* @author klaus Vormweg * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) * * @var string $ID * @var string $ACT * @var array $conf * @var array $lang */ if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); /* must be run from within DokuWiki */ @require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/tpl_functions.php'); /* include hook for template functions */ header('X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge'); $versionarr = getVersionData(); $version = substr($versionarr['date'], 0, 10); $showSidebar = FALSE; if ($ID != $conf['sidebar']): $showSidebar = page_findnearest($conf['sidebar']) && ($ACT=='show'); endif; echo ' '; tpl_pagetitle(); echo ' [', strip_tags($conf['title']), '] ',"\n"; tpl_metaheaders(); echo ' ',"\n", _tpl_favicon(); tpl_includeFile('meta.html'); echo ' ',"\n"; /* with these Conditional Comments you can better address IE issues in CSS files, precede CSS rules by #IE8 for IE8 (div closes at the bottom) */ echo ' ',"\n"; /* the "dokuwiki__top" id is needed somewhere at the top, because that's where the "back to top" button/link links to */ /* tpl_classes() provides useful CSS classes; if you choose not to use it, the 'dokuwiki' class at least should always be in one of the surrounding elements (e.g. plugins and templates depend on it) */ echo '
'; html_msgarea(); /* occasional error and info messages on top of the page */ tpl_includeFile('header.html'); echo "\n",'
',"\n"; /* how to insert logo: upload your logo into the data/media folder (root of the media manager) as 'logo.png' */ if(file_exists(DOKU_INC.'data/media/logo.png') and _tpl_media_isreadable('logo.png')): tpl_link(wl(),''.$conf['title'].'',' accesskey="h" title="[H]"'); else: tpl_link(wl(),''.$conf['title'].'',' accesskey="h" title="[H]"'); endif; echo '

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',"\n"; if($conf['tagline']): echo '

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',"\n"; endif; echo '
',"\n"; if($ACT != 'denied'): echo '

', $lang['site_tools'], '

',"\n"; tpl_searchform(); echo '
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',"\n"; echo ' ',"\n"; echo '

',"\n"; echo '
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', $lang['site_tools'], '

',"\n"; echo '
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',"\n"; tpl_includeFile('footer.html'); echo '
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