* @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:mnml-blog * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:templates * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:coding_style * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:environment * @link https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:action_modes */ //check if we are running within the DokuWiki environment if (!defined("DOKU_INC")){ die(); } ?> " lang="" dir=""> <?php echo hsc(tpl_img_getTag('IPTC.Headline',$IMG)); echo " - ".hsc($conf["title"]); ?> "; //include default or userdefined favicon // //note: since 2011-04-22 "Rincewind RC1", there is a core function named // "tpl_getFavicon()". But its functionality is not really fitting the // behaviour of this template, therefore I don't use it here exclusively. if (file_exists(DOKU_TPLINC."user/favicon.ico")){ //user defined - you might find http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/ //useful to generate one echo "\n\n"; }elseif (file_exists(DOKU_TPLINC."user/favicon.png")){ //note: I do NOT recommend PNG for favicons (cause it is not supported by //all browsers). echo "\n\n"; }else{ //default echo "\n\n"; } //include default or userdefined Apple Touch Icon (see for //details) if (file_exists(DOKU_TPLINC."user/apple-touch-icon.png")){ echo "\n"; }else{ //default echo "\n"; } //load userdefined js? if (tpl_getConf("mnmlblog_loaduserjs")){ echo "\n"; } ?>

$tag){ $t = array(); if (!empty($tag[0])) { $t = array($tag[0]); } if(is_array($tag[3])) { $t = array_merge($t,$tag[3]); } $value = tpl_img_getTag($t); if ($value) { echo '
'; if ($tag[2] == 'date') { echo dformat($value); } else { echo hsc($value); } echo '
'; } } $t_array = media_inuse(tpl_img_getTag('IPTC.File.Name',$IMG)); if (isset($t_array[0])) { echo '
'; foreach ($t_array as $t) { echo '
'; } } ?>

= AUTH_UPLOAD) && function_exists('media_managerURL')) { $mmURL = media_managerURL(array('ns' => $imgNS, 'image' => $IMG)); echo ''.$lang['img_manager'].'
'; } ?> ←