* @license GPLv2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) */ /* Theme */ $lang['sidebar-title'] = 'Sidebar'; $lang['tools-menu'] = 'Tools'; $lang['home'] = 'Home'; /* Config */ $lang['config_navbar'] = 'Menubar'; $lang['config_search'] = 'Search'; $lang['config_hero'] = 'Hero'; $lang['config_tags'] = 'Tags'; $lang['config_breadcrumb'] = 'Breadcrumb'; $lang['config_youarehere'] = 'You Are Here'; $lang['config_sidebar'] = 'Sidebars'; $lang['config_toc'] = 'Table of Contents'; $lang['config_pagetools'] = 'Page Tools'; $lang['config_footer'] = 'Footer'; $lang['config_license'] = 'License'; $lang['config_acl'] = 'Permissions'; $lang['config_sticky'] = 'Sticky Parts'; /* Style.ini */ $lang['__link__'] = 'The font color of links'; $lang['__link_hover__'] = 'The font color of links when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__link_visited__'] = 'The font color of links when previously visited'; $lang['__link_active__'] = 'The font color of links the moment it is clicked'; $lang['__existing__'] = 'The font color of wiki links for existing pages'; $lang['__existing_hover__'] = 'The font color of wiki links for existing pages when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__existing_visited__'] = 'The font color of wiki links for existing pages when previously visited'; $lang['__existing_active__'] = 'The font color of wiki links for existing pages the moment it is clicked'; $lang['__missing__'] = 'The font color of wiki links for missing pages'; $lang['__missing_hover__'] = 'The font color of wiki links for missing pages when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__missing_visited__'] = 'The font color of wiki links for missing pages when previously visited'; $lang['__missing_active__'] = 'The font color of wiki links for missing pages the moment it is clicked'; $lang['__line_height__'] = 'The base font line height'; $lang['__site_width__'] = 'Width of the body content'; $lang['__font_size__'] = 'The base font size'; $lang['__font_family__'] = 'The base font family (fonts containing spaces must be in quotes. Multiple fonts can be seperated with commas)'; $lang['__admin_background_color__'] = 'Background color of admin pages'; $lang['__code_font_family__'] = 'The font family for code blocks (fonts containing spaces must be in quotes. Multiple fonts can be seperated with commas)'; $lang['__code_font_size__'] = 'The font size for code blocks'; $lang['__code_text_color__'] = 'The font color for code blocks'; $lang['__code_background_color__'] = 'The background color for code blocks'; $lang['__code_line_height__'] = 'The font line height for code blocks'; $lang['__code_word_wrap__'] = 'The word wrap style for code blocks'; $lang['__code_border_color__'] = 'The border color for code blocks'; $lang['__control_text_color__'] = 'The font color for controls'; $lang['__control_border_color__'] = 'The border color for controls'; $lang['__control_background_color__'] = 'The background color for controls'; $lang['__button_text_color__'] = 'The font color for buttons'; $lang['__button_background_color__'] = 'The background color for buttons'; $lang['__button_border_color__'] = 'The border color for buttons'; $lang['__button_text_hover_color__'] = 'The font color for buttons when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__button_background_hover_color__'] = 'The background color for buttons when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__button_border_hover_color__'] = 'The border color for buttons when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__input_border_color__'] = 'The border color for controls'; $lang['__button_default_text_color__'] = 'The font color for the default button'; $lang['__button_default_background_color__'] = 'The background color for the default button'; $lang['__button_default_border_color__'] = 'The border color for the default button'; $lang['__button_default_text_hover_color__'] = 'The font color for the default button when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__button_default_background_hover_color__'] = 'The background color for the default button when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__button_default_border_hover_color__'] = 'The border color for the default button when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__button_search_text_color__'] = 'The font color for the search button'; $lang['__button_search_background_color__'] = 'The background color for the search button'; $lang['__button_search_border_color__'] = 'The border color for the search button'; $lang['__button_search_text_hover_color__'] = 'The font color for the search button when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__button_search_background_hover_color__'] = 'The background color for the search button when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__button_search_border_hover_color__'] = 'The border color for the search button when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__topheader_background_color__'] = 'The background color for the top header part'; $lang['__header_background_color__'] = 'The background color for the header part'; $lang['__navbar_background_color__'] = 'The background color for the menu'; $lang['__navbar_border_color__'] = 'The border color for the menu'; $lang['__navbar_brand_text_color__'] = 'The font color for the site title'; $lang['__navbar_brand_tagline_color__'] = 'The font color for the site tagline'; $lang['__navbar_content_justify__'] = 'The content justification of the site menu (can be flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between or space-around)'; $lang['__navbar_link_color__'] = 'The font color for the navbar links'; 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$lang['__table_header_row_background_color__'] = 'The background color for table heading rows'; $lang['__table_header_row_text_color__'] = 'The font color for table heading rows'; $lang['__table_odd_row_text_color__'] = 'The font color for table odd rows'; $lang['__table_odd_row_background_color__'] = 'The background color for table odd rows'; $lang['__table_even_row_text_color__'] = 'The font color for table even rows'; $lang['__table_even_row_background_color__'] = 'The background color for table even rows'; $lang['__dropdown_color__'] = 'The font color for dropdown menus'; $lang['__dropdown_hover_color__'] = 'The font color when the cursor hovers over dropdown menu items'; $lang['__dropdown_border_color__'] = 'The border color for dropdown menus'; $lang['__dropdown_background_color__'] = 'The background color for dropdown menus'; $lang['__section_edit_highlight__'] = 'The color when highlighting an edit area'; $lang['__tree_background_color__'] = 'The background color of the tree view'; $lang['__tree_border_color__'] = 'The border color of the tree view'; $lang['__tab_color__'] = 'The font color of a tab'; $lang['__tab_background_color__'] = 'The background color of a tab'; $lang['__tab_border_color__'] = 'The border color of a tab'; $lang['__tab_hover_color__'] = 'The font color of a tab when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__tab_background_hover_color__'] = 'The background color of a tab when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__tab_border_hover_color__'] = 'The border color of a tab when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__tab_active_color__'] = 'The font color of an active tab'; $lang['__tab_active_background_color__'] = 'The background color of an active tab'; $lang['__tab_active_border_color__'] = 'The border color of an active tab'; /* Plugin */ $lang['__plugin_background_color__'] = 'The background color used on Mikio Plugin elements'; $lang['__plugin_border_color__'] = 'The border color used on Mikio Plugin elements'; $lang['__plugin_header_background_color__'] = 'The background color used on header items within Mikio Plugin elements'; $lang['__plugin_footer_background_color__'] = 'The background color used on footer items within Mikio Plugin elements'; $lang['__plugin_primary_text_color__'] = 'Primary style font color'; $lang['__plugin_primary_text_hover_color__'] = 'Primary style font color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_primary_background_color__'] = 'Primary style background color'; $lang['__plugin_primary_background_hover_color__'] = 'Primary style background color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_primary_border_color__'] = 'Primary style border color'; $lang['__plugin_primary_border_hover_color__'] = 'Primary style border color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_primary_light_text_color__'] = 'Primary style font color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_primary_light_background_color__'] = 'Primary style background color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_primary_light_border_color__'] = 'Primary style border color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_secondary_text_color__'] = 'Secondary style font color'; 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$lang['__plugin_success_background_hover_color__'] = 'Success style background color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_success_border_color__'] = 'Success style border color'; $lang['__plugin_success_border_hover_color__'] = 'Success style border color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_success_light_text_color__'] = 'Success style font color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_success_light_background_color__'] = 'Success style background color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_success_light_border_color__'] = 'Success style border color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_danger_text_color__'] = 'Danger style font color'; $lang['__plugin_danger_background_color__'] = 'Danger style font color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_danger_border_color__'] = 'Danger style background color'; $lang['__plugin_danger_text_hover_color__'] = 'Danger style background color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_danger_background_hover_color__'] = 'Danger style border color'; $lang['__plugin_danger_border_hover_color__'] = 'Danger style border color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_danger_light_text_color__'] = 'Danger style font color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_danger_light_background_color__'] = 'Danger style background color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_danger_light_border_color__'] = 'Danger style border color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_warning_text_color__'] = 'Warning style font color'; $lang['__plugin_warning_background_color__'] = 'Warning style font color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_warning_border_color__'] = 'Warning style background color'; $lang['__plugin_warning_text_hover_color__'] = 'Warning style background color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_warning_background_hover_color__'] = 'Warning style border color'; $lang['__plugin_warning_border_hover_color__'] = 'Warning style border color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_warning_light_text_color__'] = 'Warning style font color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_warning_light_background_color__'] = 'Warning style background color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_warning_light_border_color__'] = 'Warning style border color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_info_text_color__'] = 'Info style font color'; $lang['__plugin_info_background_color__'] = 'Info style font color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_info_border_color__'] = 'Info style background color'; $lang['__plugin_info_text_hover_color__'] = 'Info style background color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_info_background_hover_color__'] = 'Info style border color'; $lang['__plugin_info_border_hover_color__'] = 'Info style border color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_info_light_text_color__'] = 'Info style font color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_info_light_background_color__'] = 'Info style background color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_info_light_border_color__'] = 'Info style border color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_light_text_color__'] = 'Light style font color'; $lang['__plugin_light_background_color__'] = 'Light style font color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_light_border_color__'] = 'Light style background color'; $lang['__plugin_light_text_hover_color__'] = 'Light style background color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_light_background_hover_color__'] = 'Light style border color'; $lang['__plugin_light_border_hover_color__'] = 'Light style border color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_light_light_text_color__'] = 'Light style font color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_light_light_background_color__'] = 'Light style background color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_light_light_border_color__'] = 'Light style border color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_dark_text_color__'] = 'Dark style font color'; $lang['__plugin_dark_background_color__'] = 'Dark style font color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_dark_border_color__'] = 'Dark style background color'; $lang['__plugin_dark_text_hover_color__'] = 'Dark style background color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_dark_background_hover_color__'] = 'Dark style border color'; $lang['__plugin_dark_border_hover_color__'] = 'Dark style border color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_dark_light_text_color__'] = 'Dark style font color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_dark_light_background_color__'] = 'Dark style background color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_dark_light_border_color__'] = 'Dark style border color for light box items'; $lang['__plugin_link_text_color__'] = 'Link style font color'; $lang['__plugin_link_background_color__'] = 'Link style font color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_link_border_color__'] = 'Link style background color'; $lang['__plugin_link_text_hover_color__'] = 'Link style background color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_link_background_hover_color__'] = 'Link style border color'; $lang['__plugin_link_border_hover_color__'] = 'Link style border color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_carousel_title_text_color__'] = 'Carousel title font color'; $lang['__plugin_carousel_caption_text_color__'] = 'Carousel caption font color'; $lang['__plugin_carousel_caption_background_color__'] = 'Carousel caption background color'; $lang['__plugin_carousel_control_fill_color__'] = 'Carousel control fill color'; $lang['__plugin_carousel_control_stroke_color__'] = 'Carousel control stroke color'; $lang['__plugin_carousel_indicator_color__'] = 'Carousel indicator color'; $lang['__plugin_steps_step_text_color__'] = 'Steps font color'; $lang['__plugin_steps_border_color__'] = 'Steps border color'; $lang['__plugin_steps_step_background_color__'] = 'Steps background color'; $lang['__plugin_steps_step_background_complete_color__'] = 'Steps background color for completed steps'; $lang['__plugin_tabgroup_tab_text_active_color__'] = 'Tabgroup active tab font color'; $lang['__plugin_tabgroup_tab_background_active_color__'] = 'Tabgroup active tab background color'; $lang['__plugin_tabgroup_tab_border_hover_color__'] = 'Tabgroup inactive tab border color when cursor hovers over'; $lang['__plugin_tooltip_text_color__'] = 'Tooltip font color'; $lang['__plugin_tooltip_background_color__'] = 'Tooltip background color'; $lang['__plugin_tooltip_border_color__'] = 'Tooltip border color'; /* Add darkmode language */ $lang['__darkmode_text__'] = 'Main text color'; $lang['__darkmode_background__'] = 'Main background color'; foreach ($lang as $key => $val) { if (strpos($key, '_darkmode_') === false) { if (substr($key, 0, 9) === '__plugin_') { $lang['__plugin_darkmode_' . substr($key, 9)] = $val; } else { $lang['__darkmode_' . substr($key, 2)] = $val; } } }