/** * This file provides styles for web fonts and icon fonts * (If you add new icons in the fontello set you have to add the icon class and associated character encoding here) */ /* icon font */ .setIconFontFace('fontello','fontello'); .icon, [class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"]{ .fontello(); } /* + + + + + fontello codes + + + + + */ .icon-emo-happy { &::before { content: '\e804'; } } /* '' */ .icon-emo-wink { &::before { content: '\e805'; } } /* '' */ .icon-emo-unhappy { &::before { content: '\e806'; } } /* '' */ .icon-emo-sleep { &::before { content: '\e807'; } } /* '' */ .icon-emo-thumbsup { &::before { content: '\e808'; } } /* '' */ .icon-emo-grin { &::before { content: '\e80c'; } } /* '' */ .icon-emo-angry { &::before { content: '\e80d'; } } /* '' */ .icon-emo-cry { &::before { content: '\e80f'; } } /* '' */ .icon-emo-squint { &::before { content: '\e811'; } } /* '' */ .icon-emo-laugh { &::before { content: '\e812'; } } /* '' */ .icon-emo-wink2 { &::before { content: '\e813'; } } /* '' */ .icon-up { &::before { content: '\e853'; } } /* '' */ .icon-up-small { &::before { content: '\e82f'; } } /* '' */ .icon-up-thick { &::before { content: '\e831'; } } /* '' */ .icon-up-open-big { &::before { content: '\e848'; } } /* '' */ .icon-down { &::before { content: '\e859'; } } /* '' */ .icon-down-small { &::before { content: '\e834'; } } /* '' */ .icon-down-thick { &::before { content: '\e835'; } } /* '' */ .icon-down-bold { &::before { content: '\e883'; } } /* '' */ .icon-right-small { &::before { content: '\e82d'; } } /* '' */ .icon-right-thick { &::before { content: '\e82e'; } } /* '' */ .icon-left-small { &::before { content: '\e836'; } } /* '' */ .icon-left-thick { &::before { content: '\e82c'; } } /* '' */ .icon-left-bold { &::before { content: '\e837'; } } /* '' */ .icon-smile { &::before { content: '\e85e'; } } /* '' */ .icon-frown { &::before { content: '\e84b'; } } /* '' */ .icon-meh { &::before { content: '\e85f'; } } /* '' */ .icon-help { &::before { content: '\e83c'; } } /* '' */ .icon-menu { &::before { content: '\e854'; } } /* '' */ .icon-home { &::before { content: '\e842'; } } /* '' */ .icon-search { &::before { content: '\e855'; } } /* '' */ .icon-user { &::before { content: '\e833'; } } /* '' */ .icon-user-circle { &::before { content: '\e86c'; } } /* '' */ .icon-login { &::before { content: '\e845'; } } /* '' */ .icon-logout { &::before { content: '\e847'; } } /* '' */ .icon-dividers { &::before { content: '\e801'; } } /* '' */ .icon-cog { &::before { content: '\e84e'; } } /* '' */ .icon-cog-alt { &::before { content: '\e818'; } } /* '' */ .icon-attachment { &::before { content: '\e832'; } } /* '' */ .icon-revert-replay { &::before { content: '\e839'; } } /* '' */ .icon-bell { &::before { content: '\e83a'; } } /* '' */ .icon-bookmark-empty { &::before { content: '\e83b'; } } /* '' */ .icon-check { &::before { content: '\e841'; } } /* '' */ .icon-checkbox-marked { &::before { content: '\e844'; } } /* '' */ .icon-down-open-big { &::before { content: '\e846'; } } /* '' */ .icon-star { &::before { content: '\e860'; } } /* '' */ .icon-star-outline { &::before { content: '\e84c'; } } /* '' */ .icon-sitemap { &::before { content: '\e84d'; } } /* '' */ .icon-puzzle { &::before { content: '\e84f'; } } /* '' */ .icon-plus { &::before { content: '\e850'; } } /* '' */ .icon-minus { &::before { content: '\e852'; } } /* '' */ .icon-pencil-1 { &::before { content: '\e851'; } } /* '' */ .icon-clipboard { &::before { content: '\e857'; } } /* '' */ .icon-clipboard-empty { &::before { content: '\e856'; } } /* '' */ .icon-clock { &::before { content: '\e858'; } } /* '' */ .icon-cloud { &::before { content: '\e85a'; } } /* '' */ .icon-mail { &::before { content: '\e85d'; } } /* '' */ .icon-folder-image { &::before { content: '\e809'; } } /* '' */ .icon-file-new { &::before { content: '\e83d'; } } /* '' */ .icon-file { &::before { content: '\e83e'; } } /* '' */ .icon-file-export { &::before { content: '\e80a'; } } /* '' */ .icon-files { &::before { content: '\e849'; } } /* '' */ .icon-comment-question { &::before { content: '\e880'; } } /* '' */ .icon-jira { &::before { content: '\e881'; } } /* '' */ /* + + + + + additional "after" for nav-pagetools + + + + + */ .icon-pencil { &::before, &::after { content: '\e840'; } } .icon-pencil-add { &::before, &::after { content: '\e800'; } } .icon-revisions-history { &::before, &::after { content: '\e803'; } } .icon-link { &::before, &::after { content: '\e843'; } } .icon-file-pdf { &::before, &::after { content: '\e838'; } } .icon-file-xml { &::before, &::after { content: '\e802'; } } .icon-up-bold { &::before, &::after { content: '\e830'; } } .icon-disk { &::before, &::after{ content: '\e85c'; } } .icon-file-text { &::before, &::after{ content: '\e84a'; } } .icon-book-open { &::before, &::after { content: '\e83f'; } } .icon-code-braces { &::before, &::after { content: '\e85b'; } } .icon-code { &::before, &::after { content: '\e861'; } } .icon-right-bold { &::before, &::after { content: '\e882'; } }