/* -------------------------------------------------------------- ie.css Contains every hack for Internet Explorer, so that our core files stay sweet and nimble. -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Make sure the layout is centered in IE5 */ body { text-align: center; } .container { text-align: left; } /* Fixes IE margin bugs */ * html .column { overflow-x: hidden; } /* Elements -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Fixes incorrect styling of legend in IE6. */ * html legend { margin:-18px -8px 16px 0; padding:0; } /* Fixes incorrect placement of ol numbers in IE6/7. */ ol { margin-left:2em; } /* Fixes wrong line-height on sup/sub in IE. */ sup { vertical-align: text-top; } sub { vertical-align: text-bottom; } /* Fixes IE7 missing wrapping of code elements. */ html>body p code { *white-space: normal; } /* IE 6&7 has problems with setting proper
margins. */ hr { margin: -8px auto 11px; }