/lang.php * - /lib/tpl/vector/lang//settings.php * If they are not existing, copy and translate the English ones (hint: looking * at might be helpful). * * Don't forget to mail your translation to ARSAVA . * Thanks! :-D * * * LICENSE: This file is open source software (OSS) and may be copied under * certain conditions. See COPYING file for details or try to contact * the author(s) of this file in doubt. * * @license GPLv2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl2.html) * @author ARSAVA * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:vector * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/config:lang * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:configuration */ //check if we are running within the DokuWiki environment if (!defined("DOKU_INC")){ die(); } //tabs, personal tools and special links $lang["vector_article"] = "Article"; $lang["vector_discussion"] = "Discussion"; $lang["vector_read"] = "Read"; $lang["vector_edit"] = "Edit"; $lang["vector_create"] = "Create"; $lang["vector_userpage"] = "User Page"; $lang["vector_specialpage"] = "Special Pages"; $lang["vector_mytalk"] = "My Talk"; $lang["vector_exportodt"] = "Export: ODT"; $lang["vector_exportpdf"] = "Export: PDF"; $lang["vector_subscribens"] = "Subscribe NS Changes"; //original DW lang $lang["btn_subscribens"] is simply too long for common tab configs $lang["vector_unsubscribens"] = "Unsubscribe NS Changes"; //original DW lang $lang["btn_unsubscribens"] is simply too long for common tab configs $lang["vector_translations"] = "Languages"; //headlines for the different bars and boxes $lang["vector_navigation"] = "Navigation"; $lang["vector_toolbox"] = "Tools"; $lang["vector_exportbox"] = "Print/export"; $lang["vector_qrcodebox"] = "QR Code"; $lang["vector_inotherlanguages"] = "Languages"; $lang["vector_printexport"] = "Print/export"; $lang["vector_personnaltools"] = "Personal Tools"; //buttons $lang["vector_btn_go"] = "Go"; $lang["vector_btn_search"] = "Search"; $lang["vector_btn_search_title"] = "Search for this text"; //exportbox ("print/export") $lang["vector_exportbxdef_print"] = "Printable version"; $lang["vector_exportbxdef_downloadodt"] = "Download as ODT"; $lang["vector_exportbxdef_downloadpdf"] = "Download as PDF"; //default toolbox $lang["vector_toolbxdef_whatlinkshere"] = "What links here"; $lang["vector_toolbxdef_upload"] = "Upload file"; $lang["vector_toolbxdef_siteindex"] = "Sitemap"; $lang["vector_toolboxdef_permanent"] = "Permanent link"; $lang["vector_toolboxdef_cite"] = "Cite this page"; //qr code box $lang["vector_qrcodebox_qrcode"] = "QR Code"; $lang["vector_qrcodebox_genforcurrentpage"] = "generated for current page"; $lang["vector_qrcodebox_urlofcurrentpage"] = "Current page as QR Code (scan for easy mobile access)"; //cite this article $lang["vector_cite_bibdetailsfor"] = "Bibliographic details for"; $lang["vector_cite_pagename"] = "Page name"; $lang["vector_cite_author"] = "Author"; $lang["vector_cite_publisher"] = "Publisher"; $lang["vector_cite_dateofrev"] = "Date of this revision"; $lang["vector_cite_dateretrieved"] = "Date retrieved"; $lang["vector_cite_permurl"] = "Permanent URL"; $lang["vector_cite_pageversionid"] = "Page Version ID"; $lang["vector_cite_citationstyles"] = "Citation styles for"; $lang["vector_cite_checkstandards"] = "Please remember to check your manual of style, standards guide or instructor's guidelines for the exact syntax to suit your needs."; $lang["vector_cite_latexusepackagehint"] = "When using the LaTeX package url (\usepackage{url} somewhere in the preamble), which tends to give much more nicely formatted web addresses, the following may be preferred"; $lang["vector_cite_retrieved"] = "Retrieved"; $lang["vector_cite_from"] = "from"; $lang["vector_cite_in"] = "In"; $lang["vector_cite_accessed"] = "Accessed"; $lang["vector_cite_cited"] = "Cited"; $lang["vector_cite_lastvisited"] = "Last visited"; $lang["vector_cite_availableat"] = "Available at"; $lang["vector_cite_discussionpages"] = "DokuWiki talk pages"; $lang["vector_cite_markup"] = "Markup"; $lang["vector_cite_result"] = "Result"; $lang["vector_cite_thisversion"] = "this version"; //other $lang["vector_search"] = "Search"; $lang["vector_accessdenied"] = "Access denied"; $lang["vector_fillplaceholder"] = "Please fill or disable this placeholder"; $lang["vector_donate"] = "Donate"; $lang["vector_mdtemplatefordw"] = "vector template for DokuWiki"; $lang["vector_recentchanges"] = "Recent changes";