* foo * * {% endspaceless %} * {# output will be
#} * * @deprecated since Twig 2.7, to be removed in 3.0 (use the "spaceless" filter with the "apply" tag instead) */ final class SpacelessTokenParser extends AbstractTokenParser { public function parse(Token $token) { $stream = $this->parser->getStream(); $lineno = $token->getLine(); @trigger_error(sprintf('The spaceless tag in "%s" at line %d is deprecated since Twig 2.7, use the "spaceless" filter with the "apply" tag instead.', $stream->getSourceContext()->getName(), $lineno), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); $stream->expect(/* Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE */ 3); $body = $this->parser->subparse([$this, 'decideSpacelessEnd'], true); $stream->expect(/* Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE */ 3); return new SpacelessNode($body, $lineno, $this->getTag()); } public function decideSpacelessEnd(Token $token) { return $token->test('endspaceless'); } public function getTag() { return 'spaceless'; } } class_alias('Twig\TokenParser\SpacelessTokenParser', 'Twig_TokenParser_Spaceless');