* */ require_once(__DIR__.'/../../class/TplUtility.php'); use ComboStrap\TplUtility; $lang['debug'] = 'Enable the rendering / processing of debug information'; // for the configuration manager $lang[TplUtility::CONF_SIDEKICK_SLOT_PAGE_NAME] = 'Sidekick Slot - The name of the page to search for the sidekick slot (right side)'; $lang[TplUtility::CONF_FOOTER_SLOT_PAGE_NAME] = 'Footer Slot - The name of the page to search for the footer page slot'; $lang[TplUtility::CONF_HEADER_SLOT_PAGE_NAME] = 'Header Slot - The name of the page to search for the header page slot'; $lang[TplUtility::CONF_USE_CDN] = 'CDN - Use a frontend CDN for the Bootstrap files'; $lang[TplUtility::CONF_REM_SIZE] = 'Length Scale - This configuration define in pixels the value of 1 rem'; $lang[TplUtility::CONF_GRID_COLUMNS] = 'Dynamic Grid - The number of columns in the grid'; $lang['preloadCss'] = 'CSS Optimization - Enable CSS Preloading (!The page rendering will flash - FOUC)'; $lang[TplUtility::CONF_PRIVATE_RAIL_BAR] = 'Railbar - Enable private railbar'; $lang[TplUtility::CONF_BREAKPOINT_RAIL_BAR] = 'Railbar - Breakpoint when the railbar toggle from offcanvas to fixed component'; $lang[TplUtility::CONF_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_STYLESHEET] = 'Bootstrap - The Bootstrap version and a corresponding stylesheet'; $lang[TplUtility::CONF_JQUERY_DOKU] = 'Jquery - Use the DokuWiki Jquery (Only valid for Bootstrap 4)'; $lang[TplUtility::CONF_DISABLE_BACKEND_JAVASCRIPT] = 'FrontEnd Optimization - Delete backend javascript library for public users'; ?>