2 | dTree 2.05 | www.destroydrop.com/javascript/tree/      |
3 |--------------------------------------------------------|
4 | Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Geir Landro                    |
5 |                                                        |
6 | This script can be used freely as long as all          |
7 | copyright messages are intact.                         |
8 |                                                        |
9 | Updated: 17.04.2003                                    |
10 |--------------------------------------------------------|
11 | Modified for Dokuwiki by                               |
12 | Samuele Tognini <samuele@samuele.netsons.org>          |
13 | under GPL 2 license                                    |
14 | (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)                 |
15 | Updated: 29.08.2009                                    |
16 |--------------------------------------------------------|
17 | Modified for Dokuwiki by                               |
18 | Rene Hadler <rene.hadler@iteas.at>                     |
19 | under GPL 2 license                                    |
20 | (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)                 |
21 | Updated: 07.08.2012                                    |
22 |--------------------------------------------------------|
23 | jQuery update - 27 02 2012                             |
24 | Gerrit Uitslag <klapinklapin@gmail.com                 |
25 |--------------------------------------------------------|
26 | indexmenu  | https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:indexmenu |
27 |-------------------------------------------------------*/
28/* global DOKU_COOKIE_PARAM */
29/* global DOKU_BASE */
32 * ids used in the dTree:
33 *  - div#cdtree_<id indexmenu>  div top level
34 *      - div#dtree_<id indexmenu> div contains all nodes
35 *          - div#toc_<id indexmenu> ??
36 *          - div.dtreeNode
37 *              - img#i<id indexmenu><nodenr?>   icon
38 *              - a#s<id indexmenu><nodenr?>     url to page/namespace with title
39 *              - div#t<id indexmenu><nodenr?>   button for opening ToC, included if hovered
40 *          - div.d<id indexmenu><nodenr?>
41 *  repeats:    - div.dtreeNode (with img#i, a#s and div#t)
42 *  repeats:    - div.d<id indexmenu><nodenr?>
43 *      - z<id indexmenu>  scroll rightward arrows
44 *      - left_<id indexmenu> scroll leftward arrows
45 *
46 * at the end of body:
47 *  - picker_<id indexmenu> popup with ToC
48 *  - r<id indexmenu>  rightmouse button menu
49 */
52 * dTreeNode object
53 *
54 * @param {string}        dokuid page id of node
55 * @param {number}        id     node id
56 * @param {number}        pid    parent node id
57 * @param {string}        name   Page Title
58 * @param {number|string} hns    page id of headpage of namespace
59 * @param {number}        isdir  is directory?
60 * @param {number}        ajax   load subnodes by ajax
61 * @constructor
62 */
63function dTreeNode(dokuid, id, pid, name, hns, isdir, ajax) {
64    /** @type {string} */
65    this.dokuid = dokuid; // page id of node
66    /** @type {number} */
67    this.id = id;         // id number of node
68    /** @type {number} */
69    this.pid = pid;       // id number of parent node
70    /** @type {string} */
71    this.name = name;     // ns/page title
72    /** @type {number|string} */
73    this.hns = hns;       // headpage of namespace or zero
74    /** @type {boolean} */
75    this.isdir = Boolean(isdir); // is directory
76    /** @type {boolean} */
77    this.ajax = Boolean(ajax);   // load its nodes by ajax
78    /** @type {boolean} */
79    this._io = false;     // is node open
80    /** @type {boolean} */
81    this._is = false;     // is selected
82    /** @type {boolean} */
83    this._ls = false;     // is last sibling
84    /** @type {boolean} */
85    this._hc = Boolean(ajax); // has children
86    /** @type {number} */
87    this._ai = 0;         // id number of first child....
88    /** @type {dTreeNode} */
89    this._p = undefined;  // parent dTreeNode
90    /** @type {number} */
91    this._lvl = 0;        // level
92    /** @type {boolean} */
93    this._ok = false;     // all children are loaded
94    /** @type {boolean} */
95    this._cp = false;     // current page
96    /** @type {string} */
97    this.icon = '';       // icon of closed node
98    /** @type {string} */
99    this.iconOpen = '';   // icon of opened node
103 * Tree object
104 *
105 * @param {string} treeName id of the indexmenu, has form 'indexmenu_<identifier>'
106 * @param {string} theme   name of theme dir
107 * @constructor
108 */
109function dTree(treeName, theme) {
110    let imgExt = IndexmenuUtils.determineExtension(theme);
111    this.config = {
112        urlbase: DOKU_BASE + 'doku.php?id=',           // base of dokuwiki (set in page)
113        plugbase: DOKU_BASE + 'lib/plugins/indexmenu', // base of plugin folder
114        useCookies: true,                              // use cookies (set in page) e.g. disabled for context option
115        scroll: true,                                  // enable scrolling of tree in too small columns (set in page)
116        toc: true,                                     // enable ToC popups in tree (set in page)
117        maxjs: 1,                                      // number set by maxjs option (set in page)
118        jsajax: '',                                    //  &max=#&sort=(t|d)&msort=(indexmenu_n|<metakey>)&rsort=1&nsort=1&hsort=1&nopg=1&skipns=+=/.../&skipfile=+=/.../(set in page)
119        sepchar: ':',                                  // value ':', ';' or '/'  (set in page)
120        theme: theme                                   // dir name of theme folder
121    };
122    let imagePath = this.config.plugbase + '/images/' + theme + '/';
123    this.icon = {
124        root: imagePath + 'base.' + imgExt,
125        folder: imagePath + 'folder.' + imgExt,
126        folderH: imagePath + 'folderh.' + imgExt,
127        folderOpen: imagePath + 'folderopen.' + imgExt,
128        folderHOpen: imagePath + 'folderhopen.' + imgExt,
129        node: imagePath + 'page.' + imgExt,
130        empty: imagePath + 'empty.' + imgExt,
131        line: imagePath + 'line.' + imgExt,
132        join: imagePath + 'join.' + imgExt,
133        joinBottom: imagePath + 'joinbottom.' + imgExt,
134        plus: imagePath + 'plus.' + imgExt,
135        plusBottom: imagePath + 'plusbottom.' + imgExt,
136        minus: imagePath + 'minus.' + imgExt,
137        minusBottom: imagePath + 'minusbottom.' + imgExt,
138        nlPlus: imagePath + 'nolines_plus.' + imgExt,
139        nlMinus: imagePath + 'nolines_minus.' + imgExt
140    };
141    /** @type {string} */
142    this.treeName = treeName; // (unique) name of this indexmenu
143    /** @type {dTreeNode[]} */
144    this.aNodes = [];   // array of nodes
145    /** @type {number[]} */
146    this.aIndent = [];  // array stores the indents of the tree (contains values 0 or 1)
147    /** @type {dTreeNode} */
148    this.root = new dTreeNode(false, -1);
149    /** @type {number} */
150    this.selectedNode = undefined;      // node id
151    /** @type {boolean} */
152    this.selectedFound = false;    // set to true when found
153    /** @type {boolean} */
154    this.completed = false;        // succesfull written js tree to the page
155    /** @type {number} */
156    this.scrllTmr = 0;             // store timer id for horizontal scrolling the page
157    /** @type {string} */
158    this.pageid = JSINFO.id || ''; // current page
160    this.fajax = false;            // if retrieve next level of opened nodes
163 * CSS classes:
164 *
165 * a.nodeFdUrl	Namespace with url link (headpage)
166 * a.node 	    Namespace without url link
167 * a.nodeUrl	Page
168 * a.nodeSel 	Last visited page
169 * a.navSel 	Current page
170 */
174 * Adds a new node to the node array
175 *
176 * @param {string}        dokuid page id of node
177 * @param {number}        id     node id
178 * @param {number}        pid    parent node id
179 * @param {string}        name   Page Title
180 * @param {number|string} hns    page id of headpage of namespace
181 * @param {number}        isdir  is directory?
182 * @param {number}        ajax   load subnodes by ajax
183 */
184dTree.prototype.add = function (dokuid, id, pid, name, hns, isdir, ajax) {
185    this.aNodes[this.aNodes.length] = new dTreeNode(dokuid, id, pid, name, hns, isdir, ajax);
189 * Open all nodes, if no node status was stored in cookie
190 */
191dTree.prototype.openAll = function () {
192    if (!this.getCookie('co' + this.treeName)) {
193        this.oAll(true);
194    }
198 * Outputs the tree to the page. Called by document.write after adding the nodes to the tree.
199 *
200 * @returns {string} html of whole tree
201 */
202dTree.prototype.toString = function () {
203    let str = '';
204    this.pageid = this.pageid.replace(/:/g,this.config.sepchar);
205    if (this.config.scroll) {
206        str += '<div id="cdtree_' + this.treeName + '" class="dtree" style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;width:100%;">';
207    }
208    str += '<div id="dtree_' + this.treeName + '" class="dtree ' + this.config.theme + '" style="overflow:';
209    if (this.config.scroll) {
210        str += 'visible;position:relative;width:100%"';
211    } else {
212        str += 'hidden;"';
213    }
214    str += '>';
215	if (jQuery('#dtree_' + this.treeName)[0]) {
216        str += '<div class="error">Indexmenu id conflict</div>';
217    }
218    if (this.config.toc) {
219        str += '<div id="t' + this.treeName + '" class="indexmenu_tocbullet ' + this.config.theme + '" style="display:none;" title="Table of contents"></div>';
220        str += '<div id="toc_' + this.treeName + '" style="display:none;"></div>';
221    }
222    if (this.config.useCookies) {
223        this.selectedNode = this.getSelected();
224    }
225    str += this.addNode(this.root) + '</div>';
226    if (this.config.scroll) {
227        str += '<div id="z' + this.treeName + '" class="indexmenu_rarrow"></div>';
228        str += '<div id="left_' + this.treeName + '" class="indexmenu_larrow" style="display:none;" title="Click to scroll back" onmousedown="' + this.treeName + '.scroll(\'r\',1)" onmouseup="' + this.treeName + '.stopscroll()"></div>';
229        str += '</div>';
230    }
231    this.completed = true;
232    //hide the fallback nojs indexmenu
233    jQuery('#nojs_' + this.treeName).css("display", "none"); //using  .hide(); let's  crash opera
234    return str;
238 * Creates the tree structure
239 *
240 * @param {dTreeNode} pNode
241 * @returns {string} html of node (inclusive children)
242 */
243dTree.prototype.addNode = function (pNode) {
244    let str = '', cn, n = pNode._ai, l = pNode._lvl + 1;
245    for (n; n < this.aNodes.length; n++) {
246        if (this.aNodes[n].pid === pNode.id) {
247            cn = this.aNodes[n];
248            cn._p = pNode;
249            cn._ai = n;
250            cn._lvl = l;
251            this.setCS(cn);
252            if (cn._hc && !cn._io && this.config.useCookies) {
253                cn._io = this.isOpen(cn.id);
254            }
255            if (this.pageid === (!cn.hns && cn.dokuid || cn.hns)) {
256                cn._cp = true;
257            } else if (cn.id === this.selectedNode && !this.selectedFound) {
258                cn._is = true;
259                this.selectedNode = n;
260                this.selectedFound = true;
261            }
262            if (!cn._hc && cn.isdir && !cn.ajax && !cn.hns) {
263                if (cn._ls) {
264                    str += this.noderr(cn, n);
265                }
266            } else {
267                str += this.node(cn, n);
268            }
269            if (cn._ls) {
270                break;
271            }
272        }
273    }
274    return str;
278 * Create empty node
279 *
280 * @param {dTreeNode} node
281 * @param {int} nodeId
282 * @returns {string} html of empty node
283 */
284dTree.prototype.noderr = function (node, nodeId) {
285    let str = '<div class="dTreeNode">' + this.indent(node, nodeId);
286    str += '<div class="emptynode" title="Empty"></div></div>';
287    return str;
291 * Creates the node icon, url and text
292 *
293 * @param {dTreeNode} node
294 * @param {int} nodeId
295 * @returns {string} html of node (inclusive children)
296 */
297dTree.prototype.node = function (node, nodeId) {
298    let h = 1, jsfnc, str;
299    jsfnc = 'onmouseover="' + this.treeName + '.show_feat(\'' + nodeId + '\');" onmousedown="return IndexmenuContextmenu.checkcontextm(\'' + nodeId + '\',' + this.treeName + ',event);" oncontextmenu="return IndexmenuContextmenu.stopevt(event)"';
300    if (node._lvl > this.config.maxjs) {
301        h = 0;
302    } else {
303        node._ok = true;
304    }
305    str = '<div class="dTreeNode">' + this.indent(node, nodeId);
306    node.icon = (this.root.id === node.pid) ? this.icon.root : ((node.hns) ? this.icon.folderH : ((node._hc) ? this.icon.folder : this.icon.node));
307    node.iconOpen = (node._hc) ? ((node.hns) ? this.icon.folderHOpen : this.icon.folderOpen) : this.icon.node;
308    if (this.root.id === node.pid) {
309        node.icon = this.icon.root;
310        node.iconOpen = this.icon.root;
311    }
312    str += '<img id="i' + this.treeName + nodeId + '" src="' + ((node._io) ? node.iconOpen : node.icon) + '" alt="" />';
313    if (!node._hc || node.hns) {
314        str += '<a id="s' + this.treeName + nodeId + '" class="' + ((node._cp) ? 'navSel' : ((node._is) ? 'nodeSel' : (node._hc) ? 'nodeFdUrl' : 'nodeUrl'));
315        str += '" href="' + this.config.urlbase;
316        (node.hns) ? str += node.hns : str += node.dokuid;
317        str += '"' + ' title="' + node.name + '"' + jsfnc;
318        str += ' onclick="javascript: ' + this.treeName + '.s(' + nodeId + ');"';
319        str += '>' + node.name + '</a>';
320    }
321    else if (node.pid !== this.root.id) {
322        str += '<a id="s' + this.treeName + nodeId + '" href="javascript: ' + this.treeName + '.o(' + nodeId + '); " class="node"' + jsfnc + '>' + node.name + '</a>';
323    } else {
324        str += node.name;
325    }
326    str += '</div>';
327    if (node._hc) {
328        str += '<div id="d' + this.treeName + nodeId + '" class="clip" style="display:' + ((this.root.id === node.pid || node._io) ? 'block' : 'none') + ';">';
329        if (h) {
330            str += this.addNode(node);
331        }
332        str += '</div>';
333    }
334    this.aIndent.pop();
335    return str;
339 * Adds the empty and line icons which indent the node
340 *
341 * @param {dTreeNode} node
342 * @param {int} nodeId
343 * @returns {string} html of indent icons
344 */
345dTree.prototype.indent = function (node, nodeId) {
346    let n, str = '';
347    if (this.root.id !== node.pid) {
348        for (n = 0; n < this.aIndent.length; n++) {
349            str += '<img src="' + ( (this.aIndent[n] === 1) ? this.icon.line : this.icon.empty ) + '" alt="" />';
350        }
351        if (node._ls) {
352            this.aIndent.push(0);
353        } else {
354            this.aIndent.push(1);
355        }
356        if (node._hc) {
357            str += '<a href="javascript: ' + this.treeName + '.o(' + nodeId + ');">' +
358                   '<img id="j' + this.treeName + nodeId + '" src="' +
359                   ( (node._io) ? ((node._ls) ? this.icon.minusBottom : this.icon.minus) : ((node._ls) ? this.icon.plusBottom : this.icon.plus ) ) +
360                   '" alt="" /></a>';
361        } else {
362            str += '<img src="' + ((node._ls) ? this.icon.joinBottom : this.icon.join) + '" alt="" />';
363        }
364    }
365    return str;
369 * Checks if a node has any children and if it is the last sibling
370 *
371 * @param {dTreeNode} node
372 */
373dTree.prototype.setCS = function (node) {
374    let lastId, n;
375    for (n = 0; n < this.aNodes.length; n++) {
376        if (this.aNodes[n].pid === node.id) {
377            node._hc = true;
378        }
379        if (this.aNodes[n].pid === node.pid) {
380            lastId = this.aNodes[n].id;
381        }
382    }
383    if (lastId === node.id) {
384        node._ls = true;
385    }
389 * Returns the selected node as stored in cookie
390 *
391 * @returns {int} node id
392 */
393dTree.prototype.getSelected = function () {
394    let sn = this.getCookie('cs' + this.treeName);
395    return (sn) ? parseInt(sn, 10) : null;
399 * Highlights the selected node
400 *
401 * @param {int} id node id
402 */
403dTree.prototype.s = function (id) {
404    let eOld, eNew, cn = this.aNodes[id];
405    if (this.selectedNode !== id) {
406        eNew = jQuery("#s" + this.treeName + id)[0];
407        if (!eNew) {
408            return;
409        }
410        if (this.selectedNode || this.selectedNode === 0) {
411            eOld = jQuery("#s" + this.treeName + this.selectedNode)[0];
412            eOld.className = "node";
413        }
414        eNew.className = "nodeSel";
415        this.selectedNode = id;
416        if (this.config.useCookies) {
417            this.setCookie('cs' + this.treeName, cn.id);
418        }
419    }
423 * Toggle Open or close
424 *
425 * @param {int} id node id
426 */
427dTree.prototype.o = function (id) {
428    let cn = this.aNodes[id];
429    this.nodeStatus(!cn._io, id, cn._ls);
430    cn._io = !cn._io;
431    if (this.config.useCookies) {
432        this.updateCookie();
433    }
434    // scroll
435    this.divdisplay('z', false);
436    this.resizescroll("block");
440 * Open or close all nodes
441 *
442 * @param {boolean} status if true open
443 */
444dTree.prototype.oAll = function (status) {
445    for (let n = 0; n < this.aNodes.length; n++) {
446        if (this.aNodes[n]._hc && this.aNodes[n].pid !== this.root.id) {
447            this.nodeStatus(status, n, this.aNodes[n]._ls);
448            this.aNodes[n]._io = status;
449        }
450    }
451    if (this.config.useCookies) {
452        this.updateCookie();
453    }
457 * Opens the tree to a specific node
458 *
459 * @param {number} nId node id
460 * @param {boolean} bSelect
461 * @param {boolean} bFirst
462 */
463dTree.prototype.openTo = function (nId, bSelect, bFirst) {
464    let n, cn;
465    if (!bFirst) {
466        for (n = 0; n < this.aNodes.length; n++) {
467            if (this.aNodes[n].id === nId) {
468                nId = n;
469                break;
470            }
471        }
472    }
473    this.fill(this.aNodes[nId].pid);
474    cn = this.aNodes[nId];
475    if (cn.pid === this.root.id || !cn._p) {
476        return;
477    }
478    cn._io = 1;
479    if (this.completed && cn._hc) {
480        this.nodeStatus(true, cn._ai, cn._ls);
481    }
482    if (cn._is) {
483        (this.completed) ? this.s(cn._ai) : this._sn = cn._ai;
484    }
485    this.openTo(cn._p._ai, false, true);
489 * Open the given nodes, if no node status is already stored
490 *
491 * @param {Array|string} nodes array of nodes to open or empty string to open all nodes
492 */
493dTree.prototype.getOpenTo = function (nodes) {
494    if (nodes === '') {
495        this.openAll();
496    } else if (!this.config.useCookies || !this.getCookie('co' + this.treeName)) {
497        for (let n = 0; n < nodes.length; n++) {
498            this.openTo(nodes[n], false, true);
499        }
500    }
504 * Change the status of a node(open or closed)
505 *
506 * @param {boolean} status true if open
507 * @param {int}     id     node id
508 * @param {boolean} bottom true if bottom node
509 */
510dTree.prototype.nodeStatus = function (status, id, bottom) {
511    if (status && !this.fill(id)) {
512        return;
513    }
514    let eJoin, eIcon;
515	eJoin = jQuery('#j' + this.treeName + id)[0];
516	eIcon = jQuery('#i' + this.treeName + id)[0];
517    eIcon.src = (status) ? this.aNodes[id].iconOpen : this.aNodes[id].icon;
518    eJoin.src = ((status) ? ((bottom) ? this.icon.minusBottom : this.icon.minus) : ((bottom) ? this.icon.plusBottom : this.icon.plus));
519    jQuery('#d' + this.treeName + id)[0].style.display = (status) ? 'block' : 'none';
523 * [Cookie] Clears a cookie
524 */
525dTree.prototype.clearCookie = function () {
526    let now, yday;
527    now = new Date();
528    yday = new Date(now.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
529    this.setCookie('co' + this.treeName, 'cookieValue', yday);
530    this.setCookie('cs' + this.treeName, 'cookieValue', yday);
534 * [Cookie] Sets value in a cookie
535 *
536 * @param {string}  cookieName
537 * @param {string}  cookieValue
538 * @param {boolean|Date} expires
539 */
540dTree.prototype.setCookie = function (cookieName, cookieValue, expires = false) {
541    document.cookie =
542        encodeURIComponent(cookieName) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(cookieValue) +
543            (expires ? '; expires=' + expires.toUTCString() : '') +
544            '; path=' + DOKU_COOKIE_PARAM.path +
545            '; secure=' + DOKU_COOKIE_PARAM.secure;
549 * [Cookie] Gets a value from a cookie
550 *
551 * @param cookieName
552 * @returns {string}
553 */
554dTree.prototype.getCookie = function (cookieName) {
555    let cookieValue = '', pN, posValue, endPos;
556    pN = document.cookie.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(cookieName) + '=');
557    if (pN !== -1) {
558        posValue = pN + (encodeURIComponent(cookieName) + '=').length;
559        endPos = document.cookie.indexOf(';', posValue);
560        if (endPos !== -1) {
561            cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie.substring(posValue, endPos));
562        }
563        else {
564            cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie.substring(posValue));
565        }
566    }
567    return (cookieValue);
571 * [Cookie] Stores ids of open nodes as a string in cookie
572 */
573dTree.prototype.updateCookie = function () {
574    let str = '', n;
575    for (n = 0; n < this.aNodes.length; n++) {
576        if (this.aNodes[n]._io && this.aNodes[n].pid !== this.root.id) {
577            if (str) {
578                str += '.';
579            }
580            str += this.aNodes[n].id;
581        }
582    }
583    this.setCookie('co' + this.treeName, str);
587 * [Cookie] Checks if a node id is in the cookie
588 *
589 * @param {int} id node id
590 * @return {Boolean} if open true
591 */
592dTree.prototype.isOpen = function (id) {
593    let n, aOpen = this.getCookie('co' + this.treeName).split('.');
594    for (n = 0; n < aOpen.length; n++) {
595        if (parseInt(aOpen[n],10) === id) {
596            return true;
597        }
598    }
599    return false;
603 * Open the node of the current namespace
604 *
605 * @param {int} max
606 */
607dTree.prototype.openCurNS = function (max) {
608    let r, cn, match, t, i, n, cnsa, cna;
609    let cns = this.pageid;
610    r = new RegExp("\\b" + this.config.sepchar + "\\b", "g");
611    match = cns.match(r) || -1;
612    if (max > 0 && match.length >= max) {
613        t = cns.split(this.config.sepchar);
614        n = (this.aNodes[0].dokuid === '') ? 0 : this.aNodes[0].dokuid.split(this.config.sepchar).length;
615        t.splice(max + n, t.length);
616        cnsa = t.join(this.config.sepchar);
617    }
618    for (i = 0; i < this.aNodes.length; i++) {
619        cn = this.aNodes[i];
620        if (cns === cn.dokuid || cns === cn.hns) {
621            this.openTo(cn.id, false, true);
622            this.fajax = false;
623            if (cn.pid >= 0) {
624				jQuery(this.scroll("l", 4, cn.pid, 1));
625            }
626            break;
627        }
628        if (cnsa === cn.dokuid || cnsa === cn.hns) {
629            cna = cn;
630            this.fajax = true;
631        }
632    }
633    if (cna) {
634        this.openTo(cna.id, false, true);
635    }
639 * Load children when not available
640 *
641 * @param {int} id node id
642 * @returns {boolean}
643 */
644dTree.prototype.fill = function (id) {
645    if (id === -1 || this.aNodes[id]._ok) {
646        return true;
647    }
648    let n = id, $eLoad, a, rd, ln, eDiv;
649    if (this.aNodes[n].ajax) {
650        //temporary load indicator
651        $eLoad = jQuery('#l' + this.treeName);
652        if (!$eLoad.length) {
653            $eLoad = IndexmenuUtils.createPicker('l' + this.treeName, 'picker');
654        }
655        jQuery('#s' + this.treeName + n).parent().append($eLoad);
656        $eLoad
657            .html('Loading ...')
658            .css({width: 'auto'})
659            .show();
661        //retrieves children
662        this.getAjax(n);
663        return true;
664    }
665    rd = [];
666    while (!this.aNodes[n]._ok) {
667        rd[rd.length] = n;
668        n = this.aNodes[n].pid;
669    }
670    for (ln = rd.length - 1; ln >= 0; ln--) {
671        id = rd[ln];
672        a = this.aNodes[id];
673		eDiv = jQuery('#d' + this.treeName + id)[0];
674        if (!eDiv) {
675            return false;
676        }
677        this.aIndent = [];
678        n = a;
679        while (n.pid >= 0) {
680            if (n._ls) {
681                this.aIndent.unshift(0);
682            } else {
683                this.aIndent.unshift(1);
684            }
685            n = n._p;
686        }
687        eDiv.innerHTML = this.addNode(a);
688        a._ok = true;
689    }
690    return true;
694 * Open the nodes stored in cookie
695 */
696dTree.prototype.openCookies = function () {
697    let n, cn, aOpen = this.getCookie('co' + this.treeName).split('.');
698    for (n = 0; n < aOpen.length; n++) {
699        if (aOpen[n] === "") {
700            break;
701        }
702        cn = this.aNodes[aOpen[n]];
703        if (!cn._ok) {
704            this.nodeStatus(true, aOpen[n], cn._ls);
705            cn._io = true;
706        }
707    }
711 * Scrolls the index
712 *
713 * @param {string} where to move to
714 * @param {int}    s     start
715 * @param {int}    n     parent node id
716 * @param {int}    i
717 */
718dTree.prototype.scroll = function (where, s, n, i) {
719    if (!this.config.scroll) {
720        return false;
721    }
722    let w, dtree, dtreel, nodeId;
723    dtree = jQuery('#dtree_' + this.treeName)[0];
724    dtreel = parseInt(dtree.offsetLeft);
725    if (where === "r") {
726        jQuery('#left_' + this.treeName)[0].style.border = "thin inset";
727        this.scrollRight(dtreel, s);
728    } else {
729        nodeId = jQuery('#s' + this.treeName + n)[0];
730        if (nodeId == null) {
731            return false;
732        }
733        w = parseInt(dtree.parentNode.offsetWidth - nodeId.offsetWidth - nodeId.offsetLeft);
734        if (this.config.toc) {
735            w = w - 11;
736        }
737        if (dtreel <= w) {
738            return;
739        }
740        this.resizescroll("none");
741        this.stopscroll();
742        this.scrollLeft(dtreel, s, w - 3, i);
743    }
747 * Scroll index to the left
748 *
749 * @param {int} lft current position
750 * @param {int} s start
751 * @param {int} w width
752 * @param {int} i
753 */
754dTree.prototype.scrollLeft = function (lft, s, w, i) {
755    if (lft < w - i - 10) {
756        this.divdisplay('z', false);
757        this.scrllTmr = 0;
758        return;
759    }
760    var self = this;
761    jQuery('#dtree_' + self.treeName)[0].style.left = lft + "px";
762    this.scrllTmr = setTimeout(function () {
763        self.scrollLeft(lft - s, s + i, w, i);
764    }, 20);
768 * Scroll Index back to the right
769 *
770 * @param {int} lft current position
771 * @param {int} s   start
772 */
773dTree.prototype.scrollRight = function (lft, s) {
774    if (lft >= s) {
775        this.divdisplay('left_', false);
776        this.stopscroll();
777        return;
778    }
779    var self = this;
780    jQuery('#dtree_' + self.treeName)[0].style.left = lft + "px";
781    if (lft > -15) {
782        s = 1;
783    }
784    this.scrllTmr = setTimeout(function () {
785        self.scrollRight(lft + s, s + 1);
786    }, 20);
790 * Stop scroll movement
791 */
792dTree.prototype.stopscroll = function () {
793    jQuery('#left_' + this.treeName)[0].style.border = "none";
794    clearTimeout(this.scrllTmr);
795    this.scrllTmr = 0;
799 * Show features and add event handlers for ToC and scroll
800 *
801 * @param {int} n node id
802 */
803dTree.prototype.show_feat = function (n) {
804	var w, div, id, dtree, dtreel, self, node = jQuery('#s' + this.treeName + n)[0];
805    self = this;
806    if (this.config.toc && node.className !== "node") {
807		div = jQuery('#t' + this.treeName)[0];
808        id = (this.aNodes[n].hns) ? this.aNodes[n].hns : this.aNodes[n].dokuid;
809        div.onmousedown = function () {
810            IndexmenuContextmenu.createTocMenu('call=indexmenu&req=toc&id=' + decodeURIComponent(id), 'picker_' + self.treeName, 't' + self.treeName);
811        };
812        node.parentNode.appendChild(div);
813        if (div.style.display === "none") {
814            div.style.display = "inline";
815        }
816    }
817    if (this.config.scroll) {
818		div = jQuery('#z' + this.treeName)[0];
819        div.onmouseover = function () {
820            div.style.border = "none";
821            self.scroll("l", 1, n, 0);
822        };
823        div.onmousedown = function () {
824            div.style.border = "thin inset";
825            self.scroll("l", 4, n, 1);
826        };
827        div.onmouseout = function () {
828            div.style.border = "none";
829            self.stopscroll();
830        };
831        div.onmouseup = div.onmouseover;
832		dtree = jQuery('#dtree_' + this.treeName)[0];
833        dtreel = parseInt(dtree.offsetLeft);
834        w = parseInt(dtree.parentNode.offsetWidth - node.offsetWidth - node.offsetLeft + 1);
835        if (dtreel > w) {
836            div.style.display = "none";
837            div.style.top = node.offsetTop + "px";
838            div.style.left = parseInt(node.offsetLeft + node.offsetWidth + w - 12) + "px";
839            div.style.display = "block";
840        }
841    }
845 * Show and resize the scroll-back button relatively to size of tree
846 *
847 * @param {string} status 'block' or 'none'
848 */
849dTree.prototype.resizescroll = function (status) {
850	let dtree, w, h, left = jQuery('#left_' + this.treeName)[0];
851    if (!left) {
852        return;
853    }
854    if (left.style.display === status) {
855        dtree = jQuery('#dtree_' + this.treeName)[0];
856        w = Math.trunc(dtree.offsetHeight / 3);
857        h = Math.trunc(w / 50) * 50;
858        if (h < 50) {
859            h = 50;
860        }
861        left.style.height = h + "px";
862        left.style.top = w + "px";
863        if (status === "none") {
864            left.style.display = "block";
865        }
866    }
870 * Toggle Open or close
871 *
872 * @param {int} n node id
873 */
874dTree.prototype.getAjax = function (n) {
875    var node, selft = this;
876    let req, curns;
877    node = selft.aNodes[n];
879    req = 'req=index&idx=' + node.dokuid + decodeURIComponent(this.config.jsajax);
881    curns = this.pageid.substring(0, this.pageid.lastIndexOf(this.config.sepchar));
882    if (this.fajax) {
883        req += '&nss=' + curns + '&max=1';
884    }
886    var onCompletion = function (data) {
887        var i, ajxnodes, ajxnode, plus;
888        plus = selft.aNodes.length - 1;
889        eval(data);
890        if (!ajxnodes instanceof Array || ajxnodes.length < 1) {
891            ajxnodes = [
892                ['', 1, 0, '', 0, 1, 0]
893            ];
894        }
895        node.ajax = false;
896        for (i = 0; i < ajxnodes.length; i++) {
897            ajxnode = ajxnodes[i];
898            ajxnode[2] = (ajxnode[2] == 0) ? node.id : ajxnode[2] + plus;
899            ajxnode[1] += plus;
900            selft.add(ajxnode[0], ajxnode[1], ajxnode[2], ajxnode[3], ajxnode[4], ajxnode[5], ajxnode[6]);
901        }
902        if (selft.fajax) {
903            selft.fajax = false;
904            selft.openCurNS(0);
905        } else {
906            selft.openTo(node.id, false, true);
907        }
908        jQuery('#l' + selft.treeName).hide();
909    };
911    jQuery.post(
912        DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php',
913        'call=indexmenu&'+req,
914        onCompletion,
915        'html'
916    );
920 * Load custom css for theme
921 */
922dTree.prototype.loadCss = function () {
923    let oLink = document.createElement("link");
924    oLink.href = this.config.plugbase + '/images/' + this.config.theme + '/style.css';
925    oLink.rel = "stylesheet";
926    oLink.type = "text/css";
927    document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(oLink);
931 * Show the contextmenu
932 *
933 * @param {int}   n node id
934 * @param {Event} e event
935 * @returns {boolean}
936 */
937dTree.prototype.contextmenu = function (n, e) {
938    let type, node, cdtree, $rmenu;
939    cdtree = jQuery("#cdtree_" + this.treeName)[0];
940	$rmenu = jQuery('#r' + this.treeName)[0];
941    if (!$rmenu) {
942        return true;
943    }
944    IndexmenuContextmenu.mouseposition($rmenu, e);
945    let cmenu = window.indexmenu_contextmenu;
946    node = this.aNodes[n];
947    $rmenu.innerHTML = '<div class="indexmenu_rmenuhead" title="' + node.name + '">' + node.name + "</div>";
948    $rmenu.appendChild(document.createElement('ul'));
949    type = (node.isdir || node._hc) ? 'ns' : 'pg';
950    IndexmenuContextmenu.arrconcat(cmenu['all'][type], this, n);
951    if (node.hns) {
952        IndexmenuContextmenu.arrconcat(cmenu[type], this, n);
953        type = 'pg';
954        IndexmenuContextmenu.arrconcat(cmenu['all'][type], this, n);
955    }
956    IndexmenuContextmenu.arrconcat(cmenu[type], this, n);
957    $rmenu.style.display = 'inline';
958    return false;
962 * Show/hide object with given id of current indexmenu
963 *
964 * @param {string}  objName name of object, which is combined with the unique id of the indexmenu
965 * @param {boolean} visible true: visible, false: hide.
966 */
967dTree.prototype.divdisplay = function (objName, visible) {
968	let o = jQuery('#' + objName + this.treeName)[0];
969    if (!o) {
970        return;
971    }
972    (visible) ? o.style.display = 'inline' : o.style.display = 'none';
976 * Initialise the dTree index
977 *
978 * @param {int}    hasstyle  has an additional css style sheet
979 * @param {int}    nocookies use no cookies
980 * @param {string} opennodes string of initial opened nodes
981 * @param {int}    nav       is navbar option set
982 * @param {int}    max       max level of available nodes (deeper levels are included with js)
983 * @param {int}    nomenu    show no menu
984 */
985dTree.prototype.init = function (hasstyle, nocookies, opennodes, nav, max, nomenu) {
986    if (hasstyle) {
987        this.loadCss();
988    }
989    if (!nocookies) {
990        this.openCookies();
991    }
992    //open given nodes
993    if (opennodes) {
994        this.getOpenTo(opennodes.split(" "));
995    }
996    if (nav) {
997        this.openCurNS(max);
998    }
999    //create contextmenu
1000    if (!nomenu) {
1001        var self = this;
1002        IndexmenuUtils.createPicker('r' + this.treeName, 'indexmenu_rmenu ' + this.config.theme);
1003        jQuery('#r' + this.treeName)[0].oncontextmenu = IndexmenuContextmenu.stopevt;
1004		jQuery(document).on("click",function() {
1005            self.divdisplay('r', false);
1006        });
1007    }