//jQuery(window).load(function() { // deprecated since jquery 1.8 // .load event handling suite removed in jquery 3 jQuery(window).on('load', function() { // web page has finished loading function isMobile() { var index = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mobile"); // detect chrome for android and ios safari var index2 = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Android"); // detect firefox for android if (index2) { return (index2 > -1); } return (index > -1); } usingmobile = isMobile(); if (usingmobile){ jQuery('input').filter(function(){ return !jQuery(this).attr('size'); }).attr('size',''); // change to a number if desired jQuery('textarea').filter(function(){ return !jQuery(this).attr('size'); }).attr('cols',''); // change to a number if desired jQuery("#edit__summary").attr('size', ''); } });