/lang.php * - /lib/tpl/prsnl10/lang//settings.php * If they are not existing, copy and translate the English ones. * * Don't forget to mail your translation to ARSAVA . * Thanks! :-D * * * LICENSE: This file is open source software (OSS) and may be copied under * certain conditions. See COPYING file for details or try to contact * the author(s) of this file in doubt. * * @license GPLv2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl2.html) * @author Jacob Palm * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:prsnl10 * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/config:lang * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:configuration */ //check if we are running within the DokuWiki environment if (!defined("DOKU_INC")){ die(); } //links $lang["prsnl10_lnk_print"] = "Udskriftsvenlig udgave"; $lang["prsnl10_lnk_permrev"] = "Permanent link"; $lang["prsnl10_lnk_whatlinkshere"] = "Hvad linker hertil"; $lang["prsnl10_lnk_siteindex"] = "Indeks"; //other $lang["prsnl10_search"] = "Søg"; $lang["prsnl10_accessdenied"] = "Adgang nægtet"; $lang["prsnl10_fillplaceholder"] = "Udfyld venligst (eller deaktiver) denne pladsholder"; $lang["prsnl10_donate"] = "Doner"; $lang["prsnl10_templatefordw"] = "prsnl10 template til DokuWiki"; $lang["prsnl10_recentchanges"] = "Nylige ændringer";