# Mantine Dokuwiki Template The default Dokuwiki theme but modern and dark - you won't need sunglasses to use your wiki 🌞. # About There's nothing wrong with the default theme, that's why this template stays true to that vision. Only the colours, icons, and controls have been altered the layout you know and love is *exactly* the same 🤩. [Mantine UI](https://ui.mantine.dev/) has been used as a reference for styling and colours. [Tabler Icons](https://tabler.io/icons) have been used to replace all existing icons with these beautiful line works. --- Enough talking! Here are the screenshots: - `Content render` - - `Editing screen` - ## Plugin Integrations The driving force for this template was to update the `WRAP` plugin boxes, the rest of the theme had to be made as a result. Here are the plugin integrations: - `WRAP` : all boxes, and other class styles. - Toolbar : ![image](https://github.com/sungreenpepper/mantinedoku/assets/159649930/7acd0dd4-438a-4329-b4a2-eea5c4174968) - ![image](https://github.com/sungreenpepper/mantinedoku/assets/159649930/5f7e7b5c-929b-4f72-ba15-23efad1496b2) - ![image](https://github.com/sungreenpepper/mantinedoku/assets/159649930/59e5d2b3-ce04-4fc5-842d-b15c3d662149) - ![image](https://github.com/sungreenpepper/mantinedoku/assets/159649930/17d75855-b8f6-4a15-be01-b81a77a5fbb1) - `edittable` : hands-on editor and context menu. - ![image](https://github.com/sungreenpepper/mantinedoku/assets/159649930/0300ed1d-4a5d-4661-b42f-c2e36c7fcf27) - ![image](https://github.com/sungreenpepper/mantinedoku/assets/159649930/ad48a8e9-d475-4264-ac8e-fad33399fcba) # Issues There will most likely been styles that have been missed, everything that I could see I updated... even the admin pages 🫠. Please raise any missed styles as issues on this repository, also include the steps for where to see the style as I've only dealt with normal use cases.