1jQuery(document).ready(function() { 2// Get the iphelper 3var iphelper = document.getElementById("myiphelper"); 4var iphelpersubnetcalc = document.getElementById("calc"); 5 6// Get the <span> element that closes the iphelper 7var span = document.querySelector('.iphelperclose'); 8// When the user clicks on <span> (x), close the iphelper 9span.onclick = function () { 10 iphelper.style.display = "none"; 11}; 12 13// When the user clicks anywhere outside of the iphelper, close it 14window.onclick = function(event) { 15 if (event.target == iphelper) { 16 iphelper.style.display = "none"; 17 } 18}; 19 20 21 22 23 24 25jQuery(".iphelper").click(function() { 26iphelper.style.display = "block"; 27var iphelperaddress = jQuery(this).text(); 28document.getElementById("iphelperinput").value = iphelperaddress; 29if (iphelperaddress.search("/") != -1) { 30 iphelpersubnetcalc.style.display = "block"; 31 document.getElementById("iphelpersubnetcalcsubnetinput").value = ""; 32 document.getElementById("iphelpersubnetcalcinput").value = iphelperaddress; 33 var iphelperaddressright = iphelperaddress.split("/")[1]; 34 if (iphelperaddressright == "1" || iphelperaddressright == "2" || iphelperaddressright == "3" || iphelperaddressright == "4" || iphelperaddressright == "5" || iphelperaddressright == "6" || iphelperaddressright == "7" || iphelperaddressright == "8" || iphelperaddressright == "9" || iphelperaddressright == "10" || iphelperaddressright == "11" || iphelperaddressright == "12" || iphelperaddressright == "13" || iphelperaddressright == "14" || iphelperaddressright == "15" || iphelperaddressright == "16" || iphelperaddressright == "17" || iphelperaddressright == "18" || iphelperaddressright == "19" || iphelperaddressright == "20" || iphelperaddressright == "21" || iphelperaddressright == "22" || iphelperaddressright == "23" || iphelperaddressright == "24" || iphelperaddressright == "25" || iphelperaddressright == "26" || iphelperaddressright == "26" || iphelperaddressright == "27" || iphelperaddressright == "28" || iphelperaddressright == "29" || iphelperaddressright == "30" || iphelperaddressright == "31" || iphelperaddressright == "32") { 35 } else {document.getElementById("iphelpersubnetcalcsubnetinput").value = iphelperaddressright; 36 document.getElementById("iphelpersubnetcalcinput").value = iphelperaddress.split("/")[0]; 37 console.log('CIDR in input address is out of range'); 38 } 39 document.getElementById("iphelperbodyp").innerHTML = document.getElementById("iphelpertemplatemask").innerHTML.replace(/\%ip\%/g, iphelperaddress); 40 ipChange(); 41} else { 42 iphelpersubnetcalc.style.display = "none"; 43 document.getElementById("iphelperbodyp").innerHTML = document.getElementById("iphelpertemplate").innerHTML.replace(/\%ip\%/g, iphelperaddress); 44} 45}); 46 47 48 49jQuery( "#iphelperinput" ).keyup(function() { 50var iphelperaddress = document.getElementById("iphelperinput").value; 51if (iphelperaddress.search("/") != -1) { 52 iphelpersubnetcalc.style.display = "block"; 53 document.getElementById("iphelpersubnetcalcsubnetinput").value = ""; 54 document.getElementById("iphelpersubnetcalcinput").value = iphelperaddress; 55 var iphelperaddressright = iphelperaddress.split("/")[1]; 56 if (iphelperaddressright == "1" || iphelperaddressright == "2" || iphelperaddressright == "3" || iphelperaddressright == "4" || iphelperaddressright == "5" || iphelperaddressright == "6" || iphelperaddressright == "7" || iphelperaddressright == "8" || iphelperaddressright == "9" || iphelperaddressright == "10" || iphelperaddressright == "11" || iphelperaddressright == "12" || iphelperaddressright == "13" || iphelperaddressright == "14" || iphelperaddressright == "15" || iphelperaddressright == "16" || iphelperaddressright == "17" || iphelperaddressright == "18" || iphelperaddressright == "19" || iphelperaddressright == "20" || iphelperaddressright == "21" || iphelperaddressright == "22" || iphelperaddressright == "23" || iphelperaddressright == "24" || iphelperaddressright == "25" || iphelperaddressright == "26" || iphelperaddressright == "26" || iphelperaddressright == "27" || iphelperaddressright == "28" || iphelperaddressright == "29" || iphelperaddressright == "30" || iphelperaddressright == "31" || iphelperaddressright == "32") { 57 } else { 58 document.getElementById("iphelpersubnetcalcsubnetinput").value = iphelperaddressright; 59 document.getElementById("iphelpersubnetcalcinput").value = iphelperaddress.split("/")[0]; 60 } 61 document.getElementById("iphelperbodyp").innerHTML = document.getElementById("iphelpertemplatemask").innerHTML.replace(/\%ip\%/g, iphelperaddress); 62 ipChange(); 63} else { 64 iphelpersubnetcalc.style.display = "none"; 65 document.getElementById("iphelperbodyp").innerHTML = document.getElementById("iphelpertemplate").innerHTML.replace(/\%ip\%/g, iphelperaddress); 66}}); 67 68 69 70 71//Subnetcalc - written by Oscar Virot. All Rights reserved 2014 72// https://google.com/+OscarVirot?rel=author 73// Source https://tools.virot.eu/ipcalc/ 74 75var cidrTosubnets = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]; 76var ipPattern = "[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}"; 77var PatternAddr = "[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}"; 78var PatternSubnet = "[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}"; 79var PatternCidr = /10|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9/; 80 81turladdr=(document.URL).replace(/.*\/ipcalc\/(.*)\/.*/, '$1').replace(/#$/, ''); 82turlcidr=(document.URL).replace(/.*\/ipcalc\/.*\/(.*)/, '$1').replace(/#$/, ''); 83if (turladdr.match(PatternAddr) == turladdr && turlcidr.match(PatternCidr) == turlcidr) 84 { 85 tinSubnet = cidrTosubnets[(parseInt(turlcidr,10))]; 86 document.forms.input.in_address.value = turladdr; 87 document.forms.input.in_subnet.value = tinSubnet; 88 checkAndUpdate(); 89 } 90 91function ipChange() { 92 if (document.forms.input.in_address.value.indexOf('/') > -1) 93 { 94 var tcidr = (document.forms.input.in_address.value).substring(document.forms.input.in_address.value.indexOf('/') + 1); 95 if (tcidr !== '' && isFinite(tcidr) && tcidr >= 0 && tcidr <= 32) 96 { 97 document.forms.input.in_subnet.value = cidrTosubnets[(parseInt(tcidr,10))]; 98// document.getElementById('out_cidr').value = tcidr 99// document.getElementById('out_subnet').value = cidrTosubnets[tcidr] 100 } 101 } 102 checkAndUpdate(); 103} 104 105function subChange() 106{ 107 if (document.forms.input.in_address.value.indexOf('/') > -1) 108 { 109 var address = (document.forms.input.in_address.value).substring(0,document.forms.input.in_address.value.indexOf('/')); 110//Find the CIDR of the subnetmask 111 var i; 112 for (i = 0; i < cidrTosubnets.length; i++) 113 { 114 if (document.forms.input.in_subnet.value == cidrTosubnets[i]){var tcidr = i;} 115 } 116 if (tcidr !== '' && isFinite(tcidr) && tcidr >= 0 && tcidr <= 32) 117 { 118 document.forms.input.in_address.value = address+"/"+tcidr; 119// document.getElementById("out_cidr").innerHTML = tcidr 120// document.getElementById("out_subnet").innerHTML = cidrTosubnets[tcidr] 121 } 122 } 123 checkAndUpdate(); 124} 125function checkAndUpdate() 126{ 127 if (checkValid()) 128 { 129 UpdateOutput(); 130 } 131 else 132 { 133 InvalidateOutput(); 134 } 135} 136function checkValid() { 137//validate CIDR range 138 if (document.forms.input.in_address.value.indexOf('/') > -1) 139 { 140 var tcidr = (document.forms.input.in_address.value).substring(document.forms.input.in_address.value.indexOf('/') + 1); 141 if (tcidr === '' || isNaN(tcidr) || tcidr <= 0 || tcidr > 32 142) 143 { 144 console.log('CIDR in input address is out of range'); 145 return false; 146 } 147 } 148//validate address 149 if (document.forms.input.in_address.value.indexOf('/') > -1) 150 { 151 var taddress = (document.forms.input.in_address.value).substring(0,document.forms.input.in_address.value.indexOf('/')); 152 } 153 else 154 { 155 var taddress = document.forms.input.in_address.value; 156 } 157 //format 158 if (taddress.match(ipPattern) != taddress) 159 { 160 console.log('IP Address not formated x.x.x.x -> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'); 161 return false; 162 } 163 //nothing over 255 164 var tbytes = taddress.split("."); 165 var i; 166 for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) 167 { 168 if (tbytes[i]>=256) 169 { 170 console.log('IP address octect is larger than 255'); 171 return false; 172 } 173 } 174//validate subnet 175 //format 176 if (document.forms.input.in_subnet.value.match(ipPattern) != document.forms.input.in_subnet.value) 177 { 178 console.log('Subnetmask not formated x.x.x.x -> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'); 179 return false; 180 } 181 //bit ordering 182 for (i = 0; i < cidrTosubnets.length; i++) 183 { 184 if (document.forms.input.in_subnet.value == cidrTosubnets[i]){var tcidr = i;} 185 } 186 if (tcidr === '' || isNaN(tcidr)) 187 { 188 console.log('Subnetmask improper ordering, not in order'); 189 return false; 190 } 191 return true; 192} 193function InvalidateOutput() 194{ 195 document.getElementById("out_address").innerHTML = ''; 196 document.getElementById("out_subnet").innerHTML = ''; 197 document.getElementById("out_cidr").innerHTML = ''; 198 document.getElementById("out_netaddr").innerHTML = ''; 199 document.getElementById("out_bcast").innerHTML = ''; 200 document.getElementById("out_firstusable").innerHTML = ''; 201 document.getElementById("out_lastusable").innerHTML = ''; 202 document.getElementById("out_amountaddresses").innerHTML = ''; 203 document.getElementById("out_ptraddr").innerHTML = ''; 204 document.getElementById("is_valid").innerHTML = '<center>INVALID</center>'; 205 document.getElementById("is_valid").style.display = 'block'; 206 document.getElementById("is_valid").style.backgroundColor = "red"; 207} 208 209function UpdateOutput() 210{ 211// Update Valid text 212 document.getElementById("is_valid").style.display = 'none'; 213 document.getElementById("is_valid").innerHTML = 'VALID VALID VALID VALID VALID'; 214 document.getElementById("is_valid").style.backgroundColor = "green"; 215// Locate Address 216 if (document.forms.input.in_address.value.indexOf('/') > -1) 217 { 218 var taddress = (document.forms.input.in_address.value).substring(0,document.forms.input.in_address.value.indexOf('/')); 219 } 220 else 221 { 222 var taddress = document.forms.input.in_address.value; 223 } 224//Do subnet calc 225 var i; 226 for (i = 0; i < cidrTosubnets.length; i++) 227 { 228 if (document.forms.input.in_subnet.value == cidrTosubnets[i]){var tcidr = i;} 229 } 230//Calculate Network & Broadcast addresses 231 var tabytes = taddress.split("."); 232 var tsbytes = document.forms.input.in_subnet.value.split("."); 233 //Network address 234 var tnaddr = (tabytes[0] & tsbytes[0]) + "." + (tabytes[1] & tsbytes[1]) + "." + (tabytes[2] & tsbytes[2]) + "." + (tabytes[3] & tsbytes[3]); 235 //Broadcast address 236 var tbaddr = ((tabytes[0] & tsbytes[0]) | (255 ^ tsbytes[0])) + "." + ((tabytes[1] & tsbytes[1]) | (255 ^ tsbytes[1])) + "." + ((tabytes[2] & tsbytes[2]) | (255 ^ tsbytes[2])) + "." + ((tabytes[3] & tsbytes[3]) | (255 ^ tsbytes[3])); 237 //Reverse PTR 238 var tptraddr = (tabytes[3] + '.' + tabytes[2] + '.' + tabytes[1] + '.' + tabytes[0] + '.in-addr.arpa'); 239if (tcidr == 32) 240{ 241 //gw1 address 242 var tgw1 = tnaddr; 243 //gw2 address 244 var tgw2 = tnaddr; 245 // Count usable addresses 246 tusable = 1; 247} 248if (tcidr != 32) 249{ 250 //gw1 address 251 var tgw1 = (tabytes[0] & tsbytes[0]) + "." + (tabytes[1] & tsbytes[1]) + "." + (tabytes[2] & tsbytes[2]) + "." + ((tabytes[3] & tsbytes[3])+1); 252 //gw2 address 253 var tgw2 = ((tabytes[0] & tsbytes[0]) | (255 ^ tsbytes[0])) + "." + ((tabytes[1] & tsbytes[1]) | (255 ^ tsbytes[1])) + "." + ((tabytes[2] & tsbytes[2]) | (255 ^ tsbytes[2])) + "." + (((tabytes[3] & tsbytes[3]) | (255 ^ tsbytes[3]))-1); 254 // Count usable addresses 255 tusable = (Math.pow(2, (32-tcidr)))-2; 256} 257 258//Do real outputing 259 document.getElementById("out_address").innerHTML = taddress; 260 document.getElementById("out_subnet").innerHTML = document.forms.input.in_subnet.value; 261 document.getElementById("out_cidr").innerHTML = tcidr; 262 document.getElementById("out_netaddr").innerHTML = tnaddr; 263 document.getElementById("out_bcast").innerHTML = tbaddr; 264 document.getElementById("out_firstusable").innerHTML = tgw1; 265 document.getElementById("out_lastusable").innerHTML = tgw2; 266 document.getElementById("out_amountaddresses").innerHTML = tusable; 267 document.getElementById("out_ptraddr").innerHTML = tptraddr; 268 269} 270 271function changeSection(Section) 272{ 273 document.getElementById("static").className = 'hiddensection'; 274 document.getElementById("calc").className = 'hiddensection'; 275 document.getElementById("calcSelector").className = 'sectionselector'; 276 document.getElementById("staticSelector").className = 'sectionselector'; 277 278 if (Section=="calc") 279 { 280 document.getElementById("calc").className = 'section'; 281 document.getElementById("calcSelector").className = 'sectionselectoractive'; 282 } 283 if (Section=="static") 284 { 285 document.getElementById("static").className = 'section'; 286 document.getElementById("staticSelector").className = 'sectionselectoractive'; 287 } 288 if (Section=="IPv6Static") 289 { 290 document.getElementById("IPv6Static").className = 'hiddensection'; 291 document.getElementById("IPv6StaticSelector").className = 'sectionselector'; 292 } 293} 294});