/* Wikimagination Template for DokuWiki. http://www.wikimagination.org/ 2012-09-19 Felix Pleşoianu */ body { Color: __text__; Background-color: __background__; Margin: 2%; } #header { Padding-bottom: 1em; Border-collapse: collapse; Text-align: center; } #header #logo { Float: right; Clear: right; Width: 20%; } #header h1 { Font-size: 3em; Font-variant: small-caps; Font-weight: bold; Margin-top: 0; Margin-bottom: 0; Width: 96%; /*Border-right: 5px double __border__;*/ } #header h2 { Font-size: 2em; Font-weight: bold; Margin-top: 0; Margin-bottom: 0; Padding-bottom: 0.5em; Width: 96%; Overflow: hidden; } #header form.search { Width: 96%; Vertical-align: middle; Padding-bottom: 0.5em; } #content-area { Width: 96%; Padding-top: 1em; Text-align: center; } #content-area p, #content-area div, #content-area ul, #content-area ol { Text-align: left; } #content-area table { Border-top: 3px double __border__; Border-bottom: 3px double __border__; Margin-top: 1em; Margin-bottom: 1em; Margin-left: auto; Margin-right: auto; } th, td { Margin: 0; Padding: 0.5em; Text-align: left; } th { Font-weight: bold; Font-variant: small-caps; /*Border-bottom: 1px solid __border__;*/ } #content-area img { Margin: 0.5em; } #content-area blockquote { Text-align: left; Margin-left: 3em; Margin-right: 3em; Border-left: 3px double __border__; Border-right: 3px double __border__; Padding: 0.5em; } .wikilink1 { Color: __existing__; } .wikilink2 { Color: __missing__; } #dw__toc { Float: left; Font-size: 90%; Margin: 1em; Margin-top: 0; Padding: 1em; Background-color: __background__; Border: 5px ridge __border__; } #dw__toc h3 { Margin: 0; Margin-bottom: 0.5em; } ul.toc { Padding-left: 1em; } #navigation-area { Padding: 0.5em; Width: 96%; Border-top: 3px double __border__; Border-bottom: 3px double __border__; } #site-commands, #page-commands, .link-to-top { Display: none; /*Width: 20%; Text-align: center; Float: right; Clear: right;*/ } #site-commands p, #page-commands p { Font-weight: bold; Font-variant: small-caps; } #footer { Clear: both; } #footer address { Width: 96%; Padding: 0.5em; Border-top: 3px double __border__; Border-bottom: 3px double __border__; } input.button { Background-color: __background__; Border: 3px double __border__; Margin-bottom: 0.5em; Font-weight: bold; Font-variant: small-caps; Cursor: pointer; } input.button:hover { Color: __existing__; } form.button input.button, .link-to-top input.button { Width: 11em; } form.search input.button { Margin-bottom: 0; } a img { Border: 0; } /* For the image detail page. */ dl.img_tags { Border-top: 3px double __border__; Border-bottom: 3px double __border__; } dl.img_tags dt { Font-weight: bold; Font-variant: small-caps; } /* For the media manager page. */ #media__opts, #media__tree { Position: relative; Top: -3em; Width: 30%; Float: right; Clear: right; Padding: 0.5em; Border-top: 3px double __border__; Border-bottom: 3px double __border__; Margin: 1em; Background-color: __background__; } #media__right div.odd, #media__right div.even { Border-top: 3px double __border__; Margin-top: 1em; } #dw__search, #info-area { Display: none; }