; Please see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php ; for limitations of the ini format used here ; To extend this file or make changes to it, it is recommended to create ; a local conf/tpl//style.ini file to prevent losing ; any changes after an upgrade. ; Please don't forget to copy the section your changes should be under ; (i.e. [stylesheets] or [replacements]) into that file as well. ; Define the stylesheets your template uses here. The second value ; defines for which output media the style should be loaded. Currently ; print, screen and all are supported. ; You can reference CSS and LESS files here. Files referenced here will ; be checked for updates when considering a cache rebuild while files ; included through LESS' @import statements are not [stylesheets] ; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ; DokuWiki Default Template Styles ; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ../dokuwiki/css/_imgdetail.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_media_popup.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_media_fullscreen.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_fileuploader.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_tabs.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_links.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_toc.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_footnotes.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_search.less = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_recent.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_diff.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_edit.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_modal.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_forms.css = screen ../dokuwiki/css/_admin.less = screen ../dokuwiki/css/content.less = screen ; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ; sprintDoc Template Styles ; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ; responsive behaviour for structure and areas is handled in style modules ; _____________ basic styles _____________ css/base_vars.less = all css/base.less = all css/base_mixins.less = all css/base_fontello-icons.less = all css/base_structure.less = all css/base_design.less = all ; _____________ area styles _____________ css/area_content.less = all css/area_header.less = all css/area_footer.less = all css/area_footnotes.less = all css/area_msg.less = all css/area_nav-direct.less = all css/area_nav-breadcrumb.less = all css/area_nav-page-attributes.less = all css/area_nav-usertools.less = all css/area_nav-pagetools.less = all css/area_nav-metabox.less = all css/area_main-sidebar-nav.less = all css/area_main-sidebar-tabs.less = all css/area_main-sidebar-search.less = all css/area_main-content.less = all css/area_main-content-secedit.less = all css/area_main-content-anchor.less = all css/area_togglelink.less = all css/area_forms.less = all css/area_search.less = all css/area_tabs.less = all css/area_recent.less = all ; ____________ template styles _____________ css/template_admin.less = all css/template_detail.less = all ; ____________ block styles ________________ css/toollist.less = all ; _____________ plugin styles _____________ css/plugins/popupviewer.less = all css/plugins/magic-matcher.less = all css/plugins/do_tasks.less = all css/plugins/qc.less = all css/plugins/struct.less = all css/plugins/structstatus.less = all css/plugins/bureaucracy.less = all css/plugins/highlight_parent.less = all css/plugins/edit.less = all css/plugins/mediamanager.less = all css/plugins/tabinclude.less = all css/plugins/tagging.less = all css/plugins/edittable.less = all css/plugins/tablelayout.less = all css/plugins/extension__manager.less = all css/plugins/folded.less = all css/plugins/configmanager.less = all css/plugins/starred.less = all css/plugins/sitemapnavi.less = all css/plugins/data.less = all css/plugins/fastwiki.less = all css/plugins/tplinc.less = all css/plugins/translation.less = all ; _____________ print styles _____________ css/print.less = print ; This section is used to configure some placeholder values used in ; the stylesheets. Changing this file is the simplest method to ; give your wiki a new look. ; Placeholders defined here will also be made available as LESS variables ; (with surrounding underscores removed, and the prefix @ini_ added) [replacements] ; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ; guaranteed dokuwiki color placeholders that every plugin can use + template specific placeholders ; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ; main content width (from this ASIDE is calculated) __site_width__ = "73%" ; @ini_site_width ; alternative text and background colors __background_site__ = "#ECECEC" ; @ini_background_site __text_webframe__ = "#696969" ; @ini_text_webframe ; icons: usertools, pagetools, metabox, tabbox __nav_menu_color__ = "#696969" ; @ini_nav_menu_color __nav_menu_hover_color__ = "#286da8" ; @ini_nav_menu_hover_color __nav_menu_hover_bg__ = "#FFF" ; @ini_nav_menu_hover_bg __background__ = "#FFF" ; @ini_background (guaranteed for every plugin) __text__ = "#252525" ; @ini_text (guaranteed for every plugin) __background_neu__ = "#FFF" ; @ini_background_neu (guaranteed for every plugin) __text_neu__ = "#656565" ; @ini_text_neu (guaranteed for every plugin) __background_page_header__ = "#F6F6F6" ; @ini_background_page_header __border_light__ = "#DADADA" ; @ini_border_light __background_page_footer__ = "#252525" ; @ini_background_page_footer ; highlighted text (e.g. search snippets) __highlight__ = "#EFEFEF" ; @ini_highlight (guaranteed for every plugin) __highlight_text__ = "#252525" ; @ini_highlight_text ; these are used for links __existing__ = "#286DA8" ; @ini_existing __missing__ = "#CD5360" ; @ini_missing __link__ = "#286DA8" ; @ini_link ; buttons: submit, links styled like buttons, togglebuttons __button_color__ = "#FFF" ; @ini_button_color __button_background__ = "#286DA8" ; @ini_button_background __background_alt__ = "#F6F6F6" ; @ini_background_alt (guaranteed for every plugin) __text_alt__ = "#454545" ; @ini_text_alt (guaranteed for every plugin) __link_alt__ = "#286DA8" ; @ini_link_alt ; border color __border__ = "#BBB" ; @ini_border (guaranteed for every plugin) __default_border_radius__ = "3px" ; @ini_default_border_radius ; + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ; obsolete ;__sidebar_width__ = "23%" ;__font_family_screen__ = "arial, sans-serif" ;__font_family_menu__ = "arial, sans-serif" ;__font_family_print__ = "times new roman, serif" ;__box_shadow_colored__ = "0 0 .5em rgba(40,109,168,.5)" ;__box_shadow__ = "0 0 .5em rgb(153,153,153,.5)" ;__box_shadow_right_bottom__ = "0.1em 0.3rem 0.5em rgb(153,153,153,.5)" ;__box_shadow_bottom__ = "0 0.1em 0.5em rgb(153,153,153,.5)" ;__box_shadow_offset__ = ".1em .1em .1em rgb(153,153,153,.5)"