidth");
3802                        if (height != null) {
3803                            pageH = parseFloat(height.getAttribute("V")) * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
3804                            pageH = Math.round(pageH * 100.0) / 100.0;
3805                        }
3806                        if (width != null) {
3807                            pageW = parseFloat(width.getAttribute("V")) * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
3808                            pageW = Math.round(pageW * 100.0) / 100.0;
3809                        }
3810                        return new mxPoint(pageW, pageH);
3811                    };
3812                    /**
3813                     * Returns the drawing scale attribute of this page
3814                     * @return {number} the DrawingScale
3815                     */
3816                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getDrawingScale = function () {
3817                        var scale = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.cellElements, "DrawingScale");
3818                        if (scale != null) {
3819                            return parseFloat(scale.getAttribute("V")) * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
3820                        }
3821                        return 1;
3822                    };
3823                    /**
3824                     * Returns the page scale attribute of this page
3825                     * @return {number} the PageScale
3826                     */
3827                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getPageScale = function () {
3828                        var scale = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.cellElements, "PageScale");
3829                        if (scale != null) {
3830                            return parseFloat(scale.getAttribute("V")) * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
3831                        }
3832                        return 1;
3833                    };
3834                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getCellValue = function (cellName) {
3835                        var cell = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.cellElements, cellName);
3836                        if (cell != null) {
3837                            return cell.getAttribute("V") || "";
3838                        }
3839                        return null;
3840                    };
3841                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getCellIntValue = function (cellName, defVal) {
3842                        var val = this.getCellValue(cellName);
3843                        if (val != null) {
3844                            return parseInt(val);
3845                        }
3846                        return defVal;
3847                    };
3848                    /**
3849                     * Returns the ID of the page
3850                     * @return {number} the ID of the page
3851                     */
3852                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getId = function () {
3853                        return this.Id;
3854                    };
3855                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getPageName = function () {
3856                        return this.pageName;
3857                    };
3858                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getShapes = function () {
3859                        return this.shapes;
3860                    };
3861                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getLayers = function () {
3862                        return this.layers;
3863                    };
3864                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getConnects = function () {
3865                        return this.connects;
3866                    };
3867                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.isBackground = function () {
3868                        return this.__isBackground;
3869                    };
3870                    /**
3871                     * Returns the background page ID, if any
3872                     * @return {number} the ID of any background page or null for no background page
3873                     */
3874                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getBackPageId = function () {
3875                        return this.backPageId;
3876                    };
3877                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.setBackPage = function (page) {
3878                        this.backPage = page;
3879                    };
3880                    mxVsdxPage.prototype.getBackPage = function () {
3881                        return this.backPage;
3882                    };
3883                    return mxVsdxPage;
3884                }());
3885                vsdx.mxVsdxPage = mxVsdxPage;
3886                mxVsdxPage["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxPage";
3887            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
3888        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
3889    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
3890})(com || (com = {}));
3891(function (com) {
3892    var mxgraph;
3893    (function (mxgraph) {
3894        var io;
3895        (function (io) {
3896            var vsdx;
3897            (function (vsdx) {
3898                var mxVsdxTheme = (function () {
3899                    function mxVsdxTheme(theme) {
3900                        /*private*/ this.themeIndex = -1;
3901                        /*private*/ this.themeVariant = 0;
3902                        /*private*/ this.baseColors = ({});
3903                        /*private*/ this.variantsColors = (function (dims) { var allocate = function (dims) { if (dims.length == 0) {
3904                            return undefined;
3905                        }
3906                        else {
3907                            var array = [];
3908                            for (var i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
3909                                array.push(allocate(dims.slice(1)));
3910                            }
3911                            return array;
3912                        } }; return allocate(dims); })([4, 7]);
3913                        /*private*/ this.isMonotoneVariant = new Array(4);
3914                        /*private*/ this.defaultClr = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color(255, 255, 255);
3915                        /*private*/ this.defaultLineClr = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color(0, 0, 0);
3916                        /*private*/ this.defaultLineStyle = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.LineStyle();
3917                        /*private*/ this.fillStyles = ([]);
3918                        /*private*/ this.connFillStyles = ([]);
3919                        /*private*/ this.lineStyles = ([]);
3920                        /*private*/ this.connLineStyles = ([]);
3921                        /*private*/ this.lineStylesExt = ([]);
3922                        /*private*/ this.connLineStylesExt = ([]);
3923                        /*private*/ this.connFontColors = ([]);
3924                        /*private*/ this.connFontStyles = ([]);
3925                        /*private*/ this.fontColors = ([]);
3926                        /*private*/ this.fontStyles = ([]);
3927                        /*private*/ this.variantEmbellishment = [0, 0, 0, 0];
3928                        /*private*/ this.variantFillIdx = (function (dims) { var allocate = function (dims) { if (dims.length == 0) {
3929                            return 0;
3930                        }
3931                        else {
3932                            var array = [];
3933                            for (var i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
3934                                array.push(allocate(dims.slice(1)));
3935                            }
3936                            return array;
3937                        } }; return allocate(dims); })([4, 4]);
3938                        /*private*/ this.variantLineIdx = (function (dims) { var allocate = function (dims) { if (dims.length == 0) {
3939                            return 0;
3940                        }
3941                        else {
3942                            var array = [];
3943                            for (var i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
3944                                array.push(allocate(dims.slice(1)));
3945                            }
3946                            return array;
3947                        } }; return allocate(dims); })([4, 4]);
3948                        /*private*/ this.variantEffectIdx = (function (dims) { var allocate = function (dims) { if (dims.length == 0) {
3949                            return 0;
3950                        }
3951                        else {
3952                            var array = [];
3953                            for (var i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
3954                                array.push(allocate(dims.slice(1)));
3955                            }
3956                            return array;
3957                        } }; return allocate(dims); })([4, 4]);
3958                        /*private*/ this.variantFontIdx = (function (dims) { var allocate = function (dims) { if (dims.length == 0) {
3959                            return 0;
3960                        }
3961                        else {
3962                            var array = [];
3963                            for (var i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
3964                                array.push(allocate(dims.slice(1)));
3965                            }
3966                            return array;
3967                        } }; return allocate(dims); })([4, 4]);
3968                        /*private*/ this.isProcessed = false;
3969                        /*private*/ this.__isPure = true;
3970                        this.theme = null;
3971                        this.bkgndColor = null;
3972                        this.name = null;
3973                        this.theme = theme;
3974                        this.name = theme.getAttribute("name") || "";
3975                        var themeId = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$(), this.name);
3976                        if (themeId != null) {
3977                            this.themeIndex = themeId;
3978                        }
3979                    }
3980                    mxVsdxTheme.__static_initialize = function () { if (!mxVsdxTheme.__static_initialized) {
3981                        mxVsdxTheme.__static_initialized = true;
3982                        mxVsdxTheme.__static_initializer_0();
3983                        mxVsdxTheme.__static_initializer_1();
3984                    } };
3985                    mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$ = function () { mxVsdxTheme.__static_initialize(); if (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds == null)
3986                        mxVsdxTheme.themesIds = ({}); return mxVsdxTheme.themesIds; };
3987                    ;
3988                    mxVsdxTheme.__static_initializer_0 = function () {
3989                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Office"] = 33);
3990                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Linear"] = 34);
3991                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Zephyr"] = 35);
3992                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Integral"] = 36);
3993                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Simple"] = 37);
3994                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Whisp"] = 38);
3995                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Daybreak"] = 39);
3996                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Parallel"] = 40);
3997                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Sequence"] = 41);
3998                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Slice"] = 42);
3999                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Ion"] = 43);
4000                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Retrospect"] = 44);
4001                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Organic"] = 45);
4002                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Bubble"] = 46);
4003                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Clouds"] = 47);
4004                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Gemstone"] = 48);
4005                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Lines"] = 49);
4006                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Facet"] = 50);
4007                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Prominence"] = 51);
4008                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Smoke"] = 52);
4009                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Radiance"] = 53);
4010                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Shade"] = 54);
4011                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Pencil"] = 55);
4012                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Pen"] = 56);
4013                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Marker"] = 57);
4014                        /* put */ (mxVsdxTheme.themesIds_$LI$()["Whiteboard"] = 58);
4015                    };
4016                    mxVsdxTheme.colorIds_$LI$ = function () { mxVsdxTheme.__static_initialize(); if (mxVsdxTheme.colorIds == null)
4017                        mxVsdxTheme.colorIds = ({}); return mxVsdxTheme.colorIds; };
4018                    ;
4019                    mxVsdxTheme.__static_initializer_1 = function () {
4020                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
4021                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
4022                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
4023                                m.entries[i].value = v;
4024                                return;
4025                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(mxVsdxTheme.colorIds_$LI$(), 0, "dk1");
4026                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
4027                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
4028                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
4029                                m.entries[i].value = v;
4030                                return;
4031                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(mxVsdxTheme.colorIds_$LI$(), 1, "lt1");
4032                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
4033                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
4034                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
4035                                m.entries[i].value = v;
4036                                return;
4037                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(mxVsdxTheme.colorIds_$LI$(), 2, "accent1");
4038                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
4039                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
4040                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
4041                                m.entries[i].value = v;
4042                                return;
4043                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(mxVsdxTheme.colorIds_$LI$(), 3, "accent2");
4044                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
4045                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
4046                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
4047                                m.entries[i].value = v;
4048                                return;
4049                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(mxVsdxTheme.colorIds_$LI$(), 4, "accent3");
4050                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
4051                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
4052                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
4053                                m.entries[i].value = v;
4054                                return;
4055                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(mxVsdxTheme.colorIds_$LI$(), 5, "accent4");
4056                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
4057                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
4058                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
4059                                m.entries[i].value = v;
4060                                return;
4061                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(mxVsdxTheme.colorIds_$LI$(), 6, "accent5");
4062                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
4063                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
4064                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
4065                                m.entries[i].value = v;
4066                                return;
4067                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(mxVsdxTheme.colorIds_$LI$(), 7, "accent6");
4068                    };
4069                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getThemeIndex = function () {
4070                        return this.themeIndex;
4071                    };
4072                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.setVariant = function (variant) {
4073                        this.themeVariant = variant;
4074                    };
4075                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.isPure = function () {
4076                        return this.__isPure;
4077                    };
4078                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.processTheme = function () {
4079                        if (this.isProcessed)
4080                            return;
4081                        try {
4082                            var child = this.theme.firstChild;
4083                            while ((child != null)) {
4084                                if ((child != null && (child.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4085                                    return o1.equals(o2);
4086                                }
4087                                else {
4088                                    return o1 === o2;
4089                                } })(child.nodeName, "a:themeElements")) {
4090                                    var child2 = child.firstChild;
4091                                    while ((child2 != null)) {
4092                                        if (child2 != null && (child2.nodeType == 1)) {
4093                                            var elem = child2;
4094                                            var nodeName = elem.nodeName;
4095                                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4096                                                return o1.equals(o2);
4097                                            }
4098                                            else {
4099                                                return o1 === o2;
4100                                            } })(nodeName, "a:clrScheme")) {
4101                                                if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4102                                                    return o1.equals(o2);
4103                                                }
4104                                                else {
4105                                                    return o1 === o2;
4106                                                } })(this.name, elem.getAttribute("name"))) {
4107                                                    this.__isPure = false;
4108                                                }
4109                                                this.processColors(elem);
4110                                            }
4111                                            else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4112                                                return o1.equals(o2);
4113                                            }
4114                                            else {
4115                                                return o1 === o2;
4116                                            } })(nodeName, "a:fontScheme")) {
4117                                                if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4118                                                    return o1.equals(o2);
4119                                                }
4120                                                else {
4121                                                    return o1 === o2;
4122                                                } })(this.name, elem.getAttribute("name"))) {
4123                                                    this.__isPure = false;
4124                                                }
4125                                                this.processFonts(elem);
4126                                            }
4127                                            else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4128                                                return o1.equals(o2);
4129                                            }
4130                                            else {
4131                                                return o1 === o2;
4132                                            } })(nodeName, "a:fmtScheme")) {
4133                                                if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4134                                                    return o1.equals(o2);
4135                                                }
4136                                                else {
4137                                                    return o1 === o2;
4138                                                } })(this.name, elem.getAttribute("name"))) {
4139                                                    this.__isPure = false;
4140                                                }
4141                                                this.processFormats(elem);
4142                                            }
4143                                            else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4144                                                return o1.equals(o2);
4145                                            }
4146                                            else {
4147                                                return o1 === o2;
4148                                            } })(nodeName, "a:extLst")) {
4149                                                this.processExtras(elem);
4150                                            }
4151                                        }
4152                                        child2 = child2.nextSibling;
4153                                    }
4154                                    ;
4155                                }
4156                                child = child.nextSibling;
4157                            }
4158                            ;
4159                        }
4160                        catch (e) {
4161                            console.error(e.message, e);
4162                        }
4163                        ;
4164                        this.isProcessed = true;
4165                    };
4166                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.processExtras = function (element) {
4167                        var exts = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(element);
4168                        for (var index134 = 0; index134 < exts.length; index134++) {
4169                            var ext = exts[index134];
4170                            {
4171                                var vt = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(ext);
4172                                switch ((vt.nodeName)) {
4173                                    case "vt:fmtConnectorScheme":
4174                                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4175                                            return o1.equals(o2);
4176                                        }
4177                                        else {
4178                                            return o1 === o2;
4179                                        } })(this.name, vt.getAttribute("name"))) {
4180                                            this.__isPure = false;
4181                                        }
4182                                        var connSchemes = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(vt);
4183                                        for (var index135 = 0; index135 < connSchemes.length; index135++) {
4184                                            var scheme = connSchemes[index135];
4185                                            {
4186                                                var name_3 = scheme.nodeName;
4187                                                switch ((name_3)) {
4188                                                    case "a:fillStyleLst":
4189                                                        var fillStyleElems = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(scheme);
4190                                                        for (var index136 = 0; index136 < fillStyleElems.length; index136++) {
4191                                                            var fillStyle = fillStyleElems[index136];
4192                                                            {
4193                                                                /* add */ (this.connFillStyles.push(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.FillStyleFactory.getFillStyle(fillStyle)));
4194                                                            }
4195                                                        }
4196                                                        break;
4197                                                    case "a:lnStyleLst":
4198                                                        var lineStyleElems = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(scheme);
4199                                                        for (var index137 = 0; index137 < lineStyleElems.length; index137++) {
4200                                                            var lineStyle = lineStyleElems[index137];
4201                                                            {
4202                                                                /* add */ (this.connLineStyles.push(new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.LineStyle(lineStyle)));
4203                                                            }
4204                                                        }
4205                                                        break;
4206                                                }
4207                                            }
4208                                        }
4209                                        break;
4210                                    case "vt:lineStyles":
4211                                        var styles = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(vt);
4212                                        for (var index138 = 0; index138 < styles.length; index138++) {
4213                                            var style = styles[index138];
4214                                            {
4215                                                var name_4 = style.nodeName;
4216                                                switch ((name_4)) {
4217                                                    case "vt:fmtConnectorSchemeLineStyles":
4218                                                        var connStylesElems = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(style);
4219                                                        for (var index139 = 0; index139 < connStylesElems.length; index139++) {
4220                                                            var connStyle = connStylesElems[index139];
4221                                                            {
4222                                                                /* add */ (this.connLineStylesExt.push(new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.LineStyleExt(connStyle)));
4223                                                            }
4224                                                        }
4225                                                        break;
4226                                                    case "vt:fmtSchemeLineStyles":
4227                                                        var schemeStyleElems = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(style);
4228                                                        for (var index140 = 0; index140 < schemeStyleElems.length; index140++) {
4229                                                            var schemeStyle = schemeStyleElems[index140];
4230                                                            {
4231                                                                /* add */ (this.lineStylesExt.push(new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.LineStyleExt(schemeStyle)));
4232                                                            }
4233                                                        }
4234                                                        break;
4235                                                }
4236                                            }
4237                                        }
4238                                        break;
4239                                    case "vt:fontStylesGroup":
4240                                        var fontStyleElems = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(vt);
4241                                        for (var index141 = 0; index141 < fontStyleElems.length; index141++) {
4242                                            var fontStyle = fontStyleElems[index141];
4243                                            {
4244                                                var name_5 = fontStyle.nodeName;
4245                                                switch ((name_5)) {
4246                                                    case "vt:connectorFontStyles":
4247                                                        this.fillFontStyles(fontStyle, this.connFontColors, this.connFontStyles);
4248                                                        break;
4249                                                    case "vt:fontStyles":
4250                                                        this.fillFontStyles(fontStyle, this.fontColors, this.fontStyles);
4251                                                        break;
4252                                                }
4253                                            }
4254                                        }
4255                                        break;
4256                                    case "vt:variationStyleSchemeLst":
4257                                        var varStyleSchemes = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(vt);
4258                                        var i = 0;
4259                                        for (var index142 = 0; index142 < varStyleSchemes.length; index142++) {
4260                                            var varStyleScheme = varStyleSchemes[index142];
4261                                            {
4262                                                this.variantEmbellishment[i] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(varStyleScheme, "embellishment");
4263                                                var varStyles = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(varStyleScheme);
4264                                                var j = 0;
4265                                                for (var index143 = 0; index143 < varStyles.length; index143++) {
4266                                                    var varStyle = varStyles[index143];
4267                                                    {
4268                                                        this.variantFillIdx[i][j] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(varStyle, "fillIdx");
4269                                                        this.variantLineIdx[i][j] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(varStyle, "lineIdx");
4270                                                        this.variantEffectIdx[i][j] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(varStyle, "effectIdx");
4271                                                        this.variantFontIdx[i][j] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(varStyle, "fontIdx");
4272                                                        j++;
4273                                                    }
4274                                                }
4275                                                i++;
4276                                            }
4277                                        }
4278                                        break;
4279                                }
4280                            }
4281                        }
4282                    };
4283                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.fillFontStyles = function (fontStyle, fontColors, fontStyles) {
4284                        var fontProps = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(fontStyle);
4285                        for (var index144 = 0; index144 < fontProps.length; index144++) {
4286                            var fontProp = fontProps[index144];
4287                            {
4288                                /* add */ (fontStyles.push(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(fontProp, "style")));
4289                                var color = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(fontProp);
4290                                if (color != null)
4291                                    (fontColors.push(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(color))));
4292                            }
4293                        }
4294                    };
4295                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.processFormats = function (element) {
4296                        var styles = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(element);
4297                        for (var index145 = 0; index145 < styles.length; index145++) {
4298                            var style = styles[index145];
4299                            {
4300                                var name_6 = style.nodeName;
4301                                switch ((name_6)) {
4302                                    case "a:fillStyleLst":
4303                                        var fillStyleElems = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(style);
4304                                        for (var index146 = 0; index146 < fillStyleElems.length; index146++) {
4305                                            var fillStyle = fillStyleElems[index146];
4306                                            {
4307                                                /* add */ (this.fillStyles.push(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.FillStyleFactory.getFillStyle(fillStyle)));
4308                                            }
4309                                        }
4310                                        break;
4311                                    case "a:lnStyleLst":
4312                                        var lineStyleElems = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(style);
4313                                        for (var index147 = 0; index147 < lineStyleElems.length; index147++) {
4314                                            var lineStyle = lineStyleElems[index147];
4315                                            {
4316                                                /* add */ (this.lineStyles.push(new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.LineStyle(lineStyle)));
4317                                            }
4318                                        }
4319                                        break;
4320                                    case "a:effectStyleLst":
4321                                        break;
4322                                    case "a:bgFillStyleLst":
4323                                        break;
4324                                }
4325                            }
4326                        }
4327                    };
4328                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.processFonts = function (element) {
4329                    };
4330                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.processColors = function (element) {
4331                        var child = element.firstChild;
4332                        while ((child != null)) {
4333                            if (child != null && (child.nodeType == 1)) {
4334                                var elem = child;
4335                                var nodeName = elem.nodeName;
4336                                var children = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(elem);
4337                                if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4338                                    return o1.equals(o2);
4339                                }
4340                                else {
4341                                    return o1 === o2;
4342                                } })(nodeName, "a:extLst")) {
4343                                    if (children.length === 3) {
4344                                        if (this.themeIndex < 0) {
4345                                            this.extractThemeIndex(/* get */ children[0]);
4346                                        }
4347                                        this.addBkgndColor(/* get */ children[1]);
4348                                        this.addVariantColors(/* get */ children[2]);
4349                                    }
4350                                }
4351                                else {
4352                                    var clrName = nodeName.substring(2);
4353                                    if (children.length > 0) {
4354                                        this.addBasicColor(clrName, /* get */ children[0]);
4355                                    }
4356                                }
4357                            }
4358                            child = child.nextSibling;
4359                        }
4360                        ;
4361                    };
4362                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.addVariantColors = function (element) {
4363                        var parent = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(element);
4364                        if (parent != null) {
4365                            var variants = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(parent);
4366                            var i = 0;
4367                            for (var index148 = 0; index148 < variants.length; index148++) {
4368                                var variant = variants[index148];
4369                                {
4370                                    this.addVariantColorsSet(i++, variant);
4371                                }
4372                            }
4373                        }
4374                    };
4375                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.addVariantColorsSet = function (index, variant) {
4376                        var colors = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(variant);
4377                        this.isMonotoneVariant[index] = variant.hasAttribute("monotone");
4378                        for (var index149 = 0; index149 < colors.length; index149++) {
4379                            var color = colors[index149];
4380                            {
4381                                var name_7 = color.nodeName;
4382                                switch ((name_7)) {
4383                                    case "vt:varColor1":
4384                                        this.variantsColors[index][0] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(color));
4385                                        break;
4386                                    case "vt:varColor2":
4387                                        this.variantsColors[index][1] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(color));
4388                                        break;
4389                                    case "vt:varColor3":
4390                                        this.variantsColors[index][2] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(color));
4391                                        break;
4392                                    case "vt:varColor4":
4393                                        this.variantsColors[index][3] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(color));
4394                                        break;
4395                                    case "vt:varColor5":
4396                                        this.variantsColors[index][4] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(color));
4397                                        break;
4398                                    case "vt:varColor6":
4399                                        this.variantsColors[index][5] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(color));
4400                                        break;
4401                                    case "vt:varColor7":
4402                                        this.variantsColors[index][6] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(color));
4403                                        break;
4404                                }
4405                            }
4406                        }
4407                    };
4408                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.addBkgndColor = function (element) {
4409                        var elem = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(element);
4410                        if (elem != null) {
4411                            this.bkgndColor = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(elem));
4412                        }
4413                    };
4414                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.extractThemeIndex = function (element) {
4415                        var elem = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(element);
4416                        if (elem != null) {
4417                            this.themeIndex = parseInt(elem.getAttribute("schemeEnum"));
4418                        }
4419                    };
4420                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.addBasicColor = function (clrName, element) {
4421                        /* put */ (this.baseColors[clrName] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(element));
4422                    };
4423                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getSchemeColor = function (val) {
4424                        this.processTheme();
4425                        var color = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.baseColors, val);
4426                        return color != null ? color.getColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme(this) : this.defaultClr;
4427                    };
4428                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getStyleColor = function (styleColor) {
4429                        this.processTheme();
4430                        if (styleColor < 8) {
4431                            var color = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.baseColors, /* get */ (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
4432                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
4433                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
4434                                    return m.entries[i].value;
4435                                } return null; })(mxVsdxTheme.colorIds_$LI$(), styleColor));
4436                            if (color != null) {
4437                                return color.getColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme(this);
4438                            }
4439                        }
4440                        else if (styleColor === 8) {
4441                            if (this.bkgndColor != null) {
4442                                return this.bkgndColor.getColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme(this);
4443                            }
4444                        }
4445                        else {
4446                            var color = null;
4447                            var clrIndex = 0;
4448                            if (styleColor >= 200) {
4449                                clrIndex = styleColor - 200;
4450                            }
4451                            else if (styleColor >= 100) {
4452                                clrIndex = styleColor - 100;
4453                            }
4454                            if (clrIndex >= 0 && clrIndex <= 6) {
4455                                color = this.variantsColors[this.themeVariant][clrIndex];
4456                            }
4457                            if (color != null) {
4458                                return color.getColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme(this);
4459                            }
4460                        }
4461                        return this.defaultClr;
4462                    };
4463                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getFillGraientColor = function (quickStyleVals) {
4464                        return this.getFillColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$boolean(quickStyleVals, true);
4465                    };
4466                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getFillColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals = function (quickStyleVals) {
4467                        return this.getFillColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$boolean(quickStyleVals, false);
4468                    };
4469                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getFillColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$boolean = function (quickStyleVals, getGradient) {
4470                        this.processTheme();
4471                        var fillColorStyle = quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleFillColor();
4472                        var fillStyle = null;
4473                        switch ((quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleFillMatrix())) {
4474                            case 1:
4475                            case 2:
4476                            case 3:
4477                            case 4:
4478                            case 5:
4479                            case 6:
4480                                fillStyle = this.fillStyles[quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleFillMatrix() - 1];
4481                                break;
4482                            case 100:
4483                            case 101:
4484                            case 102:
4485                            case 103:
4486                                if (this.isMonotoneVariant[this.themeVariant])
4487                                    fillColorStyle = 100;
4488                                var index = quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleFillMatrix() - 100;
4489                                fillStyle = this.fillStyles[this.variantFillIdx[this.themeVariant][index] - 1];
4490                                break;
4491                        }
4492                        var retColor;
4493                        if (fillStyle != null) {
4494                            if (getGradient) {
4495                                retColor = (fillStyle != null && fillStyle instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.GradFill) ? fillStyle.applyStyle(fillColorStyle, this).getGradientClr() : null;
4496                            }
4497                            else {
4498                                retColor = fillStyle.applyStyle(fillColorStyle, this);
4499                            }
4500                        }
4501                        else {
4502                            if (getGradient) {
4503                                retColor = null;
4504                            }
4505                            else {
4506                                retColor = this.getStyleColor(fillColorStyle);
4507                            }
4508                        }
4509                        var styleVariation = quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleVariation();
4511                        //TODO This is the best efforts of interpreting the documentation and also this article https://visualsignals.typepad.co.uk/vislog/2013/05/visio-2013-themes-in-the-shapesheet-part-2.html
4512                        if (retColor != null && (styleVariation & 8) > 0)
4513                        {
4514                        	var bkgHSLClr = this.getStyleColor(8).toHsl();
4515                        	var lineClr = this.getLineColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(quickStyleVals);
4516                        	var lineHSLClr = lineClr.toHsl();
4517                            var fillHSLClr = retColor.toHsl();
4520                            if (Math.abs(bkgHSLClr.getLum() - fillHSLClr.getLum()) >= 0.1666)
4521                            {
4522                            	//nothing
4523                            }
4524                            else if (bkgHSLClr.getLum() <= 0.7292)
4525                            {
4526                            	retColor = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color(255, 255, 255);
4527                            }
4528                            else if (Math.abs(bkgHSLClr.getLum() - lineHSLClr.getLum()) > Math.abs(bkgHSLClr.getLum() - fillHSLClr.getLum()))
4529                        	{
4530                            	retColor = lineClr;
4531                        	}
4532                        }
4533                        return retColor;
4534                    };
4535                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getFillColor = function (quickStyleVals, getGradient) {
4536                        if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && ((typeof getGradient === 'boolean') || getGradient === null)) {
4537                            return this.getFillColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$boolean(quickStyleVals, getGradient);
4538                        }
4539                        else if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && getGradient === undefined) {
4540                            return this.getFillColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(quickStyleVals);
4541                        }
4542                        else
4543                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
4544                    };
4545                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getLineStyle = function (quickStyleLineMatrix, lineStyles) {
4546                        this.processTheme();
4547                        var lineStyle = null;
4548                        switch ((quickStyleLineMatrix)) {
4549                            case 1:
4550                            case 2:
4551                            case 3:
4552                            case 4:
4553                            case 5:
4554                            case 6:
4555                                lineStyle = lineStyles[quickStyleLineMatrix - 1];
4556                                break;
4557                            case 100:
4558                            case 101:
4559                            case 102:
4560                            case 103:
4561                                var index = quickStyleLineMatrix - 100;
4562                                if (lineStyles === this.lineStyles) {
4563                                    lineStyle = this.lineStyles[this.variantLineIdx[this.themeVariant][index] - 1];
4564                                }
4565                                else {
4566                                    lineStyle = this.defaultLineStyle;
4567                                }
4568                                break;
4569                        }
4570                        return lineStyle;
4571                    };
4572                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getLineStyleExt = function (quickStyleLineMatrix, lineStylesExt) {
4573                        this.processTheme();
4574                        var lineStyleExt = null;
4575                        switch ((quickStyleLineMatrix)) {
4576                            case 0:
4577                            case 1:
4578                            case 2:
4579                            case 3:
4580                            case 4:
4581                            case 5:
4582                            case 6:
4583                                lineStyleExt = lineStylesExt[quickStyleLineMatrix];
4584                                break;
4585                        }
4586                        return lineStyleExt;
4587                    };
4588                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getLineColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList = function (quickStyleVals, lineStyles) {
4589                        this.processTheme();
4590                        var lineColorStyle = quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineColor();
4591                        var lineStyle = this.getLineStyle(quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineMatrix(), lineStyles);
4592                        switch ((quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineMatrix())) {
4593                            case 100:
4594                            case 101:
4595                            case 102:
4596                            case 103:
4597                                if (this.isMonotoneVariant[this.themeVariant])
4598                                    lineColorStyle = 100;
4599                                break;
4600                        }
4601                        var lineClr;
4602                        if (lineStyle != null) {
4603                            lineClr = lineStyle.getLineColor(lineColorStyle, this);
4604                        }
4605                        else {
4606                            lineClr = this.getStyleColor(lineColorStyle);
4607                        }
4608                        var styleVariation = quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleVariation();
4610                        //TODO This is the best efforts of interpreting the documentation and also this article https://visualsignals.typepad.co.uk/vislog/2013/05/visio-2013-themes-in-the-shapesheet-part-2.html
4611                        if ((styleVariation & 4) > 0)
4612                        {
4613                        	var bkgHSLClr = this.getStyleColor(8).toHsl();
4614                        	var fillColor = this.getFillColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(quickStyleVals);
4615                            var fillHSLClr = fillColor.toHsl();
4616                            var lineHSLClr = lineClr.toHsl();
4618                            if (Math.abs(bkgHSLClr.getLum() - lineHSLClr.getLum()) >= 0.1666)
4619                            {
4620                            	//nothing
4621                            }
4622                            else if (bkgHSLClr.getLum() <= 0.7292)
4623                            {
4624                            	lineClr = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color(255, 255, 255);
4625                            }
4626                            else if (Math.abs(bkgHSLClr.getLum() - fillHSLClr.getLum()) > Math.abs(bkgHSLClr.getLum() - lineHSLClr.getLum()))
4627                        	{
4628                            	lineClr = fillColor;
4629                        	}
4630                        }
4631                        return lineClr;
4632                    };
4633                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getLineColor = function (quickStyleVals, lineStyles) {
4634                        if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && ((lineStyles != null && (lineStyles instanceof Array)) || lineStyles === null)) {
4635                            return this.getLineColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, lineStyles);
4636                        }
4637                        else if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && lineStyles === undefined) {
4638                            return this.getLineColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(quickStyleVals);
4639                        }
4640                        else
4641                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
4642                    };
4643                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getLineColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals = function (quickStyleVals) {
4644                        return this.getLineColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, this.lineStyles);
4645                    };
4646                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getConnLineColor = function (quickStyleVals) {
4647                        return this.getLineColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, this.connLineStyles);
4648                    };
4649                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getDefaultLineClr = function () {
4650                        return this.defaultLineClr;
4651                    };
4652                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.isLineDashed$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList$java_util_ArrayList = function (quickStyleVals, lineStylesExt, lineStyles) {
4653                        var lineStyleExt = this.getLineStyleExt(quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineMatrix(), lineStylesExt);
4654                        if (lineStyleExt != null) {
4655                            return lineStyleExt.isDashed();
4656                        }
4657                        else {
4658                            var lineStyle = this.getLineStyle(quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineMatrix(), lineStyles);
4659                            return lineStyle != null ? lineStyle.isDashed() : false;
4660                        }
4661                    };
4662                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.isLineDashed = function (quickStyleVals, lineStylesExt, lineStyles) {
4663                        if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && ((lineStylesExt != null && (lineStylesExt instanceof Array)) || lineStylesExt === null) && ((lineStyles != null && (lineStyles instanceof Array)) || lineStyles === null)) {
4664                            return this.isLineDashed$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, lineStylesExt, lineStyles);
4665                        }
4666                        else if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && lineStylesExt === undefined && lineStyles === undefined) {
4667                            return this.isLineDashed$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(quickStyleVals);
4668                        }
4669                        else
4670                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
4671                    };
4672                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.isLineDashed$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals = function (quickStyleVals) {
4673                        return this.isLineDashed$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, this.lineStylesExt, this.lineStyles);
4674                    };
4675                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.isConnLineDashed = function (quickStyleVals) {
4676                        return this.isLineDashed$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, this.connLineStylesExt, this.connLineStyles);
4677                    };
4678                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getLineDashPattern$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList$java_util_ArrayList = function (quickStyleVals, lineStylesExt, lineStyles) {
4679                        var lineStyleExt = this.getLineStyleExt(quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineMatrix(), lineStylesExt);
4680                        if (lineStyleExt != null) {
4681                            return lineStyleExt.getLineDashPattern();
4682                        }
4683                        else {
4684                            var lineStyle = this.getLineStyle(quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineMatrix(), lineStyles);
4685                            return lineStyle != null ? lineStyle.getLineDashPattern() : null;
4686                        }
4687                    };
4688                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getLineDashPattern = function (quickStyleVals, lineStylesExt, lineStyles) {
4689                        if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && ((lineStylesExt != null && (lineStylesExt instanceof Array)) || lineStylesExt === null) && ((lineStyles != null && (lineStyles instanceof Array)) || lineStyles === null)) {
4690                            return this.getLineDashPattern$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, lineStylesExt, lineStyles);
4691                        }
4692                        else if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && lineStylesExt === undefined && lineStyles === undefined) {
4693                            return this.getLineDashPattern$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(quickStyleVals);
4694                        }
4695                        else
4696                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
4697                    };
4698                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getLineDashPattern$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals = function (quickStyleVals) {
4699                        return this.getLineDashPattern$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, this.lineStylesExt, this.lineStyles);
4700                    };
4701                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getConnLineDashPattern = function (quickStyleVals) {
4702                        return this.getLineDashPattern$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, this.connLineStylesExt, this.connLineStyles);
4703                    };
4704                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getArrowSize = function (quickStyleVals, isStart, lineStylesExt, lineStyles) {
4705                        var lineStyleExt = this.getLineStyleExt(quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineMatrix(), lineStylesExt);
4706                        if (lineStyleExt != null) {
4707                            return isStart ? lineStyleExt.getStartSize() : lineStyleExt.getEndSize();
4708                        }
4709                        else {
4710                            var lineStyle = this.getLineStyle(quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineMatrix(), lineStyles);
4711                            return lineStyle != null ? (isStart ? lineStyle.getStartSize() : lineStyle.getEndSize()) : 4;
4712                        }
4713                    };
4714                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getStartSize = function (quickStyleVals) {
4715                        return this.getArrowSize(quickStyleVals, true, this.lineStylesExt, this.lineStyles);
4716                    };
4717                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getConnStartSize = function (quickStyleVals) {
4718                        return this.getArrowSize(quickStyleVals, true, this.connLineStylesExt, this.connLineStyles);
4719                    };
4720                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getEndSize = function (quickStyleVals) {
4721                        return this.getArrowSize(quickStyleVals, false, this.lineStylesExt, this.lineStyles);
4722                    };
4723                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getConnEndSize = function (quickStyleVals) {
4724                        return this.getArrowSize(quickStyleVals, false, this.connLineStylesExt, this.connLineStyles);
4725                    };
4726                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getFontColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList = function (quickStyleVals, fontColors) {
4727                        this.processTheme();
4728                        var fontColorStyle = quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleFontColor();
4729                        var fontColor = null;
4730                        switch ((quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleFontMatrix())) {
4731                            case 1:
4732                            case 2:
4733                            case 3:
4734                            case 4:
4735                            case 5:
4736                            case 6:
4737                                fontColor = fontColors[quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleFontMatrix() - 1];
4738                                break;
4739                            case 100:
4740                            case 101:
4741                            case 102:
4742                            case 103:
4743                                if (this.isMonotoneVariant[this.themeVariant])
4744                                    fontColorStyle = 100;
4745                                var index = quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleFontMatrix() - 100;
4746                                if (fontColors !== this.fontColors) {
4747                                    fontColor = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.baseColors, "dk1");
4748                                }
4749                                else {
4750                                    fontColor = fontColors[this.variantFontIdx[this.themeVariant][index] - 1];
4751                                }
4752                                break;
4753                        }
4754                        var txtColor;
4755                        if (fontColor != null) {
4756                            txtColor = fontColor.getColor$int$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme(fontColorStyle, this);
4757                        }
4758                        else {
4759                            txtColor = this.getStyleColor(fontColorStyle);
4760                        }
4761                        var styleVariation = quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleVariation();
4763                        //TODO This is the best efforts of interpreting the documentation and also this article https://visualsignals.typepad.co.uk/vislog/2013/05/visio-2013-themes-in-the-shapesheet-part-2.html
4764                        if ((styleVariation & 2) > 0)
4765                        {
4766                        	var bkgHSLClr = this.getStyleColor(8).toHsl();
4767                        	var txtHSLClr = txtColor.toHsl();
4768                        	var fillColor = this.getFillColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(quickStyleVals);
4769                            var fillHSLClr = fillColor.toHsl();
4770                            var lineClr = this.getLineColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(quickStyleVals);
4771                            var lineHSLClr = lineClr.toHsl();
4773                            if (Math.abs(bkgHSLClr.getLum() - txtHSLClr.getLum()) >= 0.1666)
4774                            {
4775                            	//nothing
4776                            }
4777                            else if (bkgHSLClr.getLum() <= 0.7292)
4778                            {
4779                            	txtColor = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color(255, 255, 255);
4780                            }
4781                            else
4782                        	{
4783                            	var lineDiff = Math.abs(bkgHSLClr.getLum() - lineHSLClr.getLum());
4784                            	var fillDiff = Math.abs(bkgHSLClr.getLum() - fillHSLClr.getLum());
4785                            	var txtDiff = Math.abs(bkgHSLClr.getLum() - txtHSLClr.getLum());
4786                            	var max = Math.max(lineDiff, fillDiff, txtDiff);
4788                            	if (max == lineDiff)
4789                        		{
4790                            		txtColor = lineClr;
4791                        		}
4792                            	else if (max == fillDiff)
4793                        		{
4794                            		txtColor = fillColor;
4795                        		}
4796                        	}
4797                        }
4799                        return txtColor;
4800                    };
4801                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getFontColor = function (quickStyleVals, fontColors) {
4802                        if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && ((fontColors != null && (fontColors instanceof Array)) || fontColors === null)) {
4803                            return this.getFontColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, fontColors);
4804                        }
4805                        else if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && fontColors === undefined) {
4806                            return this.getFontColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(quickStyleVals);
4807                        }
4808                        else
4809                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
4810                    };
4811                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getFontColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals = function (quickStyleVals) {
4812                        return this.getFontColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, this.fontColors);
4813                    };
4814                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getConnFontColor = function (quickStyleVals) {
4815                        return this.getFontColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, this.connFontColors);
4816                    };
4817                    /*private*/ mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getArrowType = function (quickStyleVals, isStart, lineStylesExt, lineStyles) {
4818                        var lineStyleExt = this.getLineStyleExt(quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineMatrix(), lineStylesExt);
4819                        if (lineStyleExt != null) {
4820                            return isStart ? lineStyleExt.getStart() : lineStyleExt.getEnd();
4821                        }
4822                        else {
4823                            var lineStyle = this.getLineStyle(quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineMatrix(), lineStyles);
4824                            return lineStyle != null ? (isStart ? lineStyle.getStart() : lineStyle.getEnd()) : 0;
4825                        }
4826                    };
4827                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getEdgeMarker = function (isStart, quickStyleVals) {
4828                        return this.getArrowType(quickStyleVals, isStart, this.lineStylesExt, this.lineStyles);
4829                    };
4830                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getConnEdgeMarker = function (isStart, quickStyleVals) {
4831                        return this.getArrowType(quickStyleVals, isStart, this.connLineStylesExt, this.connLineStyles);
4832                    };
4833                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getLineWidth$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList = function (quickStyleVals, lineStyles) {
4834                        var lineStyle = this.getLineStyle(quickStyleVals.getQuickStyleLineMatrix(), lineStyles);
4835                        return lineStyle != null ? lineStyle.getLineWidth() : 0;
4836                    };
4837                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getLineWidth = function (quickStyleVals, lineStyles) {
4838                        if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && ((lineStyles != null && (lineStyles instanceof Array)) || lineStyles === null)) {
4839                            return this.getLineWidth$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, lineStyles);
4840                        }
4841                        else if (((quickStyleVals != null && quickStyleVals instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals) || quickStyleVals === null) && lineStyles === undefined) {
4842                            return this.getLineWidth$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(quickStyleVals);
4843                        }
4844                        else
4845                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
4846                    };
4847                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getLineWidth$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals = function (quickStyleVals) {
4848                        return this.getLineWidth$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, this.lineStyles);
4849                    };
4850                    mxVsdxTheme.prototype.getConnLineWidth = function (quickStyleVals) {
4851                        return this.getLineWidth$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals$java_util_ArrayList(quickStyleVals, this.connLineStyles);
4852                    };
4853                    return mxVsdxTheme;
4854                }());
4855                mxVsdxTheme.__static_initialized = false;
4856                vsdx.mxVsdxTheme = mxVsdxTheme;
4857                mxVsdxTheme["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxTheme";
4858            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
4859        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
4860    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
4861})(com || (com = {}));
4862(function (com) {
4863    var mxgraph;
4864    (function (mxgraph) {
4865        var io;
4866        (function (io) {
4867            var vsdx;
4868            (function (vsdx) {
4869                /**
4870                 * General utilities for .vdx format support
4871                 * @class
4872                 */
4873                var mxVsdxUtils = (function () {
4874                    function mxVsdxUtils() {
4875                    }
4876                    mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$ = function () { if (mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor == null)
4877                        mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor = mxVsdxUtils.screenCoordinatesPerCm * mxVsdxUtils.CENTIMETERS_PER_INCHES; return mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor; };
4878                    ;
4879                    /**
4880                     * Returns a collection of direct child Elements that match the specified tag name
4881                     * @param {*} parent the parent whose direct children will be processed
4882                     * @param {string} name the child tag name to match
4883                     * @return {*[]} a collection of matching Elements
4884                     */
4885                    mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements = function (parent, name) {
4886                        var result = ([]);
4887                        for (var child = parent.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
4888                            if ((child != null && (child.nodeType == 1)) && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4889                                return o1.equals(o2);
4890                            }
4891                            else {
4892                                return o1 === o2;
4893                            } })(name, child.nodeName)) {
4894                                /* add */ (result.push(child));
4895                            }
4896                        }
4897                        ;
4898                        return result;
4899                    };
4900                    /**
4901                     * Returns a collection of direct child Elements
4902                     * @param {*} parent the parent whose direct children will be processed
4903                     * @return {*[]} a collection of all child Elements
4904                     */
4905                    mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements = function (parent) {
4906                        var result = ([]);
4907                        for (var child = parent.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
4908                            if (child != null && (child.nodeType == 1)) {
4909                                /* add */ (result.push(child));
4910                            }
4911                        }
4912                        ;
4913                        return result;
4914                    };
4915                    /**
4916                     * Returns the first direct child Element
4917                     * @param {*} parent the parent whose direct first child will be processed
4918                     * @return {*} the first child Element
4919                     */
4920                    mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement = function (parent) {
4921                        for (var child = parent.firstChild; child != null; child = child.nextSibling) {
4922                            if (child != null && (child.nodeType == 1)) {
4923                                return child;
4924                            }
4925                        }
4926                        ;
4927                        return null;
4928                    };
4929                    mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String$int = function (elem, attName, defVal) {
4930                        try {
4931                            var val = elem.getAttribute(attName);
4932                            if (val != null) {
4933                                return parseInt(val);
4934                            }
4935                        }
4936                        catch (e) {
4937                        }
4938                        ;
4939                        return defVal;
4940                    };
4941                    /**
4942                     * Return the value of an integer attribute or the default value
4943                     * @param {*} elem Element
4944                     * @param {string} attName Attribute name
4945                     * @param {number} defVal default value
4946                     * @return {number} the parsed attribute value or the default value
4947                     */
4948                    mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr = function (elem, attName, defVal) {
4949                        if (((elem != null && (elem.nodeType == 1)) || elem === null) && ((typeof attName === 'string') || attName === null) && ((typeof defVal === 'number') || defVal === null)) {
4950                            return com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String$int(elem, attName, defVal);
4951                        }
4952                        else if (((elem != null && (elem.nodeType == 1)) || elem === null) && ((typeof attName === 'string') || attName === null) && defVal === undefined) {
4953                            return com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(elem, attName);
4954                        }
4955                        else
4956                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
4957                    };
4958                    mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String = function (elem, attName) {
4959                        return mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String$int(elem, attName, 0);
4960                    };
4961                    /**
4962                     * Returns the string that represents the content of a given style map.
4963                     * @param {*} styleMap Map with the styles values
4964                     * @return {string} string that represents the style.
4965                     * @param {string} asig
4966                     */
4967                    mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString = function (styleMap, asig) {
4968                        var style = "";
4969                        var it = (function (a) { var i = 0; return { next: function () { return i < a.length ? a[i++] : null; }, hasNext: function () { return i < a.length; } }; })(/* values */ (function (obj) { return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) { return obj[key]; }); })(styleMap));
4970                        var kit = (function (a) { var i = 0; return { next: function () { return i < a.length ? a[i++] : null; }, hasNext: function () { return i < a.length; } }; })(/* keySet */ Object.keys(styleMap));
4971                        while ((kit.hasNext())) {
4972                            var key = kit.next();
4973                            var value = it.next();
4974                            if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
4975                                return o1.equals(o2);
4976                            }
4977                            else {
4978                                return o1 === o2;
4979                            } })(key, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE) || (!(function (str, searchString, position) {
4980                                if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
4981                                return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
4982                            })(/* get */ (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(styleMap, key), "image") && !(function (str, searchString, position) {
4983                                if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
4984                                return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
4985                            })(/* get */ (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(styleMap, key), "rounded="))) {
4986                                try {
4987                                    style = style + key + asig;
4988                                }
4989                                catch (e) {
4990                                	console.error("mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString," + e + ",style.length=" + style.length + ",key.length=" + key.length + ",asig.length=" + asig.length);
4991                                }
4992                                ;
4993                            }
4994                            style = style + value + ";";
4995                        }
4996                        ;
4997                        return style;
4998                    };
4999                    /**
5000                     * Returns a text surrounded by tags html.
5001                     * @param {string} text Text to be surrounded.
5002                     * @param {string} tag Name of the tag.
5003                     * @return {string} &lt tag &gt text &lt /tag &gt
5004                     */
5005                    mxVsdxUtils.surroundByTags = function (text, tag) {
5006                        return "<" + tag + ">" + text + "</" + tag + ">";
5007                    };
5008                    /**
5009                     * Converts the ampersand, quote, prime, less-than and greater-than
5010                     * characters to their corresponding HTML entities in the given string.
5011                     *
5012                     * Note: this is the same method of mxUtils but we cannot use it as it is not compatible with google app engine
5013                     * @param {string} text
5014                     * @return {string}
5015                     */
5016                    mxVsdxUtils.htmlEntities = function (text) {
5017                        return text.replace(new RegExp("&", 'g'), "&amp;").replace(new RegExp("\"", 'g'), "&quot;").replace(new RegExp("\'", 'g'), "&prime;").replace(new RegExp("<", 'g'), "&lt;").replace(new RegExp(">", 'g'), "&gt;");
5018                    };
5019                    /**
5020                     * Converts the initial letter  of each word in text to uppercase
5021                     * @param {string} text Text to be transformed.
5022                     * @return {string} Text with initial capitals.
5023                     */
5024                    mxVsdxUtils.toInitialCapital = function (text) {
5025                        var words = text.split(" ");
5026                        var ret = "";
5027                        for (var index150 = 0; index150 < words.length; index150++) {
5028                            var word = words[index150];
5029                            {
5030                                var begin = word.substring(0, 1);
5031                                word = word.substring(1);
5032                                begin = begin.toUpperCase();
5033                                ret += begin + word;
5034                            }
5035                        }
5036                        return ret.substring(0, ret.length);
5037                    };
5038                    /**
5039                     * Trnsforms each lower case letter in text to small capital.
5040                     * @param {string} text Text to be transformed.
5041                     * @param {string} size Size of the original text.
5042                     * @return {string} Text in small capitals.
5043                     */
5044                    mxVsdxUtils.toSmallCaps = function (text, size) {
5045                        var ret = "";
5046                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
5047                            return o1.equals(o2);
5048                        }
5049                        else {
5050                            return o1 === o2;
5051                        } })(size, ret)) {
5052                            var a = 'a';
5053                            var z = 'z';
5054                            var letters = (text).split('');
5055                            for (var index151 = 0; index151 < letters.length; index151++) {
5056                                var c = letters[index151];
5057                                {
5058                                    if ((function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(c) >= (function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(a) && (function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(c) <= (function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(z)) {
5059                                        var s = new String(c).toString();
5060                                        s = s.toUpperCase();
5061                                        ret += "<font style=\"font-size:" + parseFloat(size) / 1.28 + "px\">" + s + "</font>";
5062                                    }
5063                                    else {
5064                                        ret += c;
5065                                    }
5066                                }
5067                            }
5068                        }
5069                        else {
5070                            ret = text;
5071                        }
5072                        return ret;
5073                    };
5074                    /**
5075                     * Create a style map from a String with style definitions.
5076                     * @param {string} style Definition of the style.
5077                     * @param {string} asig Asignation simbol used in 'style'.
5078                     * @return {*} Map with the style properties.
5079                     */
5080                    mxVsdxUtils.getStyleMap = function (style, asig) {
5081                        var styleMap = ({});
5082                        var entries = style.split(";");
5083                        for (var index152 = 0; index152 < entries.length; index152++) {
5084                            var entry = entries[index152];
5085                            {
5086                                var index = entry.indexOf(asig);
5087                                var key = entry.substring(0, index);
5088                                var value = entry.substring(index + 1);
5089                                /* put */ (styleMap[key] = value);
5090                            }
5091                        }
5092                        return styleMap;
5093                    };
5094                    mxVsdxUtils.isInsideTriangle = function (x, y, ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) {
5095						function sign (p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y)
5096						{
5097						    return (p1x - p3x) * (p2y - p3y) - (p2x - p3x) * (p1y - p3y);
5098						}
5100					    var d1 = sign(x, y, ax, ay, bx, by);
5101					    var d2 = sign(x, y, bx, by, cx, cy);
5102					    var d3 = sign(x, y, cx, cy, ax, ay);
5104					    var has_neg = (d1 < 0) || (d2 < 0) || (d3 < 0);
5105					    var has_pos = (d1 > 0) || (d2 > 0) || (d3 > 0);
5107					    return !(has_neg && has_pos);
5108                    };
5109                    return mxVsdxUtils;
5110                }());
5111                mxVsdxUtils.screenCoordinatesPerCm = 40;
5112                mxVsdxUtils.CENTIMETERS_PER_INCHES = 2.54;
5113                vsdx.mxVsdxUtils = mxVsdxUtils;
5114                mxVsdxUtils["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils";
5115            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
5116        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
5117    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
5118})(com || (com = {}));
5119(function (com) {
5120    var mxgraph;
5121    (function (mxgraph) {
5122        var io;
5123        (function (io) {
5124            var vsdx;
5125            (function (vsdx) {
5126                /**
5127                 * Represents a single formatted section of text
5128                 * @param {string} val
5129                 * @param {string} ch
5130                 * @param {string} pg
5131                 * @param {string} field
5132                 * @class
5133                 */
5134                var Paragraph = (function () {
5135                    function Paragraph(val, ch, pg, field) {
5136                        this.values = null;
5137                        this.charIndices = null;
5138                        this.fields = null;
5139                        this.paraIndex = null;
5140                        this.values = ([]);
5141                        /* add */ (this.values.push(val));
5142                        this.charIndices = ([]);
5143                        /* add */ (this.charIndices.push(ch));
5144                        this.fields = ([]);
5145                        /* add */ (this.fields.push(field));
5146                        this.paraIndex = pg;
5147                    }
5148                    Paragraph.prototype.addText = function (val, ch, field) {
5149                        /* add */ (this.values.push(val));
5150                        /* add */ (this.charIndices.push(ch));
5151                        /* add */ (this.fields.push(field));
5152                    };
5153                    Paragraph.prototype.getParagraphIndex = function () {
5154                        return this.paraIndex;
5155                    };
5156                    Paragraph.prototype.getValue = function (index) {
5157                        return this.values[index];
5158                    };
5159                    Paragraph.prototype.numValues = function () {
5160                        return this.values.length;
5161                    };
5162                    Paragraph.prototype.getChar = function (index) {
5163                        return this.charIndices[index];
5164                    };
5165                    Paragraph.prototype.getField = function (index) {
5166                        return this.fields[index];
5167                    };
5168                    return Paragraph;
5169                }());
5170                vsdx.Paragraph = Paragraph;
5171                Paragraph["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Paragraph";
5172            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
5173        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
5174    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
5175})(com || (com = {}));
5176(function (com) {
5177    var mxgraph;
5178    (function (mxgraph) {
5179        var io;
5180        (function (io) {
5181            var vsdx;
5182            (function (vsdx) {
5183                /**
5184                 * Constructs a new Section
5185                 * @param {*} elem the Element to wrap
5186                 * @class
5187                 */
5188                var Section = (function () {
5189                    function Section(elem) {
5190                        /**
5191                         * The section element
5192                         */
5193                        this.elem = null;
5194                        this.elem = elem;
5195                    }
5196                    /**
5197                     * Return the specified cell by key by row index, if it exists
5198                     * @param {string} index the row index to search
5199                     * @param {string} cellKey the name of the Cell to search for
5200                     * @return {*} the Element of the specified Cell, if null if it doesn't exist
5201                     */
5202                    Section.prototype.getIndexedCell = function (index, cellKey) {
5203                        var rows = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(this.elem, "Row");
5204                        for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
5205                            var row = rows[i];
5206                            var n = row.getAttribute("IX");
5207                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
5208                                return o1.equals(o2);
5209                            }
5210                            else {
5211                                return o1 === o2;
5212                            } })(n, index) || index == null) {
5213                                var cells = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(row, "Cell");
5214                                for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
5215                                    var cell = cells[j];
5216                                    n = cell.getAttribute("N");
5217                                    if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
5218                                        return o1.equals(o2);
5219                                    }
5220                                    else {
5221                                        return o1 === o2;
5222                                    } })(n, cellKey)) {
5223                                        return cell;
5224                                    }
5225                                }
5226                                ;
5227                            }
5228                        }
5229                        ;
5230                        return null;
5231                    };
5232                    return Section;
5233                }());
5234                vsdx.Section = Section;
5235                Section["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Section";
5236            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
5237        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
5238    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
5239})(com || (com = {}));
5240(function (com) {
5241    var mxgraph;
5242    (function (mxgraph) {
5243        var io;
5244        (function (io) {
5245            var vsdx;
5246            (function (vsdx) {
5247                /**
5248                 * Wraps the page and shape ID within that page to create a unique ID
5249                 * @param {number} pageNumber
5250                 * @param {number} Id
5251                 * @class
5252                 */
5253                var ShapePageId = (function () {
5254                    function ShapePageId(pageNumber, Id) {
5255                        this.pageNumber = 0;
5256                        this.Id = 0;
5257                        this.pageNumber = pageNumber;
5258                        this.Id = Id;
5259                    }
5260                    ShapePageId.prototype.getId = function () {
5261                        return this.Id;
5262                    };
5263                    ShapePageId.prototype.getPageNumber = function () {
5264                        return this.pageNumber;
5265                    };
5266                    /**
5267                     *
5268                     * @param {*} obj
5269                     * @return {boolean}
5270                     */
5271                    ShapePageId.prototype.equals = function (obj) {
5272                        if (obj == null || this.constructor !== obj.constructor) {
5273                            return false;
5274                        }
5275                        var other = obj;
5276                        if (this.pageNumber !== other.pageNumber || this.Id !== other.Id) {
5277                            return false;
5278                        }
5279                        return true;
5280                    };
5281                    /**
5282                     *
5283                     * @return {number}
5284                     */
5285                    ShapePageId.prototype.hashCode = function () {
5286                        return 100000 * this.pageNumber + this.Id;
5287                    };
5288                    return ShapePageId;
5289                }());
5290                vsdx.ShapePageId = ShapePageId;
5291                ShapePageId["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.ShapePageId";
5292            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
5293        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
5294    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
5295})(com || (com = {}));
5296(function (com) {
5297    var mxgraph;
5298    (function (mxgraph) {
5299        var io;
5300        (function (io) {
5301            var vsdx;
5302            (function (vsdx) {
5303                var theme;
5304                (function (theme) {
5305                    var Color = (function () {
5306                        function Color(red, green, blue) {
5307                            this.red = 0;
5308                            this.green = 0;
5309                            this.blue = 0;
5310                            this.gradientClr = null;
5311                            this.red = red;
5312                            this.green = green;
5313                            this.blue = blue;
5314                        }
5315                        Color.NONE_$LI$ = function () { if (Color.NONE == null)
5316                            Color.NONE = new Color(-1, -1, -1); return Color.NONE; };
5317                        ;
5318                        Color.prototype.getRed = function () {
5319                            return this.red;
5320                        };
5321                        Color.prototype.setRed = function (red) {
5322                            this.red = red;
5323                        };
5324                        Color.prototype.getGreen = function () {
5325                            return this.green;
5326                        };
5327                        Color.prototype.setGreen = function (green) {
5328                            this.green = green;
5329                        };
5330                        Color.prototype.getBlue = function () {
5331                            return this.blue;
5332                        };
5333                        Color.prototype.setBlue = function (blue) {
5334                            this.blue = blue;
5335                        };
5336                        Color.prototype.toHsl = function () {
5337                            var r = this.getRed() / 255.0;
5338                            var g = this.getGreen() / 255.0;
5339                            var b = this.getBlue() / 255.0;
5340                            var max = Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b));
5341                            var min = Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b));
5342                            var l = (max + min) / 2.0;
5343                            var h;
5344                            var s;
5345                            if (max === min) {
5346                                h = s = 0;
5347                            }
5348                            else {
5349                                var d = max - min;
5350                                s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
5351                                if (max === r) {
5352                                    h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
5353                                }
5354                                else if (max === g) {
5355                                    h = (b - r) / d + 2;
5356                                }
5357                                else {
5358                                    h = (r - g) / d + 4;
5359                                }
5360                                h /= 6;
5361                            }
5362                            return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.HSLColor(h, s, l);
5363                        };
5364                        Color.prototype.toHsv = function () {
5365                            var r = this.getRed() / 255.0;
5366                            var g = this.getGreen() / 255.0;
5367                            var b = this.getBlue() / 255.0;
5368                            var max = Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b));
5369                            var min = Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b));
5370                            var h;
5371                            var s;
5372                            var v = max;
5373                            var d = max - min;
5374                            s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max;
5375                            if (max === min) {
5376                                h = 0;
5377                            }
5378                            else {
5379                                if (max === r) {
5380                                    h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
5381                                }
5382                                else if (max === g) {
5383                                    h = (b - r) / d + 2;
5384                                }
5385                                else {
5386                                    h = (r - g) / d + 4;
5387                                }
5388                                h /= 6;
5389                            }
5390                            return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.HSVColor(h, s, v);
5391                        };
5392                        Color.decodeColorHex = function (hex) {
5393                            var color = parseInt(hex, 16);
5394                            return new Color((color >> 16) & 255, (color >> 8) & 255, color & 255);
5395                        };
5396                        Color.prototype.toHexStr = function () {
5397                        	var r = this.red.toString(16);
5398                        	r = r.length == 1 ? '0' + r : r;
5399                        	var g = this.green.toString(16);
5400                        	g = g.length == 1 ? '0' + g : g;
5401                        	var b = this.blue.toString(16);
5402                        	b = b.length == 1 ? '0' + b : b;
5404                            return "#" + r + g + b;
5405                        };
5406                        Color.prototype.getGradientClr = function () {
5407                            return this.gradientClr;
5408                        };
5409                        Color.prototype.setGradientClr = function (gradientClr) {
5410                            this.gradientClr = gradientClr;
5411                        };
5412                        return Color;
5413                    }());
5414                    theme.Color = Color;
5415                    Color["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color";
5416                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
5417            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
5418        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
5419    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
5420})(com || (com = {}));
5421(function (com) {
5422    var mxgraph;
5423    (function (mxgraph) {
5424        var io;
5425        (function (io) {
5426            var vsdx;
5427            (function (vsdx) {
5428                var theme;
5429                (function (theme) {
5430                    var FillStyleFactory = (function () {
5431                        function FillStyleFactory() {
5432                        }
5433                        FillStyleFactory.getFillStyle = function (fillStyle) {
5434                            var fillObj = null;
5435                            switch ((fillStyle.nodeName)) {
5436                                case "a:solidFill":
5437                                    fillObj = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.SolidFillStyle(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(fillStyle)));
5438                                    break;
5439                                case "a:noFill":
5440                                    fillObj = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.NoFillStyle();
5441                                    break;
5442                                case "a:gradFill":
5443                                    fillObj = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.GradFill(fillStyle);
5444                                    break;
5445                                case "a:blipFill":
5446                                    break;
5447                                case "a:pattFill":
5448                                    break;
5449                                case "a:grpFill":
5450                                    break;
5451                            }
5452                            return fillObj;
5453                        };
5454                        return FillStyleFactory;
5455                    }());
5456                    theme.FillStyleFactory = FillStyleFactory;
5457                    FillStyleFactory["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.FillStyleFactory";
5458                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
5459            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
5460        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
5461    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
5462})(com || (com = {}));
5463(function (com) {
5464    var mxgraph;
5465    (function (mxgraph) {
5466        var io;
5467        (function (io) {
5468            var vsdx;
5469            (function (vsdx) {
5470                var theme;
5471                (function (theme_2) {
5472                    var GradFill = (function () {
5473                        function GradFill(elem) {
5474                            /*private*/ this.color1 = null;
5475                            /*private*/ this.color2 = null;
5476                            var gsLst = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(elem, "a:gsLst");
5477                            if (gsLst.length > 0) {
5478                                var gs = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(/* get */ gsLst[0]);
5479                                if (gs.length >= 2) {
5480                                    this.color2 = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(/* get */ gs[0]));
5481                                    this.color1 = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(/* get */ gs[gs.length - 1]));
5482                                }
5483                            }
5484                            if (this.color1 == null) {
5485                                this.color1 = this.color2 = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.SrgbClr("FFFFFF");
5486                            }
5487                        }
5488                        /**
5489                         *
5490                         * @param {number} styleValue
5491                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxTheme} theme
5492                         * @return {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color}
5493                         */
5494                        GradFill.prototype.applyStyle = function (styleValue, theme) {
5495                            var color = this.color1.getColor$int$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme(styleValue, theme);
5496                            color.setGradientClr(this.color2.getColor$int$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme(styleValue, theme));
5497                            return color;
5498                        };
5499                        return GradFill;
5500                    }());
5501                    theme_2.GradFill = GradFill;
5502                    GradFill["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.GradFill";
5503                    GradFill["__interfaces"] = ["com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.FillStyle"];
5504                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
5505            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
5506        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
5507    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
5508})(com || (com = {}));
5509(function (com) {
5510    var mxgraph;
5511    (function (mxgraph) {
5512        var io;
5513        (function (io) {
5514            var vsdx;
5515            (function (vsdx) {
5516                var theme;
5517                (function (theme) {
5518                    var HSLColor = (function () {
5519                        function HSLColor(hue, sat, lum) {
5520                            this.hue = 0;
5521                            this.sat = 0;
5522                            this.lum = 0;
5523                            this.hue = hue;
5524                            this.sat = sat;
5525                            this.lum = lum;
5526                        }
5527                        HSLColor.prototype.getHue = function () {
5528                            return this.hue;
5529                        };
5530                        HSLColor.prototype.setHue = function (hue) {
5531                            this.hue = hue;
5532                        };
5533                        HSLColor.prototype.getSat = function () {
5534                            return this.sat;
5535                        };
5536                        HSLColor.prototype.setSat = function (sat) {
5537                            this.sat = sat;
5538                        };
5539                        HSLColor.prototype.getLum = function () {
5540                            return this.lum;
5541                        };
5542                        HSLColor.prototype.setLum = function (lum) {
5543                            this.lum = lum;
5544                        };
5545                        /*private*/ HSLColor.prototype.hue2rgb = function (p, q, t) {
5546                            if (t < 0)
5547                                t += 1;
5548                            if (t > 1)
5549                                t -= 1;
5550                            if (t < 1 / 6.0)
5551                                return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
5552                            if (t < 0.5)
5553                                return q;
5554                            if (t < 2 / 3.0)
5555                                return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3.0 - t) * 6;
5556                            return p;
5557                        };
5558                        HSLColor.prototype.toRgb = function () {
5559                            var r;
5560                            var g;
5561                            var b;
5562                            var h = this.hue;
5563                            var s = this.sat;
5564                            var l = this.lum;
5565                            if (s === 0) {
5566                                r = g = b = l;
5567                            }
5568                            else {
5569                                var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
5570                                var p = 2 * l - q;
5571                                r = this.hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3.0);
5572                                g = this.hue2rgb(p, q, h);
5573                                b = this.hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3.0);
5574                            }
5575                            return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color(((r * 255) | 0), ((g * 255) | 0), ((b * 255) | 0));
5576                        };
5577                        /*private*/ HSLColor.prototype.clamp01 = function (val) {
5578                            return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, val));
5579                        };
5580                        HSLColor.prototype.tint = function (amount) {
5581                            this.lum *= (1 + (amount / 100.0));
5582                            this.lum = this.clamp01(this.lum);
5583                            return this;
5584                        };
5585                        HSLColor.prototype.shade = function (amount) {
5586                            this.lum *= amount / 100.0;
5587                            this.lum = this.clamp01(this.lum);
5588                            return this;
5589                        };
5590                        HSLColor.prototype.satMod = function (amount) {
5591                            this.sat *= amount / 100.0;
5592                            this.sat = this.clamp01(this.sat);
5593                            return this;
5594                        };
5595                        HSLColor.prototype.lumMod = function (amount) {
5596                            this.lum *= amount / 100.0;
5597                            this.lum = this.clamp01(this.lum);
5598                            return this;
5599                        };
5600                        return HSLColor;
5601                    }());
5602                    theme.HSLColor = HSLColor;
5603                    HSLColor["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.HSLColor";
5604                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
5605            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
5606        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
5607    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
5608})(com || (com = {}));
5609(function (com) {
5610    var mxgraph;
5611    (function (mxgraph) {
5612        var io;
5613        (function (io) {
5614            var vsdx;
5615            (function (vsdx) {
5616                var theme;
5617                (function (theme) {
5618                    var HSVColor = (function () {
5619                        function HSVColor(h, s, v) {
5620                            this.h = 0;
5621                            this.s = 0;
5622                            this.v = 0;
5623                            this.h = h;
5624                            this.s = s;
5625                            this.v = v;
5626                        }
5627                        HSVColor.prototype.toRgb = function () {
5628                            var h = this.h * 6;
5629                            var s = this.s;
5630                            var l = this.v;
5631                            var i = Math.floor(h);
5632                            var f = h - i;
5633                            var p = this.v * (1 - s);
5634                            var q = this.v * (1 - f * s);
5635                            var t = this.v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
5636                            var mod = (i | 0) % 6;
5637                            var rArr = [this.v, q, p, p, t, this.v];
5638                            var gArr = [t, this.v, this.v, q, p, p];
5639                            var bArr = [p, p, t, this.v, this.v, q];
5640                            var r = rArr[mod];
5641                            var g = gArr[mod];
5642                            var b = bArr[mod];
5643                            return new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color(((r * 255) | 0), ((g * 255) | 0), ((b * 255) | 0));
5644                        };
5645                        /*private*/ HSVColor.prototype.clamp01 = function (val) {
5646                            return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, val));
5647                        };
5648                        HSVColor.prototype.tint = function (amount) {
5649                            this.v *= (1 + (amount / 100.0));
5650                            this.v = this.clamp01(this.v);
5651                            return this;
5652                        };
5653                        HSVColor.prototype.shade = function (amount) {
5654                            this.v *= amount / 100.0;
5655                            this.v = this.clamp01(this.v);
5656                            return this;
5657                        };
5658                        HSVColor.prototype.satMod = function (amount) {
5659                            this.s *= amount / 100.0;
5660                            this.s = this.clamp01(this.s);
5661                            return this;
5662                        };
5663                        HSVColor.prototype.lumMod = function (amount) {
5664                            this.v *= amount / 100.0;
5665                            this.v = this.clamp01(this.v);
5666                            return this;
5667                        };
5668                        HSVColor.prototype.hueMod = function (amount) {
5669                            this.h *= amount / 100.0;
5670                            this.h = this.clamp01(this.h);
5671                            return this;
5672                        };
5673                        return HSVColor;
5674                    }());
5675                    theme.HSVColor = HSVColor;
5676                    HSVColor["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.HSVColor";
5677                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
5678            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
5679        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
5680    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
5681})(com || (com = {}));
5682(function (com) {
5683    var mxgraph;
5684    (function (mxgraph) {
5685        var io;
5686        (function (io) {
5687            var vsdx;
5688            (function (vsdx) {
5689                var theme;
5690                (function (theme_3) {
5691                    var LineStyle = (function () {
5692                        function LineStyle(elem) {
5693                            var _this = this;
5694                            /*private*/ this.isLineDashed = false;
5695                            /*private*/ this.lineDashPattern = ([]);
5696                            /*private*/ this.isRoundJoin = false;
5697                            /*private*/ this.isBevelJoin = false;
5698                            /*private*/ this.isMiterJoin = false;
5699                            if (((elem != null && (elem.nodeType == 1)) || elem === null)) {
5700                                var __args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
5701                                this.lineWidth = 0;
5702                                this.lineCap = null;
5703                                this.lineComp = null;
5704                                this.fillStyle = null;
5705                                this.headEndType = null;
5706                                this.headEndWidth = 0;
5707                                this.headEndLen = 0;
5708                                this.tailEndType = null;
5709                                this.tailEndWidth = 0;
5710                                this.tailEndLen = 0;
5711                                this.isLineDashed = false;
5712                                this.lineDashPattern = ([]);
5713                                this.isRoundJoin = false;
5714                                this.isBevelJoin = false;
5715                                this.isMiterJoin = false;
5716                                this.lineWidth = 0;
5717                                this.lineCap = null;
5718                                this.lineComp = null;
5719                                this.fillStyle = null;
5720                                this.headEndType = null;
5721                                this.headEndWidth = 0;
5722                                this.headEndLen = 0;
5723                                this.tailEndType = null;
5724                                this.tailEndWidth = 0;
5725                                this.tailEndLen = 0;
5726                                (function () {
5727                                    _this.lineWidth = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(elem, "w");
5728                                    var lineCapAtt = elem.getAttribute("cap");
5729                                    if (lineCapAtt != null) {
5730                                        switch ((lineCapAtt)) {
5731                                            case "rnd":
5732                                                _this.lineCap = LineStyle.LineCapType.ROUND;
5733                                                break;
5734                                            case "sq":
5735                                                _this.lineCap = LineStyle.LineCapType.SQUARE;
5736                                                break;
5737                                            case "flat":
5738                                                _this.lineCap = LineStyle.LineCapType.FLAT;
5739                                                break;
5740                                        }
5741                                    }
5742                                    var lineCompAtt = elem.getAttribute("cmpd");
5743                                    if (lineCompAtt != null) {
5744                                        switch ((lineCompAtt)) {
5745                                            case "sng":
5746                                                _this.lineComp = LineStyle.CompoundLineType.SINGLE;
5747                                                break;
5748                                            case "dbl":
5749                                                _this.lineComp = LineStyle.CompoundLineType.DOUBLE;
5750                                                break;
5751                                            case "thickThin":
5752                                                _this.lineComp = LineStyle.CompoundLineType.THICK_THIN_DOUBLE;
5753                                                break;
5754                                            case "thinThick":
5755                                                _this.lineComp = LineStyle.CompoundLineType.THIN_THICK_DOUBLE;
5756                                                break;
5757                                            case "tri":
5758                                                _this.lineComp = LineStyle.CompoundLineType.THIN_THICK_THIN_TRIPLE;
5759                                                break;
5760                                        }
5761                                    }
5762                                    var subElems = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(elem);
5763                                    for (var index153 = 0; index153 < subElems.length; index153++) {
5764                                        var subElem = subElems[index153];
5765                                        {
5766                                            var name_8 = subElem.nodeName;
5767                                            switch ((name_8)) {
5768                                                case "a:noFill":
5769                                                case "a:solidFill":
5770                                                case "a:gradFill":
5771                                                case "a:pattFill":
5772                                                    _this.fillStyle = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.FillStyleFactory.getFillStyle(subElem);
5773                                                    break;
5774                                                case "a:prstDash":
5775                                                    var val = subElem.getAttribute("val");
5776                                                    _this.isLineDashed = true;
5777                                                    switch ((val)) {
5778                                                        case "solid":
5779                                                            _this.isLineDashed = false;
5780                                                            break;
5781                                                        case "sysDot":
5782                                                        case "dot":
5783                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(1.0));
5784                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(4.0));
5785                                                            break;
5786                                                        case "sysDash":
5787                                                        case "dash":
5788                                                            break;
5789                                                        case "lgDash":
5790                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(12.0));
5791                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(4.0));
5792                                                            break;
5793                                                        case "sysDashDot":
5794                                                        case "dashDot":
5795                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(8.0));
5796                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(4.0));
5797                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(1.0));
5798                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(4.0));
5799                                                            break;
5800                                                        case "lgDashDot":
5801                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(12.0));
5802                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(4.0));
5803                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(1.0));
5804                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(4.0));
5805                                                            break;
5806                                                        case "sysDashDotDot":
5807                                                        case "lgDashDotDot":
5808                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(12.0));
5809                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(4.0));
5810                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(1.0));
5811                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(4.0));
5812                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(1.0));
5813                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(4.0));
5814                                                            break;
5815                                                    }
5816                                                    break;
5817                                                case "a:custDash":
5818                                                    _this.isLineDashed = true;
5819                                                    var dsElems = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(subElem, "a:ds");
5820                                                    for (var index154 = 0; index154 < dsElems.length; index154++) {
5821                                                        var dsElem = dsElems[index154];
5822                                                        {
5823                                                            var dashLen = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(dsElem, "d");
5824                                                            var spaceLen = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(dsElem, "sp");
5825                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(dashLen / 10000.0));
5826                                                            /* add */ (_this.lineDashPattern.push(spaceLen / 10000.0));
5827                                                        }
5828                                                    }
5829                                                    break;
5830                                                case "a:round":
5831                                                    _this.isRoundJoin = true;
5832                                                    break;
5833                                                case "a:bevel":
5834                                                    _this.isBevelJoin = true;
5835                                                    break;
5836                                                case "a:miter":
5837                                                    var limit = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(subElem, "lim");
5838                                                    _this.isMiterJoin = true;
5839                                                    break;
5840                                                case "a:headEnd":
5841                                                    _this.headEndType = _this.getLineEndType(subElem);
5842                                                    _this.headEndWidth = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(subElem, "w");
5843                                                    _this.headEndLen = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(subElem, "len");
5844                                                    break;
5845                                                case "a:tailEnd":
5846                                                    _this.tailEndType = _this.getLineEndType(subElem);
5847                                                    _this.tailEndWidth = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(subElem, "w");
5848                                                    _this.tailEndLen = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(subElem, "len");
5849                                                    break;
5850                                                case "a:extLst":
5851                                                    break;
5852                                            }
5853                                        }
5854                                    }
5855                                })();
5856                            }
5857                            else if (elem === undefined) {
5858                                var __args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
5859                                this.lineWidth = 0;
5860                                this.lineCap = null;
5861                                this.lineComp = null;
5862                                this.fillStyle = null;
5863                                this.headEndType = null;
5864                                this.headEndWidth = 0;
5865                                this.headEndLen = 0;
5866                                this.tailEndType = null;
5867                                this.tailEndWidth = 0;
5868                                this.tailEndLen = 0;
5869                                this.isLineDashed = false;
5870                                this.lineDashPattern = ([]);
5871                                this.isRoundJoin = false;
5872                                this.isBevelJoin = false;
5873                                this.isMiterJoin = false;
5874                                this.lineWidth = 0;
5875                                this.lineCap = null;
5876                                this.lineComp = null;
5877                                this.fillStyle = null;
5878                                this.headEndType = null;
5879                                this.headEndWidth = 0;
5880                                this.headEndLen = 0;
5881                                this.tailEndType = null;
5882                                this.tailEndWidth = 0;
5883                                this.tailEndLen = 0;
5884                            }
5885                            else
5886                                throw new Error('invalid overload');
5887                        }
5888                        LineStyle.prototype.getLineEndType = function (subElem) {
5889                            var type = subElem.getAttribute("type");
5890                            var endType = null;
5891                            switch ((type)) {
5892                                case "none":
5893                                    endType = LineStyle.LineEndType.NONE;
5894                                    break;
5895                                case "triangle":
5896                                    endType = LineStyle.LineEndType.TRIANGLE;
5897                                    break;
5898                                case "stealth":
5899                                    endType = LineStyle.LineEndType.STEALTH;
5900                                    break;
5901                                case "diamond":
5902                                    endType = LineStyle.LineEndType.DIAMOND;
5903                                    break;
5904                                case "oval":
5905                                    endType = LineStyle.LineEndType.OVAL;
5906                                    break;
5907                                case "arrow":
5908                                    endType = LineStyle.LineEndType.ARROW;
5909                                    break;
5910                            }
5911                            return endType;
5912                        };
5913                        LineStyle.prototype.getLineColor = function (lineColorStyle, theme) {
5914                            if (this.fillStyle != null)
5915                                return this.fillStyle.applyStyle(lineColorStyle, theme);
5916                            else
5917                                return theme.getDefaultLineClr();
5918                        };
5919                        LineStyle.prototype.isDashed = function () {
5920                            return this.isLineDashed;
5921                        };
5922                        LineStyle.prototype.getLineDashPattern = function () {
5923                            return this.lineDashPattern;
5924                        };
5925                        LineStyle.prototype.getStartSize = function () {
5926                            return 4;
5927                        };
5928                        LineStyle.prototype.getEndSize = function () {
5929                            return 4;
5930                        };
5931                        LineStyle.prototype.getStart = function () {
5932                            return 0;
5933                        };
5934                        LineStyle.prototype.getEnd = function () {
5935                            return 0;
5936                        };
5937                        LineStyle.prototype.getLineWidth = function () {
5938                            return this.lineWidth;
5939                        };
5940                        return LineStyle;
5941                    }());
5942                    theme_3.LineStyle = LineStyle;
5943                    LineStyle["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.LineStyle";
5944                    (function (LineStyle) {
5945                        var LineCapType;
5946                        (function (LineCapType) {
5947                            LineCapType[LineCapType["ROUND"] = 0] = "ROUND";
5948                            LineCapType[LineCapType["SQUARE"] = 1] = "SQUARE";
5949                            LineCapType[LineCapType["FLAT"] = 2] = "FLAT";
5950                        })(LineCapType = LineStyle.LineCapType || (LineStyle.LineCapType = {}));
5951                        var CompoundLineType;
5952                        (function (CompoundLineType) {
5953                            CompoundLineType[CompoundLineType["SINGLE"] = 0] = "SINGLE";
5954                            CompoundLineType[CompoundLineType["DOUBLE"] = 1] = "DOUBLE";
5955                            CompoundLineType[CompoundLineType["THICK_THIN_DOUBLE"] = 2] = "THICK_THIN_DOUBLE";
5956                            CompoundLineType[CompoundLineType["THIN_THICK_DOUBLE"] = 3] = "THIN_THICK_DOUBLE";
5957                            CompoundLineType[CompoundLineType["THIN_THICK_THIN_TRIPLE"] = 4] = "THIN_THICK_THIN_TRIPLE";
5958                        })(CompoundLineType = LineStyle.CompoundLineType || (LineStyle.CompoundLineType = {}));
5959                        var LineEndType;
5960                        (function (LineEndType) {
5961                            LineEndType[LineEndType["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE";
5962                            LineEndType[LineEndType["TRIANGLE"] = 1] = "TRIANGLE";
5963                            LineEndType[LineEndType["STEALTH"] = 2] = "STEALTH";
5964                            LineEndType[LineEndType["DIAMOND"] = 3] = "DIAMOND";
5965                            LineEndType[LineEndType["OVAL"] = 4] = "OVAL";
5966                            LineEndType[LineEndType["ARROW"] = 5] = "ARROW";
5967                        })(LineEndType = LineStyle.LineEndType || (LineStyle.LineEndType = {}));
5968                    })(LineStyle = theme_3.LineStyle || (theme_3.LineStyle = {}));
5969                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
5970            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
5971        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
5972    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
5973})(com || (com = {}));
5974(function (com) {
5975    var mxgraph;
5976    (function (mxgraph) {
5977        var io;
5978        (function (io) {
5979            var vsdx;
5980            (function (vsdx) {
5981                var theme;
5982                (function (theme) {
5983                    var LineStyleExt = (function () {
5984                        function LineStyleExt(elem) {
5985                            /*private*/ this.rndg = 0;
5986                            /*private*/ this.start = 0;
5987                            /*private*/ this.startSize = 0;
5988                            /*private*/ this.end = 0;
5989                            /*private*/ this.endSize = 0;
5990                            /*private*/ this.pattern = 0;
5991                            this.lineDashPattern = null;
5992                            var lineEx = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectFirstChildElement(elem);
5993                            this.rndg = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(lineEx, "rndg");
5994                            this.start = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(lineEx, "start");
5995                            this.startSize = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(lineEx, "startSize");
5996                            this.end = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(lineEx, "end");
5997                            this.endSize = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(lineEx, "endSize");
5998                            this.pattern = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getIntAttr$org_w3c_dom_Element$java_lang_String(lineEx, "pattern");
5999                            this.lineDashPattern = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Style.getLineDashPattern(this.pattern);
6000                        }
6001                        LineStyleExt.prototype.getRndg = function () {
6002                            return this.rndg;
6003                        };
6004                        LineStyleExt.prototype.getStart = function () {
6005                            return this.start;
6006                        };
6007                        LineStyleExt.prototype.getStartSize = function () {
6008                            return this.startSize;
6009                        };
6010                        LineStyleExt.prototype.getEnd = function () {
6011                            return this.end;
6012                        };
6013                        LineStyleExt.prototype.getEndSize = function () {
6014                            return this.endSize;
6015                        };
6016                        LineStyleExt.prototype.isDashed = function () {
6017                            return this.pattern > 1;
6018                        };
6019                        LineStyleExt.prototype.getLineDashPattern = function () {
6020                            return this.lineDashPattern;
6021                        };
6022                        return LineStyleExt;
6023                    }());
6024                    theme.LineStyleExt = LineStyleExt;
6025                    LineStyleExt["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.LineStyleExt";
6026                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
6027            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6028        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6029    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6030})(com || (com = {}));
6031(function (com) {
6032    var mxgraph;
6033    (function (mxgraph) {
6034        var io;
6035        (function (io) {
6036            var vsdx;
6037            (function (vsdx) {
6038                var theme;
6039                (function (theme_4) {
6040                    var NoFillStyle = (function () {
6041                        function NoFillStyle() {
6042                        }
6043                        /**
6044                         *
6045                         * @param {number} styleValue
6046                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxTheme} theme
6047                         * @return {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color}
6048                         */
6049                        NoFillStyle.prototype.applyStyle = function (styleValue, theme) {
6050                            return com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color.NONE_$LI$();
6051                        };
6052                        return NoFillStyle;
6053                    }());
6054                    theme_4.NoFillStyle = NoFillStyle;
6055                    NoFillStyle["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.NoFillStyle";
6056                    NoFillStyle["__interfaces"] = ["com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.FillStyle"];
6057                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
6058            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6059        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6060    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6061})(com || (com = {}));
6062(function (com) {
6063    var mxgraph;
6064    (function (mxgraph) {
6065        var io;
6066        (function (io) {
6067            var vsdx;
6068            (function (vsdx) {
6069                var theme;
6070                (function (theme_5) {
6071                    var OoxmlColor = (function () {
6072                        function OoxmlColor() {
6073                            /*private*/ this.tint = 0;
6074                            /*private*/ this.shade = 0;
6075                            /*private*/ this.comp = 0;
6076                            /*private*/ this.inv = 0;
6077                            /*private*/ this.gray = 0;
6078                            /*private*/ this.alpha = 0;
6079                            /*private*/ this.alphaOff = 0;
6080                            /*private*/ this.alphaMod = 0;
6081                            /*private*/ this.hue = 0;
6082                            /*private*/ this.hueOff = 0;
6083                            /*private*/ this.hueMod = 0;
6084                            /*private*/ this.sat = 0;
6085                            /*private*/ this.satOff = 0;
6086                            /*private*/ this.satMod = 0;
6087                            /*private*/ this.lum = 0;
6088                            /*private*/ this.lumOff = 0;
6089                            /*private*/ this.lumMod = 0;
6090                            /*private*/ this.red = 0;
6091                            /*private*/ this.redOff = 0;
6092                            /*private*/ this.redMod = 0;
6093                            /*private*/ this.green = 0;
6094                            /*private*/ this.greenOff = 0;
6095                            /*private*/ this.greenMod = 0;
6096                            /*private*/ this.blue = 0;
6097                            /*private*/ this.blueOff = 0;
6098                            /*private*/ this.blueMod = 0;
6099                            /*private*/ this.gamma = 0;
6100                            /*private*/ this.invGamma = 0;
6101                            this.isDynamic = false;
6102                            this.isInitialized = false;
6103                            this.hasEffects = false;
6104                            this.color = null;
6105                        }
6106                        OoxmlColor.prototype.calcColor = function (styleColor, theme) {
6107                            if (this.hasEffects) {
6108                                var hsvColor = this.color.toHsv();
6109                                if (this.tint !== 0) {
6110                                    hsvColor.tint(this.tint);
6111                                }
6112                                if (this.shade !== 0) {
6113                                    hsvColor.shade(this.shade);
6114                                }
6115                                if (this.satMod !== 0) {
6116                                    hsvColor.satMod(this.satMod);
6117                                }
6118                                if (this.lumMod !== 0) {
6119                                    hsvColor.lumMod(this.lumMod);
6120                                }
6121                                if (this.hueMod !== 0) {
6122                                    hsvColor.hueMod(this.hueMod);
6123                                }
6124                                this.color = hsvColor.toRgb();
6125                            }
6126                        };
6127                        OoxmlColor.prototype.getColor$int$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme = function (styleColor, theme) {
6128                            if (this.isDynamic || !this.isInitialized) {
6129                                this.calcColor(styleColor, theme);
6130                                this.isInitialized = true;
6131                            }
6132                            return this.color;
6133                        };
6134                        OoxmlColor.prototype.getColor = function (styleColor, theme) {
6135                            if (((typeof styleColor === 'number') || styleColor === null) && ((theme != null && theme instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxTheme) || theme === null)) {
6136                                return this.getColor$int$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme(styleColor, theme);
6137                            }
6138                            else if (((styleColor != null && styleColor instanceof com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxTheme) || styleColor === null) && theme === undefined) {
6139                                return this.getColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme(styleColor);
6140                            }
6141                            else
6142                                throw new Error('invalid overload');
6143                        };
6144                        OoxmlColor.prototype.getColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme = function (theme) {
6145                            return this.getColor$int$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme(-1, theme);
6146                        };
6147                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setTint = function (tint) {
6148                            this.tint = tint;
6149                            this.hasEffects = true;
6150                        };
6151                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setShade = function (shade) {
6152                            this.shade = shade;
6153                            this.hasEffects = true;
6154                        };
6155                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setComp = function (comp) {
6156                            this.comp = comp;
6157                            this.hasEffects = true;
6158                        };
6159                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setInv = function (inv) {
6160                            this.inv = inv;
6161                            this.hasEffects = true;
6162                        };
6163                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setGray = function (gray) {
6164                            this.gray = gray;
6165                            this.hasEffects = true;
6166                        };
6167                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setAlpha = function (alpha) {
6168                            this.alpha = alpha;
6169                            this.hasEffects = true;
6170                        };
6171                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setAlphaOff = function (alphaOff) {
6172                            this.alphaOff = alphaOff;
6173                            this.hasEffects = true;
6174                        };
6175                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setAlphaMod = function (alphaMod) {
6176                            this.alphaMod = alphaMod;
6177                            this.hasEffects = true;
6178                        };
6179                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setHue = function (hue) {
6180                            this.hue = hue;
6181                            this.hasEffects = true;
6182                        };
6183                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setHueOff = function (hueOff) {
6184                            this.hueOff = hueOff;
6185                            this.hasEffects = true;
6186                        };
6187                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setHueMod = function (hueMod) {
6188                            this.hueMod = hueMod;
6189                            this.hasEffects = true;
6190                        };
6191                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setSat = function (sat) {
6192                            this.sat = sat;
6193                            this.hasEffects = true;
6194                        };
6195                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setSatOff = function (satOff) {
6196                            this.satOff = satOff;
6197                            this.hasEffects = true;
6198                        };
6199                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setSatMod = function (satMod) {
6200                            this.satMod = satMod;
6201                            this.hasEffects = true;
6202                        };
6203                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setLum = function (lum) {
6204                            this.lum = lum;
6205                            this.hasEffects = true;
6206                        };
6207                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setLumOff = function (lumOff) {
6208                            this.lumOff = lumOff;
6209                            this.hasEffects = true;
6210                        };
6211                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setLumMod = function (lumMod) {
6212                            this.lumMod = lumMod;
6213                            this.hasEffects = true;
6214                        };
6215                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setRed = function (red) {
6216                            this.red = red;
6217                            this.hasEffects = true;
6218                        };
6219                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setRedOff = function (redOff) {
6220                            this.redOff = redOff;
6221                            this.hasEffects = true;
6222                        };
6223                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setRedMod = function (redMod) {
6224                            this.redMod = redMod;
6225                            this.hasEffects = true;
6226                        };
6227                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setGreen = function (green) {
6228                            this.green = green;
6229                            this.hasEffects = true;
6230                        };
6231                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setGreenOff = function (greenOff) {
6232                            this.greenOff = greenOff;
6233                            this.hasEffects = true;
6234                        };
6235                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setGreenMod = function (greenMod) {
6236                            this.greenMod = greenMod;
6237                            this.hasEffects = true;
6238                        };
6239                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setBlue = function (blue) {
6240                            this.blue = blue;
6241                            this.hasEffects = true;
6242                        };
6243                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setBlueOff = function (blueOff) {
6244                            this.blueOff = blueOff;
6245                            this.hasEffects = true;
6246                        };
6247                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setBlueMod = function (blueMod) {
6248                            this.blueMod = blueMod;
6249                            this.hasEffects = true;
6250                        };
6251                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setGamma = function (gamma) {
6252                            this.gamma = gamma;
6253                            this.hasEffects = true;
6254                        };
6255                        OoxmlColor.prototype.setInvGamma = function (invGamma) {
6256                            this.invGamma = invGamma;
6257                            this.hasEffects = true;
6258                        };
6259                        return OoxmlColor;
6260                    }());
6261                    theme_5.OoxmlColor = OoxmlColor;
6262                    OoxmlColor["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColor";
6263                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
6264            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6265        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6266    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6267})(com || (com = {}));
6268(function (com) {
6269    var mxgraph;
6270    (function (mxgraph) {
6271        var io;
6272        (function (io) {
6273            var vsdx;
6274            (function (vsdx) {
6275                var theme;
6276                (function (theme) {
6277                    var OoxmlColorFactory = (function () {
6278                        function OoxmlColorFactory() {
6279                        }
6280                        OoxmlColorFactory.getOoxmlColor = function (element) {
6281                            var color = null;
6282                            var nodeName = element.nodeName;
6283                            switch ((nodeName)) {
6284                                case "a:scrgbClr":
6285                                    color = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.ScrgbClr(/* parseInt */ parseInt(element.getAttribute("r")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(element.getAttribute("g")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(element.getAttribute("b")));
6286                                    break;
6287                                case "a:srgbClr":
6288                                    color = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.SrgbClr(element.getAttribute("val"));
6289                                    break;
6290                                case "a:hslClr":
6291                                    color = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.HslClr(/* parseInt */ parseInt(element.getAttribute("hue")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(element.getAttribute("sat")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(element.getAttribute("lum")));
6292                                    break;
6293                                case "a:sysClr":
6294                                    color = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.SysClr(element.getAttribute("val"), element.getAttribute("lastClr"));
6295                                    break;
6296                                case "a:schemeClr":
6297                                    color = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.SchemeClr(element.getAttribute("val"));
6298                                    break;
6299                                case "a:prstClr":
6300                                    color = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.SrgbClr(element.getAttribute("val"));
6301                                    break;
6302                            }
6303                            var effects = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(element);
6304                            for (var index155 = 0; index155 < effects.length; index155++) {
6305                                var effect = effects[index155];
6306                                {
6307                                    var effVal = (parseInt(effect.getAttribute("val")) / 1000 | 0);
6308                                    var effName = effect.nodeName;
6309                                    switch ((effName)) {
6310                                        case "a:tint":
6311                                            color.setTint(effVal);
6312                                            break;
6313                                        case "a:shade":
6314                                            color.setShade(effVal);
6315                                            break;
6316                                        case "a:satMod":
6317                                            color.setSatMod(effVal);
6318                                            break;
6319                                        case "a:lumMod":
6320                                            color.setLumMod(effVal);
6321                                            break;
6322                                        case "a:hueMod":
6323                                            color.setHueMod(effVal);
6324                                            break;
6325                                    }
6326                                }
6327                            }
6328                            return color;
6329                        };
6330                        return OoxmlColorFactory;
6331                    }());
6332                    theme.OoxmlColorFactory = OoxmlColorFactory;
6333                    OoxmlColorFactory["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColorFactory";
6334                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
6335            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6336        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6337    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6338})(com || (com = {}));
6339(function (com) {
6340    var mxgraph;
6341    (function (mxgraph) {
6342        var io;
6343        (function (io) {
6344            var vsdx;
6345            (function (vsdx) {
6346                var theme;
6347                (function (theme) {
6348                    var QuickStyleVals = (function () {
6349                        function QuickStyleVals(quickStyleEffectsMatrix, quickStyleFillColor, quickStyleFillMatrix, quickStyleFontColor, quickStyleFontMatrix, quickStyleLineColor, quickStyleLineMatrix, quickStyleShadowColor, quickStyleType, quickStyleVariation) {
6350                            this.quickStyleEffectsMatrix = 0;
6351                            this.quickStyleFillColor = 0;
6352                            this.quickStyleFillMatrix = 0;
6353                            this.quickStyleFontColor = 0;
6354                            this.quickStyleFontMatrix = 0;
6355                            this.quickStyleLineColor = 0;
6356                            this.quickStyleLineMatrix = 0;
6357                            this.quickStyleShadowColor = 0;
6358                            this.quickStyleType = 0;
6359                            this.quickStyleVariation = 0;
6360                            this.quickStyleEffectsMatrix = quickStyleEffectsMatrix;
6361                            this.quickStyleFillColor = quickStyleFillColor;
6362                            this.quickStyleFillMatrix = quickStyleFillMatrix;
6363                            this.quickStyleFontColor = quickStyleFontColor;
6364                            this.quickStyleFontMatrix = quickStyleFontMatrix;
6365                            this.quickStyleLineColor = quickStyleLineColor;
6366                            this.quickStyleLineMatrix = quickStyleLineMatrix;
6367                            this.quickStyleShadowColor = quickStyleShadowColor;
6368                            this.quickStyleType = quickStyleType;
6369                            this.quickStyleVariation = quickStyleVariation;
6370                        }
6371                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.getQuickStyleEffectsMatrix = function () {
6372                            return this.quickStyleEffectsMatrix;
6373                        };
6374                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.getQuickStyleFillColor = function () {
6375                            return this.quickStyleFillColor;
6376                        };
6377                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.getQuickStyleFillMatrix = function () {
6378                            return this.quickStyleFillMatrix;
6379                        };
6380                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.getQuickStyleFontColor = function () {
6381                            return this.quickStyleFontColor;
6382                        };
6383                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.getQuickStyleFontMatrix = function () {
6384                            return this.quickStyleFontMatrix;
6385                        };
6386                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.getQuickStyleLineColor = function () {
6387                            return this.quickStyleLineColor;
6388                        };
6389                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.getQuickStyleLineMatrix = function () {
6390                            return this.quickStyleLineMatrix;
6391                        };
6392                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.getQuickStyleShadowColor = function () {
6393                            return this.quickStyleShadowColor;
6394                        };
6395                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.getQuickStyleType = function () {
6396                            return this.quickStyleType;
6397                        };
6398                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.getQuickStyleVariation = function () {
6399                            return this.quickStyleVariation;
6400                        };
6401                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.setQuickStyleEffectsMatrix = function (quickStyleEffectsMatrix) {
6402                            this.quickStyleEffectsMatrix = quickStyleEffectsMatrix;
6403                        };
6404                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.setQuickStyleFillColor = function (quickStyleFillColor) {
6405                            this.quickStyleFillColor = quickStyleFillColor;
6406                        };
6407                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.setQuickStyleFillMatrix = function (quickStyleFillMatrix) {
6408                            this.quickStyleFillMatrix = quickStyleFillMatrix;
6409                        };
6410                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.setQuickStyleFontColor = function (quickStyleFontColor) {
6411                            this.quickStyleFontColor = quickStyleFontColor;
6412                        };
6413                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.setQuickStyleFontMatrix = function (quickStyleFontMatrix) {
6414                            this.quickStyleFontMatrix = quickStyleFontMatrix;
6415                        };
6416                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.setQuickStyleLineColor = function (quickStyleLineColor) {
6417                            this.quickStyleLineColor = quickStyleLineColor;
6418                        };
6419                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.setQuickStyleLineMatrix = function (quickStyleLineMatrix) {
6420                            this.quickStyleLineMatrix = quickStyleLineMatrix;
6421                        };
6422                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.setQuickStyleShadowColor = function (quickStyleShadowColor) {
6423                            this.quickStyleShadowColor = quickStyleShadowColor;
6424                        };
6425                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.setQuickStyleType = function (quickStyleType) {
6426                            this.quickStyleType = quickStyleType;
6427                        };
6428                        QuickStyleVals.prototype.setQuickStyleVariation = function (quickStyleVariation) {
6429                            this.quickStyleVariation = quickStyleVariation;
6430                        };
6431                        return QuickStyleVals;
6432                    }());
6433                    theme.QuickStyleVals = QuickStyleVals;
6434                    QuickStyleVals["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals";
6435                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
6436            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6437        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6438    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6439})(com || (com = {}));
6440(function (com) {
6441    var mxgraph;
6442    (function (mxgraph) {
6443        var io;
6444        (function (io) {
6445            var vsdx;
6446            (function (vsdx) {
6447                var theme;
6448                (function (theme_6) {
6449                    var SolidFillStyle = (function () {
6450                        function SolidFillStyle(color) {
6451                            this.color = null;
6452                            this.color = color;
6453                        }
6454                        /**
6455                         *
6456                         * @param {number} styleValue
6457                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxTheme} theme
6458                         * @return {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color}
6459                         */
6460                        SolidFillStyle.prototype.applyStyle = function (styleValue, theme) {
6461                            return this.color.getColor$int$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_mxVsdxTheme(styleValue, theme);
6462                        };
6463                        return SolidFillStyle;
6464                    }());
6465                    theme_6.SolidFillStyle = SolidFillStyle;
6466                    SolidFillStyle["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.SolidFillStyle";
6467                    SolidFillStyle["__interfaces"] = ["com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.FillStyle"];
6468                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
6469            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6470        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6471    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6472})(com || (com = {}));
6473(function (com) {
6474    var mxgraph;
6475    (function (mxgraph) {
6476        var online;
6477        (function (online) {
6478            var Constants = (function () {
6479                function Constants() {
6480                }
6481                Constants.MAX_AREA_$LI$ = function () { if (Constants.MAX_AREA == null)
6482                    Constants.MAX_AREA = 10000 * 10000; return Constants.MAX_AREA; };
6483                ;
6484                return Constants;
6485            }());
6486            /**
6487             * Maximum size (in bytes) for request payloads. Default is 52428800 (50MB).
6488             */
6489            Constants.MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = 52428800;
6490            /**
6491             * The domain where legacy images are stored.
6492             */
6493            Constants.IMAGE_DOMAIN = "http://img.diagramly.com/";
6494            online.Constants = Constants;
6495            Constants["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.online.Constants";
6496        })(online = mxgraph.online || (mxgraph.online = {}));
6497    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6498})(com || (com = {}));
6499(function (com) {
6500    var mxgraph;
6501    (function (mxgraph) {
6502        var online;
6503        (function (online) {
6504            /**
6505             *
6506             * String/byte array encoding/manipulation utilities
6507             * @class
6508             */
6509            var Utils = (function () {
6510                function Utils() {
6511                }
6512                /**
6513                 * Rotates the given point by the given cos and sin.
6514                 * @param {mxPoint} pt
6515                 * @param {number} cos
6516                 * @param {number} sin
6517                 * @param {mxPoint} c
6518                 * @return {mxPoint}
6519                 */
6520                Utils.getRotatedPoint = function (pt, cos, sin, c) {
6521                    var x = pt.x - c.x;
6522                    var y = pt.y - c.y;
6523                    var x1 = x * cos - y * sin;
6524                    var y1 = y * cos + x * sin;
6525                    return new mxPoint(x1 + c.x, y1 + c.y);
6526                };
6527                /**
6528                 * Rotates the given geometry (in place) by the given rotation (in degrees).
6529                 * @param {mxGeometry} geo
6530                 * @param {number} rotation
6531                 * @param {number} cx
6532                 * @param {number} cy
6533                 */
6534                Utils.rotatedGeometry = function (geo, rotation, cx, cy) {
6535                    rotation = (function (x) { return x * Math.PI / 180; })(rotation);
6536                    var cos = Math.cos(rotation);
6537                    var sin = Math.sin(rotation);
6538                    var x = geo.getCenterX() - cx;
6539                    var y = geo.getCenterY() - cy;
6540                    var x1 = x * cos - y * sin;
6541                    var y1 = y * cos + x * sin;
6542                    geo.x = (Math.round(x1 + cx - geo.width / 2));
6543                    geo.y = (Math.round(y1 + cy - geo.height / 2));
6544                };
6545                return Utils;
6546            }());
6547            /**
6548             *
6549             */
6550            Utils.CHARSET_FOR_URL_ENCODING = "ISO-8859-1";
6551            online.Utils = Utils;
6552            Utils["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.online.Utils";
6553        })(online = mxgraph.online || (mxgraph.online = {}));
6554    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6555})(com || (com = {}));
6556(function (com) {
6557    var mxgraph;
6558    (function (mxgraph) {
6559        var io;
6560        (function (io) {
6561            var vsdx;
6562            (function (vsdx) {
6563                var geometry;
6564                (function (geometry) {
6565                    var ArcTo = (function (_super) {
6566                        __extends(ArcTo, _super);
6567                        function ArcTo(index, x, y, a) {
6568                            var _this = _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
6569                            _this.a = a;
6570                            return _this;
6571                        }
6572                        /**
6573                         *
6574                         * @param {mxPoint} p
6575                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
6576                         * @return {string}
6577                         */
6578                        ArcTo.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
6579                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null && this.a != null) {
6580                                var h = shape.getHeight();
6581                                var w = shape.getWidth();
6582                                var x0 = Math.floor(Math.round(shape.getLastX() * w) / 100);
6583                                var y0 = Math.floor(Math.round(shape.getLastY() * h) / 100);
6584                                var x = this.x * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6585                                var y = this.y * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6586                                y = h - y;
6587                                var a = this.a * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6588                                var dx = Math.abs(x - x0);
6589                                var dy = Math.abs(y - y0);
6590                                var rx = (a * 0.5) + (dx * dx + dy * dy) / (8.0 * a);
6591                                var ry = rx;
6592                                var r0 = Math.abs(rx);
6593                                rx = rx * 100 / w;
6594                                ry = ry * 100 / h;
6595                                x = x * 100 / w;
6596                                y = y * 100 / h;
6597                                rx = Math.round(rx * 100.0) / 100.0;
6598                                ry = Math.round(ry * 100.0) / 100.0;
6599                                x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
6600                                y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
6601                                a = Math.round(a * 100.0) / 100.0;
6602                                rx = Math.abs(rx);
6603                                ry = Math.abs(ry);
6604                                var sf = (a < 0) ? "1" : "0";
6605                                var laf = (r0 < Math.abs(a)) ? "1" : "0";
6606                                shape.setLastX(x);
6607                                shape.setLastY(y);
6608                                return "<arc rx=\"" + new String(rx).toString() + "\" ry=\"" + new String(ry).toString() + "\" x=\"" + new String(x).toString() + "\" y=\"" + new String(y).toString() + "\" x-axis-rotation=\"0\" large-arc-flag=\"" + laf + "\" sweep-flag=\"" + sf + "\"/>";
6609                            }
6610                            return "";
6611                        };
6612                        return ArcTo;
6613                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
6614                    geometry.ArcTo = ArcTo;
6615                    ArcTo["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.ArcTo";
6616                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
6617            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6618        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6619    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6620})(com || (com = {}));
6621(function (com) {
6622    var mxgraph;
6623    (function (mxgraph) {
6624        var io;
6625        (function (io) {
6626            var vsdx;
6627            (function (vsdx) {
6628                var geometry;
6629                (function (geometry) {
6630                    var DelRow = (function (_super) {
6631                        __extends(DelRow, _super);
6632                        function DelRow(index) {
6633                            return _super.call(this, index, null, null) || this;
6634                        }
6635                        /**
6636                         *
6637                         * @param {mxPoint} p
6638                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
6639                         * @return {string}
6640                         */
6641                        DelRow.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
6642                            return "";
6643                        };
6644                        return DelRow;
6645                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
6646                    geometry.DelRow = DelRow;
6647                    DelRow["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.DelRow";
6648                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
6649            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6650        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6651    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6652})(com || (com = {}));
6653(function (com) {
6654    var mxgraph;
6655    (function (mxgraph) {
6656        var io;
6657        (function (io) {
6658            var vsdx;
6659            (function (vsdx) {
6660                var geometry;
6661                (function (geometry) {
6662                    var Ellipse = (function (_super) {
6663                        __extends(Ellipse, _super);
6664                        function Ellipse(index, x, y, a, b, c, d) {
6665                            var _this = _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
6666                            _this.a = a;
6667                            _this.b = b;
6668                            _this.c = c;
6669                            _this.d = d;
6670                            return _this;
6671                        }
6672                        /**
6673                         *
6674                         * @param {mxPoint} p
6675                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
6676                         * @return {string}
6677                         */
6678                        Ellipse.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
6679                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null && this.a != null && this.b != null && this.c != null && this.d != null) {
6680                                var h = shape.getHeight();
6681                                var w = shape.getWidth();
6682                                var x = this.x * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6683                                var y = this.y * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6684                                y = h - y;
6685                                var a = this.a * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6686                                var b = this.b * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6687                                b = h - b;
6688                                var c = this.c * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6689                                var d = this.d * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6690                                d = h - d;
6691                                var dx1 = Math.abs(a - x);
6692                                var dy1 = Math.abs(b - y);
6693                                var r1 = Math.sqrt(dx1 * dx1 + dy1 * dy1);
6694                                var dx2 = Math.abs(c - x);
6695                                var dy2 = Math.abs(d - y);
6696                                var r2 = Math.sqrt(dx2 * dx2 + dy2 * dy2);
6697                                var newX = x * 100 / w;
6698                                var newY = y * 100 / h;
6699                                var newW = (r1 * 100 / w) / 2;
6700                                var newH = (r2 * 100 / h) / 2;
6701                                newH = Math.round(newH * 100.0) / 100.0;
6702                                newW = Math.round(newW * 100.0) / 100.0;
6703                                var newX1 = Math.round((newX - 2 * newW) * 100.0) / 100.0;
6704                                var newX2 = Math.round((newX + 2 * newW) * 100.0) / 100.0;
6705                                newY = Math.round(newY * 100.0) / 100.0;
6706                                return "<move x=\"" + new String(newX1).toString() + "\" y=\"" + new String(newY).toString() + "\"/><arc rx=\"" + new String(newW).toString() + "\" ry=\"" + new String(newH).toString() + "\" x=\"" + new String(newX2).toString() + "\" y=\"" + new String(newY).toString() + "\" x-axis-rotation=\"0\" large-arc-flag=\"1\" sweep-flag=\"0\"/><arc rx=\"" + new String(newW).toString() + "\" ry=\"" + new String(newH).toString() + "\" x=\"" + new String(newX1).toString() + "\" y=\"" + new String(newY).toString() + "\" x-axis-rotation=\"0\" large-arc-flag=\"1\" sweep-flag=\"0\"/>";
6707                            }
6708                            return "";
6709                        };
6710                        return Ellipse;
6711                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
6712                    geometry.Ellipse = Ellipse;
6713                    Ellipse["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Ellipse";
6714                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
6715            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6716        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6717    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6718})(com || (com = {}));
6719(function (com) {
6720    var mxgraph;
6721    (function (mxgraph) {
6722        var io;
6723        (function (io) {
6724            var vsdx;
6725            (function (vsdx) {
6726                var geometry;
6727                (function (geometry) {
6728                    var EllipticalArcTo = (function (_super) {
6729                        __extends(EllipticalArcTo, _super);
6730                        function EllipticalArcTo(index, x, y, a, b, c, d) {
6731                            var _this = _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
6732                            _this.a = a;
6733                            _this.b = b;
6734                            _this.c = c;
6735                            _this.d = d;
6736                            return _this;
6737                        }
6738                        /**
6739                         *
6740                         * @param {mxPoint} p
6741                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
6742                         * @return {string}
6743                         */
6744                        EllipticalArcTo.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
6745                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null && this.a != null && this.b != null && this.c != null && this.d != null) {
6746                                var h = shape.getHeight();
6747                                var w = shape.getWidth();
6748                                var x = this.x * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6749                                var y = this.y * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6750                                y = h - y;
6751                                var a = this.a * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6752                                var b = this.b * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6753                                var c = this.c;
6754                                var d = this.d;
6755                                x = x * 100.0 / w;
6756                                y = y * 100.0 / h;
6757                                var x1 = shape.getLastX() * w / 100.0;
6758                                var y1 = shape.getLastY() * h / 100.0;
6759                                var x2 = x * w / 100.0;
6760                                var y2 = y * h / 100.0;
6761                                var x3 = a;
6762                                var y3 = h - b;
6763                                var ang = -c;
6764                                var p1x = Math.sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * Math.cos(Math.atan2(y1, x1) - ang);
6765                                var p1y = Math.sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1) * Math.sin(Math.atan2(y1, x1) - ang);
6766                                var p2x = Math.sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) * Math.cos(Math.atan2(y2, x2) - ang);
6767                                var p2y = Math.sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2) * Math.sin(Math.atan2(y2, x2) - ang);
6768                                var p3x = Math.sqrt(x3 * x3 + y3 * y3) * Math.cos(Math.atan2(y3, x3) - ang);
6769                                var p3y = Math.sqrt(x3 * x3 + y3 * y3) * Math.sin(Math.atan2(y3, x3) - ang);
6770                                var p0x = ((p1x - p2x) * (p1x + p2x) * (p2y - p3y) - (p2x - p3x) * (p2x + p3x) * (p1y - p2y) + d * d * (p1y - p2y) * (p2y - p3y) * (p1y - p3y)) / (2 * ((p1x - p2x) * (p2y - p3y) - (p2x - p3x) * (p1y - p2y)));
6771                                var p0y = ((p1x - p2x) * (p2x - p3x) * (p1x - p3x) / (d * d) + (p2x - p3x) * (p1y - p2y) * (p1y + p2y) - (p1x - p2x) * (p2y - p3y) * (p2y + p3y)) / (2 * ((p2x - p3x) * (p1y - p2y) - (p1x - p2x) * (p2y - p3y)));
6772                                var newX = Math.sqrt(p0x * p0x + p0y * p0y) * Math.cos(Math.atan2(p0y, p0x) + ang);
6773                                var newY = Math.sqrt(p0x * p0x + p0y * p0y) * Math.sin(Math.atan2(p0y, p0x) + ang);
6774                                newX = newX * w / 100.0;
6775                                newY = newY * h / 100.0;
6776                                var dx = p1x - p0x;
6777                                var dy = p1y - p0y;
6778                                var rx = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy * d * d);
6779                                var ry = rx / d;
6780                                var rot = (function (x) { return x * 180 / Math.PI; })(ang);
6781                                rx = rx * 100.0 / w;
6782                                ry = ry * 100.0 / h;
6783                                x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
6784                                y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
6785                                rx = Math.round(rx * 100.0) / 100.0;
6786                                ry = Math.round(ry * 100.0) / 100.0;
6787                                rot = Math.round(rot * 100.0) / 100.0;
6788                                var sweep = (x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1) - (y2 - y1) * (x3 - x1);
6789                                var sf = (sweep > 0) ? "0" : "1";
6790                                var laf = "0";
6791                                if (com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.isInsideTriangle(p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y)) // && this.isReflexAngle(p0x, p0y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y)) { //Inside triangle works alone in all test cases so far
6792								{
6793                                    laf = "1";
6794                                }
6795                                shape.setLastX(x);
6796                                shape.setLastY(y);
6797                                return "<arc rx=\"" + new String(rx).toString() + "\" ry=\"" + new String(ry).toString() + "\" x=\"" + new String(x).toString() + "\" y=\"" + new String(y).toString() + "\" x-axis-rotation=\"" + new String(rot).toString() + "\" large-arc-flag=\"" + laf + "\" sweep-flag=\"" + sf + "\"/>";
6798                            }
6799                            return "";
6800                        };
6801                        /**
6802                         * @param {number} x0 y0 center point of ellipse containing the arc
6803                         * @param {number} x1 y1 starting point of the arc
6804                         * @param {number} x2 y2 endpoint of the arc
6805                         * @param {number} x3 y3 control point
6806                         * @return {boolean} true if the start to end angle that contains the control point is a reflex angle
6807                         * @param {number} y0
6808                         * @param {number} y1
6809                         * @param {number} y2
6810                         * @param {number} y3
6811                         */
6812                        EllipticalArcTo.prototype.isReflexAngle = function (x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
6813                            x1 = x1 - x0;
6814                            y1 = y1 - y0;
6815                            x2 = x2 - x0;
6816                            y2 = y2 - y0;
6817                            x2 = x3 - x0;
6818                            y3 = y3 - y0;
6819                            x0 = 0;
6820                            y0 = 0;
6821                            var aStart = (function (x) { return x * 180 / Math.PI; })(Math.atan2(y1, x1) - Math.atan2(y0, x0));
6822                            var aEnd = (function (x) { return x * 180 / Math.PI; })(Math.atan2(y2, x2) - Math.atan2(y0, x0));
6823                            var aCP = (function (x) { return x * 180 / Math.PI; })(Math.atan2(y3, x3) - Math.atan2(y0, x0));
6824                            aStart = (aStart - aCP) % 360;
6825                            aEnd = (aEnd - aCP) % 360;
6826                            if (aStart > 180) {
6827                                aStart = aStart - 360;
6828                            }
6829                            else if (aStart < -180) {
6830                                aStart = aStart + 360;
6831                            }
6832                            if (aEnd > 180) {
6833                                aEnd = aEnd - 360;
6834                            }
6835                            else if (aEnd < -180) {
6836                                aEnd = aEnd + 360;
6837                            }
6838                            if ((aStart > 0 && aEnd < 0) || (aStart < 0 && aEnd > 0)) {
6839                                if (Math.abs(aStart - aEnd) > 180) {
6840                                    return true;
6841                                }
6842                            }
6843                            return false;
6844                        };
6845                        return EllipticalArcTo;
6846                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
6847                    geometry.EllipticalArcTo = EllipticalArcTo;
6848                    EllipticalArcTo["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.EllipticalArcTo";
6849                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
6850            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6851        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6852    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6853})(com || (com = {}));
6854(function (com) {
6855    var mxgraph;
6856    (function (mxgraph) {
6857        var io;
6858        (function (io) {
6859            var vsdx;
6860            (function (vsdx) {
6861                var geometry;
6862                (function (geometry) {
6863                    var InfiniteLine = (function (_super) {
6864                        __extends(InfiniteLine, _super);
6865                        function InfiniteLine(index, x, y, a, b) {
6866                            var _this = _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
6867                            _this.a = a;
6868                            _this.b = b;
6869                            return _this;
6870                        }
6871                        /**
6872                         *
6873                         * @param {mxPoint} p
6874                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
6875                         * @return {string}
6876                         */
6877                        InfiniteLine.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
6878                            return "";
6879                        };
6880                        return InfiniteLine;
6881                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
6882                    geometry.InfiniteLine = InfiniteLine;
6883                    InfiniteLine["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.InfiniteLine";
6884                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
6885            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6886        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6887    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6888})(com || (com = {}));
6889(function (com) {
6890    var mxgraph;
6891    (function (mxgraph) {
6892        var io;
6893        (function (io) {
6894            var vsdx;
6895            (function (vsdx) {
6896                var geometry;
6897                (function (geometry) {
6898                    var LineTo = (function (_super) {
6899                        __extends(LineTo, _super);
6900                        function LineTo(index, x, y) {
6901                            return _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
6902                        }
6903                        /**
6904                         *
6905                         * @param {mxPoint} p
6906                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
6907                         * @return {string}
6908                         */
6909                        LineTo.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
6910                            var x = p.x;
6911                            var y = p.y;
6912                            var h = shape.getHeight();
6913                            var w = shape.getWidth();
6914                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null) {
6915                                x = this.x * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6916                                y = this.y * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6917                            }
6918                            x = x * 100.0 / w;
6919                            y = y * 100.0 / h;
6920                            y = 100 - y;
6921                            x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
6922                            y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
6923                            p.x = (x);
6924                            p.y = (y);
6925                            shape.setLastX(x);
6926                            shape.setLastY(y);
6927                            return "<line x=\"" + new String(x).toString() + "\" y=\"" + new String(y).toString() + "\"/>";
6928                        };
6929                        return LineTo;
6930                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
6931                    geometry.LineTo = LineTo;
6932                    LineTo["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.LineTo";
6933                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
6934            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6935        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6936    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6937})(com || (com = {}));
6938(function (com) {
6939    var mxgraph;
6940    (function (mxgraph) {
6941        var io;
6942        (function (io) {
6943            var vsdx;
6944            (function (vsdx) {
6945                var geometry;
6946                (function (geometry) {
6947                    var MoveTo = (function (_super) {
6948                        __extends(MoveTo, _super);
6949                        function MoveTo(index, x, y) {
6950                            return _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
6951                        }
6952                        /**
6953                         *
6954                         * @param {mxPoint} p
6955                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
6956                         * @return {string}
6957                         */
6958                        MoveTo.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
6959                            var x = p.x;
6960                            var y = p.y;
6961                            var h = shape.getHeight();
6962                            var w = shape.getWidth();
6963                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null) {
6964                                x = this.x * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6965                                y = this.y * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
6966                            }
6967                            x = x * 100.0 / w;
6968                            y = y * 100.0 / h;
6969                            y = 100 - y;
6970                            x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
6971                            y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
6972                            p.x = (x);
6973                            p.y = (y);
6974                            shape.setLastX(x);
6975                            shape.setLastY(y);
6976                            shape.setLastMoveX(x);
6977                            shape.setLastMoveY(y);
6978                            return "<move x=\"" + new String(x).toString() + "\" y=\"" + new String(y).toString() + "\"/>";
6979                        };
6980                        return MoveTo;
6981                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
6982                    geometry.MoveTo = MoveTo;
6983                    MoveTo["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.MoveTo";
6984                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
6985            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
6986        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
6987    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
6988})(com || (com = {}));
6989(function (com) {
6990    var mxgraph;
6991    (function (mxgraph) {
6992        var io;
6993        (function (io) {
6994            var vsdx;
6995            (function (vsdx) {
6996                var geometry;
6997                (function (geometry) {
6998                    var NURBSTo = (function (_super) {
6999                        __extends(NURBSTo, _super);
7000                        function NURBSTo(index, x, y, a, b, c, d, e) {
7001                            var _this = _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
7002                            _this.a = a;
7003                            _this.b = b;
7004                            _this.c = c;
7005                            _this.d = d;
7006                            _this.formulaE = e;
7007                            return _this;
7008                        }
7009                        /**
7010                         * Helper class for geometry
7011                         * @param {mxPoint} p
7012                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
7013                         * @return {string}
7014                         */
7015                        NURBSTo.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
7016                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null && this.formulaE != null) {
7017                                var h = shape.getHeight();
7018                                var w = shape.getWidth();
7019                                var x = this.x * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7020                                var y = this.y * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7021                                var eValue = this.formulaE.split("NURBS(").join("");
7022                                eValue = eValue.split(")").join("");
7023                                var nurbs = new NURBSTo.Nurbs(this, eValue, w, h);
7024                                if (nurbs.getSize() >= 2) {
7025                                    var x1 = nurbs.getX(0);
7026                                    var y1 = nurbs.getY(0);
7027                                    var x2 = nurbs.getX(1);
7028                                    var y2 = nurbs.getY(1);
7029                                    y = y * 100.0 / h;
7030                                    x = x * 100.0 / w;
7031                                    y = 100 - y;
7032                                    x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
7033                                    y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
7034                                    x1 = Math.round(x1 * 100.0) / 100.0;
7035                                    y1 = Math.round(y1 * 100.0) / 100.0;
7036                                    x2 = Math.round(x2 * 100.0) / 100.0;
7037                                    y2 = Math.round(y2 * 100.0) / 100.0;
7038                                    shape.setLastX(x);
7039                                    shape.setLastY(y);
7040                                    if (nurbs.getDegree() === 3 && nurbs.isOrderedByThree(this.getA())) {
7041                                        var cp1 = ([]);
7042                                        var cp2 = ([]);
7043                                        var nut = ([]);
7044                                        var nurbsize = nurbs.getSize();
7045                                        for (var i = 0; i < nurbsize - 1; i = i + 3) {
7046                                            /* add */ (cp1.push(new mxPoint(nurbs.getX(i), nurbs.getY(i))));
7047                                            /* add */ (cp2.push(new mxPoint(nurbs.getX(i + 1), nurbs.getY(i + 1))));
7048                                            if (i < nurbsize - 2) {
7049                                                /* add */ (nut.push(new mxPoint(nurbs.getX(i + 2), nurbs.getY(i + 2))));
7050                                            }
7051                                            else {
7052                                                /* add */ (nut.push(new mxPoint(x, y)));
7053                                            }
7054                                        }
7055                                        ;
7056                                        var result = "";
7057                                        for (var i = 0; i < cp1.length; i++) {
7058                                            result += "<curve x1=\"" + cp1[i].x + "\" y1=\"" + cp1[i].y + "\" x2=\"" + cp2[i].x + "\" y2=\"" + cp2[i].y + "\" x3=\"" + nut[i].x + "\" y3=\"" + nut[i].y + "\"/>\n";
7059                                        }
7060                                        ;
7061                                        return result;
7062                                    }
7063                                    else {
7064                                        return "<curve x1=\"" + new String(x1).toString() + "\" y1=\"" + new String(y1).toString() + "\" x2=\"" + new String(x2).toString() + "\" y2=\"" + new String(y2).toString() + "\" x3=\"" + new String(x).toString() + "\" y3=\"" + new String(y).toString() + "\"/>";
7065                                    }
7066                                }
7067                            }
7068                            return "";
7069                        };
7070                        return NURBSTo;
7071                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
7072                    geometry.NURBSTo = NURBSTo;
7073                    NURBSTo["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.NURBSTo";
7074                    (function (NURBSTo) {
7075                        /**
7076                         * Holds the NURBS array that is part of the VSDX NURBSTo element, together with some helper functions
7077                         * @param {string} s
7078                         * @param {number} w
7079                         * @param {number} h
7080                         * @class
7081                         */
7082                        var Nurbs = (function () {
7083                            function Nurbs(__parent, s, w, h) {
7084                                this.__parent = __parent;
7085                                this.nurbsValues = ([]);
7086                                var n = s.split(/\s*,\s*/).slice(0);
7087                                for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
7088                                    if ((i > 3) && (i % 4 === 0)) {
7089                                        /* add */ (this.nurbsValues.push(/* parseDouble */ parseFloat(/* get */ n[i]) * 100.0));
7090                                    }
7091                                    else if ((i > 3) && (i % 4 === 1)) {
7092                                        /* add */ (this.nurbsValues.push(100 - parseFloat(/* get */ n[i]) * 100.0));
7093                                    }
7094                                    else {
7095                                        /* add */ (this.nurbsValues.push(/* parseDouble */ parseFloat(/* get */ n[i])));
7096                                    }
7097                                }
7098                                ;
7099                            }
7100                            /**
7101                             * @param {number} lastKnot the last knot outside of the nurbs string. Obtain it with this.getA()
7102                             * @return {boolean} true if knots are ordered by sets of 3
7103                             */
7104                            Nurbs.prototype.isOrderedByThree = function (lastKnot) {
7105                                for (var i = 0; i + 2 < (this.getSize()); i = i + 3) {
7106                                    var k_1 = Math.round(this.getKnot((i)) * 100.0) / 100.0;
7107                                    var k1_1 = Math.round(this.getKnot((i + 1)) * 100.0) / 100.0;
7108                                    var k2 = Math.round(this.getKnot((i + 2)) * 100.0) / 100.0;
7109                                    if (k_1 !== k1_1 || k_1 !== k2 || k1_1 !== k2) {
7110                                        return false;
7111                                    }
7112                                }
7113                                ;
7114                                var k = Math.round(this.getKnot((this.getSize() - 2)) * 10.0) / 10.0;
7115                                var k1 = Math.round(this.getKnot((this.getSize() - 1)) * 10.0) / 10.0;
7116                                var lk = Math.round(lastKnot * 10.0) / 10.0;
7117                                if (k !== k1 || k !== lk || k1 !== lk) {
7118                                    return false;
7119                                }
7120                                return true;
7121                            };
7122                            /**
7123                             * @return {number} number of points, not including the last one (which is outside of the nurbs string)
7124                             */
7125                            Nurbs.prototype.getSize = function () {
7126                                return (((this.nurbsValues.length / 4 | 0)) - 1);
7127                            };
7128                            /**
7129                             * @return {number} last knot (element knotLast)
7130                             */
7131                            Nurbs.prototype.getKnotLast = function () {
7132                                return this.nurbsValues[0];
7133                            };
7134                            /**
7135                             * @return {number} degree of the NURBS (element degree)
7136                             */
7137                            Nurbs.prototype.getDegree = function () {
7138                                return this.nurbsValues[1];
7139                            };
7140                            /**
7141                             * @return {number} 0 if X is relative, otherwise X is in the coordinate system of the shape (element xType)
7142                             */
7143                            Nurbs.prototype.getXType = function () {
7144                                return this.nurbsValues[2];
7145                            };
7146                            /**
7147                             * @return {number} 0 if Y is relative, otherwise Y is in the coordinate system of the shape (element yType)
7148                             */
7149                            Nurbs.prototype.getYType = function () {
7150                                return this.nurbsValues[3];
7151                            };
7152                            /**
7153                             * @return {number} the i-th X coordinate
7154                             * @param {number} i
7155                             */
7156                            Nurbs.prototype.getX = function (i) {
7157                                return this.nurbsValues[(i + 1) * 4];
7158                            };
7159                            /**
7160                             * @return {number} the i-th Y coordinate
7161                             * @param {number} i
7162                             */
7163                            Nurbs.prototype.getY = function (i) {
7164                                return this.nurbsValues[(i + 1) * 4 + 1];
7165                            };
7166                            /**
7167                             * @return {number} the i-th knot
7168                             * @param {number} i
7169                             */
7170                            Nurbs.prototype.getKnot = function (i) {
7171                                return this.nurbsValues[(i + 1) * 4 + 2];
7172                            };
7173                            /**
7174                             * @return {number} the i-th weight
7175                             * @param {number} i
7176                             */
7177                            Nurbs.prototype.getWeight = function (i) {
7178                                return this.nurbsValues[(i + 1) * 4 + 3];
7179                            };
7180                            return Nurbs;
7181                        }());
7182                        NURBSTo.Nurbs = Nurbs;
7183                        Nurbs["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.NURBSTo.Nurbs";
7184                    })(NURBSTo = geometry.NURBSTo || (geometry.NURBSTo = {}));
7185                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
7186            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
7187        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
7188    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
7189})(com || (com = {}));
7190(function (com) {
7191    var mxgraph;
7192    (function (mxgraph) {
7193        var io;
7194        (function (io) {
7195            var vsdx;
7196            (function (vsdx) {
7197                var geometry;
7198                (function (geometry) {
7199                    var PolylineTo = (function (_super) {
7200                        __extends(PolylineTo, _super);
7201                        function PolylineTo(index, x, y, a) {
7202                            var _this = _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
7203                            _this.formulaA = a;
7204                            return _this;
7205                        }
7206                        /**
7207                         *
7208                         * @param {mxPoint} p
7209                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
7210                         * @return {string}
7211                         */
7212                        PolylineTo.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
7213                            var result = "";
7214                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null && this.formulaA != null) {
7215                                var h = shape.getHeight();
7216                                var w = shape.getWidth();
7217                                var x = this.x * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7218                                var y = this.y * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7219                                x = x * 100.0 / w;
7220                                y = y * 100.0 / h;
7221                                y = 100 - y;
7222                                x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
7223                                y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
7224                                var aValue = this.formulaA.replace(new RegExp("\\s", 'g'), "").toLowerCase().replace(new RegExp("polyline\\(", 'g'), "").replace(new RegExp("\\)", 'g'), "");
7225                                if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7226                                    return o1.equals(o2);
7227                                }
7228                                else {
7229                                    return o1 === o2;
7230                                } })(aValue, "inh")) {
7231                                    throw Object.defineProperty(new Error(), '__classes', { configurable: true, value: ['java.lang.Throwable', 'java.lang.Object', 'java.lang.RuntimeException', 'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException', 'java.lang.Exception'] });
7232                                }
7233                                var polyEntriesList = (aValue.split(",").slice(0).slice(0));
7234                                var xRel = parseFloat(/* remove */ polyEntriesList.splice(0, 1));
7235                                var yRel = parseFloat(/* remove */ polyEntriesList.splice(0, 1));
7236                                var currX = 0;
7237                                var currY = 0;
7238                                while ((polyEntriesList.length > 0)) {
7239                                    currX = parseFloat(/* remove */ polyEntriesList.splice(0, 1)) * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7240                                    currY = parseFloat(/* remove */ polyEntriesList.splice(0, 1)) * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7241                                    if (xRel === 1) {
7242                                        currX = currX * 100.0 / w;
7243                                    }
7244                                    if (xRel === 1) {
7245                                        currY = currY * 100.0 / h;
7246                                    }
7247                                    currY = 100 - currY;
7248                                    currX = Math.round(currX * 100.0) / 100.0;
7249                                    currY = Math.round(currY * 100.0) / 100.0;
7250                                    shape.setLastX(currX);
7251                                    shape.setLastY(currY);
7252                                    result += "<line x=\"" + new String(currX).toString() + "\" y=\"" + new String(currY).toString() + "\"/>";
7253                                }
7254                                ;
7255                                result += "<line x=\"" + new String(x).toString() + "\" y=\"" + new String(y).toString() + "\"/>";
7256                                if (shape.getLastMoveX() === x && shape.getLastMoveY() === y) {
7257                                    result += "<close/>";
7258                                }
7259                            }
7260                            return result;
7261                        };
7262                        return PolylineTo;
7263                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
7264                    geometry.PolylineTo = PolylineTo;
7265                    PolylineTo["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.PolylineTo";
7266                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
7267            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
7268        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
7269    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
7270})(com || (com = {}));
7271(function (com) {
7272    var mxgraph;
7273    (function (mxgraph) {
7274        var io;
7275        (function (io) {
7276            var vsdx;
7277            (function (vsdx) {
7278                var geometry;
7279                (function (geometry) {
7280                    var RelCubBezTo = (function (_super) {
7281                        __extends(RelCubBezTo, _super);
7282                        function RelCubBezTo(index, x, y, a, b, c, d) {
7283                            var _this = _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
7284                            _this.a = a;
7285                            _this.b = b;
7286                            _this.c = c;
7287                            _this.d = d;
7288                            return _this;
7289                        }
7290                        /**
7291                         *
7292                         * @param {mxPoint} p
7293                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
7294                         * @return {string}
7295                         */
7296                        RelCubBezTo.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
7297                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null && this.a != null && this.b != null && this.c != null && this.d != null) {
7298                                var x = this.x * 100;
7299                                var y = 100 - this.y * 100;
7300                                var x1 = this.a * 100.0;
7301                                var y1 = 100 - this.b * 100.0;
7302                                var x2 = this.c * 100.0;
7303                                var y2 = 100 - this.d * 100.0;
7304                                x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
7305                                y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
7306                                x1 = Math.round(x1 * 100.0) / 100.0;
7307                                y1 = Math.round(y1 * 100.0) / 100.0;
7308                                x2 = Math.round(x2 * 100.0) / 100.0;
7309                                y2 = Math.round(y2 * 100.0) / 100.0;
7310                                shape.setLastX(x);
7311                                shape.setLastY(y);
7312                                return "<curve x1=\"" + new String(x1).toString() + "\" y1=\"" + new String(y1).toString() + "\" x2=\"" + new String(x2).toString() + "\" y2=\"" + new String(y2).toString() + "\" x3=\"" + new String(x).toString() + "\" y3=\"" + new String(y).toString() + "\"/>";
7313                            }
7314                            return "";
7315                        };
7316                        return RelCubBezTo;
7317                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
7318                    geometry.RelCubBezTo = RelCubBezTo;
7319                    RelCubBezTo["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RelCubBezTo";
7320                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
7321            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
7322        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
7323    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
7324})(com || (com = {}));
7325(function (com) {
7326    var mxgraph;
7327    (function (mxgraph) {
7328        var io;
7329        (function (io) {
7330            var vsdx;
7331            (function (vsdx) {
7332                var geometry;
7333                (function (geometry) {
7334                    var RelLineTo = (function (_super) {
7335                        __extends(RelLineTo, _super);
7336                        function RelLineTo(index, x, y) {
7337                            return _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
7338                        }
7339                        /**
7340                         *
7341                         * @param {mxPoint} p
7342                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
7343                         * @return {string}
7344                         */
7345                        RelLineTo.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
7346                            var x = p.x;
7347                            var y = p.y;
7348                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null) {
7349                                x = this.x * 100;
7350                                y = 100 - this.y * 100;
7351                            }
7352                            x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
7353                            y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
7354                            p.x = (x);
7355                            p.y = (y);
7356                            shape.setLastX(x);
7357                            shape.setLastY(y);
7358                            return "<line x=\"" + new String(x).toString() + "\" y=\"" + new String(y).toString() + "\"/>";
7359                        };
7360                        return RelLineTo;
7361                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
7362                    geometry.RelLineTo = RelLineTo;
7363                    RelLineTo["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RelLineTo";
7364                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
7365            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
7366        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
7367    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
7368})(com || (com = {}));
7369(function (com) {
7370    var mxgraph;
7371    (function (mxgraph) {
7372        var io;
7373        (function (io) {
7374            var vsdx;
7375            (function (vsdx) {
7376                var geometry;
7377                (function (geometry) {
7378                    var RelMoveTo = (function (_super) {
7379                        __extends(RelMoveTo, _super);
7380                        function RelMoveTo(index, x, y) {
7381                            return _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
7382                        }
7383                        /**
7384                         *
7385                         * @param {mxPoint} p
7386                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
7387                         * @return {string}
7388                         */
7389                        RelMoveTo.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
7390                            var x = p.x;
7391                            var y = p.y;
7392                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null) {
7393                                x = this.x * 100;
7394                                y = 100 - this.y * 100;
7395                            }
7396                            x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
7397                            y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
7398                            p.x = (x);
7399                            p.y = (y);
7400                            shape.setLastX(x);
7401                            shape.setLastY(y);
7402                            shape.setLastMoveX(x);
7403                            shape.setLastMoveY(y);
7404                            return "<move x=\"" + new String(x).toString() + "\" y=\"" + new String(y).toString() + "\"/>";
7405                        };
7406                        return RelMoveTo;
7407                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
7408                    geometry.RelMoveTo = RelMoveTo;
7409                    RelMoveTo["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RelMoveTo";
7410                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
7411            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
7412        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
7413    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
7414})(com || (com = {}));
7415(function (com) {
7416    var mxgraph;
7417    (function (mxgraph) {
7418        var io;
7419        (function (io) {
7420            var vsdx;
7421            (function (vsdx) {
7422                var geometry;
7423                (function (geometry) {
7424                    var RelQuadBezTo = (function (_super) {
7425                        __extends(RelQuadBezTo, _super);
7426                        function RelQuadBezTo(index, x, y, a, b) {
7427                            var _this = _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
7428                            _this.a = a;
7429                            _this.b = b;
7430                            return _this;
7431                        }
7432                        /**
7433                         *
7434                         * @param {mxPoint} p
7435                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
7436                         * @return {string}
7437                         */
7438                        RelQuadBezTo.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
7439                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null && this.a != null && this.b != null) {
7440                                var x = this.x * 100;
7441                                var y = 100 - this.y * 100;
7442                                var x1 = this.a * 100.0;
7443                                var y1 = 100 - this.b * 100.0;
7444                                x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
7445                                y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
7446                                x1 = Math.round(x1 * 100.0) / 100.0;
7447                                y1 = Math.round(y1 * 100.0) / 100.0;
7448                                shape.setLastX(x);
7449                                shape.setLastY(y);
7450                                return "<quad x1=\"" + new String(x1).toString() + "\" y1=\"" + new String(y1).toString() + "\" x2=\"" + new String(x).toString() + "\" y2=\"" + new String(y).toString() + "\"/>";
7451                            }
7452                            return "";
7453                        };
7454                        return RelQuadBezTo;
7455                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
7456                    geometry.RelQuadBezTo = RelQuadBezTo;
7457                    RelQuadBezTo["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RelQuadBezTo";
7458                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
7459            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
7460        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
7461    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
7462})(com || (com = {}));
7463(function (com) {
7464    var mxgraph;
7465    (function (mxgraph) {
7466        var io;
7467        (function (io) {
7468            var vsdx;
7469            (function (vsdx) {
7470                var geometry;
7471                (function (geometry) {
7472                    var SplineKnot = (function (_super) {
7473                        __extends(SplineKnot, _super);
7474                        function SplineKnot(index, x, y, a) {
7475                            var _this = _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
7476                            _this.a = a;
7477                            return _this;
7478                        }
7479                        /**
7480                         *
7481                         * @param {mxPoint} p
7482                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
7483                         * @return {string}
7484                         */
7485                        SplineKnot.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
7486                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null && this.a != null) {
7487                                var x = this.x * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7488                                var y = this.y * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7489                                var a = this.a;
7490                                var knot = a;
7491                                y = 100 - y;
7492                                x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
7493                                y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
7494                                knot = Math.round(knot * 100.0) / 100.0;
7495                                shape.setLastX(x);
7496                                shape.setLastY(y);
7497                            }
7498                            return "";
7499                        };
7500                        return SplineKnot;
7501                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
7502                    geometry.SplineKnot = SplineKnot;
7503                    SplineKnot["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.SplineKnot";
7504                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
7505            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
7506        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
7507    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
7508})(com || (com = {}));
7509(function (com) {
7510    var mxgraph;
7511    (function (mxgraph) {
7512        var io;
7513        (function (io) {
7514            var vsdx;
7515            (function (vsdx) {
7516                var geometry;
7517                (function (geometry) {
7518                    var SplineStart = (function (_super) {
7519                        __extends(SplineStart, _super);
7520                        function SplineStart(index, x, y, a, b, c, d) {
7521                            var _this = _super.call(this, index, x, y) || this;
7522                            _this.a = a;
7523                            _this.b = b;
7524                            _this.c = c;
7525                            _this.d = d;
7526                            return _this;
7527                        }
7528                        /**
7529                         *
7530                         * @param {mxPoint} p
7531                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
7532                         * @return {string}
7533                         */
7534                        SplineStart.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
7535                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null && this.a != null && this.b != null && this.c != null && this.d != null) {
7536                                var h = shape.getHeight();
7537                                var w = shape.getWidth();
7538                                var x = this.x * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7539                                var y = this.y * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7540                                var c = this.c;
7541                                var d = (this.d | 0);
7542                                var lastKnot = c;
7543                                shape.setLastKnot(lastKnot);
7544                                var degree = d;
7545                                y = 100 - y;
7546                                x = Math.round(x * 100.0) / 100.0;
7547                                y = Math.round(y * 100.0) / 100.0;
7548                                lastKnot = Math.round(lastKnot * 100.0) / 100.0;
7549                                var x0 = shape.getLastX() * w / 100.0;
7550                                var y0 = shape.getLastY() * h / 100.0;
7551                                shape.setLastX(x);
7552                                shape.setLastY(y);
7553                                return "<curve ";
7554                            }
7555                            return "";
7556                        };
7557                        return SplineStart;
7558                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.Row));
7559                    geometry.SplineStart = SplineStart;
7560                    SplineStart["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.SplineStart";
7561                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
7562            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
7563        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
7564    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
7565})(com || (com = {}));
7566(function (com) {
7567    var mxgraph;
7568    (function (mxgraph) {
7569        var io;
7570        (function (io) {
7571            var vsdx;
7572            (function (vsdx) {
7573                /**
7574                 * Create a new instance of mxGeneralShape
7575                 * @param {*} shape Shape Element to be wrapped.
7576                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel} model
7577                 * @class
7578                 */
7579                var Style = (function () {
7580                    function Style(shape, model) {
7581                        this.cellElements = ({});
7582                        this.sections = ({});
7583                        /**
7584                         * Mapping of line,text and fill styles to the style parents
7585                         */
7586                        this.styleParents = ({});
7587                        this.shape = null;
7588                        this.Id = null;
7589                        this.pm = null;
7590                        this.style = null;
7591                        this.shape = shape;
7592                        this.pm = model.getPropertiesManager();
7593                        var Id = shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.ID);
7594                        try {
7595                            this.Id = (Id != null && !(Id.length === 0)) ? parseFloat(Id) : -1;
7596                        }
7597                        catch (e) {
7598                            this.Id = -1;
7599                        }
7600                        ;
7601                        this.cacheCells(model);
7602                        this.stylesheetRefs(model);
7603                    }
7604                    Style.__static_initialize = function () { if (!Style.__static_initialized) {
7605                        Style.__static_initialized = true;
7606                        Style.__static_initializer_0();
7607                        Style.__static_initializer_1();
7608                    } };
7609                    Style.styleTypes_$LI$ = function () { Style.__static_initialize(); if (Style.styleTypes == null)
7610                        Style.styleTypes = ({}); return Style.styleTypes; };
7611                    ;
7612                    Style.__static_initializer_0 = function () {
7613                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE);
7614                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_BKGND] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE);
7615                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_BKGND_TRANS] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE);
7616                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_FOREGND] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE);
7617                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_FOREGND_TRANS] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE);
7618                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_PATTERN] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE);
7619                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.SHDW_PATTERN] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE);
7620                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE);
7621                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()["QuickStyleFillColor"] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE);
7622                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()["QuickStyleFillMatrix"] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE);
7623                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_ARROW] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE);
7624                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.END_ARROW] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE);
7625                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_PATTERN] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE);
7626                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_COLOR] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE);
7627                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_COLOR_TRANS] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE);
7628                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_WEIGHT] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE);
7629                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()["QuickStyleLineColor"] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE);
7630                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()["QuickStyleLineMatrix"] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE);
7631                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_ARROW_SIZE] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE);
7632                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.END_ARROW_SIZE] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE);
7633                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_BKGND] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE);
7634                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BOTTOM_MARGIN] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE);
7635                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LEFT_MARGIN] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE);
7636                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.RIGHT_MARGIN] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE);
7637                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TOP_MARGIN] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE);
7638                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE);
7639                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CHARACTER] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE);
7640                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()["QuickStyleFontColor"] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE);
7641                        /* put */ (Style.styleTypes_$LI$()["QuickStyleFontMatrix"] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE);
7642                    };
7643                    Style.prototype.getTheme = function () {
7644                        return null;
7645                    };
7646                    Style.prototype.getQuickStyleVals = function () {
7647                        return null;
7648                    };
7649                    Style.prototype.isVertex = function () {
7650                        return false;
7651                    };
7652                    Style.prototype.styleDebug = function (debug) {
7653                        if (Style.vsdxStyleDebug) {
7654                            console.info(debug);
7655                        }
7656                    };
7657                    Style.prototype.stylesheetRefs = function (model) {
7658                        /* put */ (this.styleParents[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE] = model.getStylesheet(this.shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_STYLE)));
7659                        /* put */ (this.styleParents[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE] = model.getStylesheet(this.shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_STYLE)));
7660                        /* put */ (this.styleParents[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE] = model.getStylesheet(this.shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_STYLE)));
7661                        var style = model.getStylesheet("0");
7662                        this.style = style;
7663                    };
7664                    /**
7665                     * Checks if the shape Element has a children with tag name = 'tag'.
7666                     * @param tag Name of the Element to be found.
7667                     * @return {void} Returns <code>true</code> if the shape Element has a children with tag name = 'tag'
7668                     * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel} model
7669                     */
7670                    Style.prototype.cacheCells = function (model) {
7671                        if (this.shape != null) {
7672                            var children = this.shape.childNodes;
7673                            if (children != null) {
7674                                var childNode = children.item(0);
7675                                while ((childNode != null)) {
7676                                    if (childNode != null && (childNode.nodeType == 1)) {
7677                                        this.parseShapeElem(childNode, model);
7678                                    }
7679                                    childNode = childNode.nextSibling;
7680                                }
7681                                ;
7682                            }
7683                        }
7684                    };
7685                    /**
7686                     * Caches the specified element
7687                     * @param {*} elem the element to cache
7688                     * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel} model
7689                     */
7690                    Style.prototype.parseShapeElem = function (elem, model) {
7691                        var childName = elem.nodeName;
7692                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7693                            return o1.equals(o2);
7694                        }
7695                        else {
7696                            return o1 === o2;
7697                        } })(childName, "Cell")) {
7698                            /* put */ (this.cellElements[elem.getAttribute("N")] = elem);
7699                        }
7700                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7701                            return o1.equals(o2);
7702                        }
7703                        else {
7704                            return o1 === o2;
7705                        } })(childName, "Section")) {
7706                            this.parseSection(elem);
7707                        }
7708                    };
7709                    /**
7710                     * Caches the specific section element
7711                     * @param {*} elem the element to cache
7712                     */
7713                    Style.prototype.parseSection = function (elem) {
7714                        var sect = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Section(elem);
7715                        /* put */ (this.sections[elem.getAttribute("N")] = sect);
7716                    };
7717                    /**
7718                     * Checks if the 'primary' Element has a child with tag name = 'tag'.
7719                     * @param {string} tag Name of the Element to be found.
7720                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if the 'primary' Element has a child with tag name = 'tag'.
7721                     * @param {string} nodeName
7722                     */
7723                    Style.prototype.hasProperty = function (nodeName, tag) {
7724                        return this.cellElements.hasOwnProperty(tag);
7725                    };
7726                    /**
7727                     * Returns the value of the element
7728                     * @param {*} elem The element whose value is to be found
7729                     * @param {string} defaultValue the value to return if there is no value attribute
7730                     * @return {string} String value of the element, or the default value if no value found
7731                     */
7732                    Style.prototype.getValue = function (elem, defaultValue) {
7733                        if (elem != null) {
7734                            return elem.getAttribute("V") || "";
7735                        }
7736                        return defaultValue;
7737                    };
7738                    /**
7739                     * Returns the value of the element as a double
7740                     * @param elem The element whose value is to be found
7741                     * @param {number} defaultValue the value to return if there is no value attribute
7742                     * @return {number} double value of the element, or the default value if no value found
7743                     * @param {*} cell
7744                     */
7745                    Style.prototype.getValueAsDouble = function (cell, defaultValue) {
7746                        if (cell != null) {
7747                            var value = cell.getAttribute("V");
7748                            if (value != null) {
7749                                if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7750                                    return o1.equals(o2);
7751                                }
7752                                else {
7753                                    return o1 === o2;
7754                                } })(value, "Themed")) {
7755                                    return 0;
7756                                }
7757                                try {
7758                                    var parsedValue = parseFloat(value);
7759                                    var units = cell.getAttribute("U");
7760                                    if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7761                                        return o1.equals(o2);
7762                                    }
7763                                    else {
7764                                        return o1 === o2;
7765                                    } })(units, "PT")) {
7766                                        parsedValue = parsedValue * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7767                                    }
7768                                    return Math.round(parsedValue * 100.0) / 100.0;
7769                                }
7770                                catch (e) {
7771                                    console.error(e.message, e);
7772                                }
7773                                ;
7774                            }
7775                        }
7776                        return defaultValue;
7777                    };
7778                    Style.prototype.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double = function (cell, defaultValue) {
7779                        if (cell != null) {
7780                            var value = cell.getAttribute("V");
7781                            if (value != null) {
7782                                try {
7783                                    var parsedValue = parseFloat(value);
7784                                    return this.getScreenNumericalValue$double(parsedValue);
7785                                }
7786                                catch (e) {
7787                                    console.error(e.message, e);
7788                                }
7789                                ;
7790                            }
7791                        }
7792                        return defaultValue;
7793                    };
7794                    /**
7795                     * Returns the value of the element as a double
7796                     * @param elem The element whose value is to be found
7797                     * @param {number} defaultValue the value to return if there is no value attribute
7798                     * @return {number} double value of the element, or the default value if no value found
7799                     * @param {*} cell
7800                     */
7801                    Style.prototype.getScreenNumericalValue = function (cell, defaultValue) {
7802                        if (((cell != null && (cell.nodeType == 1)) || cell === null) && ((typeof defaultValue === 'number') || defaultValue === null)) {
7803                            return this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(cell, defaultValue);
7804                        }
7805                        else if (((typeof cell === 'number') || cell === null) && defaultValue === undefined) {
7806                            return this.getScreenNumericalValue$double(cell);
7807                        }
7808                        else
7809                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
7810                    };
7811                    Style.prototype.getScreenNumericalValue$double = function (val) {
7812                        var conVal = val * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
7813                        return conVal;
7814                    };
7815                    /**
7816                     * Returns the value of the attribute of the element with tag name = 'tag' in the children
7817                     * of the shape element<br/>
7818                     * @param {string} tag Name of the Element to be found.
7819                     * @return {string} Numerical value of the element.
7820                     * @param {string} attribute
7821                     * @param {string} defaultValue
7822                     */
7823                    Style.prototype.getAttribute = function (tag, attribute, defaultValue) {
7824                        var result = defaultValue;
7825                        var cell = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.cellElements, tag);
7826                        if (cell != null) {
7827                            result = cell.getAttribute(attribute) || "";
7828                        }
7829                        return result;
7830                    };
7831                    Style.prototype.getChildValues = function (parent, requiredValues) {
7832                        var result = ({});
7833                        var child = parent.firstChild;
7834                        while ((child != null)) {
7835                            if (child != null && (child.nodeType == 1)) {
7836                                var childElem = child;
7837                                var childName = childElem.nodeName;
7838                                var name_9 = null;
7839                                var nodeValue = null;
7840                                if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7841                                    return o1.equals(o2);
7842                                }
7843                                else {
7844                                    return o1 === o2;
7845                                } })(childName, "Cell")) {
7846                                    name_9 = childElem.getAttribute("N") || "";
7847                                    nodeValue = childElem.getAttribute("V") || "";
7848                                }
7849                                else {
7850                                    name_9 = childElem.nodeName;
7851                                    nodeValue = childElem.textContent;
7852                                }
7853                                if (requiredValues != null) {
7854                                    var nodeOverride = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(requiredValues, name_9);
7855                                    if (nodeOverride != null) {
7856                                        nodeValue = childElem.getAttribute(nodeOverride) || "";
7857                                    }
7858                                }
7859                                /* put */ (result[name_9] = nodeValue);
7860                            }
7861                            child = child.nextSibling;
7862                        }
7863                        ;
7864                        return result;
7865                    };
7866                    Style.prototype.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String = function (cellKey, index, sectKey) {
7867                        var sect = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.sections, sectKey);
7868                        var elem = null;
7869                        var inherit = false;
7870                        if (sect != null) {
7871                            elem = sect.getIndexedCell(index, cellKey);
7872                        }
7873                        if (elem != null) {
7874                            var form = elem.getAttribute("F");
7875                            var value = elem.getAttribute("V");
7876                            if (form != null && value != null) {
7877                                if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7878                                    return o1.equals(o2);
7879                                }
7880                                else {
7881                                    return o1 === o2;
7882                                } })(form, "Inh") && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7883                                    return o1.equals(o2);
7884                                }
7885                                else {
7886                                    return o1 === o2;
7887                                } })(value, "Themed")) {
7888                                    inherit = true;
7889                                }
7890                                else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7891                                    return o1.equals(o2);
7892                                }
7893                                else {
7894                                    return o1 === o2;
7895                                } })(form, "THEMEVAL()") && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7896                                    return o1.equals(o2);
7897                                }
7898                                else {
7899                                    return o1 === o2;
7900                                } })(value, "Themed") && this.style != null) {
7901                                    if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7902                                        return o1.equals(o2);
7903                                    }
7904                                    else {
7905                                        return o1 === o2;
7906                                    } })(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.COLOR, cellKey))
7907                                        return elem;
7908                                    var themeElem = this.style.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(cellKey, index, sectKey);
7909                                    if (themeElem != null) {
7910                                        return themeElem;
7911                                    }
7912                                }
7913                            }
7914                        }
7915                        if (elem == null || inherit) {
7916                            var styleType = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(Style.styleTypes_$LI$(), sectKey);
7917                            var parentStyle = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.styleParents, styleType);
7918                            if (parentStyle != null) {
7919                                var parentElem = parentStyle.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(cellKey, index, sectKey);
7920                                if (parentElem != null) {
7921                                    return parentElem;
7922                                }
7923                            }
7924                        }
7925                        return elem;
7926                    };
7927                    Style.prototype.getCellElement = function (cellKey, index, sectKey) {
7928                        if (((typeof cellKey === 'string') || cellKey === null) && ((typeof index === 'string') || index === null) && ((typeof sectKey === 'string') || sectKey === null)) {
7929                            return this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(cellKey, index, sectKey);
7930                        }
7931                        else if (((typeof cellKey === 'string') || cellKey === null) && index === undefined && sectKey === undefined) {
7932                            return this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(cellKey);
7933                        }
7934                        else
7935                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
7936                    };
7937                    Style.prototype.getCellElement$java_lang_String = function (key) {
7938                        var elem = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.cellElements, key);
7939                        var inherit = false;
7940                        if (elem != null) {
7941                            var form = elem.getAttribute("F");
7942                            var value = elem.getAttribute("V");
7943                            if (form != null && value != null) {
7944                                if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7945                                    return o1.equals(o2);
7946                                }
7947                                else {
7948                                    return o1 === o2;
7949                                } })(form, "Inh") && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7950                                    return o1.equals(o2);
7951                                }
7952                                else {
7953                                    return o1 === o2;
7954                                } })(value, "Themed")) {
7955                                    inherit = true;
7956                                }
7957                                else if (form.indexOf("THEMEVAL()") != -1 && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7958                                    return o1.equals(o2);
7959                                }
7960                                else {
7961                                    return o1 === o2;
7962                                } })(value, "Themed") && this.style != null) {
7963                                    if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7964                                        return o1.equals(o2);
7965                                    }
7966                                    else {
7967                                        return o1 === o2;
7968                                    } })("FillForegnd", key) || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7969                                        return o1.equals(o2);
7970                                    }
7971                                    else {
7972                                        return o1 === o2;
7973                                    } })(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_COLOR, key) || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7974                                        return o1.equals(o2);
7975                                    }
7976                                    else {
7977                                        return o1 === o2;
7978                                    } })(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_PATTERN, key) || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7979                                        return o1.equals(o2);
7980                                    }
7981                                    else {
7982                                        return o1 === o2;
7983                                    } })(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_ARROW_SIZE, key) || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7984                                        return o1.equals(o2);
7985                                    }
7986                                    else {
7987                                        return o1 === o2;
7988                                    } })(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.END_ARROW_SIZE, key) || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7989                                        return o1.equals(o2);
7990                                    }
7991                                    else {
7992                                        return o1 === o2;
7993                                    } })(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_ARROW, key) || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7994                                        return o1.equals(o2);
7995                                    }
7996                                    else {
7997                                        return o1 === o2;
7998                                    } })(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.END_ARROW, key) || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
7999                                        return o1.equals(o2);
8000                                    }
8001                                    else {
8002                                        return o1 === o2;
8003                                    } })(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_WEIGHT, key))
8004                                        return elem;
8005                                    var themeElem = this.style.getCellElement$java_lang_String(key);
8006                                    if (themeElem != null) {
8007                                        return themeElem;
8008                                    }
8009                                }
8010                            }
8011                        }
8012                        if (elem == null || inherit) {
8013                            var styleType = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(Style.styleTypes_$LI$(), key);
8014                            var parentStyle = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.styleParents, styleType);
8015                            if (parentStyle != null) {
8016                                var parentElem = parentStyle.getCellElement$java_lang_String(key);
8017                                if (parentElem != null) {
8018                                    return parentElem;
8019                                }
8020                            }
8021                        }
8022                        return elem;
8023                    };
8024                    /**
8025                     * Returns the line color.<br/>
8026                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or line stylesheet.<br/>
8027                     * @return {string} hexadecimal representation of the color.
8028                     */
8029                    Style.prototype.getStrokeColor = function () {
8030                        var color = "";
8031                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8032                            return o1.equals(o2);
8033                        }
8034                        else {
8035                            return o1 === o2;
8036                        } })(this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_PATTERN), "1"), "0")) {
8037                            color = "none";
8038                        }
8039                        else {
8040                            color = this.getColor(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_COLOR));
8041                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8042                                return o1.equals(o2);
8043                            }
8044                            else {
8045                                return o1 === o2;
8046                            } })("Themed", color)) {
8047                                var theme_7 = this.getTheme();
8048                                if (theme_7 != null) {
8049                                    var colorObj = this.isVertex() ? theme_7.getLineColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(this.getQuickStyleVals()) : theme_7.getConnLineColor(this.getQuickStyleVals());
8050                                    color = colorObj.toHexStr();
8051                                }
8052                                else {
8053                                    color = "";
8054                                }
8055                            }
8056                        }
8057                        return color;
8058                    };
8059                    /**
8060                     * Returns the shape's color.
8061                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or fill stylesheet.
8062                     * If the color is the background or the fore color, it depends on the pattern.
8063                     * For simple gradients and solid, returns the fore color, else return the
8064                     * background color.
8065                     * @return {string} hexadecimal representation of the color.
8066                     */
8067                    Style.prototype.getFillColor = function () {
8068                        var fillGradientEnabled = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_GRADIENT_ENABLED), "0");
8069                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8070                            return o1.equals(o2);
8071                        }
8072                        else {
8073                            return o1 === o2;
8074                        } })("1", fillGradientEnabled)) {
8075                            var fillGradient = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.sections, "FillGradient");
8076                            if (fillGradient != null) {
8077                                var color = this.getColor(fillGradient.getIndexedCell("0", "GradientStopColor"));
8078                                if (color != null && !(color.length === 0))
8079                                    return color;
8080                            }
8081                        }
8082                        var fillForeColor = this.getColor(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_FOREGND));
8083                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8084                            return o1.equals(o2);
8085                        }
8086                        else {
8087                            return o1 === o2;
8088                        } })("Themed", fillForeColor)) {
8089                            var theme_8 = this.getTheme();
8090                            if (theme_8 != null) {
8091                                var color = theme_8.getFillColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(this.getQuickStyleVals());
8092                                fillForeColor = color.toHexStr();
8093                            }
8094                            else {
8095                                fillForeColor = "#FFFFFF";
8096                            }
8097                        }
8098                        var fillPattern = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_PATTERN), "0");
8099                        if (fillPattern != null && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8100                            return o1.equals(o2);
8101                        }
8102                        else {
8103                            return o1 === o2;
8104                        } })(fillPattern, "0")) {
8105                            return "none";
8106                        }
8107                        else {
8108                            return fillForeColor;
8109                        }
8110                    };
8111                    Style.prototype.getColor = function (elem) {
8112                        var color = this.getValue(elem, "");
8113                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8114                            return o1.equals(o2);
8115                        }
8116                        else {
8117                            return o1 === o2;
8118                        } })("Themed", color) && !(function (str, searchString, position) {
8119                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
8120                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
8121                        })(color, "#")) {
8122                            color = this.pm.getColor(color);
8123                        }
8124                        return color;
8125                    };
8126                    /**
8127                     * The TextBkgnd cell can have any value from 0 through 24, or 255. The values 0 and 255 (visTxtBlklOpaque) both indicate a transparent text background.
8128                     * To enter a custom color, use the RGB or HSL function plus one—for example, RGB(255,127,255)+1. The value of a custom color is its RGB color, and RGB(r, g, b)+1,
8129                     * rather than a number, will be shown in the ShapeSheet window. When used in numeric operations, custom colors have values of 25 and above.
8130                     * You can set the transparency of the text background color in the TextBkgndTrans cell.
8131                     * @param {*} elem
8132                     * @return {string}
8133                     */
8134                    Style.prototype.getTextBkgndColor = function (elem) {
8135                        var color = this.getValue(elem, "");
8136                        if (!(function (str, searchString, position) {
8137                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
8138                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
8139                        })(color, "#")) {
8140                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8141                                return o1.equals(o2);
8142                            }
8143                            else {
8144                                return o1 === o2;
8145                            } })(color, "0") || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8146                                return o1.equals(o2);
8147                            }
8148                            else {
8149                                return o1 === o2;
8150                            } })(color, "255") || (color.length === 0)) {
8151                                return "none";
8152                            }
8153                            return this.pm.getColor(/* valueOf */ new String(/* parseInt */ parseInt(color) - 1).toString());
8154                        }
8155                        return color;
8156                    };
8157                    /**
8158                     * Returns the line weight of the shape in pixels
8159                     * @return {number} Numerical value of the LineWeight element.
8160                     */
8161                    Style.prototype.getLineWeight = function () {
8162                        return this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_WEIGHT), 0);
8163                    };
8164                    /**
8165                     * Returns the level of transparency of the Shape.
8166                     * @return {number} double in range (opaque = 0)..(100 = transparent)
8167                     */
8168                    Style.prototype.getStrokeTransparency = function () {
8169                        return this.getValueAsDouble(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_COLOR_TRANS), 0);
8170                    };
8171                    /**
8172                     * Returns the NameU attribute.
8173                     * @return {string} Value of the NameU attribute.
8174                     */
8175                    Style.prototype.getNameU = function () {
8176                        return this.shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.NAME_U) || "";
8177                    };
8178                    /**
8179                     * Returns the Name attribute.
8180                     * @return {string} Value of the Name attribute (Human readable name).
8181                     */
8182                    Style.prototype.getName = function () {
8183                        return this.shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.NAME) || "";
8184                    };
8185                    /**
8186                     * Returns the UniqueID attribute.
8187                     * @return {string} Value of the UniqueID attribute.
8188                     */
8189                    Style.prototype.getUniqueID = function () {
8190                        return this.shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.UNIQUE_ID) || "";
8191                    };
8192                    /**
8193                     * Returns the value of the Id attribute.
8194                     * @return {number} Value of the Id attribute.
8195                     */
8196                    Style.prototype.getId = function () {
8197                        return this.Id;
8198                    };
8199                    /**
8200                     * Returns the color of one text fragment
8201                     * @param charIX IX attribute of Char element
8202                     * @return {string} Text color in hexadecimal representation.
8203                     * @param {string} index
8204                     */
8205                    Style.prototype.getTextColor = function (index) {
8206                        var colorElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.COLOR, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CHARACTER);
8207                        var color = this.getValue(colorElem, "#000000");
8208                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8209                            return o1.equals(o2);
8210                        }
8211                        else {
8212                            return o1 === o2;
8213                        } })("Themed", color)) {
8214                            var theme_9 = this.getTheme();
8215                            if (theme_9 != null) {
8216                                var colorObj = this.isVertex() ? theme_9.getFontColor$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(this.getQuickStyleVals()) : theme_9.getConnFontColor(this.getQuickStyleVals());
8217                                color = colorObj.toHexStr();
8218                            }
8219                            else {
8220                                color = "#000000";
8221                            }
8222                        }
8223                        else if (!(function (str, searchString, position) {
8224                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
8225                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
8226                        })(color, "#")) {
8227                            color = this.pm.getColor(color);
8228                        }
8229                        return color;
8230                    };
8231                    /**
8232                     * Returns the top margin of text in pixels.
8233                     * @return {number} Numerical value of the TopMargin element
8234                     */
8235                    Style.prototype.getTextTopMargin = function () {
8236                        return this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TOP_MARGIN), 0);
8237                    };
8238                    /**
8239                     * Returns the bottom margin of text in pixels.
8240                     * @return {number} Numerical value of the BottomMargin element.
8241                     */
8242                    Style.prototype.getTextBottomMargin = function () {
8243                        return this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BOTTOM_MARGIN), 0);
8244                    };
8245                    /**
8246                     * Returns the left margin of text in pixels.
8247                     * @return {number} Numerical value of the LeftMargin element.
8248                     */
8249                    Style.prototype.getTextLeftMargin = function () {
8250                        return this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LEFT_MARGIN), 0);
8251                    };
8252                    /**
8253                     * Returns the right margin of text in pixels.
8254                     * @return {number} Numerical value of the RightMargin element.
8255                     */
8256                    Style.prototype.getTextRightMargin = function () {
8257                        return this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.RIGHT_MARGIN), 0);
8258                    };
8259                    /**
8260                     * Returns the style of one text fragment.
8261                     * @param charIX IX attribute of Char element
8262                     * @return {string} String value of the Style element.
8263                     * @param {string} index
8264                     */
8265                    Style.prototype.getTextStyle = function (index) {
8266                        var styleElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.STYLE, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CHARACTER);
8267                        return this.getValue(styleElem, "");
8268                    };
8269                    /**
8270                     * Returns the font of one text fragment
8271                     * @param charIX IX attribute of Char element
8272                     * @return {string} Name of the font.
8273                     * @param {string} index
8274                     */
8275                    Style.prototype.getTextFont = function (index) {
8276                        var fontElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FONT, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CHARACTER);
8277                        return this.getValue(fontElem, "");
8278                    };
8279                    /**
8280                     * Returns the position of one text fragment
8281                     * @param charIX IX attribute of Char element
8282                     * @return {string} Integer value of the Pos element.
8283                     * @param {string} index
8284                     */
8285                    Style.prototype.getTextPos = function (index) {
8286                        var posElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.POS, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CHARACTER);
8287                        return this.getValue(posElem, "");
8288                    };
8289                    /**
8290                     * Checks if one text fragment is Strikethru
8291                     * @param charIX IX attribute of Char element
8292                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if one text fragment is Strikethru
8293                     * @param {string} index
8294                     */
8295                    Style.prototype.getTextStrike = function (index) {
8296                        var strikeElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.STRIKETHRU, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CHARACTER);
8297                        return (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8298                            return o1.equals(o2);
8299                        }
8300                        else {
8301                            return o1 === o2;
8302                        } })(this.getValue(strikeElem, ""), "1");
8303                    };
8304                    /**
8305                     * Returns the case property of one text fragment
8306                     * @param charIX IX attribute of Char element
8307                     * @return {string} Integer value of the Case element
8308                     * @param {string} index
8309                     */
8310                    Style.prototype.getTextCase = function (index) {
8311                        var caseElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CASE, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CHARACTER);
8312                        return this.getValue(caseElem, "");
8313                    };
8314                    /**
8315                     * Returns the horizontal align property of a paragraph
8316                     * @param {string} index IX attribute of Para element
8317                     * @param {boolean} html whether to return the html values or mxGraph values
8318                     * @return {string} String value of the HorizontalAlign element.
8319                     */
8320                    Style.prototype.getHorizontalAlign = function (index, html) {
8321                        var ret = "center";
8322                        var horAlign = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH);
8323                        var align = this.getValue(horAlign, "");
8324                        switch ((align)) {
8325                            case "0":
8326                                ret = html ? "left" : mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT;
8327                                break;
8328                            case "2":
8329                                ret = html ? "right" : mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT;
8330                                break;
8331                            case "3":
8332                            case "4":
8333                                ret = html ? "justify" : mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER;
8334                                break;
8335                            default:
8336                                ret = html ? "center" : mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER;
8337                        }
8338                        return ret;
8339                    };
8340                    /**
8341                     * Returns the first indent of one paragraph in pixels.
8342                     * @param paraIX IX attribute of Para element
8343                     * @return {string} String representation of the numerical value of the IndentFirst element.
8344                     * @param {string} index
8345                     */
8346                    Style.prototype.getIndentFirst = function (index) {
8347                        var indentFirstElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.INDENT_FIRST, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH);
8348                        return new String(this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(indentFirstElem, 0)).toString();
8349                    };
8350                    /**
8351                     * Returns the indent to left of one paragraph
8352                     * @param paraIX IX attribute of Para element
8353                     * @return {string} String representation of the numerical value of the IndentLeft element.
8354                     * @param {string} index
8355                     */
8356                    Style.prototype.getIndentLeft = function (index) {
8357                        var indentLeftElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.INDENT_LEFT, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH);
8358                        return new String((Math.round(this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(indentLeftElem, 0)) | 0)).toString();
8359                    };
8360                    /**
8361                     * Returns the indent to right of one paragraph
8362                     * @param paraIX IX attribute of Para element
8363                     * @return {string} String representation of the numerical value of the IndentRight element.
8364                     * @param {string} index
8365                     */
8366                    Style.prototype.getIndentRight = function (index) {
8367                        var indentRightElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.INDENT_RIGHT, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH);
8368                        return new String((Math.round(this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(indentRightElem, 0)) | 0)).toString();
8369                    };
8370                    /**
8371                     * Returns the space before one paragraph.
8372                     * @param paraIX IX attribute of Para element
8373                     * @return {string} String representation of the numerical value of the SpBefore element.
8374                     * @param {string} index
8375                     */
8376                    Style.prototype.getSpBefore = function (index) {
8377                        var spBeforeElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.SPACE_BEFORE, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH);
8378                        return new String((Math.round(this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(spBeforeElem, 0)) | 0)).toString();
8379                    };
8380                    /**
8381                     * Returns the space after one paragraph
8382                     * @param paraIX IX attribute of Para element
8383                     * @return {string} String representation of the numerical value of the SpAfter element.
8384                     * @param {string} index
8385                     */
8386                    Style.prototype.getSpAfter = function (index) {
8387                        var spAfterElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.SPACE_AFTER, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH);
8388                        return new String((Math.round(this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(spAfterElem, 0)) | 0)).toString();
8389                    };
8390                    /**
8391                     * Returns the space between lines in one paragraph.
8392                     * @param paraIX IX attribute of Para element.
8393                     * @return {number} Double representation of the value of the SpLine element.
8394                     * @param {string} index
8395                     */
8396                    Style.prototype.getSpLine = function (index) {
8397                        var spLineElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.SPACE_LINE, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH);
8398                        var val = this.getValue(spLineElem, "");
8399                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8400                            return o1.equals(o2);
8401                        }
8402                        else {
8403                            return o1 === o2;
8404                        } })(val, "")) {
8405                            return parseFloat(val);
8406                        }
8407                        return 0;
8408                    };
8409                    /**
8410                     * Returns the flags of one paragraph.
8411                     * @param paraIX IX attribute of Para element.
8412                     * @return {string} String value of the Flags element.
8413                     * @param {string} index
8414                     */
8415                    Style.prototype.getFlags = function (index) {
8416                        var flagsElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FLAGS, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH);
8417                        return this.getValue(flagsElem, "0");
8418                    };
8419                    /**
8420                     * Returns the space between characters in one text fragment.
8421                     * @param paraIX IX attribute of Para element.
8422                     * @return {string} String representation of the numerical value of the Letterspace element.
8423                     * @param {string} index
8424                     */
8425                    Style.prototype.getLetterSpace = function (index) {
8426                        var letterSpaceElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LETTER_SPACE, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH);
8427                        return new String(this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(letterSpaceElem, 0)).toString();
8428                    };
8429                    /**
8430                     * Returns the bullet element value.
8431                     * @param paraIX IX attribute of Para element.
8432                     * @return {string} String value of the Bullet element.
8433                     * @param {string} index
8434                     */
8435                    Style.prototype.getBullet = function (index) {
8436                        var bulletElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BULLET, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH);
8437                        return this.getValue(bulletElem, "0");
8438                    };
8439                    Style.prototype.getShape = function () {
8440                        return this.shape;
8441                    };
8442                    Style.prototype.setShape = function (shape) {
8443                        this.shape = shape;
8444                    };
8445                    Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$ = function () { Style.__static_initialize(); if (Style.lineDashPatterns == null)
8446                        Style.lineDashPatterns = ([]); return Style.lineDashPatterns; };
8447                    ;
8448                    Style.__static_initializer_1 = function () {
8449                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push([]));
8450                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push([]));
8451                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push([]));
8452                        var lineDashPattern = ([]);
8453                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8454                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8455                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8456                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8457                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DASH));
8458                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8459                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8460                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8461                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8462                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8463                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DASH));
8464                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8465                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8466                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8467                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8468                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8469                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8470                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8471                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DASH));
8472                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8473                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DASH));
8474                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8475                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8476                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8477                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8478                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8479                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_DASH));
8480                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8481                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_DASH));
8482                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8483                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8484                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8485                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_DASH));
8486                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8487                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_DASH));
8488                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8489                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_DASH));
8490                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SPACE));
8491                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8492                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8493                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_DASH));
8494                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8495                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8496                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8497                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8498                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8499                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8500                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8501                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_DASH));
8502                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8503                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8504                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8505                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8506                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8507                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_DASH));
8508                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8509                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8510                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8511                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8512                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8513                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8514                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8515                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_DASH));
8516                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8517                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_DASH));
8518                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8519                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8520                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8521                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8522                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8523                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DASH));
8524                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8525                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_DASH));
8526                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8527                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8528                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8529                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DASH));
8530                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8531                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_DASH));
8532                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8533                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_DASH));
8534                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8535                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8536                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8537                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_DASH));
8538                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8539                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8540                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8541                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8542                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8543                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8544                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8545                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_DASH));
8546                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8547                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8548                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8549                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8550                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8551                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_DASH));
8552                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8553                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8554                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8555                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8556                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8557                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8558                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8559                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_DASH));
8560                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8561                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_DASH));
8562                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8563                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DOT));
8564                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8565                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8566                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8567                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.XLONG_DASH));
8568                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8569                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DASH));
8570                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8571                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8572                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8573                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.XLONG_DASH));
8574                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8575                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DASH));
8576                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8577                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.DASH));
8578                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.LONG_SPACE));
8579                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8580                        lineDashPattern = ([]);
8581                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.XSHORT_DASH));
8582                        /* add */ (lineDashPattern.push(Style.SHORT_SPACE));
8583                        /* add */ (Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$().push(lineDashPattern));
8584                    };
8585                    Style.getLineDashPattern = function (pattern) {
8586                        if (pattern >= 0 && pattern <= 23)
8587                            return Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$()[pattern];
8588                        else
8589                            return Style.lineDashPatterns_$LI$()[0];
8590                    };
8591                    return Style;
8592                }());
8593                Style.__static_initialized = false;
8594                Style.vsdxStyleDebug = false;
8595                Style.SPACE = 4.0;
8596                Style.SHORT_SPACE = 2.0;
8597                Style.LONG_SPACE = 6.0;
8598                Style.DOT = 1.0;
8599                Style.DASH = 8.0;
8600                Style.LONG_DASH = 12.0;
8601                Style.SHORT_DASH = 4.0;
8602                Style.XLONG_DASH = 20.0;
8603                Style.XSHORT_DASH = 2.0;
8604                vsdx.Style = Style;
8605                Style["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Style";
8606            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
8607        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
8608    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
8609})(com || (com = {}));
8610(function (com) {
8611    var mxgraph;
8612    (function (mxgraph) {
8613        var io;
8614        (function (io) {
8615            var vsdx;
8616            (function (vsdx) {
8617                var theme;
8618                (function (theme) {
8619                    var HslClr = (function (_super) {
8620                        __extends(HslClr, _super);
8621                        function HslClr(hue, sat, lum) {
8622                            var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
8623                            _this.__com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_HslClr_hue = 0;
8624                            _this.__com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_HslClr_sat = 0;
8625                            _this.__com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_HslClr_lum = 0;
8626                            _this.__com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_HslClr_hue = hue / 360.0;
8627                            _this.__com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_HslClr_sat = sat / 100.0;
8628                            _this.__com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_HslClr_lum = lum / 100.0;
8629                            _this.color = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.HSLColor(hue, sat, lum).toRgb();
8630                            return _this;
8631                        }
8632                        return HslClr;
8633                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColor));
8634                    theme.HslClr = HslClr;
8635                    HslClr["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.HslClr";
8636                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
8637            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
8638        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
8639    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
8640})(com || (com = {}));
8641(function (com) {
8642    var mxgraph;
8643    (function (mxgraph) {
8644        var io;
8645        (function (io) {
8646            var vsdx;
8647            (function (vsdx) {
8648                var theme;
8649                (function (theme) {
8650                    var PrstClr = (function (_super) {
8651                        __extends(PrstClr, _super);
8652                        function PrstClr(val) {
8653                            var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
8654                            _this.val = null;
8655                            _this.val = val;
8656                            _this.color = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color(255, 255, 255);
8657                            return _this;
8658                        }
8659                        return PrstClr;
8660                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColor));
8661                    theme.PrstClr = PrstClr;
8662                    PrstClr["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.PrstClr";
8663                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
8664            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
8665        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
8666    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
8667})(com || (com = {}));
8668(function (com) {
8669    var mxgraph;
8670    (function (mxgraph) {
8671        var io;
8672        (function (io) {
8673            var vsdx;
8674            (function (vsdx) {
8675                var theme;
8676                (function (theme_10) {
8677                    var SchemeClr = (function (_super) {
8678                        __extends(SchemeClr, _super);
8679                        function SchemeClr(val) {
8680                            var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
8681                            _this.val = null;
8682                            _this.isDynamic = true;
8683                            _this.val = val;
8684                            return _this;
8685                        }
8686                        SchemeClr.prototype.calcColor = function (styleColor, theme) {
8687                            if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8688                                return o1.equals(o2);
8689                            }
8690                            else {
8691                                return o1 === o2;
8692                            } })("phClr", this.val)) {
8693                                this.color = theme.getSchemeColor(this.val);
8694                                this.isDynamic = false;
8695                            }
8696                            else {
8697                                this.color = theme.getStyleColor(styleColor);
8698                            }
8699                            _super.prototype.calcColor.call(this, styleColor, theme);
8700                        };
8701                        return SchemeClr;
8702                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColor));
8703                    theme_10.SchemeClr = SchemeClr;
8704                    SchemeClr["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.SchemeClr";
8705                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
8706            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
8707        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
8708    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
8709})(com || (com = {}));
8710(function (com) {
8711    var mxgraph;
8712    (function (mxgraph) {
8713        var io;
8714        (function (io) {
8715            var vsdx;
8716            (function (vsdx) {
8717                var theme;
8718                (function (theme) {
8719                    var ScrgbClr = (function (_super) {
8720                        __extends(ScrgbClr, _super);
8721                        function ScrgbClr(r, g, b) {
8722                            var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
8723                            _this.r = 0;
8724                            _this.g = 0;
8725                            _this.b = 0;
8726                            _this.r = r;
8727                            _this.g = g;
8728                            _this.b = b;
8729                            _this.color = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color(r, g, b);
8730                            return _this;
8731                        }
8732                        return ScrgbClr;
8733                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColor));
8734                    theme.ScrgbClr = ScrgbClr;
8735                    ScrgbClr["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.ScrgbClr";
8736                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
8737            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
8738        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
8739    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
8740})(com || (com = {}));
8741(function (com) {
8742    var mxgraph;
8743    (function (mxgraph) {
8744        var io;
8745        (function (io) {
8746            var vsdx;
8747            (function (vsdx) {
8748                var theme;
8749                (function (theme) {
8750                    var SrgbClr = (function (_super) {
8751                        __extends(SrgbClr, _super);
8752                        function SrgbClr(hexVal) {
8753                            var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
8754                            _this.hexVal = null;
8755                            _this.hexVal = hexVal;
8756                            _this.color = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color.decodeColorHex(hexVal);
8757                            return _this;
8758                        }
8759                        return SrgbClr;
8760                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColor));
8761                    theme.SrgbClr = SrgbClr;
8762                    SrgbClr["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.SrgbClr";
8763                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
8764            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
8765        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
8766    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
8767})(com || (com = {}));
8768(function (com) {
8769    var mxgraph;
8770    (function (mxgraph) {
8771        var io;
8772        (function (io) {
8773            var vsdx;
8774            (function (vsdx) {
8775                var theme;
8776                (function (theme) {
8777                    var SysClr = (function (_super) {
8778                        __extends(SysClr, _super);
8779                        function SysClr(val, lastClr) {
8780                            var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
8781                            _this.val = null;
8782                            _this.lastClr = null;
8783                            _this.val = val;
8784                            _this.lastClr = lastClr;
8785                            var hexVal = lastClr;
8786                            if (hexVal == null) {
8787                                switch ((val)) {
8788                                    case "windowText":
8789                                        hexVal = "000000";
8790                                        break;
8791                                    case "window":
8792                                        hexVal = "FFFFFF";
8793                                        break;
8794                                    default:
8795                                        hexVal = "FFFFFF";
8796                                }
8797                            }
8798                            _this.color = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.Color.decodeColorHex(hexVal);
8799                            return _this;
8800                        }
8801                        return SysClr;
8802                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.OoxmlColor));
8803                    theme.SysClr = SysClr;
8804                    SysClr["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.SysClr";
8805                })(theme = vsdx.theme || (vsdx.theme = {}));
8806            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
8807        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
8808    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
8809})(com || (com = {}));
8810(function (com) {
8811    var mxgraph;
8812    (function (mxgraph) {
8813        var io;
8814        (function (io) {
8815            var vsdx;
8816            (function (vsdx) {
8817                var geometry;
8818                (function (geometry) {
8819                    var RelEllipticalArcTo = (function (_super) {
8820                        __extends(RelEllipticalArcTo, _super);
8821                        function RelEllipticalArcTo(index, x, y, a, b, c, d) {
8822                            return _super.call(this, index, x, y, a, b, c, d) || this;
8823                        }
8824                        /**
8825                         *
8826                         * @param {mxPoint} p
8827                         * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape} shape
8828                         * @return {string}
8829                         */
8830                        RelEllipticalArcTo.prototype.handle = function (p, shape) {
8831                            if (this.x != null && this.y != null && this.a != null && this.b != null && this.c != null && this.d != null) {
8832                                var h = shape.getHeight() / com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
8833                                var w = shape.getWidth() / com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
8834                                this.x *= w;
8835                                this.y *= h;
8836                                this.a *= w;
8837                                this.b *= h;
8838                            }
8839                            return _super.prototype.handle.call(this, p, shape);
8840                        };
8841                        return RelEllipticalArcTo;
8842                    }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.EllipticalArcTo));
8843                    geometry.RelEllipticalArcTo = RelEllipticalArcTo;
8844                    RelEllipticalArcTo["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.geometry.RelEllipticalArcTo";
8845                })(geometry = vsdx.geometry || (vsdx.geometry = {}));
8846            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
8847        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
8848    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
8849})(com || (com = {}));
8850(function (com) {
8851    var mxgraph;
8852    (function (mxgraph) {
8853        var io;
8854        (function (io) {
8855            var vsdx;
8856            (function (vsdx) {
8857                var Shape = (function (_super) {
8858                    __extends(Shape, _super);
8859                    function Shape(shape, model) {
8860                    	//BUG in JSweet, fields default values and explicit assignments are not the same (defaults are before super() and assignments are after)!
8861                    	var _this = this;
8863                        _this.text = null;
8864                        _this.fields = null;
8865                        _this.geom = null;
8866                        _this.imageData = null;
8867                        _this.theme = null;
8868                        _this.quickStyleVals = null;
8870                        _this = _super.call(this, shape, model) || this;
8872                        /**
8873                         * List of paragraphs in this shape
8874                         */
8875                        _this.paragraphs = null;
8876                        /**
8877                         * mxGraph cell style map
8878                         */
8879                        _this.styleMap = ({});
8880                        /**
8881                         * Width of shape
8882                         */
8883                        _this.width = 0;
8884                        /**
8885                         * Height of shape
8886                         */
8887                        _this.height = 0;
8888                        /**
8889                         * Cumulative rotation of shape, including parents
8890                         */
8891                        _this.rotation = 0;
8892                        _this.lastX = 0;
8893                        _this.lastY = 0;
8894                        _this.lastMoveX = 0;
8895                        _this.lastMoveY = 0;
8896                        _this.lastKnot = -1;
8897                        _this.geomList = null;
8898                        _this.geomListProcessed = false;
8899                        _this.themeVariant = 0;
8900                        /**
8901                         * Last cp IX referenced in the Text Element.
8902                         */
8903                        _this.cp = "0";
8904                        /**
8905                         * Last pp IX referenced in the Text Element.
8906                         */
8907                        _this.pp = "0";
8908                        /**
8909                         * Last tp IX referenced in the Text Element.
8910                         */
8911                        _this.tp = "0";
8912                        /**
8913                         * Last fld IX referenced in the Text Element.
8914                         */
8915                        _this.fld = "0";
8917                        _this.width = _this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(/* get */ (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(_this.cellElements, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.WIDTH), 0);
8918                        _this.height = _this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(/* get */ (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(_this.cellElements, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.HEIGHT), 0);
8919                        return _this;
8920                    }
8921                    Shape.UNICODE_LINE_SEP_$LI$ = function ()
8922                    {
8923                    	if (Shape.UNICODE_LINE_SEP == null)
8924                		{
8926                    		Shape.UNICODE_LINE_SEP = String.fromCharCode(8232);//[String.fromCharCode(226), String.fromCharCode(128), String.fromCharCode(168)].join('');
8927                		}
8928                		return Shape.UNICODE_LINE_SEP;
8929            		};
8930                    ;
8931                    Shape.prototype.setThemeAndVariant = function (theme, themeVariant) {
8932                        this.theme = theme;
8933                        this.themeVariant = themeVariant;
8934                    };
8935                    Shape.prototype.getTheme = function () {
8936                        if (this.theme != null) {
8937                            this.theme.setVariant(this.themeVariant);
8938                        }
8939                        return this.theme;
8940                    };
8941                    Shape.prototype.getQuickStyleVals = function () {
8942                        return this.quickStyleVals;
8943                    };
8944                    Shape.prototype.processGeomList = function (parentGeoList) {
8945                        if (!this.geomListProcessed) {
8946                            this.geomList = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxGeometryList(parentGeoList);
8947                            if (this.geom != null) {
8948                                for (var index156 = 0; index156 < this.geom.length; index156++) {
8949                                    var geoElem = this.geom[index156];
8950                                    {
8951                                        this.geomList.addGeometry(geoElem);
8952                                    }
8953                                }
8954                            }
8955                            this.geomListProcessed = true;
8956                        }
8957                    };
8958                    /**
8959                     * Caches the specified element
8960                     * @param {*} elem the element to cache
8961                     * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel} model
8962                     */
8963                    Shape.prototype.parseShapeElem = function (elem, model) {
8964                        _super.prototype.parseShapeElem.call(this, elem, model);
8965                        var childName = elem.nodeName;
8966                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
8967                            return o1.equals(o2);
8968                        }
8969                        else {
8970                            return o1 === o2;
8971                        } })(childName, "ForeignData"))
8972                        {
8973                        	function getForeignRel(elem, filename)
8974                        	{
8975                        		var fdChild = elem.firstChild;
8977                                while (fdChild != null)
8978                                {
8979                                    if (fdChild.nodeType == 1)
8980                                    {
8981                                        var fdElem = fdChild;
8982                                        var grandchildName = fdElem.nodeName;
8984                                        if (grandchildName.toLowerCase() == "rel")
8985                                        {
8986                                            var rid = fdElem.getAttribute("r:id");
8988                                            if (rid != null && !(rid.length === 0))
8989                                            {
8990                                                var index = filename.lastIndexOf('/');
8991                                                var pre = "";
8992                                                var post = "";
8994                                                try
8995                                                {
8996                                                    pre = filename.substring(0, index);
8997                                                    post = filename.substring(index, filename.length);
8998                                                }
8999                                                catch (e)
9000                                                {
9001                                                    return;
9002                                                }
9004                                                var relElem = model.getRelationship(rid, pre + "/_rels" + post + ".rels");
9006                                                if (relElem != null)
9007                                                {
9008                                                    var target = relElem.getAttribute("Target") || "";
9009                                                    var type = relElem.getAttribute("Type");
9010                                                    index = target.lastIndexOf('/');
9012                                                    try
9013                                                    {
9014                                                        target = target.substring(index + 1, target.length);
9015                                                    }
9016                                                    catch (e)
9017                                                    {
9018                                                        return;
9019                                                    }
9021                                                    return {type: type, target: target};
9022                                                }
9024                                                return;
9025                                            }
9026                                        }
9027                                    }
9028                                    fdChild = fdChild.nextSibling;
9029                                }
9030                            }
9032                            var filename = elem.ownerDocument.vsdxFileName; //was getDocumentURI()
9033                            var iType = elem.getAttribute("ForeignType");
9034                            var compression = elem.getAttribute("CompressionType") || "";
9035                            var typeTarget = null;
9037                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9038                                return o1.equals(o2);
9039                            }
9040                            else {
9041                                return o1 === o2;
9042                            } })(iType, "Bitmap")) {
9043                                compression = compression.toLowerCase();
9044                            }
9045                            else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9046                                return o1.equals(o2);
9047                            }
9048                            else {
9049                                return o1 === o2;
9050                            } })(iType, "MetaFile")) {
9051                                compression = "png"; //we convert emf files to png
9052                            }
9053                            else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9054                                return o1.equals(o2);
9055                            }
9056                            else {
9057                                return o1 === o2;
9058                            } })(iType, "Enhanced Metafile") || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9059                                return o1.equals(o2);
9060                            }
9061                            else {
9062                                return o1 === o2;
9063                            } })(iType, "EnhMetaFile")) {
9064                                compression = "png"; //we convert emf files to png
9065                            }
9066                            else if (iType == "Object") //This is a very basic support for embedded visio objects by looking for associated image
9067                            {
9068                                typeTarget = getForeignRel(elem, filename);
9070                                if (typeTarget.type.indexOf('/oleObject') > 0)
9071                                {
9072                                    var relElem = model.getRelationship("rId1", "visio/embeddings/_rels/" + typeTarget.target + ".rels");
9074                                    if (relElem != null)
9075                                    {
9076                                        var target = relElem.getAttribute("Target");
9077                                        var type = relElem.getAttribute("Type");
9079                                        try
9080                                        {
9081                                            var index = target.lastIndexOf('/');
9082                                            target = target.substring(index + 1, target.length);
9083                                        }
9084                                        catch (e)
9085                                        {
9086                                            return;
9087                                        }
9089                                        compression = "png";
9090                                        typeTarget = {type: type, target: target};
9091                                    }
9092                                    else
9093                                    {
9094                                        return;
9095                                    }
9096                                }
9097                            }
9098                            else {
9099                                return;
9100                            }
9102                            if (typeTarget == null)
9103                            {
9104                                typeTarget = getForeignRel(elem, filename);
9105                            }
9107                            var type = typeTarget.type, target = typeTarget.target;
9109                            if (type != null && (function (str, searchString) { var pos = str.length - searchString.length; var lastIndex = str.indexOf(searchString, pos); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === pos; })(type, "image"))
9110                            {
9111                                this.imageData = ({});
9112                                var iData = model.getMedia(com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec.vsdxPlaceholder + "/media/" + target);
9113                                if (!iData)
9114                                {
9115                                    /* put */ (this.imageData["iData"] = Shape.ERROR_IMAGE);
9116                                    /* put */ (this.imageData["iType"] = 'svg+xml');
9117                                }
9118                                else
9119                                {
9120                                    /* put */ (this.imageData["iData"] = iData);
9121                                    if ((function (str, searchString) { var pos = str.length - searchString.length; var lastIndex = str.indexOf(searchString, pos); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === pos; })(target.toLowerCase(), ".bmp")) {
9122                                        compression = "jpg";
9123                                    }
9124                                    /* put */ (this.imageData["iType"] = compression);
9125                                }
9126                            }
9127                        }
9128                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9129                            return o1.equals(o2);
9130                        }
9131                        else {
9132                            return o1 === o2;
9133                        } })(childName, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT)) {
9134                            this.text = elem;
9135                        }
9136                    };
9137                    /**
9138                     * Caches the specific section element
9139                     * @param {*} elem the element to cache
9140                     */
9141                    Shape.prototype.parseSection = function (elem) {
9142                        var n = elem.getAttribute("N");
9143                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9144                            return o1.equals(o2);
9145                        }
9146                        else {
9147                            return o1 === o2;
9148                        } })(n, "Geometry")) {
9149                            if (this.geom == null) {
9150                                this.geom = ([]);
9151                            }
9152                            /* add */ (this.geom.push(elem));
9153                        }
9154                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9155                            return o1.equals(o2);
9156                        }
9157                        else {
9158                            return o1 === o2;
9159                        } })(n, "Field")) {
9160                            var rows = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(elem, "Row");
9161                            for (var index157 = 0; index157 < rows.length; index157++) {
9162                                var row = rows[index157];
9163                                {
9164                                    var ix = row.getAttribute("IX") || "";
9165                                    if (!(ix.length === 0)) {
9166                                        if (this.fields == null) {
9167                                            this.fields = ({});
9168                                        }
9169                                        var del = row.getAttribute("Del");
9170                                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9171                                            return o1.equals(o2);
9172                                        }
9173                                        else {
9174                                            return o1 === o2;
9175                                        } })("1", del)) {
9176                                            /* put */ (this.fields[ix] = "");
9177                                            continue;
9178                                        }
9179                                        var cells = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(row, "Cell");
9180                                        var value = "";
9181                                        var format = "";
9182                                        var calendar = "";
9183                                        var type = "";
9184                                        for (var index158 = 0; index158 < cells.length; index158++) {
9185                                            var cell = cells[index158];
9186                                            {
9187                                                n = cell.getAttribute("N");
9188                                                var v = cell.getAttribute("V") || cell.textContent || "";
9189                                                switch ((n)) {
9190                                                    case "Value":
9191                                                        value = v;
9192                                                        break;
9193                                                    case "Format":
9194                                                        format = v;
9195                                                        break;
9196                                                    case "Calendar":
9197                                                        calendar = v;
9198                                                        break;
9199                                                    case "Type":
9200                                                        type = v;
9201                                                        break;
9202                                                }
9203                                            }
9204                                        }
9205                                        if (!(value.length === 0)) {
9206                                            try {
9207                                            	//Date can be in string date format or a number
9208                                            	var date = isNaN(value)? new Date(value) : new Date(Shape.VSDX_START_TIME + Math.floor((parseFloat(value) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)));
9210												if (format == 'c')
9211												{
9212													if (date.getHours() + date.getMinutes() + date.getSeconds() + date.getMilliseconds() == 0)
9213													{
9214														format = 'm/d/yyyy';
9215													}
9216													else
9217													{
9218														format = 'm/d/yyyy h:MM:ss tt';
9219													}
9220												}
9221												else if (format == 'ddddd')
9222												{
9223													format = 'm/d/yyyy';
9224												}
9225												else if (format == 'dddddd')
9226												{
9227													format = 'dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy';
9228												}
9229												else if (format == 'C')
9230												{
9231													format = 'dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy h:MM:ss tt';
9232												}
9233												else if (format == 'T')
9234												{
9235													format = 'h:MM:ss tt';
9236												}
9237												else
9238												{
9239                                                	//Our date format function swaps M/m meaning
9240                                                	format = format.replace(/am\/pm/g, 'tt').replace(/m/g, '@').replace(/M/g, 'm').replace(/@/g, 'M');
9241                                                }
9243                                               	value = Graph.prototype.formatDate(date, /* replaceAll */ 'UTC:' + format.replace(new RegExp("\\{|\\}", 'g'), ""));
9244                                            }
9245                                            catch (e) {
9246                                            }
9247                                            ;
9248                                            /* put */ (this.fields[ix] = value);
9249                                        }
9250                                    }
9251                                }
9252                            }
9253                        }
9254                        else {
9255                            _super.prototype.parseSection.call(this, elem);
9256                        }
9257                    };
9258                    /**
9259                     *
9260                     * @return {string} mxGraph stencil XML or null or there is no displayed geometry
9261                     */
9262                    Shape.prototype.parseGeom = function () {
9263                        if (!this.hasGeomList()) {
9264                            return "";
9265                        }
9266                        return this.geomList.getShapeXML(this);
9267                    };
9268                    /**
9269                     * Returns the value of the Text element.
9270                     * @return {string} Value of the Text element.
9271                     */
9272                    Shape.prototype.getText = function () {
9273                        return this.text != null ? this.text.textContent : null;
9274                    };
9275                    /**
9276                     * Returns the children Nodes of Text.
9277                     * @return {*} List with the children of the Text element.
9278                     */
9279                    Shape.prototype.getTextChildren = function () {
9280                        return this.text != null ? this.text.childNodes : null;
9281                    };
9282                    /**
9283                     * Returns the value of the width element in pixels.
9284                     * @return {number} Numerical value of the width element.
9285                     */
9286                    Shape.prototype.getWidth = function () {
9287                        return this.width === 0 && this.height > 0 ? 1 : this.width;
9288                    };
9289                    /**
9290                     * Returns the value of the height element in pixels.
9291                     * @return {number} Numerical value of the height element.
9292                     */
9293                    Shape.prototype.getHeight = function () {
9294                        return this.height === 0 && this.width > 0 ? 1 : this.height;
9295                    };
9296                    /**
9297                     * Returns the value of the rotation.
9298                     * @return {number} Numerical value of the rotation
9299                     */
9300                    Shape.prototype.getRotation = function () {
9301                        return this.rotation;
9302                    };
9303                    /**
9304                     * Returns the style map of this shape
9305                     * @return {*} the style map
9306                     */
9307                    Shape.prototype.getStyleMap = function () {
9308                        return this.styleMap;
9309                    };
9310                    /**
9311                     * Returns whether or not this shape has a geometry defined, locally
9312                     * or inherited
9313                     * @return {boolean} whether the shape has a geometry
9314                     */
9315                    Shape.prototype.hasGeom = function () {
9316                        return !(this.geom == null || (this.geom.length == 0));
9317                    };
9318                    /**
9319                     * Returns whether or not this shape or its master has a geometry defined
9320                     * @return {boolean} whether the shape has a geometry
9321                     */
9322                    Shape.prototype.hasGeomList = function () {
9323                        return this.geomList != null && this.geomList.hasGeom();
9324                    };
9326                    /**
9327                     * Check if the paragraph is a list and return the list with its style
9328                     * @param {string} pp Reference to a Para element
9329                     * @return {string} the opening tag of the list with style or null if no list is found
9330                     */
9331                    Shape.prototype.getPPList = function (pp)
9332                    {
9333                    	var ul = null;
9335                        if (pp != '')
9336                        {
9337                            var bullet = this.getBullet(pp);
9339                            if (bullet != '0')
9340                            {
9341                            	ul = '<ul style="margin: 0;list-style-type: ' + (bullet == '4'? 'square' : 'disc') + '">';
9342                            }
9343                        }
9345                        return ul;
9346                    };
9348                    /**
9349                     * Returns the paragraph formated according the properties in the last
9350                     * Para element referenced.
9351                     * @param {string} para Paragraph to be formated
9352                     * @return {string} Formated paragraph.
9353                     */
9354                    Shape.prototype.getTextParagraphFormated = function (para) {
9355                        var ret = "";
9356                        var styleMap = ({});
9357                        /* put */ (styleMap["align"] = this.getHorizontalAlign(this.pp, true));
9358                        /* put */ (styleMap["margin-left"] = this.getIndentLeft(this.pp));
9359                        /* put */ (styleMap["margin-right"] = this.getIndentRight(this.pp));
9360                        /* put */ (styleMap["margin-top"] = this.getSpBefore(this.pp) + "px");
9361                        /* put */ (styleMap["margin-bottom"] = this.getSpAfter(this.pp) + "px");
9362                        /* put */ (styleMap["text-indent"] = this.getIndentFirst(this.pp));
9363                        /* put */ (styleMap["valign"] = this.getAlignVertical());
9364                        /* put */ (styleMap["direction"] = this.getTextDirection(this.pp));
9365                        ret += this.insertAttributes(para, styleMap);
9366                        return ret;
9367                    };
9368                    /**
9369                     * Returns the text formated according the properties in the last
9370                     * Char element referenced.
9371                     * @param {string} text Text to be formated
9372                     * @return {string} Formated text.
9373                     */
9374                    Shape.prototype.getTextCharFormated = function (text) {
9375                        var ret = "";
9376                        var color = "color:" + this.getTextColor(this.cp) + ";";
9377                        var size = "font-size:" + (parseFloat(this.getTextSize(this.cp))) + "px;";
9378                        var font = "font-family:" + this.getTextFont(this.cp) + ";";
9379                        var direction = "direction:" + this.getRtlText(this.cp) + ";";
9380                        var space = "letter-spacing:" + (parseFloat(this.getLetterSpace(this.cp)) / 0.71) + "px;";
9381                        var lineHeight = "line-height:" + this.getSpcLine(this.pp);
9382                        var opacity = ";opacity:" + this.getTextOpacity(this.cp);
9383                        var pos = this.getTextPos(this.cp);
9384                        var tCase = this.getTextCase(this.cp);
9385                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9386                            return o1.equals(o2);
9387                        }
9388                        else {
9389                            return o1 === o2;
9390                        } })(tCase, "1")) {
9391                            text = text.toUpperCase();
9392                        }
9393                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9394                            return o1.equals(o2);
9395                        }
9396                        else {
9397                            return o1 === o2;
9398                        } })(tCase, "2")) {
9399                            text = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.toInitialCapital(text);
9400                        }
9401                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9402                            return o1.equals(o2);
9403                        }
9404                        else {
9405                            return o1 === o2;
9406                        } })(pos, "1")) {
9407                            text = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.surroundByTags(text, "sup");
9408                        }
9409                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9410                            return o1.equals(o2);
9411                        }
9412                        else {
9413                            return o1 === o2;
9414                        } })(pos, "2")) {
9415                            text = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.surroundByTags(text, "sub");
9416                        }
9417                        text = this.isBold(this.cp) ? com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.surroundByTags(text, "b") : text;
9418                        text = this.isItalic(this.cp) ? com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.surroundByTags(text, "i") : text;
9419                        text = this.isUnderline(this.cp) ? com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.surroundByTags(text, "u") : text;
9420                        text = this.getTextStrike(this.cp) ? com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.surroundByTags(text, "s") : text;
9421                        text = this.isSmallCaps(this.cp) ? com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.toSmallCaps(text, this.getTextSize(this.cp)) : text;
9422                        ret += "<font style=\"" + size + font + color + direction + space + lineHeight + opacity + "\">" + text + "</font>";
9423                        return ret;
9424                    };
9425                    /**
9426                     * Returns the direction of the text. It may be right to left or left to right.<br/>
9427                     * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or
9428                     * default style-sheet.
9429                     * @param {string} index Index of the Para element that contains the Flags element.
9430                     * @return {string} The direction of the text.
9431                     */
9432                    Shape.prototype.getTextDirection = function (index) {
9433                        var direction = this.getFlags(index);
9434                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9435                            return o1.equals(o2);
9436                        }
9437                        else {
9438                            return o1 === o2;
9439                        } })(direction, "0")) {
9440                            direction = "ltr";
9441                        }
9442                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9443                            return o1.equals(o2);
9444                        }
9445                        else {
9446                            return o1 === o2;
9447                        } })(direction, "1")) {
9448                            direction = "rtl";
9449                        }
9450                        return direction;
9451                    };
9452                    /**
9453                     * Returns the space between lines in a paragraph.<br/>
9454                     * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or
9455                     * default style-sheet.
9456                     * @param {string} index Index of the Para element that contains the SpLine element.
9457                     * @return {string} The space between lines n pixels.
9458                     */
9459                    Shape.prototype.getSpcLine = function (index) {
9460                        var ret = "0";
9461                        var isPercent = false;
9462                        var space = this.getSpLine(index);
9463                        if (space > 0) {
9464                            space = space * com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.conversionFactor_$LI$();
9465                        }
9466                        else if (space === 0) {
9467                            space = 100;
9468                            isPercent = true;
9469                        }
9470                        else {
9471                            space = Math.abs(space) * 100;
9472                            isPercent = true;
9473                        }
9474                        ret = new String(space).toString();
9475                        ret += isPercent ? "%" : "px";
9476                        return ret;
9477                    };
9478                    /**
9479                     * Returns the space before a paragraph.<br/>
9480                     * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or
9481                     * default style-sheet.
9482                     * @param {string} index Index of the Para element that contains the SpBefore element.
9483                     * @return {string} The space before the paragraph in pixels.
9484                     */
9485                    Shape.prototype.getSpcBefore = function (index) {
9486                        return this.getSpBefore(index);
9487                    };
9488                    /**
9489                     * Inserts the style attributes contained in attr into the text.<br/>
9490                     * The text must be surrounded by tags html.
9491                     * @param {string} text Text where the attributes must be inserted.
9492                     * @param {*} attr Map with the attributes.
9493                     * @return {string} Text with the attributes applied like style.
9494                     */
9495                    Shape.prototype.insertAttributes = function (text, attr) {
9496                        if (text.indexOf(">") != -1) {
9497                            var i = text.indexOf(">");
9498                            var tail = text.substring(i);
9499                            var head = text.substring(0, i);
9500                            var style = " style=\"" + com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString(attr, ":") + "\"";
9501                            return head + style + tail;
9502                        }
9503                        return text;
9504                    };
9505                    /**
9506                     * Returns the direction of the text. It may be right to left or left to right.<br/>
9507                     * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or
9508                     * default stylesheet.
9509                     * @param {string} index Index of the Char element that contains the RTLText element.
9510                     * @return {string} Direction of the text.
9511                     */
9512                    Shape.prototype.getRtlText = function (index) {
9513                        var rtlElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.RTL_TEXT, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PARAGRAPH);
9514                        var direction = this.getValue(rtlElem, "ltr");
9515                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9516                            return o1.equals(o2);
9517                        }
9518                        else {
9519                            return o1 === o2;
9520                        } })(direction, "0")) {
9521                            direction = "ltr";
9522                        }
9523                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9524                            return o1.equals(o2);
9525                        }
9526                        else {
9527                            return o1 === o2;
9528                        } })(direction, "1")) {
9529                            direction = "rtl";
9530                        }
9531                        return direction;
9532                    };
9533                    /**
9534                     * Checks if the style property of the Char element of index = 'index'
9535                     * indicates bold.<br/>
9536                     * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or
9537                     * default stylesheet.
9538                     * @param {string} index Index of the Char element that contains the Style element.
9539                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if the style property of the Char element of
9540                     * index = 'index' indicates bold.
9541                     */
9542                    Shape.prototype.isBold = function (index) {
9543                        var isBold = false;
9544                        var style = this.getTextStyle(index);
9545                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9546                            return o1.equals(o2);
9547                        }
9548                        else {
9549                            return o1 === o2;
9550                        } })(style, "")) {
9551                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9552                                return o1.equals(o2);
9553                            }
9554                            else {
9555                                return o1 === o2;
9556                            } })(style.toLowerCase(), "themed")) {
9557                            }
9558                            else {
9559                                var value = parseInt(style);
9560                                isBold = ((value & 1) === 1);
9561                            }
9562                        }
9563                        return isBold;
9564                    };
9565                    /**
9566                     * Checks if the style property of the Char element of index = 'index'
9567                     * indicates italic.<br/>
9568                     * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or
9569                     * default stylesheet.
9570                     * @param {string} index Index of the Char element that contains the Style element.
9571                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if the style property of the Char element of
9572                     * index = 'index' indicates italic.
9573                     */
9574                    Shape.prototype.isItalic = function (index) {
9575                        var isItalic = false;
9576                        var style = this.getTextStyle(index);
9577                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9578                            return o1.equals(o2);
9579                        }
9580                        else {
9581                            return o1 === o2;
9582                        } })(style, "")) {
9583                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9584                                return o1.equals(o2);
9585                            }
9586                            else {
9587                                return o1 === o2;
9588                            } })(style.toLowerCase(), "themed")) {
9589                            }
9590                            else {
9591                                var value = parseInt(style);
9592                                isItalic = ((value & 2) === 2);
9593                            }
9594                        }
9595                        return isItalic;
9596                    };
9597                    /**
9598                     * Checks if the style property of the Char element of index = 'index'
9599                     * indicates underline.<br/>
9600                     * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or
9601                     * default stylesheet.
9602                     * @param {string} index Index of the Char element that contains the Style element.
9603                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if the style property of the Char element of
9604                     * index = 'index' indicates underline.
9605                     */
9606                    Shape.prototype.isUnderline = function (index) {
9607                        var isUnderline = false;
9608                        var style = this.getTextStyle(index);
9609                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9610                            return o1.equals(o2);
9611                        }
9612                        else {
9613                            return o1 === o2;
9614                        } })(style, "")) {
9615                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9616                                return o1.equals(o2);
9617                            }
9618                            else {
9619                                return o1 === o2;
9620                            } })(style.toLowerCase(), "themed")) {
9621                            }
9622                            else {
9623                                var value = parseInt(style);
9624                                isUnderline = ((value & 4) === 4);
9625                            }
9626                        }
9627                        return isUnderline;
9628                    };
9629                    /**
9630                     * Checks if the style property of the Char element of index = 'index'
9631                     * indicates small caps.<br/>
9632                     * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or
9633                     * default stylesheet.
9634                     * @param {string} index Index of the Char element that contains the Style element.
9635                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if the style property of the Char element of
9636                     * index = 'index' indicates small caps.
9637                     */
9638                    Shape.prototype.isSmallCaps = function (index) {
9639                        var isSmallCaps = false;
9640                        var style = this.getTextStyle(index);
9641                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9642                            return o1.equals(o2);
9643                        }
9644                        else {
9645                            return o1 === o2;
9646                        } })(style, "")) {
9647                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
9648                                return o1.equals(o2);
9649                            }
9650                            else {
9651                                return o1 === o2;
9652                            } })(style.toLowerCase(), "themed")) {
9653                            }
9654                            else {
9655                                var value = parseInt(style);
9656                                isSmallCaps = ((value & 8) === 8);
9657                            }
9658                        }
9659                        return isSmallCaps;
9660                    };
9661                    Shape.prototype.getTextOpacity = function (index) {
9662                        var colorTrans = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.COLOR_TRANS, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CHARACTER);
9663                        var trans = this.getValue(colorTrans, "0");
9664                        var result = "1";
9665                        if (trans != null && !(trans.length === 0)) {
9666                            var tmp = 1.0 - parseFloat(trans);
9667                            result = new String(tmp).toString();
9668                        }
9669                        return result;
9670                    };
9671                    /**
9672                     * Returns the actual text size defined by the Char element referenced in cp.<br/>
9673                     * This property may to be founded in the shape, master shape, stylesheet or
9674                     * default stylesheet.
9675                     * @param {string} index Index of the Char element that contains the Size element.
9676                     * @return {string} Returns the size of the font in pixels.
9677                     */
9678                    Shape.prototype.getTextSize = function (index) {
9679                        var sizeElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.SIZE, index, com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CHARACTER);
9680                        var size = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(sizeElem, 12);
9681                        return ('' + (Math.floor(Math.round(size * 100) / 100)));
9682                    };
9683                    /**
9684                     * Returns the vertical align of the label.<br/>
9685                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or text stylesheet.<br/>
9686                     * @return {string} Vertical align (bottom, middle and top)
9687                     */
9688                    Shape.prototype.getAlignVertical = function () {
9689                        var vertical = mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE;
9690                        var align = parseInt(this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.VERTICAL_ALIGN), "1"));
9691                        if (align === 0) {
9692                            vertical = mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP;
9693                        }
9694                        else if (align === 2) {
9695                            vertical = mxConstants.ALIGN_BOTTOM;
9696                        }
9697                        return vertical;
9698                    };
9699                    Shape.prototype.getGeomList = function () {
9700                        return this.geomList;
9701                    };
9702                    Shape.prototype.getLastX = function () {
9703                        return this.lastX;
9704                    };
9705                    Shape.prototype.getLastY = function () {
9706                        return this.lastY;
9707                    };
9708                    Shape.prototype.getLastMoveX = function () {
9709                        return this.lastMoveX;
9710                    };
9711                    Shape.prototype.getLastMoveY = function () {
9712                        return this.lastMoveY;
9713                    };
9714                    Shape.prototype.getLastKnot = function () {
9715                        return this.lastKnot;
9716                    };
9717                    Shape.prototype.setLastX = function (lastX) {
9718                        this.lastX = lastX;
9719                    };
9720                    Shape.prototype.setLastY = function (lastY) {
9721                        this.lastY = lastY;
9722                    };
9723                    Shape.prototype.setLastMoveX = function (lastMoveX) {
9724                        this.lastMoveX = lastMoveX;
9725                    };
9726                    Shape.prototype.setLastMoveY = function (lastMoveY) {
9727                        this.lastMoveY = lastMoveY;
9728                    };
9729                    Shape.prototype.setLastKnot = function (lastKnot) {
9730                        this.lastKnot = lastKnot;
9731                    };
9732                    return Shape;
9733                }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Style));
9734                Shape.VSDX_START_TIME = new Date('1899-12-30T00:00:00Z').getTime();
9735                vsdx.Shape = Shape;
9736                Shape["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape";
9737            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
9738        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
9739    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
9740})(com || (com = {}));
9741(function (com) {
9742    var mxgraph;
9743    (function (mxgraph) {
9744        var io;
9745        (function (io) {
9746            var vsdx;
9747            (function (vsdx) {
9748                /**
9749                 * Create a new instance of mxVdxShape.
9750                 * This method get the references to the master element, master shape
9751                 * and stylesheet.
9752                 * @param {*} shape
9753                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxPage} page
9754                 * @param {boolean} vertex
9755                 * @param {*} masters
9756                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxMaster} master
9757                 * @param {com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxModel} model
9758                 * @class
9759                 * @extends com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape
9760                 */
9761                var VsdxShape = (function (_super) {
9762                    __extends(VsdxShape, _super);
9763                    function VsdxShape(page, shape, vertex, masters, master, model) {
9764                    	//BUG in JSweet, fields default values and explicit assignments are not the same (defaults are before super() and assignments are after)!
9765                    	var _this = this;
9767                        _this.masterShape = null;
9768                        _this.master = null;
9769                        _this.parentHeight = 0;
9771                        _this = _super.call(this, shape, model) || this;
9773                        /**
9774                         * Whether or not to assume HTML labels
9775                         */
9776                        _this.htmlLabels = true;
9777                        /**
9778                         * If the shape is a sub shape, this is a reference to its root shape, otherwise null
9779                         */
9780                        _this.rootShape = _this;
9781                        /**
9782                         * The prefix of the shape name
9783                         */
9784                        _this.shapeName = null;
9785                        /**
9786                         * Shape index
9787                         */
9788                        _this.shapeIndex = 0;
9789                        /**
9790                         * Whether this cell is a vertex
9791                         */
9792                        _this.vertex = true;
9793                        _this.childShapes = ({});
9796                        var masterId = _this.getMasterId();
9797                        var masterShapeLocal = _this.getShapeMasterId();
9798                        if (masterId != null) {
9799                            _this.master = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(masters, masterId);
9800                        }
9801                        else {
9802                            _this.master = master;
9803                        }
9804                        if (_this.master != null) {
9805                            if (masterId == null && masterShapeLocal != null) {
9806                                _this.masterShape = _this.master.getSubShape(masterShapeLocal);
9807                            }
9808                            else {
9809                                _this.masterShape = _this.master.getMasterShape();
9810                            }
9811                        }
9812                        var name = _this.getNameU();
9813                        var index = name.lastIndexOf(".");
9814                        if (index !== -1) {
9815                            name = name.substring(0, index);
9816                        }
9817                        _this.shapeName = name;
9818                        var shapesList = shape.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.SHAPES);
9819                        if (shapesList != null && shapesList.length > 0) {
9820                            var shapesElement = shapesList.item(0);
9821                            _this.childShapes = page.parseShapes(shapesElement, _this.master, false);
9822                        }
9823                        var rotation = _this.calcRotation();
9824                        _this.rotation = rotation * 100 / 100;
9825                        _this.rotation = _this.rotation % 360.0;
9826                        var themeIndex = page.getCellIntValue("ThemeIndex", -100);
9827                        if (themeIndex === -100) {
9828                            themeIndex = parseInt(_this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("ThemeIndex"), "0"));
9829                        }
9830                        var theme = (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
9831                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9832                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9833                                return m.entries[i].value;
9834                            } return null; })(model.getThemes(), themeIndex);
9835                        var variant = page.getCellIntValue("VariationColorIndex", 0);
9836                        _this.setThemeAndVariant(theme, variant);
9837                        {
9838                            var array161 = (function (m) { if (m.entries == null)
9839                                m.entries = []; return m.entries; })(_this.childShapes);
9840                            for (var index160 = 0; index160 < array161.length; index160++) {
9841                                var entry = array161[index160];
9842                                {
9843                                    var childShape = entry.getValue();
9844                                    childShape.setRootShape(_this);
9845                                    if (childShape.theme == null) {
9846                                        childShape.setThemeAndVariant(theme, variant);
9847                                    }
9848                                }
9849                            }
9850                        }
9851                        _this.quickStyleVals = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.theme.QuickStyleVals(/* parseInt */ parseInt(_this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("QuickStyleEffectsMatrix"), "0")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(_this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("QuickStyleFillColor"), "1")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(_this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("QuickStyleFillMatrix"), "0")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(_this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("QuickStyleFontColor"), "1")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(_this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("QuickStyleFontMatrix"), "0")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(_this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("QuickStyleLineColor"), "1")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(_this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("QuickStyleLineMatrix"), "0")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(_this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("QuickStyleShadowColor"), "1")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(_this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("QuickStyleType"), "0")), /* parseInt */ parseInt(_this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("QuickStyleVariation"), "0")));
9852                        if (_this.masterShape != null) {
9853                            _this.masterShape.processGeomList(null);
9854                            _this.processGeomList(_this.masterShape.getGeomList());
9855                            if (_this.width === 0)
9856                                _this.width = _this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.WIDTH), 0);
9857                            if (_this.height === 0)
9858                                _this.height = _this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.HEIGHT), 0);
9859                        }
9860                        else {
9861                            _this.processGeomList(null);
9862                        }
9863                        _this.vertex = vertex || (_this.childShapes != null && !(function (m) { if (m.entries == null)
9864                            m.entries = []; return m.entries.length == 0; })(_this.childShapes)) || (_this.geomList != null && (!_this.geomList.isNoFill()  || _this.geomList.getGeoCount() > 1));
9865                        _this.layerMember = _this.getValue(_this.getCellElement$java_lang_String("LayerMember"));
9867                        //We don't have a cell belongs to multiple layers
9868                        if (_this.layerMember && _this.layerMember.indexOf('0;') == 0)
9869                    	{
9870                        	 _this.layerMember =  _this.layerMember.substr(2);
9871                    	}
9873                        return _this;
9874                    }
9875                    VsdxShape.__static_initialize = function () { if (!VsdxShape.__static_initialized) {
9876                        VsdxShape.__static_initialized = true;
9877                        VsdxShape.__static_initializer_0();
9878                    } };
9879                    VsdxShape.OFFSET_ARRAY_$LI$ = function () { VsdxShape.__static_initialize(); if (VsdxShape.OFFSET_ARRAY == null)
9880                        VsdxShape.OFFSET_ARRAY = (["Organizational unit", "Domain 3D"].slice(0).slice(0)); return VsdxShape.OFFSET_ARRAY; };
9881                    ;
9882                    VsdxShape.arrowSizes_$LI$ = function () { VsdxShape.__static_initialize(); if (VsdxShape.arrowSizes == null)
9883                        VsdxShape.arrowSizes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 22, 45]; return VsdxShape.arrowSizes; };
9884                    ;
9885                    VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$ = function () { VsdxShape.__static_initialize(); return VsdxShape.arrowTypes; };
9886                    ;
9887                    VsdxShape.__static_initializer_0 = function () {
9888//            			mxResources.add("/js/vsdx/resources/edgeNameU");
9889//            			mxResources.add("/js/vsdx/resources/nameU");
9890                        VsdxShape.arrowTypes = ({});
9891                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9892                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9893                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9894                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9895                                return;
9896                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 0, mxConstants.NONE);
9897                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9898                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9899                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9900                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9901                                return;
9902                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 1, mxConstants.ARROW_OPEN);
9903                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9904                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9905                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9906                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9907                                return;
9908                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 2, "blockThin");
9909                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9910                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9911                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9912                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9913                                return;
9914                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 3, mxConstants.ARROW_OPEN);
9915                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9916                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9917                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9918                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9919                                return;
9920                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 4, mxConstants.ARROW_BLOCK);
9921                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9922                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9923                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9924                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9925                                return;
9926                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 5, mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC);
9927                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9928                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9929                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9930                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9931                                return;
9932                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 10, mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
9933                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9934                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9935                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9936                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9937                                return;
9938                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 13, mxConstants.ARROW_BLOCK);
9939                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9940                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9941                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9942                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9943                                return;
9944                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 14, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_BLOCK);
9945                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9946                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9947                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9948                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9949                                return;
9950                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 17, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC);
9951                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9952                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9953                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9954                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9955                                return;
9956                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 20, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
9957                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9958                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9959                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9960                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9961                                return;
9962                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 22, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + "diamond");
9963                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9964                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9965                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9966                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9967                                return;
9968                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 23, "dash");
9969                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9970                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9971                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9972                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9973                                return;
9974                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 24, "ERone");
9975                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9976                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9977                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9978                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9979                                return;
9980                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 25, "ERmandOne");
9981                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9982                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9983                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9984                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9985                                return;
9986                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 27, "ERmany");
9987                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9988                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9989                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9990                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9991                                return;
9992                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 28, "ERoneToMany");
9993                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
9994                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
9995                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
9996                                m.entries[i].value = v;
9997                                return;
9998                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 29, "ERzeroToMany");
9999                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10000                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10001                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10002                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10003                                return;
10004                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 30, "ERzeroToOne");
10005                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10006                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10007                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10008                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10009                                return;
10010                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 6, mxConstants.ARROW_BLOCK);
10011                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10012                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10013                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10014                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10015                                return;
10016                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 7, mxConstants.ARROW_OPEN);
10017                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10018                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10019                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10020                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10021                                return;
10022                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 8, mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC);
10023                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10024                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10025                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10026                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10027                                return;
10028                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 9, "openAsync");
10029                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10030                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10031                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10032                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10033                                return;
10034                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 11, "diamond");
10035                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10036                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10037                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10038                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10039                                return;
10040                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 12, mxConstants.ARROW_OPEN);
10041                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10042                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10043                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10044                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10045                                return;
10046                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 15, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_BLOCK);
10047                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10048                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10049                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10050                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10051                                return;
10052                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 16, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_BLOCK);
10053                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10054                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10055                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10056                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10057                                return;
10058                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 18, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_BLOCK);
10059                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10060                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10061                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10062                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10063                                return;
10064                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 19, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC);
10065                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10066                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10067                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10068                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10069                                return;
10070                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 21, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + "diamond");
10071                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10072                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10073                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10074                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10075                                return;
10076                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 26, "ERmandOne");
10077                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10078                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10079                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10080                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10081                                return;
10082                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 31, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
10083                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10084                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10085                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10086                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10087                                return;
10088                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 32, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
10089                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10090                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10091                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10092                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10093                                return;
10094                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 33, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
10095                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10096                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10097                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10098                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10099                                return;
10100                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 34, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
10101                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10102                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10103                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10104                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10105                                return;
10106                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 35, mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
10107                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10108                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10109                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10110                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10111                                return;
10112                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 36, mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
10113                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10114                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10115                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10116                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10117                                return;
10118                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 37, mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
10119                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10120                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10121                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10122                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10123                                return;
10124                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 38, mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
10125                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10126                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10127                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10128                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10129                                return;
10130                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 39, mxConstants.ARROW_BLOCK);
10131                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10132                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10133                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10134                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10135                                return;
10136                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 40, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_BLOCK);
10137                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10138                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10139                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10140                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10141                                return;
10142                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 41, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER + mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
10143                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10144                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10145                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10146                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10147                                return;
10148                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 42, mxConstants.ARROW_OVAL);
10149                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10150                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10151                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10152                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10153                                return;
10154                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 43, mxConstants.ARROW_OPEN);
10155                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10156                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10157                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10158                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10159                                return;
10160                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 44, mxConstants.ARROW_OPEN);
10161                        /* put */ (function (m, k, v) { if (m.entries == null)
10162                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
10163                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
10164                                m.entries[i].value = v;
10165                                return;
10166                            } m.entries.push({ key: k, value: v, getKey: function () { return this.key; }, getValue: function () { return this.value; } }); })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 45, mxConstants.ARROW_OPEN);
10167                    };
10168                    VsdxShape.__com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_VsdxShape_LOGGER_$LI$ = function () { VsdxShape.__static_initialize(); if (VsdxShape.__com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_VsdxShape_LOGGER == null)
10169                        VsdxShape.__com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_VsdxShape_LOGGER = {}; return VsdxShape.__com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_VsdxShape_LOGGER; };
10170                    ;
10171                    /**
10172                     * Locates the first entry for the specified attribute string in the shape hierarchy.
10173                     * The order is to look locally, then delegate the request to the master shape
10174                     * if it doesn't exist locally
10175                     * @param {string} key The key of the shape to find
10176                     * @return {*} the Element that first resolves to that shape key or null or none is found
10177                     */
10178                    VsdxShape.prototype.getShapeNode = function (key) {
10179                        var elem = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.cellElements, key);
10180                        if (elem == null && this.masterShape != null) {
10181                            return this.masterShape.getCellElement$java_lang_String(key);
10182                        }
10183                        return elem;
10184                    };
10185                    /**
10186                     * Returns the value of the Text element.<br/>
10187                     * If the shape has no text, it is obtained from the master shape.
10188                     * @return {string} Text label of the shape.
10189                     */
10190                    VsdxShape.prototype.getTextLabel = function () {
10191                        var hideText = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.HIDE_TEXT), "0");
10192                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10193                            return o1.equals(o2);
10194                        }
10195                        else {
10196                            return o1 === o2;
10197                        } })("1", hideText)) {
10198                            return null;
10199                        }
10200                        var txtChildren = this.getTextChildren();
10201                        if (txtChildren == null && this.masterShape != null) {
10202                            txtChildren = this.masterShape.getTextChildren();
10203                        }
10204                        if (this.htmlLabels) {
10205                            if (txtChildren != null) {
10206                                /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN] = this.getAlignVertical());
10207                                /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN] = this.getHorizontalAlign("0", false));
10208                                return this.getHtmlTextContent(txtChildren);
10209                            }
10210                        }
10211                        else {
10212                            var text = this.getText();
10213                            if (text == null && this.masterShape != null) {
10214                                return this.masterShape.getText();
10215                            }
10216                            else {
10217                                return text;
10218                            }
10219                        }
10220                        return null;
10221                    };
10222                    /*private*/ VsdxShape.prototype.getIndex = function (elem) {
10223                        var ix = elem.getAttribute("IX") || "";
10224                        return (ix.length === 0) ? "0" : ix;
10225                    };
10226                    /**
10227                     * Initialises the text labels
10228                     * @param {*} children the text Elements
10229                     */
10230                    VsdxShape.prototype.initLabels = function (children) {
10231                        this.paragraphs = ({});
10232                        var ch = null;
10233                        var pg = null;
10234                        var fld = null;
10235                        for (var index = 0; index < children.length; index++) {
10236                            var value = null;
10237                            var node = children.item(index);
10238                            var nodeName = node.nodeName;
10239                            switch ((nodeName)) {
10240                                case "cp":
10241                                    {
10242                                        var elem = node;
10243                                        ch = this.getIndex(elem);
10244                                    }
10245                                    ;
10246                                    break;
10247                                case "tp":
10248                                    {
10249                                        var elem = node;
10250                                        this.getIndex(elem);
10251                                    }
10252                                    ;
10253                                    break;
10254                                case "pp":
10255                                    {
10256                                        var elem = node;
10257                                        pg = this.getIndex(elem);
10258                                    }
10259                                    ;
10260                                    break;
10261                                case "fld":
10262                                    {
10263                                        var elem = node;
10264                                        fld = this.getIndex(elem);
10265                                        break;
10266                                    }
10267                                    ;
10268                                case "#text":
10269                                    {
10270                                        value = node.textContent;
10271                                        var para = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.paragraphs, pg);
10272                                        if (para == null) {
10273                                            para = new com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Paragraph(value, ch, pg, fld);
10274                                            /* put */ (this.paragraphs[pg] = para);
10275                                        }
10276                                        else {
10277                                            para.addText(value, ch, fld);
10278                                        }
10279                                    }
10280                                    ;
10281                            }
10282                        }
10283                        ;
10284                    };
10285                    /**
10286                     *
10287                     * @param {string} index
10288                     * @return
10289                     * @return {string}
10290                     */
10291                    VsdxShape.prototype.createHybridLabel = function (index) {
10292                        var para = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.paragraphs, index);
10293                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_ALIGN] = this.getHorizontalAlign(index, false));
10294                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_LEFT] = this.getIndentLeft(index));
10295                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT] = this.getIndentRight(index));
10296                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_TOP] = this.getSpBefore(index));
10297                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_BOTTOM] = this.getSpAfter(index));
10298                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN] = this.getAlignVertical());
10299                        /* put */ (this.styleMap["fontColor"] = this.getTextColor(index));
10300                        /* put */ (this.styleMap["fontSize"] = this.getTextSize(index));
10301                        /* put */ (this.styleMap["fontFamily"] = this.getTextFont(index));
10302                        var fontStyle = this.isBold(index) ? mxConstants.FONT_BOLD : 0;
10303                        fontStyle |= this.isItalic(index) ? mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC : 0;
10304                        fontStyle |= this.isUnderline(index) ? mxConstants.FONT_UNDERLINE : 0;
10305                        /* put */ (this.styleMap["fontStyle"] = new String(fontStyle).toString());
10306                        var numValues = para.numValues();
10307                        var result = null;
10308                        for (var i = 0; i < numValues; i++) {
10309                            var value = para.getValue(i);
10310                            if ((value.length === 0) && this.fields != null) {
10311                                var fieldIx = para.getField(i);
10312                                if (fieldIx != null) {
10313                                    value = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.fields, fieldIx);
10314                                    if (value == null && this.masterShape != null && this.masterShape.fields != null) {
10315                                        value = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.masterShape.fields, fieldIx);
10316                                    }
10317                                }
10318                            }
10319                            if (value != null) {
10320                                result = result == null ? value : result + value;
10321                            }
10322                        }
10323                        ;
10324                        return result;
10325                    };
10326                    /**
10327                     * Returns the text contained in the shape formated with tags html.<br/>
10328                     * @return {string} Text content in html.
10329                     * @param {*} txtChildren
10330                     */
10331                    VsdxShape.prototype.getHtmlTextContent = function (txtChildren) {
10332                    	var ret = "";
10333                        var first = true;
10334                        var ulMode = false;
10335                        var ulModeFirst = false;
10337                    	function processLblTxt(text)
10338                        {
10339                            text = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.htmlEntities(text);
10341                            if (ulModeFirst)
10342                        	{
10343                            	text = '<li>' + text;
10344                            	ulModeFirst = false;
10345                        	}
10347                            if (ulMode)
10348                        	{
10349                        		var entries = text.split('\n');
10351                                if (!entries[entries.length - 1])
10352                                {
10353                                	entries.pop();
10354                                	ulModeFirst = true;
10355                                }
10357                                text = entries.join('</li><li>');
10358                        	}
10359                            else
10360                        	{
10361                            	text = text.replace(new RegExp('\n', 'g'), '<br/>').replace(new RegExp(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape.UNICODE_LINE_SEP, 'g'), '<br/>');
10362                        	}
10364                            return this.getTextCharFormated(text);
10365                        };
10367                        if (txtChildren != null && txtChildren.length > 0) {
10368                            for (var index = 0; index < txtChildren.length; index++) {
10369                                var node = txtChildren.item(index);
10370                                if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10371                                    return o1.equals(o2);
10372                                }
10373                                else {
10374                                    return o1 === o2;
10375                                } })(node.nodeName, "cp")) {
10376                                    var elem = node;
10377                                    this.cp = this.getIndex(elem);
10378                                }
10379                                else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10380                                    return o1.equals(o2);
10381                                }
10382                                else {
10383                                    return o1 === o2;
10384                                } })(node.nodeName, "tp")) {
10385                                    var elem = node;
10386                                    this.tp = this.getIndex(elem);
10387                                }
10388                                else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10389                                    return o1.equals(o2);
10390                                }
10391                                else {
10392                                    return o1 === o2;
10393                                } })(node.nodeName, "pp"))
10394                                {
10395                                    var elem = node;
10396                                    this.pp = this.getIndex(elem);
10398                                    if (ulMode)
10399                                	{
10400                                    	//TODO closing li is wrongly placed after font (and other tags (e.g, b, i))
10401                                    	ret += '</li></ul>';
10402                                	}
10404                                    if (first)
10405                                    {
10406                                        first = false;
10407                                    }
10408                                    else
10409                                    {
10410                                        ret += "</p>";
10411                                    }
10413                                    var para = "<p>";
10414                                    ret += this.getTextParagraphFormated(para);
10416                                    var ul = this.getPPList(this.pp);
10418                                    ulMode = ul != null;
10419                                    ulModeFirst = ulMode;
10420                                    ret += ulMode? ul : '';
10421                                }
10422                                else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10423                                    return o1.equals(o2);
10424                                }
10425                                else {
10426                                    return o1 === o2;
10427                                } })(node.nodeName, "fld")) {
10428                                    var elem = node;
10429                                    this.fld = this.getIndex(elem);
10430                                    var text = null;
10431                                    if (this.fields != null) {
10432                                        text = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.fields, this.fld);
10433                                    }
10434                                    if (text == null && this.masterShape != null && this.masterShape.fields != null) {
10435                                        text = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.masterShape.fields, this.fld);
10436                                    }
10437                                    if (text != null)
10438                                        ret += processLblTxt.call(this, text);
10439                                }
10440                                else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10441                                    return o1.equals(o2);
10442                                }
10443                                else {
10444                                    return o1 === o2;
10445                                } })(node.nodeName, "#text")) {
10446                                    var text = node.textContent;
10447                                    ret += processLblTxt.call(this, text);
10448                                }
10449                            }
10450                        }
10452                        if (ulMode)
10453                    	{
10454                        	//TODO closing li is wrongly placed after font (and other tags (e.g, b, i))
10455                        	ret += '</li></ul>';
10456                    	}
10458                        var end = first ? "" : "</p>";
10459                        ret += end;
10460                        com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.surroundByTags(ret, "div");
10461                        return ret;
10462                    };
10464                    /**
10465                     * Checks if a nameU is for big connectors.
10466                     * @param {string} nameU NameU attribute.
10467                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if a nameU is for big connectors.
10468                     */
10469                    VsdxShape.prototype.isConnectorBigNameU = function (nameU) {
10470                        return (function (str, searchString, position) {
10471                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10472                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10473                        })(nameU, "60 degree single") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10474                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10475                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10476                        })(nameU, "45 degree single") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10477                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10478                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10479                        })(nameU, "45 degree double") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10480                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10481                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10482                        })(nameU, "60 degree double") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10483                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10484                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10485                        })(nameU, "45 degree  tail") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10486                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10487                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10488                        })(nameU, "60 degree  tail") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10489                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10490                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10491                        })(nameU, "45 degree tail") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10492                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10493                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10494                        })(nameU, "60 degree tail") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10495                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10496                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10497                        })(nameU, "Flexi-arrow 2") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10498                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10499                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10500                        })(nameU, "Flexi-arrow 1") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10501                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10502                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10503                        })(nameU, "Flexi-arrow 3") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10504                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10505                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10506                        })(nameU, "Double flexi-arrow") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
10507                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10508                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10509                        })(nameU, "Fancy arrow");
10510                    };
10511                    /**
10512                     * Checks if the shape represents a vertex.
10513                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if the shape represents a vertex.
10514                     */
10515                    VsdxShape.prototype.isVertex = function () {
10516                        return this.vertex;
10517                    };
10518                    /**
10519                     * Returns the coordinates of the top left corner of the Shape.
10520                     * When a coordinate is not found, it is taken from masterShape.
10521                     * @param {number} parentHeight Height of the parent cell of the shape.
10522                     * @param {boolean} rotation whether to allow for cell rotation
10523                     * @return {mxPoint} mxPoint that represents the coordinates
10524                     */
10525                    VsdxShape.prototype.getOriginPoint = function (parentHeight, rotation) {
10526                        var px = this.getPinX();
10527                        var py = this.getPinY();
10528                        var lpy = this.getLocPinY();
10529                        var lpx = this.getLocPinX();
10530                        var w = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.WIDTH), 0);
10531                        var h = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.HEIGHT), 0);
10532                        var x = px - lpx;
10533                        var y = parentHeight - ((py) + (h - lpy));
10534                        if (rotation && (lpy !== h / 2 || lpx !== w / 2)) {
10535                            if (this.rotation !== 0) {
10536                                var vecX = w / 2 - lpx;
10537                                var vecY = lpy - h / 2;
10538                                var cos = Math.cos(/* toRadians */ (function (x) { return x * Math.PI / 180; })(360 - this.rotation));
10539                                var sin = Math.sin(/* toRadians */ (function (x) { return x * Math.PI / 180; })(360 - this.rotation));
10540                                return new mxPoint(x + vecX - (vecX * cos - vecY * sin), (vecX * sin + vecY * cos) + y - vecY);
10541                            }
10542                        }
10543                        return new mxPoint(x, y);
10544                    };
10545                    /**
10546                     * Returns the width and height of the Shape expressed like an mxPoint.<br/>
10547                     * x = width<br/>
10548                     * y = height<br/>
10549                     * When a dimension is not found, it is taken from masterShape.
10550                     * @return {mxPoint} mxPoint that represents the dimensions of the shape.
10551                     */
10552                    VsdxShape.prototype.getDimensions = function () {
10553                        var w = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.WIDTH), 0);
10554                        var h = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.HEIGHT), 0);
10555                        return new mxPoint(w === 0 && h > 0 ? 1 : w, h === 0 && w > 0 ? 1 : h);
10556                    };
10557                    /**
10558                     * Returns the value of the pinX element.
10559                     * @return {number} The shape pinX element
10560                     */
10561                    VsdxShape.prototype.getPinX = function () {
10562                        return this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PIN_X), 0);
10563                    };
10564                    /**
10565                     * Returns the value of the pinY element in pixels.
10566                     * @return {number} Numerical value of the pinY element.
10567                     */
10568                    VsdxShape.prototype.getPinY = function () {
10569                        return this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.PIN_Y), 0);
10570                    };
10571                    /**
10572                     * Returns the value of the locPinX element in pixels.
10573                     * @return {number} Numerical value of the pinY element.
10574                     */
10575                    VsdxShape.prototype.getLocPinX = function () {
10576                        return this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LOC_PIN_X), 0);
10577                    };
10578                    /**
10579                     * Returns the value of the locPinY element in pixels.
10580                     * @return {number} Numerical value of the locPinY element.
10581                     */
10582                    VsdxShape.prototype.getLocPinY = function () {
10583                        return this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LOC_PIN_Y), 0);
10584                    };
10585                    /**
10586                     * Returns the opacity of the Shape.<br/>
10587                     * @return {number} Double in the range of (transparent = 0)..(100 = opaque)
10588                     * @param {string} key
10589                     * @private
10590                     */
10591                    /*private*/ VsdxShape.prototype.getOpacity = function (key) {
10592                        var opacity = 100;
10593                        if (this.isGroup()) {
10594                            opacity = 0;
10595                        }
10596                        opacity = this.getValueAsDouble(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(key), 0);
10597                        opacity = 100 - opacity * 100;
10598                        opacity = Math.max(opacity, 0);
10599                        opacity = Math.min(opacity, 100);
10600                        return opacity;
10601                    };
10602                    /**
10603                     * Returns the background color for apply in the gradient.<br/>
10604                     * If no gradient must be applicated, returns an empty string.
10605                     * @return {string} hexadecimal representation of the color.
10606                     * @private
10607                     */
10608                    /*private*/ VsdxShape.prototype.getGradient = function () {
10609                        var fillGradientEnabled = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_GRADIENT_ENABLED), "0");
10610                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10611                            return o1.equals(o2);
10612                        }
10613                        else {
10614                            return o1 === o2;
10615                        } })("1", fillGradientEnabled)) {
10616                            var fillGradient = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(this.sections, "FillGradient");
10617                            if (fillGradient != null) {
10618                                var rows = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(fillGradient.elem, "Row");
10619                                var color = this.getColor(fillGradient.getIndexedCell(/* get */ rows[rows.length - 1].getAttribute("IX"), "GradientStopColor"));
10620                                if (color != null && !(color.length === 0))
10621                                    return color;
10622                            }
10623                        }
10624                        var gradient = "";
10625                        var fillPattern = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_PATTERN), "0");
10626                        if (parseInt(fillPattern) >= 25) {
10627                            gradient = this.getColor(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_BKGND));
10628                        }
10629                        else {
10630                            var theme_11 = this.getTheme();
10631                            if (theme_11 != null) {
10632                                var gradColor = theme_11.getFillGraientColor(this.getQuickStyleVals());
10633                                if (gradColor != null)
10634                                    gradient = gradColor.toHexStr();
10635                            }
10636                        }
10637                        return gradient;
10638                    };
10639                    /**
10640                     * Returns the direction of the gradient.<br/>
10641                     * If no gradient has to be applied, returns an empty string.
10642                     * @return {string} Direction.(east, west, north or south)
10643                     * @private
10644                     */
10645                    /*private*/ VsdxShape.prototype.getGradientDirection = function () {
10646                        var direction = "";
10647                        var fillPattern = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_PATTERN), "0");
10648                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10649                            return o1.equals(o2);
10650                        }
10651                        else {
10652                            return o1 === o2;
10653                        } })(fillPattern, "25")) {
10654                            direction = mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
10655                        }
10656                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10657                            return o1.equals(o2);
10658                        }
10659                        else {
10660                            return o1 === o2;
10661                        } })(fillPattern, "27")) {
10662                            direction = mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST;
10663                        }
10664                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10665                            return o1.equals(o2);
10666                        }
10667                        else {
10668                            return o1 === o2;
10669                        } })(fillPattern, "28")) {
10670                            direction = mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH;
10671                        }
10672                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10673                            return o1.equals(o2);
10674                        }
10675                        else {
10676                            return o1 === o2;
10677                        } })(fillPattern, "30")) {
10678                            direction = mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH;
10679                        }
10680                        return direction;
10681                    };
10682                    /**
10683                     * Returns the rotation of the shape.<br/>
10684                     * @return {number} Rotation of the shape in degrees.
10685                     */
10686                    VsdxShape.prototype.calcRotation = function () {
10687                        var rotation = parseFloat(this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.ANGLE), "0"));
10688                        rotation = (function (x) { return x * 180 / Math.PI; })(rotation);
10689                        rotation = rotation % 360;
10690                        rotation = rotation * 100 / 100;
10691                        return 360 - rotation;
10692                    };
10693                    /**
10694                     * Used to pass in a parents rotation to the child
10695                     * @param {number} parentRotation the rotation of the parent
10696                     */
10697                    VsdxShape.prototype.propagateRotation = function (parentRotation) {
10698                        this.rotation += parentRotation;
10699                        this.rotation %= 360;
10700                        this.rotation = this.rotation * 100 / 100;
10701                    };
10702                    /**
10703                     * Returns the top spacing of the label in pixels.<br/>
10704                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or text stylesheet.<br/>
10705                     * @return {number} Top spacing in double precision.
10706                     */
10707                    VsdxShape.prototype.getTopSpacing = function () {
10708                        var topMargin = this.getTextTopMargin();
10709                        topMargin = (topMargin / 2 - 2.8) * 100 / 100;
10710                        return topMargin;
10711                    };
10712                    /**
10713                     * Returns the bottom spacing of the label in pixels.<br/>
10714                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or text stylesheet.<br/>
10715                     * @return {number} Bottom spacing in double precision.
10716                     */
10717                    VsdxShape.prototype.getBottomSpacing = function () {
10718                        var bottomMargin = this.getTextBottomMargin();
10719                        bottomMargin = (bottomMargin / 2 - 2.8) * 100 / 100;
10720                        return bottomMargin;
10721                    };
10722                    /**
10723                     * Returns the left spacing of the label in pixels.<br/>
10724                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or text stylesheet.<br/>
10725                     * @return {number} Left spacing in double precision.
10726                     */
10727                    VsdxShape.prototype.getLeftSpacing = function () {
10728                        var leftMargin = this.getTextLeftMargin();
10729                        leftMargin = (leftMargin / 2 - 2.8) * 100 / 100;
10730                        return leftMargin;
10731                    };
10732                    /**
10733                     * Returns the right spacing of the label in pixels.<br/>
10734                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or text stylesheet.<br/>
10735                     * @return {number} Right spacing in double precision.
10736                     */
10737                    VsdxShape.prototype.getRightSpacing = function () {
10738                        var rightMargin = this.getTextRightMargin();
10739                        rightMargin = (rightMargin / 2 - 2.8) * 100 / 100;
10740                        return rightMargin;
10741                    };
10742                    /**
10743                     * Checks if the label must be rotated.<br/>
10744                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or text stylesheet.<br/>
10745                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true<code/> if the label should remain horizontal.
10746                     */
10747                    VsdxShape.prototype.getLabelRotation = function () {
10748                        var hor = true;
10749                        var rotation = this.calcRotation();
10750                        var angle = parseFloat(this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_ANGLE), "0"));
10751                        angle = (function (x) { return x * 180 / Math.PI; })(angle);
10752                        angle = angle - rotation;
10753                        if (!(Math.abs(angle) < 45 || Math.abs(angle) > 270)) {
10754                            hor = false;
10755                        }
10756                        return hor;
10757                    };
10759                    /**
10760                     * Get hyperlink address or subaddress
10761                     */
10762                    VsdxShape.prototype.getHyperlink = function ()
10763                    {
10764                    	var addressElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String('Address', null, 'Hyperlink');
10765                    	var extLink = this.getValue(addressElem, '');
10767                    	var subAddressElem = this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String('SubAddress', null, 'Hyperlink');
10768                    	var pageLink = this.getValue(subAddressElem, '');
10770                    	return {extLink: extLink, pageLink: pageLink};
10771                    };
10773                    VsdxShape.prototype.getProperties = function ()
10774                    {
10775						var props = [];
10777                    	if (this.sections && this.sections['Property'])
10778                    	{
10779	                    	var rows = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildNamedElements(this.sections['Property'].elem, "Row");
10781	                    	for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++)
10782	                    	{
10783			                    var row = rows[i];
10784                            	var n = row.getAttribute("N");
10786								var cells = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getDirectChildElements(row);
10788                        		for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++)
10789                    			{
10790                            		var cell = cells[j];
10791									var cn = cell.getAttribute("N");
10793                        			if (cn == 'Value')
10794                        			{
10795                            			props.push({key: n, val: cell.getAttribute("V")});
10796                            			break;
10797                        			}
10798                        		}
10799		                    }
10800                    	}
10802						return props;
10803                    };
10805                    /**
10806                     * Analyzes the shape and returns a string with the style.
10807                     * @return {*} style read from the shape.
10808                     */
10809                    VsdxShape.prototype.getStyleFromShape = function () {
10810                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.VSDX_ID] = this.getId().toString());
10811                        this.rotation = Math.round(this.rotation);
10812                        if (this.rotation !== 0) {
10813                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_ROTATION] = ('' + (this.rotation)));
10814                        }
10815                        var fillcolor = this.getFillColor();
10816                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10817                            return o1.equals(o2);
10818                        }
10819                        else {
10820                            return o1 === o2;
10821                        } })(fillcolor, "")) {
10822                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR] = fillcolor);
10823                        }
10824                        else {
10825                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR] = "none");
10826                        }
10827                        var id = this.getId();
10828                        this.styleDebug("ID = " + id + " , Fill Color = " + fillcolor);
10829                        var gradient = this.getGradient();
10830                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10831                            return o1.equals(o2);
10832                        }
10833                        else {
10834                            return o1 === o2;
10835                        } })(gradient, "")) {
10836                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR] = gradient);
10837                            var gradientDirection = this.getGradientDirection();
10838                            if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10839                                return o1.equals(o2);
10840                            }
10841                            else {
10842                                return o1 === o2;
10843                            } })(gradientDirection, "") && !(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10844                                return o1.equals(o2);
10845                            }
10846                            else {
10847                                return o1 === o2;
10848                            } })(gradientDirection, mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH)) {
10849                                /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENT_DIRECTION] = gradientDirection);
10850                            }
10851                        }
10852                        else {
10853                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR] = "none");
10854                        }
10855                        var opacity = this.getOpacity(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FILL_FOREGND_TRANS);
10856                        if (opacity < 100) {
10857                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_FILL_OPACITY] = ('' + (opacity)));
10858                        }
10859                        opacity = this.getOpacity(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_COLOR_TRANS);
10860                        if (opacity < 100) {
10861                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKE_OPACITY] = ('' + (opacity)));
10862                        }
10863                        var form = this.getForm();
10864                        if (form.hasOwnProperty(mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE) && ((function (str, searchString, position) {
10865                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
10866                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
10867                        })(/* get */ (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(form, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE), "image;"))) {
10868                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_WHITE_SPACE] = "wrap");
10869                        }
10871                        //this.styleMap.putAll(form);
10872                        for (var key in form)
10873                    	{
10874                        	this.styleMap[key] = form[key];
10875                    	}
10877                        if (this.isDashed()) {
10878                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_DASHED] = "1");
10879                            var dashPattern = this.getDashPattern();
10880                            if (dashPattern != null) {
10881                                /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_DASH_PATTERN] = dashPattern);
10882                            }
10883                        }
10884                        var color = this.getStrokeColor();
10885                        var tr = this.getStrokeTransparency();
10886                        this.styleDebug("ID = " + id + " , Color = " + color + " , stroke transparency = " + tr);
10887                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10888                            return o1.equals(o2);
10889                        }
10890                        else {
10891                            return o1 === o2;
10892                        } })(color, "") && tr !== 1) {
10893                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = color);
10894                        }
10895                        else {
10896                        }
10897                        var lWeight = (Math.round(this.getLineWidth()) | 0);
10898                        if (lWeight !== 1) {
10899                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH] = ('' + (lWeight)));
10900                        }
10901                        if (this.isShadow()) {
10902                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SHADOW] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TRUE);
10903                        }
10904                        var topMargin = (Math.round(this.getTopSpacing()) | 0);
10905                        if (topMargin !== 0) {
10906                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_TOP] = ('' + (topMargin)));
10907                        }
10908                        var bottomMargin = (Math.round(this.getBottomSpacing()) | 0);
10909                        if (bottomMargin !== 0) {
10910                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_BOTTOM] = ('' + (bottomMargin)));
10911                        }
10912                        var leftMargin = (Math.round(this.getLeftSpacing()) | 0);
10913                        if (leftMargin !== 0) {
10914                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_LEFT] = ('' + (leftMargin)));
10915                        }
10916                        var rightMargin = (Math.round(this.getRightSpacing()) | 0);
10917                        if (rightMargin !== 0) {
10918                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT] = ('' + (rightMargin)));
10919                        }
10920                        var direction = this.getDirection(form);
10921                        if (direction !== mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST) {
10922                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_DIRECTION] = direction);
10923                        }
10924                        var flibX = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FLIP_X), "0");
10925                        var flibY = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FLIP_Y), "0");
10926                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10927                            return o1.equals(o2);
10928                        }
10929                        else {
10930                            return o1 === o2;
10931                        } })("1", flibX)) {
10932                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPH] = "1");
10933                        }
10934                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10935                            return o1.equals(o2);
10936                        }
10937                        else {
10938                            return o1 === o2;
10939                        } })("1", flibY)) {
10940                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_FLIPV] = "1");
10941                        }
10942                        this.resolveCommonStyles();
10943                        return this.styleMap;
10944                    };
10945                    /*private*/ VsdxShape.prototype.getDashPattern = function () {
10946                        var pattern = null;
10947                        var linePattern = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_PATTERN), "0");
10948                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10949                            return o1.equals(o2);
10950                        }
10951                        else {
10952                            return o1 === o2;
10953                        } })(linePattern, "Themed")) {
10954                            var theme_12 = this.getTheme();
10955                            if (theme_12 != null) {
10956                                pattern = this.isVertex() ? theme_12.getLineDashPattern$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(this.getQuickStyleVals()) : theme_12.getConnLineDashPattern(this.getQuickStyleVals());
10957                            }
10958                        }
10959                        else {
10960                            pattern = vsdx.Style.getLineDashPattern(/* parseInt */ parseInt(linePattern));
10961                        }
10962                        if (pattern != null && !(pattern.length == 0)) {
10963                            var str = { str: "", toString: function () { return this.str; } };
10964                            var _loop_4 = function (index162) {
10965                                var len = pattern[index162];
10966                                {
10967                                    /* append */ (function (sb) { return sb.str = sb.str.concat(len.toFixed(2) + " "); })(str);
10968                                }
10969                            };
10970                            for (var index162 = 0; index162 < pattern.length; index162++) {
10971                                _loop_4(index162);
10972                            }
10973                            return str.str.trim();
10974                        }
10975                        return null;
10976                    };
10977                    /**
10978                     * Checks if the lines of the shape are dashed.<br/>
10979                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or line stylesheet.<br/>
10980                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if the lines of the shape are dashed.
10981                     */
10982                    VsdxShape.prototype.isDashed = function () {
10983                        var linePattern = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_PATTERN), "0");
10984                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10985                            return o1.equals(o2);
10986                        }
10987                        else {
10988                            return o1 === o2;
10989                        } })(linePattern, "Themed")) {
10990                            var theme_13 = this.getTheme();
10991                            if (theme_13 != null) {
10992                                return this.isVertex() ? theme_13.isLineDashed$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(this.getQuickStyleVals()) : theme_13.isConnLineDashed(this.getQuickStyleVals());
10993                            }
10994                        }
10995                        else if (!((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
10996                            return o1.equals(o2);
10997                        }
10998                        else {
10999                            return o1 === o2;
11000                        } })(linePattern, "0") || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11001                            return o1.equals(o2);
11002                        }
11003                        else {
11004                            return o1 === o2;
11005                        } })(linePattern, "1"))) {
11006                            return true;
11007                        }
11008                        return false;
11009                    };
11010                    /**
11011                     * Returns the line width.<br/>
11012                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or line stylesheet.<br/>
11013                     * @return {number} Line width in pixels.
11014                     */
11015                    VsdxShape.prototype.getLineWidth = function () {
11016                        var lineWeight = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.LINE_WEIGHT), "1");
11017                        var lWeight = 1;
11018                        try {
11019                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11020                                return o1.equals(o2);
11021                            }
11022                            else {
11023                                return o1 === o2;
11024                            } })(lineWeight, "Themed")) {
11025                                var theme_14 = this.getTheme();
11026                                if (theme_14 != null) {
11027                                    lWeight = (this.isVertex() ? theme_14.getLineWidth$com_mxgraph_io_vsdx_theme_QuickStyleVals(this.getQuickStyleVals()) : theme_14.getConnLineWidth(this.getQuickStyleVals())) / 10000.0;
11028                                }
11029                            }
11030                            else {
11031                                lWeight = parseFloat(lineWeight);
11032                                lWeight = this.getScreenNumericalValue$double(lWeight);
11033                            }
11034                        }
11035                        catch (e) {
11036                        }
11037                        ;
11038                        if (lWeight < 1) {
11039                            lWeight *= 2;
11040                        }
11041                        return lWeight;
11042                    };
11043                    /**
11044                     * Returns the start arrow size.<br/>
11045                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or line stylesheet.<br/>
11046                     * Determines the value in pixels of each arrow size category in .vdx.
11047                     * @return {number} Size in pixels.
11048                     */
11049                    VsdxShape.prototype.getStartArrowSize = function () {
11050                        var baSize = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_ARROW_SIZE), "4");
11051                        try {
11052                            var size = 4;
11053                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11054                                return o1.equals(o2);
11055                            }
11056                            else {
11057                                return o1 === o2;
11058                            } })(baSize, "Themed")) {
11059                                var theme_15 = this.getTheme();
11060                                if (theme_15 != null) {
11061                                    size = this.isVertex() ? theme_15.getStartSize(this.getQuickStyleVals()) : theme_15.getConnStartSize(this.getQuickStyleVals());
11062                                }
11063                            }
11064                            else {
11065                                size = parseFloat(baSize);
11066                            }
11067                            return VsdxShape.arrowSizes_$LI$()[size];
11068                        }
11069                        catch (e) {
11070                        }
11071                        ;
11072                        return 4;
11073                    };
11074                    /**
11075                     * Returns the end arrow size.<br/>
11076                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or line stylesheet.<br/>
11077                     * Determines the value in pixels of each arrow size category in .vdx.
11078                     * @return {number} Size in pixels.
11079                     */
11080                    VsdxShape.prototype.getFinalArrowSize = function () {
11081                        var eaSize = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.END_ARROW_SIZE), "4");
11082                        try {
11083                            var size = 4;
11084                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11085                                return o1.equals(o2);
11086                            }
11087                            else {
11088                                return o1 === o2;
11089                            } })(eaSize, "Themed")) {
11090                                var theme_16 = this.getTheme();
11091                                if (theme_16 != null) {
11092                                    size = this.isVertex() ? theme_16.getEndSize(this.getQuickStyleVals()) : theme_16.getConnEndSize(this.getQuickStyleVals());
11093                                }
11094                            }
11095                            else {
11096                                size = parseFloat(eaSize);
11097                            }
11098                            return VsdxShape.arrowSizes_$LI$()[size];
11099                        }
11100                        catch (e) {
11101                        }
11102                        ;
11103                        return 4;
11104                    };
11105                    /**
11106                     * Returns whether the cell is Rounded.<br/>
11107                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or line stylesheet.<br/>
11108                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if the cell is Rounded.
11109                     */
11110                    VsdxShape.prototype.getRounding = function () {
11111                        var val = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.ROUNDING), "0");
11112                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11113                            return o1.equals(o2);
11114                        }
11115                        else {
11116                            return o1 === o2;
11117                        } })("Themed", val)) {
11118                            val = "0";
11119                        }
11120                        return parseFloat(val);
11121                    };
11122                    /**
11123                     * Return if the line has shadow.<br/>
11124                     * The property may to be defined in master shape or line stylesheet.<br/>
11125                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>mxVdxConstants.TRUE</code> if the line has shadow.
11126                     */
11127                    VsdxShape.prototype.isShadow = function () {
11128                        var shdw = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.SHDW_PATTERN), "0");
11129                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11130                            return o1.equals(o2);
11131                        }
11132                        else {
11133                            return o1 === o2;
11134                        } })(shdw, "Themed")) {
11135                        }
11136                        else if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11137                            return o1.equals(o2);
11138                        }
11139                        else {
11140                            return o1 === o2;
11141                        } })(shdw, "0")) {
11142                            return true;
11143                        }
11144                        return false;
11145                    };
11146                    VsdxShape.prototype.getEdgeStyle$java_util_Map = function (edgeShape) {
11147                        var result = ({});
11148                        var edgeName = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(edgeShape, mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE);
11149                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11150                            return o1.equals(o2);
11151                        }
11152                        else {
11153                            return o1 === o2;
11154                        } })(edgeName, "mxgraph.lean_mapping.electronic_info_flow_edge")) {
11155                            /* put */ (result[mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE] = mxConstants.NONE);
11156                            return result;
11157                        }
11158                        else {
11159                            /* put */ (result[mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE] = mxConstants.EDGESTYLE_ELBOW);
11160                            return result;
11161                        }
11162                    };
11163                    /**
11164                     * Returns the style of the edge. (Orthogonal or straight)
11165                     * @return {*} Edge Style.
11166                     * @param {*} edgeShape
11167                     */
11168                    VsdxShape.prototype.getEdgeStyle = function (edgeShape) {
11169                        if (((edgeShape != null && (edgeShape instanceof Object)) || edgeShape === null)) {
11170                            return this.getEdgeStyle$java_util_Map(edgeShape);
11171                        }
11172                        else if (edgeShape === undefined) {
11173                            return this.getEdgeStyle$();
11174                        }
11175                        else
11176                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
11177                    };
11178                    /**
11179                     * Returns the master's Id of the Shape.
11180                     * @return {string} Master's ID of the shape, null if has not a master.
11181                     */
11182                    VsdxShape.prototype.getMasterId = function () {
11183                        if (this.shape.hasAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.MASTER)) {
11184                            return this.shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.MASTER);
11185                        }
11186                        else {
11187                            return null;
11188                        }
11189                    };
11190                    /**
11191                     * Returns the masterShape's Id of the shape.
11192                     * @return {string} Master Shape's ID of the shape, null if has not a master shape.
11193                     */
11194                    VsdxShape.prototype.getShapeMasterId = function () {
11195                        if (this.shape.hasAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.MASTER_SHAPE)) {
11196                            return this.shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.MASTER_SHAPE);
11197                        }
11198                        else {
11199                            return null;
11200                        }
11201                    };
11202                    /**
11203                     * Checks if a shape contains other shapes inside.
11204                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if a shape contains other shapes inside.
11205                     */
11206                    VsdxShape.prototype.isGroup = function () {
11207                        return (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11208                            return o1.equals(o2);
11209                        }
11210                        else {
11211                            return o1 === o2;
11212                        } })(this.shape.getAttribute("Type"), "Group");
11213                    };
11214                    /**
11215                     * Checks if a shape contains other shapes inside.
11216                     * @return {string} Returns <code>true</code> if a shape contains other shapes inside.
11217                     * @param {*} shape
11218                     */
11219                    VsdxShape.getType = function (shape) {
11220                        return shape.getAttribute("Type");
11221                    };
11222                    VsdxShape.prototype.getMaster = function () {
11223                        return this.master;
11224                    };
11225                    /**
11226                     * Returns the NameU attribute.
11227                     * @return {string} Value of the NameU attribute.
11228                     */
11229                    VsdxShape.prototype.getNameU = function () {
11230                        var result = this.shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.NAME_U) || "";
11231                        if ((result == null || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11232                            return o1.equals(o2);
11233                        }
11234                        else {
11235                            return o1 === o2;
11236                        } })(result, "")) && this.masterShape != null) {
11237                            result = this.masterShape.getNameU();
11238                        }
11239                        return result;
11240                    };
11241                    /**
11242                     * Returns the Name attribute.
11243                     * @return {string} Value of the Name attribute (Human readable name).
11244                     */
11245                    VsdxShape.prototype.getName = function () {
11246                        var result = this.shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.NAME);
11247                        if ((result == null || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11248                            return o1.equals(o2);
11249                        }
11250                        else {
11251                            return o1 === o2;
11252                        } })(result, "")) && this.masterShape != null) {
11253                            result = this.masterShape.getName();
11254                        }
11255                        return result;
11256                    };
11257                    /**
11258                     * Returns the master name of the shape
11259                     * @return {string} Master name of the shape
11260                     */
11261                    VsdxShape.prototype.getMasterName = function () {
11262                        return this.shapeName;
11263                    };
11264                    VsdxShape.prototype.setLabelOffset = function (vertex, style) {
11265                        var nameU = "";
11266                        var masterNameU = "";
11267                        if (this.shape.hasAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.NAME_U)) {
11268                            nameU = this.shape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.NAME_U);
11269                        }
11270                        if (this.getMaster() != null && this.getMaster().getMasterElement() != null) {
11271                            if (this.getMaster().getMasterElement().hasAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.NAME_U)) {
11272                                masterNameU = this.getMaster().getMasterElement().getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.NAME_U);
11273                            }
11274                        }
11275                        if ((function (str, searchString, position) {
11276                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11277                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11278                        })(nameU, "Organizational unit") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
11279                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11280                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11281                        })(masterNameU, "Organizational unit")) {
11282                            var control = this.shape.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CONTROL).item(0);
11283                            var xEl = null;
11284                            var xS = "0.0";
11285                            var yEl = null;
11286                            var yS = "-0.4";
11287                            if (control != null) {
11288                                xEl = control.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.X).item(0);
11289                                if (xEl.hasAttribute("F")) {
11290                                    xS = xEl.getAttribute("F");
11291                                }
11292                                else {
11293                                    xS = xEl.textContent;
11294                                }
11295                                yEl = control.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.Y).item(0);
11296                                if (yEl.hasAttribute("F")) {
11297                                    yS = yEl.getAttribute("F");
11298                                }
11299                                else {
11300                                    yS = yEl.textContent;
11301                                }
11302                            }
11303                            var geometry_3 = vertex.getGeometry();
11304                            xS = xS.split("Width/2+").join("");
11305                            xS = xS.split("DL").join("");
11306                            yS = yS.split("Height*").join("");
11307                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11308                                return o1.equals(o2);
11309                            }
11310                            else {
11311                                return o1 === o2;
11312                            } })(xS, "Inh")) {
11313                                xS = "0.0";
11314                            }
11315                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11316                                return o1.equals(o2);
11317                            }
11318                            else {
11319                                return o1 === o2;
11320                            } })(yS, "Inh")) {
11321                                yS = "-0.4";
11322                            }
11323                            if (yS.indexOf("txtHeight") != -1) {
11324                                yS = "-0.4";
11325                            }
11326                            var styleArray = style.split(";");
11327                            var tabHeight = "";
11328                            for (var i = 0; i < styleArray.length; i++) {
11329                                var currStyle = styleArray[i];
11330                                currStyle = currStyle.trim();
11331                                if ((function (str, searchString, position) {
11332                                    if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11333                                    return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11334                                })(currStyle, "tabHeight=")) {
11335                                    tabHeight = currStyle.split("tabHeight=").join("");
11336                                }
11337                            }
11338                            ;
11339                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11340                                return o1.equals(o2);
11341                            }
11342                            else {
11343                                return o1 === o2;
11344                            } })(tabHeight, "")) {
11345                                tabHeight = "20";
11346                            }
11347                            var tH = parseFloat(tabHeight);
11348                            var x = parseFloat(xS);
11349                            var y = parseFloat(yS);
11350                            var h = geometry_3.height;
11351                            var xFinal = geometry_3.width * 0.1 + x * 100;
11352                            var yFinal = h - h * y - tH / 2;
11353                            var offset = new mxPoint(xFinal, yFinal);
11354                            vertex.getGeometry().offset = (offset);
11355                        }
11356                        else if ((function (str, searchString, position) {
11357                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11358                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11359                        })(nameU, "Domain 3D") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
11360                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11361                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11362                        })(masterNameU, "Domain 3D")) {
11363                            var control = this.shape.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.CONTROL).item(0);
11364                            var xEl = null;
11365                            var xS = "0.0";
11366                            var yEl = null;
11367                            var yS = "-0.4";
11368                            if (control != null) {
11369                                xEl = control.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.X).item(0);
11370                                xS = xEl.getAttribute("F") || "";
11371                                yEl = control.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.Y).item(0);
11372                                yS = yEl.getAttribute("F") || "";
11373                            }
11374                            var geometry_4 = vertex.getGeometry();
11375                            xS = xS.split("Width/2+").join("");
11376                            xS = xS.split("DL").join("");
11377                            yS = yS.split("Height*").join("");
11378                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11379                                return o1.equals(o2);
11380                            }
11381                            else {
11382                                return o1 === o2;
11383                            } })(xS, "Inh") || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11384                                return o1.equals(o2);
11385                            }
11386                            else {
11387                                return o1 === o2;
11388                            } })(xS, "")) {
11389                                xS = "0.0";
11390                            }
11391                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11392                                return o1.equals(o2);
11393                            }
11394                            else {
11395                                return o1 === o2;
11396                            } })(yS, "Inh") || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11397                                return o1.equals(o2);
11398                            }
11399                            else {
11400                                return o1 === o2;
11401                            } })(yS, "")) {
11402                                yS = "-0.4";
11403                            }
11404                            if (yS.indexOf("txtHeight") != -1) {
11405                                yS = "-0.4";
11406                            }
11407                            var x = parseFloat(xS);
11408                            var y = parseFloat(yS);
11409                            var h = geometry_4.height;
11410                            var xFinal = geometry_4.width * 0.1 + x * 100;
11411                            var yFinal = h - h * y;
11412                            var offset = new mxPoint(xFinal, yFinal);
11413                            vertex.getGeometry().offset = (offset);
11414                        }
11415                    };
11416                    /**
11417                     * Returns the constant that represents the Shape.
11418                     * @return {*} String that represent the form.
11419                     */
11420                    VsdxShape.prototype.getForm = function () {
11421                        var result = ({});
11422//                        this.styleDebug("Looking to match shape = " + this.shapeName);
11423//                        if (this.shapeName != null && !(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11424//                            return o1.equals(o2);
11425//                        }
11426//                        else {
11427//                            return o1 === o2;
11428//                        } })(this.shapeName, "") && VsdxShape.USE_SHAPE_MATCH) {
11429//                            var trans = mxResources.get(this.shapeName);
11430//                            if (trans != null && !(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11431//                                return o1.equals(o2);
11432//                            }
11433//                            else {
11434//                                return o1 === o2;
11435//                            } })(trans, "")) {
11436//                                this.styleDebug("Translation = " + trans);
11437//                                /* put */ (result[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] = trans);
11438//                                return result;
11439//                            }
11440//                        }
11441                        if (this.isVertex()) {
11442                            try {
11443                                var type = VsdxShape.getType(this.getShape());
11444                                this.styleDebug("shape type = " + type);
11445                                if (this.imageData != null || ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11446                                    return o1.equals(o2);
11447                                }
11448                                else {
11449                                    return o1 === o2;
11450                                } })(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FOREIGN, type) && this.masterShape != null && this.masterShape.imageData != null)) {
11451                                    var imageData = this.imageData != null ? this.imageData : this.masterShape.imageData;
11452                                    /* put */ (result["shape"] = "image");
11453                                    /* put */ (result["aspect"] = "fixed");
11454                                    var iType = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(imageData, "iType");
11455                                    var iData = (function (m, k) { return m[k] ? m[k] : null; })(imageData, "iData");
11457                                    var imgOffsetX = parseFloat(this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String('ImgOffsetX'), "0"));
11458                                    var imgOffsetY = parseFloat(this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String('ImgOffsetY'), "0"));
11459                                    var imgWidth = parseFloat(this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String('ImgWidth'), "0"));
11460                                    var imgHeight = parseFloat(this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String('ImgHeight'), "0"));
11461                                    var width = parseFloat(this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String('Width'), "0"));
11462                                    var height = parseFloat(this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String('Height'), "0"));
11464                                    if (imgOffsetX != 0 || imgOffsetY != 0)
11465                                	{
11466                                    	this.toBeCroppedImg = {
11467                                			imgOffsetX: imgOffsetX,
11468                                			imgOffsetY: imgOffsetY,
11469                                			imgWidth: imgWidth,
11470                                			imgHeight: imgHeight,
11471                                			width: width,
11472                                			height: height,
11473                                			iType: iType,
11474                            				iData: iData
11475                                    	};
11476                                	}
11477                                    else
11478                                    {
11479                                    	/* put */ (result["image"] = "data:image/" + iType + "," + iData);
11480                                    }
11482                                    return result;
11483                                }
11484                                var parsedGeom = this.parseGeom();
11485                                if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11486                                    return o1.equals(o2);
11487                                }
11488                                else {
11489                                    return o1 === o2;
11490                                } })(parsedGeom, "")) {
11491                                    this.styleDebug("No geom found");
11492                                    return result;
11493                                }
11495                                var enc = Graph.compress(parsedGeom);
11496                                /* put */ (result[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] = "stencil(" + enc + ")");
11497                            }
11498                            catch (e) {
11499                                console.error(e.message, e);
11500                            }
11501                            ;
11502                        }
11503                        else {
11504                            return this.getEdgeStyle();
11505                        }
11506                        return result;
11507                    };
11508                    /**
11509                     * Checks if a shape may to be imported like an Off page reference.
11510                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if a shape may to be imported like an Off page reference.
11511                     */
11512                    VsdxShape.prototype.isOff_page_reference = function () {
11513                        var name = this.getNameU();
11514                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11515                            return o1.equals(o2);
11516                        }
11517                        else {
11518                            return o1 === o2;
11519                        } })(name, "Off-page reference") || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11520                            return o1.equals(o2);
11521                        }
11522                        else {
11523                            return o1 === o2;
11524                        } })(name, "Lined/Shaded process")) {
11525                            return true;
11526                        }
11527                        return false;
11528                    };
11529                    /**
11530                     * Checks if a shape may to be imported like an External process.
11531                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if a shape may to be imported like an External process.
11532                     */
11533                    VsdxShape.prototype.isExternal_process = function () {
11534                        return ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11535                            return o1.equals(o2);
11536                        }
11537                        else {
11538                            return o1 === o2;
11539                        } })(this.shapeName, "External process"));
11540                    };
11541                    /**
11542                     * Returns the direction of the shape.
11543                     * @param {*} form Form of the shape.
11544                     * @return {string} Direction(south, north, east and south)
11545                     */
11546                    VsdxShape.prototype.getDirection = function (form) {
11547                        var offsetS = mxResources.get("mxOffset" + this.shapeName);
11548                        if (offsetS == null || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11549                            return o1.equals(o2);
11550                        }
11551                        else {
11552                            return o1 === o2;
11553                        } })(offsetS, "0") || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11554                            return o1.equals(o2);
11555                        }
11556                        else {
11557                            return o1 === o2;
11558                        } })(offsetS, "")) {
11559                            return mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
11560                        }
11561                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11562                            return o1.equals(o2);
11563                        }
11564                        else {
11565                            return o1 === o2;
11566                        } })(offsetS, "1")) {
11567                            return mxConstants.DIRECTION_SOUTH;
11568                        }
11569                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11570                            return o1.equals(o2);
11571                        }
11572                        else {
11573                            return o1 === o2;
11574                        } })(offsetS, "2")) {
11575                            return mxConstants.DIRECTION_WEST;
11576                        }
11577                        else if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11578                            return o1.equals(o2);
11579                        }
11580                        else {
11581                            return o1 === o2;
11582                        } })(offsetS, "3")) {
11583                            return mxConstants.DIRECTION_NORTH;
11584                        }
11585                        return mxConstants.DIRECTION_EAST;
11586                    };
11587                    /**
11588                     * Checks if a shape may to be imported like a Sub-process.
11589                     * This method is approximated.
11590                     * @return {boolean} Returns <code>true</code> if a shape may to be imported like a
11591                     * Sub-process.
11592                     */
11593                    VsdxShape.prototype.isSubproces = function () {
11594                        return (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11595                            return o1.equals(o2);
11596                        }
11597                        else {
11598                            return o1 === o2;
11599                        } })(this.shapeName, "Subproces");
11600                    };
11601                    VsdxShape.prototype.getEdgeStyle$ = function () {
11602                        var result = ({});
11603                        /* put */ (result["edgeStyle"] = "none");
11604                        return result;
11605                    };
11606                    VsdxShape.prototype.getChildShapes = function () {
11607                        return this.childShapes;
11608                    };
11609                    VsdxShape.prototype.setChildShapes = function (childShapes) {
11610                        this.childShapes = childShapes;
11611                    };
11612                    VsdxShape.prototype.isDisplacedLabel = function () {
11613                        var txtPinXF = this.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_PIN_X, "F", "");
11614                        var txtPinYF = this.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_PIN_Y, "F", "");
11615                        var txtWidthF = this.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_WIDTH, "F", "");
11616                        var txtHeightF = this.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_HEIGHT, "F", "");
11617                        if (this.masterShape != null) {
11618                            if (txtPinXF === "" || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11619                                return o1.equals(o2);
11620                            }
11621                            else {
11622                                return o1 === o2;
11623                            } })(txtPinXF.toLowerCase(), "inh")) {
11624                                txtPinXF = this.masterShape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_PIN_X, "F", "");
11625                            }
11626                            if (txtPinYF === "" || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11627                                return o1.equals(o2);
11628                            }
11629                            else {
11630                                return o1 === o2;
11631                            } })(txtPinYF.toLowerCase(), "inh")) {
11632                                txtPinYF = this.masterShape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_PIN_Y, "F", "");
11633                            }
11634                            if (txtWidthF === "" || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11635                                return o1.equals(o2);
11636                            }
11637                            else {
11638                                return o1 === o2;
11639                            } })(txtWidthF.toLowerCase(), "inh")) {
11640                                txtWidthF = this.masterShape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_WIDTH, "F", "");
11641                            }
11642                            if (txtHeightF === "" || (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11643                                return o1.equals(o2);
11644                            }
11645                            else {
11646                                return o1 === o2;
11647                            } })(txtHeightF.toLowerCase(), "inh")) {
11648                                txtHeightF = this.masterShape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_HEIGHT, "F", "");
11649                            }
11650                        }
11651                        if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11652                            return o1.equals(o2);
11653                        }
11654                        else {
11655                            return o1 === o2;
11656                        } })(txtPinXF.toLowerCase(), "width*0.5") && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11657                            return o1.equals(o2);
11658                        }
11659                        else {
11660                            return o1 === o2;
11661                        } })(txtPinYF.toLowerCase(), "height*0.5") && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11662                            return o1.equals(o2);
11663                        }
11664                        else {
11665                            return o1 === o2;
11666                        } })(txtWidthF.toLowerCase(), "width*1") && (function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11667                            return o1.equals(o2);
11668                        }
11669                        else {
11670                            return o1 === o2;
11671                        } })(txtHeightF.toLowerCase(), "height*1")) {
11672                            return false;
11673                        }
11674                        else if ((function (str, searchString, position) {
11675                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11676                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11677                        })(txtPinXF.toLowerCase(), "width*") && (function (str, searchString, position) {
11678                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11679                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11680                        })(txtPinYF.toLowerCase(), "height*") && (function (str, searchString, position) {
11681                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11682                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11683                        })(txtWidthF.toLowerCase(), "width*") && (function (str, searchString, position) {
11684                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11685                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11686                        })(txtHeightF.toLowerCase(), "height*")) {
11687                            return true;
11688                        }
11689                        else if ((function (str, searchString, position) {
11690                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11691                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11692                        })(txtPinXF.toLowerCase(), "controls.row_") || (function (str, searchString, position) {
11693                            if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11694                            return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11695                        })(txtPinYF.toLowerCase(), "controls.row_")) {
11696                            return true;
11697                        }
11698                        return false;
11699                    };
11701                    VsdxShape.prototype.isVerticalLabel = function ()
11702                    {
11703                    	var txtDir = this.getAttribute('TextDirection', 'V', '');
11705                    	if (!txtDir && this.masterShape != null)
11706                		{
11707                    		txtDir = this.masterShape.getAttribute('TextDirection', 'V', '');
11708                		}
11710                    	return txtDir == '1';
11711                    };
11713                    VsdxShape.prototype.isRotatedLabel = function ()
11714                    {
11715                    	if (this.isVerticalLabel())
11716                    	{
11717                    		return true;
11718                    	}
11720                        var txtAngleValue = this.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_ANGLE, "V", "");
11721                        if (this.masterShape != null) {
11722                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11723                                return o1.equals(o2);
11724                            }
11725                            else {
11726                                return o1 === o2;
11727                            } })(txtAngleValue, "")) {
11728                                txtAngleValue = this.masterShape.getAttribute(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_ANGLE, "V", "");
11729                            }
11730                        }
11731                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11732                            return o1.equals(o2);
11733                        }
11734                        else {
11735                            return o1 === o2;
11736                        } })(txtAngleValue, "0") && !(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11737                            return o1.equals(o2);
11738                        }
11739                        else {
11740                            return o1 === o2;
11741                        } })(txtAngleValue, "0.0") && !(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11742                            return o1.equals(o2);
11743                        }
11744                        else {
11745                            return o1 === o2;
11746                        } })(txtAngleValue, "")) {
11747                            return true;
11748                        }
11749                        return false;
11750                    };
11751                    VsdxShape.prototype.setRootShape = function (shape) {
11752                        this.rootShape = shape;
11753                    };
11754                    VsdxShape.prototype.getRootShape = function () {
11755                        return this.rootShape;
11756                    };
11757                    /**
11758                     * Returns the coordinates of the begin point of an Edge Shape.
11759                     * @param {number} parentHeight Height of the parent of the shape.
11760                     * @return {mxPoint} mxPoint that represents the coordinates.
11761                     */
11762                    VsdxShape.prototype.getStartXY = function (parentHeight) {
11763                        var startX = Math.floor(Math.round(this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_X), 0) * 100) / 100);
11764                        var startY = Math.floor(Math.round((parentHeight - this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_Y), 0)) * 100) / 100);
11765                        return new mxPoint(startX, startY);
11766                    };
11767                    /**
11768                     * Returns the coordinates of the end point of an Edge Shape.
11769                     * @param {number} parentHeight Height of the parent of the shape.
11770                     * @return {mxPoint} mxPoint that represents the coordinates.
11771                     */
11772                    VsdxShape.prototype.getEndXY = function (parentHeight) {
11773                        var endX = Math.floor(Math.round(this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.END_X), 0) * 100) / 100);
11774                        var endY = Math.floor(Math.round((parentHeight - this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.END_Y), 0)) * 100) / 100);
11775                        return new mxPoint(endX, endY);
11776                    };
11777                    /**
11778                     * Returns the list of routing points of a edge shape.
11779                     * @param {number} parentHeight Height of the parent of the shape.
11780                     * @return {mxPoint[]} List of mxPoint that represents the routing points.
11781                     * @param {mxPoint} startPoint
11782                     * @param {number} rotation
11783                     */
11784                    VsdxShape.prototype.getRoutingPoints = function (parentHeight, startPoint, rotation) {
11785                        if (this.geomList != null) {
11786                            return this.geomList.getRoutingPoints(parentHeight, startPoint, rotation);
11787                        }
11788                        return null;
11789                    };
11790                    /**
11791                     * Returns the list of control points of a edge shape.
11792                     * @param {number} parentHeight Height of the parent of the shape.
11793                     * @return {mxPoint[]} List of mxPoint that represents the control points.
11794                     */
11795                    VsdxShape.prototype.getControlPoints = function (parentHeight) {
11796                        var startXY = this.getStartXY(parentHeight);
11797                        var endXY = this.getEndXY(parentHeight);
11798                        var pointList = ([]);
11799                        if (this.shape != null) {
11800                            var geomList = this.shape.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.GEOM);
11801                            if (geomList.length > 0) {
11802                                var firstGeom = geomList.item(0);
11803                                var firstNURBS = firstGeom.getElementsByTagName(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.NURBS_TO).item(0);
11804                                var firstE = firstNURBS.getElementsByTagName("E").item(0);
11805                                if (firstE != null) {
11806                                    var f = firstE.getAttribute("F") || "";
11807                                    f = f.replace(new RegExp("NURBS\\(", 'g'), "");
11808                                    f = f.replace(new RegExp("\\)", 'g'), "");
11809                                    f = f.replace(new RegExp(",", 'g'), " ");
11810                                    f = f.replace(new RegExp("\\s\\s", 'g'), " ");
11811                                    var pointsS = f.split(" ");
11812                                    var pointsRaw = (function (s) { var a = []; while (s-- > 0)
11813                                        a.push(0); return a; })(pointsS.length);
11814                                    for (var i = 0; i < pointsS.length; i++) {
11815                                        pointsRaw[i] = parseFloat(pointsS[i]);
11816                                    }
11817                                    ;
11818                                    for (var i = 2; i + 4 < pointsS.length; i = i + 4) {
11819                                        var currPoint = new mxPoint();
11820                                        var rawX = pointsRaw[i + 2];
11821                                        var rawY = pointsRaw[i + 3];
11822                                        var width = Math.abs(endXY.x - startXY.x);
11823                                        var widthFixed = Math.min(100, width);
11824                                        var heightFixed = 100;
11825                                        var finalX = 0;
11826                                        finalX = startXY.x + widthFixed * rawX;
11827                                        currPoint.x = (Math.floor(Math.round(finalX * 100) / 100));
11828                                        currPoint.y = (Math.floor(Math.round((startXY.y - heightFixed * rawY) * 100) / 100));
11829                                        /* add */ (pointList.push(currPoint));
11830                                    }
11831                                    ;
11832                                    return pointList;
11833                                }
11834                                else {
11835                                    return null;
11836                                }
11837                            }
11838                        }
11839                        return null;
11840                    };
11841                    /**
11842                     * Analyzes a edge shape and returns a string with the style.
11843                     * @return {*} style read from the edge shape.
11844                     * @param {number} parentHeight
11845                     */
11846                    VsdxShape.prototype.getStyleFromEdgeShape = function (parentHeight) {
11847                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.VSDX_ID] = this.getId().toString());
11848                        var edgeShape = this.getForm();
11849                        if (edgeShape != null && !(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11850                            return o1.equals(o2);
11851                        }
11852                        else {
11853                            return o1 === o2;
11854                        } })(edgeShape, "")) {
11855                        	//this.styleMap.putAll(edgeShape);
11856                            for (var key in edgeShape)
11857                        	{
11858                            	this.styleMap[key] = edgeShape[key];
11859                        	}
11860                        }
11861                        if (this.isDashed()) {
11862                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_DASHED] = "1");
11863                            var dashPattern = this.getDashPattern();
11864                            if (dashPattern != null) {
11865                                /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_DASH_PATTERN] = dashPattern);
11866                            }
11867                        }
11868                        var startArrow = this.getEdgeMarker(true);
11869                        if (startArrow != null) {
11870                            if ((function (str, searchString, position) {
11871                                if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11872                                return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11873                            })(startArrow, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER)) {
11874                                startArrow = startArrow.substring(VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER.length);
11875                                /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTFILL] = "0");
11876                            }
11877                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTARROW] = startArrow);
11878                        }
11879                        var endArrow = this.getEdgeMarker(false);
11880                        if (endArrow != null) {
11881                            if ((function (str, searchString, position) {
11882                                if (position === void 0) { position = 0; }
11883                                return str.substr(position, searchString.length) === searchString;
11884                            })(endArrow, VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER)) {
11885                                endArrow = endArrow.substring(VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER.length);
11886                                /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDFILL] = "0");
11887                            }
11888                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW] = endArrow);
11889                        }
11890                        var saSize = (Math.round(this.getStartArrowSize()) | 0);
11891                        if (saSize !== 6) {
11892                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_STARTSIZE] = ('' + (saSize)));
11893                        }
11894                        var faSize = (Math.round(this.getFinalArrowSize()) | 0);
11895                        if (faSize !== 6) {
11896                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDSIZE] = ('' + (faSize)));
11897                        }
11898                        var lWeight = (Math.round(this.getLineWidth()) | 0);
11899                        if (lWeight !== 1.0) {
11900                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKEWIDTH] = ('' + (lWeight)));
11901                        }
11902                        var color = this.getStrokeColor();
11903                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11904                            return o1.equals(o2);
11905                        }
11906                        else {
11907                            return o1 === o2;
11908                        } })(color, "")) {
11909                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = color);
11910                        }
11911                        if (this.isShadow()) {
11912                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SHADOW] = com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TRUE);
11913                        }
11914                        if (this.isConnectorBigNameU(this.getNameU())) {
11915                            /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE] = mxConstants.SHAPE_ARROW);
11916                            var fillcolor = this.getFillColor();
11917                            if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11918                                return o1.equals(o2);
11919                            }
11920                            else {
11921                                return o1 === o2;
11922                            } })(fillcolor, "")) {
11923                                /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR] = fillcolor);
11924                            }
11925                        }
11926                        var topMargin = (Math.round(this.getTopSpacing()) | 0);
11927                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_TOP] = ('' + (topMargin)));
11928                        var bottomMargin = (Math.round(this.getBottomSpacing()) | 0);
11929                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_BOTTOM] = ('' + (bottomMargin)));
11930                        var leftMargin = (Math.round(this.getLeftSpacing()) | 0);
11931                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_LEFT] = ('' + (leftMargin)));
11932                        var rightMargin = (Math.round(this.getRightSpacing()) | 0);
11933                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT] = ('' + (rightMargin)));
11934                        var verticalAlign = this.getAlignVertical();
11935                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN] = verticalAlign);
11936                        /* put */ (this.styleMap["html"] = "1");
11937                        this.resolveCommonStyles();
11938                        return this.styleMap;
11939                    };
11940                    /**
11941                     * Analyzes a edge shape and returns a string with the style.
11942                     * @return {*} style read from the edge shape.
11943                     */
11944                    VsdxShape.prototype.resolveCommonStyles = function () {
11945                        var lbkgnd = this.getTextBkgndColor(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TEXT_BKGND));
11946                        if (!(function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11947                            return o1.equals(o2);
11948                        }
11949                        else {
11950                            return o1 === o2;
11951                        } })(lbkgnd, "")) {
11952                        	var isFullyTransparent = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String('TextBkgndTrans'), '0') == '1';
11954                        	if (!isFullyTransparent)
11955                        	{
11956                        		/* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_LABEL_BACKGROUNDCOLOR] = lbkgnd);
11957                        	}
11958                        }
11959                        /* put */ (this.styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_ROUNDED] = this.getRounding() > 0 ? com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TRUE : com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.FALSE);
11960                        return this.styleMap;
11961                    };
11962                    /**
11963                     * Returns the arrow of the line.
11964                     * @return {string} Type of arrow.
11965                     * @param {boolean} start
11966                     */
11967                    VsdxShape.prototype.getEdgeMarker = function (start) {
11968                        var marker = this.getValue(this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(start ? com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.BEGIN_ARROW : com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.END_ARROW), "0");
11969                        var val = 0;
11970                        try {
11971                            if ((function (o1, o2) { if (o1 && o1.equals) {
11972                                return o1.equals(o2);
11973                            }
11974                            else {
11975                                return o1 === o2;
11976                            } })(marker, "Themed")) {
11977                                var theme_17 = this.getTheme();
11978                                if (theme_17 != null) {
11979                                    val = this.isVertex() ? theme_17.getEdgeMarker(start, this.getQuickStyleVals()) : theme_17.getConnEdgeMarker(start, this.getQuickStyleVals());
11980                                }
11981                            }
11982                            else {
11983                                val = parseInt(marker);
11984                            }
11985                        }
11986                        catch (e) {
11987                        }
11988                        ;
11989                        var type = (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
11990                            m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
11991                            if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
11992                                return m.entries[i].value;
11993                            } return null; })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), val);
11994                        if (val > 0 && type == null) {
11995                            type = (function (m, k) { if (m.entries == null)
11996                                m.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < m.entries.length; i++)
11997                                if (m.entries[i].key.equals != null && m.entries[i].key.equals(k) || m.entries[i].key === k) {
11998                                    return m.entries[i].value;
11999                                } return null; })(VsdxShape.arrowTypes_$LI$(), 1);
12000                        }
12001                        return type;
12002                    };
12003                    VsdxShape.prototype.getCellElement$java_lang_String = function (key) {
12004                        var elem = _super.prototype.getCellElement$java_lang_String.call(this, key);
12005                        if (elem == null && this.masterShape != null) {
12006                            return this.masterShape.getCellElement$java_lang_String(key);
12007                        }
12008                        return elem;
12009                    };
12010                    VsdxShape.prototype.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String = function (cellKey, index, sectKey) {
12011                        var elem = _super.prototype.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String.call(this, cellKey, index, sectKey);
12012                        if (elem == null && this.masterShape != null) {
12013                            return this.masterShape.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(cellKey, index, sectKey);
12014                        }
12015                        return elem;
12016                    };
12017                    VsdxShape.prototype.getCellElement = function (cellKey, index, sectKey) {
12018                        if (((typeof cellKey === 'string') || cellKey === null) && ((typeof index === 'string') || index === null) && ((typeof sectKey === 'string') || sectKey === null)) {
12019                            return this.getCellElement$java_lang_String$java_lang_String$java_lang_String(cellKey, index, sectKey);
12020                        }
12021                        else if (((typeof cellKey === 'string') || cellKey === null) && index === undefined && sectKey === undefined) {
12022                            return this.getCellElement$java_lang_String(cellKey);
12023                        }
12024                        else
12025                            throw new Error('invalid overload');
12026                    };
12027                    /**
12028                     * Creates a sub shape for <b>shape</b> that contains the label. Used internally, when the label is positioned by an anchor.
12029                     * @param graph
12030                     * @param shape the shape we want to create the label for
12031                     * @param {mxCell} parent
12032                     * @param parentHeight
12033                     * @return {mxCell} label sub-shape
12034                     */
12035                    VsdxShape.prototype.createLabelSubShape = function (graph, parent) {
12036                        var txtWV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_WIDTH), this.getWidth());
12037                        var txtHV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_HEIGHT), this.getHeight());
12038                        var txtLocPinXV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_LOC_PIN_X), txtWV / 2.0);
12039                        var txtLocPinYV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_LOC_PIN_Y), txtHV / 2.0);
12040                        var txtPinXV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_PIN_X), txtLocPinXV);
12041                        var txtPinYV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_PIN_Y), txtLocPinYV);
12042                        var txtAngleV = this.getValueAsDouble(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_ANGLE), 0);
12043                        var textLabel = this.getTextLabel();
12044                        if (textLabel != null && !(textLabel.length === 0)) {
12045                        	var styleMap = mxUtils.clone(this.getStyleMap()) || {};
12046                            /* put */ (styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_FILLCOLOR] = mxConstants.NONE);
12047                            /* put */ (styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_STROKECOLOR] = mxConstants.NONE);
12048                            /* put */ (styleMap[mxConstants.STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR] = mxConstants.NONE);
12049                            if (!styleMap.hasOwnProperty("align"))
12050                                (styleMap["align"] = "center");
12051                            if (!styleMap.hasOwnProperty("verticalAlign"))
12052                                (styleMap["verticalAlign"] = "middle");
12053                            if (!styleMap.hasOwnProperty("whiteSpace"))
12054                                (styleMap["whiteSpace"] = "wrap");
12055                            /* remove */ delete styleMap["shape"];
12056                            /* remove */ delete styleMap["image"];
12058                            if (this.isVerticalLabel())
12059                        	{
12060                            	txtAngleV += Math.PI + 0.01; //TODO Added 0.01 since we don't override the parent rotation if labRot is zero. Why?
12061                            	styleMap['horizontal'] = '0';
12062                        	}
12064                            var rotation = this.getRotation();
12065                            if (txtAngleV !== 0) {
12066                                var labRot = 360 - (function (x) { return x * 180 / Math.PI; })(txtAngleV);
12067                                labRot = Math.round(((labRot + rotation) % 360.0) * 100.0) / 100.0;
12068                                if (labRot !== 0.0) {
12069                                    /* put */ (styleMap["rotation"] = ('' + (labRot)));
12070                                }
12071                            }
12072                            var style = "text;" + com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxUtils.getStyleString(styleMap, "=");
12073                            var y = parent.getGeometry().height - (txtPinYV + txtHV - txtLocPinYV);
12074                            var x = txtPinXV - txtLocPinXV;
12075                            if (rotation > 0) {
12076                                var tmpGeo = new mxGeometry(x, y, txtWV, txtHV);
12077                                var pgeo = parent.getGeometry();
12078                                var hw = pgeo.width / 2;
12079                                var hh = pgeo.height / 2;
12080                                com.mxgraph.online.Utils.rotatedGeometry(tmpGeo, rotation, hw, hh);
12081                                x = tmpGeo.x;
12082                                y = tmpGeo.y;
12083                            }
12084                            var v1 = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, textLabel,
12085                    				Math.round(x * 100) / 100, Math.round(y * 100) / 100,
12086                    				Math.round(txtWV * 100) / 100, Math.round(txtHV * 100) / 100,
12087                    				style + ";html=1;");
12088                            return v1;
12089                        }
12090                        return null;
12091                    };
12092                    VsdxShape.prototype.getLblEdgeOffset = function (view, points) {
12093                        if (points != null && points.length > 1) {
12094                			//find mxGraph label offset
12095                			var state = new mxCellState();
12096                			state.absolutePoints = (points);
12097                			view.updateEdgeBounds(state);
12098                			var mxOffset = view.getPoint(state);
12099                            var p0 = points[0];
12100                            var pe = points[points.length - 1];
12101                            var txtWV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_WIDTH), this.getWidth());
12102                            var txtHV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_HEIGHT), this.getHeight());
12103                            var txtLocPinXV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_LOC_PIN_X), 0);
12104                            var txtLocPinYV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_LOC_PIN_Y), 0);
12105                            var txtPinXV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_PIN_X), 0);
12106                            var txtPinYV = this.getScreenNumericalValue$org_w3c_dom_Element$double(this.getShapeNode(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.mxVsdxConstants.TXT_PIN_Y), 0);
12107                            var y = (this.getHeight() - (p0.y - pe.y)) / 2 + p0.y - mxOffset.y - (txtPinYV - txtLocPinYV + txtHV / 2);
12108                            var x = txtPinXV - txtLocPinXV + txtWV / 2 + (p0.x - mxOffset.x);
12109                			//FIXME one file has txtPinX/Y values extremely high which cause draw.io to hang
12110                			//			<Cell N='TxtPinX' V='-1.651384506429589E199' F='SETATREF(Controls.TextPosition)'/>
12111                			//			<Cell N='TxtPinY' V='1.183491078740126E185' F='SETATREF(Controls.TextPosition.Y)'/>
12112                            if (Math.abs(x) > 1.0E11)
12113                                return null;
12114                            return new mxPoint(Math.floor(Math.round(x * 100) / 100), Math.floor(Math.round(y * 100) / 100));
12115                        }
12116                        else {
12117                            return null;
12118                        }
12119                    };
12120                    VsdxShape.prototype.getShapeIndex = function () {
12121                        return this.shapeIndex;
12122                    };
12123                    VsdxShape.prototype.setShapeIndex = function (shapeIndex) {
12124                        this.shapeIndex = shapeIndex;
12125                    };
12126                    return VsdxShape;
12127                }(com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.Shape));
12128                VsdxShape.__static_initialized = false;
12129                VsdxShape.ARROW_NO_FILL_MARKER = "0";
12130                /**
12131                 * Number of d.p. to round non-integers to
12132                 */
12133                VsdxShape.maxDp = 2;
12134                //TODO FIXME In online, matching fails which gives better results!
12135                VsdxShape.USE_SHAPE_MATCH = false;
12136                VsdxShape.stencilTemplate = "<shape h=\"htemplate\" w=\"wtemplate\" aspect=\"variable\" strokewidth=\"inherit\"><connections></connections><background></background><foreground></foreground></shape>";
12137                vsdx.VsdxShape = VsdxShape;
12138                VsdxShape["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.io.vsdx.VsdxShape";
12139            })(vsdx = io.vsdx || (io.vsdx = {}));
12140        })(io = mxgraph.io || (mxgraph.io = {}));
12141    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
12142})(com || (com = {}));
12143var com;
12144(function (com) {
12145    var mxgraph;
12146    (function (mxgraph) {
12147        var online;
12148        (function (online) {
12149            /**
12150             * A very fast and memory efficient class to encode and decode to and from BASE64 in full accordance
12151             * with RFC 2045.<br><br>
12152             * On Windows XP sp1 with 1.4.2_04 and later ;), this encoder and decoder is about 10 times faster
12153             * on small arrays (10 - 1000 bytes) and 2-3 times as fast on larger arrays (10000 - 1000000 bytes)
12154             * compared to <code>sun.misc.Encoder()/Decoder()</code>.<br><br>
12155             *
12156             * On byte arrays the encoder is about 20% faster than Jakarta Commons Base64 Codec for encode and
12157             * about 50% faster for decoding large arrays. This implementation is about twice as fast on very small
12158             * arrays (&lt 30 bytes). If source/destination is a <code>String</code> this
12159             * version is about three times as fast due to the fact that the Commons Codec result has to be recoded
12160             * to a <code>String</code> from <code>byte[]</code>, which is very expensive.<br><br>
12161             *
12162             * This encode/decode algorithm doesn't create any temporary arrays as many other codecs do, it only
12163             * allocates the resulting array. This produces less garbage and it is possible to handle arrays twice
12164             * as large as algorithms that create a temporary array. (E.g. Jakarta Commons Codec). It is unknown
12165             * whether Sun's <code>sun.misc.Encoder()/Decoder()</code> produce temporary arrays but since performance
12166             * is quite low it probably does.<br><br>
12167             *
12168             * The encoder produces the same output as the Sun one except that the Sun's encoder appends
12169             * a trailing line separator if the last character isn't a pad. Unclear why but it only adds to the
12170             * length and is probably a side effect. Both are in conformance with RFC 2045 though.<br>
12171             * Commons codec seem to always att a trailing line separator.<br><br>
12172             *
12173             * <b>Note!</b>
12174             * The encode/decode method pairs (types) come in three versions with the <b>exact</b> same algorithm and
12175             * thus a lot of code redundancy. This is to not create any temporary arrays for transcoding to/from different
12176             * format types. The methods not used can simply be commented out.<br><br>
12177             *
12178             * There is also a "fast" version of all decode methods that works the same way as the normal ones, but
12179             * har a few demands on the decoded input. Normally though, these fast verions should be used if the source if
12180             * the input is known and it hasn't bee tampered with.<br><br>
12181             *
12182             * If you find the code useful or you find a bug, please send me a note at base64 @ miginfocom . com.
12183             *
12184             * Licence (BSD):
12185             * ==============
12186             *
12187             * Copyright (c) 2004, Mikael Grev, MiG InfoCom AB. (base64 @ miginfocom . com)
12188             * All rights reserved.
12189             *
12190             * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
12191             * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
12192             * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list
12193             * of conditions and the following disclaimer.
12194             * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
12195             * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
12196             * materials provided with the distribution.
12197             * Neither the name of the MiG InfoCom AB nor the names of its contributors may be
12198             * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
12199             * prior written permission.
12200             *
12210             * OF SUCH DAMAGE.
12211             *
12212             * @version 2.2
12213             * @author Mikael Grev
12214             * Date: 2004-aug-02
12215             * Time: 11:31:11
12216             * @class
12217             */
12218            var mxBase64 = (function () {
12219                function mxBase64() {
12220                }
12221                mxBase64.__static_initialize = function () { if (!mxBase64.__static_initialized) {
12222                    mxBase64.__static_initialized = true;
12223                    mxBase64.__static_initializer_0();
12224                } };
12225                mxBase64.CA_$LI$ = function () { mxBase64.__static_initialize(); if (mxBase64.CA == null)
12226                    mxBase64.CA = ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/").split(''); return mxBase64.CA; };
12227                ;
12228                mxBase64.IA_$LI$ = function () { mxBase64.__static_initialize(); if (mxBase64.IA == null)
12229                    mxBase64.IA = (function (s) { var a = []; while (s-- > 0)
12230                        a.push(0); return a; })(256); return mxBase64.IA; };
12231                ;
12232                mxBase64.__static_initializer_0 = function () {
12233                    /* fill */ (function (a, v) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
12234                        a[i] = v; })(mxBase64.IA_$LI$(), -1);
12235                    for (var i = 0, iS = mxBase64.CA_$LI$().length; i < iS; i++)
12236                        mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[i]).charCodeAt(0)] = i;
12237                    mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[('=').charCodeAt(0)] = 0;
12238                };
12239                /**
12240                 * Encodes a raw byte array into a BASE64 <code>char[]</code> representation i accordance with RFC 2045.
12241                 * @param {Array} sArr The bytes to convert. If <code>null</code> or length 0 an empty array will be returned.
12242                 * @param {boolean} lineSep Optional "\r\n" after 76 characters, unless end of file.<br>
12243                 * No line separator will be in breach of RFC 2045 which specifies max 76 per line but will be a
12244                 * little faster.
12245                 * @return {Array} A BASE64 encoded array. Never <code>null</code>.
12246                 */
12247                mxBase64.encodeToChar = function (sArr, start, lineSep) {
12248                    var sLen = sArr != null ? sArr.length - start : 0;
12249                    if (sLen === 0)
12250                        return new Array(0);
12251                    var eLen = ((sLen / 3 | 0)) * 3;
12252                    var cCnt = (((sLen - 1) / 3 | 0) + 1) << 2;
12253                    var dLen = cCnt + (lineSep ? ((cCnt - 1) / 76 | 0) << 1 : 0);
12254                    var dArr = new Array(dLen);
12255                    for (var s = start, d = 0, cc = 0; s < eLen + start;) {
12256                        var i = (sArr[s++] & 255) << 16 | (sArr[s++] & 255) << 8 | (sArr[s++] & 255);
12257                        dArr[d++] = mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[(i >>> 18) & 63];
12258                        dArr[d++] = mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[(i >>> 12) & 63];
12259                        dArr[d++] = mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[(i >>> 6) & 63];
12260                        dArr[d++] = mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[i & 63];
12261                        if (lineSep && ++cc === 19 && d < dLen - 2) {
12262                            dArr[d++] = '\r';
12263                            dArr[d++] = '\n';
12264                            cc = 0;
12265                        }
12266                    }
12267                    ;
12268                    var left = sLen - eLen;
12269                    if (left > 0) {
12270                        var i = ((sArr[eLen + start] & 255) << 10) | (left === 2 ? ((sArr[sLen + start - 1] & 255) << 2) : 0);
12271                        dArr[dLen - 4] = mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[i >> 12];
12272                        dArr[dLen - 3] = mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[(i >>> 6) & 63];
12273                        dArr[dLen - 2] = left === 2 ? mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[i & 63] : '=';
12274                        dArr[dLen - 1] = '=';
12275                    }
12276                    return dArr;
12277                };
12278                mxBase64.decode$char_A = function (sArr) {
12279                    var sLen = sArr != null ? sArr.length : 0;
12280                    if (sLen === 0)
12281                        return [];
12282                    var sepCnt = 0;
12283                    for (var i = 0; i < sLen; i++)
12284                        if (mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(sArr[i]).charCodeAt(0)] < 0)
12285                            sepCnt++;
12286                    ;
12287                    if ((sLen - sepCnt) % 4 !== 0)
12288                        return null;
12289                    var pad = 0;
12290                    for (var i = sLen; i > 1 && mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(sArr[--i]).charCodeAt(0)] <= 0;)
12291                        if ((function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(sArr[i]) == '='.charCodeAt(0))
12292                            pad++;
12293                    ;
12294                    var len = ((sLen - sepCnt) * 6 >> 3) - pad;
12295                    var dArr = (function (s) { var a = []; while (s-- > 0)
12296                        a.push(0); return a; })(len);
12297                    for (var s = 0, d = 0; d < len;) {
12298                        var i = 0;
12299                        for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
12300                            var c = mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(sArr[s++]).charCodeAt(0)];
12301                            if (c >= 0)
12302                                i |= c << (18 - j * 6);
12303                            else
12304                                j--;
12305                        }
12306                        ;
12307                        dArr[d++] = ((i >> 16) | 0);
12308                        if (d < len) {
12309                            dArr[d++] = ((i >> 8) | 0);
12310                            if (d < len)
12311                                dArr[d++] = (i | 0);
12312                        }
12313                    }
12314                    ;
12315                    return dArr;
12316                };
12317                /**
12318                 * Decodes a BASE64 encoded char array. All illegal characters will be ignored and can handle both arrays with
12319                 * and without line separators.
12320                 * @param {Array} sArr The source array. <code>null</code> or length 0 will return an empty array.
12321                 * @return {Array} The decoded array of bytes. May be of length 0. Will be <code>null</code> if the legal characters
12322                 * (including '=') isn't divideable by 4.  (I.e. definitely corrupted).
12323                 */
12324                mxBase64.decode = function (sArr) {
12325                    if (((sArr != null && sArr instanceof Array && (sArr.length == 0 || sArr[0] == null || (typeof sArr[0] === 'string'))) || sArr === null)) {
12326                        return com.mxgraph.online.mxBase64.decode$char_A(sArr);
12327                    }
12328                    else if (((sArr != null && sArr instanceof Array && (sArr.length == 0 || sArr[0] == null || (typeof sArr[0] === 'number'))) || sArr === null)) {
12329                        return com.mxgraph.online.mxBase64.decode$byte_A(sArr);
12330                    }
12331                    else if (((typeof sArr === 'string') || sArr === null)) {
12332                        return com.mxgraph.online.mxBase64.decode$java_lang_String(sArr);
12333                    }
12334                    else
12335                        throw new Error('invalid overload');
12336                };
12337                mxBase64.decodeFast$char_A = function (sArr) {
12338                    var sLen = sArr.length;
12339                    if (sLen === 0)
12340                        return [];
12341                    var sIx = 0;
12342                    var eIx = sLen - 1;
12343                    while ((sIx < eIx && mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(sArr[sIx]).charCodeAt(0)] < 0))
12344                        sIx++;
12345                    while ((eIx > 0 && mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(sArr[eIx]).charCodeAt(0)] < 0))
12346                        eIx--;
12347                    var pad = (function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(sArr[eIx]) == '='.charCodeAt(0) ? ((function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(sArr[eIx - 1]) == '='.charCodeAt(0) ? 2 : 1) : 0;
12348                    var cCnt = eIx - sIx + 1;
12349                    var sepCnt = sLen > 76 ? ((function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(sArr[76]) == '\r'.charCodeAt(0) ? (cCnt / 78 | 0) : 0) << 1 : 0;
12350                    var len = ((cCnt - sepCnt) * 6 >> 3) - pad;
12351                    var dArr = (function (s) { var a = []; while (s-- > 0)
12352                        a.push(0); return a; })(len);
12353                    var d = 0;
12354                    for (var cc = 0, eLen = ((len / 3 | 0)) * 3; d < eLen;) {
12355                        var i = mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(sArr[sIx++]).charCodeAt(0)] << 18 | mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(sArr[sIx++]).charCodeAt(0)] << 12 | mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(sArr[sIx++]).charCodeAt(0)] << 6 | mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(sArr[sIx++]).charCodeAt(0)];
12356                        dArr[d++] = ((i >> 16) | 0);
12357                        dArr[d++] = ((i >> 8) | 0);
12358                        dArr[d++] = (i | 0);
12359                        if (sepCnt > 0 && ++cc === 19) {
12360                            sIx += 2;
12361                            cc = 0;
12362                        }
12363                    }
12364                    ;
12365                    if (d < len) {
12366                        var i = 0;
12367                        for (var j = 0; sIx <= eIx - pad; j++)
12368                            i |= mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(sArr[sIx++]).charCodeAt(0)] << (18 - j * 6);
12369                        for (var r = 16; d < len; r -= 8)
12370                            dArr[d++] = ((i >> r) | 0);
12371                    }
12372                    return dArr;
12373                };
12374                /**
12375                 * Decodes a BASE64 encoded char array that is known to be resonably well formatted. The method is about twice as
12376                 * fast as {@link #decode(char[])}. The preconditions are:<br>
12377                 * + The array must have a line length of 76 chars OR no line separators at all (one line).<br>
12378                 * + Line separator must be "\r\n", as specified in RFC 2045
12379                 * + The array must not contain illegal characters within the encoded string<br>
12380                 * + The array CAN have illegal characters at the beginning and end, those will be dealt with appropriately.<br>
12381                 * @param {Array} sArr The source array. Length 0 will return an empty array. <code>null</code> will throw an exception.
12382                 * @return {Array} The decoded array of bytes. May be of length 0.
12383                 */
12384                mxBase64.decodeFast = function (sArr) {
12385                    if (((sArr != null && sArr instanceof Array && (sArr.length == 0 || sArr[0] == null || (typeof sArr[0] === 'string'))) || sArr === null)) {
12386                        return com.mxgraph.online.mxBase64.decodeFast$char_A(sArr);
12387                    }
12388                    else if (((sArr != null && sArr instanceof Array && (sArr.length == 0 || sArr[0] == null || (typeof sArr[0] === 'number'))) || sArr === null)) {
12389                        return com.mxgraph.online.mxBase64.decodeFast$byte_A(sArr);
12390                    }
12391                    else if (((typeof sArr === 'string') || sArr === null)) {
12392                        return com.mxgraph.online.mxBase64.decodeFast$java_lang_String(sArr);
12393                    }
12394                    else
12395                        throw new Error('invalid overload');
12396                };
12397                /**
12398                 * Encodes a raw byte array into a BASE64 <code>byte[]</code> representation i accordance with RFC 2045.
12399                 * @param {Array} sArr The bytes to convert. If <code>null</code> or length 0 an empty array will be returned.
12400                 * @param {boolean} lineSep Optional "\r\n" after 76 characters, unless end of file.<br>
12401                 * No line separator will be in breach of RFC 2045 which specifies max 76 per line but will be a
12402                 * little faster.
12403                 * @return {Array} A BASE64 encoded array. Never <code>null</code>.
12404                 */
12405                mxBase64.encodeToByte = function (sArr, lineSep) {
12406                    var sLen = sArr != null ? sArr.length : 0;
12407                    if (sLen === 0)
12408                        return [];
12409                    var eLen = ((sLen / 3 | 0)) * 3;
12410                    var cCnt = (((sLen - 1) / 3 | 0) + 1) << 2;
12411                    var dLen = cCnt + (lineSep ? ((cCnt - 1) / 76 | 0) << 1 : 0);
12412                    var dArr = (function (s) { var a = []; while (s-- > 0)
12413                        a.push(0); return a; })(dLen);
12414                    for (var s = 0, d = 0, cc = 0; s < eLen;) {
12415                        var i = (sArr[s++] & 255) << 16 | (sArr[s++] & 255) << 8 | (sArr[s++] & 255);
12416                        dArr[d++] = (mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[(i >>> 18) & 63]).charCodeAt(0);
12417                        dArr[d++] = (mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[(i >>> 12) & 63]).charCodeAt(0);
12418                        dArr[d++] = (mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[(i >>> 6) & 63]).charCodeAt(0);
12419                        dArr[d++] = (mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[i & 63]).charCodeAt(0);
12420                        if (lineSep && ++cc === 19 && d < dLen - 2) {
12421                            dArr[d++] = ('\r').charCodeAt(0);
12422                            dArr[d++] = ('\n').charCodeAt(0);
12423                            cc = 0;
12424                        }
12425                    }
12426                    ;
12427                    var left = sLen - eLen;
12428                    if (left > 0) {
12429                        var i = ((sArr[eLen] & 255) << 10) | (left === 2 ? ((sArr[sLen - 1] & 255) << 2) : 0);
12430                        dArr[dLen - 4] = (mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[i >> 12]).charCodeAt(0);
12431                        dArr[dLen - 3] = (mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[(i >>> 6) & 63]).charCodeAt(0);
12432                        dArr[dLen - 2] = left === 2 ? (mxBase64.CA_$LI$()[i & 63]).charCodeAt(0) : ('=').charCodeAt(0);
12433                        dArr[dLen - 1] = ('=').charCodeAt(0);
12434                    }
12435                    return dArr;
12436                };
12437                mxBase64.decode$byte_A = function (sArr) {
12438                    var sLen = sArr.length;
12439                    var sepCnt = 0;
12440                    for (var i = 0; i < sLen; i++)
12441                        if (mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[sArr[i] & 255] < 0)
12442                            sepCnt++;
12443                    ;
12444                    if ((sLen - sepCnt) % 4 !== 0)
12445                        return null;
12446                    var pad = 0;
12447                    for (var i = sLen; i > 1 && mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[sArr[--i] & 255] <= 0;)
12448                        if (sArr[i] == '='.charCodeAt(0))
12449                            pad++;
12450                    ;
12451                    var len = ((sLen - sepCnt) * 6 >> 3) - pad;
12452                    var dArr = (function (s) { var a = []; while (s-- > 0)
12453                        a.push(0); return a; })(len);
12454                    for (var s = 0, d = 0; d < len;) {
12455                        var i = 0;
12456                        for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
12457                            var c = mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[sArr[s++] & 255];
12458                            if (c >= 0)
12459                                i |= c << (18 - j * 6);
12460                            else
12461                                j--;
12462                        }
12463                        ;
12464                        dArr[d++] = ((i >> 16) | 0);
12465                        if (d < len) {
12466                            dArr[d++] = ((i >> 8) | 0);
12467                            if (d < len)
12468                                dArr[d++] = (i | 0);
12469                        }
12470                    }
12471                    ;
12472                    return dArr;
12473                };
12474                mxBase64.decodeFast$byte_A = function (sArr) {
12475                    var sLen = sArr.length;
12476                    if (sLen === 0)
12477                        return [];
12478                    var sIx = 0;
12479                    var eIx = sLen - 1;
12480                    while ((sIx < eIx && mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[sArr[sIx] & 255] < 0))
12481                        sIx++;
12482                    while ((eIx > 0 && mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[sArr[eIx] & 255] < 0))
12483                        eIx--;
12484                    var pad = sArr[eIx] == '='.charCodeAt(0) ? (sArr[eIx - 1] == '='.charCodeAt(0) ? 2 : 1) : 0;
12485                    var cCnt = eIx - sIx + 1;
12486                    var sepCnt = sLen > 76 ? (sArr[76] == '\r'.charCodeAt(0) ? (cCnt / 78 | 0) : 0) << 1 : 0;
12487                    var len = ((cCnt - sepCnt) * 6 >> 3) - pad;
12488                    var dArr = (function (s) { var a = []; while (s-- > 0)
12489                        a.push(0); return a; })(len);
12490                    var d = 0;
12491                    for (var cc = 0, eLen = ((len / 3 | 0)) * 3; d < eLen;) {
12492                        var i = mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[sArr[sIx++]] << 18 | mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[sArr[sIx++]] << 12 | mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[sArr[sIx++]] << 6 | mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[sArr[sIx++]];
12493                        dArr[d++] = ((i >> 16) | 0);
12494                        dArr[d++] = ((i >> 8) | 0);
12495                        dArr[d++] = (i | 0);
12496                        if (sepCnt > 0 && ++cc === 19) {
12497                            sIx += 2;
12498                            cc = 0;
12499                        }
12500                    }
12501                    ;
12502                    if (d < len) {
12503                        var i = 0;
12504                        for (var j = 0; sIx <= eIx - pad; j++)
12505                            i |= mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[sArr[sIx++]] << (18 - j * 6);
12506                        for (var r = 16; d < len; r -= 8)
12507                            dArr[d++] = ((i >> r) | 0);
12508                    }
12509                    return dArr;
12510                };
12511                /**
12512                 * Encodes a raw byte array into a BASE64 <code>String</code> representation i accordance with RFC 2045.
12513                 * @param {Array} sArr The bytes to convert. If <code>null</code> or length 0 an empty array will be returned.
12514                 * @param {boolean} lineSep Optional "\r\n" after 76 characters, unless end of file.<br>
12515                 * No line separator will be in breach of RFC 2045 which specifies max 76 per line but will be a
12516                 * little faster.
12517                 * @return {string} A BASE64 encoded array. Never <code>null</code>.
12518                 */
12519                mxBase64.encodeToString = function (sArr, start, lineSep) {
12520                    return mxBase64.encodeToChar(sArr, start, lineSep).join('');
12521                };
12522                mxBase64.decode$java_lang_String = function (str) {
12523                    var sLen = str != null ? str.length : 0;
12524                    if (sLen === 0)
12525                        return [];
12526                    var sepCnt = 0;
12527                    for (var i = 0; i < sLen; i++)
12528                        if (mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(str.charAt(i)).charCodeAt(0)] < 0)
12529                            sepCnt++;
12530                    ;
12531                    if ((sLen - sepCnt) % 4 !== 0)
12532                        return null;
12533                    var pad = 0;
12534                    for (var i = sLen; i > 1 && mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(str.charAt(--i)).charCodeAt(0)] <= 0;)
12535                        if ((function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(str.charAt(i)) == '='.charCodeAt(0))
12536                            pad++;
12537                    ;
12538                    var len = ((sLen - sepCnt) * 6 >> 3) - pad;
12539                    var dArr = (function (s) { var a = []; while (s-- > 0)
12540                        a.push(0); return a; })(len);
12541                    for (var s = 0, d = 0; d < len;) {
12542                        var i = 0;
12543                        for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
12544                            var c = mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(str.charAt(s++)).charCodeAt(0)];
12545                            if (c >= 0)
12546                                i |= c << (18 - j * 6);
12547                            else
12548                                j--;
12549                        }
12550                        ;
12551                        dArr[d++] = ((i >> 16) | 0);
12552                        if (d < len) {
12553                            dArr[d++] = ((i >> 8) | 0);
12554                            if (d < len)
12555                                dArr[d++] = (i | 0);
12556                        }
12557                    }
12558                    ;
12559                    return dArr;
12560                };
12561                mxBase64.decodeFast$java_lang_String = function (s) {
12562                    var sLen = s.length;
12563                    if (sLen === 0)
12564                        return [];
12565                    var sIx = 0;
12566                    var eIx = sLen - 1;
12567                    while ((sIx < eIx && mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(s.charAt(sIx)) & 255] < 0))
12568                        sIx++;
12569                    while ((eIx > 0 && mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(s.charAt(eIx)) & 255] < 0))
12570                        eIx--;
12571                    var pad = (function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(s.charAt(eIx)) == '='.charCodeAt(0) ? ((function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(s.charAt(eIx - 1)) == '='.charCodeAt(0) ? 2 : 1) : 0;
12572                    var cCnt = eIx - sIx + 1;
12573                    var sepCnt = sLen > 76 ? ((function (c) { return c.charCodeAt == null ? c : c.charCodeAt(0); })(s.charAt(76)) == '\r'.charCodeAt(0) ? (cCnt / 78 | 0) : 0) << 1 : 0;
12574                    var len = ((cCnt - sepCnt) * 6 >> 3) - pad;
12575                    var dArr = (function (s) { var a = []; while (s-- > 0)
12576                        a.push(0); return a; })(len);
12577                    var d = 0;
12578                    for (var cc = 0, eLen = ((len / 3 | 0)) * 3; d < eLen;) {
12579                        var i = mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(s.charAt(sIx++)).charCodeAt(0)] << 18 | mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(s.charAt(sIx++)).charCodeAt(0)] << 12 | mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(s.charAt(sIx++)).charCodeAt(0)] << 6 | mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(s.charAt(sIx++)).charCodeAt(0)];
12580                        dArr[d++] = ((i >> 16) | 0);
12581                        dArr[d++] = ((i >> 8) | 0);
12582                        dArr[d++] = (i | 0);
12583                        if (sepCnt > 0 && ++cc === 19) {
12584                            sIx += 2;
12585                            cc = 0;
12586                        }
12587                    }
12588                    ;
12589                    if (d < len) {
12590                        var i = 0;
12591                        for (var j = 0; sIx <= eIx - pad; j++)
12592                            i |= mxBase64.IA_$LI$()[(s.charAt(sIx++)).charCodeAt(0)] << (18 - j * 6);
12593                        for (var r = 16; d < len; r -= 8)
12594                            dArr[d++] = ((i >> r) | 0);
12595                    }
12596                    return dArr;
12597                };
12598                return mxBase64;
12599            }());
12600            mxBase64.__static_initialized = false;
12601            online.mxBase64 = mxBase64;
12602            mxBase64["__class"] = "com.mxgraph.online.mxBase64";
12603        })(online = mxgraph.online || (mxgraph.online = {}));
12604    })(mxgraph = com.mxgraph || (com.mxgraph = {}));
12605})(com || (com = {}));
12631EditorUi.prototype.doImportVisio = function(file, done, onerror, filename)
12633	filename = filename || file.name;
12635	if (filename != null && /(\.vs(x|sx?))($|\?)/i.test(filename))
12636	{
12637		new com.mxgraph.io.mxVssxCodec(this).decodeVssx(file, done, null, onerror);
12638	}
12639	else
12640	{
12641		new com.mxgraph.io.mxVsdxCodec(this).decodeVsdx(file, done, null, onerror);
12642	}