/****************************************************************************** ******************************** ATTENTION ********************************* DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE, IT WILL NOT BE PRESERVED ON UPDATES! ****************************************************************************** If you want to add some own screen CSS, have a look at the README of this template and "/user/screen.css". You have been warned! *****************************************************************************/ /* This template includes CSS from the "starter" DokuWiki template by Anika Henke (brings important and basic styling for syntax and core features). These files will be included BEFORE this specific CSS file. In this file, I just overwrite non fitting DokuWiki "starter" CSS + add some CSS for some exclusive objects of this template. Why I am doing this? Well, read . */ /****************************************************************************** ******** Most basic styles ************ ******** Originally based on starter template's basic.css ************ ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ************ ******************************************************************************/ html, body { padding: 0; color: __text__; } html { margin: 0; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: scroll; background-color: transparent; } body { margin: 0 auto; background: #e4e4e4 url(images/background.png) repeat-x 0 0; font: normal 100%/1.4em Verdana,'Liberation Sans',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; /* same font stack should be used for ".dokuwiki div.toc" */ } h1, h1 a, h2, h2 a, h3, h3 a, h4, h4 a, h5, h5 a, h6, h6 a { font-family: 'Droid Sans','Liberation Sans',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; /* same font stack should be used for ".dokuwiki div.tocheader" */ font-weight: normal; color: __text__; background-color: inherit; line-height: 1.4em !important; text-align: left; border: none; padding: 0; clear: left; /* ideally 'both', but problems with toc */ } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { padding: 0.5em 0 0; margin: 0.3em auto 0.1em 0 !important; } h1 { font-size: 2.286em; /* 32px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ line-height: 2.857em; /* 40px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ } h2 { font-size: 1.714em; /* 24px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ } h3 { font-size: 1.286em; /* 18px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ } h4 { font-size: 1.143em; /* 16px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ } h5, h6 { font-size: 1em; /* 14px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ } .dokuwiki div.page h1:first-child, /* remove top margin from headlines when there is no text above */ .dokuwiki div.page h2:first-child, .dokuwiki div.page h3:first-child { margin-top: 0 !important; } caption, legend { background-color: inherit; padding: 0; line-height: 1.2em; font-family: inherit; font-weight: normal; color: __text__; clear: none; } legend { text-align: left; /* needed for webkit browsers */ } /* basic margins and paddings */ p, ul, ol, dl, pre, table, hr, blockquote, fieldset, address { margin: 0 0 1.4em 0; padding: 0; } div { margin: 0; padding: 0; } /* lists */ ul, ol { padding: 0 0 0 1.5em; } li, dd { padding: 0; margin: 0 0 0 1.5em; } dt { font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; } li ul, li ol, li dl, dl ul, dl ol, dl dl { margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0; } li li { font-size: 100%; } ul { list-style: disc outside; } ol { list-style: decimal outside; } ol ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } ol ol ol { list-style-type: upper-roman; } ol ol ol ol { list-style-type: upper-alpha; } ol ol ol ol ol { list-style-type: lower-roman; } /* tables */ table { border-collapse: collapse; empty-cells: show; border-spacing: 0; border: 1px solid __border__; } caption { caption-side: top; text-align: left; margin: 0 0 .3em; } th, td { padding: .3em .5em; margin: 0; vertical-align: top; border: 1px solid __border__; text-align: left; } th { font-weight: bold; background-color: __background_alt__; } /* links */ a:link, a:link:active, a:visited, a:visited:active { text-decoration: none; color: __existing__; } a:link:hover, a:link:focus, a:link:active, a:visited:hover, a:visited:focus, a:visited:active { text-decoration: none; border-bottom: none; } a:link:focus, a:visited:focus { outline: 1px dotted; } /* misc */ img { border-width: 0; vertical-align: middle; color: #666; background-color: transparent; font-style: italic; } hr { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px 0 0; text-align: center; height: 0; width: 100%; clear: both; } acronym, abbr { cursor: help; border-bottom: 1px dotted; font-style: normal; } em acronym, em abbr, i acronym, i abbr { font-style: italic; } pre, code, samp, kbd { font-family: Consolas,monospace; /* same font stack should be used for ".dokuwiki table.diff td" and ".dokuwiki textarea.edit" */ font-size: 1em; direction: ltr; text-align: left; } pre { overflow: auto; } pre, code { background-color: transparent !important; } blockquote { padding: 0 0.75em; border: solid #606060; border-width: 0 0 0 .25em; } q:before, q:after { content: ''; } sub, sup { font-size: .8em; line-height: 1; } sub { vertical-align: sub; } sup { vertical-align: super; } /* forms */ form { display: inline; margin: 0; padding: 0; } fieldset { padding: 1em 1em 0; border: 1px solid __text_alt__; } legend { margin: 0; padding: 0 .1em; } label { vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; } input, textarea, button, select, optgroup, option { font: inherit; color: inherit; /* background-color destroys button look */ line-height: 1; margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; } input[type=text], input[type=password], textarea { padding: .1em; } input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox], input.check { padding: 0; } input[type=submit], input.button, button { cursor: pointer; } input[disabled], button[disabled], input[readonly], button[readonly] { cursor: auto; } optgroup { font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; } option { font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; } /* general classes */ div.clearer { /* additional to what's already in DokuWiki's lib/styles/all.css: */ font-size: 1px; visibility: hidden; } .a11y { position: absolute; left: -9000px; top: -4000px; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden; display: inline; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Main design styles for the page content ************ ******** Originally based on starter template's content.css ************ ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ************ ******************************************************************************/ .dokuwiki { font-size: 0.875em !important; /* 14px (base: 16px from browser) */ line-height: 1.8em !important; } .dokuwiki p, .dokuwiki ul, .dokuwiki ol, .dokuwiki dl, .dokuwiki pre, .dokuwiki table, .dokuwiki hr, .dokuwiki blockquote, .dokuwiki fieldset, .dokuwiki address { margin: 0 0 1em; /* =14px (base 25px = 1.8em line-height) */ } .dokuwiki ul ul, .dokuwiki ul ol, .dokuwiki ol ul, .dokuwiki ol ol { margin-bottom: 0; } /* code */ .dokuwiki pre, .dokuwiki tt, .dokuwiki code, .dokuwiki samp, .dokuwiki kbd { background-color: __background_alt__; color: __text__; } .dokuwiki em.u code { /* fix if background-color hides underlining */ text-decoration: underline; } .dokuwiki pre { padding: 0.5em; border: 1px dashed __border__; line-height: 1.3em; } .dokuwiki pre.file, .dokuwiki pre.code { line-height: 1.3em; font-size: 0.929em; /* =13px (base 14px) */ background-color: __background_alt__ !important; } .dokuwiki dl.file dt, .dokuwiki dl.code dt { background-color: __background_alt__; border: solid __border__; border-width: 1px 1px 0; color: inherit; display: inline; padding: 1px .5em; margin-left: 1em; line-height: 1.1em; font-size: 0.929em; /* =13px (base 14px) */ font-weight: normal; font-family: Consolas,monospace; } .dokuwiki dl.code dt a, .dokuwiki dl.file dt a { color: __text__; border-bottom: 0; padding-left: 18px; } .dokuwiki dl.code dt a:hover, .dokuwiki dl.code dt a:active, .dokuwiki dl.file dt a:hover, .dokuwiki dl.file dt a:active { text-decoration: underline; } .dokuwiki dl.code dd, .dokuwiki dl.file dd { margin: 0; } /* tables */ th, td { border: 0; } td[align="right"], th[align="right"] { text-align: right; } .dokuwiki table.inline th, .dokuwiki table.inline tr { border: 1px solid #606060; } .dokuwiki table.inline td { border: 1px solid __text_alt__; } .dokuwiki table.inline th { color: inherit; background-color: __background_neu__; } .dokuwiki table.inline tr { background-color: __background_alt__; } .dokuwiki table.inline tr:hover th, .dokuwiki table.inline th:hover { background-color: __background__; } .dokuwiki table.inline tr:hover td { background-color: __background_neu__; } /* embedded images (styles are already partly set in DokuWiki's lib/styles/all.css) */ .dokuwiki img.medialeft { margin: .5em 1.5em .5em 0; } .dokuwiki img.mediaright { margin: .5em 0 .5em 1.5em; } .dokuwiki img.mediacenter { margin: .5em auto; } /* messages with msg() / message are */ div.error, div.info, div.success, div.notify { background-position: .5em 4px; } /****************************************************************************** **************** Styles for the template itself, structure ******************* ******************************************************************************/ div#pagewrap { margin: 15px auto; background-color: transparent; padding: 0 30px; width: 890px; /* =width of 950px cause of 2*30px padding */ } #tmpl_header { width: 100%; height: 80px; padding: 0; margin: 0 0 2.5em 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #606060; } #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_left { position: relative; float: left; width: 60%; height: 100%; } #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_right { position: relative; float: right; width: 39%; /* let 1% space for browser rounding errors */ height: 100%; line-height: 22px; /* px instead of em to get a cross-browser reliable baseline with the txt logo */ } #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_logo { position: absolute; bottom: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; } #tmpl_header p { margin-bottom: 0; } .dokuwiki div#content { width: 100%; min-height: 870px; padding: 0; } .dokuwiki .page { padding: 0 0 2em 0; margin: 0; } /* header: dynamic text logo */ #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_logo a.tmpl_header_logo_txt, #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_logo a.tmpl_header_logo_txt:visited, #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_logo a.tmpl_header_logo_txt:hover, #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_logo a.tmpl_header_logo_txt:active { font-family: 'Droid Sans','Liberation Sans',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 48px; /* px instead of em to get a cross-browser reliable... */ line-height: 59px; /* ...baseline with the header nav within tmpl_header_right */ vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: __text__; text-transform: uppercase; margin: 0; padding: 0; outline: 0; } /* header: image base logo (-> prsnl10/user/logo.[png|gif|jpeg]) */ #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_logo #tmpl_header_logo_img, #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_logo a, #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_logo a:link, #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_logo a:visited, #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_logo a:hover, #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_logo a:active { text-decoration: none; border: 0 none; margin: 0; padding: 0; outline: 0 none; } /* header: optional navigation */ #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_nav { position: absolute; bottom: 0; font-family: 'Droid Sans','Liberation Sans',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 112.5%; /* 18px (base: 16px) */ margin-bottom: 8px; width: 100%; text-align: right; } #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_nav a, #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_nav a:visited { color: __text__; text-transform: uppercase; text-decoration: none; border: 0 none; outline: 0 none; } #tmpl_header #tmpl_header_nav a:hover { color: __text__; text-transform: uppercase; text-decoration: underline; border: 0 none; outline: 0 none; } #tmpl_footer { border-top: 1px solid #606060; margin: 1em 0; padding: 0.2em 0; font-size: 0.714em; /* 10px (base: 14px) */ color: __text_neu__; text-align: center; } #tmpl_footer a, #tmpl_footer a:link, #tmpl_footer a:visited { color: __text_neu__; border-bottom: none !important; } #tmpl_footer a:hover { color: __existing__; } #tmpl_footer #tmpl_footer_actlinksleft { float: left; margin-right: 1.5em; } #tmpl_footer #tmpl_footer_actlinksright { float: right; } #tmpl_footer #tmpl_footer_metainfo { margin-top: 1em; } #tmpl_footer a[rel=license] { margin-left: 5px; } /* more width for all admin and edit actions */ div#pagewrap.admin { width: 95%; max-width: 1100px !important; padding: auto 15px; } div#pagewrap.admin div#content { width: 100%; } /* admin menu: config manager */ .dokuwiki #config__manager fieldset { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #606060; } /* admin menu: acl manager tree */ .dokuwiki div#acl_manager div#acl__tree { background-color: __background_alt__; } /* admin menu: plugin manager */ .dokuwiki div#plugin__manager form.plugins input[type=checkbox] { margin-top: 0.5em; } /* admin menu: plugin manager - more space for plugin info */ .dokuwiki div#plugin__manager dl { font-size: 0.857em; /* 12px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ } .dokuwiki div#plugin__manager dt { width: 11em; font-weight: bold; } .dokuwiki div#plugin__manager dd { margin-left: 11em; } /* "remeber me" checkbox, login */ .dokuwiki form#dw__login input.edit { font-weight: normal; margin-left: 0.4em; margin-right: 0.4em; } .dokuwiki form#dw__login label.simple { text-align: center; padding-bottom: 0.4em; } .dokuwiki form#dw__register input.edit { font-weight: normal; margin-left: 0.4em; } .dokuwiki form#dw__register fieldset { width: 490px; } /* taken from starter template's design.css: license note in footer and under edit window */ .dokuwiki div.license { font-size: 93.75%; } /* taken from starter template's design.css: JS popup */ .JSpopup { background-color: __background__; color: __text__; border: 1px solid __border__; line-height: 1.2; padding: 0 .2em; } .JSpopup ul, .JSpopup ol { padding-left: 0; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Adjust the starter template styles: _diff.css ************ ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ************ ******************************************************************************/ .dokuwiki table.diff td { font-family: Consolas,monospace; /* same font stack should be used for "pre, code, samp, kbd" and ".dokuwiki textarea.edit" */ font-size: 0.857em; /* 12px (base: 14px) */ } .dokuwiki table.diff th { font-size: 0.779em; /* 12px (base: 15.4px) */ } .dokuwiki table.diff td.diff-addedline, .dokuwiki table.diff td.diff-deletedline, .dokuwiki table.diff td.diff-context { padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Adjust the starter template styles: _links.css ************ ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ************ ******************************************************************************/ /* wikilink1 = existing wikipage wikilink2 = not existing wikipage */ .dokuwiki a.wikilink1, .dokuwiki a.wikilink1:link, .dokuwiki a.wikilink1:visited { color: __existing__; border-bottom: 1px dashed __existing__; } .dokuwiki a.wikilink2, .dokuwiki a.wikilink2:link, .dokuwiki a.wikilink2:visited { color: __missing__; border-bottom: 1px dashed __missing__; } .dokuwiki a.wikilink1:hover, .dokuwiki a.wikilink1:focus, .dokuwiki a.wikilink1:active, .dokuwiki a.wikilink2:hover, .dokuwiki a.wikilink2:focus, .dokuwiki a.wikilink2:active { border-bottom: 0 none !important; } /* external link */ .dokuwiki a.urlextern { padding-left: 0; background: 0 none; border-bottom: 1px dashed __existing__ !important; } .dokuwiki a.urlextern:active, .dokuwiki a.urlextern:hover { border-bottom: 0 none !important; } /* special links */ .dokuwiki a.windows, .dokuwiki a.mail, .dokuwiki a.mediafile, .dokuwiki a.interwiki { border-bottom: 1px dashed __existing__; } .dokuwiki a.windows:hover, .dokuwiki a.windows:active, .dokuwiki a.mail:hover, .dokuwiki a.mail:active, .dokuwiki a.mediafile:hover, .dokuwiki a.mediafile:active, .dokuwiki a.interwiki:hover, .dokuwiki a.interwiki:active { border-bottom: 0 none; } /* any link to current page */ .dokuwiki span.curid a { font-weight: normal; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Adjust the starter template styles: _toc.css ************ ******** Old Table of contents (TOC), until DokuWiki 2012-01-25 ************ ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ************ ******************************************************************************/ .dokuwiki div.toc { float: left; font-family: Verdana,'Liberation Sans',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; margin: 0 0 1.5em; padding: 0; width: 100%; clear: both; background-color: transparent; } .dokuwiki div.toc div.tocheader { font-family: 'Droid Sans','Liberation Sans',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 1.429em; /* 20px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ font-weight: normal; } .dokuwiki div.toc #toc__header { background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #606060; padding: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0; } /* see http://jonrohan.me/guide/css/creating-triangles-in-css/ for info about css arrows */ .dokuwiki div.toc span.toc_open, .dokuwiki div.toc span.toc_close { border-color: transparent; } .dokuwiki div.toc span.toc_open { border-top-color: __text__ !important; } .dokuwiki div.toc span.toc_close { border-bottom-color: __text__ !important; } .dokuwiki div.toc #toc__inside { background-color: transparent; border-right: 1px dotted #606060; border-left: 1px dotted #606060; border-bottom: 1px dotted #606060; color: __text__; padding-bottom: 7px !important; } .dokuwiki div.toc #toc__inside ul, .dokuwiki div.toc #toc__inside ul ul { padding-left: 1.7em; } .dokuwiki div.toc #toc__inside ul li { list-style: circle; } .dokuwiki div.toc #toc__inside a, .dokuwiki div.toc #toc__inside a:visited { color: __text__; } .dokuwiki div.toc #toc__inside a, .dokuwiki div.toc #toc__inside a:visited { color: __text__; } .dokuwiki div.toc #toc__inside a:hover, .dokuwiki div.toc #toc__inside a:active { border-bottom: 1px dashed __text__; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Adjust the starter template styles: _toc.css ************ ******** New Table of contents (TOC), since DokuWiki 2012-09-10 ************ ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ************ ******************************************************************************/ div.dokuwiki #dw__toc { margin: 2.4em 0 0 2em; float: right; width: 200px; font-family: Verdana,'Liberation Sans',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 90%; background-color: transparent; } div.dokuwiki #dw__toc h3 { font-family: 'Droid Sans','Liberation Sans',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 1em; /* 20px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ font-weight: bold; background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid #606060; padding: 0.2em 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0; } div.dokuwiki #dw__toc h3 strong { margin-top: 0.2em; } div.dokuwiki #dw__toc h3 ~ div { background-color: transparent; border-right: 1px dotted #606060; border-left: 1px dotted #606060; border-bottom: 1px dotted #606060; color: __text__; padding-bottom: 7px !important; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 7px; } .dokuwiki #dw__toc ul, .dokuwiki #dw__toc ul ul { padding-left: 1em; } .dokuwiki #dw__toc ul li { list-style: circle; } .dokuwiki #dw__toc a, .dokuwiki #dw__toc a:visited { color: __text__; } .dokuwiki #dw__toc a, .dokuwiki #dw__toc a:visited { color: __text__; } .dokuwiki #dw__toc a:hover, .dokuwiki #dw__toc a:active { border-bottom: 1px dashed __text__; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Adjust the starter template styles: _footnotes.css ********** ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ********** ******************************************************************************/ /* JSpopup */ div.insitu-footnote { background-color: #f7f9fa; border: 1px solid __border__; padding: 3px 7px 3px 10px; font-size: 0.857em; /* 12px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ } .dokuwiki div.footnotes { font-size: 0.857em; /* 12px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ border-top: 1px dotted #606060; } /* link to text from footnote at bottom */ .dokuwiki div.footnotes div.fn sup a.fn_bot { font-weight: normal; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Adjust the starter template styles: _forms.css ********** ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ********** ******************************************************************************/ .dokuwiki fieldset { margin: auto; } /* normal buttons */ .dokuwiki input.button, .dokuwiki button.button { background: __text__ none !important; border: 1px solid __text__; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px !important; padding: 5px 6px; line-height: 1.333em; } .dokuwiki input.button[type=image], .dokuwiki button.button[type=image] { background: none; background-color: transparent !important; border: 0; padding: 0; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Adjust the starter template styles: _edit.css ************ ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ************ ******************************************************************************/ /* nice alphatransparency background for toolbar except for IE <7 */ html>body button.toolbutton { background: __background__ url(images/buttonshadow.png) repeat-x bottom; } /* buttons: section edit at wiki page */ .dokuwiki div.secedit input.button { color: __background_neu__ !important; background: none !important; border: none; } .dokuwiki div.secedit input.button:hover { color: __existing__ !important; } .dokuwiki textarea.edit, .dokuwiki input.edit, .dokuwiki select.edit { border: 1px solid #606060; background-color: #fff; } .dokuwiki div.preview { border-color: #606060; } .dokuwiki textarea.edit { line-height: 1.214em; /* 17px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ font-family: Consolas,monospace; /* same font stack should be used for "pre, code, samp, kbd" and ".dokuwiki table.diff td" */ } div.picker { background-color: #ebebeb; } /* buttons inside of picker */ div.picker button.pickerbutton { border: 0; background-color: #ebebeb; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Adjust the starter template styles: _imgdetail.css ************ ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ************ ******************************************************************************/ #dokuwiki__detail { padding-left: 2.5em; } #dokuwiki__detail h1 { margin-bottom: 20px !important; padding: 0; line-height: 1em; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Adjust the starter template styles: _media_popup.css ********** ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ********** ******************************************************************************/ html.popup { background-image: none; background-color: #fff; font-size: 14px; } html.popup body { background-image: none; background-color: #fff; } html.popup #media__content a.select { text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 0 none; } html.popup #media__content a.select:hover { text-decoration: underline; } html.popup #media__manager button { /* nice alphatransparency background for toolbar except for IE <7 */ background: #fff url(images/buttonshadow.png) repeat-x bottom !important; border: 2px; border-color: #ebebeb; padding: 0 6px; } html.popup #media__popup { background-color: __background_neu__; width: 310px; } html.popup #media__manager h1, html.popup #media__manager h2, html.popup #media__popup h1, html.popup #media__popup h2 { line-height: 1em; margin-top: 0 !important; padding-top: 2px; } html.popup html.popup #media__opts { padding-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; } html.popup #media__opts input { float: left; display: block; margin-top: 4px; position: absolute; } *+html.popup #media__opts input, * html.popup #media__opts input { position: static; } html.popup #media__opts label { display: block; float: left; margin-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 4px; } *+html.popup #media__opts label, * html.popup #media__opts label { margin-left: 10px; } html.popup #media__opts br { clear: left; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Adjust the starter template styles: _media_fullscreen.css ********** ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ********** ******************************************************************************/ #mediamanager__page h2, #mediamanager__page h3 { font-size: 12px !important; font-family: Verdana,'Liberation Sans',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; line-height: 1.5em !important; font-weight: normal !important; padding: 3px 10px !important; } #mediamanager__page div.namespaces h2 { margin-left: 0.3em !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; padding-top: 0.5em !important; padding-bottom: 0.6em !important; } #mediamanager__page div.namespaces div.panelHeader { font-size: 12px; padding-top: 5px; } #mediamanager__page h3, #mediamanager__page ul.tabs li { margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; font-size: 12px; } #mediamanager__page .panelHeader ul { list-style-image: none !important; } #mediamanager__page .panelHeader ul .ui-buttonset { font-size: 12px ; } #mediamanager__page .panelHeader ul li.ui-buttonset { background-position: 3px 0; padding-bottom: 3px; } #mediamanager__page .panelHeader div.no input.button { padding: 1px; line-height: 1em; } /* The ".mediamanagerfix" class gets assigned in main.php for the full screen media manager only. */ .dokuwiki div#content.mediamanagerfix { min-height: 0; /* the automatic resize (JS) has many problems if a parent container got a min-height */ } .dokuwiki div#content.mediamanagerfix h1 { line-height: 1em; margin-top: -15px !important; margin-bottom: 15px !important; } /****************************************************************************** ******** Adjust the starter template styles: _modal.css ********** ******** Have a look at http://j.mp/eq8zSo for more information ********** ******************************************************************************/ #link__wiz { width: 350px; height: 290px; line-height: 1.357em; /* 19px, base 14px (see ".dokuwiki") */ text-align: center; } #link__wiz_header { line-height: 1em; } #link__wiz_result { width: 343px; height: 233px; } #link__wiz_result a:link, #link__wiz_result a:link:active, #link__wiz_result a:visited, #link__wiz_result a:visited:active { text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 0 none; } #link__wiz_result a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } /****************************************************************************** ************************* Additional Plugin CSS ****************************** ******************************************************************************/ /* bureaucracy */ .dokuwiki form.bureaucracy__plugin fieldset { border: 1px dotted #606060; } .dokuwiki form.bureaucracy__plugin label span, .dokuwiki form.bureaucracy__plugin input.edit, .dokuwiki form.bureaucracy__plugin textarea.edit { text-align: left !important; margin: auto 5px; float: none !important; width: 96% !important; min-width: 96%; max-width: 96%; } /* gallery plugin */ .dokuwiki .gallery table, .dokuwiki .gallery td { border: 0 none; }