# MindTheDark Template This template is based on the standard [DokuWiki Template](https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:dokuwiki). MindTheDark offers a light and a dark color scheme for your DokuWiki. The color scheme and the style are optimized for software documentation. The optics are flat. If the `userChoice` option is enabled, an option to change the color scheme will appear in the header. If only `userChoice` is enabled, then the selected static mode will be used until the user makes a choice. ![screenshot_toggle](screenshot/screenshot_toggle.png) If the `autoDark` option is enabled, the color scheme of the operating system is used. ![screenshot](screenshot/screenshot_theme.png) If neither of the two options is selected, a static color scheme can be selected via `theme`. If both options are enabled, then Auto mode will be used until the user makes a choice. From this point on, only the user's choice is taken into account. ## Features * light and a dark color scheme (`theme` option in Configuration Manager) * automatic color scheme depending on operating system settings (`autoDark` option in Configuration Manager) * change of the color scheme by the user (`userChoice` option in Configuration Manager) * all colors of the light and dark color scheme can be set in the Configuration Manager * and all features the standard [DokuWiki Template](https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:dokuwiki#features) offers * light and dark color theme for syntax highlighting in GeShi (thx @pv2b, @asfethan) ## Plugin Support ### Note Plugin If [Note Plugin](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:note) is installed you can activate the support with the option `pluginNote` in the configuration manager. If the option `pluginNote` is enabled, the base colors of the notes can also be changed. ### Wrap Plugin If [Wrap Plugin](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:wrap) is installed you can activate the support with the option `pluginWrap` in the configuration manager. ## Customizing The MindTheDark Template offers all customizing like the standard [DokuWiki Template](https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:dokuwiki#customizing). ### Changing Styles Additionally to the standard guaranteed [style.ini](https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:style.ini) placeholders and the standard [DokuWiki Template customizing](https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:dokuwiki#customizing), the template uses the following variables: | placeholder variable | meaning | |----------------------|---------| | `__pre_text_color__` | text color of inline code formating| | `__pre_background_color__` | backgroung color of inline code formating| | `__selection_color__` | text color of selection| | `__selection_background_color__` | backgroung color of selection| | `__scrollbar_track__` | color of the scrollbar| | `__scrollbar_thumb__` | color of the scrollbar button| | `__note_plugin_classic_color__` | base color for note plugin ``| | `__note_plugin_important_color__` | base color for note plugin ``| | `__note_plugin_warning_color__` | base color for note plugin ``| | `__note_plugin_tip_color__` | base color for note plugin ``| ## Localization The texts are translated into German, English and Czech. Contributions are welcome. ## Status The plugin is currently used in about ~1% of DokuWiki installations. Almost no problems are reported. The current version is stable. Issues and improvements can be reported [here](https://github.com/MrReSc/MindTheDark). [MindTheDark popularity](https://dokuwiki.org/lib/plugins/pluginrepo/popularity.php?key=conf_template&output=pie&limit=8&d=20&x=.png) ## Installation Refer to [template](https://www.dokuwiki.org/template) on how to install and use templates in DokuWiki. ## Remarks * The `autoDark` option only works with modern browsers. The compatibility can be checked [here](https://caniuse.com/#feat=prefers-color-scheme). * GeShi dark mode style sheet provided by @asfethan [https://cyberasylum.eu/how-to-change-geshi-stylesheet](https://cyberasylum.eu/how-to-change-geshi-stylesheet) * Wrap plugging support was created by @Gamemap [@Gamemap](https://github.com/Gamemap). Thanks for that! * Czech translation by [@jvn](https://github.com/jnv). Thanks for that! * Optimization of the theme selection by [@Racso](https://github.com/Racso). Thanks for that!