// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor. */ function ReadtheDokus() { this._pages; this._options; this._toc = document.getElementById("dw__toc"); this._header = document.querySelector("header"); this._sidebar = document.querySelector("#dokuwiki__aside"); this._delimiter = ( window.location.search.indexOf(":") > -1 ? ":" : "/"); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Run the application. * * @param {Object} options Options. Has following keys: * "selector": selector to the sidebar links. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype.run = function(options) { this._options = options || {}; // Init this._initToc(this._toc); this._initMobileHeader(); var placeHolder = LANG.template.readthedokus.searchform_placeholder; if (placeHolder) { this._sidebar.querySelector("#sidebarheader #qsearch__in").setAttribute("placeholder", placeHolder); } document.body.setAttribute("data-contentlang", document.body.getAttribute("data-id").split(":")[0]); // Embed TOC var selector = options && options["linkSelector"] || ""; this.embedTOC(selector); // Collect page links this.refreshPageLinks(selector); // Anchor jump if (document.location.hash) { var style; var hash = decodeURI(document.location.hash); var elem = document.querySelector(hash); if (elem) { // Hide the jump target element first to prevent the default scroll. style = elem.style.display; elem.style.display = "none"; setTimeout(function(){ elem.style.display = style; this._jumpToAnchor(hash); }.bind(this), 0); // Select the item in TOC var sidebarItem = document.querySelector("#sidebar #dw__toc a[href='" + hash + "']"); if (sidebarItem) { this.expandParentTocMenu(sidebarItem); sidebarItem.click(); } } } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Embed the TOC in the sidebar. Replace an elmenent with the TOC. * * @param {String} selector A selector to the sidebar links. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype.embedTOC = function(selector) { var isFound = false; var sidebarItem; if (JSINFO["ACT"] == "show") { this._enumSidebarLinks(selector, function(elem) { // Embed TOC if the current page id matches to the sidebar link if (!isFound && (elem.getAttribute("data-wiki-id") === JSINFO["id"] || elem.getAttribute("data-wiki-id") === (JSINFO["id"] + ":"))) { if (elem && this._toc) { // Embed elem.parentNode.appendChild(this._toc); elem.style.display = "none"; } isFound = true; sidebarItem = elem; } }.bind(this)); } // Show TOC on top of sidebar if matching item was not found in the sidebar if (!isFound && this._toc ) { this._toc.parentNode.style.display = "block"; } // Scroll the TOC to the top if (this._toc) { this._toc.scrollIntoView(true); } else if (sidebarItem) { sidebarItem.scrollIntoView(true); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Re-collect page links from the side bar and refresh next/prev buttons. * * @param {String} selector A selector to the sidebar links. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype.refreshPageLinks = function(selector) { this._pages = []; // Collect page links this._enumSidebarLinks(selector, function(elem) { this._pages.push(elem.href); }.bind(this)); // Get start page if (this._pages.length > 0) { var startPage = this._getStartPage(this._pages[0], this._delimiter); this._pages.unshift(startPage); /* var list = document.querySelectorAll("#sidebarheader > div.home > a, #pageheader .breadcrumbs > .home > a"); var nodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(list, 0); nodes.forEach(function(elem) { elem.href = this._startPage; }.bind(this)); */ } // Init next/prev buttons this._initPageButtons(); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return the media query value depending on the current screen size. * * @return {String} "pc" for PC, "tb" for Tablets, or "sp" for Smartphones. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype.getMediaQuery = function() { return getComputedStyle(document.querySelector("#__media_query")).getPropertyValue("--media-query").trim() || getComputedStyle(document.querySelector("#__media_query"))["-media-query"].trim(); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Toggle a TOC menu item. * * @param {HTMLElement} elem A TOC item element. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype.toggleTocMenu = function(elem) { var invisible = elem.parentNode.querySelector(".toc").classList.contains("invisible"); if (invisible) { this.expandTocMenu(elem); } else { this.collapseTocMenu(elem); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Expand a TOC menu item. * * @param {HTMLElement} elem A toc item element. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype.expandTocMenu = function(elem) { if (elem && elem.classList.contains("expandable")) { elem.parentNode.querySelector(".toc").classList.remove("invisible"); var i = elem.children[0].children[0].children[0]; i.classList.remove("fa-plus-square"); i.classList.add("fa-minus-square"); var img = elem.children[0].children[0].children[1]; img.classList.remove("plus"); img.classList.add("minus"); img.src= DOKU_BASE + "lib/images/minus.gif"; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Expand all the parent TOC menu of the specified element. * * @param {HTMLElement} elem A toc item element. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype.expandParentTocMenu = function(elem) { var p = elem.parentNode; while (p) { if (p.classList.contains("toc")) { if (p.previousElementSibling && p.previousElementSibling.classList.contains("expandable")) { this.expandTocMenu(p.previousElementSibling); } } if (p.id === "dw__toc") { break; } p = p.parentNode; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Collapse a TOC menu item. * * @param {HTMLElement} elem A toc item element. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype.collapseTocMenu = function(elem) { if (elem && elem.classList.contains("expandable")) { elem.parentNode.querySelector(".toc").classList.add("invisible"); var i = elem.children[0].children[0].children[0]; i.classList.remove("fa-minus-square"); i.classList.add("fa-plus-square"); var img = elem.children[0].children[0].children[1]; img.classList.remove("minus"); img.classList.add("plus"); img.src=DOKU_BASE + "lib/images/plus.gif"; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Toggle the sidebar. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype.toggleSidebar = function() { var mq = this.getMediaQuery(); if (mq == "pc" || mq == "tb") { document.querySelector("#dokuwiki__site").classList.toggle("showSidebar"); } else { document.querySelector("#dokuwiki__site").classList.toggle("showSidebarSP"); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Show the sidebar. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype.showSidebar = function() { var mq = this.getMediaQuery(); if (mq == "pc" || mq == "tb") { document.querySelector("#dokuwiki__site").classList.add("showSidebar"); } else { document.querySelector("#dokuwiki__site").classList.add("showSidebarSP"); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Hide the sidebar. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype.hideSidebar = function() { if (dokus.getMediaQuery() == "pc" || dokus.getMediaQuery() == "tb") { document.querySelector("#dokuwiki__site").classList.remove("showSidebar"); } else { document.querySelector("#dokuwiki__site").classList.remove("showSidebarSP"); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Privates // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Enumerates the sidebar links and call the callback function on each item. * * @param {String} selector A selector to select link nodes. * @param {Function} callback A callback function. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype._enumSidebarLinks = function(selector, callback) { callback = ( typeof callback === "function" ? callback : function(){} ); selector = selector || ".aside > #sidebar a[data-wiki-id]"; var links = this._sidebar.querySelectorAll(selector); var nodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(links, 0); nodes.forEach(function(elem) { callback(elem); }); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Build and return the start page id. * * @param {String} basePage A base page for the start page. * @param {String} delimiter An id delimiter char. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype._getStartPage = function(basePage, delimiter) { var result = document.querySelector("#sidebarheader > div.home > a").href; /* if (basePage && delimiter) { var re = new RegExp("\\" + delimiter + "[^\\" + delimiter + "]*[^\\" + delimiter + "]*$"); result = basePage.replace(re, "").replace(re, "") + delimiter + "start"; } */ return result; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Initialize the TOC menu. * * @param {HTMLElement} toc A TOC HTML element. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype._initToc = function(toc) { if (toc) { this._installTocSelectHandler(); this._installTocMenuHandler(); this._installTocJumpHandler(); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Install a click handler to highlight and expand a TOC menu item. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype._installTocSelectHandler = function() { var list = this._toc.querySelectorAll(".level1 div.li"); var nodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(list, 0); nodes.forEach(function(elem) { elem.addEventListener("click", function(e) { // Get the level2 parent element let p = this._getParent(elem, "level2"); // Remove all "current" class var list2 = this._toc.querySelectorAll(".current"); var nodes2 = Array.prototype.slice.call(list2, 0); nodes2.forEach(function(elem) { elem.classList.remove("current"); }); // Add "current" class to the clicked item and its level2 parent if (p) { p.parentNode.classList.add("current"); p.classList.add("current"); elem.classList.add("current"); elem.scrollIntoView(true); } // Expand the item this.expandTocMenu(elem); // Fold all the other level2 items var list3 = this._toc.querySelectorAll(".level2 > div.li.expandable"); var nodes3 = Array.prototype.slice.call(list3, 0); nodes3.forEach(function(item) { if (item != p) { this.collapseTocMenu(item); } }.bind(this)); e.stopPropagation(); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Install a click handler to expand/collapse a TOC menu item. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype._installTocMenuHandler = function() { // Search for TOC menu items which have children var list = this._toc.querySelectorAll("div.li"); var nodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(list, 0); nodes.forEach(function(elem) { if (elem.parentNode.querySelector(".toc")) { elem.classList.add("expandable"); // Insert +/- fontawesome icon and image elem.children[0].insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", '
'); // Install click handler elem.children[0].children[0].addEventListener("click", function(e) { this.toggleTocMenu(elem); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }.bind(this)); // Only level1 menu items are open at start if (!elem.parentNode.classList.contains("level1")) { this.collapseTocMenu(elem); } } // Install a click handler to move an clicked item to top elem.addEventListener("click", function() { elem.scrollIntoView(true); }); }.bind(this)); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Install a click handler to jump to the anchor taking the fixed header height into account. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype._installTocJumpHandler = function() { var list = document.querySelectorAll('a[href*="#"]'); var nodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(list, 0); nodes.forEach(function(elem){ elem.addEventListener("click", function(e) { var href = elem.getAttribute("href"); var hash; // Do anchor jump if the link destination is in the same page if (href.substring(0,1) == "#" || elem.getAttribute("title") == document.body.getAttribute("data-id")) { var index = href.indexOf("#"); hash = href.substring(index); this._jumpToAnchor(hash); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Jump to an anchor taking the header height in account. * * @param {HTMLElement} elem An HTML element. * @param {String} level A depth level. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype._jumpToAnchor = function(hash) { var target = document.querySelector(hash); if (target) { // Jump to Anchor location.href = hash; // Get Header Height var headerHeight = this._header.offsetHeight; if (dokus.getMediaQuery() == "sp") { this.hideSidebar(); } // Scroll to the position of Target Element + Header Height var top = target.getBoundingClientRect().top; window.scrollTo(0, window.pageYOffset + top - headerHeight); } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return a specified level parent TOC item of the specified element. * * @param {HTMLElement} elem An HTML element. * @param {String} level A depth level. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype._getParent = function(elem, level) { let current = elem.parentNode; while (current && !current.classList.contains("level1")) { if (current.classList.contains(level)) { return current.children[0]; } current = current.parentNode.parentNode; } return null; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Initialize the mobile header. Add a click event listener to toggle the sidebar. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype._initMobileHeader = function() { // Add click event handler for mobile menu document.getElementById("btn-mobilemenu").addEventListener("click", function(){ this.toggleSidebar(); }.bind(this)); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Initialize previous/next page buttons. Show/hide buttons depending on the current page index. */ ReadtheDokus.prototype._initPageButtons = function() { // Get current page (remove hash) and index var currentPage = window.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, ""); var currentPageIndex = this._pages.indexOf(currentPage); // Show prev button if (currentPageIndex > 0) { document.getElementById("btn-prevpage").classList.remove("invisible"); document.getElementById("btn-prevpage").href = this._pages[currentPageIndex - 1]; } // Show next button if (currentPageIndex > -1 && currentPageIndex < this._pages.length - 1) { document.getElementById("btn-nextpage").classList.remove("invisible"); document.getElementById("btn-nextpage").href = this._pages[currentPageIndex + 1]; } };