* @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) */ $lang['_tools'] = 'Configure Tools'; $lang['showPageToolsTitle'] = 'Show the title of the page tools'; $lang['showSiteToolsTitle'] = 'Show the title of the site tools'; $lang['showUserToolsTitle'] = 'Show the title of the user tools'; $lang['doSiteToolsRequireLogin'] = 'Should the site tools require login'; $lang['_extra'] = 'Configure Extras'; $lang['useToolbar'] = 'Enable the toolbar'; $lang['useTooltips'] = 'Enable the tooltips'; $lang['doLogoChangesByNamespace'] = 'Should the logo changes be by namespace'; $lang['doLogoLinkChangesByNamespace'] = 'Should the logo link changes be by namespace'; $lang['doTitleChangesByNamespace'] = 'Should the site title changes be by namespace'; $lang['doTaglineChangesByNamespace'] = 'Should the site tagline changes be by namespace'; $lang['_plugins'] = 'Configure Plugins'; $lang['defaultAddNewPage'] = 'Namespace for AddNewPage plugin'; $lang['_customizations'] = 'Customize the Template';