* */ namespace ComboStrap; use Doku_Event; use dokuwiki\Extension\Event; use dokuwiki\Menu\PageMenu; use dokuwiki\Menu\SiteMenu; use dokuwiki\Menu\UserMenu; use dokuwiki\plugin\config\core\Configuration; use dokuwiki\plugin\config\core\Writer; use Exception; /** * Class TplUtility * @package ComboStrap * Utility class */ class TplUtility { /** * Constant for the function {@link msg()} * -1 = error, 0 = info, 1 = success, 2 = notify */ const LVL_MSG_ERROR = -1; const LVL_MSG_INFO = 0; const LVL_MSG_SUCCESS = 1; const LVL_MSG_WARNING = 2; const LVL_MSG_DEBUG = 3; const TEMPLATE_NAME = 'strap'; const CONF_HEADER_SLOT_PAGE_NAME = "headerSlotPageName"; const CONF_FOOTER_SLOT_PAGE_NAME = "footerSlotPageName"; /** * @deprecated for {@link TplUtility::CONF_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_STYLESHEET} */ const CONF_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION = "bootstrapVersion"; /** * @deprecated for {@link TplUtility::CONF_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_STYLESHEET} */ const CONF_BOOTSTRAP_STYLESHEET = "bootstrapStylesheet"; /** * Stylesheet and Boostrap should have the same version * This conf is a mix between the version and the stylesheet * * majorVersion.0.0 - stylesheetname */ const CONF_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_STYLESHEET = "bootstrapVersionStylesheet"; /** * The separator in {@link TplUtility::CONF_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_STYLESHEET} */ const BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_STYLESHEET_SEPARATOR = " - "; const DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_STYLESHEET = "5.0.1" . self::BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_STYLESHEET_SEPARATOR . "bootstrap"; /** * Jquery UI */ const CONF_JQUERY_DOKU = 'jQueryDoku'; const CONF_REM_SIZE = "remSize"; const CONF_GRID_COLUMNS = "gridColumns"; const CONF_USE_CDN = "useCDN"; const CONF_PRELOAD_CSS = "preloadCss"; // preload all css ? const BS_4_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_STYLESHEET = "4.5.0 - bootstrap"; const CONF_SIDEKICK_OLD = "sidekickbar"; const CONF_SIDEKICK_SLOT_PAGE_NAME = "sidekickSlotPageName"; const CONF_SLOT_HEADER_PAGE_NAME_VALUE = "slot_header"; /** * @deprecated see {@link TplUtility::CONF_HEADER_SLOT_PAGE_NAME} */ const CONF_HEADER_OLD = "headerbar"; /** * @deprecated */ const CONF_HEADER_OLD_VALUE = TplUtility::CONF_HEADER_OLD; /** * @deprecated see {@link TplUtility::CONF_FOOTER_SLOT_PAGE_NAME} */ const CONF_FOOTER_OLD = "footerbar"; /** * Disable the javascript of Dokuwiki * if public * https://combostrap.com/frontend/optimization */ const CONF_DISABLE_BACKEND_JAVASCRIPT = "disableBackendJavascript"; /** * A parameter switch to allows the update * of conf in test */ const COMBO_TEST_UPDATE = "combo_update_conf"; /** * Do we show the rail bar for anonymous user */ const CONF_PRIVATE_RAIL_BAR = "privateRailbar"; /** * When do we toggle from offcanvas to fixed railbar */ const CONF_BREAKPOINT_RAIL_BAR = "breakpointRailbar"; /** * Breakpoint naming */ const BREAKPOINT_EXTRA_SMALL_NAME = "extra-small"; const BREAKPOINT_SMALL_NAME = "small"; const BREAKPOINT_MEDIUM_NAME = "medium"; const BREAKPOINT_LARGE_NAME = "large"; const BREAKPOINT_EXTRA_LARGE_NAME = "extra-large"; const BREAKPOINT_EXTRA_EXTRA_LARGE_NAME = "extra-extra-large"; const BREAKPOINT_NEVER_NAME = "never"; /** * Name of the main footer slot */ public const SLOT_MAIN_FOOTER_NAME = "slot_main_footer"; /** * Name of the main header slot */ public const SLOT_MAIN_HEADER_NAME = "slot_main_header"; /** * @var array|null */ private static $TEMPLATE_INFO = null; /** * Print the breadcrumbs trace with Bootstrap class * * @param string $sep Separator between entries * @return bool * @author Nicolas GERARD * * */ static function renderTrailBreadcrumb($sep = '�') { global $conf; global $lang; //check if enabled if (!$conf['breadcrumbs']) return false; $crumbs = breadcrumbs(); //setup crumb trace echo '' . PHP_EOL; return true; } /** * @param string $text add a comment into the HTML page */ private static function addAsHtmlComment($text) { print_r(''); } private static function getApexDomainUrl() { return self::getTemplateInfo()["url"]; } private static function getTemplateInfo() { if (self::$TEMPLATE_INFO == null) { self::$TEMPLATE_INFO = confToHash(__DIR__ . '/../template.info.txt'); } return self::$TEMPLATE_INFO; } public static function getFullQualifyVersion() { return "v" . self::getTemplateInfo()['version'] . " (" . self::getTemplateInfo()['date'] . ")"; } private static function getStrapUrl() { return self::getTemplateInfo()["strap"]; } public static function registerHeaderHandler() { /** * In test, we may test for 4 and for 5 * on the same test, making two request * This two requests will register the event two times * To avoid that we use a global variable */ global $COMBO_STRAP_METAHEADER_HOOK_ALREADY_REGISTERED; if ($COMBO_STRAP_METAHEADER_HOOK_ALREADY_REGISTERED !== true) { global $EVENT_HANDLER; $method = array('\Combostrap\TplUtility', 'handleBootstrapMetaHeaders'); /** * A call to a method is via an array and the hook declare a string * @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */ $EVENT_HANDLER->register_hook('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', null, $method); $COMBO_STRAP_METAHEADER_HOOK_ALREADY_REGISTERED = true; } } /** * Add the preloaded CSS resources * at the end */ public static function addPreloadedResources() { // For the preload if any global $preloadedCss; // // Note: Adding this css in an animationFrame // such as https://github.com/jakearchibald/svgomg/blob/master/src/index.html#L183 // would be difficult to test if (isset($preloadedCss)) { foreach ($preloadedCss as $link) { $htmlLink = 'toXhtml(); if (class_exists("ComboStrap\PageEdit") && $html !== null) { $html = PageEdit::replaceAll($html); } } catch (Exception $e) { $html = "Rendering the slot, returns an error. {$e->getMessage()}"; } return $html; } else { TplUtility::msg("The combo plugin is not installed, sidebars automatic bursting will not work", self::LVL_MSG_INFO, "sidebars"); return tpl_include_page($slotId, 0, 1); } } private static function getBootStrapMajorVersion() { return self::getBootStrapVersion()[0]; } public static function getSideKickSlotPageName() { return TplUtility::migrateSlotConfAndGetValue( TplUtility::CONF_SIDEKICK_SLOT_PAGE_NAME, "slot_sidekick", TplUtility::CONF_SIDEKICK_OLD, "sidekickbar", "sidekick_slot" ); } public static function getHeaderSlotPageName() { return TplUtility::migrateSlotConfAndGetValue( TplUtility::CONF_HEADER_SLOT_PAGE_NAME, TplUtility::CONF_SLOT_HEADER_PAGE_NAME_VALUE, TplUtility::CONF_HEADER_OLD, TplUtility::CONF_HEADER_OLD_VALUE, "header_slot" ); } public static function getFooterSlotPageName() { return self::migrateSlotConfAndGetValue( TplUtility::CONF_FOOTER_SLOT_PAGE_NAME, "slot_footer", TplUtility::CONF_FOOTER_OLD, "footerbar", "footer_slot" ); } /** * @param string $key the key configuration * @param string $value the value * @return bool */ public static function updateConfiguration($key, $value) { /** * Hack to avoid updating during {@link \TestRequest} * when not asked * Because the test request environment is wiped out only on the class level, * the class / test function needs to specifically say that it's open * to the modification of the configuration */ global $_REQUEST; if (defined('DOKU_UNITTEST') && !isset($_REQUEST[self::COMBO_TEST_UPDATE])) { /** * This hack resolves two problems * * First one * this is a test request * the local.php file has a the `DOKU_TMP_DATA` * constant in the file and updating the file * with this method will then update the value of savedir to DOKU_TMP_DATA * we get then the error * The datadir ('pages') at DOKU_TMP_DATA/pages is not found * * * Second one * if in a php test unit, we send a php request two times * the headers have been already send and the * {@link msg()} function will send them * causing the {@link TplUtility::outputBuffer() output buffer check} to fail */ global $MSG_shown; if (isset($MSG_shown) || headers_sent()) { return false; } else { return true; } } $configuration = new Configuration(); $settings = $configuration->getSettings(); $key = "tpl____strap____" . $key; if (isset($settings[$key])) { $setting = &$settings[$key]; $setting->update($value); /** * We cannot update the setting * via the configuration object * We are taking another pass */ $writer = new Writer(); if (!$writer->isLocked()) { try { $writer->save($settings); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { TplUtility::msg("An error occurred while trying to save automatically the configuration ($key) to the value ($value). Error: " . $e->getMessage()); return false; } } else { TplUtility::msg("The configuration file was locked. The upgrade configuration ($key) value could not be not changed to ($value)"); return false; } } else { /** * When we run test, * strap is not always the active template * and therefore the configurations are not loaded */ global $conf; if ($conf['template'] == TplUtility::TEMPLATE_NAME) { TplUtility::msg("The configuration ($key) is unknown and was therefore not change to ($value)"); } } return false; } /** * Helper to migrate from bar to slot * @return mixed|string */ public static function migrateSlotConfAndGetValue($newConf, $newDefaultValue, $oldConf, $oldDefaultValue, $canonical) { $name = tpl_getConf($newConf, null); if ($name == null) { $name = tpl_getConf($oldConf, null); } if ($name == null) { $foundOldName = false; if (page_exists($oldConf)) { $foundOldName = true; } if (!$foundOldName) { global $conf; $startPageName = $conf["start"]; $startPagePath = wikiFN($startPageName); $directory = dirname($startPagePath); $childrenDirectories = glob($directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); foreach ($childrenDirectories as $childrenDirectory) { $directoryName = pathinfo($childrenDirectory)['filename']; $dokuFilePath = $directoryName . ":" . $oldDefaultValue; if (page_exists($dokuFilePath)) { $foundOldName = true; break; } } } if ($foundOldName) { $name = $oldDefaultValue; } else { $name = $newDefaultValue; } $updated = TplUtility::updateConfiguration($newConf, $name); if ($updated) { TplUtility::msg("The $newConf configuration was set with the value $name", self::LVL_MSG_INFO, $canonical); } } return $name; } /** * Output buffer checks * * It should be null before printing otherwise * you may get a text before the HTML header * and it mess up the whole page */ public static function outputBuffer() { $length = ob_get_length(); $ob = ""; if ($length > 0) { $ob = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); global $ACT; if ($ACT === "show") { /** * If you got this problem check that this is not a character before a ` EOF; if ($breakpoint != TplUtility::BREAKPOINT_NEVER_NAME) { $zIndexRailbar = 1000; // A navigation bar (below the drop down because we use it in the search box for auto-completion) $railBarFixed = <<
EOF; return <<getListItems('action'); $liPageTools = (new PageMenu())->getListItems(); $liSiteTools = (new SiteMenu())->getListItems('action'); // FYI: The below code outputs all menu in mobile (in another HTML layout) // echo (new \dokuwiki\Menu\MobileMenu())->getDropdown($lang['tools']); return <<
  • User
  • $liUserTools
  • Page
  • $liPageTools
  • Website
  • $liSiteTools EOF; } public static function getMainHeaderSlotName(): string { return self::SLOT_MAIN_HEADER_NAME; } public static function getMainFooterSlotName(): string { return self::SLOT_MAIN_FOOTER_NAME; } public static function isNotSlot(): bool { global $ID; return strpos($ID, TplUtility::getSideSlotPageName()) === false && strpos($ID, TplUtility::getSideKickSlotPageName()) === false && strpos($ID, TplUtility::SLOT_MAIN_HEADER_NAME) === false && strpos($ID, TplUtility::SLOT_MAIN_FOOTER_NAME) === false && strpos($ID, TplUtility::getHeaderSlotPageName()) === false && strpos($ID, TplUtility::getFooterSlotPageName()) === false; } public static function getSideSlotPageName() { global $conf; return $conf['sidebar']; } public static function isNotRootHome(): bool { global $ID; global $conf; $startName = $conf['start']; return $ID !== $startName; } public static function getRem() { return tpl_getConf(TplUtility::CONF_REM_SIZE, null); } /** * Hierarchical breadcrumbs * * This will return the Hierarchical breadcrumbs. * * Config: * - $conf['youarehere'] must be true * - add $lang['youarehere'] if $printPrefix is true * * @param bool $printPrefix print or not the $lang['youarehere'] * @return string */ function renderHierarchicalBreadcrumb($printPrefix = false) { global $conf; global $lang; // check if enabled if (!$conf['youarehere']) return ""; // print intermediate namespace links $htmlOutput = ''.PHP_EOL; // return true; // } // // skipping for namespace index // $page = $idPart.$idParts[$i]; // if($page == $conf['start']) { // echo ''.PHP_EOL; // return true; // } // print current page // print '
  • '; // tpl_link(wl($page), tpl_pagetitle($page,true), 'title="' . $page . '"'); $htmlOutput .= '
  • ' . PHP_EOL; // close the breadcrumb $htmlOutput .= '' . PHP_EOL; return $htmlOutput; } /* * Function return the page name from an id * @author Nicolas GERARD * * @param string $sep Separator between entries * @return bool */ function getPageTitle($id) { // page names $name = noNSorNS($id); if (useHeading('navigation')) { // get page title $title = p_get_first_heading($id, METADATA_RENDER_USING_SIMPLE_CACHE); if ($title) { $name = $title; } } return $name; } /** * This is a fork of tpl_actionlink where I have added the class parameters * * Like the action buttons but links * * @param string $type action command * @param string $pre prefix of link * @param string $suf suffix of link * @param string $inner innerHML of link * @param bool $return if true it returns html, otherwise prints * @param string $class the class to be added * @return bool|string html or false if no data, true if printed * @see tpl_get_action * * @author Adrian Lang */ function renderActionLink($type, $class = '', $pre = '', $suf = '', $inner = '', $return = false) { global $lang; $data = tpl_get_action($type); if ($data === false) { return false; } elseif (!is_array($data)) { $out = sprintf($data, 'link'); } else { /** * @var string $accesskey * @var string $id * @var string $method * @var bool $nofollow * @var array $params * @var string $replacement */ extract($data); if (strpos($id, '#') === 0) { $linktarget = $id; } else { $linktarget = wl($id, $params); } $caption = $lang['btn_' . $type]; if (strpos($caption, '%s')) { $caption = sprintf($caption, $replacement); } $akey = $addTitle = ''; if ($accesskey) { $akey = 'accesskey="' . $accesskey . '" '; $addTitle = ' [' . strtoupper($accesskey) . ']'; } $rel = $nofollow ? 'rel="nofollow" ' : ''; $out = $pre . tpl_link( $linktarget, (($inner) ? $inner : $caption), 'class="nav-link action ' . $type . ' ' . $class . '" ' . $akey . $rel . 'title="' . hsc($caption) . $addTitle . '"', true ) . $suf; } if ($return) return $out; echo $out; return true; } /** * @return array * Return the headers needed by this template * * @throws Exception */ static function getBootstrapMetaHeaders() { // The version $bootstrapVersion = TplUtility::getBootStrapVersion(); if ($bootstrapVersion === false) { /** * Strap may be called for test * by combo * In this case, the conf may not be reloaded */ self::reloadConf(); $bootstrapVersion = TplUtility::getBootStrapVersion(); if ($bootstrapVersion === false) { throw new Exception("Bootstrap version should not be false"); } } $scriptsMeta = self::buildBootstrapMetas($bootstrapVersion); // if cdn $useCdn = tpl_getConf(self::CONF_USE_CDN); // Build the returned Js script array $jsScripts = array(); foreach ($scriptsMeta as $key => $script) { $path_parts = pathinfo($script["file"]); $extension = $path_parts['extension']; if ($extension === "js") { $src = DOKU_BASE . "lib/tpl/strap/bootstrap/$bootstrapVersion/" . $script["file"]; if ($useCdn) { if (isset($script["url"])) { $src = $script["url"]; } } $jsScripts[$key] = array( 'src' => $src, 'defer' => null ); if (isset($script['integrity'])) { $jsScripts[$key]['integrity'] = $script['integrity']; $jsScripts[$key]['crossorigin'] = 'anonymous'; } } } $css = array(); $cssScript = $scriptsMeta['css']; $href = DOKU_BASE . "lib/tpl/strap/bootstrap/$bootstrapVersion/" . $cssScript["file"]; if ($useCdn) { if (isset($script["url"])) { $href = $script["url"]; } } $css['css'] = array( 'href' => $href, 'rel' => "stylesheet" ); if (isset($script['integrity'])) { $css['css']['integrity'] = $script['integrity']; $css['css']['crossorigin'] = 'anonymous'; } return array( 'script' => $jsScripts, 'link' => $css ); } /** * @return array - A list of all available stylesheets * This function is used to build the configuration as a list of files */ static function getStylesheetsForMetadataConfiguration() { $cssVersionsMetas = self::getStyleSheetsFromJsonFileAsArray(); $listVersionStylesheetMeta = array(); foreach ($cssVersionsMetas as $bootstrapVersion => $cssVersionMeta) { foreach ($cssVersionMeta as $fileName => $values) { $listVersionStylesheetMeta[] = $bootstrapVersion . TplUtility::BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_STYLESHEET_SEPARATOR . $fileName; } } return $listVersionStylesheetMeta; } /** * * @param $version - return only the selected version if set * @return array - an array of the meta JSON custom files */ static function getStyleSheetsFromJsonFileAsArray($version = null) { $jsonAsArray = true; $stylesheetsFile = __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap/bootstrapStylesheet.json'; $styleSheets = json_decode(file_get_contents($stylesheetsFile), $jsonAsArray); if ($styleSheets == null) { self::msg("Unable to read the file {$stylesheetsFile} as json"); } $localStyleSheetsFile = __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap/bootstrapLocal.json'; if (file_exists($localStyleSheetsFile)) { $localStyleSheets = json_decode(file_get_contents($localStyleSheetsFile), $jsonAsArray); if ($localStyleSheets == null) { self::msg("Unable to read the file {$localStyleSheets} as json"); } foreach ($styleSheets as $bootstrapVersion => &$stylesheetsFiles) { if (isset($localStyleSheets[$bootstrapVersion])) { $stylesheetsFiles = array_merge($stylesheetsFiles, $localStyleSheets[$bootstrapVersion]); } } } if (isset($version)) { if (!isset($styleSheets[$version])) { self::msg("The bootstrap version ($version) could not be found in the custom CSS file ($stylesheetsFile, or $localStyleSheetsFile)"); } else { $styleSheets = $styleSheets[$version]; } } /** * Select Rtl or Ltr * Stylesheet name may have another level * with direction property of the language * * Bootstrap needs another stylesheet * See https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/getting-started/rtl/ */ global $lang; $direction = $lang["direction"]; if (empty($direction)) { $direction = "ltr"; } $directedStyleSheets = []; foreach ($styleSheets as $name => $styleSheetDefinition) { if (isset($styleSheetDefinition[$direction])) { $directedStyleSheets[$name] = $styleSheetDefinition[$direction]; } else { $directedStyleSheets[$name] = $styleSheetDefinition; } } return $directedStyleSheets; } /** * * Build from all Bootstrap JSON meta files only one array * @param $version * @return array * */ static function buildBootstrapMetas($version) { $jsonAsArray = true; $bootstrapJsonFile = __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap/bootstrapJavascript.json'; $bootstrapMetas = json_decode(file_get_contents($bootstrapJsonFile), $jsonAsArray); // Decodage problem if ($bootstrapMetas == null) { self::msg("Unable to read the file {$bootstrapJsonFile} as json"); return array(); } if (!isset($bootstrapMetas[$version])) { self::msg("The bootstrap version ($version) could not be found in the file $bootstrapJsonFile"); return array(); } $bootstrapMetas = $bootstrapMetas[$version]; // Css $bootstrapCssFile = TplUtility::getStyleSheetConf(); $bootstrapCustomMetas = self::getStyleSheetsFromJsonFileAsArray($version); if (!isset($bootstrapCustomMetas[$bootstrapCssFile])) { self::msg("The bootstrap custom file ($bootstrapCssFile) could not be found in the custom CSS files for the version ($version)"); } else { $bootstrapMetas['css'] = $bootstrapCustomMetas[$bootstrapCssFile]; } return $bootstrapMetas; } /** * @param Doku_Event $event * @param $param * Function that handle the META HEADER event * * It will add the Bootstrap Js and CSS * * Make all script and resources defer * @throws Exception */ static function handleBootstrapMetaHeaders(Doku_Event &$event, $param) { $debug = tpl_getConf('debug'); if ($debug) { self::addAsHtmlComment('Request: ' . json_encode($_REQUEST)); } $newHeaderTypes = array(); $bootstrapHeaders = self::getBootstrapMetaHeaders(); $eventHeaderTypes = $event->data; foreach ($eventHeaderTypes as $headerType => $headerData) { switch ($headerType) { case "link": // index, rss, manifest, search, alternate, stylesheet // delete edit $bootstrapCss = $bootstrapHeaders[$headerType]['css']; $headerData[] = $bootstrapCss; // preload all CSS is an heresy as it creates a FOUC (Flash of non-styled element) // but we know it only now and this is it $cssPreloadConf = tpl_getConf(self::CONF_PRELOAD_CSS); $newLinkData = array(); foreach ($headerData as $linkData) { switch ($linkData['rel']) { case 'edit': break; case 'preload': /** * Preload can be set at the array level with the critical attribute * If the preload attribute is present * We get that for instance for css animation style sheet * that are not needed for rendering */ if (isset($linkData["as"])) { if ($linkData["as"] === "style") { $newLinkData[] = TplUtility::captureStylePreloadingAndTransformToPreloadCssTag($linkData); continue 2; } } $newLinkData[] = $linkData; break; case 'stylesheet': if ($cssPreloadConf) { $newLinkData[] = TplUtility::captureStylePreloadingAndTransformToPreloadCssTag($linkData); continue 2; } $newLinkData[] = $linkData; break; default: $newLinkData[] = $linkData; break; } } $newHeaderTypes[$headerType] = $newLinkData; break; case "script": /** * Do we delete the dokuwiki javascript ? */ $scriptToDeletes = []; if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && tpl_getConf(TplUtility::CONF_DISABLE_BACKEND_JAVASCRIPT, 0)) { $scriptToDeletes = [ //'JSINFO', Don't delete Jsinfo !! It contains metadata information (that is used to get context) 'js.php' ]; if (TplUtility::getBootStrapMajorVersion() == "5") { // bs 5 does not depends on jquery $scriptToDeletes[] = "jquery.php"; } } /** * The new script array */ $newScriptData = array(); // A variable to hold the Jquery scripts // jquery-migrate, jquery, jquery-ui ou jquery.php // see https://www.dokuwiki.org/config:jquerycdn $jqueryDokuScripts = array(); foreach ($headerData as $scriptData) { foreach ($scriptToDeletes as $scriptToDelete) { if (isset($scriptData["_data"]) && !empty($scriptData["_data"])) { $haystack = $scriptData["_data"]; } else { $haystack = $scriptData["src"]; } if (preg_match("/$scriptToDelete/i", $haystack)) { continue 2; } } $critical = false; if (isset($scriptData["critical"])) { $critical = $scriptData["critical"]; unset($scriptData["critical"]); } // defer is only for external resource // if this is not, this is illegal if (isset($scriptData["src"])) { if (!$critical) { $scriptData['defer'] = null; } } if (isset($scriptData["type"])) { $type = strtolower($scriptData["type"]); if ($type == "text/javascript") { unset($scriptData["type"]); } } // The charset attribute on the script element is obsolete. if (isset($scriptData["charset"])) { unset($scriptData["charset"]); } // Jquery ? $jqueryFound = false; // script may also be just an online script without the src attribute if (array_key_exists('src', $scriptData)) { $jqueryFound = strpos($scriptData['src'], 'jquery'); } if ($jqueryFound === false) { $newScriptData[] = $scriptData; } else { $jqueryDokuScripts[] = $scriptData; } } // Add Jquery at the beginning $boostrapMajorVersion = TplUtility::getBootStrapMajorVersion(); if ($boostrapMajorVersion == "4") { if ( empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) && tpl_getConf(self::CONF_JQUERY_DOKU) == 0 ) { // We take the Jquery of Bootstrap $newScriptData = array_merge($bootstrapHeaders[$headerType], $newScriptData); } else { // Logged in // We take the Jqueries of doku and we add Bootstrap $newScriptData = array_merge($jqueryDokuScripts, $newScriptData); // js // We had popper of Bootstrap $newScriptData[] = $bootstrapHeaders[$headerType]['popper']; // We had the js of Bootstrap $newScriptData[] = $bootstrapHeaders[$headerType]['js']; } } else { // There is no JQuery in 5 // We had the js of Bootstrap and popper // Add Jquery before the js.php $newScriptData = array_merge($jqueryDokuScripts, $newScriptData); // js // Then add at the top of the top (first of the first) bootstrap // Why ? Because Jquery should be last to be able to see the missing icon // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17367736/jquery-ui-dialog-missing-close-icon $bootstrap[] = $bootstrapHeaders[$headerType]['popper']; $bootstrap[] = $bootstrapHeaders[$headerType]['js']; $newScriptData = array_merge($bootstrap, $newScriptData); } $newHeaderTypes[$headerType] = $newScriptData; break; case "meta": $newHeaderData = array(); foreach ($headerData as $metaData) { // Content should never be null // Name may change // https://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/global.html#edef-META if (!key_exists("content", $metaData)) { $message = "Strap - The head meta (" . print_r($metaData, true) . ") does not have a content property"; msg($message, -1, "", "", MSG_ADMINS_ONLY); if (defined('DOKU_UNITTEST') ) { throw new \RuntimeException($message); } } else { $content = $metaData["content"]; if (empty($content)) { $messageEmpty = "Strap - the below head meta has an empty content property (" . print_r($metaData, true) . ")"; msg($messageEmpty, -1, "", "", MSG_ADMINS_ONLY); if (defined('DOKU_UNITTEST') ) { throw new \RuntimeException($messageEmpty); } } else { $newHeaderData[] = $metaData; } } } $newHeaderTypes[$headerType] = $newHeaderData; break; case "noscript": // https://github.com/ComboStrap/dokuwiki-plugin-gtm/blob/master/action.php#L32 case "style": $newHeaderTypes[$headerType] = $headerData; break; default: $message = "Strap - The header type ($headerType) is unknown and was not controlled."; $newHeaderTypes[$headerType] = $headerData; msg($message, -1, "", "", MSG_ADMINS_ONLY); if (defined('DOKU_UNITTEST') ) { throw new \RuntimeException($message); } } } if ($debug) { self::addAsHtmlComment('Script Header : ' . json_encode($newHeaderTypes['script'])); } $event->data = $newHeaderTypes; } /** * Returns the icon link as created by https://realfavicongenerator.net/ * * * * @return string */ static function renderFaviconMetaLinks() { $return = ''; // FavIcon.ico $possibleLocation = array(':wiki:favicon.ico', ':favicon.ico', 'images/favicon.ico'); $return .= '' . NL; // Icon Png $possibleLocation = array(':wiki:favicon-32x32.png', ':favicon-32x32.png', 'images/favicon-32x32.png'); $return .= ''; $possibleLocation = array(':wiki:favicon-16x16.png', ':favicon-16x16.png', 'images/favicon-16x16.png'); $return .= ''; // Apple touch icon $possibleLocation = array(':wiki:apple-touch-icon.png', ':apple-touch-icon.png', 'images/apple-touch-icon.png'); $return .= '' . NL; return $return; } static function renderPageTitle() { global $conf; global $ID; $title = tpl_pagetitle($ID, true) . ' |' . $conf["title"]; // trigger event here Event::createAndTrigger('TPL_TITLE_OUTPUT', $title, '\ComboStrap\TplUtility::callBackPageTitle', true); return true; } /** * Print the title that we get back from the event TPL_TITLE_OUTPUT * triggered by the function {@link tpl_strap_title()} * @param $title */ static function callBackPageTitle($title) { echo $title; } /** * * Set a template conf value * * To set a template configuration, you need to first load them * and there is no set function in template.php * * @param $confName - the configuration name * @param $confValue - the configuration value */ static function setConf($confName, $confValue) { /** * Env variable */ global $conf; $template = $conf['template']; if ($template != "strap") { throw new \RuntimeException("This is not the strap template, in test, active it in setup"); } /** * Make sure to load the configuration first by calling getConf */ $actualValue = tpl_getConf($confName); if ($actualValue === false) { self::reloadConf(); // Check that the conf was loaded if (tpl_getConf($confName) === false) { throw new \RuntimeException("The configuration (" . $confName . ") returns no value or has no default"); } } $conf['tpl'][$template][$confName] = $confValue; } /** * When running multiple test, the function {@link tpl_getConf()} * does not reload the configuration twice */ static function reloadConf() { /** * Env variable */ global $conf; $template = $conf['template']; $tconf = tpl_loadConfig(); if ($tconf !== false) { foreach ($tconf as $key => $value) { if (isset($conf['tpl'][$template][$key])) continue; $conf['tpl'][$template][$key] = $value; } } } /** * Send a message to a manager and log it * Fail if in test * @param string $message * @param int $level - the level see LVL constant * @param string $canonical - the canonical */ static function msg($message, $level = self::LVL_MSG_ERROR, $canonical = "strap") { $strapUrl = self::getStrapUrl(); $prefix = "Strap"; $prefix = '' . ucfirst($canonical) . ''; $htmlMsg = $prefix . " - " . $message; if ($level != self::LVL_MSG_DEBUG) { msg($htmlMsg, $level, '', '', MSG_MANAGERS_ONLY); } /** * Print to a log file * Note: {@link dbg()} dbg print to the web page */ $prefix = 'strap'; if ($canonical != null) { $prefix .= ' - ' . $canonical; } $msg = $prefix . ' - ' . $message; dbglog($msg); if (defined('DOKU_UNITTEST') && ($level == self::LVL_MSG_WARNING || $level == self::LVL_MSG_ERROR)) { throw new \RuntimeException($msg); } } /** * @param bool $prependTOC * @return false|string - Adapted from {@link tpl_content()} to return the HTML * Call {@link html_show()} from {@link Show::tplContent()} */ static function tpl_content(bool $prependTOC = true) { global $ACT; global $REV; global $DATE_AT; global $INFO; $INFO['prependTOC'] = $prependTOC; try { ob_start(); if ( class_exists("ComboStrap\Page") && $ACT === "show" // show only && ($REV === 0 && $DATE_AT === "") // ro revisions ) { /** * The code below replace the other block * to take the snippet management into account * (ie we write them when the {@link HtmlDocument::storeContent() document is stored into cache) */ global $ID; /** * The action null does nothing. * See {@link Event::trigger()} */ Event::createAndTrigger('TPL_ACT_RENDER', $ACT, null); /** * The code below replace {@link html_show()} */ $html_output = Page::createPageFromId($ID) ->toXhtml(); // section editing show only if not a revision and $ACT=show // which is the case in this block $showEdit = true; $html_output = html_secedit($html_output, $showEdit); /** * Add the buffer (eventually) * * Not needed with our code, may be with other plugins, it should not as the * syntax plugin should use the {@link \Doku_Renderer::$doc) * */ $html_output .= ob_get_clean(); } else { Event::createAndTrigger('TPL_ACT_RENDER', $ACT, 'tpl_content_core'); $html_output = ob_get_clean(); } /** * The action null does nothing. * See {@link Event::trigger()} */ Event::createAndTrigger('TPL_CONTENT_DISPLAY', $html_output, null); return $html_output; } catch (Exception $e) { $message = "Unfortunately, an error has occurred during the rendering of the main content. The error was logged."; LogUtility::log2file($message . " Error: " . $e->getTraceAsString()); return $message; } } static function getPageHeader(): string { $navBarPageName = TplUtility::getHeaderSlotPageName(); if ($id = page_findnearest($navBarPageName)) { $header = TplUtility::renderSlot($id); } else { $domain = self::getApexDomainUrl(); $header = '
    Welcome to the Strap template.
    If you don\'t known the ComboStrap, it\'s recommended to follow the Getting Started Guide.
    Otherwise, to create a menu bar in the header, create a page with the id (' . html_wikilink(':' . $navBarPageName) . ') and the menubar component.
    '; } // No header on print return "
    "; } static function getFooter(): string { $domain = self::getApexDomainUrl(); $footerPageName = TplUtility::getFooterSlotPageName(); if ($nearestFooterPageId = page_findnearest($footerPageName)) { $footer = TplUtility::renderSlot($nearestFooterPageId); } else { $footer = '
    Welcome to the Strap template. To get started, create a page with the id ' . html_wikilink(':' . $footerPageName) . ' to create a footer.
    '; } // No footer on print return "
    "; } static function getPoweredBy(): string { $domain = self::getApexDomainUrl(); $version = self::getFullQualifyVersion(); $poweredBy = "
    "; $poweredBy .= " Powered by ComboStrap"; $poweredBy .= '
    '; return $poweredBy; } }