/*! Slimbox v2.05 - The ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone for jQuery (c) 2007-2013 Christophe Beyls MIT-style license. */ (function (w) { var E = w(window), u, f, F = -1, n, x, D, v, y, L, r, m = !window.XMLHttpRequest, s = [], l = document.documentElement, k = {}, t = new Image(), J = new Image(), H, a, g, p, I, d, G, c, A, K; w(function () { w("body").append(w([H = w('
').click(C)[0], a = w('
')[0], G = w('
')[0]]).css("display", "none")); g = w('
').appendTo(a).append(p = w('
').append([I = w('').click(B)[0], d = w('').click(e)[0]])[0])[0]; c = w('
').appendTo(G).append([w('').click(C)[0], A = w('
')[0], K = w('
')[0], w('
')[0]])[0] }); w.slimbox = function (O, N, M) { u = w.extend({loop: false, overlayOpacity: 0.8, overlayFadeDuration: 400, resizeDuration: 400, resizeEasing: "swing", initialWidth: 250, initialHeight: 250, imageFadeDuration: 400, captionAnimationDuration: 400, counterText: "Image {x} of {y}", closeKeys: [27, 88, 67], previousKeys: [37, 80], nextKeys: [39, 78]}, M); if (typeof O == "string") { O = [ [O, N] ]; N = 0 } y = E.scrollTop() + (E.height() / 2); L = u.initialWidth; r = u.initialHeight; w(a).css({top: Math.max(0, y - (r / 2)), width: L, height: r, marginLeft: -L / 2}).show(); v = m || (H.currentStyle && (H.currentStyle.position != "fixed")); if (v) { H.style.position = "absolute" } w(H).css("opacity", u.overlayOpacity).fadeIn(u.overlayFadeDuration); z(); j(1); f = O; u.loop = u.loop && (f.length > 1); return b(N) }; w.fn.slimbox = function (M, P, O) { P = P || function (Q) { return[Q.href, Q.title] }; O = O || function () { return true }; var N = this; return N.unbind("click").click(function () { var S = this, U = 0, T, Q = 0, R; T = w.grep(N, function (W, V) { return O.call(S, W, V) }); for (R = T.length; Q < R; ++Q) { if (T[Q] == S) { U = Q } T[Q] = P(T[Q], Q) } return w.slimbox(T, U, M) }) }; function z() { var N = E.scrollLeft(), M = E.width(); w([a, G]).css("left", N + (M / 2)); if (v) { w(H).css({left: N, top: E.scrollTop(), width: M, height: E.height()}) } } function j(M) { if (M) { w("object").add(m ? "select" : "embed").each(function (O, P) { s[O] = [P, P.style.visibility]; P.style.visibility = "hidden" }) } else { w.each(s, function (O, P) { P[0].style.visibility = P[1] }); s = [] } var N = M ? "bind" : "unbind"; E[N]("scroll resize", z); w(document)[N]("keydown", o) } function o(O) { var N = O.which, M = w.inArray; return(M(N, u.closeKeys) >= 0) ? C() : (M(N, u.nextKeys) >= 0) ? e() : (M(N, u.previousKeys) >= 0) ? B() : null } function B() { return b(x) } function e() { return b(D) } function b(M) { if (M >= 0) { F = M; n = f[F][0]; x = (F || (u.loop ? f.length : 0)) - 1; D = ((F + 1) % f.length) || (u.loop ? 0 : -1); q(); a.className = "lbLoading"; k = new Image(); k.onload = i; k.src = n } return false } function i() { a.className = ""; w(g).css({backgroundImage: "url(" + n + ")", visibility: "hidden", display: ""}); w(p).width(k.width); w([p, I, d]).height(k.height); w(A).html(f[F][1] || ""); w(K).html((((f.length > 1) && u.counterText) || "").replace(/{x}/, F + 1).replace(/{y}/, f.length)); if (x >= 0) { t.src = f[x][0] } if (D >= 0) { J.src = f[D][0] } L = g.offsetWidth; r = g.offsetHeight; var M = Math.max(0, y - (r / 2)); if (a.offsetHeight != r) { w(a).animate({height: r, top: M}, u.resizeDuration, u.resizeEasing) } if (a.offsetWidth != L) { w(a).animate({width: L, marginLeft: -L / 2}, u.resizeDuration, u.resizeEasing) } w(a).queue(function () { w(G).css({width: L, top: M + r, marginLeft: -L / 2, visibility: "hidden", display: ""}); w(g).css({display: "none", visibility: "", opacity: ""}).fadeIn(u.imageFadeDuration, h) }) } function h() { if (x >= 0) { w(I).show() } if (D >= 0) { w(d).show() } w(c).css("marginTop", -c.offsetHeight).animate({marginTop: 0}, u.captionAnimationDuration); G.style.visibility = "" } function q() { k.onload = null; k.src = t.src = J.src = n; w([a, g, c]).stop(true); w([I, d, g, G]).hide() } function C() { if (F >= 0) { q(); F = x = D = -1; w(a).hide(); w(H).stop().fadeOut(u.overlayFadeDuration, j) } return false } })(jQuery); // AUTOLOAD CODE BLOCK (MAY BE CHANGED OR REMOVED) if (!/android|iphone|ipod|series60|symbian|windows ce|blackberry/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { jQuery(function ($) { $("a[rel^='cyberchimps-lightbox']").slimbox({/* Put custom options here */}, null, function (el) { return (this == el) || ((this.rel.length > 8) && (this.rel == el.rel)); }); }); } else { jQuery(function ($) { $("a[rel^='cyberchimps-lightbox']").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); // Prevents the image to load in lightbox $("a[rel^='cyberchimps-lightbox']").click(function (e) { var source = $(this).attr('href') var endIndex = source.lastIndexOf('.'); var endValue = source.substring(endIndex + 1); var arr = ['jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpeg'] if ($.inArray(endValue, arr) >= 0) { e.preventDefault(); } }); }); }