// Add construction so we can use normal jQuery style code. !function($) { $(function(){ //RC2013-10-28 "Binky" places discussion link in . //The default Bootstrap CSS therefore won't color the "Discussion" and other links, //since it isn't a direct child of an
  • . So we simply remove all tags. $('bdi').contents().unwrap(); // Make the configuration page more readable $('#config__manager tr > td.label').removeClass('label'); // add text-primariy to all header tags (h1,h2 etc) to the content $('.page > :header').addClass('text-primary'); // make edit and other submit buttons to show in bootstrap style $('input[type=\"submit\"], input[type=\"reset\"]').removeClass('button'); $('input[type=\"submit\"], input[type=\"reset\"]').addClass('btn btn-default btn-sm'); $('input[value=\"Edit\"][type=\"submit\"]').addClass('pull-right'); // Add sroll behavior to TOC $('body').scrollspy({ target: '.bs-sidebar'}); // Put right width to the sidebar element. This is because it's "fixed" and therefor does not inherrit it's parents width $('.bs-sidebar').css('width', $('.col-md-3').width() + 'px'); }); // Put right width to the sidebar element. This is because it's "fixed" and therefor does not inherrit it's parents width // This will re-calibrate the width on resize $(window).on('resize', function(){ $('.bs-sidebar').css('width', $('.col-md-3').width() + 'px'); }); }(jQuery);